
The long night begins.

I fell to the floor, and heard the sound of a door slamming behind me.

"I'm sorry for that", She reached down and reached for me.

I by education leaned on his hand and got up and asked "why did push me?".

"someone was following us and when he saw that we were going to enter he started to run towards us", i thought absurd, because there was no one else on the streets.

Until i heard "bam, bam bam, let me in too, please" it was a female voice and was desperately knocking on the door.

The woman looked at me and i simply shook my head, because i should let a stranger break my whole lie ?.

And i was already invading the house when "please my love do not abandon me, i know i was wrong to leave you alone when our carriage broke, but i was also afraid of the beasts"

The voice was crying and making nasal sounds, the woman again looked at me and this time had a touch of hostility.

"The house is yours, if you want to let her in, it's up to you to decide", i did not want to let her in, but if she knows my lie, she's followed me from the beginning and by using my method against me, she is a cunning girl.

The woman thought for a moment and heard the sobs behind the door and at last decided to open, when she opened the door the first thing i noticed was not the girl but the darkness, the street was so dark that I doubt anyone could see up to two meters ahead of you.

The girl noticed the door open and came quickly towards me and hugged me aloud she said "ah I'm sorry my love, thanks for another chance" and in my ear was " do not ruin everything and follow the plan normally".

She stopped hugging me and turned to the woman and took one of her hands when she thanked her too.

This girl's physiognomy was impressive, her eyebrows well lined, her lips naturally pink, and her eyes vibrant green.

Her skin color was a very subtle white, it was half burned I believe from our afternoon run.

A well-breasted bust waist and hips lined up, no doubt this was the kind of hottie who passed by would make anyone give more than a look at her.

I felt my heart race as I was pressed by that pair of extravagant marshmallows.

She was wearing a green blouse with no prints and a skirt that was a little taller than her knees, and may have been for a short time, but I felt a very sweet fragrance coming from her hair.

I was still looking at her ass when I was interrupted by that boy "Uncle, do not you feel cold?".

He even nudged my thigh, I did not really know how to respond, his mother seemed to notice my embarrassment and took the initiative "Reny this young man was attacked, go get daddy's pants for him to wear".

She turned to me and unlike angry voice now she still had a nice smile "sorry my son sir, you know how kids are". She guided me to something that should be the living room i should say because here there were only two chairs, an fireplace of wood and a fur rug of some animal on the floor "here you can sit with your wife, the food must be a bit cold, but I'll see if I can warm her up."

She went out into a different room and I looked at the beautiful woman in front of me.

She noticed my eyes and was nervous "what if it were not for me she would not be treating you like a real nobleman."

"I want to know why you're following me," I even frowned show at my displeasure.

She took a lock of her brown hair and start began to turn her index finger "well, you were the only one who got water from a soldier and when i saw you leaving confidently with no one, i thought you would meet the soldiers again."

I no doubt thought of going after them, but the night seems very dangerous if they simply sent me to the walls or forgot about me at some dangerous point, you never know what might happen right.

"do not be stupid, i got water because... i do not even know why, but well let's just spend the night here and in the morning go back to the point where they left us and that's it".

"may i know your name? "She really looks nice, but girls like that are almost never trusted.

They will use your beauty, get what you want from you and then leave.

"My name is Jackson" Why not give my real name ?, Because I found it unnecessary.

"Oh cool, Jack? My name is Amelia Cooper, I'm from Australia, by the way, you can call me Lia if you want."

I looked at her and asked "Australia ?, well apparently the power to translate of this world is very good, for me you are speaking in my native language, there are strange words coming from you, but now I know the reason."

She nodded and seemed to beg for something when it was interrupted by that boy who came with pants for me.

"Here uncle, a of pants of my father", I caught and the fabric seemed a little hard, but given my situation I did not complain.

When i put it on, she was not perfect like i imagined, these pants got loose all over the place, and I had to wear a thin cord that the boy tidied me to keep her from falling to the my knees.

It was not long before the woman returned with four basin of some stew and pieces of gray bread.

The soup was tasty and even had a few pieces of meat, but the bread was kind of hard and rubbery, but you could eat it and fill your belly.

We ate and stayed there warming ourselves in the fireplace in front of us and waiting for the time to pass, the boy had already gone to sleep and his mother was in the kitchen preparing something.

The woman by my side kept chattering about her doubts about how we came to stop in this world or what they would do when dawn and also asking about me and my origins.

Everything was interrupted when a sound of some kind of signal sounded and made me in panic full woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.The woman in the kitchen was also scared and ran to tell us "they arrived, please do not worry, this time they are late and came a few hours after the night comes if the guards of the walls can hold them for a few hours, the day will arise and this will drive them away".

Many shouts and collision sounds were heard in the distance, I really feel fortunate to have cheated this housewife.