

Ren Ji, the Dark God, found a treasure in the endless Void. The treasure resets his cultivation and his life to the beginning. Join him as he re-experiences life from the Mortal realm.

Hikori · Ost
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27 Chs

Ch. 3 Inheritance Grounds

Arriving at their destination, nothing was there, only the endless Void.

Knowing what was next they fused their energies together creating a ring of elements half gold and half black


the ring solidified and in the center of it a door appeared.

"You first GramGram" Kekeke laughing to himself thinking he was being witty he raised his arm allowing his beloved to go first.

"this gram gram is gonna teach you a lesson when u reset in your new physique" Fei Ji said seeming angry but all words spoken with love

As they both entered a landscape even more majestic than any Gods palace appeared before them. A singular sun and moon hung in the sky, spirit plants sprouting through the ground as far as the eye could see! A simple 100m pavilion in the middle of everything shown.

They stepped into the pavilion and coincidentally took a deep breath at the same time.

'It never ceases to amaze me. coming here and seeing the things one could only dream to see' -Ren

"So shall we get to it wifey?"

"Ahh well since you're so impatient we may as well hubby"

Having gone over what the plan was after his restart. They walked towards their destination

Seated in a room meant for cultivation, Ren took out the monolith and started the technique.

Pain. unbearable pain of losing his Godhood and cultivation base. his soul bearing pain that no being could withstand. a flash of mysterious light appeared.


Bones, flesh and energy rampaged about in this light storm for minutes.



Fei Ji looked around for her hubby only to see a newborn baby...

"Uhhh what the f*ck" A beauty who rarely swore stood still on the spot looking at this child.

Eyes with every color in the universe in a spiral and an air of mysteriousness around him, his hair had changed to pure white, the only quality he had left was the solidified darkness between his brows.

"Oh hubby, if I knew it was like this I would've told you that I'm-"


Cries sounded out. Shaking the realm they created with their energies.

Fei Ji approached the 'newborn' and swooped him into her arms.

"there there, don't cry GramGram will take care of you"

"Hehehehe" The baby started laughing as spittle sprayed from his mouth.

"From now on i'm Momma Ji" Evilly smiling at her transformed hubby Fei was just thinking of how to raise him so his head was screwed on straight.

"Well it's time for us to start your journey Ren'er"

Knowing there was no point in staying in the god realm and being questioned by beings who could sneeze and take the life of her hubby they set off.

Tearing through space to reach the immortal realm then pausing.

'Should I raise him here or make him begin in the mortal realm?' she pondered for a moment until she tried to think like he would.

'Peh this idiot started as a mortal and would never take a handout from anyone. I'll make him suffer in the mortal realms until Nascent soul'


Tearing through layers of space, Momma Ji walked through with baby Ren and began to look for a suitable planet.

'Too many beasts'

'Too hot'

'Ooooh this one.. nevermind everyone has 1/200th of the same gene in them.. freaky sh*t there'

This sounded like a long process but all it took was one glance from her to search the entire mortal realm'

'This is the one!!' she excitedly thought.

Flying through space until floating above a deep blue planet with 7 land masses.

'This place's cultivation system is completely backwards but it has plenty enough spiritual qi to birth a unity expert'

She flew towards a landmass while concealing herself and baby Ren.

'This place seems ok' Fei never looked down on any mortals nor stereotyped anyone based on their cultivation

They entered the great land of China! Fei decided that until he was ready to go to school she would raise him herself. alone in the mountains until. It came.

Cultivation can start at newborns but those beings would need to be birthed from a higher existence. Ren may have been a higher existence but he had mortal roots.

Mortals have to wait until their body is sturdy enough to cleanse their meridians and strengthen their body. usually around the age of 15.

Her plan was to raise him to 5 and then take him to a nice city to be educated until the age of 15 then act in secret and give him a decent cultivation technique that could allow him to body refine and cultivate qi.

'he had astounding talent prior to this reset and now.. there should be nobody above him' Fei thought