
MMORPG: Shadow Hunter

Alex Mercer was a legendary thief known for his audacious heists and cunning skills. However, his criminal streak comes to an abrupt halt when he is finally apprehended and sentenced to prison. In the midst of his imprisonment, a revolutionary virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG) is launched, called Eternal Realms, captivating the attention of the entire world. The prison authorities, seeking to introduce recreational activities for the inmates, decide to allow select prisoners to participate in the game as a means of passing the time. Eager to escape the monotony of prison life, Alex eagerly takes up the opportunity to join the immersive virtual world. To his surprise, he discovers that his notoriety as a master thief has caught the attention of players within the game. They started offering him IRL means to reduce his prison sentence in an exchange on a daring quest to retrieve valuable treasures scattered throughout the virtual realm. With a hidden class known as the "Shadow Hunter," Alex possesses unique skills and abilities that make him an invaluable asset to the players seeking rare and precious items. As he delves deeper into the virtual world, he finds himself entangled in a complex web of alliances, rivalries, and dangerous quests that blur the line between the game and reality. As the stakes rise, Alex must navigate treacherous dungeons, confront formidable adversaries, and outwit both in-game challenges and real-world dangers. Along the way, he forms unexpected alliances and confronts his own inner demons, questioning the choices that led him down a path of crime. * For anyone wondering about the romance, it will take a long time as this is not the focus of the book.

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Mike the Asshole, and Back to the Game

Director Louis wanted to meet the top-ranked player Shadowborn and learn more about him. Alex did not say a word about his real identity to him, and there was no possible way for Louis to get that information.

They discussed many things about the game, which was problematic, considering Alex had to lie about almost everything he did.

Louis cleared his throat with a soft 'Ahem' and said, "Your morning task is to take care of the garden. Then you'll have lunch here in your room, and we can talk about the remaining tasks in the afternoon."

Alex nodded, and then Director Louis returned to care for his businesses.

'My life improved a lot in just one day!'

Now that Director Louis allowed Alex to play the game, he got a few benefits: playing the game, obviously, a new comfy room with a private bathroom and, more importantly, peace. The moments he had to mingle with the other prisoners were almost non-existent, which was good. Accidents inside the prison were common, and Alex did not wish to be part of any.

After splashing cold water on his face and changing into prisoner's clothes, Alex left his private room and entered the prison's courtyard.

The courtyard was a vast place with an area to play basketball, an outdoor gym, and many other sports-related facilities. Alex ignored all that and went toward another gate with a guard in front of it.

Alex looked at the guard and said, "Director Louis sent me to take care of the garden."

It was a straightforward statement, and the guard did not ask anything, only opening the gate for Alex to enter.

'Are they treating me better? Is it because of Louis?'

Not that Alex's life was a living hell in prison, but it was evident the guards were treating him better after Director Louis gave him access to the game and a private room. It was like his 'ranking' within the prison increased.

While that was good when dealing with any guard and would undoubtedly bring him many benefits inside the prison, that did not make the other prisoners happy.

Alex attended to the garden, watering the plants and cutting off the wild grasses. It was a relaxing moment for him that soon turned into something annoying.

A prisoner stood on the other side of the fence — the guard only allowed Alex to enter.

Mike Hampton was his name, and he was a murderer.

"Hey, baby boy," he said, moving the iron fence with his hands, creating a noise that echoed in the courtyard, "I heard you got a new cell. Are you blowing Director Louis for it?"

The man started to laugh and stare at Alex with a killing glare. Alex, on the other hand, did nothing. He kept attending to his task, and after a few more screams, one of the guards went toward Mike and beat his ass with a baton.

That was a common sight inside the prison, and Alex knew very well what happened to those who disobeyed the orders, yet he also knew Mike Hampton would undoubtedly try to get him alone and attack him.

Not only him but Mike's close friends inside the prison too! He had been there for fifteen years already, and all the inmates feared him and wanted to be on his good side.

'He's not an enemy I want… But what can I do? They got jealous because I play a game and have a decent room.'

Alex tried to keep his cool and continue his work in the garden for the entire morning. When the clock hit noon, it was time for lunch!

Despite having a personal room with a kitchen, Alex did not have cooking ingredients. So he planned to get the prison's food and eat it inside his room. Director Louis said to him that would not be against the rules.

He was about to get the food when a guard approached Alex, whispering, "Director Louis said Mike would try to get you during lunchtime. Go to your room. There's food there."

Mike's attack went faster than Alex expected. Director Louis was kind enough to warn him as well. Did he have other motives? Alex did not think people would help others without wanting something in return. At least not, considering he was a prisoner.

"Where's that baby boy? Will he skip lunch because he is scared? What a pussy!" Mike said to his group, and they all laughed.

While Mike was losing his time with that shit, Alex returned to his room, eating a much better food Director Louis gave him.

It was delicious, and Alex savored every second of it. After lunch, he laid down on his bed for a quick nap.

His only task in the afternoon was cleaning a few bathrooms. It did not take him a long time. Alex even got the time to hit some bicep workout before returning to his room for showering.

It was finally time to return to the game! Alex put his helmet on and logged in, returning to the exact place and moment he was before the server shut down. It was like time had frozen while he was away.

'It's time to meet this captain!'

The main quest was out of the question for Alex, at least for now. It was almost impossible to complete alone, especially considering Alex's weakness. The best approach would be to complete the B rank quest, which wasn't bad, and push his lead even further!

Alex had a good advantage in level, but that did not satisfy him. He wanted more! Alex left the city after speaking with the Mayor and getting the cave's exact location.

The Mayor was not lying when he said the cave was nearby. It took Alex around ten minutes to reach it, which was great. He saw many soldiers wearing plate armor in front of the cave's entrance, and a man was before the soldiers, giving them pointers.

It was the captain, and judging by their faces, the situation was not good.