

Kai was abandoned by his clan to die, due to the royal family's order but he decided to become stronger and take his revenge. The hunger of power drives him to become one of the strongest Monarch but, will it be enough for him or his intention is to achieve something more greater.

AniketS11 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

The Lair of the God

. After travelling for a few days Kai reached to a nearby town in a disguise of a beggar. While roaming around he saw a group of people were gathered at a place, so he went to check what is happening there.

Stranger: - They all died; I knew that place was dangerous, but I didn't think that so many cultivators at master level will die.

Crowd: - Stop sprouting nonsense you were the one responsible for their deaths.

Stranger: - Hey Guys! really, I didn't know it beforehand or else I would have stopped them from going there myself and if still there is any problem, I am ready to compensate for the dead.

Crowd: - Do you really think that money can compensate for it.

Stranger: - So, what else you want?

Crowd: - We all want you to compensate for dead by dying from our hands.

. Kai was seeing all these things from a distance after seeing that the crowd will really kill the man, he thought of saving him.

Kai: - Because of the injuries I got in the previous mission my cultivation has been fully damaged but still I could use my skills which I learnt from Father. So, let's give it a shot.

. The crowd started beating that man and suddenly Kai chants a spell.

Kai: - Lightning foot!!!

. Suddenly a lightning came and took the stranger and vanished in just few seconds.

Stranger: - What the hell is with this crazy speed. Stopp!!!!!!!!

. After getting clear that no one is chasing them Kai stopped.

Kai: - Are you fine.

Stranger: - Yes, all thanks to you for saving my life; and my name is Herold I am the son of the Madeonia City's City Lord.

Kai: - In mind (I can't let anyone know my name or it will be hard for me to escape from the clutches of the jade empire) Ah! My name is M.

Herold: - What a short name M, but anyways you saved me so from now on you would be my benefactor.

Kai: - I don't want any rewards but can you tell me about cave you all were talking about there.

Herold: - Don't mention about that cave brother, it is just a mystery from last month when the cave excavated, I have sent many people to search what is there inside the cave, but all the people went there died.

Kai: - Seems to be A mystery, can you lead me to the cave.

Harold: - What will you do there? 4 Master level cultivators died there, and you are just at the amateur level it is not safe for you to go there.

Kai: - Don't worry just lead me to there I have my own ways to survive.

Harold: - If you say so I believe you.

. Harold took Kai to the entrance of the cave and then told Kai that he can' come inside with him so Kai readily went alone inside the cave. After walking inside the cave for a half day he heard some noise coming from the core of the cave, so he quickly moved to the core of the cave and after reaching there saw a ring fallen over there.

Kai: - This ring seems to contain a powerful amount of mana, but it is very dark like it is of some demons.

. After thinking about it over and over again he decided to take that ring but as soon as he picked the ring and wore it in his finger the ring suddenly condensed with the mana of Kai's and suddenly Kai was teleported in another realm. After some time when Kai opened his eyes, he started to where he is and suddenly there is a person sitting on a throne appeared.

???: - Finally, I found someone worthy of being my successor.

Kai: - Who are you and where am I?

???: - You ask too many questions brat, but for the starters I am the God of the Dreams and the cave you entered is my Dominion known as the God's Lair.

. So, who is this person calling himself God of the dreams. Will he help Kai in his Mission, or he is just bad news for Kai. To Know keep reading The Monarch of the dreams.

~~ The End ~~

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