

Chahat is a very lovely girl she is an orphan yes she is an orphan in everyone's Eyes but the reality is different only she knows the reality, That she is not an orphan let's join the journey to know why she is spending an Orphan life.

nakshatha · Allgemein
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140 Chs

In everyone eyes the girl went inside for an interview

Chahat was called inside the cabin for the interview, as expected there was no one other than Mr. Jaiswal. according to everyone, the girl went inside for an interview. As soon as chahat entered the cabin she took the candidate's file and greeted Mr. Jaiswal as she sat on the sofa. she watched the video of those candidates, who gave an interview.

Mr. Jaiswal as I told before "this is to fill the place for the person who will work alongside in my absence. the candidates who gave interviews till now I am not satisfied, they don't have the spark of a leader who will take their team to a new hight".

She keeps the files aside and sits leisurely "As I told before I will be not available after some time to handle anything here I will be leaving this place once I finish my work here, so the person who will take my place after my departure should be honest, knowledgeable, the person should not see any work as a small one,

they should know how to keep his words in unique technic, as the first impression is the best impression. Last but not least he or she should know the presence of mind, they should know how to enjoy the present, then only the can build the future.

"For now along me finalize two candidates, time will itself who will be good for this post". I believe (Dane Dane pe likka hotaa hai Kane wale ka Naam) the name of the eater will be written on each grain.

Uncle as for the information of the company which is interested in investing in our company is it ready.

"Yes, here you go, he hands a file to chahat.

She reads it, this is all you got, it looks as if everything is good and we can proceed with this project.

"Is there any progress from their end?" chahat questioned.

"Yes, they want to meet us around this week".