
Monster Hunter:Becoming the Hunted

Tyler Vulcan was on his way to the New World on 4th's fleet ship making way following a Kushala Daora. Yet before they even reached shore peril fell upon the crew when a new monster appeared covered in large spiked engaged Kushala Daora. The aftermath had left many hunters and handlers. Tyler among the many that took up arms to defend the ship was left critically injured. As the bleed from massive spike in his stomach his conscious and slowly begun to fade.

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5 Chs


As the sun rose above the horizon light trickled into the cave stirring me from my slumber.

'Uggghhh everything hurts. That damn Bazelgeuse really a number on me. Some of these are definitely gonna leave a mark.'

Feeling hungry I ate the deceased Bazelgeuse without even feeling remotely repulsed like any ordinary human would. Not that I'm quite ordinary to begin with. After feasting on breakfast I headed out to find some water to quench my thirst.

Stepping out of the cave I was temporarily blinded by the bright rays of sunlight. As soon as my vision returned the only word I could say was 'Wow.' Seeing something and hearing about it are two different things. The stories of the Ancient Forest dont do it any justice. The flora, fauna, and endemic life were thriving. And the reason it was called the Ancient Forest was because of the tree at the heart of the forest. It towered over everything scraping against the sky.

Appreciating the beauty of the forest I wandered about the immediate vicinity in hopes of finding a lake or stream. Not long after I set of I came across a sizeable lake and my reflection confirmed all suspicions I had about myself.

'I'm an Astalos.'

Finally confirming that I was what I thought I was all I could do was sigh and move on.

'Well at least I have the ability to protect myself and hopefully live a longer life this time around.'

Astalos were known to be aggressive and extremely territorial monsters. They had a fearsome repertoire of weapons which included its electrical prowess and its prehensile scissor tail. It's onyx black scales acted as amplifiers while the neon green spikes acted as lightning rods. The crest on the head was shaped like an axe blade and could release devastating bolt of electricity.

Heading back to the cave I came across some new world vespoids. Giant mosquitos with a nsaty stinger that can paralyze a hunter in less than five seconds. Proving the theory that Astalos eat vespoids I also learned how to manually discharge electrictiy.


-plop- -plop- -plop-

'Yes! there we go.'

Vespoids fell from the sky and it was easier than taking candy from a baby.

'Thats a record a dozen vespoids in one go.'

Discharging just enough electricity to stun the vespoids as to not burn them they fell out of flight to make for an easy snack.


With the all you can eat vespoids out of the way I made my way back to the cave.

'This might not be so bad.'

Finding this new life to be surprisingly acceptable I once again turned in for the night.