
Monarch of the Divine

A Celestial Beauty, with a voice sounding even sweeter than the moans she would one day let out, whispered softly in my ear before I sank into the darkness... "Be strong, My Prince. You must survive this challenge for us. As a gift...... this ladys name is Long Xue." ----- This is a story of Reincarnation. A story of growth. A story of love and lust. A story of battle and slaughter. After being thrown in a situation out of his control. A boy was cast into the dog-eat-dog world of cultivation, coming straight out of novels he has read. A world where infinite races, opportunity and endless beauties exist. A multitude of realms, factions, Old Monsters and Young Masters waiting to be slaughtered. This tale follows Dante the Peerless, but this is the tale before he was known as 'The Peerless'. Before he had the largest harem in the history of the Nine Heavens. Before he had swept through the 108 Layers of the Nether God Abyssal Realm. And long before he provided proof of his dominance to the eighteen holy lands in the Verdant Immortal Heavens. Watch as he evolves from a scared-traumatized boy into a realm conquering powerhouse man amongst men! [ Tags ] | Action | Harem | Adventure | Ecchi | Romance | Comedy | Overpowered | | Thicc | Loli | Milf | Humiliation | Dual Cultivation | Demons | Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero | Cunning MC | Exploration| Cultivation | Powerhouse | Old Monster | Milf | R-18 | Mature | Adult | Disclaimer; cover pick is only edited by me. - Idk if I will be releasing the smutty chapters on WN! So stay updated! Release schedule; DAILY! If I don't upload that day I probably had some IRL issues!

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13 Chs

// Chapter 5; Peerless Beauty

Unbeknownst to Dante, when he exploded into blood mist. The spectacle he caused being smited by that multi-colored lightning started a chain of events that would affect the world.

When he his ruptured into nothingness from the lightning and Qi-Rebound, the golden clouds and aura that dispersed along with him was there long enough to alert every powerhouse that was on the Fire Palace Continent.

In a matter of minutes, hundreds of different raced powerhouses appeared in the sky.

There were Humans, various Beast-people, Barbarians, Fairies, Nymphs, Dryads, Minotaurs, Dragons, Centaurs, Goblins etc.

(I won't get deep into the descriptions of these races, but just know this world is pretty much vast and endless. I am making a full index for all species in the book. There will be hundreds minimum :)

They were SkyWalking, something only powerful cultivators could do, it looked as if they were all searching for whatever caused this catastrophe....


However, what these skywalking masters did not know. Is that this Monarch Aura alerted. Every. Single Person strong enough to sense it...

Meaning not just the local-strongmen from the Fire Palace Continent and Blue Marsh Forest.

This aura woke up the Old Monsters who lived on Bingyun for thousands of years. The strong men of each continent felt that the Heavenly Laws of Fate were acting odd in the south, where the FPC was located.

The induviduals who sensed this many different types. But each of these men were imbedded in the cultivation world in their own way. They was the undying old bastards who have failed to the Higher Planes waiting for death. Sect Ancestors and Masters, Hermits, and Lone School Leaders.

Anyone who reached the summit of this world or 'plane' felt this anomaly when it happened.

When the aura erupted and the Heavenly lightning descended onto Dante. Thousands of these induviduals all paused for a moment. Startling those around them.

"Demon Lord, What is wrong?"

"Venerable DaoKing, What happened!"

"Martial Shi, Disciple is wondering if Master is okay? You just stopped during our sparring?"

"Ahn, What happened my love? Why did you stop pleasing me. It's only our seventh round! :("

"Tri-Spear, did you sense that as well? It seems the laws are in disarray."

Thousands of conversations similar to this took place.

With their esteemed cultivation, sensing the Heavenly Dao was common. This was due to the fact they must break through it in order to ascend.

But this was easier said than done.

Regardless, what these induviduals felt was not the usual domineering might of the Dao. They felt the invincible Heavenly Law shaking in fear.

The laws appeared horrified at whatever was happening to it, giving off a sense of pure dread. Through the world boundary, these men could sense it gathering destruction energy to exterminate whatever physcopath that was foolish enough to anger it.

