
Chapter 1685 to Chapter 1692

Chapter 1685: Old Immortal Brightstar

The second battle over the Mirage Introspection Pill was several magnitudes larger and more important than the last. This time, even the Jade Lake Sect's heavyweights were present. Almost every expert from the sect was here, and a few other invited pill dao greats as well.

They were in clear disbelief that Silverstripe Grass could replace Illusory Spirit Grass. How could a truth that was public knowledge be so easily overturned?

The battle was held in a place neutral to both sides. Leading on Jade Lake's side was Old Immortal Brightstar. He was an ancient savant of the sect who'd lived for many, many years. Within his sect, he was considered the best of the best. His presence here showed the gravity that the Jade Lake had assigned to the situation.

"Daoist Ziju, I have no intention of offending the sacred land with this battle. It's solely my fixation with pill dao technique alone. I want to solidify our current authoritative understanding of the Mirage Introspection Pill once and for all."

Old Immortal Brightstar had some right to put on airs before even Ziju Min. He was so much older and had a much longer history in the world. In fact, he technically was a senior to Ziju Min.

Ziju Min smiled slightly. "You're right, Daoist Brightstar. The truth must be brought to light and protected. Let us take this opportunity today to find out what that truly is."

Both men were polite on the surface, but a hidden undercurrent of rivalry was clear enough.

Brightstar cackled. "Exactly. Let's use today to get to the bottom of this. We have so many pill giants and gurus here that no one will be able to pull off any tricks. Let's get back to the main topic at hand. Daoist Ziju, please introduce Shao Yuan onto the stage."

Ziju Min glanced at Jiang Chen without further ceremony. The young man strode out calmly from his position at the older man's side. There would be no courtesy spared for people looking to cause him trouble.

Old Immortal Brightstar scrutinized Jiang Chen closely, pride flaring upon his wrinkled face.

"Extremely young." He proclaimed this with the tone of a wizened senior.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "You are as astute as your name suggests, Old Immortal Brightstar."

"Young man, I have some doubts about the Mirage Introspection Pill. What sleight of hand did you use to trade the Silverstripe Grass for Illusory Spirit Grass?"

"Hardly, sir. If Silverstripe Grass is the best choice in the first place, what need would I have for sleight of hand? It's no fault of mine that the Jade Lake Sect has put Illusory Spirit Grass on a pedestal all these years." Jiang Chen could hear the obvious undertones in the old man's words. He implying that Jiang Chen had used deceitful methods!

Thus, he didn't hesitate for a moment in firing back.

"You've a glib tongue, young man." A helper whom the old immortal had invited rebuked from the opposite side.

"Isn't that right? A youngster's talent is wasted if not applied to the straight and narrow. I hear that you've become a student of the Eternal Sacred Land, young man. You're blessed to have Daoist Ziju's guidance. I hope you learn some morals and ethics from him. It's not good to resort to dishonesty in the world of pill dao. We have a zero tolerance policy for that around here."

A different man was speaking up, using his age as a cudgel. He was going so far as to declare that Jiang Chen had cheated.

Ziju Min didn't wait for Jiang Chen to strike back. He smiled himself. "Stop scaring the young man, fellow daoists. The young should be encouraged for their innovations, even if they aren't necessarily correct. If you only frighten and threaten, you will demoralize all those in the field who are your juniors. Plus, others will get the wrong idea that you're trying to keep them down."

And who was Ziju Min?

Though he didn't possess great seniority in the world of pill dao, he was backed by the Eternal Sacred Land. He spoke with the commensurate confidence to match it.

Frankly speaking, he greatly despised that these pill masters were leaning on their seniority. Since they'd already agreed to a battle, they should've been fine with putting their skills to the test, rather than this juvenile name-calling.

Jiang Chen behaved with perfect magnanimity. "Master Ziju," he smiled, "words have never been able to truly defeat someone before. I thought only young men enjoyed the sound of their own voice, so today has been an eye-opening experience. I maintain that I will teach them the necessary lesson through my actions."

He was brimming with displeasure for these old codgers as well. However, he didn't want to get into a shouting match right now. The quicker this pointless charade could conclude, the better.

If not for Ziju Min's enthusiasm for this, he would have no interest in participating in the first place. Why would he want to prove something that had already been proven?

Moreover, he didn't care about these people's approval. Their denial of the truth only served to highlight their stupidity. What was there to prove to a bunch of idiots?

"Alright, that's enough. There's no reason to waste time in pointless argument. Why not let the battle commence?"

"Absolutely. Let's start!" Many pill dao representatives had been invited; most had remained neutral arbiters. They were more interested in an exciting contest than anything else.

Jiang Chen's eyes focused. "Let's."

"Bring out the materials for examination."

Aside from the difference of respective grasses, all the materials given to both parties were identical.

Ziju Min was excessively cautious. He appraised the materials with hands-on interest, worried that an issue would arise in this stage. After ensuring there were no problems whatsoever, he nodded. "You may begin."

Worried about cheating, the Jade Lake Sect wanted to test Jiang Chen's materials as well.

After a period, both parties and the judges were satisfied with the veracity and nature of their ingredients.

"The materials have been examined. Let the contest… begin!"

The last time Jiang Chen refined the Mirage Introspection Pill, it'd been his first. Thus, he had been somewhat unfamiliar with the process despite its success. His second time felt rather different.

Most importantly, he had a different attitude this time around. The last time had been a simple competition, but this time, he wanted to vent his fury.

He poured his entire being into the refinement process as a result. Whenever he fully devoted himself to refining a cauldron of pills, the results tended to be terrifying.

Compared to his last two hour refinement, he was aiming for a completion time of approximately one hour. Despite that, he didn't rush for the sake of cutting down on time.

Each step was neatly and cleanly executed. The methodology within contained many unexpected surprises. Seemingly ordinary steps contained the essence of his pill dao knowledge from his previous life.

Though only pill dao experts were present, they were nevertheless collectively astounded at the perfection in the minutiae of Jiang Chen's pill refinement. The smallest of movements to warm the cauldron seemed inconsequential at first glance, but actually contained tremendous detail.

Kindling flame was done with an elegant but effective flourish, pleasant merely to behold. Many of the observers found this remarkable indeed.

Even Ziju Min was somewhat moved.

He had known Jiang Chen's pill dao talent to be tremendous; he'd seen the youth in action and considered the latter's foundations extremely solid. But things no longer appeared as simple as that. This young man was a humongous treasure trove, possessing finds seemingly without end.

The rapidity of Jiang Chen's refinement condensed his actual time into two-thirds of his prior experiment's.

One hour was barely up when his cauldron hummed loudly.

Over at the Jade Lake Sect, Old Immortal Brightstar was overseeing the refinements of several pill dao experts. They proceeded at varying paces, but none were able to match Jiang Chen's pace.

This odd phenomenon elicited uniform seriousness from every Jade Lake attendee. Pang Wei was especially incredulous. It hadn't been long since they'd last seen each other, but that kid had gotten even faster!

"Pang Wei, what is this? How come his speed is different from what you said?" An executive from the sect had noticed the discrepancy.

Pang Wei felt large beads of sweat drip down his back as uncertainty and doubt visited him. These developments were entirely beyond his expectations.

"Don't worry, Elder Ge. That kid pursued speed exclusively, so I doubt his results will be any good. He's only shaming himself."

"Yes. I don't believe that the pill can be refined in just over an hour. Even the most expert pill dao experts in Myriad Abyss don't have that power."

"Look, he's about to open his cauldron. Maybe it's all trash inside, hahaha!" The sect members were entirely skeptical.

Ziju Min's eyes were glued to Jiang Chen's cauldron. A keen light exuded from them, radiating more anxiety than Jiang Chen himself.


The lid opened to release bestial roars from within. Five-colored smoke poured out, wafting upward into the air. It was a scene extraordinary simply to witness.

Jiang Chen slapped his table lightly, making his cauldron to shake. In the next moment, the heart-shaped Mirage Introspection Pills leaped out like imps. They were crystalline and translucent, extremely beautiful to behold. Everyone was charmed by their splendor.

The finished pills this time numbered fifteen.

This exceeded Jiang Chen's previous record. A cauldron of fifteen meant that there had been barely any waste. More importantly, all fifteen were nothing short of perfect. There was no pill immediately worse than the rest.

