
Javelin City

"Javelin," I said as I looked at the city from the sky and the famed javelin tower, piercing the clouds.


It is tall, the tallest building I had seen in this world.


Buildings are not usually that tall, seeing how easily one could destroy them during the battle, but that tower is unique.


That is an ancient creation, built over a million years ago. It is strong and only primes could destroy everything.


It had many things, but over the eyes, everything was taken, and all old traps and formations had been disabled and now, it is the residence of the lord of Javelin.


A Sky Sovereign.


It is a reason why I am in my real skin; the only lie about me is my power. I am not going to show people I am Peak Primary-III instead of Peak Sovereign, I am projecting.


It is a little risky, but I am willing to take the risk.