
Modern Human Lord in Another World

Demon Lord in the modern earth? Well, How about a Human Lord reincarnation to another world? Born in 1880-08-18, he’s a living legend, the one who starts world wars, the one who invented nuclear weapons, the one who advanced technologies behind the scenes, the one who manipulates organisations, the one who really controls the world. And now in 2020 he succeeded in his goal and got to another world? Moreover a fantasy plus medieval one? (Come watch the other world get rekt by our Lord!)

Ridoux_Studio · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 - Scram off!

[ Rosefold Magic knight academy - Cafeteria ]

"Ohh..." said Adam after entering the academy's cafeteria

'It's huge...' thought Adam while watching the bustling cafeteria. It was so wide that you couldn't see the end from the entrance, and the students were sitting everywhere chatting and eating together.

"Young Master, This way please..." said Anastasia after noticing the still Adam.

She thought 'What is it now? Why is he acting like it's the first time he came here?'

Adam turned to follow the maid to an empty table in the corner of the hall.

After he sits, she hands him the food list.

Adam very quickly read the huge list and said : "Get me everything from this section to here."

"Eh?" said the confused Anastasia.

"I said get me everything from here to here" repeated Adam.


'Is he joking right now?' thought the maid.

Adam frowned at this and said: "Hurry!"

"Ah! a..a-lright Young Master."

After that she left in a hurry to make the order at the cafeteria's counter.

"Hmph!" said Adam before leaning back to the chair and closing his eyes.

'I need to get enough nutrients for my training...' Thought Adam before he spoke with closed eyes: "What do you want?"


'From the voice, I can tell he's the trash's friend' thought Adam with the still closed eyes.

"Whew, Bro you sure made chaos in the arena!"


"Hey! I have good stuff to show you..."


"Just come with me, i'm sure you'll like it."

Adam thought: 'Strange, from the voice's frequency he's definitely lying, Also…'

Adam opened his eyes slightly and turned them to the side, there a little away from them one youth sits alone while occasionally looking in their direction.

'If i'm not mistaken, that's one of the student Olaf's sidekicks...' *SMIRK*

Adam finally turned to his friend and said: "Oh, Is that so?"

"Yeah, you'll know when you see it!"

"I see, then after I eat, I'll come with you." said Adam with a smile.

"Eh? Ah okay then."

After a while, Anastasia came back while pushing a small food table.

"SHIT! Bro, what's this?" shouted Gilbert.

"..." Adam didn't respond and waited for the maid to arrange everything on his table.

"Now then Young Master..." Said the still confused maid.


After just 10 minutes the huge lunch disappeared in Adam's mouth.

"Y..Y-ou actually finished it!" said the confused Gilbert.

"..." Anastasia's head stopped functioning again.

"Lead the way." said Adam after standing up.

"Oh? Yeah, follow me."

After that, the two of them walked away.

Anastasia realised that she was left behind again and she shouted: "Ah! Wait for me Young Master"

[ Rosefold Magic knight academy - Old Warehouse ]

"FUCK! Where are they?!" shouted Olaf furiously.

"I-I don't know!"

"T..T-hey should be here at any moment!"

In the Old Warehouse 8 youth were standing around holding all kinds of weapons, and they seemed to be waiting for someone.


"Ah! They're here!" shouted one of them.

But when the door opened no one was there.

"What? Wher-"


Before Olaf could finish, something flowed from the outside and landed in front of them.

"Are you looking for these two perhaps?" and a voice came.

When they heard the voice they looked toward the thing in front of them.


"T..T-his is?!"

That thing was two beaten up and unconscious students, they were Gilbert and the spie that they sent to watch over him.

*Step* *Step*

Soon after that, Adam walked in from the door.

"FUCK! It's him!"

"The cripple!"

"Wait! Is he the one who did this?!"

The students were confused at what just happened.

"..." Adam silently examined the place.

"Who cares! Get him for me!!" shouted Olaf with red eyes.

"Y..Y-eah! He's just a cripple, Get Him!"

"Kill the motherfucker!"

"Haha, he's mine!"

Suddenly, all of them except Olaf rushed at Adam.

"Hmph!" Adam humphed before he also rushed at them.


First, he crashed the spear in the first one's hand with his palm.


And without losing the momentum he turned his body and landed a back kick in his head.

*Swirl* *Swirl*

He then took the remaining stick of the spear and swirled it with frightening speed.

"Fucker!" the second one rushed again with his short-sword.

*Smack* *Whip* *Pow* *Whip*


However, with a frightening speed Adam disarmament him and whipped him several times with the stick.


He then took the flying short sword midair and slashed his thighs.

"Ahhhhh!" The youth shouted in pain.

"W..W-hat the hell?!"

"The Fuck?!"

The others watched everything and didn't dare to come close.

"What are you doing?! Get him this instant!!" shouted the furious Olaf.

*Swoosh* *Thud*


However a stick flew with extreme speed and landed in his arm.

"You kids can go now, I don't want to waste anymore time, so this is your chance to run if you want to." said Adam with a cold voice.

When the remaining youths heard that they turned to Olaf, only to watch him shouting curses in pain.


"I wasn't told about this!"

"This is not worth it!"

The students finally lost it and turned to run away.

"Oi?! Where are you goi- Argh!"


Before Olaf could finish, Adam suddenly rushed at him and buried the short sword in his other arm.