The sight of such remarkable pills would be engraved into the mind for the rest of one's life.

Ziju Min's suspended heart settled back down into its original place. He could naturally tell that nearly all fifteen Mirage Introspection Pills were of supreme rank. There were one or two high rank ones. No medium or low rank pills were in sight.

Chapter 1686: A Judgement From An Advantageous Position

His productivity and quality were both incredibly high, with even more incredible speed of refinement. Jiang Chen's results had overturned the observers' collective understanding of the Mirage Introspection Pill in every respect.

His refinement finished, the young man placed the fifteen pills before the neutral judges. "Everyone," he smiled faintly, "actions speak louder than words. These are the results from my refinement. Please review them."

He'd intentionally increased his volume to attract the Jade Lake Sect's attention.

Several pill dao masters from the sect had participated in the battle, but none of them had even started on the finishing stages of the refinement process, much less be completely done. These words made a mockery of their efforts.

They'd desperately wanted to prove that he'd been dishonest, but he'd used the simplest and most aboveboard process to slap them in the face. And they, so-called upright and true pill masters, were showing everyone that no one was even close to finishing.

Without comparison, it was difficult to determine excellence in many things. The comparison between Jiang Chen and the Jade Lake Sect exacerbated the issue. How could it have been dishonesty that produced so many high-quality pills in such a short period of time?

After submitting the pills, Jiang Chen returned to Ziju Min's side without further prompting. "Master Ziju, I'm glad I didn't disappoint you."

Ziju Min smiled. "Very good. It seems I've underestimated you yet again, Shao Yuan. Each detail in your refinement hides great mystery in its simplicity. I feel that your pill dao knowledge far surpasses that of a normal young genius. Which great master did you have the blessing of studying under? Even if you'd started learning pill dao as a fetus, it would still be amazing for you to have accomplished this much."

Jiang Chen smiled back. "My family has passed down pill dao heritage for generations. When I was young, I was once enlightened. After that, I seem to receive pointers from another in my dreams. I always awake after learning many other things about pill dao."

An explanation like that would be laughed out of the room by ordinary people. But those in the world of martial dao believed such claims implicitly.

Ziju Min sighed. "Is that so? I see now. Rather than being taught by another in your dreams, I think you have memories from a previous life. Perhaps you were once someone extremely important and capable. The reincarnation of your spirit failed to erase all of your recollections, and they are manifesting in your current life."

Ziju Min really was a very astute man. Truth was, Jiang Chen was indeed carrying memories from a previous life. He'd just explained it in a more subtle and indirect way to make it more believable.

Yan Qingsang was right behind Ziju Min. He was astonished to see Jiang Chen finish the refinement so easily, but gave his friend a thumbs-up anyway.

Old Immortal Brightstar's usually reddish visage was darkly dismal. Jiang Chen's quick completion far surpassed their own results, and the old man knew they had lost.

The Jade Lake Sect wasn't the only loser today. The so-called truth they'd held on to for so many years had entirely collapsed. Perhaps Silverstripe Grass really was the best choice for the Mirage Introspection Pill?

Finally, the sect members finished their refinement one by one, displaying their results as they did so.

The best performer out of them all had managed to produce twelve pills, but only three were supreme rank. Jiang Chen had convincingly and unquestionably crushed his competition in every aspect.

The silence that ensued was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

The pill masters who'd participated in the contest were numb with despair, their faces ashen. They had applied their utmost strength to the task, but this outlandishly capable youth had finished his own refinement in an overwhelmingly triumphant way. The gap between the two sides was far too large to bridge.

Ziju Min smiled serenely. "Daoist Brightstar, the results are out. I think I don't need to give a formal conclusion. We all have eyes, do we not?"

The old immortal was somber. After quite a while, he recited in a hoarse voice, "Daoist Ziju, the spoils go only to the victor. I have nothing to say. You may consider this affair concluded. The Jade Lake Sect admits defeat, although we will reserve judgment on the Mirage Introspection Pill. How the pill is defined in the future is entirely up to you."

His tone showed that he was still reluctant to yield the argument. The battle and bet was lost, but the pill's redefinition was left up to Ziju Min. The subtext was that the Jade Lake Sect wouldn't acknowledge it.

Ziju Min smiled easily. "Redefining the Mirage Introspection Pill isn't one man's business. The truth will be accepted by everyone sooner or later."

"Daoist Ziju," one man piped up in question. "Truthfully, I've tried replacing Illusory Spirit Grass with Silverstripe Grass in the refinement process. We all have, in fact, but none of us have succeeded. That's why we suspected him in the first place."

Jiang Chen curved his lips. "Gentlemen, the truth isn't limited to what you know. It's rumored that there's a pill that allows someone to attain godhood in a single instant, ascending from empyrean to the divine realm. Does it mean that it doesn't exist if you can't refine it? Can you call those who can dishonest for being privy to that knowledge?"

He stood up suddenly, sweeping his sleeves about himself to draw a large circle.

"The worlds of pill and martial dao are both as vast as oceans. The amount you and I know constitute the area within this circle, and outside it lies the great unknown. If you think that your comprehension spans all possible truths, well… I think that's a patently ridiculous stance to take."

Jiang Chen's analogy was very accurate and embarrassed some a great deal.

That's right. Who would dare say that there were no truths save for what they knew? No one had the confidence to make such a bold claim. The knowledge of each and every man was limited in some way.

Many neutral judges who'd been invited today sank into contemplation with this philosophical comparison. The young man's explanation was excellent food for thought. Ziju Min was as amazed as the rest.

He was musing over the wisdom that Jiang Chen's words contained as well. The more he mulled it over, the more accurate he found the portrayal.

Ziju Min sighed. "Everyone lives within his own circle and works to enlarge it to the best of his abilities. But compared to the boundless infinity of the world, even the largest circle is limited by its own boundaries. None of you possibly believes themselves to have comprehended the world, yes?"

Old Immortal Brightstar was at a loss for words. He felt the same consternation as Ziju Min and the rest. He wavered in that moment.

Was Silverstripe Grass really better than Illusory Spirit Grass? Had common knowledge about the Mirage Introspection Pill been wrong all along? Had their staunch counterattack been unjust?

The old immortal let out a long sigh. His gaze upon Jiang Chen lost much of its hostility, curiosity welling up in its place.

"Young Shao Yuan, I've lived for more than ten thousand years, but I've never heard of the possibility that Silverstripe Grass is more appropriate for this pill. Perhaps we old men are the ignorant ones. I do have one unresolved question. What secret is there to using the Silverstripe Grass? How come our attempts have never resulted in complete pills?"

"Every detail in pill dao may affect the success of finishing the refinement. Silverstripe Grass is delicate in nature and requires great finesse to avoid ruining the whole batch. Therefore, plenty of experimentation and familiarization with the process is required before achieving success."

"Young man, do you have any tips on using Silverstripe Grass in the recipe? Can you share them with us, or is it an exclusive secret of yours?" Old Immortal Brightstar knew that the request was a bit unreasonable.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. "It's nothing worth keeping a secret about. However, I'm currently a student of the Eternal Sacred Land. Publicizing these tips would thus require Master Ziju's approval."

All eyes turned to Ziju Min.

The pill sovereign nodded to himself and admired the youth all the more. There was no arrogance or audacity after the young man's victory, and he knew to respect the opinions of his seniors.

The more time Ziju Min spent with him, the more he liked him.

"Daoist Ziju, it would be supremely beneficial if Silverstripe Grass were to replace Illusory Spirit Grass in the pill's recipe. You are a pill dao giant in your own right – you won't keep that from us, will you?"

Ziju Min smiled indifferently. "I've never kept anything to myself that could benefit the entire world of pill dao. I steadfastly supported Shao Yuan in this not because I have some grudge against the Jade Lake Sect or my peers in pill dao, but out of my desire to improve our divine nation's pill dao skills as a whole. I hope that our nation's cultivators spend more time on pill dao and it sees more activity over time. Only then will we stay ahead of other factions to remain among the Ten Divine Nations' ranks."

Though his speech carried suspicions of self-promotion, his starting point did indeed consider all his stated considerations. He really did want the nation's pill dao level to increase as a whole, and for all the nation's factions to place more importance on it.

