
Monster Trainer: Eclipse of Monster

The Monster who once use to fight humanity became their weapon against the opponent, Taming a monster one need to have 3 basic requirement ★ The person had to be above 10 years old at least or he/she will not be allowed by the federation. ★ One must hire a Monster Catcher with him to be able to capture that beast. ★ One must be recommended by some professor, whose written agreement will be passed down to the Federation. For childhood, this kind of thing we're told to everyone who wanted to become a Monster trainer, one of the greatest professions present in the world of Ragdoll, Monster trainers are those guys who explored this world which has been unexplored by any person in the existence of the history. They participate in the tournament to get money and material to train their monsters, usually, these Monster trainers, work in a group of 5. this group of five are divided into two different professions one of them is Monster trainer who is the leading party member, another one is a Neutralize whose work is to to create a nutritional diet for every single monster of the trainer, Promoter is a guy who deals with the promotion of the trainer another word he is the one who deals with the financial things, then there is also a profession called Healer where I don't think I have to explain what these guys do and at last but not the least there is a hunter, if you want to ask what Hunter do well they are responsible for the survival of the whole team in areas like a forest where it is very hard to find food and other necessities. When listening to the above one must have thought that how easy it is to become a Monster trainer, well that's what I used to believe too but as time passed I started to realise how hard it was to become a Monster trainer. With My tenacity and wit's I was able to reach the pinnacle of this world in the future that was not because I was the strongest trainer but because all the strongest trainers were dead, was it luck or anything but for me, it was hell as I walked down the dissolute world with no sign of humanity. Finally, I'm at a legendary monster whose smile seems to be mocking me but I was able to see sympathy in its eyes. Then next thing I remember I was back at the period when I was just a child...

IwanttoKill · Fantasie
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Alex and Problem face

It should have been a silent day, there was not a single monster at sight since they have left, which can be said to be perfect for them. Alex on the other hand didn't let his guard down given how many teams had been killed by doing the similarity mistakes.

Finally, working toward the direction he finally decided to camp at the riverside, he found before. Working toward the camp setting, both of them worked out well, the setting of camp ended up smoothly, he had whatsoever no idea that a storm was coming towards them.

After they were done with the setting up off the camp, they started preparing for the food and others, Lia general work and her professional attitude, ended it, being saving the night.

Lia was quite happy, given it would be the first time, he had appreciated her help, throughout the journey, she has been feeling, that she is going to be a burden. Lia smile at that point was enchanting, Alex was also relaxed, he had been acting cold, but from the inside, he had been looking after her, so he always wanted for her to have confidence over her.

These signs work very important for him, Alex was quite relaxed about it, given the important matter is starting to fade out for them, given in a team it was important for every one of the members, should be able to communicate well with the team members.

Alex mind started to plan out for the next step and the next morning, given the fishes were ready to be Chow down, Alex didn't mind his manner and started to eat whatever he can, the food was very good, as he had expected off Lia given it was no surprise by her.

"Good food, I appreciate it very much," Alex commented as he shows, whatsoever and no other reaction by his side, on the other hand, Lia, started to get accustomed, the way Alex do things around here and had whatsoever no problem with it.

"Given, after going inside the Dungeon we are about to visit, we will try to get you, your monster and I have a lot of expectation out of you, given I will be doing this for myself only. So don't mind with all the thanks and politeness, it is unnecessary if you want to know from my point of view."

Alex spoke acting cold, given as a leader he had to act indifferent toward, every single teammate and party member. This habit of his is something he had developed in the previous life, at first it was quite bothersome for him to act like that, given at that period we always wanted the attention of beautiful girls, on the contrary, what he received was not attention but it was unwanted attention.

After that he had learnt, many things about how to act properly as a team leader, how he should act in differential toward every single member, given how things work from him from that moment on, he became popular, not among females group's, but the group of adventurous.

Founding a group and maintaining a group authority became his one of the few priorities, so what's so ever known reason they ended up making poker face, keep fear and respect among the group members, due to which right now, Lia was starting to feel growing respect, she had started to develop against her master.

