
917 to 923

Chapter 917: Obtaining the Exquisite Lotus

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jun Mo Xie's gaze was like a high and lofty monarch, wielding sway over her destiny! In that moment, she only felt a sense of helplessness in her heart, as if she couldn't resist!

"Speak. I'm taking away all of this Exquisite Lotus! Can I or can I not!" Jun Mo Xie pressed fearsomely.

He couldn't help but to be anxious. There were so many people back home who needed this Exquisite Lotus. If he waited for 500 years to reap one lotus root, then… even the most beautiful flower would have wilted long ago! Not only would he not achieve his intended purpose after bringing it back, it would end up creating more awkwardness. With just a single grain sized root, it would be wrong to give or deprive it from anyone.

The reason he'd asked her so forcefully right after succeeding in intimidating her was precisely to not give Qiao Ying any time to react. Although doing it like this was somewhat despicable, Jun Mo Xie couldn't care less for the sake of his own happiness.

"Ah.. you can… not you cannot you cannot!" Qiao Ying jumped with shock, very nearly giving her approval. Shaking her head rapidly, she spat out three cannots in quick succession. "Young Master Jun, one must be honorable with their words! We agreed that it would be one stalk, so you definitely can't take more! This is a matter of principle; there's no room for discussion!"

Pausing for a moment, she continued. "Besides… our Heaven Saint Palace has only been able to raise the initial single stalk of lotus into the current eight stalks… It could be easily imagined how hard it is to raise them! Truthfully, us giving you one stalk is already a great waste… you clearly wouldn't know how to nurture it, not knowing what it likes or dislike… If you are unable to satisfy a single facade of its needs, it will quickly wilt! I'm not trying to scare or threaten you!"

"Hm? I'd like to hear the details." Jun Mo Xie's tone suddenly became gentle and pleasing to the ear.

"You're such a scoundrel!" Qiao Ying shook her head with exasperation as she explained carefully. "Firstly, the Exquisite Lotus must be planted in innate clean water, preferably water condensed from Spiritual Qi. Also, it needs to live in a place with exceptionally dense Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi in order to survive.

Jun Mo Xie made an 'oh' sound with disinterest as he thought to himself. That's not a problem at all. This daddy's place has plenty of Spiritual Qi, even more concentrated than your mountain. There's so many heavenly spirit herbs growing there happily; I refuse to believe that I can't keep a stalk of Exquisite Lotus alive.

"Secondly, do you see this pond? Although it looks like a simple pond, it's actually made with 30,000 pieces of innate spirit jade, with equal amounts of warm and cold nature to attain a fine balance of temperature. In order to gather all this spirit jade, we've gathered nearly all the spirit jade in the world together, and even the Misty Illusory Manor contributed a portion! This is practically a sum of wealth huge enough that no one can handle! Only such a condition will be enough to allow the Exquisite Lotus to slowly grow!"

"30,000 pieces of innate spirit jade?" Jun Mo Xie felt his mouth turning dry. Not to mention 30,000 pieces; he didn't even have a single piece! In that moment, he could not help but to eye the pond sinisterly, thinking of bringing the entire pond away!

As he pondered, a thought suddenly struck him. "Can the innate spirit jade be replaced with Eternally Warm Soft Jade?"

"Eternally Warm Soft Jade only has the properties of warmth and softness. It does not produce any cold effects. So although its rarity is not lower than innate spirit jade, it's not enough to nurture the Exquisite Lotus." Qiao Ying looked at him queerly, seemingly somewhat suspicious that he would have such good stuff.

"How difficult!" Jun Mo Xie furrowed his brows and narrowed his eyes as he continued asking. "What will happen if it's replaced with a Heaven Earth Spirit Vein?"

"What kind of joke is that?" Qiao Ying smiled lightly and said. "Using a Heaven Earth Spirit Vein to cultivate the Exquisite Lotus is naturally much better than innate spirit jade. Furthermore, it will greatly improve the speed of the Exquisite Lotus' growth, shortening the time required for it to reach maturity. With a Heaven Earth Spirit Vein, all you need is a pool with water condensed from Spiritual Qi and nothing else. The Exquisite Lotus will grow at several times the speed, and… even have more amazing effects. However, that is only a thing that exists in legends, only found deep underground; moreover, the continent is constantly shifting, resulting in Spiritual Qi being scattered all the time… who will be able to find a Heaven Earth Spirit Vein?"