When the attacked was released, a heavenly might caused their Divine Senses' to be drawn to a certain place.

In their view they saw the ruins of a city land flattened out and sucked dry of life.

With a jolt the vision ended, and the powerhouses of Bingyun were confused.

A few collectives thought ran through these venerable heads,

'A land of death? What does the Dao wish to show me? Is this a fated chance to further myself?'

With questions on their mind and doubt being the biggest emotion, they chose to follow their only lead that was transmitted when the vision ended.

The Southern Continents.

Known as a lonely and desolate place with few resources and opportunity, the rough-location of a continent down there was transmitted to these monstrous figures heads.

With thousands of men heading towards, and arrangements to send investigation teams there. A new era of chaos would soon begin on the Bingyun Plane.



When he exploded, there was actually no pain. The torture was far worse than the feeling of instant release that came when the aura flew back into his body.

The odd thing is that he was still concious after his body was shredded into bits by that tyrannical power.

Right now he was inside some type of pure white space feeling comfortable.

He tried to look down and inspect his body. Shockingly, Dante saw nothing below him. As he stretched out his hands preparing to see the familiar blue glow of his soul body. Nothing appeared.

Reveling in shock, he realized that he was indeed glowing. However now, his 'body' was currently turned into the golden soul ball that was residing inside of his conciousness.

He assumed that in the afterlife he would atleast have his body for heaven....

'My poor fate! How will my Heavenly Dragon All-Immortal Conquering Rod entertain the angel beauties if it is gone completely!!! Please! Whoevers listening just give me ATLEAST! A finger to be play with my angel beauties.... Ugh.... My heart...'

When shedding the last of his tears. He heard a bell-like laughter tinkle out from behind him that broke his reverie.

But as his golden ball flipped around. Dante witnessed a sight that would be forever engraved in his memory.

She sat with her legs crossed on a divine-looking white marble stone.

The blonde-haired beauty had golden-blue eyes that looked as if entire galaxies were held inside of them. Her scultped eyebrows and sharp cheekbones were leagues above the greek goddesses' from Earth.

The goddess woman looked to be around five-foot ten, however the saying 'looks are deceiving' proved to be true in this situation.

When she stood up from her sitting positon, a mouth-watering mature body was presented in front of him. It looked as if divine beings sculpted her with perfection. Her small red lips rose into a grin as she raisedher petite arms and wrists to cover her giggle.

On her wrists and ankles, she had been adorned with golden bangles that only accented her divine-like beauty.

To top it off, her body was showcased inside of a skin tight white two-piece greek fitting toga that hid little to imagination.(Her hair was in a ponytail thing, just look at the cover of the book for reference. Multiply cover girl's hotness x 100000. There is our celestial lady. Boom!)

Golden-Ball Dante was somehow drooling in this form, he realized this celestial beauty was smirking at him!

She looked down as if she knew exactly what he was thinking about her body.

Before he could even attempt to explain himself the celestial maiden's seductive voice rang out,

"Ara, My Prince, It appears you are very.... frustrated. Would you like this Elder Sister to help you out?"

Dante was shocked before quickly trying to make his golden ball-form nod as fast as possible.

When the ball was just about to start picking up speed, He was interuppted once more.

This time, the voice was as cold as a glacier,

"However, My Prince before we play those games. Are you sure you don't have any questions to ask this Princess?"

Dante felt like a bucket of ice water was poured over his golden-soul.

'Oh shit? Is this not my afterlife lover situation? What is this?'

With a bit of franticness in his voice, Dante attempted to speak for the first time in this white space.

Oddly when he spoke it was not the expected pained growls, but instead a masculine charming voice was released. The voice of his natural body on earth.

When he heard it, it made him nostalgic and happy.

"Celestial Beauty Maiden. Since you were so sweet to give me this opprotunity. How could I resist? Where are we? Am I still alive? Who are you?"

He fired off questions, but the Maiden looked as if she was listening to an idiot speak. She sighed then spoke up,

"Of course! Who do you this this Xue'er is? How could I ever hurt our Prince!