"Ahhh! Fucker!! I'll kill you! I swe-"


Olaf abruptly stopped shouting when he felt it...


"Listen here kid..."

Adam said while letting out a bit of his killing intent.


"You better scram off, otherwise..."

He then smiled and said: "I'll kill you."


'SHIT! W..W-hat this, t-this feeling...I'LL DIE!' thought Olaf with a pale face.


"So what will you do? Scram off? or..."


Adam then said with a grin: "Die?"

Olaf felt his very soul shudder and he shouted in horror: "I-i'll scram off!! I'll scram so just leave me alone!!"

Adam then retracted his aura and said: "Oh? Alright then."

"Y..Y-ou Monster!!" shouted Olaf in fear.

"Ki ki ki, is that so."



Adam then hits his nape, which causes Olaf to lose consciousness.

After that he said while still looking down at Olaf : "Show yourself! I know you're there from the beginning."

"..." However nothing came in response.


Adam frowned at this and let out a bit of his aura.

"Or do you want me to come for you instead?" said Adam with killing intent.

"O-Okay! just calm down..."

Suddenly a sweet voice sounded.

"..." Adam retracted his aura and turned around.

From the door a girl with a lovely shoulder-length orange hair appeared, and the huge black sword in her back together with the white bandages in her hands gave her identity away.

'She is…' thought Adam.

"to think someone other than my sisters can detect me..." said the girl.

"If i remember correctly, you are..."

The girl grinned and interrupted him: "Yes, i'm one of the student council's six pillars, the pillar of Improvisation, Lisa"

"And?" said Adam.


"What's your business here?"

"Ah! It just happened that I saw them leading you here so I thought i would stop them if anything goes out of hand, but..."

She then glanced at the beaten up students beside him before she spoke again.

"I must say, I really didn't expect this outcome."

Adam smiled and said : "Is that so?"


Adam interrupted her this time and said while smiling : "But how did you know?"

"Like i said, it just happe-"

He interrupted her again : "You don't have to cover it up, I know you've been following me the moment I left the Medical center."

When she heard that her complexion immediately changed.

Adam smirked and said: "So it was you after all."

"Who the hell are you?" said Lisa with a cold voice.

Adam replied while smirking : "what do you mean?"

Lisa took out her large sword and spoke coldly : "there is no way a normal student would feel my presence like that."

*Smirk* "Oh? Is that so?"

She pointed the sword at him: "Now, spit it out! Who sent you?!"

"Who sent me? Ki ki ki"

"Speak!" shouted Lisa as she let out her terrifying aura.

"i'm just a foreign student though?" Adam didn't even blink at that.

"Hah! It's no use denying it! I've investigated you in these 5 days, and you were total trash, there is no way someone can change in that short period of time! The only possible scenario is that you are a high level spy that was sent by someone to investigate us!"

"Heee... However you have a flaw, if i was a spy then why would i expose myself in daylight like this?"

"That's… You must have some kind of goa-"

"Moreover, you don't even have any evidence that supports what you're saying, you just came out of nowhere telling me that i'm a spy, is this how this country's laws are? I must say, i'm quite disappointed." Frowned Adam.

"Ugh! T-then how do you explain your change?" Argued Lisa.

"Hmm, it's just that I've got enlightened, that's all."

"Enlighte-… Don't screw with me!!"

*SIGH* "This is troublesome..." said Adam while looking at the furious girl.

'I'm not sure what I should do… should i silence her with force? No, that's unlikely… After all, according to the memories, the student council's six pillars are at least level 1 official Magic knight so I'm not even 50% sure I can win with this body.' thought The Lord.

"Tsk!" cursed Adam.

"Y-you dare!!" Lisa seems to get offended with that so she snapped and rushed at Adam with a terrifying speed.


"If you won't speak, then I'LL MAKE YOU DO IT!" Lisa instantly closed the 20m distance between them.

"She's fast!" shouted Adam.


She then slashed vertically with the side of her sword, it seems she wanted to knock him down, however…

"Too straightforward..."


Adam was standing at the top of her sword, moreover in the Sharp edge.

"VICTORY probability, 99.41%." said Adam nonchalantly.

He then thought: 'Hmph, i was thinking too highly of her.'

"H-How are you standing there?!"

"Look here little girl..."

"L..L-little girl??!!!"

"I'm really not a spy, otherwise i could have killed you just now."

"Hmph, don't get cocky now!!"

Just when Lisa was about to get serious, another sweet voice sounded.

"stupid Lisa what's going on here?" together with the voice a girl appeared.

Lisa: "Eh?"

Adam frowned: "Another one?"

*Step* *Step* The said girl walked in, her appearance was the definition of Intelligence, she has shoulder-length dark blue hair and light blue eyes, her glasses together with the neatly combed hair gave a composed aura, she also has a book in her hand which gave a bizarre sight with the short sword in her waist.

"Noah? W-What are you doing here?"

"That's my line stupid Lisa, i felt your aura so i came to see what's wrong."

"Eh? Ah yeah! It's him. I found a spy in the academy!!"

"What?" the girl called Noah looked at the student standing nonchalantly atop the huge sword.



The two of them silently exchanged glances, then Noah turned her gaze to Lisa.

*SIGH* "Stupid Lisa, he's not a spy."

"What? But How-, Ah! You used your gift?"

"That's right, i get a negative response from him, so he's not a spy for sure."

Lisa froze and turned awkwardly to Adam.

"?" Responded Adam with a questioning gaze.