

Kai was abandoned by his clan to die, due to the royal family's order but he decided to become stronger and take his revenge. The hunger of power drives him to become one of the strongest Monarch but, will it be enough for him or his intention is to achieve something more greater.

AniketS11 · Fantasie
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6 Chs


. Inside the god's lair.

. After hearing the god's words Kai bowed in respect in front of the god.

Kai: - I'm sorry for coming and disrupting your seclusion god.

God: - Don't be sorry and please don't call me god.

Kai: - So, what should I call you?

God: - Call me Dreame.

Kai: - Ok! I'll call master by his name Dreame.

Dreame: - That's better now so your name is Kai.

Kai: - How sir knows my name?

Dreame: - Kai, I am a god I know everyone in this world.

Kai: - OH! I see, but I came here for a certain reason Dreame.

Dreame: - I know why you are here.

Kai: - If you know so, please answer me why all the person came here before died.

Dreame: - You think I killed them.

Kai: - No, no but the problem is they were killed here so the most probable guess that the person who killed them is you.

Dreame: - You could say that I am the one who killed them, but it wasn't my intention.

Kai: - So, Dreame how they died?

Dreame: - They died because they weren't able to condense the god's will.

Kai: - What the hell is god's will.

Dreame: - God's will is the mana of the legendary warriors who were also known as the disciple of the gods, here they are known as the Monarchs.

Kai: - You mean that this Monarchs are the one that carries the legacy of the gods.

Dreame: - Yes! indeed you are correct. So, as you can see the person who came before you died because they couldn't condense my mana and become the soul inheritor of my powers.

Kai: - So, you are looking for a successor.

Dreame: - Yes, boy I was indeed looking for a successor.

Kai: - What you mean by was looking, did you find one ?

Dreame: - Yes, I have found my successor who will become the Monarch Of the Dream and take over the 4th seat in the Heaven Palace.

Kai: - So, Sir can I see him who is that man.

Dreame: - Yes, the man who is my successor is standing in front of me.

. Soon, Kai realizes that the man whom Dreame is speaking is none the less himself.

Kai: - What? why? more important question is how?

Dreame: - (smiling) So many questions you have boy but the answer is only one and that is...

Kai: - What?

Dreame: - The answer is that you are still alive.

. After realizing the meaning of what Dreame said Kai understood why he was selected.

Kai: - That means from now onwards I am a Monarch.

Dreame: - Yes, but first you need powers to become a Monarch. Kai do you trust me.

Kai: - Naturally you are a god so yes, I trust you.

Dreame: - Thank you! Sorry!

Kai: - It's ok, what why sorry.

. Suddenly Dreame Touches the head of Kai.

Dreame: - Realities are treasure but dreams are correspondent, where the time flies fast than lightening and the world is your territory. I Dreame the 4th son of the God bestows you the powers of the monarchial dreams. So, from today onwards you will be known as The Monarch of the Dreams.

. After Dreame finished his chanting, a golden array appeared in the cave and got mixed up with Kai's aura and suddenly a strange power started to enter Kai's body and his body starts to glow and his physical and mental awareness started to develop significantly, and his magical mana became like an ocean from just a lake. After 15 to 20 minutes Kai wakes up in the cave and when he opens his eyes, he founds Herold standing there with a group of people who were dressed like knights.

Kai: - Herold how are you here where is Dreame?

Herold: - (confusingly) After you went inside, I ordered the best knights of Macedonia to come here and when I came back, I heard you shouting from pain, so I came inside to check what is happening.

Kai: - Didn't you saw anyone else here.

Herold: - When we came here there was just you lying unconsciously on the ground.

. When Kai stood up and Herold saw him, he was shocked by seeing his appearance changed so much a weak looking boy was looking like a powerhouse.

Knight: - Boss you said that there was a weak kid who entered the cave, but he is much stronger than all of us.

Herold: - I also can't understand this, he was really a slim boy before entering here I think he was disguising himself before. Naomi, I think we should take him to Macedonia and give him an offer to join the city defense.

. When everyone was talking Kai was just seeing his wrist where a symbol has appeared.

Kai: - Herold can you tell me what the heck is this symbol in my hand.

. Kai shows the symbol to Herold and Naomi and after seeing the symbol they were shocked and suddenly fell on their knees and bowed to Kai as he is there Master.

Kai: - What happened? what is this all about?

Naomi: - This symbol indicates that you are a Monarch.

. After hearing Naomi's words Kai remembered Dreame's words and smiled.

Kai: - (He really meant it so; I think from now onwards Dreame and I are God's in arms.)

. So, what will happen next, what will the new powers unfold for Kai?

To know keep reading The Monarch of the Dreams.

~~The End~~

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