

Chapter 947 City of Pleasure

Su Yang and Luo Ziyi left the Martial God City shortly after they arrived, using the teleport formation to instantly transport them to the City of Pleasure, a renowned city within Martial Heaven.

Once they arrived at the city, Su Yang and Luo Ziyi went to look for a hotel, and there were plenty of hotels within the City of Pleasure.

In fact, the number of hotels within the City of Pleasure far surpassed that of ordinary buildings and stores, as one-night stands were quite popular in this place, and with the massive number of visitors every day, they required a lot of hotels.

As they walked down the wide and busy street, they could see countless women standing around.

Pretty young ladies, graceful ladies, mature women, beautiful women— there were all kinds of beauties available in the City of Pleasure, all of them looking to please others or wanting to be pleasured.

There were also a lot of handsome men in the City of Pleasure just for the ladies— or other men depending on one's taste.

"How much experience do you have in this place?" Luo Ziyi suddenly asked Su Yang.

"What makes you think I would have experience in such a place?" Su Yang responded with a smile on his face.

"Please. This place is called the City of Pleasure— it has your middle name in it. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the lord of this place at one point in time," she said.

Su Yang laughed out loud at her words, and he said, "Unfortunately, you're wrong about this one. I have only been here a handful of times, and most of them were business-related. In fact, I didn't like this place in the past."

"Really? Why not? This place is like a paradise for dual cultivators," she said.

"I'm not exactly sure myself either, to be completely honest with you. I just never really liked the place ever since I heard about it.

"Maybe it's because it will be too easy for you to seduce someone in this place that's catered to people like you? I know you have a habit of trying to challenge yourself by chasing after women people deem impossible to conquer. If you look at our family, almost everyone has impressive backgrounds and plenty of influence within the Four Divine Heavens— women that one normally wouldn't even imagine conquering." Luo Ziyi said to him.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "I cannot deny that I didn't like a good challenge back then. The more someone would refuse, the more effort I'd put into conquering her. However, I think I have changed since then."

"You sure have…" Luo Ziyi said with a smile.

Sometime later, they eventually found a hotel that wasn't already fully booked, and they rented the room for a week.

Once they were inside the room, Luo Ziyi concealed the room with a formation.

Su Yang then retrieved one of the pills Yu Xiang gave him and consumed it, altering his fatty appearance to something more ordinary and average.

If a stranger were to look at Su Yang right now, they'd see only see an ordinary scholar who didn't have any impressive or special features— he was just your run-of-the-mill scholar.

"That's your new appearance?" Luo Ziyi looked at him with her eyebrows slightly raised.

"Yes. How do I look?"

"You look… lackluster— so plain that I can speak with you and then forget about you the moment we stop talking," she said.

Su Yang chuckled at her words, and he said, "Good enough."

"Well, what are you going to do now? I am curious how you're going to attract the Boundless Yin Yang Sect without attracting too much attention."

Hearing her question, Su Yang stared at her with a dead serious look on his face, and he spoke in a calm voice, "I am going to open up a store."

"A what?" Luo Ziyi's eyes widened.

"A store," he repeated.

"I heard you… But what kind of store?"

"A massage parlor," he said, leaving Luo Ziyi speechless.

"You're going to open up a massage parlor…?"

Luo Ziyi never thought she'd see the day where Su Yang would do something so random and ridiculous.

The God of Pleasure opening up a massage parlor? It was truly a miracle she never thought could be possible.

"Once I open my massage parlor, I will have a way to make a name for myself without any suspicions. Eventually, the Boundless Yin Yang Sect will notice me and try to recruit me," he said with a confident smile on his face.

"I really have to see this now. Let's open up your store now." Luo Ziyi said, seemingly more eager to open up the massage parlor than Su Yang himself.


They proceeded to make their way to the management building for the City of Pleasure, where they handled all business-related things for the city.

"How may I help you two?" An old man asked them once they reached the desk.

"I would like to open up a store in the city," said Su Yang.

"What kind of store are you looking to open in the City of Pleasure? A brothel?"

"No, I want to open up a massage parlor," he said with a serious look on his face.

"I'm sorry, but there are already enough massage parlors in the City of Pleasure." The old man shook his head.

However, Luo Ziyi suddenly retrieved 10 flawless-quality spirit stones and placed them on the desk in front of the old man, whose eyes immediately widened with shock when he realized what they were.

10 flawless-quality spirit stones were more than enough to buy a hundred shops within the City of Pleasure, much less a single massage parlor.

"P-Please excuse this old man, esteemed guests. I must have made a mistake due to old age. Now that I think about it, there seems to be a lack of massage parlors in the City of Pleasure, and if you'd like to open one, we will gladly have you with us!" The old man's attitude did a 180 turn upon seeing the money.

Chapter 948 - Massage Parlor

Although it was questionable why someone who could afford to waste 10 flawless-quality spirit stones to open up a massage parlor would do so, the old man couldn't care less about their reasons and decided to accept them.

The old man then began looking for available areas in the City of Pleasure.

"Do you have any preferences for the location of your massage parlor, esteemed guests?" The old man asked them.

"Not really," Su Yang said, as he wasn't worried about getting no customers.

"Then how about the Red Light District? It is usually the most populated area in the City of Pleasure, and most of the people there are high-class." The old man suggested.

Su Yang pondered for a moment before shaking his head.

"I want something less extravagant and something more… basic. It is also a plus if there's a good variety of people there.."

The old man nodded and pondered for a minute before speaking again, "What about the Pink Light District? You can find all sorts of people there, from mortals to immortals."

"That sounds good." Su Yang agreed.

"Great! What about the building? There are currently 6 buildings available in the Pink Light District. Should I just get the biggest one that's available for you?"

"No, I want something small and comfortable. I will only be accepting one customer at a time, after all."

"There are 2 buildings that fit your criteria. Here are the layouts of the building. Which one do you prefer?" The old man then placed two scrolls on the desk, showing them two different buildings and their interiors.

"I want this one." Su Yang picked the building on the right, which had two small rooms and a single bathroom.

"Okay, then I will register you as the new owner of the building now. Can you give me some basic information about yourself?"

Su Yang nodded and began making up his background.

"My name is Xiao Yang, and I am from a common family. After failing to become a scholar multiple times, I have decided to give up on becoming a scholar to start my own business. I am also 20 years old." Su Yang gave the old man more information than was needed just in case someone were to ask them about his background.

'A common family?' The old man raised his eyebrows.

What kind of common family has the ability to spend 10 flawless-grade spirit stones to open up a massage parlor in the City of Pleasure? And why would a failed scholar suddenly decide to open up a massage parlor? What made him change direction in life this hard? The old man was curious, but he didn't dare ask.

"What about you, young lady?" The old man turned to look at Luo Ziyi, thinking that she will also be working with Su Yang.

Luo Ziyi shook her head and said, "I won't be working in the store. He's the sole owner of the store— I am just paying for him since I owe him a debt."

"I-I understand. Just me a few minutes to make this official." The old man then went away for some minutes before returning with some scrolls in his hand and a key.

"Here are the documents that will prove you're the owner of the massage parlor. This one over here has all of the rules you must follow as a store owner of the City of Pleasure. This one is about taxes. Every year, the city will take a percentage of your income as tax depending on whichever district you are located in. Oh, this one is the location of your building. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them now or come back later."

"Thank you."

Su Yang accepted the items and tossed them into his storage ring before leaving the place with Luo Ziyi.

They then followed the map until they arrived before a small and empty building that was located in the center of the Pink Light District, one of many districts within the City of Pleasure.

Using the key given to them, they went into this building.

The first room was a small squared room that had a single desk in the middle with nothing else.

"This will be the reception." Su Yang said as he walked to the door straight ahead, entering the second room in this building.

The second room was three times larger than the first room, giving Su Yang plenty of room to work with.

After spending a moment looking around the building, Su Yang cleaned the place until not even a speck of dust remained.

He then placed a couple of chairs in the reception room and a single large mattress in the center of the second room.

"This is it? It looks so… unprofessional and sketchy." Luo Ziyi said afterward, giving her honest opinion of the place.

"I don't have any proper furniture at this moment so I will decorate the place properly later," he said.

"This will suffice for now."

Su Yang then retrieved a large piece of cloth with something written on it from his storage ring.

Luo Ziyi read the contents on the cloth with her eyebrows raised the whole time.

"Heaven Massage… Experience what it feels like to be in heaven… First three customers free of charge?"

Indeed, Su Yang had kept the sign he'd created for his massage business within the Profound Blossom Sect when he was still a mere Outer Court disciple this entire time.

"This thing doesn't look new. When did you make it?" Luo Ziyi noticed this and asked him.

"When I first regained my memories in the other world," he said in a calm voice.