Since you seem extremely clueless about your current situation, let this beauty inform you! Make sure to listen up since we will start from the beginning. But don't worry! Xue'er was trained by the best tutors in all of the Immortal Empire for this moment, Hehehe."

As Dante was beginning to get nervous about her speech, she continued with a proud smirk on her face.

"Okay, Listen my fia-Prince, let me begin with where we are!

After exploding that failure beggar body. I brought your true-soul into our Celestials' pride and joy!

Sitting on top of of the Eighteen Divine Natural Objects ranking.....

One of the most coveted items in the universe and your very own Bead of Creation!!!

Also don't worry about the current barren look! Royal Father said this would be the most important part of our jour-Ahem!"

As she caught herself mid-speech, she began pointing her little finger towards Dante's golden-true soul.

When the golden-ball of light saw what she was enthusiastically pointing at, he realized that a small white pearl with ancient inscriptions was hovering in the center of himself.

'Eh? This is one of those space-treasures? This beauty is giving me an amazing item that is on the top of this cultivation universe....? How will I use it without a body? All this is great besides the fact I'm a ball of light....'

As her words brought him more questions he quickly looked back towards the beautiful lady after he heard the tone of her next sentence.

"Dont lose focus yet. This Princess needs to tell you about your path."

In a solemn tone those words rang out of her plump red lips. Causing the atmposphere in the white space to shift into a dark one.

"I won't say too much since you are too weak to know. But since I just woke up, I don't know what your situation has been like up to this point. I realize from the sacricial altar your time has been less than enjoyable. But tell this Sister, have you felt like your luck has been terrible in this world? Or that the world is your enemy? Have you felt like you have always been in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

As she was saying this, Dante felt like she was actually just describing what he has been through since getting isekai'd into this world. At every turn and corner, the worst possible scenario would take place. But he never thought to ask why.

'Well what does she mean by this? Is she inferring that in this cultivation world Fate and Luck are elements that can be toyed with?!?'

As he slowly began to put the puzzle pieces together, his soul form started quivering beyond belief. To which the golden-eye beauty noticed.

"Yes, my Prince. Your thoughts are sadly correct.

When your 'birth' was taking place, the Heavens interferred with it. Causing some complications and inflicting you with the Heavenly Fate Curse."

She continued with a grim expression,

"It is known across the Nine Heavens as the 'Death Curse'. Because anyone who has it has never lived past a day after being cursed. It is used by the heavens to smite the ones they deem 'abominations'.

"This curse causes the victim's luck to be absolutely abysmal in whatever they do. I'm talking real worst case death-scenario type stuff. It's truly amazing you have survived this long with the curse still active! I knew you would be amazing!"

As she said the last part of the sentence, her face filled with a slight blush that kind of looked creepy.

"Regardless, the birth complications caused you to be left in that trash-crippled body. Being defilied by those women-beasts, tortured, Unable to even cultivate into Qi Manifestation, oh my poor fi-PRINCE!! But do not worry my lov-Dante! This beautiful Princess has been waiting for this day for seven years!"

She finished her sentence and her golden bangles made a clinking noise as while she was raising her right hand.

After she rose her hand face level, snapped her thumb and middle finger together.


Appearing out of the void inside of the white room, an enormous mass of spiritual energy and Qi appeared out of nowhere.

Dante was caught up in the shock of the whole situation. Absorbing her words he was woken up by a power hundreds of times greater than the one that crushed the Barbarian tribe before.

That brute power was now swirling in front of him.

"Now my Prince! Are you ready to accept your new life? Do you want the power to control your own destiny! Do you want to taste this worlds' sweet honey?!

Once you step into that mass, the energy will reform you into your new body! One to rule Dante!"


While he was thinking the situation much too good to be true subconciously, Dante's golden soul slowly started inching towards the ball of mass.

'If I have that fate curse, she might as well be sending me into a torture pit. It really can't get any worse from this point on!

While he was giving himself some courage, more words rang out next to his 'ears'.

"You are lucky! This Princess used her own Bloodline for the base of your body. A Creation-Ranked Celestial Royal Bloodline! The strongest in the universe! I tried to fuse it with World and Truth Ranked Bloodlines but a mutation happened. The Celestial bloodline started devouring the weaker bloodlines, so I'm not really sure whats going to happen when you fuse with it!

