
Monster Reaper

Its a story about the boy who lives in apocalyptic time where monsters starts to exist and humanity struggles for their survival. 98 years after the apocalypse occur, humanity now gained the power and skills to defeat and fight monsters. Various technique and development are employed. Join Adam in his adventure to become the strongest with his power 'Death', and gain skills and companion pets along the way! Warning!!! This novel employed slow development of the character.

Khier · Spiele
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39 Chs

Commander! 2

Soon, their laughter was interrupted when rustle was heard from their back.

Adam immediately activated absolute defense as he sense a danger coming from there.

' Ting '

A high-pitched sound was heard when a 1 foot long crude knife hit the metallic absolute defense, and falls on the ground as it lost its momentum.

As Adam removed the shield before him, he was able to take a glanced on the source of the knife.

It was a greeny monster that is of same height as him but a lot more bulkier than Adam. Drool was dripping from its mouth and a stinky smell was coming from it.

It stared at Adam like he was a big chunk of food! Adam got goosebumps upon seeing the monster due to its size.

Before, he was only able to face goblins because it was much more shorter than him. He never met nor fight with a monster of same height as he was, so of course, he was nervous.

Meanwhile, commander was shocked at the appearance of the shield! It was the same shield that the D-grade monster used! He was now looking at Adam with questionably looks.

" T..this, where do you get this shield?! ", the commander asked..

Adam was interrupted in his thought when he heard the question from the commander. He was confused but immediately answer.

" Its a skill I get from dead monster.. Why?" , Adam asked confusedly.

Commander finally realized that it was a skill that dropped from the D-grade monster, and he thought that Adam was lucky picking it up. As he believe that the B-grade hunter killed the monster as per said on the rumor.

He never even ponder that it was Adam himself who killed the monster.

At the same time, the monster starts pouncing towards Adam.

Every step it took cause a minor shaking due to its size. Adam immediately take his fighting stance and prepared for a fight, though he was not sure he will win.

The monster was an E-grade monster named Hobgoblin! it looks like a goblin but a lot more taller and bulkier. It also had 2 skills!

The monster was bare-handed as it already thrown its weapon earlier. But Adam never dared to underestimate it as it was a level higher than he was.

On the other side, the commander was calm as he was still capable of dealing with such monster though he was crippled. But he never spoke nor stopped Adam from facing the monster as he was curious to the capability of the shield.

The Hobgoblin was nearing when suddenly, it jumps up and when it falls to the ground, a large shaking occur. It was not a skill but its tactics. Commonly, monsters are not intelligent, but upon evolution and under different circumstances, their intelligence increase minimally.

As the shaking was so sudden, Adam was unable to keep his balance and falls on the ground. As he was trying to stand up, the monster was only a meter away from him, not giving him a chance to stand up so he quickly activate the shield and a high ear piercing sound was heard, as the fist of the monster that was conjure with its skill ' low strength ' hits the metallic absolute defense.

The absolute defense was moved back as it met the fist, which shock Adam completely. It was the first time it happen!

' Absolute defense was really moved back! Just how strong was that hit?! ' , Adam thought.

Same as Adam, the commander was also shocked upon seeing this. He was more than shock because the shield receieved no damage and only moved back.

' Just how strong was that defense?! ' , commander thought as he replayed the battle of him attacking the shield before.

Meanwhile, the monster remain standing and withdrew back his fist, which gives Adam a time to stood up.

Soon, Adam initiate the fight and began harassing the monster. He first throws a dagger towards the face of the monster, aiming to block its view.

As the monster block the dagger with its hand, it immediately withdrew its hand again to retrieve its sight, but it was too late, cause right after it withdrew its hand, Adam was already before it.

Adam swiftly pierce the dagger on the monsters eye using the third dagger positioning then quickly retreated.

' Roarr.rrr'

The Hobgoblin roared due to the pain of having its eyes pierced! It lost its sight and began hitting whatever it encounters. Various trees and stones was detroyed due to Hobgoblins rampage.

Adam did not let go of this chance and immediately went towards the backside of the Hobgoblin, then pierced its neck.

The monster roared again as its neck was pierced.

Meanwhile, Adam was now holding only one dagger as his two daggers was still pierced on the monsters body.

He quickly thought of a plan on how to kill this monster swiftly.

As he was thinking, he didnt noticed that the monster was coming into his direction while hitting whatever got on its way.

Adam only noticed this on last minute and quickly activate the absolute defense again, hold it, then block the monsters' hit.

The hit was too strong causing Adam to take a step backward and falls on the ground.

' I cant kill this monster! ', Adam thought, as he dont have any offensive skill that could penetrate the monsters defense deeply.

' I got to learn an offensive skill next time! '

His other skill ' Death' was not an option as there was the commander spectating the battle, and he dont want to show the skill to others.

As he was contemplating, the monster was nearing on him when suddenly a large dark cloud formed on the top of the monster.

It was the commanders B-grade skill ' Thunder Storm! '

Soon, 5 thunders starts to decend towards the monsters body, swiftly and quickly ending its life, not giving it a chance to retaliate!

' too strong! ' , Adam thought as he remain awestruck!

Yehey! New skill!

Im kinda excited!

Khiercreators' thoughts