"Why did you keep something like this?" She couldn't help but ask.

"I just felt like it, I guess. It has some history behind it as well."

Sometime later, once they were prepared to open, Su Yang hung the sign made of cloth directly in front of the building, attracting attention from the surrounding pedestrians and the other stores already, but it was not because they wanted a massage. Instead, they were baffled by his sloppy and poor advertising method, and some of them even thought it was a joke.

Chapter 949 - First Customer

"What the heck is he doing? Did someone finally decide to take up that store?" One of the store owners there asked the others.

"Heavenly Massage… So a massage parlor? Don't we already have enough of those in the city? I'm surprised the management even allowed him to open another one."

"The management probably made a mistake, but this is good news for us since this new business most likely won't affect our business at all," said another.

There were over a dozen stores around Su Yang's massage parlor. Half of them were hotels with the other half being brothels. There were a few unique stores, such as a store that sold special treasures that can only be used inside the bedroom, and another one that sold pills and medicine that enhances one's experience in the bedroom.

Of course, there were also a couple of massage parlors within the Pink Light District, and all of them have more reputation and credit than Su Yang's newly opened massage parlor, meaning that getting new customers would be difficult.

After hanging the sign outside the building, Su Yang went back inside and proceeded to wait for customers.

Three days passed by in a flash since Su Yang opened up his massage parlor, but he has yet to have a single customer walk through his doors..

"Three days and not a single customer despite advertising free services. This isn't a good look for your business, dear." Luo Ziyi said to him.

And she continued, "If you cannot get customers when it's free, how in heaven's name are you going to get customers once you start charging people?"

"Patience, Ziyi... patience…" Su Yang said with a calm look on his face as he cultivated in the corner of the room.

"Hopefully you get a customer before I leave in a few days." Luo Ziyi said.

"It may start out slow— extremely slow, but the moment I get my first customer, things will speed up significantly," he said.

They continued to wait for a customer to show up.

Two days later, they finally heard the door to their building open.

A moment later, they can hear a feminine voice, "Hello? Is there anybody here?"

Luo Ziyi then went outside and said, "Welcome to Heavenly Massage. How may I help you?"

Luo Ziyi decided to take the role of receptionist for as long as she was working there.

A woman with ordinary facial features but a beautiful slender figure walked up to her and asked, "I saw the promotion outside and decided to give it a try. After all, I can't refuse free things… Or am I too late?"

"No, you're not. Each session will be for thirty minutes. Are you okay with that?" Luo Ziyi asked her.

"Yes, I am fine with that." The woman nodded.

Luo Ziyi then guided her to the next room that only took a couple of steps to arrive.

The moment they went inside this room, they could see an ordinary young man with a scholarly aura around him standing there with a gentle smile on his face.

"Welcome to Heavenly Massage, beautiful young fairy." Su Yang greeted the woman.

"T-Thank you…" The woman was taken by surprise by Su Yang's complement, as this was her first time being called beautiful.

"Please lay down over here with your back facing the ceiling." Su Yang then pointed at the luxurious mattress on the floor.

The woman was stunned that they didn't even have a proper massage table, but she laid on the mattress regardless.

'Wow… What a comfortable mattress…'

The woman was once again taken by surprise by the high-quality mattress under her body; it was definitely one of the most comfortable mattresses she has experienced in her life thus far.

"Let me know when you're ready so that we can begin." Su Yang said to her once she laid down.

"You can start now," she said to him.

"Okay. Please excuse me."

Su Yang then kneeled beside the mattress and began caressing his fingers across her back while she was still fully clothed.

The woman's body trembled at the sensation of Su Yang's fingers on her back, feeling as though his fingers were caressing her skin despite having clothes on.

A few moments later, Su Yang began pressing his fingers into certain locations on her back, poking her vital points with the Finger of Fulfillment technique.


To her own surprise, the woman subconsciously released a loud moan that echoed in the small room.

Su Yang didn't mind it at all and continued to massage her vital points all over her body.

In just a few minutes, the woman had moaned multiple times, and her body was twitching all over the place.

"Do you want to turn around?" Su Yang asked the woman.


The woman then flipped her body around with some difficulty due to her sensitive body at the moment.

However, just as Su Yang moved his hands, the woman said, "Wait a moment… Let me take off my clothes. Do you mind?"

"Make yourself comfortable," he said, still with a gentle smile on his face.


Despite his ordinary appearances, the woman was charmed by his gentle smile and seemingly noble demeanor, not to mention his godlike hand techniques.

The woman then loosened her clothes and spread it over the mattress like a blanket.

"You have a beautiful figure, young fairy." Su Yang said to her.

Compared to her lackluster face, her body was incredibly beautiful, perfectly portioned, and beautifully shaped.

"I am ready." The woman said to him in a somewhat bashful look on her face, feeling like a docile young lady waiting to be pampered.

Su Yang nodded and proceeded to caress his hands all over the woman's naked body, starting from her stomach and moving up to her breasts, before going back down again and massaging her legs.

Su Yang continued to tease this woman's body for ten minutes without actually going for her little sister that was soaked with Yin Qi by now.

When the woman could no longer endure his teasing, she grabbed his hand and moved it towards her little sister while looking at him with a passionate gaze.

"Do whatever you want to my body," she said to him.

Chapter 950 - Do You Do Anything Other Than Massages?


Su Yang's first customer in the massage parlor moaned passionately as he worked his fingers inside her soaking wet cave that was also gushing with Yin Qi.

After giving Su Yang full access to her body, he has been displaying some of his godlike techniques on her little sister until the woman was on the verge of going crazy.

"Yes~! Yes~! Yes~!"

"More~! More~! Give me more~!"

The woman begged loudly, completely unaware that her voice and moaning had penetrated the thin walls of this building and resounded in the street for everyone to hear.

A few buildings away from Su Yang's massage parlor, a middle-aged man had a frown on his face as he heard the woman's moaning voice that was clearly filled with pleasure.

"Hey, I saw one of your girls entering that new massage parlor. Did you send her inside to test the place?" Someone eventually approached the middle-aged man and asked him.

The man nodded and said, "I was hoping that whoever was managing that place sucked so that I could chase him out of the Pink Light District. However, my plans have basically backfired. With how loud that bitch is moaning, everyone that wasn't interested in it at first will definitely be looking at it in a different light now. Fuck! I shouldn't have sent her there!"

The middle-aged man realized that he'd just sent a rabbit inside a tiger's den that appeared to be a harmless place.

And just as the middle-aged man had expected, the pedestrians were curious about the situation inside this new massage parlor that came out of the blue, as they have never heard such blissful-sounding moans before.

Eventually, someone couldn't resist her curiosity and entered the building.

"Welcome to Heavenly Massage! How may I help you?" Luo Ziyi greeted her.

"Hi… I would like a massage," said the pretty young woman in a nervous voice, as the moaning suddenly became twice as loud inside the building.

"Okay! The current session will end in about five minutes. Until then, please take a seat over there and wait until it's your turn." Luo Ziyi said, acting incredibly professional despite her status.

Luo Ziyi acted so professionally that if someone told the customers that she was a powerful immortal at the peak of Immortal Ascension, nobody would believe that person.

In the first place, there was simply no way that an immortal at the peak of Immortal Ascension would work as a mere receptionist in some massage parlor in one of the most lustful cities in the Four Divine Heaven.

The new customer took a seat at the side of the room and began waiting, but her heart could not calm down with the constant moaning coming from the other room that was only a couple of meters away.

Three minutes later, another new customer entered the building and asked for a massage.

Now that they had three customers, Luo Ziyi went outside to take down the sign that advertised free massages.

The moaning finally stopped a couple more minutes later, and the street became dead silent almost instantly after the moaning stopped.

About five minutes later, the door to the massage room opened, and a woman slowly walked out in an unstable manner, looking like she was incredibly drunk.

The woman took a couple of steps towards the exit before stopping to release a soft moan.

The next second, liquid began dripping onto the floor beneath the woman, almost like she'd pissed herself.

However, the water was too clear to be pee and looked more like Yin Qi.

The customers swallowed nervously when they saw this, and their expectations for the massage session grew exponentially.

Sometime later, the woman made it to the exit with much difficulty.

"Goodbye! Thank you for your business!" Luo Ziyi said to the woman with a bright smile on her face, playing the role of a receptionist to perfection.

She then looked at the next customer and said, "You may now enter the massage room."

The pretty young woman nodded and stood up before making her way to the massage room.

Once inside the room, the new customer was shocked by the scene inside the massage room.

The room was soaked, almost like it had been sprayed with water, and standing beside a mattress was an ordinary-looking young man who was also soaked in water.

"Please give me a moment to clean up," Su Yang said to the woman, who nodded her head in a dazed manner.

