
MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

The phoenix is a creature of legends, a wonder of the world, an imagery of life and destruction. This fabled creature signifies the rise of a hero in a virtual world where battles occur for the sake of honor and glory! Zhang Yang was a professional gamer in the first and most fantastic game that revolutionized the world: God’s Miracle. A game where traditional knowledge in RPGs did not matter anymore, players would have to manually target and evade attacks, giving rise to a significant gap in skill between a professional and an amateur gamer. Zhang Yang’s downfall came a little too soon. His girlfriend was snatched, his guild was harassed and disbanded, and he was even driven to commit suicide! Jumping off the top floor of a hotel, Zhang Yang seemed as though he was soaring like a phoenix. Little did he know that the end of his life also signified his rise from the ashes!

Flying Alone · Spiele
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856 Chs

Guild Contribution

Translator: Zenobys Redakteur: TheRealSeal

“World! Greeny! Fang! Foxey! Tonight, I want each of you to lead teams of your own. We will be carrying out a raid through the Front Wing and Middle Wing. I want all of your members to get qualified for entry to the Main Wing!”

Sky Shaman, the guild master of Sky High, was gathering elites in the guild to prepare for a large-scale campaign.

“Guild master, there are only 17 Level 20 players available at the moment! We can’t form 4 teams!” World Hunter was quick to address the guild master’s oversight.

“….H-How long? How long before we have 20 level 20 players?”

“About 5 hours, sir!”

“That’s too slow! I want you to arrange a team. I want all level 17 members to help those at Level 19 to level up! Within 2 hours, I want to see all of them at Level 20!”

“Sir, yes sir!”

Sky Shaman turned around and faced his members. His face, initially lined with worry and anxiety, abruptly broke into a broad, knowing smile.