
Chapter 1: Glory

While walking down the street, on a winter evening; a 15 years old young man was on the way home from school when the snow began to fall; his place was still quite far away so he looked around for a place to take shelter.

He was wearing a black school uniform of the local public high school with a brown coat above it, his face and build were above average but his calms blacks eyes and short brown hair gave him a somewhat mature feeling; his name was Fang Mu.

When he passed by a building, he saw a bunch of young people crowded around a shop, it was very lively; driven by curiosity he walked over to look at the commotion. As he neared the place, he found out that it was an internet café, here he heard the people talking and bustling about the same thing:' new server' and 'Glory'. Wanting to know more, Fang Mu went over to ask a guy in the crowd.

"Hey friend! Can you tell me what's going on here?"

The guy was obviously surprised to be called over by someone but he calmed down quickly and said with a smile:

"Oh! You surprised me. But to not know what's going on here; little brother, you don't play much game right?"

Fang Mu wasn't really shocked at the reaction of the man since nowadays most young people are into playing game and it was rare to see someone like him who doesn't. But for there to be so many people coming here for a game was beyond his expectation so he quickly continued to ask:

"Are you all here for a game? But, what kind of game could cause such a racket?"

This brother was quite talkative as he answered quickly:

"It's one of the most popular online games nowadays, the world renowned MMORPG: GLORY; everyone are playing it. A Fantasy Open World RPG with a great storyline and a game play as varied as possible, you can play with your friends and other players all over the country. Be it PVE with numerous challenging Dungeons and Bosses and a great variety of Quests or the Arena platform for PVP in different formats of team and individual battles and the big Map of the world of Glory where adventures are endless. And today is the opening of a new server to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the game, so the people are quite exited trying to be the first wave of player in the tenth server and assembled with their friends to play together. I am also waiting for my friends here."

After hearing the explanation from him, Fang Mu proceeded to walk into the shop since it began to get colder.

"Thank you!" he thanked the man while waving to him and the guy waved back saying not to be bothered.


Fang Mu thought that it was intriguing that so many people would be charmed by a game that's going on for ten years as he walked in the internet café to pass the time till the snow stopped. He went to the reception desk to ask for a place but it was bonded so he could only look at the other people playing. But since it wasn't time yet for the opening of the new server, he could only see people playing on older servers. At that moment, a person was just taking seat; Fang Mu saw him insert a card inside a box like device, and the screen showed an interface for logging in. After a while, the game started and he saw a colorful background of different games characters in high definition appearing and walking away; the image on the screen began to move as the person seated pushed keys on the keyboard and passed by roads in a medieval like town.

Soon, Fang Mu saw a forest coming closer. After coming out of the town and entering the forest; for a while, he saw trees passing by, the character stopped by since there seemed to be some movements on a bush nearby, when suddenly, a short green like monster appeared; it had the word gobbling written on top of its head, it jumped at the character with a club but the screen dodged and a sword flashed at the monster drawing a splash of blood from the monster and knocking it back.

It was surprisingly realist so Fang Mu grew engrossed looking at the player make a quick work of the goblin and rushing deeper in the forest.

As time passed by, Fang Mu witnessed the Swordsman walking over different landscapes like river or hill and fought with different monsters, he saw wolf and pig like humanoid beasts appearing in the game but they were beaten up by the Swordsman; without him knowing he spent over half an hour looking at the player playing. The guy just finished off another monster when he suddenly stopped and took off his headphone; he turned around after making a stretch and was stunned to see a high school boy behind him; he looked at Fang Mu and then asked him friendly:

"Friend, What are you doing here? Can I do something for you?"

Fang Mu was just about to answer him when he remarked a player in the game riding on a broom rushing over the Swordsman.

"Watch out!! Behind you! " he said to the guy still looking at him.

