

As soon as he finished typing something into his laptop, Zephyr swerved on his seat and turned to look at Alex who entered his room, "So. What's up?". 

"Urgh", Alex groaned, closing the door and sitting down on Zephyr's bed, "It's been so exhausting lately". 

"Hm", Zephyr hummed, "Is it the lectures? No. It wouldn't be. I helped you get ahead on the uni course over the summer. What could it be then? Your roommate?". 

"Yeah", Alex sighed, laying down on his bead and blankly staring at the ceiling, "She's so ... bubbly". 

"How bubbly are we talking here?", Zephyr asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Jenna bubbly", Alex muttered, a tired sigh escaping her lips, "I feel so ... fatigued whenever I deal with her". 

"It sounds like you've it rough", Zephyr commented. 

"You've got no idea", Alex muttered. 


"Hi!", a short blond girl squealed as she entered the room with a basket full of items in her hand, "You must be Alex! I'm your roomie, Masie. My dad says it's short for amazing, but trust me, it's not". 

"I think there's been a mix-up here", Alex stated, "You're not my-". 

"Roommate? Yeah. I know", Masie hurriedly interrupted, "She got sick-well, she had a panic attack. I can sympathise, I usually get mine right before my cycle. Where was I again? Yes! Your roommate! They denied her visa and she's still in Norway. Help! There's Norway out! Hahahaha!", Masie laughed. 

"I'm sorry to ask this, but how old are you?", Alex asked, already feeling a migraine forming. 

"I'm 15 but I'll have you know that I've watched 5 R-rated movies already", Masie quickly answered, "I even played this game called Grand Theft Auto 5 that my older brother keeps in the house. It was so exhilarating playing. My older brother and mom almost caught me but I managed to get away with it. Anyway, where should I put my meds". 

"There should be plenty of room on your desk", Alex glumly answered. 

"Thank you so much!", Masie squealed, "I'm just so excited to be roommates with you". As soon as she set her basket of meds on her desk, she turned to look at Alex, "Oh My God! Did you hear? Apparently one of the students in our year is really hot and rich. He came in a Jaguar F-Type, I think that's what one of the boys said anyway. I don't know much about cars but, apparently, it looks really cool. Rumour is that he's got a girlfriend". 

Hearing this, Alex was somewhat embarrassed and coughed into the sleeve of her hand, "Yeah. Th-that's my boyfriend's car. He got it as soon as he passed his driving test". 

"Woah! No way! It sounds like his parents are really rich! That's so cool. Do you think I can meet them? Apparently, rich people are really snobby but I've never met one so I want to see if it's true", Masie rapidly asked. 

"His parents are rich I guess you could say", Alex shrugged, "And his parents didn't buy his car. He bought it himself with his own money. No, I don't think you can meet his parents", Alex answered. 

"Really?!", Masie exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she looked at her, "How did he afford the car? Do you think I can meet him? Hey, do you think that if I asked really nicely, he'd let me join him for a ride? I've never been in a really fast car before. My dad rides an SUV I think they're called and he doesn't like to drive fast so I was curious". 

"He can afford it because he owns a successful company. You'll likely meet him when he comes to visit me. I don't know about riding in his car, you'll have to ask him yourself", Alex answered one by one. 

[Flashback end]

"Anyways", Alex muttered, taking her head off her pillow to look at Zephyr, "What about you? How's your roommate been?". 

"It's been ... an experience", Zephyr answered.

"So they're really annoying aren't they?", Alex deadpanned. 

"He's not that bad", Zephyr defended, "He's just very ... opinionated". 

"How opinionated?", Alex asked, curious about Zephyr's roommate. 

"Very", Zephyr answered, his brows scrunching as he thought about what it was like the past two weeks. 


"Greetings", a blonde boy with red eyes greeted as he entered the dorm, a suitcase in his hands. 

"Hey", Zephyr, who was typing on his laptop, looked up and nodded. 

"I'm Nathaniel Drake, but most people call me Nathan. It's a pleasure to meet you", the boy introduced himself. 

"Name's Zephyr Blake", Zephyr introduced, "It's a pleasure to meet you too". 

Nathan nodded and set down his suitcase in front of his bed and began to unpack. The next few minutes passed in silence before Nathan decided to break it by asking a question, "Hey, some of the guys I know are playing football later, do you want to join?".

"Sorry", Zephyr shook his head, "Not really a football fan". 

"Oh", Nathan muttered in surprise, "Do you enjoy basketball then? I'm told that's a popular sport in America". 

"I don't mind playing basketball", Zephyr shrugged, "But I'm more a soccer guy". 

"Oh God", Nathan sighed, shaking his head in disappointment, "I forgot how stupid you Americans are". 

"One: that's both rude and offensive and two: we aren't", Zephyr countered. 

"You guys name a sport where you run with an egg in your hands football", Nathan argued, "I'm sorry, but that's not football, that's rugby". 

"You guys are the ones who created soccer and yet you're absolutely terrible at it", Zephyr retorted, "There's a soccer World Cup every 4 years and you've only ever won once. Like how the hell does that work?". 

"Bro, you guys are so stupid that instead of symbols, you guys have words for what things are written on them. The rest of the world has a reef or green man for crossing but you guys have to have the words 'Walk' and 'Don't walk' so people know when to walk and not to walk. Like seriously, how dumb do you have to be?!", Nathan exclaimed. 

"How are you talking to us about that when you British people forget to say half the words and letter of a sentence? Can I have a bol (bottle) of wata (water)? What happened to the letters? Do you guys eat them or something?!", Zephyr shouted back.

"Listen, you call a fizzy drink soda. Like, how the hell are you man changing that language that was invented for you by us simply because you want to be individualist and avoid the fact that you used to be a bunch of British colonies that needed help from the Spanish and the French and the Dutch to gain independence!", Nathan yelled. 

[Flashback ends]

"It sounds like you also have it hard", Alex muttered. 

"You don't even know half of it", Zephyr grumbled, "He honestly has an opinion on everything and starts an argument for no apparent reason! Man. I miss Michael. He was annoying, but not this annoying". 

"I miss Emma. We've all been so busy recently that we haven't had much time to hang out like before", Alex stated, "Masie is just so energetic and I can't even have girl talk with her because she's 2 years younger than me. Thankfully, I met this girl Brie who lives down the hallway and we hit it off quite easily". 

"I met this guy, Muhammad Rahman, who lives a door down and he's pretty chill", Zephyr added after Alex finished, "He's a tech guy like me and he's got pretty innovative ideas. I'm thinking of hiring him for my tech company after he graduates if he does well enough. He's a pretty cool guy overall if I'm being honest. He's great at soccer as well". 

"We have each other here as well", Alex announced. 

"We do", Zephyr nodded his head, "It's a shame we haven't gotten much time to spend by ourselves". 

"Yeah", Alex agreed, "We haven't done it for three weeks either. With how stressful dealing with Maisie is, I need a break badly". 

Zephyr nodded his head in agreement. "I got it!", Zephyr exclaimed. 

"Got what?", Alex inquired. 

"It's Saturday tomorrow and we both won't have a lecture on Sunday. Nathan won't be here tomorrow either so we can have some time by ourselves here tomorrow", Zephyr explained. 

"You're right!", Alex shouted. Jumping off the bed, she rushed out of the room, yelling, "Be ready tomorrow!". 

Seeing her run off like this, a smile appeared on Zephyr's lips.