
Monster Rebellion: A Federation's Traitor became the Monster Lord

In a realm of floating islands, where humans and monsters clash for dominance, Allen, a captain from Exploration Corps, seeks to avenge his parents' death at the hands of monstrous creatures. Driven by a desire for justice, he hatches a daring plan to use monsters as weapons against their own kind. As Allen ventures into the perilous world of monster training, he discovers the untapped potential of these powerful beings. With humanity's survival at stake, Allen must navigate the thin line between using monsters for the greater good, but this path denounced him as a traitor of the Federation, which led him exiled to the lands full of monsters.

uncookedrice · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Fort Floating Island #12 [1]

A high-ranking officer sat behind a large, polished desk in a meticulously organized office. The room exuded authority, a person who knew nothing about the person who owned the office would immediately think the room was owned by a boss.

Allen, who had just arrived at Fort Floating Island #12, immediately made his way to the commander's office. He knew the importance of delivering his reports personally. As he stood outside the door, he took a moment to straighten his uniform, ensuring every detail was in place. With a deep breath, he knocked and entered.

The officer glanced up from his desk, his piercing gaze meeting Allen's determined expression. The commander returned the salute, acknowledging Allen's presence, and nodded, a silent invitation for him to approach.

"I assume you have completed the preservation efforts on the islands. What brings you here to personally report?" the commander inquired, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Allen cleared his throat quietly, ensuring his words were steady and concise. "Sir, we encountered a colossal bird on Floating Island #444. We engaged in combat and successfully defeated the creature. We are currently in the process of harvesting its remains in search of Mana Stones."

The commander leaned back in his chair, studying Allen intently. The room seemed to hold its breath as the significance of Allen's discovery settled in.

"A colossal bird, you say?" the commander mused, his voice laced with intrigue. "This is an unexpected development. Tell me, were there any indications that this creature might not be an isolated incident?"

Allen's brow furrowed in thought as he considered the commander's question. Memories of his team's journey and the remnants of nests flashed through his mind. Although they never encountered bird monsters in their previous mission, it could be concluded that before the "Extermination," happened bird monsters nested there.

"Sir, during our explorations, we discovered remnants of nests on several other floating islands," Allen replied, his tone tinged with a mix of urgency and realization. "Based on our observations, it's highly likely that these floating islands serve as habitats for more flying monsters, potentially even more colossal birds."

The commander's eyes widened with a combination of concern and anticipation. He recognized the implications of such a revelation for the fort's security and the safety of its surrounding Settlement Islands.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Allen," the commander said, his voice filled with a blend of gratitude and seriousness. "We must take immediate action. Gather a team and conduct thorough investigations on the floating islands near #444. We need to assess the potential threat these creatures pose and devise strategies to neutralize them if necessary."

Allen's gaze met the commander's, a shared understanding passing between them. They both recognized the magnitude of the task ahead and the importance of staying one step ahead of the unknown dangers lurking on the unpreserved islands.

"Yes, sir," Allen responded with determination, snapping into a crisp salute. "I will assemble a team apart from my own and commence the investigations immediately. We shall ensure the safety and security of our fort and its surroundings."

With that, Allen left the office excluding the egg they found. He went straight to the Resting Point were his team's quarters were designated. While walking, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. However, as he stepped into the corridor, he could sense the weariness and fatigue emanating from his fellow team members who had been tirelessly working preserving floating islands. The long hours and demanding tasks had taken their toll.

The team gathered themselves in an irregular shape, their weary bodies finding whatever support they could against the walls or in chairs. Fatigue weighed heavily upon them, their eyes struggling to stay open and their focus waning.

As Allen stepped forward, a surge of determination electrified the room. The team members straightened their postures, attempting to muster the remaining shreds of their energy, their weariness momentarily pushed aside.

"Team," Allen's voice resonated with unwavering strength. "We have been assigned a new mission—one that carries immense importance. Our objective is to investigate the remaining floating islands for potential threats, specifically flying monsters. Our goal is to ensure that there are no undetermined threats lurking in the skies above us."

The room filled with a collective groan, exhaustion etched on each face. The prospect of embarking on yet another grueling and hazardous expedition weighed heavily on their tired bodies and minds.

However, Allen's words offered a glimmer of respite. "But rest assured," he continued, his voice infused with a touch of encouragement, "I will request a well-deserved one-month leave for the team once this mission is completed. Right now, our fort and its people rely on us. We have faced numerous obstacles before, and we have always emerged stronger."

The weariness in the room began to give way to a renewed determination. Eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between the team members—their commitment to their duty unwavering, despite their exhaustion.

Allen's gaze swept across the room, acknowledging the effort and sacrifice each member had already given. He knew that the upcoming mission would test their limits, but he also knew the strength and resilience that lay within their collective spirit.

"We will overcome this challenge together," Allen declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "Prepare yourselves, mentally and physically. We leave no room for doubt or hesitation. This mission is crucial, not just for our fort, but for the safety of our entire region."

With renewed purpose, the team members slowly rose from their positions, determination burning in their eyes. They understood the weight of their responsibility and the impact their actions would have on the fort and its people.

As the room emptied and the weary explorers dispersed to their respective homes, Allen's mind was already occupied with thoughts of which other exploration teams he should approach for assistance. While the responsibility did not solely rest on his team's shoulders, being tasked with assembling a team meant that the burden would inevitably fall upon them.

Allen neither liked nor hated this responsibility. He held no strong opinions about it. However, a slight worry crept into his mind, whispering that the situation was slipping out of the Federation's control. How could such a significant discovery remain unnoticed for so long? The exploration corps had been diligently preserving and exploring for nearly three decades, making it highly unlikely that something of this magnitude would have gone unheard. Even more surprising was the fact that his superior had no prior knowledge of this matter.

He released a heavy sigh, a weighty air escaping his lips, and reached for the telephone on his desk. One by one, he contacted the exploration teams he respected and those who had shown trust in his words. With each conversation, plans began to take shape, discussions revolving around how the teams would operate, and how they would divide themselves into squads to efficiently tackle the upcoming mission.

As decisions were made and details were finalized, Allen finally allowed himself a moment of respite. He leaned back in his chair, the weariness in his body finally catching up to him. The day had been long and arduous, and the weight of responsibility had pressed heavily on his shoulders. Closing his eyes, he found solace in the brief respite, his mind briefly free from the burdens of the ongoing mission.

While the others had already departed for the comfort of their homes, reassuring their families of their safe return, Allen had no one to share such reassurances with. There were no loved ones waiting for his arrival, nor a grave to visit where he could pay his respects to his late parents. The night stretched out before him, empty and quiet, with only the solitude of his thoughts as company.