Eternal Divine Nation was certainly not the weakest among the ten, but its pill dao was nearly last place. As one of the Eternal Sacred Land's most esteemed pill dao masters, Ziju Min carried a great deal of responsibility on his shoulders.

The attention the Mirage Introspection Pill had attracted was very effective at stimulating collective passion for pill dao as a whole. Ziju Min's attitude won him public respect.

"Master Ziju, if the sacred land can share the secret of Silverstripe Grass, it would be the great fortune of the nation's pill dao factions."

"Yes. This will allow us to leave our own colorful mark in the pill dao history of the Ten Divine Nations!" All kinds of praise was showered upon Ziju Min.

Chapter 1687: Shooting to Fame

Everyone's attention had shifted away from Jiang Chen, despite him being the one they were gathered here for. However, that was exactly what he wanted. He didn't want to be part of the limelight within the pill dao community.

The last thing he wanted was for people to chase after him even after entering the sacred land. He'd be too busy dealing with them to cultivate then.

Ziju Min was going to make good on his promise to disclose the secret of refining with the Silverstripe Grass. He smiled at Jiang Chen. "Shao Yuan, my friend, everyone's waiting for an answer with bated breath. If you don't mind, would you tell everyone how to replace Illusory Spirit Grass with Silverstripe Grass?"

Jiang Chen smiled. "I'll tell you, Master Ziju. Please explain to everyone else for me. I'm young and not good with words. I'm worried that I may not be able to fully express myself."

He didn't want to be the center of attention. He'd rather give the opportunity to Ziju Min.

What's more, Ziju Min was a prestigious figure in pill dao. It would be easier for everyone to accept the explanation if it came from him.

Jiang Chen summarized the key points and went into detail regarding the use of Silverstripe Grass.

Being a titan of pill dao, Ziju Min was able to understand things immediately. He was deeply impressed and took some time to digest the information before fully sharing it with the others.

Besides, once everyone knew that Silverstripe Grass could replace Illusory Spirit Grass, they'd eventually discover the right method. He might as well let them owe him a favor.

Many factions knew how to refine the Mirage Introspection Pill. Even if they didn't know how to use Silverstripe Grass, they could make do with Illusory Spirit Grass. There was no trade secret to be kept or great profit to be made.

And so Ziju Min enlightened the others with his explanation. Some of the more impatient ones started refining right then and there.

Some pills were successfully formed less than an hour later. Even though the results weren't ideal, they were successful nonetheless. The more skilled ones saw a great increase of quality in their pills. The outcome was thrilling.

Jiang Chen however, was bored out of his mind. He wanted to leave this dull place as soon as possible.

Old Immortal Brightstar had finished refining as well. Once the lid was off, twelve Mirage Introspection Pills leapt into the air like sprites. Every single pill was endearing and clear as a crystal.

The elder was living up to his fame as the figurehead of the Jade Lake Sect. He was able to produce a lot more successful pills and ones of supreme rank in a cauldron.

The outcome convinced won over even him. He sighed. "It seems that we stubborn old men do have to adopt a different mindset. As you pointed out so eloquently before, there is no constant truth in the world. Today's experience has taught us frogs in the well a lesson, reminding us to be open-minded. We should encourage young people to think independently, rather than limiting them!"

Old Immortal Brightstar was extending a friendly hand and conceding on behalf of the Jade Lake Sect.

"That's right, young Shao Yuan. We've offended you with undue hostility." Those in attendance were sensible enough to see that it was Jiang Chen who had done them the big favor.

Jiang Chen maintained a faint smile on his face throughout, unaffected by neither mockery nor praise.

Ziju Min was pleased with the display of composure. In his opinion, Pang Wei from the Jade Lake Sect paled in comparison to Shao Yuan. Pang Wei had had several strong emotional responses today, and every time his emotions had been clearly displayed.

Shao Yuan's shrewdness and temperament convinced Ziju Min that he really had found a hidden gem.

Shao Yuan and Pang Wei were both young men. However, while Pang Wei was still engaging in petty arguments, Shao Yuan had already grown to the point that even figureheads in pill dao approved of his ability. It was amazing how enormous a difference there was between them.

The contest of the Mirage Introspection Pill made Shao Yuan a household name in the entire Eternal Divine Nation. Factions that hadn't known the young man before started to gather information about him.

House Yan's actions were exposed as well. They were mocked for the hostility and dislike they'd shown Shao Yuan. Everyone in the house was ashamed. Shao Yuan had been part of the family, and yet it had been their own members that refused to accept him and ended up pushing him away.

They'd lost a genius who could've changed their destiny for good. Ziju Min was the one who benefitted in the end.

Xiahou Ying, a noble miss of House Xiahou, was in a dark mood as well. She'd sent a letter to Shao Yuan to be a guest at her house, but had received no reply.

"Jerk!" In rage, she flung a small, delicate vase at the wall. Anger drained out of her as the vase shattered with a loud smash. She gritted her teeth and snapped out, "How dare you ignore my invitation, you little shit! I'll make you fall head over heels for me one day!"

She was a typical spoiled child from a large family — short-tempered, capricious, and at times manipulative.

She'd hosted the birthday banquet to evaluate the young geniuses from different factions. Many of the top geniuses had treated her with great respect. The fact that Xiahou Zong was her brother was enough to garner her their deference.

Moreover, she possessed the charm of a young lady from a powerful family. She was adept at socialization, and she was a great actress when she was with other people.

She had a great deal of support from the younger generation.

However, her charm didn't work on the young man, whose origin was unknown. He hadn't paid her any attention during the birthday banquet. After that, he'd turned down her invitations several more times.

This was a stain on her track record that she would never accept! This Shao Yuan was just playing hard to get. That's exactly what he was doing! To make things worse, her own teacher Ziju Min, had been working hard to bring Shao Yuan into the fold of the Eternal Sacred Land.

Not even Xiahou Ying had enjoyed such treatment.

She was his pill dao disciple, yet even she didn't have the right to stay in the Eternal Sacred Land for long periods at a time. She was only given the opportunity to meet with Ziju Min and receive his teachings every once in a while.

As a latecomer, Shao Yuan had surpassed her. He'd won Ziju Min's appreciation in a very short period of time. Her teacher clearly valued him more than he did her as he'd spent almost all his time on Shao Yuan lately.

"Teacher is so unfair. Why does he favor that kid who came from nowhere so much?" Xiahou Ying refused to accept the current situation. "Hmph! When I visit teacher, I'll trick Shao Yuan into falling for me and embarrassing himself!"

Xiahou Ying wasn't a generous person. On the contrary, she was a spoiled girl. Shao Yuan was now her rival for her teacher's love. She was as upset like a child whose candy had been taken away.

Moreover, the thief was giving her the cold shoulder. It made her all the more furious. She was an important woman of high status. She was destined to be admired by everyone like a phoenix that soared through the sky!

What gave the young man the right to ignore her?


House Yan was in chaos.

With Yan Qingsang's help, Jiang Chen was able to meet up with Huang'er.

"You only have one hour, brother," Yan Qingsang emphasized. "Be quick with whatever you have to say. I can only buy you so much time."

He had now completely thrown his lot in with Jiang Chen; he would weather whatever adventures came their way.

Jiang Chen was able to meet with Ling Bi'er at the same time.

When Ling Bi'er first heard that Jiang Chen was visiting Huang'er, she'd instinctively tried to leave, but Huang'er stopped her by grabbing her tightly.

"You and I are sisters, Sister Bi'er. And we both have been through life and death with Brother Chen. There's no reason for you to hide now."

Heat rose to Ling Bi'er's cheeks. Jiang Chen entered the room when she was still dithering.

The three of them came face to face. Huang'er had a calm smile on her face, while Ling Bi'er looked as helpless as a thief who'd been caught red-handed. However, she couldn't look away when her eyes landed on Jiang Chen.

"Huang'er. Senior sister Bi'er." Jiang Chen was delighted to see the two of them.

Huang'er chuckled. "You're here to say goodbye, aren't you? Let's not talk about your departure, but about our shared past today."

Her light words made Ling Bi'er tremble with anticipation. Her heart sped up on its own accord.

