
Modern Sage:The Daoist Path

In modern-day Shanghai, Li Wei, a talented yet disillusioned software engineer, finds himself yearning for something more meaningful in life. Despite his professional success, he feels unfulfilled and disconnected. During a visit to an ancient Daoist temple, he stumbles upon a hidden chamber and discovers a mysterious jade amulet. Upon touching it, he activates a mystical system that begins communicating with him through his smartphone and dreams, guiding him towards the teachings of the Dao. As Li Wei immerses himself in Daoist philosophy, he experiences profound personal transformations. His newfound calmness, wisdom, and compassion catch the attention of his colleagues, leading him to start a blog and social media channels to share his journey. His teachings quickly attract a small but dedicated following, inspiring others to seek spiritual growth in the bustling, modern world. However, Li Wei’s rising influence does not go unnoticed. A powerful corporate executive, threatened by the shift away from a profit-driven culture, launches a smear campaign against him, casting doubt on his credibility. Amidst the backlash, Li Wei struggles with self-doubt and the pressure to reconcile his career with his spiritual mission. Just as he is on the verge of losing everything, Li Wei has a profound mystical experience facilitated by the system, where he deeply comprehends the interconnectedness of all things and the essence of the Dao. Empowered by this revelation, he addresses the public with unparalleled wisdom and serenity, dismantling the executive’s schemes and gaining widespread support. In the end, Li Wei successfully balances his professional life with his role as a modern sage. His teachings resonate far and wide, bringing ancient Daoist wisdom to the digital age and helping countless individuals find peace and purpose in their lives. His journey from a lost engineer to a revered teacher exemplifies the timeless relevance of the Dao in the contemporary world.

WorldsEclipsed · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
30 Chs

Chapter 8:The Dao of Office Pranks and Dragon Politics

### Chapter 8: The Dao of Office Pranks and Dragon Politics

The next morning, Li Wei dragged himself out of bed, feeling the weight of his chaotic life pressing down on him. Dragons, Dao points, and the prospect of another dinner with the Long family loomed large in his mind. To top it all off, he still had to navigate another day at TechnoCorp.

As he entered the office, Chen greeted him with a sly grin. "Morning, Li Wei! You look like you could use a laugh. How about we pull a little prank on Mr. Zhang to lighten the mood?"

Li Wei's curiosity piqued. "What did you have in mind?"

Chen revealed a small remote control. "I rigged Mr. Zhang's chair with a whoopee cushion. It's the old-school stuff, but it's classic."

Despite his worries, Li Wei couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright, let's do it. I could use a laugh."

They waited for Mr. Zhang to step out of his office for his usual mid-morning coffee run. When the coast was clear, Chen and Li Wei sneaked in and carefully placed the whoopee cushion on Mr. Zhang's chair. Then they hurried back to their desks, barely containing their laughter.

Moments later, Mr. Zhang returned, plopped down in his chair, and—


The entire office fell silent for a split second before erupting into laughter. Mr. Zhang's face turned bright red as he stood up, glaring around the room. Chen and Li Wei did their best to look innocent, but their stifled giggles gave them away.

"Alright, who's the comedian?" Mr. Zhang barked, though even he couldn't suppress a small smirk.

Chen raised his hand. "Guilty as charged, sir. Just thought we could use a laugh."

Mr. Zhang shook his head, but his expression softened. "Fine, fine. Just make sure it doesn't happen again, or I'll have to dock your pay for emotional distress."

As the office settled back into its routine, Li Wei's phone buzzed with another message from the Dao System. "Reminder: Dinner with the Long family tonight. Be prepared."

Li Wei sighed. "Thanks for the reminder, Dao System. I'll need all the help I can get."

When evening came, Li Wei found himself standing outside the Long family mansion once again. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Xiaoli answered, her face lighting up with a smile.

"Li Wei, come in! We're so glad you could make it."

As he stepped inside, Li Wei noticed a new addition to the mansion's decor: an enormous portrait of a dragon in full regalia, perched above the fireplace. It was both majestic and intimidating, a reminder of the Long family's true nature.

Dinner was another lavish affair, but this time, there was an undercurrent of tension. Mr. Long seemed preoccupied, and Xiaoli kept casting anxious glances at him. Li Wei tried to make small talk, but it was clear something was up.

Finally, Mr. Long cleared his throat. "Li Wei, there's something important we need to discuss. As you know, our family is... unique. We are dragons, and with that comes certain responsibilities."

Li Wei nodded, trying to look serious despite the absurdity of the situation. "I understand. What kind of responsibilities?"

Mr. Long leaned forward. "We are facing a political crisis within the dragon community. There are factions vying for power, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain peace. As someone who has shown great kindness and understanding, we believe you can help us navigate this turmoil."

Li Wei blinked. "Me? What can I do?"

Xiaoli smiled reassuringly. "You've already shown great wisdom, Li Wei. We believe your human perspective, combined with your Daoist teachings, could bring a new balance to our community."

Li Wei's mind raced. Dragon politics? This was beyond anything he had prepared for. But before he could voice his concerns, his phone buzzed with another message from the Dao System.

"New mission: Assist the Long family in resolving their political crisis. Rewards: Significant Dao points."

Taking a deep breath, Li Wei nodded. "Alright, I'll do my best. But I'm going to need some guidance."

Mr. Long's expression softened with gratitude. "Thank you, Li Wei. We'll start with a tour of our community and introduce you to key figures. Xiaoli will accompany you."

As they walked through the grand halls of the mansion, Xiaoli and Li Wei fell into a comfortable conversation. Despite the bizarre circumstances, Li Wei felt a growing connection with her.

"So," Li Wei began, "any tips on dealing with dragon politics?"

Xiaoli laughed. "Just be yourself, Li Wei. Your honesty and humor will go a long way. Plus, dragons appreciate a good laugh, just like humans do."

As they reached the entrance to the dragon community, Li Wei took a deep breath. He was about to dive headfirst into a world of ancient creatures and their complex politics. But with Xiaoli by his side and the Dao guiding him, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And who knew? Maybe he'd even manage to lighten up the dragon court with a few well-placed whoopee cushions.