Qiao Ying pouted with disdain as she rolled her eyes at Jun Mo Xie. "Even if you know a place with a Heaven Earth Spirit Vein, who has the ability to retrieve it? Move an entire mountain aside, and dig out the entire thing fully intact? That's basically an impossible and unrealistic matter!"

Jun Mo Xie sighed and shook his head in a 'sad' manner. "How depressing…" In his heart, he was actually whooping with joy. F*ck! This daddy indeed has this legendary thing! And it's even a top quality and well aged one of several hundred thousand years old!

"The third condition for it to grow is…" At this point, Jun Mo Xie could no longer hear Qiao Ying's words. He was incredibly excited, and his entire mind was filled with thoughts on the various possibilities.

But although he was bursting with joy on the inside, he still had to display a troubled and depressed face on the outside. This was actually a high level acting skill. Fortunately, Young Master Jun had received plenty of training, and he managed to act out this show perfectly.

Compared to the nourishment of the Heaven Earth Spirit Vein, all these methods of nurturing… were simply all bullsh*t!

Jun Mo Xie made a quick estimation in his heart. The Heaven Earth Spirit Vein he had could easily support a small to medium sized lotus pond. At the very least, it should be seven or eight times larger than this little pond here.

"Then… how many lotus seeds do you have? Can I take some back with me in addition to the one stalk of Exquisite Lotus?"

Jun Mo Xie looked pitifully at Qiao Ying. "Even if there's a tiny bit of possibility, it's still better than nothing… Elder sister Qiao, you must satisfy this tiny wish of mine ah…"

The way he looked at her was as if she would be the most heartless and cold person in the world if she didn't give it to him.

"There are indeed some seeds whenever the Exquisite Lotus blooms once every 500 years. We've also accumulated quite a few of those seeds… However, the difficulty of nurturing the seeds is tens of times harder than nurturing the Exquisite Lotus!" Qiao Ying said hesitantly. "If I gave it to you and you couldn't raise it, it would only be a waste of natural treasure."

"Don't worry about it, I'm just giving it a try…" Jun Mo Xie said warmly. "Besides, I'm not asking for a lot. I'll be satisfied with just a hundred or so seeds…"

"Hundred or so?!" Qiao Ying's eyes nearly fell out of her sockets. "In the few thousand years, our Heaven Saint Palace had only managed to collect no more than 50, 60 seeds! And the moment you open your mouth, you want a hundred?! You truly dare to ask ah!"

"In that case, I'll just take 50…" Jun Mo Xie said with a light chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders in a helpless manner. "You guys already have so many fully full grown ones…"

"No way!" Qiao Ying rejected flatly. After considering for a long time, she finally relented. "At most… I can give you five! That's already more than what I have the ability to give."

"Elder sister… you're practically killing me ah! Five seeds, to think you had the heart to say that!" Jun Mo Xie cried out. "Didn't that Wu Shan Yun say just now that I can take away anything I want other than the Exquisite Lotus? You can't be that miserly right?"

"Eight seeds."

"Too little! I have to take at least 40!"

"Jun Mo Xie, you're deliberately making trouble! Ten seeds, nothing more!"

"30 seeds… that's the absolute lowest I can go. And lower and my trip here today would have been meaningless, and Wu Shan Yun's words would mean nothing… To think that I went so far as to enlighten the crowd and did such a huge favor to everyone, and yet you wouldn't give me even a few seeds… How are you so hard hearted and cruel?"


After a round of intense bargaining, Qiao Ying lost to Young Master Jun in the battle of words, finally parting with 20 seeds. Jun Mo Xie smiled widely in his heart, satisfied with his gains. In actual fact, obtaining just 10 seeds would be a pretty good deal. But now that he'd managed to get 20, it was a bonus…

Qiao Ying's face was exceedingly bitter, and her head buzzed with confusion even until now. How did she end up taking step after step back, finally agreeing to take out 20 seeds? This… did those words really come out of her mouth?