The guy was startled but turned around quickly and saw a Witch throwing a dust like stuff at him, he knew that thing were going south and tried to move but his character was paralyzed, he was afflicted with a negative status effect and couldn't move for a while, the opponent seeing that his sneak attack worked rejoiced and quickly followed up his attack by throwing a red bottle at the swordsman, Lava flask, it exploded and lava surrounded them dealing burnt damage to the swordsman, his attack didn't stop here as he swept the guy successively with his broom, taking away a good amount of his health.

"F*ck!! So despicable!" The guy playing the Swordsman was obviously unhappy at being beaten up like this, even more so with someone watching near him, he lost some face before the little brother behind who was looking up to him like an expert. So he swore to teach a lesson to this despicable bast*rd who shamelessly sneak attacked him when he get back his mobility.

After the last sweep, the paralyzing effect wore off, and the swordsman who got back his mobility quickly rolled aside to get out of the dire situation and find a chance for counter attacking his opponent. The Witch tried to continue his attack but missed and his rhythm was disturbed, the swordsman didn't miss this opportunity and used a Lunge toward his opponent and began an onslaught of skills on the Witch.

Triple slash! His sword made three successive strikes knocking the opponent back followed by a Sword draw, a skill to connect the combo.

Then Falling light blade, a sword light that not only dealt quite a great deal of damages but also knocked down the opponent on the ground;

The combo wasn't over yet as he used Falling phoenix flash, a Level 70 great skill that dealt huge magic and physical damage, he continued with several normal attack bringing his opponent to red health and then death; by now, it was apparent that the guy playing the Witch wasn't his opponent, he got back some of his lost face and must have looked awesome to the young man looking at him. The fight was over so he tried to act cool by asking the Witch :

'Who gave you the guts to attack this father?!'; when suddenly he heard a gunshot and saw his character take damage, so instead of showing off he cursed at the knew opponent coming for him.

"F*ck! What are you doing?!" he looked over at the f*cker who tried to take advantage of the situation only to see a five man team rushing over with murderous intent; he was stunned an couldn't help thinking that today his luck was really the sh*ttiest; he knew that fighting over five opponents was almost impossible for him even in prime condition let alone now; the Witch may not have been his opponent but he got quite the damage from the sneak attack and most of his skill was still on cool down, so he chose to take his leg and run away for his life while leaving a bunch of curses toward them.

"Don't let him run!" " Chase him!" the team was obviously going to pursue him.

After he ran far enough, he jumped in a bush nearby and tried to go around his opponent and leave them behind.

«Where'd he go?!» his pursuers passed by but didn't find him so they went further. He sighed in relief since he managed to escape. As he passed by the place he fought the Witch earlier, he saw the guy with a Cleric and a Battlemage, he was surprised but quickly understood what's going on.

'That bast*rd was the one who called them over! He knew that he would lose so he called reinforcement over; so shameless!!'. It wasn't that surprising in a game to call friends over to help when you were in difficulty and he knew it, he would have also done the same if he was on the same situation, but as he was the one on the receiving end, he couldn't help complaining and curse for the injustice. But since he didn't think he could finish them off before the other guys come back he thought that the best choice was to get out of there quickly.

'A wise man know when to take a step back, there will be other chance to take revenge.' ; as he talked to himself and prepared to go he heard the Witch say boastfully to his friends :

"That trash was really courting death! He was daring to make a move on this father but now he is running away like a dog with his tail between his legs. Tsk tsk tsk...; we will see if he still has the guts to show his face around!"

His friends understood that he was boasting to keep face since he just got trashed quite badly so they tried to go along with his boast.

"Yeah. He just got lucky that you let your guard down". "If you were serious he wouldn't be your opponent!"

The Witch was quite happy to hear them say that; it was indeed the best to have good brothers.

The Swordsman heard them and was fuming and so angry he nearly coughed a mouthful of blood; he was tempted to rush back and teach those guys who was the trash but managed to hold back. He swore to pay them back several fold later on with his friends as he went to find a sure place; especially that annoying Witch that needed a good beating.

Five minute later, he found a place to log out, he took his headphone off and looked back at the little brother behind who saw him in such an embarrassing sight, but when he looked arround he wasn't here anymore, so he could only keep his explanation for himself.