
MLP:Normal Life 2

Ceci n’est pas mon livre pour lire l’original suivez le lien https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings. Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Supe3rman1234 · TV
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50 Chs

Chapitre 38

Chapter 38

"Wait... you can 'become' an alicorn? Just like that?" I asked, rolling onto my back next to Luna, looking up at her.

She shifted slightly in the bed, stretching

her wings, "It is... possible." she answered after a moment, "It requires some things. You need to embody your special talent and have a true understanding of what it means, as well as a high level of magical energy. It is a rare, rare thing."

...No, shit. There is only three of you. Four now.

I slowly nodded.

That made some amount of sense. It was ascension to become what was effectively a goddess. Makes sense it had some rather steep requirements.


"You know, I just figured out why Celestia was pushing Twilight so hard, heaping so many challenges on her. She was preparing her for this." I said with a frown at the ceiling, "...You knew about this, didn't you?"

Luna nodded and put her head against my chest, "I did. If she would succeed, I had no idea. I knew Twilight Sparkle had the potential for it, but neither of us knew if she would actually manage it."

Putting my front legs around her neck, I nodded, "Must be nice for your sister. The pony she loves is now as long lived as she is."

"If Twilight Sparkle returns those feelings." Luna mumbled, "If not, then my sister is going to be unhappy for quite a while."

I smirked at that, "Oh please. Everyone knows Twilight loves Celestia." before I nuzzled at her ear, "The question is if it will turn into romantic love. But now they have time to take it slow."

And something told me it might be encouraged by Cadance.


Pulling her a bit closer I looked up at the ceiling.

They had thousands of years now. Might take years, but I didn't doubt they would get there in time, not like there was a hurry now.

A peice of night sky drifted past my eyes and I glanced down at the seemingly floating star filled mane.


She didn't have that time. I was going to die.

At some point, hopefully at a hundred and fifty in bed next to her, but most likely doing something stupid but badass. But at some point it was going to happen.

The thought of hurting her like that...

It felt like somepony stabbed me in the chest.

Hell, immortality would be nice on it's own, but the thought of hurting her by dying was even worse than the thought of dying itself.

If Twilight could do it...

...Okay, let's face it. I didn't have a chance in hell. She was the bearer of the Element of Fucking Magic itself.

If anypony could pull it of, it would have been her. Me? I might be above average, but that? No. I would never manage that.



"Has there ever been a male alicorn?"

She lifted her head, opening her eyes with a thoughtful look before she shook her head, "Not to our knowledge. My sister and I think we were the first, but there is no way to know for sure. We are not unkillable, so it is possible there were others in the distant past before us. We did not invent the word Alicorn after all."

I sighed and nodded, "I see."

Tilting her head, she didn't need to ask out loud. I knew what she meant.

"I just don't want to leave you alone, I don't want to hurt you like that." I explained quietly, "If it took growing wings, I would do it."

Luna frowned slightly, "My Page... There have been ponies in the past that have been jealous of my sister's and mine longevity. They searched tirelessly for a way to prolong their lives. Some took evil paths, draining life from other ponies to prolong their own. Some simply neglected to live in their desperation to prolong their lives. None were very successful. I do not wish that on anypony, yet alone you."

I smiled and gave her a quick nuzzle, "Relax, I'm not going to start drinking the blood of ponies or something. I just don't want to leave you alone."

"...Thank you."

Pulling her close into another cuddle, I gave her ear a quick nuzzle before I frowned, "Wait..."


"One unicorn did manage to significantly extend his life."

Luna raised her head with a frown again, spreading her wings, "Huh? Who?"

"King Sombra."

She didn't look happy at all at that, "King Sombra was making use of the darkest of dark magics. The kind of magic that twists and warps one's mind, spreading hate and suffering. No pony, not even myself can use it safely. It was turning to dark magic that created Nightmare Moon."

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." I chuckled and relaxed against the bed, "Yeah, make sense."

"Something like that." Luna agreed and gave me a quick nuzzle before she relaxed again, closing her eyes, "Now sleep, Twilight's Coronation is in three days and we need to start early tomorrow."

Stroking her mane, I looked up at the ceiling before I frowned in thought. Nopony could use dark magic. It changed them, twisted their minds.

...But I'm not really a pony, am I?