
Monster Trainer: Eclipse of Monster

The Monster who once use to fight humanity became their weapon against the opponent, Taming a monster one need to have 3 basic requirement ★ The person had to be above 10 years old at least or he/she will not be allowed by the federation. ★ One must hire a Monster Catcher with him to be able to capture that beast. ★ One must be recommended by some professor, whose written agreement will be passed down to the Federation. For childhood, this kind of thing we're told to everyone who wanted to become a Monster trainer, one of the greatest professions present in the world of Ragdoll, Monster trainers are those guys who explored this world which has been unexplored by any person in the existence of the history. They participate in the tournament to get money and material to train their monsters, usually, these Monster trainers, work in a group of 5. this group of five are divided into two different professions one of them is Monster trainer who is the leading party member, another one is a Neutralize whose work is to to create a nutritional diet for every single monster of the trainer, Promoter is a guy who deals with the promotion of the trainer another word he is the one who deals with the financial things, then there is also a profession called Healer where I don't think I have to explain what these guys do and at last but not the least there is a hunter, if you want to ask what Hunter do well they are responsible for the survival of the whole team in areas like a forest where it is very hard to find food and other necessities. When listening to the above one must have thought that how easy it is to become a Monster trainer, well that's what I used to believe too but as time passed I started to realise how hard it was to become a Monster trainer. With My tenacity and wit's I was able to reach the pinnacle of this world in the future that was not because I was the strongest trainer but because all the strongest trainers were dead, was it luck or anything but for me, it was hell as I walked down the dissolute world with no sign of humanity. Finally, I'm at a legendary monster whose smile seems to be mocking me but I was able to see sympathy in its eyes. Then next thing I remember I was back at the period when I was just a child...

IwanttoKill · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Monster and Maid.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the roof of the room while the surrounding area seems to be dirty yet so familiar that tears started, to running out of his eyes but there was nothing to be done about it, in the empty room Alex felt relax than ever given the time he had spent in the destitute world where the voice of the winds was the only thing he was able to hear.

At night. The howling of the beast and World, who seemed to be preying on his existence. There was not a second he was able to let his guard down for around the last 50 years. The most laughable thing is that he does not even remember how he died.

Shaking his body which was filled with pain, where he remembered, that on a certain day he did have a fever where he would have died. So it was very clear he was reincarnated back to the time, the voice is coming from the outside world, and the sound of vehicles what's the proof that he had reincarnated, even he didn't see outside he was able to tell that.

As it was not over for him, the body pain started to grow out more vigorously. When the body felt like breaking apart, the best way to make it alive is to do a light exercise, because sometimes lying down on a bed, could only injure a body. Alex walks up from the bed, twisting his body, which made a crackling sound from his bone.

The door suddenly opened, and the sight of a little girl, who seems to be dressed in a maid outfit. Entering inside the room Latia, looked at the boy standing in front of her. She was startled and quiver in fear and uneasiness, Alex was like a third rich generation bastard. In the world of desolation, when he realised his actions because there was too much time for him to waste around thinking nothing, he came up with what kind of bastard he was.

Alex smiled and hid his eyes by looking down, given in a situation like this the opposite girl must be aware of his gaze, while the habit of his mind cannot be changed in a single second. So he was trying to look down so that, his gaze will not trouble the girl in front of him.

"I must say something, or the Atmosphere will only make her unease." Alex thought as he spoke looking at the side, to the window and scenery outside "Currently, I am feeling a little fatigue, can I request for you to create something for me to eat, if possible I would like to have some rice Oats."

"Uhm! which are easy to digest." Alex was quite awkward while talking because it had been quite some time, that he can talk with the person. The feeling of talking with humans made him a little happy and a little anxious.

Latia looked at Alex with a bewildered and astonishing gaze. It was her first time to see him act like that, given the last 3 days, she had been living in fear. Since most of the time the little master of her, headache in quite some advantage of her job. She can't remember how many times the boy in front of him, had gripped her butt, and how many times he had flipped her skirt.