However, I found a name that should be fitting for the power you will eventually gain with it...

The Calamity Origin Lord Bloodline."

Dante heard the words Calamity Origin, and his choice was made before the rest of the sentence registered.

The goddess-like beauty watched the golden-ball speed towards the mass of energy, her face turned fearful.

She thought,

'I hope the last seven years of torture prepared him for what is to come. I feel bad lying to him like that. but it's the only way to make this work' Huuuh' *sigh*

On the other side....


The last words he picked up before being struck by immeasurable pain were

"Be strong, My Prince. To reward you and answer your last question. This young lady is called... Long Xue."



Dante looked down and saw that inside of the small space the power brought him to. A mass of flesh, bones, arteries, and blood was being congealed into thin air. As his golden-soul was currently being intergrated into the flesh and blood. It was an extremely horrifying process.

The blood was golden, radiating the rainbow as it flowed in circles around the flesh.

After a few moments, there was movement.

Starting from the center of the space, the flesh began to form into three interconnected hearts.

A left, middle, and center heart. They looked as if they were human hearts but evolved to the maximum limit.

The Calamity Origin Lord blood slowly stopped moving from its rotating pattern and shoved itself inside of the three hearts.

When the last drop was placed rooted inside of the flesh. A reaction started to take place in the room.

Huge injections of raw spiritual essence and Qi were constantly being flushed into the mass of meat, starting a metamorphosis.

With each pulse of energy the pain increased, until it was too much to bare. Making his true-soul enter into a state of forced unconciousness.

After an unknown amount of time passed felt he finally witnessed what would be his new self in this world.

And for nearly thirty minutes after that his hovering golden soul did not move in shock.

'I-I-Is this really me? Is that lady sure she didn't mess up? I think that there will be no living being immune to my charms anymore. Yes... how perfect. With my unlimited charisma personality, and this unlimited power body. YES! HAHAHAHAHAHA!'

While Dante was breaking into a lost fit of semi-truthful delusion, this time he was not bullshitting.

His brand new body which was standing front of him could truly be called an adonis for the ages. Man or woman would be in awe of his beauty.

From the nervous system, all the way down to each arm hair. It was a being that radiated perfection.


(Google King Leonidas from the movie '300', then imagine him, but with the description below)

The body had a towering frame of around six-foot six, two hundred twenty-five pounds. But it did not look disproportionate at all.

Dante's face was now a peerlessly handsome and valiant one. Sharp sword eyebrows hovered over his long eyelashes. His new jawline would put any beauty into heat. He also had exquisite muscles and body compisiton. The man looked as if every inch of his body was personally hand-crafted for battle. Dante's eight pack abs only added to that stigma.

His silky hair cascaded down to the middle of his back. It was eighty-percent midnight black, but throughout the long locks were random strands of gold and silver hair. It was naturally caused by his bloodline.

The most auspiscious of all, was that in the center of his chest was golden-silver 'symbol' in a language Dante had never seen before. But somehow he understood what this thing meant.

(Imagine YIN-YANG symbol but with Black & White Dragons eating each other instead of fish)


When he uttered out the word, his golden soul got washed with comfortable feeling.

He realized was his chest. It was now his own natural marking. A gift from the heavens! It was unknown how or why this appeared on this new frame, but Dante took it as a sign of blessing for his new life and start.

'When I merge into my new body, it should be the last step of this process. In this new world, I shall forge a new path!"

Making a small vow to himself, Golden-Ball Dante nervously flew into the forehead of his body.

Causing the the long and painful intergration process of merging his body and soul to begin the final process.

yo, the writing should improve a lot from now on,

whilst creating this chap. 1st and 3rd person, past and present tense clicked for me.

secondly, it has been pretty boring up to this point, but its only chap 5.

the next few chapters r gunna get interesting AF.

finally some battles and cultivation.

The next chapters should have a feeling of the characters saying it, instead of me just 'telling' you information to absorb.

this is hard


dvcescreators' thoughts