Su Yang then used a profound technique to dry the wet walls and floor almost instantly.

He then started changing his clothes in front of the woman, revealing his refined body to her.

Of course, he did this purposefully.

The young woman swallowed nervously when she saw Su Yang's flawless upper body, but when she noticed the large sausage dangling between his legs, her jaw dropped from shock, as she has never seen such a large sword before, and it wasn't even in its awakened form just yet.

This made the woman wonder what it would look like when fully erected.

Su Yang quickly finished changing his clothes, and once he was done, he replaced the soaked mattress with a brand new one.

"I apologize for the wait, young fairy. Please, lay down for me." Su Yang said to her with a handsome smile on his face.

The young woman nodded her head and laid on the comfortable mattress with her heart beating like crazy.

Sometime later, Su Yang began massaging her body that was still fully clothed.

However, the young woman quickly realized that even with her clothes on, it felt like she was naked when Su Yang touched her body, so she decided to take it off a few minutes into the massage.

A few minutes later, once it was time for her to flip, the woman flipped her naked body over and looked at Su Yang with a hinting gaze.

However, Su Yang acted like he didn't notice it and continued to massage her body professionally— until the woman personally spread her legs wide and said, "Hey, do you do anything other than massages here? Money isn't an issue for me."

Su Yang chuckled in a charming manner before speaking in a calm voice, "You're the customer. I will do whatever you want me to do."

The woman then pointed at the area between his legs and said, "I want you to massage my body with that monster inside your pants."

Chapter 951 - Noise Complaints

"Y-You useless bitch!" The middle-aged man that sent Su Yang's first customer to his massage parlor yelled at the woman when she returned to her workplace.

"I sent you to that massage parlor to ruin their reputation, not help their business! Look at what you've done! Do you have any idea how loud you were moaning in there?! The entire street could hear it loud and clear!"

Hearing her manager's words, the woman was shocked. She was moaning that loud? She was too indulged in the pleasure to even realize it!

"I-I'm sorry, manager, but it just felt too good. I have never felt anything like that before," she said to him afterward.

"W-What did you just say?" The manager looked dumbfounded after hearing her words.

"As much as I hate to say this, I think we shouldn't mess with that massage parlor, manager. I have a feeling that it will become quite big within the City of Pleasure, much less the Pink Light District, and if we offend them, who knows what might happen in the future." The woman said to him.

"I don't have to hear that bullshit! Get out of my face!" The middle-aged man shouted in an angry voice.

"Excuse me." The woman didn't show much of a reaction despite the manager's reaction, clearly used to it.

However, just as she approached the brothel, she could hear an incredibly loud moan come from the massage parlor she'd just left, causing her to turn around with wide eyes.


The moaning was so loud that it'd startled everyone on the street.

"Heavens! What the heck was that? It sounded even louder than before!"

"Whoever is inside is definitely exaggerating her moaning. There's no way this is real." Another person said, doubting the legitimacy of the moaning.

"I agree. This is probably some sort of advertisement they're doing for their massage parlor. I refuse to believe that one could possibly moan so loud without deliberately doing so."

Despite some of the store owners' doubt, the pedestrians were definitely intrigued by whatever was happening inside the massage parlor.

However, they were not only interested in whatever was happening inside, but they were also afraid as well.

After all, nobody there could fathom the satisfaction this woman was feeling to release such blissful and loud moans.

It could be said that the majority of customers within the City of Pleasure had above average endurance since they were used to pleasure, so in order to make someone feel this good, the massage must be top-notch.

The moaning from the massage parlor continued to resound in the area until almost half an hour later.

A few minutes after the moaning stopped, everyone there could see a woman walking out of the shop with shaky legs that wouldn't stop even if she was standing still, almost like they were made of tofu or something.


The young woman fell on the floor after taking a few steps and was unable to stand up again.

The pedestrian was baffled when they saw this, and some of them approached her.

"Are you okay, young lady?" Someone there offered his hand to the woman.

However, the woman shook her head and said, "I am okay. My body is just incredibly sensitive at the moment. I don't want to be touched. Thank you for your concerns."

Someone else there then asked, "You just got a massage from that place, right? How did it feel? Was it really that incredible? We could hear your moaning even a street away."

"I-I was that loud?" The young woman immediately blushed when she realized that she'd been moaning loud enough for everyone to hear.

When the others saw her genuine bashful reaction, they knew that she wasn't faking her moaning before.

"Unfortunately, words cannot describe what I felt inside the massage parlor. That young man inside… He's incredibly talented, and his techniques were simply godlike. I urge everyone to give it a try. You won't regret it," said the young woman.

Everyone there exchanged glances with each other.

"I-I am going to try it out!" Someone there said after a moment of silence.

She then entered the small building.

As for the young woman, she proceeded to sit in front of the massage parlor until she could finally move again.

A few minutes later, another customer in the massage parlor began moaning, filling the street with blissful moans.

The store owners on the same street were beginning to get annoyed by the constant moaning. Although the sound of moaning was frequent within the City of Pleasure and could be heard on nearly every single street in the city, they weren't this loud and distracting.

Eventually, one of the store owners there went inside the massage parlor to complain.

"Hey! Can you keep the noises down? Or do you expect us to deal with so much noise every day? If you need someone to make a sound concealment formation for your massage parlor, I can refer you to someone!" One of the store owners there complained to Luo Ziyi.

Luo Ziyi showed an apologetic smile and said, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. We have already contacted an array master to help reduce the noises, but it will take a few more days before he arrives."


The store owner wanted to continue to complain, but she wasn't able to find any reason to do so.

"If I still hear so much noise by next week, I will make a formal complaint to the management hall and have them deal with your place!" The store owner said to Luo Ziyi before leaving the place.

"Thank you for your understanding," Luo Ziyi said to her as she left the massage parlor.

As an array master herself, she could make the formation whenever she wanted, but if she did that before their massage parlor got some attention, it would be bad for their business, so they purposefully avoided that until someone made a complaint.

Thus, the customers' loud moaning continued to terrorize that street for a few more days until Luo Ziyi had to leave the City of Pleasure and return to her sect.

Chapter 952 - Two Months

"Dear, it's about time for me to leave. I have already stayed here for longer than I had liked," Luo Ziyi said to him after the massage parlor closed down for the day.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Thank you for all your help. I wouldn't have made it to this point so quickly without your help."

"If you want to thank me, you can do so by staying safe and coming back to us soon," she then said.

"I will return once everything is prepared and I am able to— I promise."

Luo Ziyi then gave Su Yang a passionate kiss on the lips and then said afterward, "Once I return, I will let the others know what you told me. I don't know when they'll visit you, but expect a visit from them soon."

Luo Ziyi then handed him a storage ring.

"Here's some money if you need it. I know you don't like to rely on others too much, especially if you don't need to so I didn't give you anything too grand. However, it's better to have them when you need them than when you need them but don't have any."

"Thank you. I will accept it." Su Yang accepted the storage ring, but he didn't look inside, as he wanted to keep it a surprise for when he needed it.

After kissing Su Yang one more time, Luo Ziyi left the massage parlor and disappeared from the city.

Once she was far away and alone, Luo Ziyi removed her disguise and started returning to the sect with her flying treasure.


The flying treasure flew straight into the starry sky and then towards the Celestial Heaven, traveling between Divine Heavens without using any teleport formations.

A week later, Luo Ziyi returned to the sect and summoned the others.

"Sister Ziyi! You have finally returned! I was getting anxious waiting!" The family quickly gathered at her living quarters.

After Luo Ziyi concealed their place with a formation, she began telling them about her adventure with Su Yang.

"You had such an adventure with Su Yang? How envious…"

"Sister Ziyi, did you ask Su Yang about whether or not we can visit him?"

Luo Ziyi nodded, "Of course. I wouldn't forget about something so important."

"Well? What did he say!?" The ladies stared at her with anticipation in their gaze.

Luo Ziyi smiled and said, "He said it's okay if you visit him—"


The room instantly became filled with excitement from the goddesses that were acting like a bunch of children who just got approval to leave the house so that they could play with their friends outside.

"Let me finish." Luo Ziyi said to them after giving them a moment to rejoice.

"Su Yang gave all of us permission to visit him, but only one person can visit him at a time, and you must be disguised when you visit him."

"That's fine. We were already prepared to do that much and even more if we got to see him." One of them said.

"The real question is… Who gets to visit him first?" Wang Yunxuan suddenly said.

The place instantly turned dead silent with everyone in the room exchanging glances, and the atmosphere there suddenly became heavy, almost as though a war was about to begin.

"Calm down." Luo Ziyi was the first to break the silence, and she continued, "We can decide the order through a lottery draw. This way, we don't have to fight each other to decide."

"A lottery draw?" They looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Yes. In fact, I already have everything prepared."

