
Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

In a parallel realm, an ordinary Earthling, Zack "Kazz" Foreman is plunged into a fractured dimension of monstrous worlds, resulting from a cataclysmic event. Humanity stands on the edge of oblivion, manipulated by the sinister Demon King. The Center of Everything, where the King feasts on warriors' torment, once refuse Kazz entry. Stripped of his memories, he tries to regain them with the help of Hero, a strange voice in his head, resetting his own journey. On an uncanny mirror world of Earth, Kazz's humble life spirals from doping scandals to a surprising cave discovery riddled with demons. Fate intertwines him with Hero, a human deity from his past. Their partnership evolves from initial mistrust to form a formidable alliance. In "Monster Girl Ranching in Another World", Kazz takes under his wing an array of monster, and demon girls using the Ranching System, giving them enhancements and abilities. As Kazz ventures to ascend the ranks, controlling the Elements and unearthing his Shamanic powers become his resolute weapons against humanity's looming doom. This extraordinary journey illuminates hope within the darkest corners of existence.

Magic_ · Fantasie
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446 Chs

Fishbar, Heart Of The Island

I still had no idea if they could use magic or what this crystal energy was. I decided that I would see if I could get any information about them.

Worst thing that would happen would be just getting flat out denied, and I was really interested in it. Depending how they got it, I might want to use this power for the boat, or other things.

“Where do you get these crystals?” I asked as we were led back out.

“There is a place where they grow. They have to use special suites to harvest the Aqua Gem, so that cave is restricted to everyone that doesn't work there,” James explained as we were led back down the hall, but we turned a corner, and I started to hear the sounds of people, water and birds.

“Can you hear that? Where are we going?” Mati asked with excitement, almost tripping over her own feet.