
Monarch of the Divine

A Celestial Beauty, with a voice sounding even sweeter than the moans she would one day let out, whispered softly in my ear before I sank into the darkness... "Be strong, My Prince. You must survive this challenge for us. As a gift...... this ladys name is Long Xue." ----- This is a story of Reincarnation. A story of growth. A story of love and lust. A story of battle and slaughter. After being thrown in a situation out of his control. A boy was cast into the dog-eat-dog world of cultivation, coming straight out of novels he has read. A world where infinite races, opportunity and endless beauties exist. A multitude of realms, factions, Old Monsters and Young Masters waiting to be slaughtered. This tale follows Dante the Peerless, but this is the tale before he was known as 'The Peerless'. Before he had the largest harem in the history of the Nine Heavens. Before he had swept through the 108 Layers of the Nether God Abyssal Realm. And long before he provided proof of his dominance to the eighteen holy lands in the Verdant Immortal Heavens. Watch as he evolves from a scared-traumatized boy into a realm conquering powerhouse man amongst men! [ Tags ] | Action | Harem | Adventure | Ecchi | Romance | Comedy | Overpowered | | Thicc | Loli | Milf | Humiliation | Dual Cultivation | Demons | Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero | Cunning MC | Exploration| Cultivation | Powerhouse | Old Monster | Milf | R-18 | Mature | Adult | Disclaimer; cover pick is only edited by me. - Idk if I will be releasing the smutty chapters on WN! So stay updated! Release schedule; DAILY! If I don't upload that day I probably had some IRL issues!

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13 Chs

// Chapter 4; Birthday Awakening 2/2


'Fuuccck, Ughhhh'

My chest feels as if its about to explode in my soul-form. I can't imagine what kind of damage this physco bitch caused to my actual body if its this painful in here.

Why is everyone in this world scum towards me? I just wanted to ask her to help me out and answer a few questions before those men come and get me and sacrifice me to their horny ancestors.'

"Little slave! Why did you try to sneak attack at me? Can't you speak? Or only growl at beautiful young ladies?"

'What is wrong with this woman? Did she just say growl?'


Dante tried to speak again and only a low beast moan came out.


'What the actual... Well that plan is gone. Not a chance I can use this voice meaning I cannot use my endless charisma to charm this naive beauty! Ah what a shame. I believe even in this hobbit body I would be able to put some game on her barbarian EE's!'

As Dante was lost in thought the lady stomped down once more causing a little shoot of blood to leave his mouth.



'I need to speed this up let me attempt to charade her for information then. Since she has barbarian intelligence and cant understand my new exquisite form of speaking that I developed with this broken throat. It will probably be more simple to do it this way instead! Bitch!'

After his eyes calmed down. Dante turned over and pushed her foot off his chest since she allowed him.

On the forest floor, Dante started drawing into the dirt with his finger. A pyramid symbol. Then he continued to horizontal lines seperating the top to bottom. Pointing at Slater, then pointing at the layers made on the pyramid, he tried asking the crazy tattoo-woman what level Slater was pyramid of power.

'Hopefully this bitch will be able to give me some solid information on the power system in this world. Slater is the guy who solo'd that big ass demon. I want to do something like that. And he definitely cannot be easily enslaved with that type of strength.'


As Tixie saw the human slave draw out some weirdly shaped drawing in the dirt. She was confused to what he was attempting to do.

But after she saw him create the layers and then point to Slater it became a lot more clear.

He was asking what cultivation level Slater is at. So Tixie realized this slave must have no information at all about the world and its power.

Not knowing it was weird for a 'puppet' to be asking questions, She felt mischievous.

'Heheh, why don't I give this little beggar slave some information to blow his mind! I can also show him how strong my love Slater is!'

'It seems he doesn't have a problem with listening somehow, only speaking. So I might as well just speak it to him. But he will have to earn it!'

With a devious smile, Tixie spoke up.

"Oh, Little Slave do you want to know how strong the man who killed the Maku Tyrant was? That was a Mid-True Mansion Realm demon."

As she said the name of the Maku along with the realm, she could see the little beggar's eyes light up with joy and excitement

She continued on, putting her small tattooed fingers on her red, plump lips.

"I can tell you wanted to know about cultivation levels. It seems you have no clue at all. Oh how unfortunate that is...."