"No matter where I am, Huang'er, my feelings for you will never change."

"We're past that, Brother Chen. I'll understand whatever decisions you make. Sister Bi'er, on the other hand, has been through a lot of hardships over the years, and she still holds you dear in her heart."

Ling Bi'er was a mountain of ice that was melting. She didn't know what to do with herself. The enthusiasm in the air both embarrassed and warmed her. For reason unbeknownst to her, she felt warm every time she saw her junior brother. She'd always felt insecure, and yet her heart fluttered whenever she saw him. She felt the same now as she had ten years ago.

"Senior sister Bi'er, how have you been since we parted?" Jiang Chen was delighted to see Ling Bi'er again.

"Junior brother..." Ling Bi'er said in a low and quiet tone, her voice a little nervous. "I heard that you've taken my father and Hui'er in and rebuilt the Regal Pill Palace… The past few years must have been difficult for you."

Huang'er chuckled. "Sister Bi'er is still being too formal. Brother Chen cares deeply for the Regal Pill Palace, and about you and your sister. He never forgot about you in all the years you went missing."

Jiang Chen smiled. "It's quite a miracle that we're able to meet again after everything. Uncle Ling and Hui'er will be happy if they hear about our reunion."

The awkwardness between them dissolved. In its place was an easy familiarity.

Chapter 1688: The Eternal Sacred Land

The one hour they spent together undid several emotional knots that Ling Bi'er had been nursing. The three of them were able to open up more to one another.

Huang'er was greatly moved when she heard that Jiang Chen had decided to join the Eternal Sacred Land because of her.

"Don't worry, Huang'er. I'll be prepared. Even if Xiahou Zong exits his cultivation tomorrow, I'll do everything I can to take you away."

"I trust you, Brother Chen. I'll rather die in your arms than take a single step into Xiahou territory." Huang'er was as determined as he was.

Jiang Chen felt much better after validating each other's feelings again. He was a little less worried about going to the sacred land, but at the same time his new promise was another weight added to his shoulders.

The Eternal Sacred Land was the most powerful faction in Eternal Divine Nation. Even the royal family of the nation was raised in the sacred land.

It was a big deal to House Yan that Jiang Chen was joining the faction, but for the sacred land, it was trivial. Countless geniuses joined throughout the year. He might be well-known at the moment, but mostly for his ability in pill dao. Although pill dao was valued in the faction, it wasn't as noteworthy as achievement in martial dao.

Therefore, the Eternal Sacred Land didn't pay a lot of attention to Jiang Chen and Yan Qingsang.

Yan Qingsang, especially, was widely speculated to have entered through nepotism. He could only be considered a probationary disciple. If he didn't perform well enough during the probation period, it was very likely he'd be kicked out.

There wasn't a welcoming celebration for them, which didn't surprise Jiang Chen. Given the sacred land's status, two young men from House Yan weren't important enough to warrant a festive welcome.

"Shao Yuan, Yan Qingsang. Starting today, both of you are probationary disciples of the Eternal Sacred Land," said Ziju Min. "You will undergo a test one month later. It may not be particularly difficult, but it'll determine if you can stay for the long term. You're known for your ability in pill dao, Shao Yuan, so you should be able to stay even if you don't pass. Yan Qingsang, however, will be sent home if he fails.

"This is how we operate. I hope you'll understand." Ziju Min was upfront with them.

Reality was cruel, but it was as Jiang Chen expected. The Eternal Sacred Land was the top faction of Eternal Divine Nation, after all. They wouldn't be thus if they didn't impose high and rigid standards.

"Your ability is the only thing that matters here. The greater the talent and potential you demonstrate, the more valued you'll be. I know you're extraordinarily talented, Shao Yuan, but I'm the only one who knows at the time being. You have to prove yourself to others as well. I can pave the path and be the wind at your back, but you must work hard to win the other senior executives over on your own.

"As for Yan Qingsang, your top priority now is to pass the evaluation next month. You don't have much time. You must be prepared for everything."

Yan Qingsang had been able to come because of Jiang Chen.

"If I don't do well here, Master Ziju, I'll never return to House Yan," Yan Qingsang responded with great conviction. "I'm a man. What other people can achieve, I can as well!"

"Good. I'm glad that you're confident. To be honest, I want you to stay as well. I don't want the other senior executives to use your failure against me."

"What does the evaluation entail, Master Ziju?" asked Jiang Chen. He wasn't worried if he could stay. He was more worried about Yan Qingsang. If Yan Qingsang failed, his recommendation would be all for nothing.

"The evaluation isn't needlessly harsh. I can tell you about it..." Ziju Min didn't keep the information from them. He explained briefly what the evaluation would be about, giving them a basic understanding.

Jiang Chen didn't find it that difficult himself. On the other hand, Yan Qingsang had a fifty percent chance of passing. But they still had a month. Jiang Chen believed that he would be able to help Yan Qingsang increase his likelihood to succeed.

"You should spend some time and go over the evaluation in more detail. There are other important things I have to tell you in advance about the Eternal Sacred Land.

"We have three heads known as the three primes. They are all half-step divine realm. It's also said that we have a venerated forefather, but that's above my position to know.

"In addition to the venerated forefather and the three primes, there's also the Hall of Elders, which is composed of hundreds of elders. The elders are categorized into upper elders and lower elders. One has to reach at least seventh level empyrean to be an upper elder, and fifth level empyrean to be a lower elder. Only those who have made extraordinary contribution or possess unique talents can be lower elder at fourth level empyrean.

"You may think that it sounds easy to be one of hundreds of elders in the hall, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Might alone doesn't make you an elder. Many sixth level empyrean experts are unable to become one. Cultivation is a prerequisite to be an elder in the Eternal Sacred Land, but it takes more than that to actually make be one.

"If you're wondering what the specific criteria are, my apologies, there aren't any. If someone is talented enough, the Hall of Elders will conduct an observation. If the person fails any part of the observation, the elders will consider him unqualified.

"The other sects and houses in Eternal Divine Nation may not have such high standards, but this is how it's always been here.

"You have a remarkable talent in pill dao, Shao Yuan, but that's no excuse for you to be arrogant. In the sacred land, your talent in pill dao may be able to win you many friends, but it won't grant you any privileges. Only when you're able to earn the approval of everyone with your pill dao skill will you be granted any real privileges."

This was as Ziju Min had promised Jiang Chen. If he could show enough potential to win over the entire faction, he'd be given not only privileges, but also leeway to do whatever he wanted.

Such was the reality of the martial dao world. If someone had enough talent and potential to upset the balance of the world, he could have anything.

"Master Ziju, who are the noteworthy geniuses among the younger generation here?" Jiang Chen abruptly changed the subject. "What are they like?"

"There are a great number of geniuses among the youths in the sacred land. On average, our youths are much stronger than those from the other big factions. Xiahou Zong has styled himself the top genius in the nation, but the other young geniuses in House Xiahou are lesser than ours both in quality and quantity.

"Of course, there's no telling if Xiahou Zong truly is the top genius yet. We will be hosting a sword competition next year for our nation's geniuses, and one for all young geniuses in the Ten Divine Nations three years from now. Perhaps we'll know the answer then. The general competition is when true geniuses will shine. Talented cultivators from all nations will pop up like bamboo shoots after a rain. Before then, rumors are nothing but rumors."

A sword competition for all Eternal geniuses and then a further one for all geniuses from the Ten Divine Nation three years later? Jiang Chen had certainly come at the right time, when major events were on the horizon.

Three years!

"I'll prepare a dossier on the geniuses in the sacred land for you so you have a rough understanding. Here, as long as you have enough potential and might, there's no need for your to care what kind of genius your opponent is and where they're from. We believe that a single flower does not spring make."

Ziju Min gave them a few more pointers before leading them to the residential area for probationary disciples.

It was more simple and crude compare to the other areas, but Jiang Chen didn't care. It was a rare bout of free time for him. First, he formulated a cultivation plan customized to Yan Qingsang's needs, ruminating carefully to base it on the upcoming evaluation.

Yan Qingsang now implicitly trusted everything Jiang Chen told him. And the plan his brother had drawn up did indeed fit him and his martial dao style perfectly.

