

the same thing as always

Eu_Minha · Teenager
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1 Chs

I'm tired


I woke up, got up, went to school, came back and went to bed

I woke up, got up, went to school, came back and went to bed

I woke up, got up, went to school, went to the bakery, came back and went to bed.

I woke up, got up, went to school and went to the supermarket. I went to my aunt's house, came back and went to bed

I woke up, got up, went to school, came back, did my homework and went to bed

Just a monotonous and boring routine, right?

But you know what I didn't say? THE BIG SHIT THAT WAS THOSE 5 DAYS.

There's pressure on me wherever I go the famous quote, what do you want to be in the future? And if I say I don't know.

Some people say what profession I should have, and I just accept it because, what I wanted to be, I don't want to be anymore, so it shows me the path I'm going to take.

Today, I'm just a car lost on a road, following the first arrows I see, where does this path go?

I don't know

But I hope it's a good place.