Alex did not speak much, looking at the campfire, he brought out the food prepared for his Monster, since Fierro has come back from the reconnaissance, it's flying around Alex and sat on his shoulder, looking at the food its eyes started to twinkle, for a normal monster, it was very hard to get food on the daily basis, due to which the growth of his body sometimes become stagnated.

Fierro, who was getting the meal at this time, happy enough to accept it and devour it in a second, flying around for a few seconds in joy, came by and landed on the top of the tent. Alex silently entered the camp and slept for 5 hours, while Lia was waiting and looking around. After which Alex came out, while he looked around and started to guard for the next 7 hours.

When the next morning was up, Lia came out of the camp while Alex was done with the bath in the river, was walking out of it, given the previous Alex was not a lazy guy, at least he had worked on the muscles to attract females, given no matter what it was very beneficial for Alex. Lia mind zoned at Alex, "You can have the bath, I will be guarding outside so don't worry, ok so I will not be around Peeking at you, you can keep your mind relax."

Lia blushed, as she looked at Alex, where Alex was able to tell, what she was thinking, so he walked and walking stick close to her face, "Given, I know you are a beautiful girl, and if you want to know, I won't deny that I had feelings for you. So If I had wished to see your naked, and wanted to make love with you, I promise I will ask you and won't force you at that." Alex kissed her head, due to which Lia blushed but she touched her head and nodded.

'Hmm! That kind of person, you are trying to be, then I will allow my heart to be at ease and have a bath.' Lia thought as she looks and the leaving figure of Alex, then she started to undress, even though Alex had said all of that his heart could not help but beat faster at the sound of cloth being stripped, he shook his head and look at the sky in front of him.

After a minute Lia, enter the river while washing her body, train how to swim in her training regime. After coming out of the water, she started to collect all the necessities like soap and shampoo, which were lying down around. Then Alex turn-around and smiled at her, Lia nodded and completely relaxed her mind, as she was finally able to put faith in her master words.

Finally, they started to select all the tenting materials, after which the breakfast was about to be readied, at which both of them had worked a lot harder. Given the fish in the river seems to be getting upset.

At the «Randal City of Legitimate Master Trainer.» which can be counted as a fort, due to a master trainer guarding it 24 hours a day, give those with master and above rank, are usually recommended with City High Position. Alex once also had such position of 25 different cities, given all the members from his group were designated to different cities, and they could be counted as an Empire ruler if one were interpreting according to the old words.

A man in his twenties with a broad chest and well-developed figure, one can even call it mini Hulk, by the size of the arm of the man. He had been smoking with his cigar, even though he was not speaking around but the surrounding atmosphere was very pressuring. His eyes were roaming around the crowd, displeasure and arrogance could be seen from his attire, he was the person who had been given the title by the Federation of fighting king. His Monster had the fighting ability on par with a League Monster.

If one were to ask what is a league monster, it is usually given to a certain Monster that has a power that is equal to and above basic type. Given 10 Star Monster are not that rare, it is just there a little difficult to master and train.

"Sir, that group of Monster, seems to be hypnotized by something and attacking all the trainers, given the rate at which the trainer is being injured it is unusually high."

"There is also a report, that League class most has been spotted among them."

Alex when I was starting to suspect, that something out of the ordinary, had happened and he had remembered something related to it, during this period of time he finally received a ringing tone from Scanner Pod. Looking at the news, he whistled at the sky, Fierro had a keen sense which supports his hearing system, after hearing the whistle he knew that, his master was calling him down.

Responding to the call, it landed on Alex's shoulder while looking around, when the time Lia was sleeping inside the tent, Alex was training with it and had prepared tactics against the problems like this. Lia, came behind Alex while looking around, he was able to tell that there was no problem around so he commanded calmly "Let's move quickly, it seems that it's going to be quite dangerous around here."

He made a quick decision with which, they had thrown away the unwanted and time-consuming equipment's while working out towards the next city. Alex suddenly smiled, as he looked ahead and made a smile, given he knew that it was not going to be so easy to go out of it, without giving them a good fight and the beating.