Latia, still was not able to let her guard down against this master, even though he was acting purely, she was afraid he was hiding something. Walking out of the room, she walked towards the kitchen, to prepare some food for the little master of her. Even do this family was rich, her master was discarded. After the death of his parents, he had been living with his aunt, even though she pities him, she is still disgusted by his act.

For some reason, she was feeling that he would change, and the changes he will have will shock the world out. After this sheesha tip, you looking after the growth of her master, and in the future, she will be happy with her decision.

Walking out of his bed, Alex saw Latia coming inside the room, bringing him the food he needed. He sat down on the table, as he gobbles down the food. Given how hungry he was the food was finished in a minute, he didn't mind how he eats or how was he was looking while eating.

Latia notices the way he was eating, but could not hide her smile. Since this was the way children, should eat the food in their childhood. Given her master used to eat like a noble, given he wants to show off in front of her, but it was easy to see what he was after.

Finally finishing the food he started to walk as he said "Latia, I had decided to change myself and if you want to leave me behind your free to act the way you like, given you have been serving me for few days, I will provide you in payment for a month. Given how qualified you are you will be able to find a better job, in the time of a month."

With that said he didn't even look as he walked out of the room, for Latia it was a little shocking because she was able to tell that it was her master way to say sorry. On the other hand, Alex was trying to hide his embarrassment, given he was not able to apologize properly, so he ended up speaking like that.

Master is Master and that was an absolute rule in their family, for that rule Alex had to play out like a master, in front of every single worker under him.

If he wanted to become stronger, he will need the backup of his family, given all the knowledge from the future it is nothing if it doesn't have a solid base to stand upon. Alex was going to the bathroom to had a shower, given after stretching the fever which had already disappeared but the remnant was left in the pain of his joints.

Accordingly, a warm bath can clean up every single remnant of the fever. After a shower, when he was about to come outside, Latia I was standing in front of him with the towel. By her expression, Alex was able to tell that she had made up her mind to stay by his side.

"Good, I swear on my family name I will not lay a hand on you until you will allow me to." with that said he started to walk toward his room, where he took out the new clothes he wanted to wear.

Given only 5 days were left until, he will be given his first monster and a family Monster trainer, will be sent here for giving him the Monster to choose from.


Before that, he wanted to Develop and strengthened his body, in this world no one knew that body can also be strong by the special method after he woke up in the desolate world he once had encountered, the War tribe of proud Chimpanzee. Given he was the only human left they treated him very kindly, due to which he was able to find out about the recipes of foods which can strengthen the human body too, which he discovered by eating their food.

Walking out he looked at Latia, "I am going out to buy some stuff, had you brought over my wallet. They think I am about to buy an not that expensive so a small amount of money will do."

Latia nodded as she took out the wallet to let her master see and kept it with her, given it is the job of a maid. Alex nodded as he thought 'excellent.' inside his mind as he started to walk toward the wholesale.

After half an hour of shopping both of them return home, Alex also bought all the home necessities which shocked Latia a little, but this time she was determined enough to not be shocked by the changes Alex will show in the future.

Walking inside his room, Alex brought out all the equipment he had brought from the kitchen, Latia allowed Alex to do anything with those equipment given it was clear to her, that her master was trying to find out a balanced diet for a Monster, which was a good thing to pass his time with.

Alex never tries to explain what he was doing given he was able to reduce everything after it, how Latia thought process works and what she might be thinking since he acted in a way that she would think about in such a manner.

Latia entered the room without being nervous, given it has been five days since the day she started to tell that her master was changing. He had transformed into the guy home she started to look at as a brother, Alex kind smile and his Patting on her head make him more like a big brother.

"Oh! Goodmorning Latia." Alex smiled as he looked at the little girl, who has shed away her uneasiness in front of him.

"Hmm! Big brother, it is about the time when the person will come to give you your first Monster." Given she knew after this her master will leave and she had to find a new job. After all, she was not a battle maid.