Luo Ziyi then retrieved a dozen round rocks and placed them on the table.

"Inside each of these rocks is a number— from one to twelve. You will each pick one rock, and whatever number you get is your position in the queue to meet Su Yang."

"And don't even bother trying to cheat. Your spiritual sense won't work on these rocks." Luo Ziyi said to them.

Of course, all of them have tried to peek inside the rock way before Luo Ziyi even said that sentence, but alas, they were unable to see anything.

"Go ahead. Pick one." Luo Ziyi then said to them.

After swallowing nervously, each of the goddesses picked a rock randomly.

Once everyone there had a rock in their hand, they all smashed it simultaneously, revealing a piece of paper inside.

"Yes! I am first!" One of them suddenly exclaimed when she saw the number 'one' on her paper.

"Damn it! I got number seven?!"

"Why have the heavens abandoned me? What did I do to deserve the last place?"

A few of them were satisfied with their result— mostly the ones that picked a low number, while the others cursed their bad luck.

The goddess that got number twelve even cried slightly when she saw the number.

"Sister Ziyi, when can I visit Su Yang?" The lucky lady who managed to get the number 'one' asked her afterward.

"You can visit him whenever you want." Luo Ziyi said.

"Then I will go right now!"

"Wait just a moment!" Someone suddenly stopped her.

And then she continued, "We still need to decide how long we each get to spend with Su Yang! It shouldn't be too long so that the rest of us won't have to wait years before we can see him, nor should it be so short that we leave unsatisfied."

"How long did Sister Ziyi spend with Su Yang? We can use her as the standard." Wang Yunxuan suggested.

"If you only count the time I was actually with him, then about two months, give or take." Luo Ziyi said.

"How does two months sound, everyone?" Wang Yunxuan asked them.

"Although it's a little shorter than I'd hoped… I guess so." One of them agreed.

"I also don't mind. If you think about it, two months is actually a lot of time, especially when we usually only get to spend about a week with him at most before he leaves to somewhere in the Divine Heavens, and then we won't see him for a few more years."

"If you say it like that, two months is actually a lot of time… I agree with this amount of time!" Another one agreed.

Eventually, everyone agreed on spending two months with Su Yang each.

Chapter 953 - Hiring A New Receptionist

After Luo Ziyi left his side, Su Yang decided to take a few days off from working at the massage parlor to look for a new receptionist. After all, managing the massage parlor by himself would be very difficult when he has to spend most of his time with the customer, and stopping to massage to receive new customers wouldn't be very personal or good for the business.

Of course, there was Xiao Rong, who could replace Luo Ziyi. However, Su Yang felt that Xiao Rong wouldn't be a great receptionist mostly due to her nonchalant character, and he preferred someone a little more professional.

Once he prepared his sign, Su Yang placed it right outside his massage parlor, instantly attracting many gazes.

[Hiring a female receptionist. Free massages. 1 high-grade spirit stone every month.]

A bunch of ladies crowded around Su Yang's sign before he could even return to the store.

"What happened to the previous receptionist?" One of them couldn't help but ask him.

"She was only helping me temporarily, and she had to go home," he said.

"Are there any more requirements? Does our cultivation base or background matter?" Another one asked.

"The only requirement is that you're a woman and you know how to treat the guests properly. Also, you must answer a few of my questions truthfully. If you wish to apply for the position, I will be inside." Su Yang said to them before entering the massage parlor.

Of course, the women outside also followed him inside, as they were interested in the role.

Not only was 1 high-grade spirit stone a month an incredibly high salary for a receptionist working anywhere in the Four Divine Heavens, much less a massage parlor in the City of Pleasure, they also get to work for Su Yang, who was given the nickname 'Divine Hands' by his customers only a week into his business.

Despite working at the City of Pleasure for only a week, Su Yang's massage parlor has already become a hot topic within the Pink Light District.

It was so popular that one could not walk in the street without hearing about it, and the number of customers looking for a massage had grown exponentially— to the point where customers can no longer sit in the lobby and wait for their turn.

Instead, they must write their name on a waiting list and wait until it's their turn, and currently, the waiting list has an estimated wait time of one week despite Su Yang accepting 20 customers a day, seven days a week.

A line quickly appeared outside Su Yang's massage parlor with the number of women wanting to work for him entering double-digit within 10 minutes since Su Yang posted his hiring sign.

Meanwhile, inside the massage parlor, Su Yang spoke with the women one by one.

"Do you have any experience as a receptionist?" Su Yang asked the pretty young woman.

"Yes! I have three years of experience when I worked at the Blue Light District!" The woman spoke with a smile on her face.

However, Su Yang could immediately tell this woman was farting about her experience.

Though he didn't say anything about it and continued to question her.

At the end of the interview, Su Yang told the woman that she did not qualify.

"W-Why?" The woman asked him in a dumbfounded voice.

"I prefer someone I can trust, but you lied straight to my face multiple times."

"N-Nonsense! When did I lie?! How could you even tell?!" She spoke with disbelief.

"I am a scholar. I know when people lie." Su Yang said with a calm smile on his face, making up some bullshit with his fake identity.

The woman gritted her teeth and left the place without saying another word.

Su Yang continued to speak with potential workers, but there were only liars and people who didn't qualify for multiple reasons.

Of course, there were a few over-qualified individuals that Su Yang suspected to be people sent by the other store owners.

Three days later, a small figure that looked too young to be in the City of Pleasure entered Su Yang's massage parlor.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows when he saw this young girl who looked only to be around 10 to 14 years old inside his store.

"Do you need something?" Su Yang asked her.

The young girl nodded and said, "I want the job."

"How old are you?"

"12 years old," she said.

"And what is someone at your age doing in the City of Pleasure meant for adults?"

"I live here," she said, and she continued, "My mother works here as an entertainer, but she doesn't make a lot of money, so I want to help her by working as well."

"You're working? In the City of Pleasure? What do you do?" Su Yang couldn't help but ask her.

"I am currently working as a servant in the brothel two streets down."

Su Yang was dumbfounded to hear this. The City of Pleasure allows someone this young to work in a brothel? Isn't that illegal? Or is she working in secrecy?

However, upon closer inspection, Su Yang could tell that this little girl was still a maiden, so she most likely wasn't doing whatever the adults were doing.

The little girl then continued, "My job is to clean dirty clothes and towels, and I occasionally clean the rooms, but the money is very little. I can barely buy a piece of bread after working an entire day."

"And as much as I want to work as an entertainer, the city doesn't allow me to do so because of my age. They told me that I need to be at least 20 years old to start working as an entertainer."

"My age shouldn't matter for this job, right? I didn't see any age requirement outside either." The little girl said, sounding quite mature for someone at her age, most likely because of the mature environment she was born in.

"You're right. I don't care how old you are as long as you can do your job properly." Su Yang nodded.

"With that being said, you still need to answer my questions. If I am satisfied with your answers, I will hire you."

"Okay.." The little girl nodded and patiently waited for his questions.

Chapter 954 - Intelligent Little Girl

"How old are you?" Su Yang asked the girl her age again despite asking it a minute ago.

"12 years old." The girl answered without any pauses.

"Why do you want this job?"

"I need the money to support my mother."

"Are you okay with working 10 hours a day for seven days a week?"


"How did you hear about this place?"

"From the workers working at the same brothel as I am."

"Do you have any experience as a receptionist?"


"What do you consider to be your weakness?"

"Being poor."

Su Yang chuckled inwardly at the little girl's straightforward answer.

Despite asking so many questions, Su Yang didn't actually care about the answers, as he only wanted to see how well the little girl would be able to handle them.

"Tell me about yourself." Su Yang then asked.

"My name is Mei Xing, and I was born by accident when my mother accidentally got impregnated by a client, so I do not know my father. Despite only having enough to support herself, my mother still decided to keep me, working even harder than before to provide for the both of us, and I want to repay her kindness by helping her financially."

The little girl named Mei Xing gave a brief yet deep background about herself. Despite growing up in such an environment, she was well-spoken and quite intelligent, especially for someone at her young age.

"Alright… Final question… Why should I hire you?" Su Yang then asked her.

"You should hire me because I will do everything you ask of me, and I will never complain! I am also very good at keeping secrets, so whatever you decide to do with me, I won't utter a single word!" Mei Xing quickly responded with a firm expression on her face.

Su Yang smiled at her words and said, "Do I look like someone who will take advantage of a little girl? I am a scholar— or at least I tried to become one."

He then pondered for a moment before nodding, "Okay, I will hire you."

"Really?" Mei Xing looked at him with a slightly surprised face, as she didn't expect it would be this easy.

Su Yang nodded.

When Mei Xing said that she'd keep a secret no matter what, regardless of her intentions when saying such words, Su Yang had decided to hire her.

