
Monster Rebellion: A Federation's Traitor became the Monster Lord

In a realm of floating islands, where humans and monsters clash for dominance, Allen, a captain from Exploration Corps, seeks to avenge his parents' death at the hands of monstrous creatures. Driven by a desire for justice, he hatches a daring plan to use monsters as weapons against their own kind. As Allen ventures into the perilous world of monster training, he discovers the untapped potential of these powerful beings. With humanity's survival at stake, Allen must navigate the thin line between using monsters for the greater good, but this path denounced him as a traitor of the Federation, which led him exiled to the lands full of monsters.

uncookedrice · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Floating Island #444 [1]

The safe voyage determined the safety of the island. It showed that there was little threat to the Floating Island #444. And as they arrived, they immediately began their purpose to this island. Allen, ordered everyone each of their roles to this. As this was an important island to be preserved, he wanted a flawless placements of the gadgets for the shield.

William Dawson, stood on the deck of the expedition ship, his gaze fixed on the untouched Floating Island #444. As the cool breeze tousled his neatly styled dark hair, his piercing blue eyes scanned the island with a mixture of curiosity and caution. There was something about this uncharted territory that intrigued him, but also raised his concerns.

While the rest of the team went about their assigned tasks, William's role as the second-in-command was to observe and analyze. He prided himself on his calm and composed demeanor, traits that had served him well during his years of military service. His sharp features and well-groomed beard added an air of sophistication to his overall appearance.

His attention to detail and knack for organization made him an indispensable asset to the team. As he surveyed the island, his mind was already working through the logistics of their mission. His military background had ingrained in him the importance of preparedness and strategic planning, traits that he brought to every assignment.

William's analytical nature demanded answers, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the sight of an untouched island near a known camp of monsters. It defied the expectations he had built based on the reports they had received. He believed in the accuracy of the information, but the unexpected nature of the situation stirred a curiosity within him that he couldn't ignore.

His thoughts shifted to Allen. William respected Allen's impassive nature, recognizing it as a testament to his unwavering focus and determination. Their partnership thrived on mutual trust and respect, each complementing the other's strengths. Allen's brilliance inspired William, and William's attention to detail provided a solid foundation for their collaboration.

As the days went by, William couldn't shake off the heavy burden that weighed upon his shoulders. The recent events had taken a toll on him, particularly the knowledge that the previous island they had preserved was none other than Allen's own home. Witnessing the simple civilization that Allen had hailed from had only deepened William's admiration for his captain's prodigious talent.

In his quieter moments, William found himself reflecting on his own abilities. He longed to possess the same level of brilliance and ingenuity that Allen effortlessly exhibited. It wasn't a matter of deserving such talent; rather, William yearned to match Allen's capabilities and make an impact of his own. There was a hint of envy in his admiration, driven by a desire to measure up to the captain he respected so deeply.

Seeking solace from his swirling thoughts, William made a conscious decision to step away from the ship's deck. Descending the gangplank, he ventured onto the island, determined to lend a helping hand in any way he could. No task was too insignificant if it meant lightening the load for others.

Carrying a selection of gadgets with him, William followed the guides to the locations of which the gadgets should be attached. Each step he took, each gadget he carefully positioned.

The act of assisting others, no matter how minimal the task, brought a fleeting respite from the weight that had burdened William's mind. It reminded him of the bigger picture, the collective effort that would safeguard the island and preserve its sanctity. In those moments, his admiration for Allen transformed into a shared dedication, a shared purpose.

"What a trivial idea. Me, becoming the same as the captain? That was absurd. The captain was one of a kind young man, and I am no worthy to be envious of him." William muttered to himself.

With each gadget securely in place, William took a moment to appreciate the island's enhanced protection. Satisfied with their progress, he surveyed the area and noticed an unusual hole nearby. It seemed out of place on this uninhabited floating island. The hole was deep and seemed unnaturally build. Intrigued, he couldn't help but wonder who or what could have dug it.

Resolute to investigate, William activated his detector, a device designed to identify any space fracture. To his relief, the detector remained silent, indicating that the island's security was intact. Encouraged by this assurance, he radioed it first to the rest of the team for them to investigate this. And while waiting, he decided to venture into the hole, albeit cautiously.

Descending into the darkness, the temperature dropped, and William could hear the echo of his footsteps. Despite the eerie atmosphere, he pressed on, guided by his curiosity and the essence of his job.

Underground was a huge space of excavation. He had created speculation before entering and just witnessing this, it added tension to his apprehension and suspicion.

He reached out for a flashlight, and as his vision was perfected from this pitch darkness, he discovered something astonishing—a massive egg. Its size alone was enough to leave him in awe. It was evident that this was no ordinary egg, but a nest belonging to an unknown creature. The unexpected find both fascinated and unsettled him.

His instincts kicked in, realizing the significance of his discovery, William knew he had to inform the team immediately. He hurriedly reached for his radio and relayed the urgent message, trying to keep his voice steady the concern.

"I've found a hole with a gigantic egg—a nest. This wasn't mentioned in our reports. Proceed with caution," he transmitted urgently. "We may be dealing with an monster."

As he finished speaking, the ground shook, indicating a commotion erupted outside the hole. William's attention snapped towards the source of the disturbance, he immediately climbed up to the surface, where he saw a fierce confrontation unfolding before him. Allen, their capable captain, stood resolute, facing a huge bird ten meters tall-- a monster.

The bird soared through the sky with an air of majestic beauty, its azure feathers shimmering under the sunlight. Its wings spanned an impressive width, allowing it to effortlessly glide through the air with grace and agility. Each feather was a mesmerizing shade of deep azure, reminiscent of the clearest summer sky.

The bird's feather held an ethereal quality, capturing the light and reflecting it in a mesmerizing display of iridescence. As it moved, the azure feathers seemed to shift and change, revealing hints of turquoise, sapphire, and hints of silver along their edges.

Despite its beauty, it menacing features was still evident. William realized this, the monster was hostile towards undetermined trespassers of its territory, and this he learned that this monster could be the parent of that huge egg he found underground.