"If you follow this plan, Brother Yan, your chance of passing will reach seventy to eighty percent. As long as you perform at your usual level during the evaluation, you will become an official disciple of the sacred land."

"You've changed my life for good, brother. I don't want to leave either. I'll show House Yan that I'm just as good as the other members of the family!" Yan Qingsang had been under a lot of stress over the years. He'd simply been keeping it bottled up.

Now, he was in Eternal Sacred Land's territory, playing by the sacred land's rules. Growing ambitious was a most natural reaction. The plan Jiang Chen put together for him allowed him to see many new possibilities and helped him better understand where his potential lay.

Meanwhile, Jiang Chen set out to reach peak great emperor himself. He was close to reaching that level and he still had an ace in the hole - the Emperor Supremacy Pill. He planned to use the pill to push himself to peak great emperor in a month.

Chapter 1689: Peak Great Emperor

Time spent in the Eternal Sacred Land was surprisingly peaceful. Only a few probationary disciples were around. The others were journeying to experience the world, leaving only Jiang Chen and Yan Qingsang the only two probationary disciples here.

The two of them took to their new life like a duck to water.

Jiang Chen began digesting the Emperor Supremacy Pill. Time was marching inexorably forward. He believed that right now was the best time to breakthrough.

Instinct told him that Xiahou Zong was likely to end closed door cultivation before the sword competition for geniuses next year. Jiang Chen didn't have a lot of time, but one year was long enough for him to prepare.

He was quite confident that he'd be able to reach peak great emperor in a month. Even if he needed more time, it wouldn't be that much longer.

Yan Qingsang also threw himself into cultivating under Jiang Chen's guidance. He improved himself in many different aspects. His cultivation level was at peak great emperor, which wasn't bad, it was actually higher than Jiang Chen's. In terms of fighting ability however, five of him wouldn't rival one Jiang Chen.

It wasn't because of a lack of talent, but a lack of understanding in martial dao. His foundation wasn't solid enough.

Having identified the problem, Jiang Chen knew that it stemmed from the limited resources from House Yan. It made for Yan Qingsang having only a rough grasp of many details in martial dao.

What Jiang Chen had to do was to help fill in those gaps.

It was unrealistic to expect Yan Qingsang to become a new person in a month, but Jiang Chen's understanding of martial dao allowed him to to resolve many of the pre-existing problems.

As time passed, the Yan genius could feel keenly the amazing transformation he was going through. He marveled at his progress, which boosted his confidence considerably.

Ziju Min checked up on them several times throughout the month. He was pleased to see the two of them work so diligently. That was more than he could hope for.

He had especially high hopes for Jiang Chen. His biggest worry was that the young man's remarkable talent in pill dao would hinder his progress in martial dao. It turned out that these worries were unwarranted. The young man was more hard working than he could've imagined.

What put Jiang Chen at a disadvantage, compared to geniuses of Myriad Abyss Island, was the fact that he'd taken over the body of a boy over the age of ten when he reincarnated.

As a result, his cultivation history was more than ten years shorter compared to other geniuses. This was why he was still aiming for peak great emperor while the top Myriad Abyss geniuses had already reached empyrean realm.

If given ten more years, he'd be able to easily defeat any young geniuses in Myriad Abyss. That much he could say with confidence.

Time flew. More than twenty days had passed. The one-month mark was coming.

Thanks to the Emperor Supremacy Pill, the spirit energy in Jiang Chen's body was abundant and vigorous. Like beasts brandishing their claws, they were ready to rip away the shackles that held him down from reaching peak great emperor.

It was a sign that he was close to breaking through.

He was relaxed and calm, his mind was free of all unnecessary thought. His heart beat steadily as he awaited this reverent moment of great importance.

Everything seemed to naturally fall into place now that he'd reached this step. No one understood the difficulties he'd overcome to get to this point.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

His meridians expanded as the spirit energy in his body soared. A seemingly limitless stream of energy flooded through his system in a mad rush. Warmth rampaged out of his dantian, reaching every part of his body in an instant. He felt it in every pore and bone.

Jiang Chen had experienced the rush countless times, but he'd never been as excited as he was now. He'd finally reached peak great emperor!

It might not be that much of a milestone for geniuses in Myriad Abyss, but it was remarkable for him to catch up when he'd been ten years behind all this time. The most critical thing was, he hadn't arrived at Myriad Abyss for long.

There was far less ambient spirit energy in the human domain. If he'd reincarnated into Myriad Abyss Island, he'd have reached the same cultivation level as the top geniuses by now, if not much higher.

He could feel the seal in his consciousness become more active after his breakthrough. Signs that hadn't been present before started to show. He had a feeling that the secret of the seal would be revealed to him once he reached empyrean realm. He very much looked forward to that.

Although he'd been living in Divine Abyss Continent for a long time, the millions of years from his past life still held a special place in his heart. He never forgot, even for a single second, about the love and devotion that his father from his past life had shown.

Even after coming to a different world, he believed that their bond hadn't been severed after his his reincarnation. There seemed to something unexplainable maintaining the link between him and his father. Their bond remained intact.

"Perhaps the nine droplets forming the chain seal is the clue that father left to me about my past life." He resolutely believed that he was getting closer to finding out the ins-and-outs about everything.

"The sword competition is one year away. I must reach empyrean realm before that no matter what. Only then will I be able to stand out among the other young geniuses."

Jiang Chen knew that he'd be able to take on many initial empyrean geniuses in combat. He could summon Confounding Puppets or set up the Nine Labyrinth Formation, to name just a few ways.

There were other methods that could effectively deal with the top geniuses, even when he remained at peak great emperor. However, he wouldn't necessarily be able to dominate the competition.

Eternal Divine Nation was among the most powerful entities on Myriad Abyss Island. The top geniuses in the nation ranked in the top of Myriad Abyss as well. There was no telling if the geniuses possessed powerful treasures themselves.

If the gap between their and Jiang Chen's equipment was smaller, it'd naturally be more difficult for him to fight them. That was, unless his cultivation could reach their level.

Ascending to empyrean realm was a necessity.

In Eternal Divine Nation, only those above empyrean realm could be considered first tier geniuses. Anyone below that could only be second tier.

Take Yan Qingsang and Yan Jinnan, they were at peak great emperor. Even then there existed a difference in power between those at the same level. As for geniuses who'd reached empyrean such as Yan Zhenhuai, they were the top geniuses in the nation.

The numbers of top geniuses differed between the great factions.

According to the dossier from Ziju Min, there were roughly twelve young geniuses who'd reached empyrean realm in the Eternal Sacred Land.

Meanwhile, there were at most six in the other great factions, and even the lowest possessed at least one. It made for an impressive final figure. These were the true best of the best in Eternal Divine Nation.

There were tens of thousands of second tier geniuses like Yan Qingsang, and countless third tier geniuses.

There existed a large gap between the first tier and second tier geniuses. If one could cross that gap, then he too would become one of the leading figures within the nation. If one failed to bridge the gap before age sixty, it'd be close to impossible to surpass the others in their lifetime.

Nothing was constant in the world of martial dao, but there was a pattern to it most of the time.

The higher one's potential was when young, the more advantages later in life. Different starting point led to differences in the foundation of cultivation and mindset, which in turn led to different levels of success.

Of course there was the rare exception. Some were able to change their fate and catch up after gaining a special heritage or a fortuitous encounter. That happened more often than one would think, but in the end, the lucky ones were in the minority. Perhaps one struck gold out of a hundred, or even one out of a thousand.

Jiang Chen had gained a basic understanding of the composition of geniuses in Eternal Divine Nation. The nation wasn't among the top in the Ten Divine Nations, but it was above average.

The Ten Divine Nations weren't all equal in power, but the differences weren't significant.

As long as he could ascend to top rank within Eternal Divine Nation, he'd be among the top in all of Myriad Abyss.

He'd been unrivaled in the human domain. Coming to Myriad Abyss had helped him recover his passion in the race to the top of martial dao. It was as if he was back to his time in the Precious Tree Sect, Regal Pill Palace, or Veluriyam Capital. However, this time he was faced with even greater challenges.

As usual, Jiang Chen upgraded his various methods, techniques, and equipment after breaking through. He possessed a great variety of resources, and they all needed periodic tending to.