Fluttering her eyelashes and sighing, she looked to the left and right as if she was deciding something important. Then a few moments later she looked down at him with a seductive grin.

"Well, If you crawl here and lick the bottom of my feet you little beggar slave, I'll explain the difference between your kind and ours."

As Dante looked up at this busty barbarian, his eyes filled with rage and bloodlust for a split second. It shocked the lady. However it was gone as soon it as was there, making her believe it was an illusion since this boy was dry of qi and under a slave seal.

Like he was under a spell, Dante had no control of his body but it naturally followed the order of a barbarian bloodline. He realized those with atleast tattoo authority can command him with any order, even if it was something crazy like killing himself.

He crawled over using only his hands he saw they looked extremely small in comparison to this lady.

As she saw him approaching, she lifted her small right foot in order to let him see the bottom of it, filled with dried up dirt, blood, and grime after the day of battle.

The little desperate tongue slowly started reaching towards her soles. But right when it was about to touch her heel, the lady pulled it back and delivered a full force qi-blast using her knee into the boys face.

Blood and teeth began spewing from the mouth of the boy as his eyes turned glazy from the force of the attack. His nose was crushed inward as his soul body tasted the sensation of iron and felt multiple teeth about to be swallowed back into his throat.

As he was seeing stars, the lady began speaking again.

"Disgusting, trash like you will never be able to touch even the bottom of my feet. Let that be the first lesson. Since you are so desperate and even went to the point of licking my feet. Let me explain the difference between him and you a dirty little slave. So just try to keep up because I won't be going in detail.

Your race, Humans, on the Fire Palace Continent are only for two things. Various types of slaves, battle, alchemy, sex, breeding, experiemental and for ingredients used by other races. It has been said on other continents, which no one has ever been to. Have a multitude of human civilizations and sects, but no one in our history has ever returned alive from venturing into the sea where they are supposedly found. So these are all old myths of the villages. The Elders' know much more than me.

There are three forms of cultivation. I cultivate Qi, using a Nature technique, since that is my affinity and I was blessed with a rank three bloodline. Right now I'm in the Third Stage of the Merdian passage Realm at twenty! So I'm one of the top in the generation for our village. The "

When she said that she was expecting him to be shocked with a large reaction since the village Council says she is a Heaven's chosen. But when she saw nothing out of him she was even more confused,

'Does he have no knowledge about the levels or is he just acting unimpressed by me? When I mentioned the True Mansion Realm, his eyes lit up! He must be playing it off. Hmph.'

"Anyways on the Fire Palace Continent, there are six known cultivation levels.

It starts with the Qi Manifestation realm. Then it goes to the Merdidian Passage Realm, which I am currently at. After this, is the Natal palace realm, these are most of the stronger people you see on this battlefield and they gain four-hundred years of lifespan at that stage. They all are masters who have been alive for decades if not hundreds of years to get that far. Everyone has specializations, but you wont learn about that in this lifetime regardless.

But even further, is the fabled True Mansion realm. There is Low, Mid, Top, and Peak levels of power in this realm. Each is a substantial difference. Only the elders in most villages and tribes have this realm of cultivation. The lifespan of these experts is up to seven-hundred and fifty years.

There is also of Slater, who you saw decapitated the demon in one stroke of his axe. He is a Top True Mansion realm expert who took only 21 years to reach that level. He is a once-in-a-milennium genius we can only look up to.

Do you understand the difference now, trash?"

As Dante absorbed the information, he just had a look of acceptance on his face.

'Atleast I know my goals now, there is no point of getting mad or angry anymore. I must just power on and hope for the best'

He saw from behind the green-haired woman, Captain Slater was walking over with long strides to retrieve him.

He tried moving his body but only gurgled on blood and teeth.

When the woman noticed Dante was trying to glare behind her. She quickly turned around to look at what he was staring at. When she realized who it was, a small blush came over her face faster than she turned around.

The small lady began nervously twisting her fingers expecting her crush to come and speak to her like the situations in her daydreams.

But, as she was waiting for him to say something, Slater continued to stride past her.

Confusion filled her face until it slowly transformed into became a scowl. She witnessed the Captain raise the small slave by the neck. Then proceed to carry him back to his own encampment.

The last of Dante's thoughts were grim as he was struggling to breath under the huge hands of the Demon-Slaying Barbarian.