What she didn't know was that although her age was great, her experience and interaction with the outside world was pitifully little. Secondly, Jun Mo Xie's mouth was among the best in the world. If he claimed that his skill in arguing was number two, no one in this world would dare to call themselves first. Thirdly and most importantly, Young Master Jun had also secretly used some of the Soul Sedating Technique in his words.

In order to prevent Qiao Ying from noticing, he'd only used a tiny bit to influence her slightly. But as the argument between the two grew more heated, Qiao Ying would not be able to notice even if she was more careful. In the end, she was easily tricked by this scoundrel…

Right now, that particular scoundrel was feeling extremely proud in his heart. As expected of an all chest no brain lass. This girl's breasts were definitely not small! At the very least, it seemed unlikely to cover it with a single hand, and needs at least two hands to grasp it firmly. As for the degree of surface area two hands could cover, it would require some personal hands-on testing to be sure…

Under the influence of his excitement at having achieved his goal, he nearly stretched out his hands to "measure" Qiao Ying's chest size. Fortunately, he hadn't done that… otherwise, this great beauty Qiao would most likely have rescinded her promise and given him a good beating to boot…

Since the business bargaining was finished, the only thing left to do was to complete the deal.

Qiao Ying returned to her residence, retrieved 20 seeds, and passed them to Jun Mo Xie. As for the matter of moving the fully grown lotus stalk, it was a huge headache. "Jun Mo Xie, this… how will you take this away?"

"Dig it out for me, and I will naturally have a method to bring it away!" Jun Mo Xie said without so much as a pause.

Qiao Ying felt her anger rushing up her chest once again. Could it be that this bastard wants to burn the bridge after crossing it? Right now, they haven't even crossed the bridge, and he's already anxious to burn the bridge…

In her fit of rage, she was tempted to directly throw him into the pond to dig for himself. However, she could not bear to do such a thing. After all, she had been taking care of the Exquisite Lotus for so many years, and she'd already formed some attachment to them. If the Exquisite Lotus died because of her… Qiao Ying would not forgive herself…

After thinking for a long time, she still carefully dug one stalk of lotus out and placed it on a large piece of milky white jade. After that, she placed it in a small spiritual jade box, filled it with water condensed from Spiritual Qi, and passed it to Jun Mo Xie…

Chapter 918: Please Don't Stand On Ceremony!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qiao Ying gritted her teeth and stared at him seriously. "Jun Mo Xie, don't you f*ck around with this thing! I solemnly ask of you—you must! You must… take good care of it! Even if you don't know how to nurture it, you need to at least let it continue staying in this box. As long as it's in a place with rich Spiritual Qi, it will be able to stay alive… If you really can't take care of it… you must send it back to me! Can you do that?"

Towards the end, her voice even carried a hint of begging. Such an attitude was like a mother sending her precious daughter off to be married…

Jun Mo Xie could feel the sincerity in her words, and he straightened his face and replied seriously. "Don't worry; the next time you see it, I guarantee that it will be doing much better than it is now!"

The little lotus in his hand swayed its transparent leaves lightly, seemingly bidding farewell to Qiao Ying. In that instant, she felt a sour feeling in her heart, and tears welled up in her eyes.

At the same time, Jun Mo Xie's keen senses detected that a small section of the water in the center of the pond had sunk down, as though the water had been drained into an invisible bowl. As for the water around the center, it did not even so much as ripple.

After a long time, the entire pond finally resumed its previous calm.

"It's actually some near solidified spiritual liquid…" Jun Mo Xie felt a shock in his heart. From the looks of it, this was some very good stuff. Furthermore, this good stuff was something that belonged to the three Holy Lands… what rights did they have to keep it all to themselves? That in itself was a kind of crime!

Right now, there was only himself and Qiao Ying here. It was simply a god given opportunity ah. It would be a waste not to pilfer some…

Quickly deciding on his course of action, he raised his head and looked into the distance. "The Spiritual Qi in this place is truly enviable ah. Look, the Spiritual Qi in that area is so thick that it even congealed into a dense mist. To be able to cultivate in such a place… keke, your Heaven Saint Palace truly makes me jealous…"

Qiao Ying turned around and looked over, smiling lightly as she wiped the tear from her eyes. "Young Master Jun seems to have seen wrongly this time. That's not Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi over there, but the mist of dusk. The sky is going to turn dark soon."