A month was just about enough for him to do all that. Soon enough, the evaluation to become a formal disciple arrived.

Chapter 1690: The Evaluation Begins

The entrance evaluation for the Eternal Sacred Land had a set of strict standards. Even though Jiang Chen had been recommended in, he wasn't spared from participation.

After a month of grueling cultivation, Yan Qingsang had improved with remarkable rapidity as well. He could already sense traces of the heavenly dao, and it seemed likely for him to break through at any moment.

Although he was peak great emperor, he hadn't made much progress with empyrean comprehension for a long time. Over the past month, the details of his martial dao were adjusted to perfection under Jiang Chen's imperceptible hand and eye, repairing his flaws. Because of this, he was finally beginning to sense what he hadn't before.

The change manifested in him as a flash of divine inspiration. Due to this, Yan Qingsang prepared to receive the exam in prime condition.

On the eve of the exam, Ziju Min felt a mixture of emotions well up.

He occupied a quite prominent position in the Eternal Sacred Land — one of the upper elders in the Hall of Elders, one of the ten most important. Aside from the venerated forefather and the three primes ranking directly beneath, no one else could claim seniority over him.

Still, his recommendation of the young men had resulted in considerable pressure. Not so much with Shao Yuan, whose pill dao talent and expertise was well known, but the accessory Yan Qingsang was a source of ridicule.

Some felt that it was a joke for a second or third-rate young genius from House Yan to enter, and that it brought shame upon the faction. They didn't want Ziju Min to start such a harmful practice, since they were concerned that the precedent would result in even more lawlessness.

Ziju Min didn't defend himself. He had known as well that bringing Yan Qingsang into the fold would give those who opposed him an opportunity to criticize.

But he wasn't really concerned with that. His status as a master of pill dao afforded him courtesy from even the three primes. As for the elders who were on the same level with him, he didn't care about what they said.

"Elder Ziju, the exam is tomorrow. The Eternal Sacred Land carries its own set of rules and principles. If that House Yan kid can't pass the exam, we'll have to kick him out."

"Haha, it's not just the House Yan kid. If… what was his name again? Shao Yuan? If he doesn't pass, the rules stipulate that he can't stay either."

Ziju Min was a respected and dependable man in Eternal Sacred Land. Still, he had a few that he didn't get along with. The handful of elders who were hostile to him came forward now to poke at him.

Ziju Min smiled. "Don't worry. I can't guarantee anything on Yan Qingsang's behalf, but Shao Yuan will pass the exam for sure. No question about it. Unless–"

The pill sovereign paused intentionally here before continuing. "Unless someone deliberately interferes with the process or doctors the exam."

"Who dares do so? The sacred land's rules are far-reaching and publicly recognized. Anyone who does challenges its authority. No matter his position, he will be punished."

"Yes, Elder Ziju. No need to worry about that. As long as they are real geniuses, the sacred land will only welcome them. Why would someone meddle with the exam? No, no."

Ziju Min's customary magnanimity earned him quite a bit of support. Many others sounded their opinions in reassurance.

The pill sovereign smiled. "My fellow daoists, I have no doubt Shao Yuan will persevere. Keep your eyes peeled. I firmly believe that he will become an influential character in his own right one day."

"Haha, you certainly have high hopes for him."

"No matter how good his pill dao talent is, it's not to the point of creating miracles, no?"

"Perhaps Daoist Ziju is planning to make Shao Yuan his successor?"

"If Eternal Sacred Land gains a second Daoist Ziju, that would be a wonderful thing."

"Truly. The sacred land's pill dao masters are too few in number."

"It seems you all have underestimated Shao Yuan's talent. My intention isn't for him to become a copy of myself. Given enough time, his achievement in pill dao will be ten times mine. It's quite likely he will be able to surpass all the divine nations' pill dao masters."

Ziju Min's remarks were entirely heartfelt, but they sounded like colossal jokes to others.

Achievement ten times that of Ziju Min's own?

What did that even mean?

Ziju Min's pill dao achievement wasn't necessarily the best in the Ten Divine Nations, but he was definitely among the top ten.

Ten times that was unimaginably eminent. The idea that the boy would surpass every other pill master in the Ten Divine Nations was absolutely incomprehensible.

Even the elders closest to Ziju Min chuckled without comment. Clearly, they felt that Ziju Min's prediction was exaggerated as well.

"It's not easy to surpass everybody else in the divine nations. Perhaps you're overselling him a tad, Daoist Ziju? Out of his greatly promising talent, I'm sure."

"I can't even begin to fathom such a thing. The Ten Divine Nations have countless experts, some hidden from view entirely. You have very high hopes for this Shao Yuan, Daoist Ziju."

Ziju Min remained silent. Actions spoke louder than words. Any declarations he made right now wouldn't be believed. As a pill dao senior, he was very sensitive to all matters relating to his expertise. He recognized the true genius in Jiang Chen.

Those so-called pill dao geniuses in Eternal Sacred Land were like children before Shao Yuan, not fit to be mentioned.

Ziju Min knew that some of the elders doubted Shao Yuan because they too had children and grandchildren who were important pill dao geniuses.

They didn't want the rise of a young man who had more talent and attracted more attention than their descendants. Genius could only outshine genius. Thus, he found it pointless to argue with biased individuals.

Tomorrow, Shao Yuan would use his actions to deliver a resounding slap to these old men's faces.

On the day of the exam, Jiang Chen and Yan Qingsang came to the evaluation hall. There weren't many being assessed today.

The material in Jiang Chen's test was somewhat more extensive than that given to Yan Qingsang. Aside from martial dao, there were pill dao topics as well. His friend, on the other hand, was solely to be tested in martial dao.

Jiang Chen gave Yan Qingsang a meaningful glance. "Brother Yan," he transmitted in consolation, "I've always had faith that you can pull this off. Prove it to them!"

Both young men were fired up as their exams began.

The martial dao exam was identical for Yan Qingsang and Jiang Chen. The exam tested the examinees' combat abilities.

The Eternal Sacred Land had a geological formation high up in the mountains known as the Nine Winding Caves. Each cavern contained a trial.

According to the rules, passing three of the trials in succession rendered one an official disciple of the sacred land. Four, an elite disciple. Five, a core disciple; and passing six, a personal disciple of one of the masters. This was the best treatment one could hope for. Every successive trial passed meant a drastic change in accommodation and privilege.

In the history of the Eternal Sacred Land, the best record had been set by an extremely capable genius who passed through eight, only to be stopped by the final one.

Passing three trials was pretty good for a fresh disciple. Passing five was exceedingly rare. Eight? Unthinkable, since it'd occurred only once.

Yan Qingsang was up first, Jiang Chen behind him.

In truth, Jiang Chen was more anxious for Yan Qingsang than he was about his own trials. The Yan genius needed to pass to bolster his self-confidence. If he succeeded and received that tremendous boost, it would help him rise from a second-rate genius to a first-rate one.

The first trial didn't pressure Yan Qingsang at all. The second trial cost him quite a bit more time, but he steadfastly pushed through.

The third trial was the most important. Jiang Chen broke into a sweat when the attempt started. The keeper of the trials had said that the third was significantly more difficult than the second. It was used to separate the wheat from the chaff.

If he could pass that, Yan Qingsang would become an official disciple of the Eternal Sacred Land – a status that no one could strip from him.

Jiang Chen silently prayed for his brother's success.

Yan Qingsang managed to power through in a crucial moment, pulling through with a fierce struggle.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed to see the youth emerge from the third cave. The young man looked somewhat fatigued, but his fighting spirit had only increased.

"I want to challenge the fourth." Yan Qingsang was raring to test his mettle.

"Well said!" Jiang Chen clapped. He could see that Yan Qingsang had more than enough fighting spirit left to fight on. Thus, he would only encourage his friend in his enterprise.

Yan Qingsang entered the fourth cave.

It was evidently much more difficult than the third as well. Yan Qingsang sank into embittered contention and failed to come back out after an hour and a half. But that he hadn't been automatically ejected meant he hadn't lost yet.

He was still exerting every ounce of his being to staying in the fight. This was where his will would be most sorely tested.

Jiang Chen believed that Yan Qingsang had a more than 50% chance of breaking through the fourth level, especially after his month-long training session.