"When do I start?" Mei Xing then asked.

"Can you start tomorrow?" Su Yang asked her.

"I can start today!" She replied.

"The store opens at sunrise. Be here before then, but you can come here whenever. And when you leave the store later, help me take down the hiring sign."

"I understand! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work for you! I won't disappoint you!" Mei Xing bowed to him before leaving the store.

Once outside, she took down the hiring sign.

When the others still waiting outside for their interview saw this, they frowned and asked, "What are you doing, little girl?"

"The store owner told me to take down the sign." Mei Xing said to them without revealing that she'd received the job.

"What? Why would he tell you that?"

"I am just following what I was told." Mei Xing responded before walking away, leaving the others speechless.

'What an interesting little girl…' Su Yang laughed from inside the store when he saw Mei Xing's smart play with his spiritual sense.

A few moments later, the woman that was supposed to be next in line entered the building and asked Su Yang what was going on.

"I have already found my new receptionist. Thank you for your interest. And for the inconveniences, I will give you a free massage on your next visit." Su Yang told her the truth.

Although the woman was upset that she had waited the entire day, she wasn't angry in the slightest since she got a free massage out of it.

The woman then left the store and told the others that the hiring had ended, leaving them speechless.

Meanwhile, Mei Xing returned to her store to bid farewell to the people there before resigning from the place.

After that, Mei Xing went back home, which was the same place her mother worked at.

However, her mother was currently with another client, so Mei Xing had to wait until she was done before she could see her.

An hour later, Mei Xing entered her mother's room.

"What's the matter, Xing'er? Don't you usually work at this time? Did something happen?" Her mother asked her in a worried tone while sitting naked on the bed, looking a little exhausted.

"Mother! I have found a new job! And it pays much better than my previous job!" Mei Xing announced this news to her.

"A new job? What are you doing now? If it's anything—"

"Don't worry, mother. It's nothing illegal. I will be working as a receptionist in a nearby massage parlor. The manager there is a self-proclaimed scholar, and he didn't look like a bad man." Mei Xing quickly said.

"A receptionist in a massage parlor? And a scholar?" Her mother raised her eyebrows.

She has lived in the City of Pleasure for her entire life, but she doesn't recall any massage parlors with a scholar working as the manager.

"What is this place called?" She then asked.

"People call it Heavenly Massage," Mei Xing responded.

"Heavenly Massage? I have never heard of it before… Are you sure you can trust this place?"

Since she rarely leaves her room, it was natural that she hasn't heard about Su Yang's new massage parlor.

"Yes! It was recently opened, and it's already very popular from what I heard." Mei Xing nodded her head.

"Be careful, Mei Xing… There are a lot of bad people in the City of Pleasure who kidnap children and sell them to perverts…" Her mother warned her.

"I know, mother. You tell me that every day." Mei Xing said.

And before her mother could respond, someone knocked on the door and said, "Sister Mei, you have another customer!"

Hearing this, Mei Xing's mother said, "I will talk to you again later tonight. I know you're a smart girl, but be careful, Mei Xing."

Mei Xing nodded and left the building shortly afterward. However, since she'd quit her job, she had nowhere else to go, so she decided to go back to Su Yang's place.

Chapter 955 - Practice

"Manager, I am back!" Mei Xing said after entering the massage parlor.

"Already?" Su Yang stopped cultivating to look at her.

"My mother is currently working, so I won't be able to see her until she gets off work at midnight," she nodded.

"So I decided to come back here. I hope you won't mind my presence, Manager."

"My name is Xiao Yang." Su Yang said to her.

"My name is Mei Xing," she then responded with an introduction despite already telling him her name before.

Su Yang smiled and said, "I mean you don't have to call me manager. Just call me Xiao Yang."

However, Mei Xing shook her head and said, "I cannot do that, Manager. That would be disrespectful of me."

"Do as you please," Su Yang quickly gave up.

He then said, "Since you're already here, do you want to practice a little before we open tomorrow? You have zero experience as a receptionist, right?"

Mei Xing nodded and said, "I was hoping for the same thing, Manager."

Su Yang then stood up and pointed at the reception desk, "Stand there—"

"You're not tall enough, huh?" Su Yang then moved one of the customers' chairs and placed it behind the desk for her to stand on.

Mei Xing then stood on the chair, allowing her to see the door and the rest of the room properly.

A moment later, Su Yang said, "I will now pretend to be a customer, so treat me as such."

He then walked outside the massage parlor and even closed the door.

A few seconds later, Su Yang opened the doors and walked inside with a calm look on his face.

"I'd like a massage," he said.

However, Mei Xing apologized in a calm voice, "I apologize for the inconvenience, but this massage parlor is only for female customers."

Su Yang's eyes widened when he heard Mei Xing's words since he didn't tell her about that, and after a moment of silence, he burst out laughing and said, "That's pretty damn good. I truly didn't expect that. Alright, you win this one. However, treat me like a female customer next."

Mei Xing nodded.

Su Yang then walked back outside for another minute before returning.

"Welcome to Heavenly Massage! How can we help you today?" Mei Xing asked him with a welcoming smile on her face.

Despite her childish voice, her demeanor was quite mature.

"I'd like a massage," said Su Yang.

"It will cost 5 medium-grade spirit stones for a thirty-minute massage if you don't mind."

"Five medium-grade spirit stones for a mere massage?! That's daylight robbery!" Su Yang suddenly started complaining to test Mei Xing.

And he continued, "The other massage parlors only cost half of that! Why does this place cost so much more? It's just a massage!"

While it was true that Su Yang's massage parlor charged more than others, he hasn't had a single complaint from his customers since he started the business.

In fact, he had multiple people offer him ten times the amount just to extend the massage sessions for another half an hour!

"The price was decided by the quality of the massage, and the Manager has the best hand techniques in the entire Pink Light District according to all of his clients. Furthermore, the majority of the customers that have gotten a massage at this place agree with the price." Mei Xing said.

"Oh? Do you have any proof to back up such claims? Or are you simply farting to make me shut up?" Su Yang continued to pressure her.

"Of course." Mei Xing then took a moment to look inside the drawers before retrieving a scroll.

"All of the names on this scroll are customers currently waiting to receive a massage by the Manager, and there are hundreds of names here, not counting the hundreds of satisfied customers who already received a massage from this place at the same price."

"If you still don't believe me, you can schedule an appointment with the Manager yourself, but you don't have to pay until after the massage, and if you found the massage unsatisfactory, you won't have to pay anything."

Su Yang smiled and said, "Are you sure you don't have any experience as a receptionist? You look pretty damn experienced to me."

Mei Xing nodded.

"Then I have a few questions for you."

"How did you know about the list?"

"I heard about it from others, but I didn't really expect to find a list inside the drawers," she said.

"What about your last sentence? About not needing to pay until after the massage? I don't have any rules like that. What if the customer isn't satisfied and leaves without paying? That would be pretty bad for business, no?"

Mei Xing then responded in a clear voice, "I have confidence in the Manager's abilities, so I am not worried about any customer leaving unsatisfied."

"Oh? What makes you so confident?"

"Although I have never experienced the massage myself, I can tell just by looking at the customers after they leave the massage parlor and the look on their faces when they speak about their experience here."

"Also, if the Manager's massage wasn't very good, it wouldn't be this popular so quickly after it opened." Mei Xing explained to him where her confidence came from.

"Not bad." Su Yang nodded with an approved look on his face.

"Alright, let's go through a few more scenarios before we call it a day."

Mei Xing nodded, and they proceeded to practice for another hour.

Once they were done, Su Yang began telling her about the massage parlor a little more and his expectations for her.

Time passed extremely quickly, and before they realized it, it was already midnight.

"I will see you tomorrow at sunrise." Su Yang said to her.

"See you tomorrow, and goodnight, Manager."

After leaving the massage parlor, Mei Xing returned straight to her mother's side at her workplace.

Meanwhile, Su Yang sat in the massage room and proceeded to cultivate in silence for the rest of the night.

Chapter 956 - Mei Xing's First Day At Work

"I have returned, mother." Mei Xing entered the room that reeked of sweat and other smells despite the open window.

"Welcome back."

Mei Xing then walked to the bed and said, "Mother, go take a shower. I will clean up the place for you."

"Okay. Thank you." Her mother then got off the bed and walked to the bathroom to clean her body.

Meanwhile, Mei Xing used her work experience and went to tidy up the place like she usually does, starting from the dirty blankets on the bed to the towels on the floor.

After tossing all of the dirty blankets and towels into a basket by the door, Mei Xing wiped the bed and furniture before sweeping and mopping the place.

Mei Xing moved at an incredible speed, and by the time her mother came out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later, it felt like she'd just entered a new room.

