
Monster Rebellion: A Federation's Traitor became the Monster Lord

In a realm of floating islands, where humans and monsters clash for dominance, Allen, a captain from Exploration Corps, seeks to avenge his parents' death at the hands of monstrous creatures. Driven by a desire for justice, he hatches a daring plan to use monsters as weapons against their own kind. As Allen ventures into the perilous world of monster training, he discovers the untapped potential of these powerful beings. With humanity's survival at stake, Allen must navigate the thin line between using monsters for the greater good, but this path denounced him as a traitor of the Federation, which led him exiled to the lands full of monsters.

uncookedrice · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Island Preservation

"We are done inspecting Floating Island #321, and we found no space fractures, captain," reported a man in a tactical suit, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. Inside the abandoned house, Allen, a young man with impassive face, acknowledged the report with a subtle nod.

"All right," Allen replied, his voice calm yet laced with an underlying determination. "We will move to the next island. Power up the shield so this island won't be wasted." The men who stood behind the officer who had delivered the report immediately confirmed the order, their movements precise and efficient as they swiftly carried out their respective tasks. Allen remained deep in thought, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and resolve.

His mind replayed the horrors he had witnessed on the previous floating island they had visited. He could still hear the anguished cries echoing when they arrived at the island, the desperate pleas for salvation that had gone unanswered. The once-thriving community had been reduced to rubble and remnants, swallowed by the relentless tide of monstrous creatures. The monstrous creatures that lurked beneath floating islands had found their way to reach the islands through space fractures, turning the once vibrant landscapes into a desolate wastelands.

But here, on this floating island, Allen was relieved that the remains of his village wouldn't be touched by those creatures. He had a chance to preserve this island. The memories of his childhood was of utmost importance to him, the absence of space fractures which the monsters use to travel through the unreachable floating islands indicates reassurance that they had not yet found this place.

After a contemplative pause, Allen resolutely stepped out of the abandoned house, still with his expression remained stoic, his boots crunching softly against the uneven terrain. The sky above him stretched endlessly, a canvas of swirling clouds and radiant hues. As he breathed in the crisp air, he let go of the burden that had weighed heavily on his shoulders.

The landscape before him, though still tinged with signs of decay, held a glimmer of hope. Allen knew that in order to secure a future for humans, they had to keep moving, securing floating islands that had no space fractures. With each island they explored, the young captain aimed to carve out a sanctuary, a place where the remnants of humanity could thrive amidst the chaos that plagued the world.

The wind whispered through Allen's hair as he stood at the edge of the floating island, his gaze fixed on the horizon. The journey to the next floating island beckoned, promising another fresh start and the possibility of a brighter future. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow across the expansive sky, Allen couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope ignite within his soul. This was uncommon for Allen to feel, he had already forgotten how to worry. Within his mind and soul, he only wanted his deceased parents to rest in peace by fighting the monsters, ending each of their lives. But being reunited with his village dug those emotions he had kept hidden.

"Captain, we had activated the shield and we already prepared the ship," an office reported to him, putting an end to his deep thoughts.

"What is the next floating island?" he asked, voice remained dull.

"Floating Island #444, captain. It is said that this island is near to the destructive camp of Craving Mountain Bears, which was the previous Floating Island #339. The Federation had made this island utmost importance to preserve, since it was already explored and found no space fractures to it."

With a subtle nod, Allen replied. It was important to preserve an island near a camp of monsters. It wasn't for the purpose so they could build a human fort to this island, but to make sure that they would lessen their reach to create a space fracture to the next island. With this, it would take time for them to create another space fracture to unexplored floating island, indicating that they would an advantage against the monsters.

Human settlements before lived in one continental floating island. Away from the surface below, where monsters lurked. The monsters that lurked there were no mere figments of imagination; they were living nightmares that had wreaked havoc upon humans before. These creatures possessed an otherworldly presence that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls. With eyes glowing like embers in the depths of night, they moved with a sinuous grace, their hardened bodies brimming with lethal power. Razor-sharp claws extended from their limbs, their every movement a threat.

However, for some unknown reason, the once huge floating island split up, creating numbers of floating island drifted away to each other. The islands still had human settlements, villages to be precise. However, the technology that was created on the continental island was not left to each of floating islands, which left different progress to their civilization. Some had advanced technological living, but some had backwater progress, seemingly an island in infancy.

Allen's island, the village of Avondale was one of those islands in infancy. Their civilization was not advanced, and the knowledge they had about the world was little to know. Furthermore, after a century of the continental drift, they had no clue about why their world had an end. What kept them from progressing was their curiosity about the world. The villagers of Avondale lived in a world of wonder and questions. Their small island, nestled amidst the vast expanse of floating landscapes, was their entire world. But beyond the boundaries of their known realm lay a vast unknown. However, with little knowledge, they were only bound to a simple civilization.

"We will now proceed to that island." Allen ordered, they then went to a floating sailing ship at the edge of the island.

The ship, called the "Skyward Voyager," stood tall in the sky. It was a special kind of ship that could travel between floating islands. The ship looked shiny and strong, made from a mix of strong metal and lightweight materials. Its sails, like big sheets of fabric, caught the wind and helped it move through the air.

On the ship's deck, the crew was busy with their jobs. They wore sturdy tactical suits like others who had explored that land and moved quickly, doing tasks like adjusting the sails and checking the engines.

Every explorers went to board to the ship, and Allen, who was the captain went straight to the top floor of the ship. He was also the captain of the ship, not just for this operation. Although he was still a young man, his brilliance wasn't just for common young men. He was a gem among young men, a genius that could be only found once every decades.

The Skyward Voyager's engines hummed to life, their rhythmic vibrations resonating through the ship. The crew members secured themselves in their respective positions, their focus unwavering. Allen grasped the ship's wheel, feeling the smoothness of the polished wood beneath his palms. It was a position of authority and responsibility, a symbol of his command.

With a firm yet gentle touch, Allen steered the ship away from Floating Island #321, the previous island they had explored. The wind caught the ship's sails, billowing them out to full capacity. The Skyward Voyager glided through the open sky with grace and purpose, leaving behind a trail of wispy clouds in its wake.

As the ship smoothly sailed through the vast expanse, a sense of peace enveloped the crew. The absence of space fractures on the previous island had granted them a respite, a moment of tranquility in the midst of their perilous journey. It was a rare occasion, one that allowed them to momentarily set aside their fears and revel in the beauty of the open sky.

Hours passed, and the Skyward Voyager continued its steady course. The crew members engaged in hushed conversations, exchanging stories and sharing glimpses of their past adventures. There was a sense of camaraderie, a bond forged by their shared purpose and the dangers they had faced together.

As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden hue across the sky, the silhouette of a floating island emerged on the horizon. It was Floating Island #444, their next destination.