
(1) Enter Main Character

A swirl here. A pop there. Rainbows of light and confetti made from water. That's how it was every day at Majick Place, a high school for the best of Maji. Dazzling tricks and mind-boggling illusions, not to mention epic fails and not-so-epic failures. There was a fair amount of Majick coming from everyone, their auras bright, but the brightest...

Was Ira.

Ira Ehss, the descendant of Fuory, the original Maji, the Creator of Majick, the first to possess the Majistone. Being the great-great-great-great (and many, many more greats later) nephew of the First Maji, of course he would possess great power. He was the brightest student at Majick Place (figuratively and literally), Ira is undefeated in duels, gets perfect scores on everything, and he masters spells much faster. Not to mention how he has mastered every basic element and several simple mixed elements. But he wasn't always like this...

Ok, our actual story starts a while back, a few days before Ira goes to Majick Place. He lives in this sucky apartment, alone with his foster brother, and follows his morning routine. He groggily gets out of bed and releases a big sigh as he slowly walks towards his bathroom, still half asleep. His alarm makes that depressing beeping noise while he splashes his face and brushes his teeth. Aced is in the living room with a cup of coffee, watching the news.

"Hey, what time is it?" Ira inquires, a heavy slur in his voice.

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty. Seems you slept 'til lunchtime. I kept trying to wake you up, but you're a heavy sleeper. Your alarm went off several times and I was tempted to toss a bucket of water on you." Aced takes a sip of his coffee as he watches R frantically get ready for the day as he always does. When R looks at the clock, it's only 8:27. His ears twitch and he looks at Aced, a look of pure hatred, and throws a plastic Tupperware at him from the kitchen (Really? Tupperware? He couldn't use a fork, or a pan, or literally anything else in the kitchen that wasn't plastic?). Aced holds up a finger and the plastic container stops mid-air, then suddenly, the plastic leftover box flew back at R and hit him square in forehead, knocking him over (First throwing a plastic box and then having that same plastic box knock him over? How is someone that bad?!).

When Ira gets himself up off the disgusting, dust-ridden floor of the small apartment kitchen, Aced is on the couch laughing his ass off.

"C'mon Aced, why are you so mean?" Ira immediately thought of the song "Rude".

"'Cuz it's funny? Why else?" Another fit of laughter.

"Oh, ha ha, very funny, smart-ass." Under his breath, he mumbled something about him, ahem, "being more like a dumbass." He poured himself a cup of hot coffee and grabbed the Snickers creamer from the fridge.

"Le gasp. Such vulgar language. You're gonna be a high school drop-out and you're gonna end up living on the streets, like those old hobos in the movies." He flipped a few channels before deciding to go back to the news.

"Hey, now, don't go shaming hobos! At least they don't have to deal with rude brothers that throw things at 'em." A dash of sugar and a sip of deliciousness as he walked into the living room, tail tailing behind him (pun intended) and ears twitching.

"Oh, stop. You know you love it."

"Welp, I guess you're a little right. Also, speaking of high school, when am I supposed to go to Majick Place? I start on Monday, correct?" Ira asked Aced as he sat down next to his brother.

"So you enrolled?"

"Well, of course I did. It's only natural, being a descendant of the first Maji and all. Plus, you've been helping me practice my Majick, so..." He trailed off and took another sip of coffee.

"Yes, you're quite right. Yea, I think you start on Monday. What do you want for breakfast?" Aced finished his coffee and rinsed out his cup.

"I can get down with anything. But I wouldn't mind Tamago Kake Gohan. That delicious egg... That " His mouth was drooling a bit from the corner and his eyes were shining as if his eyes were sheet metal reflecting the sun. I would say it was unknown why if Majick wasn't real, but this is a fantasy world full of talking animals and people with Majick powers.

Aced scoffed as he walked out of the front door and down the stairs to his scooter (the vehicle, not the sucky little child toy). Ira almost immediately fell asleep, sprawled across the couch.

Hey there! A little bit of a disclaimer. I DID NOT create the cover art. Just putting that out there. Another disclaimer, this chapter is specifically an introduction to the Furry World, and the main character of it. The cool crap with all the fighting will be later. It may be a while until the release of the next chapter because I have a lot to do. I apologize for that. Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoy my book. Please, tell me what you think about it. Thanks!

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