Mei Xing then went inside the bathroom to clean the bathroom before giving herself a quick shower.

"Come over here…" Her mother patted the space beside her on the bed with a gentle smile on her face.

Mei Xing nodded and sat beside her.

Her mother then retrieved a hair comb and gently combed her silky black hair that was slightly below her shoulders.

"Tell me more about this new workplace," she suddenly asked.

Mei Xing then proceeded to tell her mother about Xiao Yang and how they practiced for tomorrow.

"This Xiao Yang does seem like a wonderful individual. You should ask him to visit me whenever he's free so that I can personally see for myself if he's trustworthy," her mother said.

However, Mei Xing said, "The Manager is a busy person. He works seven days a week and accepts many customers a day, but I can ask him for you."

"I appreciate it."


After combing Mei Xing's hair until it was perfect, her mother lowered her arms and spoke in a low voice, "Mei Xing, why don't you leave me here and go live your own life? You're an incredibly intelligent girl. I'm sure you'll achieve big things in life even without me in the picture. I don't want to drag you down with me in this hellhole, and I most certainly don't want you working the same job as I am just to barely survive."

"You know I cannot abandon you here, mother. My dream is to earn enough money so that you can live a comfortable and relaxing life… outside the City of Pleasure."

Her mother showed a bittersweet smile on her face.

Even though she was proud of her daughter's intelligence, it sometimes felt like she was speaking to a mature young lady instead of a little girl who was only 12 years old, and this gave her complicated feelings in her heart.

"Mei Xing, I am destined to remain in the City of Pleasure forever. I was born in this city, and I will most likely die in this city as well. However, you're different. You have so many choices with your life. Unlike the dumb me who can only spread her legs and moan for her customers, you're a smart girl who can do whatever you put your mind to. Why don't you try becoming a cultivator? You're already way past the age when one can start cultivating."

"Will becoming a cultivator make us money?" Mei Xing asked.

"Of course! Cultivators are the richest people in the Four Divine Heavens! Not only are they wealthy, but they are also very influential!"


Mei Xing suddenly turned silent, clearly pondering.

"If you decide to become a cultivator, your mother here will buy a cultivation technique for you even if I have to work twice— three times harder."

"Cultivation techniques are very expensive. We cannot afford to spend money on that when we can barely survive ourselves." Mei Xing shook her head.

"It's okay, mother. I don't care about being a cultivator. My new job pays me spirit stones. Although I do not know how much they're worth, I know they're definitely worth much more than the coins the others give us."

Her mother sighed inwardly. Knowing Mei Xing's stubborn character, it was impossible to convince her to leave now. Perhaps when Mei Xing grows a little older and starts becoming rebellious— when she gets tired of her own mother.

"Let's go to sleep, mother. I have to wake up early tomorrow for work." Mei Xing said.


Mei Xing then went to close the lights before getting back into the bed and snuggling beside her mother underneath the warm blankets, quickly falling asleep.

The following morning, way before the sun even began to rise, Mei Xing woke up and quietly left the bed to not disturb her mother's sleep.

After washing her face, she prepared to leave for work.

However, as she reached the doors, her mother spoke in a low voice, "Stay safe, Mei Xing."

"You too, mother!" Mei Xing responded in an energetic voice before leaving the room and making her way towards the Heavenly Massage a couple of streets down.

When she arrived at the massage parlor, Mei Xing could already see people lined up outside the massage parlor, but none of them were actually getting the massage today, and they were all just waiting in line so they could sign their names onto the waiting list.

Mei Xing knocked on the door before entering.

"Good morning, Manager!" Mei Xing greeted him with enthusiasm.

"Morning." Su Yang stopped cultivating and opened his eyes.

"Are you ready to work?" He asked her.



Su Yang then handed her a new set of clothes and said, "Wear this. It's your uniform starting today."

"Thank you!" Mei Xing showed a pleasantly surprised expression when she saw the uniform, as this was her first time being given something like this. At all of the other places she had worked at before, she never received anything and had to work with whatever she got, so she was definitely grateful for the uniform.

Su Yang opened the store exactly at sunrise, allowing the customers inside, and Mei Xing greeted each and every single one of them with a bright smile on her face.

"Welcome to Heavenly Massage!"

Chapter 957 - Priority

"Welcome to Heavenly Massage!" Mei Xing greeted her 10th customer for the day.

"I am here for an appointment," said the pretty young woman who'd just entered the massage parlor.

"What is your name?" Mei Xing asked.

Once she got the name, Mei Xing looked at the waiting list and confirmed it.

"Okay. Please wait a little bit. The Manager should be done with his current session in less than 5 minutes. You can sit over there in the meantime."

The young woman nodded and took a seat in the lobby room that was completely silent.

Before Luo Ziyi left the place, she'd placed a formation in the massage room so that they could no longer disturb their neighbors with loud moaning from the customers.

The door to the massage room opened five minutes later, and a woman walked out of the room in an unstable manner, looking incredibly drunk.

Of course, this was a common sight in the massage parlor, and pretty much every single customer that walks through those doors after the massage walks like they are drunk, not to mention their blissful face.

Once the massage room was free for about a minute, Mei Xing said to the customer, "You may go inside now. Have fun."

The young woman nodded and stood up, walking to the massage room before closing the door behind her.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and another customer entered the massage parlor.

"Welcome the Heavenly Massage! Do you already have a reservation?" Mei Xing greeted her.

"I do not, but I'd like to be on the waiting list," she said.

"The waitlist is currently at 2 weeks if you don't mind."

"2 weeks? That's a little long… Do you think I can pay extra to receive priority? I have to leave the City of Pleasure in three days, and I won't be able to return for another month."

"Priority…?" Mei Xing didn't immediately respond, as she wasn't aware of such a program.

And as much as she wanted to refuse this young woman just in case, she also knew that more money meant better business.

"Do you mind waiting for the Manager? We can ask him after his session is done."


The woman proceeded to sit down and wait.

Half an hour later, after the customer walked out of the massage room, Mei Xing entered the room and said, "Manager, I have a question."

"What's up?" Su Yang asked her as he cleaned up the place.

"There's this customer who wants to pay extra to receive priority in the queue since she has to leave the city in 3 days, but I am not sure if we can do that."

Su Yang pondered for a minute and said, "Okay. I can leave the store open for an extra thirty-minute if she wants to wait until the end of the day."

Although he really didn't need the money, he also didn't want to let this young woman leave the city with a bitter feeling.

"How much extra should we charge them?" Mei Xing then asked the important question.

"What do you think? I will let you decide." Su Yang said.


After a moment of silence, she said, "I think we can triple the regular price, so 15 medium-grade spirit stones if they want priority. It would be bad if it's too cheap and everybody wants a priority."

Su Yang nodded and agreed with the price.

Mei Xing then proceeded to tell the customer about it.

"The Manager is willing to give you a priority, but it'd cause massive confusion if he pushes everyone back a slot, so he will accept you at the end of the day when we're supposed to close. However, it will cost you 15 medium-grade spirit stones instead of the normal 5 for priority." Mei Xing explained to her.

"15 medium-grade spirit stones, huh? That's a lot of money for a 30-minute massage, but if the massage is truly as good as everyone says… Sure..." The woman agreed.

"Then you may come back right before the massage parlor ends and the Manager will accept you."

"Okay. Thank you." The young woman then left the store and wouldn't return until five minutes before the massage parlor was supposed to close.

"Mei Xing, you can leave now if you want. I won't make you work overtime since that wasn't part of the agreement when I hired you." Su Yang said to her.

Mei Xing shook her head and said, "It's okay, Manager. It's only 30 minutes. I will leave when the store is officially closed."

Su Yang nodded, and he accepted the customer.

30 minutes later, the woman walked out of the room with a satisfied look on her face.

"I-It was definitely worth it…" she muttered in a low voice as she left the massage parlor.

"Manager, should we advertise the priority thing, or should we keep it a secret only for those who ask for it?" Mei Xing asked him afterward.

"Let's keep it a secret for now. News will eventually spread, anyway."

"Okay. Goodnight, Manager, and good work today," Mei Xing said to him.

Su Yang nodded, "You too."

He then retrieved a high-grade spirit stone and showed it to her.

"What's this?" Mei Xing asked him.

"It's your salary. Take it."

"Eh? My salary? But I haven't worked a full month yet, and I only started today," she said with a surprised look on her face.

"It's an advance payment. I will pay you at the beginning of every month. After all, it's better to have the money now than later."

Mei Xing was hesitant on accepting the money when she didn't feel like she'd earned it. However, Su Yang insisted, and this spirit stone would definitely help with their condition.

"Are you not worried that I might accept this spirit stone and not show up tomorrow?" Mei Xing asked him.

"If that happens, then I can only blame myself for trusting you," he responded with a gentle smile on his face.

