

Kai was abandoned by his clan to die, due to the royal family's order but he decided to become stronger and take his revenge. The hunger of power drives him to become one of the strongest Monarch but, will it be enough for him or his intention is to achieve something more greater.

AniketS11 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

The End of the Start

. Kai, Herold and Naomi reached the city lord's mansion and at the same time the world was restored to normal.

Naomi: - It all became normal again.

Kai: - Yeah! I think when the task is done the power itself wears off.

Naomi: - It could be so.

Kai: - Herold, go and contact your father that we would like to meet him.

Herold: - Ok! Just wait for me.

. Meanwhile Herold went and explained the situation to his father and then came back outside where he left Kai and Naomi.

Kai: - What happened in there?

Naomi: - Young Master what happened in there.

???: - Chill down kids, let him speak also.

Kai: - Hey!!! who the hell are you old man.

???: - What did you say???

. When Naomi saw the man who was talking to Kai she started shivering and stopping Kai to speak to him in an ugly manner.

Kai: - Why the hell are you stopping me Naomi, you should stop that old man.

Naomi: - Lord Monarch you should stop.

Kai: - Why?

Herold: - Because he is....

???: - Pardon my ignorance sir, so you are the new Monarch whom everyone was talking about.

Kai: - Yeah, so what and who are you?

Herold: - He is my father, The city lord.

Kai: - Ok! so, he is the city lord.

. After realizing the words of Herold.

Kai: - What? he is the city lord.

Herold: - Yes, he is my father and the lord of the Macedonia Lord Cesc Zervilleus.

Kai: - So, it means I was just cursing the city lord.

Herold: - Yes you were.

Kai: - So, for that matter I am really sorry to the city lord because I was in wrong here.

Cesc: - Take no matters to heart lord monarch, it's just a trivial matter to deal with.

Kai: - I am thankful for the wisdom which the city lord has shown me today.

Cesc: - No problem your grace, as you are one of the monarchs now, so your status is much higher than me.

Kai: - No need for titles sir just call me Kai that's all.

Cesc: - Then you too shall call me Cesc from now on.

. Hearing this got Naomi and Herold shocked as the almighty city master of Macedonia also a Duke of the Kingdom is telling Kai to call him informally.

Kai: - Ok!! So, Cesc I think Herold have filled you up about the dilemma I am in so I want to ask you would you be able to help me.

Cesc: - I am not sure but there's a way.

Kai: - What?

Cesc: - The conference which I am heading to might be there you will get the solution for your problem.

Naomi: - But my lord is not mandatory to have an invite to the conference to attend here.

Cesc: - Yes, it is but a person with invitation can bring up to 5 peoples as their guards. So, I can take all three of you with me.

Herold: - Is that so father.

Cesc: - Yes, my son. So, all three of you get ready till I inform about this to my remaining 2 guards who will be accompanying us.

Kai: - As you say Cesc.

Naomi: - Lord Monarch I have a thing to ask you before we get ready to leave.

Kai: - What is it, Naomi.

Naomi: - Can I call you Kai.

Herold: - Naomi mind your words he is a Monarch.

Kai: - No problem, Herold and Naomi, you can call me anything you want.

. After that Cesc took the other two guards and came at the place where Kai and others were waiting. Then they all started their journey to the Pletunia Kingdoms Capital city known as the city of wonders the Vermil City.

Naomi: - So, My Lord how far is this Vermil City from Macedonia.

Cesc: - As per the climate conditions now it will take us 5 days to reach the city.

Kai: - So, it's going to be a long trip.

Herold: - I like long trips.

Kai: - So, Cesc can you tell me more about why this Myriad Dragon Conference is held so early this year.

Cesc: - I thought of telling you the reason after we reached the city but now if you ask so the answer is that 2 months before there was a huge uproar in the Jade Empire.

Kai: - (It was the time I failed the mission given by the emperor which was given to our family by him and got crippled while fighting the demon)

Cesc: - That uproar was supposed to be caused by a Demon Lord.

Naomi: - What? A Demon Lord has not appeared since the lotus war.

Cesc: - Yes that's why it is a problem to be dealt as soon as possible. So, that's why this conference was called by the King of the Pletunia.

Herold: - Father, can you tell the Demon Lord's name to us.

Cesc: - His name is The Fallen Emperor of the Disappeared Kingdom Mhatar.

Kai: - What?

. So, who is Mhatar and what will he bring to the destiny of Kai will his new start of this Monarchial journey will end?

To know keep reading the Monarch of the Dreams.

~~~The End~~~