Dead. Read the other Isekai World Online in my author page (Original Works)
As the fiery object entered Terra's Mesosphere, it started to heat up from the friction of the air. Normally the friction would've generated enough heat until it reached 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, elevating the object to its boiling point so it could be vaporized layer by layer.
But none of that happened.
This object was sturdy, and in fact, sentient.
It was Lucifer. His body crashed into the terrain below, and a massive explosion occurred, sending shockwaves across the entirety of the South Continent. It was deadly enough to crumble mountains nearby, along with wiping away abandoned villages of slaves who had been captured under his command.
The crater was 10 kilometers across, burning hot with debris and other minerals that were dangerous to touch.
Angelica managed to levitate off the ground with basic flight magic, looking at Lucifer in the distance.
The Great King was panting, slowly rising from his hands and knees, and jabbing Muramasa into the ground.
He slowly regained his breath from the pain overwhelming his body, managing to survive Primeval Blue by activating his Primeval Red at the last second.
"How did you regain Primeval Red so quickly?" Angelica shouted in astonishment.
"Heheheh..." Lucifer wiped the blood from his lips, standing up straight, "What's the matter, Angelica? Did you lose the will to fight me?"
"This doesn't make any sense. You already used Primeval Red to break out of that Blackhole, and now you just used it to survive against mine."
"It's simple." Lucifer implied, "The Primeval technique comes from the conceptual energy known as Datasets, it exists deep within your Data Core. Naturally, you can only utilize the Primeval technique once in a battle, since it uses up all of your Datasets… however…" Lucifer menacingly grinned, "I broke its system."
"What? You broke… it's system?!" Angelica widened her eyes, clenching her hands into a fist, "You're bluffing"
"I'm not!!!" Lucifer shouted, stretching his arms to the side, and looking up into the sky, "I managed to break its system! I managed to transcend the boundaries of datasets! I'm unstoppable now!!" His hysterical laughter filled the air, it was obvious that he was high on predetermined victory. "This fight was over before it even began!"
"Superseding the system of datasets?" Angelica nervously chuckled, gritting her teeth, "You really are something else… Lucifer." She bowed her head, snickering, "Only if you put that much work into getting rid of your delusions when it comes to me."
Lucifer stretched out his arm, smirking in confidence.
("Here he comes. What's he gonna do now?")
Angelica readied herself, though, she was still not fully recovered after taking his 10,000 Dreadful Cuts.
This battle could get worse than it already was.
With an eerie silence, both Angelica and Lucifer stared at each other. One was grinning, while the other was frowning in worry.
Angelica had thoughts of fleeing this battle, as did Lucifer in the past.
But she knew she had to stop him before he caused a world war, and harmed more of her friends. The angel was adamant about changing Lucifer's ways and bringing George back from his seal. This fight was personal.
Angelica had to win it.
But the same could be said for Lucifer as well.
His heart was broken to pieces, finding out that the only person he loved more in the whole world, had lied to him, writing down her feelings for Emperor in the journal.
Lucifer's reason for all of this may have seemed petty, and irrational, but George's horrible life had made him this way.
What a terrible outcome.
"Augment Magic, 2,000% Primeval Red."
"H-He's using Augment magic with Primeval Red?! Oh crap!"
Mana and Datasets were two separate forces altogether.
The concept of Mana originated from the gods, while Datasets originated from the unknown. Mana is controlled through the formula of magic, while Datasets are controlled through the formula of Primeval techniques. They were impossible to mix together.
It was like trying to mix oil and water.
You can't do it.
Hundreds to thousands of magicians through the course of Millenia's have tried to combine these two universal energies but ultimately failed.
Lucifer was the first magician in history, to finally do it.
It was all over.
("I don't have enough for Primeval Blue… what can I do?!")
Angelica was staring death itself in the face.
A massive red sphere was launched from Lucifer's hand, decimating all it touched. From the ground to space, to coding in the game, and down to reality itself.
Everything was annihilated by the concept of death, even death itself. How contradictory is that?
To be death, yet destroy death.
Lucifer was outside the realm of logic, to even deeper levels.
"No!!" Angelica flew out of the way, evading the attack just in time.
The Red sphere of death turned everything into void, exploding at the last second.
Angelica was seemingly caught in the explosion, taking her with it.
