

In the heart's deepest recesses, a dream lies hidden away,

Money, the coveted treasure, that many pursue, yet often stray.

For in the frenzy of the chase, love and kindness fade to gray,

Leaving humanity to wither, like a garden untended, in disarray.

Countless lives are lost, in the endless, frenzied race,

Death and suffering, a bitter harvest, a dire, painful trace.

Yet, poverty's dark shadow looms, claiming its own toll,

A vicious cycle, that entraps, a painful role, that takes its soul.

But wisdom's gentle whisper, offers a different way,

Money, a tool, to enhance life's journey, come what may.

In harmony and unity, it can play its noble part,

Empowering dreams, healing hearts, and uplifting the human spirit's spark.

Employment blooms, hope revives, and shelter is provided,

Education's doors, once closed, now open wide, a brighter future implied.

Money, a double-edged sword, we must acknowledge and confess,

Used wisely, it can bless, but haste and greed can lead to distress.

Let's heed the wise words, of a sage's compassionate heart,

Use money to uplift, to build a better world, a brand new start.

Where love and kindness flourish, and humanity can thrive,

In harmony with wealth, a balance that's alive.

With gratitude and grace, we'll use money's might,

To build a world that's brighter, where all can take flight.

No longer a slave to wealth, but a master of our fate,

We'll use money to build a world that's great, where all can participate,

And prosperity and peace, will be the fruit of our create.

Where everyone has enough, and no one's left behind,

A world of abundance, where love and kindness entwine,

And the beauty of life, is cherished and defined,

With joy and gratitude, our hearts will be aligned,

And the rhythm of life, will be in perfect harmony.