As his eyes went white, both his real body and soul-form slid him into unconciousness once more.

DAY ??? - Sacrifice // DANTE'S COMPENDIUM 2/2 *END*


When Dante woke up again he saw his soul was still inside of the black space.

Immediately he willed his thoughts to control his body once more.

When he finally did he saw that he was sitting inside of a broken down home. Having been dropped off here, he noticed he was huddled in the corner. With only the sounds of breathing, wind, and the fireplace crackling on the night. In his hand he was some tinkering of some sort of small wooden object.

But what was really the odd thing about the situation is that.

He was not alone.

The starlight peering through the broken parts of the home along with the fireplace helped illuminate the features of the other two residents in the home.

The first was an old sickly man that was laying down on the bed. He had saggy-old wizened features, deep verdant green eyes, and an extremely large stature. Standing the man would probably be around six-foot eight or so. His upper body was massive and rippling with power. Arms and forearms looking like pythons, but his legs were completely deteriorated. By the looks of it he used to be a strong warrior, but now he was a cripple stuck in a bed.

The second man near the bed in the room had near identical features to the older man. It could be inferred that he was his son.

He stood at six-foot-six tall, around two-hundred fourty pounds, and his attire was only beast hides. Along his back was a massive broadsword nearly 8 foot in length. Even with his stature, the buster-sword made him look normal as it looked like just dropping it would cause enough damage to kill something. His forearms were like pythons, and his legs were stronger thicker and bigger than cattle.

As Dante was inspecting the father-son duo he heard the older man begin to speak with his eyes closed,

"Dominix, It appears our sacrifice has woken up. Would you like to take the honor of preparing it or shall I? This is a very special occasion for our tribe, as the Ancestor divined that if we sacrificed this troubled soul he would reward us greaty this season."

"Father Shadow! I can do it! Since Mother is gone and you are a cripple..... I must take the mantle of the man of the house! I will make sure he is prepared for the ritual tonite. You may oversee it!"

"Well then let's go my boy! It the time is soon and the Hemlock are waiting for our entrance!"

As Dante heard those words, He realized he was already being carried by the younger man Dominix outside of the home into village street.

His senses were flooded with loud celebration noises and cheering. The movement caused pain from yesterdays injury to jolt through his entire face.

But his little eyes looked up and saw that after a few minutes the green eyed Dominix eyes turned blood-red. Instead of running through streets was climbing him up a gigantic looking mayan temple.

The man started to glow in barbarian totem runes as he ascended the massive temple stairs. It seemed like thousands of barbarian tribesmen were chanting something in the crowd below seemingly cheering him on.

As soon as the now red-eyed man reached the top of the temple, which was a few thousand meters tall. The crowd erupted into howls of frenzy and craze.

Dominix walked up towards the peak of the temple and placed the horrified Dante onto a flat sacrificial platform.

It looked as if it was built to decapitate people, with his head facing the stairs. Showing off that his head will roll to the ground down them when it falls off.

It looked like one of those Mayan temples from horror movies, except it was built by giants.

'What the actual fuck is happening to me? PLEASE LET ME OUT OF THIS!!!'

'The three moons are directly shining down on me. Is this the Autumn Moon Festival? I'm being sacrificed to those old fogies in their fucking graves? Not a chance. Please let me escape this elven beauty goddess. This can't be real. I thought after all this time I would finally get a big break.'

As he looked around the platform he realized he was on a decapitation stone. When he dies his head will roll to the bottom like a sport while his blood drains off.

Looking up witnessing the three moons above him, he realized in this fantasy world. He is just a trash, a no one. This is not like the novels, he isn't a protagonist.

'I guess this is how I go out'

When to looked over to his left, he saw a VIP section. In the middle of a few hundred barbarians Danter managed to spot a table where a pregnant Vera was holding two small children with another in the belly. Next to her was Stone, looking towards him with a smug grin on his face.

Vera looked like she had aged 30 years, even though he has never seen her. He atleast expected her to be a young, cute beauty instead of old hag. He also saw Slater and the barbarian unit who brought him here guarding that section.

For some odd reason, he also saw Tixie looking at him with fire in her eyes seemingly angry.

The surroundings were starting to quiet down he turned his head back towards the Triplet Moons looking down on him from above.