If he did, his future determination would be empowered by this success. Jiang Chen sincerely hoped his friend would succeed here.

Perhaps passing the fourth trial would be Yan Qingsang's current limit, but it was no means his overall limit in martial dao. Rather, it would be a new beginning for him.

Chapter 1691: The Nine Winding Caves

Seconds passed into minutes as Yan Qingsang battled on within the fourth cave. He was already exhausted, but he wasn't going to give up now. He knew that he wouldn't have any strength remaining after this fight to challenge the fifth. This made the current opportunity all the more valuable.

He wanted to pass this trial, even if it cost him all he had.

Though he seemed a bit whimsical and off-key ordinarily, he was unimaginably stubborn when it came to certain things. Jiang Chen had discovered precisely this character trait. What reason was there for someone with such conviction not to find success?

Yan Qingsang suddenly recalled many things. His family, his grandfather, his unfortunate cousin, and the brother waiting for him outside…

His waning battle spirit roared to life once more.

"I can't fall here. Even if I die, I won't give up here!" An inner voice shrieked inside him. Maddeningly intense willpower burned.

Jiang Chen could sense ripples of this furious mentality. He was quite pleased by this turn of events, and had a very strong feeling that Yan Qingsang would pass the fourth cave.

The elders had already been very surprised to see Yan Qingsang pass the third trial. Evidently, they'd all felt it rather inconceivable.

From their point of view, it was impossible for the Yan genius to pass the third trial. Within that entire house, the only person who was supposed to have that ability was Yan Zhenhuai – and perhaps Yan Qinghuang as well.

They hadn't anticipated Yan Qingsang's success, and their shocked reaction showed it.

When he'd first entered the sacred land, many people hadn't spared him a single glance before pronouncing judgment about his future failure. It had only been a month since then. Had he really managed to forge himself anew?

Even Ziju Min was mildly astonished. He found the entire affair rather odd. He hadn't been particularly sure that Yan Qingsang would pass at the start, either. In fact, he had prepared himself for the eventuality that the young man would be kicked out.

Yan Qingsang's present display was a huge, but welcome, surprise. For one, it brought great honor to Ziju Min. Since the boy had originally come as Shao Yuan's accessory, no one had had any expectations for him.

Under these circumstances, his reasonably good results excited Ziju Min more. If the accessory was like this, how would the man of the hour fare? Surely even better than Yan Qingsang!


A flash of light rose into the air above the fourth cave.

This pillar of radiance indicated that the challenger within had found success. In the next moment, the entire surrounding area was lit up by an incandescent array.

Yan Qingsang dragged himself out with tired steps. He lurched from side to side; blood and sweat caked on his skin. He looked dreadfully fatigued, but a cheerful grin hung on his lips.


He fell to the ground after taking a few strides, causing a cloud of dust to rise from the impact.

"I did it!" He gasped breaths of noxious air, gulping in fresh wind to replace it.

Smiling, Jiang Chen lifted him up and placed him to the side. "Brother Yan, you're a real disciple of the Eternal Sacred Land now. The entire world will think more highly of you from now on!"

Yan Qingsang wanted to laugh, but had no strength to do so. It was all he could do to maintain the wide grin already plastered upon his face. There was untold joy in his expression.

Ziju Min chose this moment to come out as well. "Congratulations, Qingsang," he directed his words at the young man. "The Eternal Sacred Land formally welcomes your membership. You have done well, both on your own behalf and your house's. I believe that House Yan will be proud of you when they hear of this as well."

This was not praise, but fact.

Yan Qingsang's results were more than enough for House Yan to be proud of. Aside from Yan Zhenhuai and Yan Qinghuang, who in the younger generation could say they would definitely pass the sacred land's evaluation?

And yet, Yan Qingsang had done so. Just this was enough for him to hold his head high.

"Alright, Shao Yuan, it's your turn."

Ziju Min smiled faintly at Jiang Chen. "Your cultivation level seems to have increased as well. You're always full of surprises, young man. Even the people around you are infected by it. Yan Qingsang has changed a great deal in the past few days. Were you the catalyst for that?"

Jiang Chen shrugged. "Perhaps."

His gaze had already turned towards the Nine Winding Caves. His goal was to conquer the entire course, in order to put his potential on full display before the sacred land.

His body vanished from its original place.

The first cave was a rudimentary test, and Jiang Chen passed it trivially.

The second cave was an enhanced version of the first cave, with the difficulty somewhat adjusted upward. The attackers in this case were once again, puppets hidden in the darkness.

But Jiang Chen's senses were sharper than those of a mid empyrean expert's. It was impossible for any puppet to ambush him merely from cover of darkness. He passed the second trial as easily as the first.

The third trial was designed in the same vein. Aside from the puppets, many unknown organisms had joined the fray. The organisms in question weren't large, but moved extremely rapidly. It was more difficult to defend himself because of this.

Jiang Chen was both alert and quick enough to render the third trial frivolous as well. He passed without breaking a sweat.

Many elders in the Hall who wanted to have a good laugh at his expense were sorely disappointed. They were the same ones who'd observed him in secret when he had first entered. Because he was only at peak great emperor – not even half-step empyrean, they had largely written off his martial dao talent.

At least he would make a good spectacle to watch! Ziju Min would be embarrassed in the process too.

Or so they thought.

But it was a month later, and the joke they'd long anticipated hadn't materialized. Shao Yuan had almost offhandedly passed three trials in a row. It was as if someone was helping him cheat.

Some were exasperated at this. More, however, were shocked with amazement.

Passing three trials wasn't amazing in itself. Rather, that was quite an ordinary feat. But the way that Shao Yuan had passed through so easily was!

It looked like he hadn't even warmed up yet after three rounds. So far, he was having a nice stroll in the park. Many began to have higher hopes for the young man named Shao Yuan.

Jiang Chen quickly entered the fourth trial.

"From the way he's been going so far, I don't think the fourth will stop him either," someone remarked in restrained admiration.

"Not necessarily. Before him, Yan Qingsang had an easy time with the first three trials too. But the fourth trial exhausted him. Shao Yuan isn't even part of House Yan's bloodline, so how could he be stronger than Yan Qingsang?"

"Well, I think that's obvious. Aside from Yan Zhenhuai, who can compare to Shao Yuan from that house?"

"Don't get too excited, gentlemen. We'll see how our contender does soon enough."

Ziju Min remained completely quiet as he beheld Jiang Chen's performance. He had been a bit concerned about the young man's martial dao talent before, but his heart was completely calm now.

Jiang Chen did not disappoint. The fourth trial that'd exhausted Yan Qingsang wasn't even a burdensome challenge to him. None of the attacks could get through his defenses. Though it did take him a bit more energy than the previous ones, he had plenty of strength left to spare.

"Tsk tsk, this kid is starting to look interesting. Passing four trials means he's at least first-rate."

"Isn't that right? He's already at least as good as an elite disciple, but he has a lot of fuel left."

"Haha, the fifth cave isn't going to be this easy. The earth attribute surroundings, the fivefold gravity, and the various subterranean creatures will be multiple problems for him to solve. It's essentially impossible for him to pass the fifth trial. He's just an outsider in the end."

"Ah, he'll have succeeded even if he doesn't pass. He wasn't born in the sacred land, after all. If he were, he could very likely try himself against the sixth or seventh trial."

The Nine Winding Caves geometrically increased its difficulty with every additional trial.

Just because the fourth trial wasn't particularly difficult didn't mean the fifth would be the same.

Of course, Jiang Chen wasn't accustomed to underestimating his obstacles. Since he'd planned to use his full strength to challenge the Nine Winding Caves, he would be cautious every step of the way rather than losing a crucial opportunity because of carelessness.

When he entered the fifth cave, the gravity restriction immediately bore down on him. No matter how he tried to move, the powerful force weighed down on his body and footsteps. Jiang Chen was quick enough to realize that he had entered a gravity-based domain.

"Heh heh, gravity at this level is somewhat intriguing. It's not going to pose a problem for me, though!" Jiang Chen called upon his Earth Bodhisattva Orb.

The Orb had once been the crowning treasure of the foremost formation sect in ancient times, the Earth Bodhisattva Sect. It was one of the most valuable earth attribute treasures around.

