
Monster Simulator

It was supposed to be a normal day, not special than the other. Not until a series of meteors started to fall from the sky. After that, monsters came out. Horrid and deformed creatures that started to attack and eat people. Ray was one of the people killed. When he woke up... He turned into one of the monsters!

LittolSol · Horror
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1 Chs

The Apocalypse


Ray, sitting down on his desk, nonchalantly towards the cloud-filled sky. His eyes gazed as his pupil widened like it was in rest-mode. He was so relaxed as the dark mood of the sky gave off a cold breeze.

"It's about to rain soon." A woman's voice came out from behind him as he snapped out and turned around.

The girl who talked to her was a girl named Selene. A girl with a good academic status. Since they have been friends since childhood, they are really close. Close to the point where since they were kids, Ray has had a crush on her.

"Oh Selene, you're here! Can I borrow your—"

"Here you go." Selene handed out her notebook as Ray was cut off. It looked like Selene knew what he was asking, so she gave it before Ray got to finish what he said.

"Looks like you know me quite well, ahaha!" Ray scratched his head as he awkwardly laughed. He took Selene's notebook as he opened his, copying but not writing all of Selene's homework.

Selene just looked at him with delight as she blushed. Like watching a baby doodle on a paper. She turned around as she said one last thing, "Just put it on my desk when you—"

Selene was caught off when she noticed something in the background. The cloudy white sky looked weird, so she took a closer look.

"Selene?" Ray called out to her as he looked confused. It wasn't normal for Selene to suddenly space out like that. So as anyone would do, he tried to look at where Selene was looking.

He turned around as he saw nothing. Yet, upon closer look, it looked like the sky was moving.

"What's that?" His classmates started to notice it too as Ray's eyes widened. He stood up as he looked used the window to hold unto, stretching his head to get closer at what it is.

The clouds.

The cloud-filled sky started to deform as it looked like something was passing through. Like a really close shooting star from afar.

Suddenly, the clouds suddenly made a whole as a giant stone appeared from that very hole. Although it was small from afar, if you properly measure it, it was the size of a car.

Worst of all, holes started to appear in the clouds until all the sky actually was rid of the darkness that covered it. It started to rain down large-size meteors as the background was covered in the stones crashing to the ground.

The classroom panicked as they squatted down the floor and covered their ears. The loud sound and the crashing of the meteors started an earthquake. Lights started flickering as the building started shaking.

The glasses broke as it rained upon the students, causing the people to scream even more.

A huge crashing sound appeared as Ray peaked to see a stone crash on the school ground. Ray didn't even get the chance to take a closer look at it when the school started shaking as another space rock crashed on the building. Maybe.

He finally had the chance as he ran towards Selene to cover him. To protect him.


"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Ray said to Selene as he used himself as a shield. In case the ceiling started to break apart and fell unto Selene.

He could still hear the loud crashes but what tormented him the most was the scream the school made. It was so loud that the school sounded like a giant speaker... no, the entire city screamed.

Then... it happened.

It stopped.

The shaking stopped.

The screams slowly died out as Ray opened his eyes. He looked at Selene first to make sure she was safe.

She was safe.

He decided to stand as others did too. Ray looked at the people who stood up before him as their eyes started to shake. They looked mortified as Ray decided to take a look outside the window.

He stood up as his eyes did the same as the others. His jaw dropped and he lost his strength to form a fist.

He saw what looked like the end of the world.

The entire building smoked in a fire as the meteors decimated houses, it was completely destroyed. The whole city looked like a city in an apocalyptic movie.

"R-ray, what's happening?" Selene was still laying on the ground with her hands on her head. She looked terrified. Her skin turned pale as her widened eyes were shaking.

"No, nothing." Ray answered in a manner of disbelief. He kneeled down as he grabbed Selene's arms, "We need to get out of here." Ray said as Selene slowly stood up.

She looked hesitant but she trusted Ray's decision. She tried to take a peek at the window's view as Ray suddenly hugged her, covering her view, "Don't watch, just turn around." Ray said.

