
Monarch Of Shadows In Douluo(Rewritten)

Arlos a weeb from modern times gets reincarnated in the world of Douluo Dalu with martial of the shadow monarch and a system to help him ---------------------------------------------------------- This version shadow monarch is a version I think is more suited for soul land so I modified it but the core abilities are the same but he won't be using a dagger but something more interesting

OrderofArmageddon · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Ch-10 Yuze's doubts

suddenly all the three of them pointed their fingers at Yuze.



'I mean I did break the table but I'm the victim here'

"He tried to block me from entering the classroom and it was him who tried to punch me first so it was self-defence." Yuze said with a warm smile on his face.

The teacher looked at the golden-haired boy and said "how many times have I told you not to do something stupid but you will never listen, you know right, that your grandfather has given me the right to punish you as I see fit. 10 rounds around the field after the class."

" But I was the one who got beaten and now am getting punished, this is not fair" he spoke while tears rolled down his cheeks.

'it's weird, he is tough, a lot tougher than someone of his age should be. I hit him quite hard and so did the girl but as I can see he has already recovered totally. All the marks on his face were gone and his abdomen where I kicked had also recovered, what an insane physical recovery. But he's still crying, I guess he's really just a crybaby. The girl is also weird. Her physical strength is quite astonishing but that's not even the weird part; her soul power is unique, it has an edge to it.' Yuze was in deep thoughts trying to analyse some things.

Yuze had already noticed that many things have changed from the original plot. Qian Xunji was already dead just a year before he was born but there were no records of him fighting Tang Hao nor was there any news of Tang san being born. So Yuze came to the conclusion that he was born before the story line began.

With the introduction of characters that were never a part of the original plot he was sceptical about the world he was in. So he asked his system if it knew something.

'Arlos why are so many things different in this world? "

*Due to your presence in this world it was enough to change it in a certain degree which in turn brings forth some changes

Also the world needs to maintain a power balance to work. One individual can't have too much power as it'll offset the balance*

'Wait wait wait…you said the world maintains its balance but Tang San was never a balanced character he was too overpowered to begin with and his opponents were strong but they never felt that strong in front of him. It always looked like others had to use some underhanded tactic to overpower him.'

*That is true as the power of the world couldn't detect Tang San. The gods made sure he wasn't discovered by the world till he became a god.*

'Those hectic bastards. They really conspired the whole thing. And after Tang San takes the throne he'll also start conspiring his plans so that no one else can be a threat to his position.

I wouldn't mind anything as long as they wouldn't cause me trouble but I don't think they'll leave me alone. Last night the death invading was there work right? Arlos'

*.....Yes it was them trying to sabotage you in a convincing way.

But you don't need to worry about them doing it again for quite a while.*

'Why is that ?'

*Someone is preventing them from using more power. And if they try to force it the power of the world would know and take action and they surely don't want that.*

'Things are getting interesting now.'

As Yuze was having a conversation with his system the teacher looked towards Yuze and spoke

"I'm Yun Guo, a level 86 Spirit Douluo. I'm a member of the sword clan and my spirit is Dragon blade."

He then took the blade around his waist in his hands, it was a black and blue sword with a dragon head as its crossguard. And the blade came out from the mouth of the dragon.

As he held the sheathed with both his hands it almost looked like a normal blade with almost no aura but as soon as he started to unsheathe it, the aura around him spiked up. As he unsheathe it thunder started forming around the blade illuminating the whole room in bright blue colour, crackling sound came from his blade.

Eight spirit rings started rising from his feet. 2 yellow, 2 purple and 4 black, the last one reaching ninety thousand years old.


'He's stronger than I thought him to be. He'll at least reach hyper Douluo with that much talent and the sheer quality of his martial soul. And if he manages to get a hundred thousand year old ring as his 9th spirit ring he'll surely reach level 99, Yuze thought to himself.

Guo looked towards the three old students and said "Let me introduce the new student to you all. He's Mei Yuze, grandson of Ghost douluo and discipline of the Pope he is innately full soul power and has two martial souls, Shadow Monarch a beast and body martial soul with extreme darkness, death and thunder attributes and Kusarigama a weapon Martial soul suitable for both control and offence it also has extreme death, darkness, thunder and piercing attributes. He is 6 years old but at level 16 and closing on 17.

Grand worship has specially instructed you all to keep his dual Martial soul a secret. He let you all know it earlier cause he wants you all to work together to bring glory to the Spirit Hall. Now you all introduce yourself to Yuze. "

Zhi jumped from her bench and landed beside Yuze and started to jump around him and spoke

" It's soo awesome you're innately full of soul power and have two martial souls. Why don't you fight me? I want to see them. "

Seeing that Yuze wasn't showing any reaction she pouted and started whining and started shaking Yuze

"Don't ignore me fight me fiiight meeeee"

But all her efforts were wasted as Yuze just looked out the window, completely ignoring her existence. But then suddenly the girl fell on the ground laughing and rolling around. It was caused by none other than instructor Guo who was laughing weirdly and tickling Zhi till she couldn't start crying. And He just stood there with his hands around his waist laughing goofily.

'What the hell one phycho was already enough but the instructor is also the same where the fuck did I end up oh my god.' Yuze put a hand on his forehead and regretted joining the academy.

"Stop playing around you two. And instructor Guo, I think you have a class to take ." Zimo spoke.

" You're no fun Zimo. "

" You're no fun Zimo. "

Both of them spoke in unison.

Then Zimo looked at Yuze and spoke

"I'm Lui Zimo, grandson of Glowing Feather Douluo, the fifth worship, my Martial spirit is Glowing Feather Bow with an innate soul power of 9. I'm now 7 years old and at level 17."


As Zimo spoke the others also calmed down and started introducing themselves.

"I'm Luan Zhi, my grandpa is the third worship, Green Luan Douluo. My Martial soul is Green Luan and innate soul power is also 9. I'm 7 years old and my spirit level now is 17." Zhi spoke.


After her the golden hair boy spoke, he was already fully recovered and not crying anymore

"I'm Dan Shizi, grandson of the fourth worship, the Lion Douluo. My Martial spirit is Golden Demonic Lion, my innate soul power is also 9. I'm 7 years old and have 17 ranks in soul power.


'All these three are monsters' was the thought that came into Yuze's mind.


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