

Chahat is a very lovely girl she is an orphan yes she is an orphan in everyone's Eyes but the reality is different only she knows the reality, That she is not an orphan let's join the journey to know why she is spending an Orphan life.

nakshatha · Allgemein
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140 Chs


Jay sent one of his friend to get some snacks, tia, chahat and sat in one corner of auditorium, match started.

juniors were also participated in the game. the handsome hunk of juniors was on jay's team. Match was very interesting both team gave tough game for each other. But the winning team was ansh'a team.


Looser's, Looser's, .... Looser's… Naa nana naana. Naa nana naana. Punched. The boy who was teasing he was punches by one of the apposite team boy.

You… Ryan KE bacce how dare you punch me. Following that a huge fight started, each team was pulling, punching, pushing each others.

Jay and ansh gave look to each other.

They also started to exchange some punch, by their strength and style it's obvious that they both got proper training.

After some blow they each stopped. turned to their teams.

boys stop.

let's go.

They both controlled their own team.

These two teams has their own strength, usually they use against each other.

Kia — Jay I know you come out as a looser it may be influence from trashes she sees tia and chahat.

Jay you must be tired you can have this. She offers strawberry milk shake.

Thank you but no thanks. He rejects her drink.

Jay a new pub is opened accompany me we can enjoy together.

Enjoyment that to with you its like a dream says tia. Everyone laughs.

Not interested, said Jay.

Kia stamps her feet in frustration.