The orb could neutralize gravity of this level with ease in an untraceable manner.

The treasure swiftly hummed to life, causing the gravity domain around him to disappear in a two-yard radius around it. Though gravity acted with terrifying efficiency outside these boundaries, the Earth Bodhisattva Orb had created a safe passage for him!

Chapter 1692: Bringing Skill and Talent into Stunning Full Play

More importantly, the protection of the Earth Bodhisattva Orb caused the earth attribute creatures to tremble beneath the earth. None dared approach the intimidatingly radiant treasure.

Though Jiang Chen hadn't unleashed its terrifying earth pulse yet, the orb's natural power was enough to scare many organisms into submission. In this way, he passed through the gravitational cave with leisure.

In fact, he didn't take much longer than he had in the fourth cave. In terms of ease, the fifth surpassed its predecessor.

Everyone was astonished when Jiang Chen emerged. The elders who'd expected him to fail were paralyzed with shock. Though there had been an emotional component in their prediction of his failure, they really hadn't wanted him to pass the trial.

Even if he were to pass, he should've been exhausted by the ordeal. How could he still be so energetic and laid-back?

Reality had overturned their expectations. It was a bit hard for them to accept this.

"Good work, brother." After a brief period of recovery, Yan Qingsang had recovered enough of his vitality to cheer Jiang Chen on.

He too was impressed at the ease with which Jiang Chen had passed five trials. Before his brother had exposed his identity, Yan Qingsang had thought that he was only capable in pill dao and ancient jade. Only afterwards had the Yan genius begun to take an interest in his brother's martial dao talent as well, culminating in his current respect.

But what he'd just seen clued him into a new truth. This young man from the human domain had martial dao talent that far surpassed his own. Even someone as proud as Yan Qingsang had to defer to his incredible skill for teaching and altering the martial dao of others.

Maybe Huang'er's fate really will change through his efforts? A pleasant daydream popped into Yan Qingsang's head. He absolutely didn't mind if Jiang Chen could cut Xiahou Zong down. In fact, he would celebrate with every fiber of his soul.

However, Xiahou Zong was supposedly the foremost genius of Eternal Divine Nation. It wouldn't be easy to kill him in the first place.

Even so, a seed had been planted in Yan Qingsang's heart. At the very least, though it felt like most couldn't defeat Xiahou Zong – himself included – the same wasn't necessarily true for Jiang Chen.

Good luck, Jiang Chen. Yan Qingsang cheered for his friend from the bottom of his heart. If you can defeat Xiahou Zong and save Huang'er, I'll drink myself under the table at your wedding!

This was the first time he was seriously considering this possibility. He would be more than pleased if this were to pass.

Meanwhile, Jiang Chen had entered a trance-like state that completely ignored all outside interference. He dashed into the sixth cave in the blink of an eye.

The sixth cave was the cave of illusions. It brimmed with hallucinations, delusions, and other fantastical images. Someone that entered the cave wouldn't be privy to that information though. What their eyes and ears could sense seemed all too real.

As soon as Jiang Chen entered the sixth cave, he cast his consciousness all around him to examine his surroundings.

A limitless ocean was before him with no apparent end. Skeletons and debris was scattered about on the nearby coastline.

"Hmm? What is this place?" The Nine Winding Caves had sent him to a variety of locations, but an ocean was a first.

Suddenly, a voice boomed forth from the void.

"Lost one, nothing can get across this ocean. Look at what drifts upon it – all cultivators who have attempted to force their way past." The voice was completely detached, uncaring about all things in the world. A closer glance revealed that it came from a man on the coast, a fishing rod in the waters. He was perfectly still, as if he had been sitting there for dozens of millennia.

Jiang Chen blinked. He glanced at the watery domain. A slight breeze picked up on the relatively calm waters, sending ripples across its surface. Corpses and bones were revealed by the movement of the waves, seemingly fated to spend eternity adrift.

"Lost one?" He blinked. "Are you talking about me?"

"Is there another human around here? Human, I will ask one question of you. You have studied martial dao all your life, but do you know what sacred place is on the other side of the ocean?"

"No idea." Jiang Chen didn't want to fall into another's tempo. He resorted to disinterest to curb further conversation.

Pacing nearer to the coast, he began to observe every detail of this place with his consciousness. The ocean was rather misty and mysterious.

"Stop here, young man. The world of martial dao has no room for delusion. If you don't even know what's on the other side, how do you have the courage to venture on?

"The limit of martial dao is in these waters. Turn back to safety."

Jiang Chen burst out into laughter. "What gives you the pluck to say that this is the limit of martial dao?"

He didn't particularly hate the voice, but the bold statements it was making seemed patently absurd. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration dawned. Maybe this was another kind of test!

He abruptly raised both arms, charging up a powerful attack which he hurled at the empty space in front of him.

"False phantasm, begone!" No matter what he perceived all around him, Jiang Chen's goal was singular and clear. He didn't want to be defeated by any of the caves.

Every detail within this sixth cave was designed to entrance. The environment almost had a natural ability to induce him into thinking a certain way. But Jiang Chen would have none of it.

Even if this sixth cave had a guardian, what right did he have to say that these waters represented the limit of martial dao?

He'd never heard of such a ridiculous thing. Therefore, he felt this had to be a deception. A closer sweep with his consciousness revealed no signatures of life whatsoever.

Abruptly, Jiang Chen realized that he'd been fooled.

His potent strike caused the space all around him to collapse into nothingness, the projected images and other sensory mirages disappearing into the ether.

Was that it?

As he walked out of the sixth cave, Jiang Chen was somewhat incredulous. He hadn't expected the sixth trial to be so civil and polite. It was all too unbelievable.

"The sixth cave was a realm of illusions. Nothing in there was real." Jiang Chen calmed down as soon as he came out. Careful consideration revealed the truth to him.

The name of the cave was the Illusory World. It had no offensive power whatsoever. All of its effects were involved in creating hallucination and apparition to guide people's thoughts.

Someone who didn't possess an iron will would be easily led astray, and lose himself in thought and in the cave. He wouldn't find the exit no matter what direction he went in then.

Jiang Chen had used his extremely keen perception and decisiveness to cleverly pass the sixth trial.

This piece of news spread through the sacred land like wildfire. Elders who hadn't come to the hall to watch the evaluation streamed out of their residences one by one, coming to the Nine Winding Caves to spectate the exciting proceedings.

The hubbub instantly increased near the caves.

That someone had passed the sixth cave was known to basically everybody by now. Someone who did so would be a personal disciple of a sacred land master. Even if Jiang Chen didn't continue on, he would receive that lofty standard of treatment.

But the young man was dissatisfied with his achievement. He felt that he could press on forward.

"What, is that kid still not satisfied? He wants to challenge the seventh too? Where does his courage come from? Doesn't he know that the difficulty will only shoot up again from here?"

"Haha, maybe he's overconfident? The seventh cave will endanger his life."

"Never mind. Young people have their own ambitions. Perhaps Shao Yuan is going for the fame!"

"Don't say that. This young man is still full of vigor despite passing six trials. His potential hasn't entirely manifested yet."

"He might very well surprise us yet again with the seventh cave."

"Yes, just like what he's done so far. I'm not sure I would be surprised if he did, really."

Beginning from the third cave, everyone had realized that the young man had extraordinary promise. As expected, he had passed through cave after cave with perfect cadence; and now, he was past the sixth!

The difficulty of the trials was common knowledge. The fifth and the sixth caves especially caused even the most powerful of geniuses to stumble if unprepared. But this outsider with an unassuming appearance had surpassed many who'd been born within the sacred land!

Passing six trials was already third place in terms of overall achievement. Many had managed to attain this result, of course, but few could claim to have done so in recent years. And yet, someone had crashed through all six of his trials today with incredible ease. This revelation shook the entire Eternal Sacred Land.

The three primes behind closed doors were stunned as well.

"He passed the cave of illusions? The young genius that Ziju Min recommended is rather remarkable."

"A pillar of the sacred land, to be sure." The will of the primes praised the pill sovereign's find and character.

Ziju Min was exceptionally pleased to hear it. But he was more curious whether the young man could succeed in his challenge against the seventh cave too. He sincerely hoped that the young genius could work a miracle.