

Del looked at the clock in his hand. 1900 Hours. Yup, he needed to forge a fake sick letter. There would be no way for him to arrive at Sneggor before tomorrow. What were they doing? What kind of major operation did they partake in? They arrived two hours ago, but it seemed that they also captured a lot of POWs from the imperial side from their cargo aircraft. 

He was sitting down on a bench overlooking the landing strips. Behind him was the ATC and command center of the air force base. He was waiting alongside Mira. Anna was transporting the captured "prisoners" into the prison. 

"You know, this is the first time I've been here," Mira said. 

"I know."

"Why do you bring me here? Are you really trusting me this much?" Mira asked. 

"Am I? Perhaps I don't trust you, but to be honest, after these past few months, it seems that you don't have any intention to betray us or anything."