

Kai was abandoned by his clan to die, due to the royal family's order but he decided to become stronger and take his revenge. The hunger of power drives him to become one of the strongest Monarch but, will it be enough for him or his intention is to achieve something more greater.

AniketS11 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

The Spirit King Appears....

. 3 days have passed since Kai and others have started their journey towards Vermil City.

- Kai was sitting at the window inside the carriage and was looking at the scenes of the beautiful forest which they were passing by.

Kai: - What is this aura which is coming from this forest.

Cesc: - This aura is coming from the spirits which dwells in this forest.

Kai: - So, this is the infamous spirit forest where the strongest of the spirits dwell.

Cesc: - Yes, but I alone can't sense the aura of the spirits because it is mixed with such strong fusion of mana, but it's not a surprise as you are a Monarch you have a much superior presence then the spirits here have.

. Just as they were talking a strange voice was heard by Kai which was coming from the forest.

Kai: - Stop the carriage.

Cesc: - What happened?

Kai: - I heard something, a kind of voice which was appealing to me to come out from the carriage and meet him where the sun shines the brightest.

Herold: - What is this?

Naomi: - Some kind of riddle, I guess.

Herold: - I to know that much, my question is what the hell does it means.

Cesc: - He is calling you Kai.

Kai: - But where and why?

Cesc: - Why I don't know but I may know where he wants to meet you.

. After telling everybody to follow him Cesc stepped out of the carriage and following everybody else got out with him and after coming out from the carriage, they saw a huge tree in the heart of the forest where sunlight is directly falling on it is making it look like a miracle of the heavens.

Cesc: - That is where the King of the Spirits Avestan.

Kai: - Do you know anything about this Avestan.

Cesc: - I only have some brief information about him though I have never met him in person, but he can be regarded in the terms of power as same as a Monarch.

Naomi: - So, what does he wants from Kai.

Cesc: - Why does he wants to meet Kai we can only know this by going there and meeting him.

Herold: - So, what's your thought on this Kai we should go to meet him or not.

Kai: - I think it's the only option left to meet him it's not like that he will let us leave without meeting us.

Cesc: - So, let's move to fast because we have a conference to attend also.

. As soon as they took their belongings from the carriage they started to move to the direction where the spirit tree is situated and within the span of 3 hours, they reached the spirit tree which was glowing from the heavenly mana of the spirits.

Naomi: - What a beautiful place, how could no one has ever seen it.

Cesc: - Because the spirits don't let them see this.

Herold: - What are you talking Dad are you drunk in the early morning.

Cesc: - You damned brat you can't understand simple things also, I was telling that the spirits are masters of illusions, they use illusion magic to keep their place out of sight of humans.

Naomi: - So why are they letting us in that easily.

Kai: - I think that man can tell us about it,

. After hearing Kai's words everyone turned to the direction he was pointing to, and they saw an old man standing on a rock and watching them thoroughly and smiling.

Kai: - So, know something you should say about it b'coz I am watching you following us from a long time now.

???: - So, you knew about me this whole time and you were just ignoring me.

Kai: - I was just observing you.

???: - It's been more than 3 decades since someone intrigued me like that kid.

Kai: - So, now can we be graced by your name sir.

???: - The kid of these days is so eager to know everything, but answering to the question myself is Avestan the 8th spirit king. I am here to make a deal with the Monarch of the Dreams.

. So, what the spirit king's deal will mean to Kai's future to know keep reading.