Lucifer was concentrated—his smiling expression faded, as his mind was focused on killing, like a starved hunter seeking its prey.
The red explosion was felt for miles across the land, but he condensed it to not destroy everything in their sight.
"I see."
But to Lucifer's surprise.
Angelica was hovering above the explosion, slouched over, blood dripping from her mouth. She hurled up gallons of it, covering her lips with her hand.
Her only hand that is.
"I managed to take your entire left arm with my attack. It won't be regenerating back anytime soon, Angel."
Angelica's eyes started to go red, as the blood vessels inside them popped. She was crying blood, feeling her body go limp, and falling to the ground.
She slammed into the terrain, puking out the red liquid from her mouth.
"Gouhhh… Aghnnn!" The angel held her stomach in pain, curling up into a ball as her body trembled in agony.
She looked pitiful on the ground.
So much pain overwhelmed her.
Lucifer merely approached her, swinging Muramasa around inside his hand.
He pointed the edge at the dying angel, frowning in commiseration.
"You tried to endure my attack, didn't you? That's why your arm is missing, and your eyes are bleeding. The strain was too great on your body, and I overwhelmed you."
Angelica slowly lifted her hand at the Demon King, "Primeval… Blu-"
But Lucifer kicked her in the face, sending her tumbling across the ground.
She rolled on her back, puking more blood.
"Gaaah!" Her body ached with torment, she tried standing up, just to fall down to her hands, "L-Lucifer… don't you see yourself? Everything you've done to this continent is from a jealousy that's not even true!"
"Be quiet!!" The Demon King kicked her in the face, propelling the angel backward.
She rolled like a tumbleweed until he leaped into the air, falling down on her like an anvil.
His feet planted into her stomach, sinking them to the ground.
Angelica yelled in pain.
Her HP was down to its last digit number.
"Get out of my sight, angel of lies." He lifted his blade into the air with both hands, "Your soul will be tormented in hell forever!"
He swung Muramasa towards her neck with enough force to slice it apart, delivering the finishing blow.
"Augment Magic, 2,000%, Primeval Blue."
Angelica mumbled under her breath. You couldn't hear it, but you could read her bloody lips.
Lucifer widened his eyes.
He was in point-blank range of the attack.
"Nuu…Nuoooohhhhhh!!!" An azure light shone on his body as he was engulfed in the attack.
He was driven up into the sky while Angelica lifted her hand, controlling her attack.
"Lucifer…" She mumbled under her breath, barely able to breathe, "I wanted to save you… I… wanted to relieve you from your suffering, why did you make me do this?" She closed her eyes, tears forming inside them, "I don't want to kill you, I wanna aid you back to health."
Angelica slowly closed her hand into a fist.
"I don't want this, Lucifer!!!"
She shouted loud and clear, reaching the demon king's ears.
With his body being dragged across the sky as he rode the Primeval Blue, he lifted his brows in shock, uttering, "Liar…"
He lifted Muramasa in his hand, engulfing it in red.
"Liar!!!" He sliced apart the Primeval Blue, dashing towards Angelica at light speeds.
"You stubborn dumbass!"
Angelica relieved her wounds with Primeval Blue, going back into the fight.
Angelica flew upwards, and Lucifer flew downwards.
Both of these Great Kings managed to defy the system that was long sought.
"Do you think just because you also reached my level, that it would be enough!?" Shouted the demon king.
"I was holding back from before, but now you just pissed me off! Get ready for a world of pain, I'll show you what real hell is like!"
"Hahaha—words from an angel, how ironic is that?! Bring it on, bitch!!"
Both of them collided with weapons in the sky.
Angelica manifested her Divination Spear, while Lucifer fought with Muramasa.
They were evenly matched once again.
When two Great Kings fight, their auras of Madness, Corrosion, and Quantum composites passively emanate from their bodies, affecting the environment around them.
Space is distorted, and logic no longer applies to them. This is how all of their fight goes.
Things that are logical become illogical, as they transcend the systems of the game already.
Their attacks caused explosions, eradicating all logic within the area.
This was a battle beyond human comprehension.
Angelica matched with his sword, and Lucifer matched with her speed. Their attacks caused the entire South Continent to shift off its axis, alongside Terra herself.
The real battle had just begun!