Footsteps rang out near his ears as he turned his neck up as far as possbile. Only to see a group of mask and claoked giants approaching him. They were all wearing different symbolic animal figures in the shapes of totems and began to surround him.

Reminding him of those cringe-cults from parody movies back on earth.

The main figure of the giants was wearing a lion-shaped mask. He started yelling in a qi-enhanced voice to the tens of thousands of surrounding barbarians.

When he finished his speech, he conjured a massive black executioners scythe from thin air.

As Dante saw that, the thought of true death finally came across his mind.

'Well, here it is. After everything I've been through my Isekai experience is going to end with being enslaved, v*ginity stolen by huge women, experimented on and tortued for years until I was sacrificed by the physcopath cultist barbarians. Oh how I miss earth.... I might as well start praying to see if there is an afterlife...'

As he was hysterically talking to himself along with whatever and whoever would listen. The entire tribe of barbarians began to count down his death.




When the last word was uttered, the moons happend to be exactly lined up above the sacrifical temple perfectly. Illuminating with full force when Dante's blood would be sprayed.

It was also midnight on the dot, Dante's it was now 'eighteenth birthday' in this world.

The surrounding tribe of barbarians had a look of zeal and fervor in their eyes. Expecting the scythe and blood to sate their current hunger for bloodshed.

When the giant started bringing down the massive blade onto the tiny boys neck, the crowd erupted into cheers.

Dante opened his eyes to witness his last moments like a man and saw the black steel about to reap his life.

He heard a voice ring in his mind.

It was voice so beautiful it hat it caused his little brother to lose control, even right now, at the time of his inevitable death.

It sounded like heavenly lutes were calling his name, calling him home back to his family.

The voice started saying in a seductive tone,

"Well my Prince, you can't be leaving Elder Sister yet can you? You have been through so much. I'm sorry for leaving you for so long. It's time to take whats rightfully yours. How about you let me take over for now?"

He realized that he was ejected from his soul-form, now in full control of his body. But the voice was coming from inside of his head.

Without any better idea he quickly said,


'What the fuck is happening now?!?!?'

Out of nowhere, a strand of Monarch's aura was released from somewhere inside of his body.

A shockwave of the strongest cultivation in the universe spread on this lower plane from Dante's body.

It started with those barbarian giants closest to him. When the aura touched the scythe and executioner, his eyes warped into horror from behind his mask. Each of them being Soul Gathering Realm experts, were no more than ants infront of this power.

Before reacting, those giants immediately exploded into blood mist.

The shockwave continued by the passing through the VIP section. Then into the buildings, crowd, and city. Even going outside into the forest for as far as the eye could see.

Dante continued watching it with a shocked look as it continued absorbing life. He noticed that spread using his hobbit body as an epicenter.

When he realized that it was going to rebound back into his body he was filled with a horrified expression as death was going to come either way now. The surrounding fifty-kilometers was now a land of void of life.

He could not survive the energy of that many cultivators going back into his body.

But before he could get another thought out, the seductive voice rang out once more in his mind,

"Get ready my Prince, for your new life. You must endure this pain."

As the beauty in his brain said that. Dark multi-colored storm clouds began gathering above this area that was now void of life. It looked as if they were the legendary tribulation lightning clouds from the novels he read.

Dante was so mesmerized by the backdrop of death, blood, the triplet moons, and this lightning overhead he almost forgot that the aura would be returning to him soon.

When he looked down once more, he saw the aura which multiplied hundreds of times in size was soaring back up to him to merge inside him at the top of the platform.

As it touched the tip of his hobbit bodies forehead on the altar, he felt all of the lightning in the atmosphere strike down on him with the force to erase him.

'Why me? Even the heavens do not wish for me to live? I just wanted to see the beauty this world has to offer me and live a normal simple life. Why me? Go-'

His vision was filled with multi-colored light as the energy of five-hundred nuclear bombs erupted inside his body.

The lightning and Monarch aura returning to him multiplied the strength of one another.


This all took seconds but during this time Dante's tiny haggard hobbit body exploded into billions of pieces of blood mist as the surrounding area was turned into dust by one of the biggest explosions Blue Marsh Forest has ever seen in the last ten-thousand years.

Next chapter is the big boy powerups.

All the powerhouses are like. Wtf is that shiz?

Its just our MC about to come stomp ur sect out.

dvcescreators' thoughts