Chapter 958 - Too Much Money

"T-Thank you, Manager!" Mei Xing accepted the spirit stone with a bright smile on her face, and then she bowed to him.

"I promise you that I won't betray your trust!"

Su Yang nodded, "Go home. I will see you again tomorrow."

Mei Xing then left the massage parlor, but since she still had plenty of time before midnight, she decided to visit an exchange store to see how much the high-grade spirit stone was worth.

These exchange stores were known as Spirit Stone Grand Exchanges, and people can exchange their spirit stones for a different grade of spirit stones. For example, one could exchange a single medium-grade spirit stone for 10,000 low-grade spirit stones, or they can exchange 1 low-grade spirit stone for some mortal such as silver and gold.

Fortunately for Mei Xing, she didn't have to travel far to find one of these stores since there were multiple of these stores in every district.

"Hello, I'd like to exchange this for gold." Mei Xing showed the woman working behind the counter her high-grade spirit stone.

The woman raised her eyebrow when she saw this, and she said, "I'm sorry, but I cannot do that."

"What? Why not?" Mei Xing asked.

"Because we don't have enough gold here to exchange for the high-grade spirit stone. You're simply asking for too much from our small store, young lady. However, if you want to exchange it for medium-grade or low-grade spirit stones, we have enough."

Mei Xing was speechless. This spirit stone was too valuable to exchange? This is her first time experiencing such a situation.

"How much is this spirit stone worth?" She couldn't help but ask.

The woman then pointed to the chart behind her and said, "Check for yourself."

Mei Xing then looked at the chart, and her eyes immediately widened with shock.

"A single high-grade spirit stone is worth 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones… And a single medium-grade spirit stone is worth 10,000 low-grade spirit stones… As for a single low-grade spirit stone… They're worth 100 gold coins?!"

Mei Xing immediately began doing calculations inside her head.

'If a single high-grade spirit stone is worth 100,000,000 low-grade spirit stones… How much gold is that worth?!'

Mei Xing quickly realized that she was unable to calculate the number simply because it was much more than her knowledge! As intelligent as she was, she never had the chance to study maths properly, so she only knew numbers up to millions.

However, while she cannot tell exactly how much this high-grade spirit stone was worth, she knew that it was too much for someone like her!

A single gold coin can feed their family good food for a whole week, and she would normally only get a couple of silver coins for an entire month of work.

To suddenly obtain such a massive amount of wealth overwhelmed Mei Xing.

'The Manager is giving away this much money for a month's worth of work?!' Mei Xing became even more shocked when she realized that she would be getting this much money every single month if she continued to work for Su Yang.

Then she made another realization— that even if they worked around the clock for an entire month straight that they'd not be able to earn enough to make any profits!

Not including the newly introduced priority system, if Su Yang worked around the clock, he'd be able to massage 48 people every day, which would amount to 240 medium-grade spirit stones, and if multiplied by 30 days, he'd earn 7,200 medium-grade spirit stones in a month, which is definitely a lot of money for a mere massage parlor.

But if a single high-grade spirit stone is worth 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones, then he would be short nearly 3,000 medium-grade spirit stones every month!

'How does the Manager make any profit if he's paying me this much money while earning less than? That doesn't make any sense!' Mei Xing was puzzled.

What is the purpose of the massage parlor if he's not there to earn money— even losing money?

'Maybe the Manager is earning money through other means that I am not aware of? Oh! Maybe the customers tip him enough for a profit!'

Mei Xing realized that she didn't account for the tips since some customers would give extra money if they were overly satisfied with the service, and that was the case for every customer in the Heavenly Massage.

'Still, the Manager is extremely generous to give someone like me so much money…' Mei Xing sighed inwardly, feeling as though that she didn't deserve so much money for the amount of work she'd put in.

'Mother was right. Cultivators are extremely wealthy. Now that I think about it, spending 5 medium-grade spirit stones on a massage is too much money! Why are cultivators so rich?!'

Now that she'd experienced first-hand how rich cultivators were, her desire to become one grew.

"Do you still want to exchange your spirit stone?" The woman suddenly asked her, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"N-Not anymore. I apologize for the inconvenience." Mei Xing took back the spirit stone and began making her way back to the massage parlor.

And now that she was aware of the spirit stone's value, she made sure to keep it out of sight, afraid that someone might try to steal it from her.

After all, as intelligent as she was, if someone wants to steal from her, it would be as easy as taking candy from a baby.

"M-Manager! Are you still here?" Mei Xing called out to him when she returned to the massage parlor.

"Yes, I am. Did something happen?" Su Yang said to her from the massage room.

Mei Xing nodded and showed him the high-grade spirit stone that he gave to her not long ago.

"What about it?" He asked.

"It's too much money, Manager! I cannot even exchange it for gold coins at the exchange! And I cannot accept so much money from you with the amount of work that I am doing!" she said.

'What an honest girl,' Su Yang chuckled inwardly.

Chapter 959 - Lack Of Talent

"Too much money? I thought your goal was to be rich? Your actions don't match your desires." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"I want money, but I also want to earn it honestly! Furthermore, this is really too much money! No matter how much it's worth, if I cannot exchange it for gold or use it properly, it's no different than being worthless!" Mei Xing said to him.

"Is that so? Then what do you suggest?" He then asked.

"I'd like to be paid in coins instead! In fact, as long as I can use them, I will be okay with it!" She said.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Alright. If a high-grade spirit stone is too much, then how about a medium-grade spirit stone? I can even do low-grade spirit stones. I don't really have any mortal currency on me, so this is the best I can do, and you should be able to exchange them."

Mei Xing then said, "That's fine, and I am satisfied with just one low-grade spirit stone since it's already worth 100 gold coins. With this much money, we can survive for months without any worries."

"You don't want a medium-grade spirit stone? They're worth about 1 million gold coins each, you know?"

Mei Xing swallowed nervously at the tempting offer, but she had her own pride.

"I-It's okay! As long as I continue working for the Manager, I will be able to save up enough!" She insisted on taking a single low-grade spirit stone.

"I understand. I won't continue trying to convince you. Here."

Su Yang then handed her a low-grade spirit stone.

After accepting the spirit stone, Mei Xing said, "Manager, I still feel like I don't deserve this much money with the amount of work I do, so I'd like to stay here and work more. I cannot go home until midnight, anyway."

"Do as you wish, but there's really nothing here for you to do." Su Yang said.

Mei Xing then looked around before speaking, "I can clean the place."

"But the place is already sparkling clean." Su Yang smiled.

Mei Xing sighed inwardly. This is her first time experiencing a lack of work to do.

"Do you want to try cultivating?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

"Huh?" Mei Xing looked at him with wide eyes.

"That's what I do after work, and you're already past the age where one would normally start cultivating. Have you ever thought about it? Becoming a cultivator."

"M-My mother wants me to become a cultivator because cultivators earn a lot of money, but we're too poor to buy any cultivation technique, and I don't want to burden her anymore," she responded.

"Well, I happen to have a couple of cultivation techniques with me that I don't use. If you want to borrow them, I don't mind lending it to you."

"R-Really?! You'll let me borrow a cultivation technique?! For free?!" Mei Xing's eyes flickered with excitement, as the only thing that kept her from trying out cultivation was the lack of cultivation technique and the money to buy one.

"Yes, but I will need to take a look at your body before I give you it so I can pick one for you." Su Yang nodded.


Hearing his words, Mei Xing immediately began removing her clothes, becoming stark naked in just a few seconds.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't need to strip naked."


Mei Xing blushed slightly when she realized that she'd acted too hastily due to sheer excitement, something that she doesn't experience often.

Once she put on her clothes again, Su Yang said, "Lay down."

Mei Xing nodded and laid on the floor like she was sleeping.

Su Yang then used one of his fingers and pressed it against her stomach before using his spiritual energy to examine her inner body.

"Mmm…" Mei Xing made a weird noise as she felt something moving around inside her body.

The instant Su Yang looked at her body, he realized that Mei Xing had almost zero talent in cultivation, as she lacked the spirit veins to absorb Profound Qi properly, and even her body was only ordinary at best.

However, Su Yang didn't care about any of that, as he knew very well that one's talent could easily be altered through treasures. The most important thing was Mei Xing's dedication and her desire to cultivate.

"Alright, I have the perfect cultivation technique for you." Su Yang removed his hand from her body a minute later.

He then retrieved a scroll and began writing on it.

Mei Xing was puzzled by his actions. Why does he need to write on this scroll?

A couple of minutes later, Su Yang handed her the scroll and said, "Here's your cultivation technique."


Mei Xing accepted the scroll with a dazed look on her face.

'Did he just create a cultivation technique on the spot?'

"Go ahead. Try to comprehend it."