Ray sounded serious but really since Selene can't see his expression. His face was absolute horror, the face of a terrified soul, the face of fear and disbelief. Yet, he bit his mouth to get a hold of himself and turned Selene around, "Let's go." He muttered.

"Where are you going?" One of the students asked.

"We're leaving! We're not gonna wait for some meteor to crash our classroom!" Ray shouted as the attention of others caught what Ray said.

They tried to stand up as others helped another. Some looked at the view from the windows, some tried not to. At least, Ray doesn't want Selene to look at the destruction painted on that windowed canvas.

Ray opened the door to see that in front of them, there was a huge hole. The classroom opposite to them was absolutely crushed as it showed a clear view of the sky, absent of any ceiling to cover it.

The others were horrified as Ray decided to take a closer look. There was visible blood and even ruptured body pieces.

Ray became pale as he turned around and ran into the corner. He barfed a lot as the others were looking at him with a terrified look. Some guy decided to see what was in there, "Stop!" Ray stopped him as he continued, "If you want to see hell, then be my guess!" He shouted.

"So that's where the meteor crash-landed." Ray muttered as he wiped his mouth. He took a big breath as he went serious again. He came back to Selene, who was extremely worried about him.

"Are you okay?" Selene asked as Ray nodded with a smile.

A door opening was heard from a distance.

The people's attention went towards the door that opened. The others were still in an alert but there were people that were overjoyed when they realized there are still people in the other rooms.

The guy that decided to look at the hole earlier ran, "Let's get the other students!" He shouted as dashed towards the room in the distance. Some guys, maybe his friends, followed as they formed a desperate smile.

A smile of desperation for adult guidance, perhaps?

They turned around to see if there were still students as their smiles disappeared.

"Hey, what happened?!" Ray shouted towards the guys that went to look. Their eyes became full of fear as their mouth started to drop.


Before the guy even started to speak, something launched towards his mouth as it pierced through him. He got catapulted towards the wall, hanging, as something that looked like tentacles made of reddish muscles, attacked him.

The guys that followed him tried to run as they shouted for help. Their eyes popped out because of fear as they turned around when they saw blood coming out from their friend's hanging body.

Two of those muscle tentacles came out from the classroom they were in as they blasted towards the two students and pierced through their stomachs. Selene and the others shouted as Ray froze in fear.

Nobody just ran as some lost the strength to stand, covering their ears as they shout in fear.

"W-what's that?!" Someone shouted as he pointed at the classroom where their classrooms where killed.

A hand made out of muscle membranes held the corner of the door as those hands were connected to the tentacles that killed the students. A foot came out after as the head popped out.

The head was filled with teeth and there were multiple eyes that ranged from large to small. It came out as his entirety was shown to the students.

Ray started sweating as he saw the slim figure of the monster. It was at least 8 feet tall, but it was slimmer than a human body, way slimmer. If you could look at your arms, that's how slim it was.

"Kraagghhhh!!" The monster shouted a high-pitch roar as the students shouted in fear. The monster pulled out the fingers from the student's body as he pointed his fingers towards Ray and the others.

His fingers launched out as blood splurted out, people became crazier as Ray snapped out when he looked at Selene, who was holding him oh so tightly.

"Escape through the hole! Jump if you want to survive!" Ray started to shout as the people instantly followed. They stopped at first as they saw the pool of blood but when they looked back at the monster, they started to jump.

"Let's get out of here!" Ray shouted to Selene as her eyes looked dead, yet it was full of fear. She was crying as the tears stayed in her eyes.

She nodded as Ray grabbed her. They ran towards the hole when Ray saw a tentacle coming towards Selene.

With only pure instincts, he pulled Selene behind him as he pushed her towards the hole. Ray's eyes reflected the tentacle going towards him as he looked at Selene falling one last time.

Selene's eyes widened as she saw Ray floating in the air... with a tentacle attached to its stomach.

Ray simply smiled at her. He formed a smile that expressed relief as blood came out of his mouth. He was slowly dragged towards the monster as Selene fell to the first floor.
