

His whole head is completely bloodied, one can not any dry spot or hair on his body.

He looked like a red devil with his face colored red with his own blood!

Small streams of his blood could be seen wetting the floor of the arena.

If I did not see his nostrils flaring and chest heaving, I would have definitely thought, I'd really killed him, seeing all this blood dripping down on his body.

I know he is very alive but some people in the audience did not seem to think so.

I could hear people talking I killed him and some people are not nondescript about it, even seeing medics feeding him the mana.

While they were busy accusing me, I am busy thinking about how all my shots landed on his head to make him directly unconscious.

After thinking for a while I came across the most probable answer.

Most likely, after I leveled up and launched my first attack, it probably pierces through the defense of mace which he used as a defense and defensive mask he was wearing.