Mei Xing nodded and took a seat on the floor before opening the scroll and reading it.

About half an hour later, Mei Xing finished reading the whole thing and placed it down. She then proceeded to stare at the floor with a pondering look on her face.

"What do you think?" Su Yang asked her.

"I can read and understand the contents… but… but I cannot comprehend it," she said.

Su Yang closed his eyes and said, "To be completely honest with you, you're not very talented when it comes to cultivation. In fact, your body isn't suited for cultivation at all."


After a moment of silence, Mei Xing sighed and said, "I figured…"

"Are you going to give up?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

Mei Xing frowned and quickly shook her head, "Of course not! So what if I am not talented? I am going to continue trying to cultivate regardless of my talents!"

Su Yang smiled upon hearing her words.

Mei Xing then picked up the scroll and began reading it over and over again until it was midnight.

"Can I take this back home with me?" Mei Xing asked him.

"Yes, go ahead. Just don't lose it." Su Yang nodded.

"I won't! I will protect it with my life!" Mei Xing said.

"Goodbye, Manager! And goodnight!"

"Goodnight. See you tomorrow."

After leaving the massage parlor, Mei Xing returned to the exchange store to exchange her low-grade spirit stones for 100 gold coins.

"Thank you!"

Mei Xing held the pouch of gold coins with trembling hands, as this was her first time holding so much money at once— not including the high-grade spirit stone.

She then raced back to her mother's room.

"Mother! Look what I got!"

Once she returned home and locked the door, Mei Xing poured all 100 gold coins onto the bed, shocking her mother.

"W-Where did you obtain so much money, Mei Xing?!" Her mother exclaimed in a shocked voice.

"D-Don't tell me you… You stole it…?"

"What?! Of course not! This is my salary from work! The Manager paid me in advance!" Mei Xing quickly explained where the money came from.

"The Manager from your new workplace…?" Her mother still doubted that she earned so much money working as a receptionist in a massage parlor.

"I am serious, mother! The Manager is a cultivator, so he has a lot of money! And he's very generous! In fact, look what else he gave me!" Mei Xing then showed her the cultivation technique she got from Su Yang.

"The Manager also lent me a cultivation technique! I can become a cultivator now!"

Her mother's jaw dropped. Just who is this manager from her place? Why is he so generous? It was hard to believe that he doesn't have any ulterior motives.

Seeing the worried look on her mother's face, Mei Xing placed the stuff down and said to her, "It's okay, mother. The Manager can be trusted. He's not like the others— I can tell that he's a genuine person. If you don't believe me, I can ask the Manager to give you a visit whenever he's free. That way you can judge for yourself whether he's a good person or not."

Her mother nodded, "Please do send him here. If he's truly as generous as you say, I'd really love to pay him back for it."

"Okay! I will let the Manager know tomorrow!"

"As for the money… Let's not use it for now." Her mother continued.

"I will let you hold onto the money, mother." Mei Xing said.

Mei Xing then started cleaning the room while her mother went to shower.

Half an hour later, they entered the bed and went to sleep.

The following morning, Mei Xing woke up at the same time and went to work.

"Good morning, Manager!" Mei Xing greeted him.

"Good morning."

"Manager, I have something to tell you." Mei Xing then said.

"What is it?"

"My mother would like to meet you. I know the Manager is very busy, but I hope you can visit her once. She thinks you're a bad guy, and I am having a hard time trying to convince her that you're a good person."

Su Yang chuckled and said, "I don't blame her for being worried."

He then nodded, "Alright, I will give her a visit tonight after work."

"Thank you, Manager!" Mei Xing bowed to him.

Sometime later, they began working, and Mei Xing greeted every customer with a bright smile on her face.

"Welcome to Heavenly Massage!"

Despite working as a receptionist, Mei Xing was having fun doing her job, and compared to before when she had to force herself to go to work, she genuinely enjoyed working every second at the massage parlor, even feeling very enthusiastic about it.

'I hope I can work for the Manager forever…' She prayed inwardly.

Chapter 960 - Visiting Mei Xing's Mother

After a hard day at work, the massage parlor finally closed.

"Manager, you were right. It's only been a day since we started the priority system and it's already widespread news. At this rate, we really might have to work around the clock." Mei Xing said to him.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will limit the number of priority customers every day to five, and it will be on a first come first serve basis. Furthermore, there won't be a waitlist for priority customers so if they miss it, they will have to try again the next day. While there are some flaws in this system, let's just see how well it goes for now."

"Anyways, now that work is done, let's go see your mother, shall we?" Su Yang then said.

"Eh? You're going to visit her now? But she's still working." Mei Xing said to him.

"I know. I will visit her as a customer." Su Yang said with a smile.

"Okay!" Mei Xing nodded with enthusiasm.

After locking the store, Su Yang followed Mei Xing to her mother's workplace.

"Is that the Manager of Heavenly Massage? This is my first time seeing him outside his store." The other store owners were immediately attracted by his presence.

"He's the Manager of the Heavenly Massage? He's more ordinary-looking than I'd expected," said someone else.

"He's also much younger than I'd expected. Someone said that he was a scholar— or tried to become one, right? He does give off a scholarly aura…"

"Do you think he's single? Although his looks are ordinary, his hand techniques are godlike."

"If he's working in the City of Pleasure, there's a good chance that he's single. Don't tell me you're trying to start a relationship with someone so plain? You'll quickly become a laughing stock."

"So what if he's plain-looking? If he can please my body every day with his techniques, I wouldn't mind becoming a laughingstock, and I am willing to bet many of his customers share the same sentiment as me."


Sometime later, Su Yang arrived before this street that reeked of Yin Qi and Yang Qi, not to mention the constant moaning that could be heard. Although it wasn't as obnoxious as when his customers moaned, it was still pretty noticeable.

Furthermore, compared to the other parts of the Pink Light District, this street appeared to be less clean, and even the buildings looked a little run-down.

Su Yang glanced at Mei Xing by his side. To think such a little girl would live in this kind of environment. It was definitely quite pitiful.

"Manager, my mother works at that building." Mei Xing pointed at a certain building with a pink sign.

"Okay, let's go." Su Yang then approached the building, where a tall middle-aged man stood by the door.

"I don't recognize you. Is this your first time here?" The middle-aged man asked Su Yang the moment he got close.

"Yes, and I am here to see her mother." Su Yang pointed at Mei Xing, who was standing behind him.


The man finally noticed Mei Xing, and he said, "Her mother is fully booked for the entire week, so you'll have to come back next—"

Before the man could even finish his sentence, Su Yang retrieved a medium-grade spirit stone and held it before the man.

"Perhaps we can negotiate." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

The man's eyes widened with shock when he realized that Su Yang was showing him.

"I-I'm sure the other customers will understand, Esteemed guest." The man quickly changed his attitude and started treating Su Yang like a VIP.

"How long do you intend on staying?" The man then asked.

"I will stay here overnight. Do you mind?"

"N-Not at all! Esteemed guest can stay here for as long as he desires if he wishes!"

A single medium-grade spirit stone was worth 1 million gold coins, and this brothel had only mortal women. With so much money, Su Yang can have fun with every single woman in the brothel every day for a whole year and still have money left.

"If you want, I can even have the other ladies accompany you!" The man offered him every single woman in the brothel.

However, Su Yang shook his head and refused, "I am only here to see her mother."

"I understand. Her current customer should be done in a few minutes if you don't mind."

Su Yang nodded and proceeded to stand around with Mei Xing.

About five minutes later, a skinny man left the building with a satisfied look on his face.

"Esteemed guest, she's available now. She's on the 3rd floor." The man said to him.

Su Yang then entered the building with Mei Xing, walking up the dark staircase that only had enough room for a single person, and every step he took made the staircase squeak.

Once he reached the third floor and encountered three different doors, Su Yang asked, "Which room?"

Mei Xing quickly responded, "The room on the right."

Su Yang then knocked on the door to the right.

"Please enter." A gentle voice quickly resounded from inside the room.

Su Yang opened the door and entered the room, where a beautiful young woman could be seen sitting naked on her bed and with a soft smile on her face.

Despite being a mortal, this woman was incredibly beautiful— a natural beauty. Seeing her appearance, Su Yang understood why she was fully booked for an entire week.

"Mother!" Mei Xing entered the room a moment later, surprising her mother.

"M-Mei Xing? What are you doing here? Quickly, leave now!" Her mother spoke in a slightly loud voice, as she was about to receive a customer.

"It's okay, she's with me." Su Yang then said.


Seeing her mother's puzzled face, Mei Xing spoke, "Mother, this is the Manager that I have been telling you about. He agreed to visit you when I asked, so here he is!"

"T-The Manager…?" Her mother stared at Su Yang with a dumbfounded expression.