
The plan and meeting of geniuses

" And who might you be " The thin man asked me politely.

" Leader, this subordinate name is Kronos " I answered politely. I knew what type of person this guy is so I have to act accordingly.

" Kronos....oh yes....I have got your information too but weren't you supposed to 1st fir king how are 3rd tier currently " I chose not to answer....any of my personal question dont fall under his jurisdiction. Maybe he understood and didn't press me. The 5th tier guy was still here waiting without even looking at us even after plan started.

" oi...focus here kid " The only 4th tier king interrupted angrily cause of his non chalent attitude. I knew he was listening everything probably analyzing just like me but unlike me he wasnt looking at them but rather somewhere else. But he didnt even flinch

" stop it....cant you leader is still not finished " Burly man said angrily. A 5th tier king scolding a 4th tier, this is strength. He is the baronate and the thin guy is Descendent of the golden crow named ' Cranve ' And it's a fake one.

" Its almost finished....let's not fight like here like idiots among ourselves. Besides leader I think we should choose the north side of the building if we have options besides we have to use decoys along with... ." I dont have much time anyway....so I quickly tried to resolve the matter as I told my plan

" I agree too.....it will help us secure a escape route and I would like to add smoke bombs...along with dark coats... " That guy said again. I knew he was listening many plans. And then he started his own theory and I realized his plan was complementing mine and making it even sophisticated. And just for knowledge, I am gifted in making plans so he is a completely a genius in this aspect to make improvements in my plans.

" He is right....how about we also hire assassins so that even if we fail we could get out....along with date.....we should choose that on the day city festival for ' Goddess of crops ', it's way better to blend in crowd " I added unhurridly. At this point....its Just me and him talking. Original plan has been long thrown away.

" I agree with kronos. How about we make it something like Halloween, it could help us greatly. Once we are gone, its impossible for us to find " As agreed...of you are with someone of same intelligence its rather interesting. Although the plan is complex but if everyone just do their simple parts....its gonna be finished rather easily.

' ok..I take it back...hehe he isn't an idiot in every aspect. But Halloween, but man you just revealed your identity as Earthling ' I sneered inside.

" Amazing you two are good. Chen, kronos I will try to promote both of you after I am back. " I admit not every leader would like to take an entire plan from their subordinate...they consider it disrespectful. So I guess it's just his culture for his last weirdness.

" I thank leader " Both of us said simultaneously. While I put my hand in chest horizontally as a proper military style...chen cupped his fists.

'A Chinese....not bad, So they have a strategist and at a monster that whose potential compares to me...' Simple deductions isnt a very difficult for me cause of my heightened senses.

The plan is to kidnap the Kid and cranve will her natal weapon in her own body as a vessel for time being. Supposedly they have some ways at headquarter to preserve it. I made my decision as I now knew I am gonna go all the way to the headquarters and according to mission The better the information, the better the reward.

" Let's do it five days from now on " this plan was finished just as mine.

" Good job " Chen walked up and gave me a nod.

" you too....see you later ' sima yi ' " I just nodded as I said playfully and I could see him visibly shaking. And this is when I first thought ' maybe its gonna be fun playing with these geniuses '. I chuckled inside as I moved in my room. Besides I am pretty sure that guy trying to negotiate with me today or probably kill me if possible. In my peer, I may not be strongest in the world...I am pretty sure I have most chances of survival if you exclude ' Ava ', she is better than me since I am pretty sure...I can never outran or rather kills saints while still in human relam but she must would have paid considerably too.

When I was still doing shadow boxing with my "Rentless soft martial arts", I called Ava.....it was for the mission I mean it was mostly, this has been going on for some days now. Every night both of us would talk about various things for hours, our beliefs, our knowledge, our goal, about our past. Actually both of us has a rather common past considering she was graduating this year and I did a year ago. A middle class family, a common family, and its hardships. Maybe we are common than I thought but she is still the most talented person in the world, what if I will fall behind but I shook my thought as I am not to type to sulk over these things. I prefer to do more hard work, this will make me more realistic and also will distract my mind from wandering aimlessly.

" Hey Raj....so what are you doing " I heard Ava a bit nervous voice again. My mood became good as I started telling her about my plan. As always we were still talking as I heard a voice.

" Ava....I have a visitor. I will talk later " I said calmly.

" ok....tell me if you need any help " Help....some peoples takes it on their pride including me , why would I go around asking for favors if not life threatening situations. Some hypocrites said this ' Male pride ' , I say it ' my pride '. It didn't matter if I am a man or a woman....I still will have that pride even if I am a worm let alone someone of my caliber. At any rate, I knew the name of the guy I am dealing with tonight.

Name:- Wang chen

Position:- Vice leader of ' Divine wolf ' team

Leader of the team :- Fang yuan ( Nickname:- The devil ).





hehe.....finally at this point. I will keep introducing peoples as story moved on.

spoiler alert☆☆☆☆☆ This guy is gonna be one of the important members of Nine step alliance.

This organization Nine stop alliance is my dream to imbued in my story. you will like it too I am pretty sure. I did an awful lot of work for that.

and again I am open to as always....guys so you are free to suggest.

lordblanckcreators' thoughts