
Where it all began

Once upon a time In the land of Dawn

there lived a girl from the baroque family

Named Guinevere she was beutiful and

So elegant in magic that the many

People tried to win her heart by showing her their magic but no one suceed one day while her family was talking of the heir to their throne Guinevere snuck out of the castle into the market while she was heading to the market someone bumped into her "What are you doing, do you know wh-" there above her was Gusion from the paxle family, he pulled Guinevere up "are you alright?" He said "yes Iam alright" Guinevere said then when she was going to talk to gusion someone pulled her from behind it was lancelot "What did I say about going Out!" He said "Guinevere exclaimed" brother ouch your hurting me "," I dont

Care! " lancelot exclaimed, suddenly Lancelot dropped Guinevere," what was that for?! " she said, when she glanced over her shoulder it was the Gusion-To be continued