

Ren Ji, the Dark God, found a treasure in the endless Void. The treasure resets his cultivation and his life to the beginning. Join him as he re-experiences life from the Mortal realm.

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27 Chs

Ch. 17 Cold Shoulder

Entering the registration building, Ren and Meng saw 3 receptionists at the counter. The lady on the right had a chubby face but seemed very gentle and caring. The middle one had a face like a ghoul, dark circles around her eyes that seemed to look right into your soul. The left one was much younger than the other two but had this aura that made her seem unapproachable.

Ren weighed his options and looked at Meng "Let's choose different people so we get this done as soon as possible."

"Mn" she nodded.

Ren walked straight ahead to the lady in the middle. "Hello Auntie, I'm here to register as a disciple of the sect! Here is my verification slip."

The ghoul lady gave him a sharp look but upon seeing the slip her entire face changed. She sweetly smiled at Ren and then said "Little Ren you are very talented for your age. Very handsome as well. I'm Xun Zhi, you can call me Auntie Zhi. Here are your robes and this is a map of the housing available for gold disciples."

"Thanks Auntie Zhi! Can I live with my Sister?" Ren cupped his fists in thanks

"Of course you may" Auntie Zhi replied with a doting smile


Meng decided to walk to the right and choose the Chubby Auntie. "Excuse me Elder, I'm here to register as a disciple" MengMeng handed her the slip and waited for a response.

The chubby lady's face twisted as she shrieked "What did you just call me? Elder? Peh, get out of my sight brat"

"I apologize if i offended you Ma'am" Meng lowered her head

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? SCRAM!!" the fat lady swung her hand towards Mengs face


"Mind your tone when speaking with my sister" Ren clenched the fat lady's wrist and snapped it.

"YOU'RE BOTH DEAD" The fat lady released Late Earth stage strength and wielded a sword with her free arm.

At this point Ren was troubled. It wouldn't take much to eliminate the threat but the repercussions would certainly get him expelled from the sect.

As the fat lady swung her sword at Meng and Ren a domineering voice sounded out "Elder Gu if you continue you may not live to see another day"

Elder Gu's knees went weak as the sword in her hand dropped to the floor. She turned to her right and saw Elder Zhi staring her down with an icy cold look.

Ren had retreated with Meng and had her stand behind him then thanked Auntie Zhi with a nod and smile.

Elder Zhi commanded "Get out of my sight. You will be punished according to sect rules later"

"Y-yes Elder Zhi" Elder Gu was shaking as she left the registration building. Before she left she shot a cold look at Meng and Ren.

Ren looked back and glared at her as his eyes went pitch black. He quietly spoke in a voice only she could hear as she passed "Don't get any ideas as the day you do will be your last"

Her body trembled looking at his eyes gave her the feeling of death. She quickly left after that.

Auntie Zhi said to Meng "You can be helped by the disciple on your left, I have to report this incident to the punishment elders. Goodbye Little Ren, We will meet again soon" Elder Zhi patted his head as she walked past.

"Bye bye Auntie Zhi!" Ren gave a bright smile at this kind auntie

Meng, still shaken by Elder Gu's actions, was comforted when Ren took her hand and led her to the disciple on the left.

"Hello senior sister, here is my slip"

"No need for formalities, we are both gold disciples" she said after looking at the gold slip then added "My name is Huang Feng, you may call me Sister Feng if you please"

"Oh, ok. You can call me Sister Meng" Mengmeng said with a smile

"That's right! I want to stay with my little brother. Do you know a good house that is spacious enough for the two of us?" Mengmeng added

"Ehh? Well you are siblings so it doesn't really matter.. How about here?" Sister Feng said while pointing at a spot on the map then continued "This place is isolated from the rest of the sect, you don't have any neighbors within a kilometer.. But rumor has it that the place is haunted. It's up to you! There are plenty of other houses with multiple rooms but none that will have the privacy of that place."

"We will take that place!" Ren and Meng spoke at the same time then looked at each other and laughed.

"Haha, alright here are robes for you Sister Meng, and here is the key to that place" Sister Feng finished then sat back down at the counter

"Thank you Sister Feng! I hope to meet again soon! Meng said

Ren and Meng walked out of the building hand in hand. They made their way to the house according to the map. They had yet to put their robes on so some people gave them weird glances.

"Hey you, What are you doing here?" A man walked over with a posse of silver disciples tailing behind him.

"We just registered with the sect and are on our way to the house we have chosen" Ren said flatly

"I wasn't talking to you brat" the man looked down on Ren

"Hmph. you're the one acting like a brat." Ren shot back with a fierce look

The man sneered at those words but then his face turned gentle as he spoke towards Meng "Hello beautiful, My name is Ma Zhong. I'm a Gold disciple, would you accompany me to dinner?"

Mengmeng simply snorted and turned away.

A vein could be seen popping from Ma Zhong's forehead as he said again " I asked if you would accompany me to dinner? If you don't answer I'll take it as a yes" lust could clearly be seen in his eyes.

"Ren'er lets leave" Meng pulled his hand towards the direction of their assigned house

"Not so fast" Ma Zhong reached towards Meng's shoulder

Meng could sense him trying to grab her through spirit sense. When he was less than 10cm away from her she spun around and kicked upwards, sending his future generations into the sky.

"I'm not interested in you nor will I be forced to accompany you, learn your place or pay the price" Meng spoke in a voice so cold it gave chills to Ma Zhong's followers. They all desperately fled the scene.

"Nice kick Meng'er!"

"Mn, his ancestors are cursing at him. His actions ended his family line."


Far away from the scene of the altercation, Elder Zhi watched as Meng delivered a fatal blow to Ma Zhong. 'I can't say he didn't deserve it.. But that was ruthless. I must take notes to never offend that girl'

As she was thinking inwardly she noticed Ren looking at her as he gave her a wink and continued on with Meng towards their house.

'H-he noticed me?!' Elder Zhi was shocked as she started to fidget with her hands nervously.