

Kai was abandoned by his clan to die, due to the royal family's order but he decided to become stronger and take his revenge. The hunger of power drives him to become one of the strongest Monarch but, will it be enough for him or his intention is to achieve something more greater.

AniketS11 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Eye of a God

. After the message of a new monarch appearing in the Macedonia city spread in the world the noble families want to take a chance of recruiting the Monarch to safeguard their clans. So, a huge amount of people started to appear in Macedonia City to meet Kai. While Kai was resting in the guest room of the city lord's chambers.

Kai: - It has been three days since I got these powers, but I still don't know what I have got and how to use it.

. Herold and Naomi who were sitting beside him were also thinking about the same thing of how to trigger Kai's powers of the Monarch and suddenly something clicked in Naomi's mind.

Naomi: - Lord Monarch I think I have a way to find what are your powers are and how can it be used.

Kai: - Really!! Tell fast Naomi.

Naomi: - I think there is one person who could help you?

. Both Herold and Kai were eager to know who is that person who can help Kai.

Naomi: - He is none other than the city master.

Herold: - Father, but how?

Naomi: - If I am correct the city lord is acquainted with the 5th Monarch.

Herold: - Yes, so what?

Naomi: - So, that is the end of our problem.

Kai: - I got it you want me to meet the 5th Monarch and ask him about the problem.

Naomi: - Exactly!!!

Herold: - If that is the way let's go to father and ask him for his help.

Naomi: - Yes, we should move fast as the city lord will be departing for the Myriad Dragons Conference tonight.

Kai: - So we should head out for the city master's Residence as soon as we could.

Herold: - But master Kai the main problem is the people who are wreaking havoc in front of the guest house.

Naomi: - OH! these damn leaders of clans and sects are just too selfish as soon as they came to know that there is a new Monarch in the Macedonia City, they just rushed up to win you over.

Herold: - We have to find a way to escape from here without being caught by them or it will be very problematic for you.

. After realizing the situation Kai closed his eyes and began to think of a solution and suddenly his eyes started paining and he opened his suddenly and a light which was blue in color came out of his eyes and everything excluding Herold and Naomi stopped.

Kai: - What the hell!!! what happened to my right eye.

Herold: - That's not what is important more important is why the people outside stopped moving.

Kai: - How did this happen?

Naomi: - I think that was done by your eye.

Kai: - But how? I still don't know how to use my power.

Naomi: - I think your powers come from the situation.

. Both Kai and Herold were looking at Naomi confusingly.

Naomi: - Ah!! you two fools, I mean that your powers are triggered based on the situation in which you are, like it happened now we wanted to leave this place without facing the crowd and before city lord departs so your powers triggered and stopped the time to allow you achieve your goal smoothly without any problem.

Kai: - So means this blue eye did all this stuff going on here.

Herold: - Hey, don't call it blue eye it should be called the eye of the god.

. When Herold said the name in a dramatic tone both Naomi and Kai were staring at him as he was a big fool.

Kai: - We should head out soon, as I don't know the time limit of this power.

Naomi: - Yes, we should move.

Herold: - The eye of the god is a cool name don't you agree.

Both Kai and Naomi at the same time: - Shut up!!!

Herold: - Okay guys if you don't like the name, you can simply tell me instead of shouting at me.

. After that the three of them made their way through the frozen crowd and soon reached the city master's main residence and all the things restored to normal.

Herold: - This eye of God is really good.

Kai. Now let's meet the city lord.

. At the same time at some other place situated at a mountain.

???: - Inform the monarchs that we are going to receive our new brother soon.

Servant: - Yes Lord 5th, this servant will do as you say.

5th Monarch: - It's time we get some entertainment to go on the road.

So, what is the 5th Monarch scheming to know keep reading Monarch Of the Dream.

The End

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