In the swift moment that she turned around, Jun Mo Xie instantly activated the Power of Water. In an instant, a third of the Spiritual Qi condensed water in the pond disappeared by a third into the Hongjun Pagoda…

Scratching his head awkwardly, he coughed. "Ah? Is that so? I've actually been mistaken… hehehe…"

Qiao Ying smiled lightly, similarly feeling somewhat awkward. So it turns out that this scoundrel still has some boyish charm in his bones… That shy and awkward laugh of his just now was truly somewhat cute…

Pleased with his successful theft, Jun Mo Xie began to examine the Exquisite Lotus in his hand with an excited smile on his face.

As he observed the little plant carefully, he saw countless fine silk-like root hairs floating under it. In the center, there was a pathetically tiny jade lotus root. There wasn't any particular smell coming from it, but as it sat in his hand, he could feel a natural comfortable and refreshing feeling surge through his heart…

With a flick of his hand, the Exquisite Lotus disappeared into the Hongjun Pagoda. Noticing Qiao Ying's astonished gaze, Jun Mo Xie shrugged his shoulder and blinked his eyes innocently. "It's a secret!"

Qiao Ying snorted lightly and turned away. However, her heart was somewhat relieved. Jun Mo Xie has endless mysterious techniques, so it actually might be possible for him to raise the Exquisite Lotus…

After this, Jun Mo Xie's true sneaky operations began. Because he had Wu Shan Yun's promise, all the spirit herbs of the Mount Heaven Saint were now his for the picking!

And this fellow was a person who didn't know how to stand on ceremony. He simply thought to himself that this was the only time he would come to this place in this lifetime. If he didn't take the chance to take everything he could, when would he do it? Moreover, the Hongjun Pagoda was something that could most likely even fit the entirety of this world and still have space remaining. Without any reservations remaining, he widened his eyes excitedly.

Of all the spirit herbs on Mount Heaven Saint and the natural treasures, he specifically chose only the older ones. The same went for the spirit trees and plants; he didn't let anything off. Whatever he liked, he would hang a small piece of red cloth to signify his ownership.

When Wu Shan Yun agreed to his request back then, it was because he saw that this fellow had come completely empty handed. Even if they gave him a few cloth sacks to carry the stuff, how many could he take away? They were just pretending to be generous…

If Wu Shan Yun knew that Jun Mo Xie had such a perversely overpowered treasure that could fit a near unlimited amount of stuff inside, he would never agree even if he were beaten to death. Even if he'd agreed, he would definitely go back on his words.

Therefore, Jun Mo Xie only went ahead to choose now, marking the stuff with a piece of red cloth. On the day that he was leaving, he would take everything away together…

One thing was for certain. After Jun Mo Xie left this time, Wu Shan Yun would certainly spit out a mouthful of blood…

The people on the mountain simply looked on with interest, with an attitude as though they were only watching an interesting show. A single tree of tens of thousand years old has roots that stretch for unknown depths into the mountain! You want to take it away? The thought is nice, but can you even move it?

Even the spirit herbs had roots which were embedded deeply in the ground. If one wanted to dig them out, it would still require great care to do so. Could it be something that you could take just as you please? This little fellow was simply daydreaming.

So what if you hung a red ribbon on it? These things are still a part of Mount Heaven Saint! Not to mention one red ribbon; even if you wrapped it up in red ribbons, it would still be useless!

Jun Mo Xie toiled for two days straight, while everyone sniggered and looked on coldly from the side as the idiot ran to and fro. From time to time, someone would laugh aloud and ask him with interest: "Jun brat, how many have you picked?"

At these times, Jun Mo Xie would always smile and scratch his head in an honest manner, replying happily, "I've picked quite many haha… there's really so many stuff here ah…"

"Feel free to pick as many as you want hahaha… Don't stand on ceremony, help yourself… it's just going to be wasted if you leave it anyway."

Jun Mo Xie would always scratch his head with a conflicted look on his face. "If I took them away, it would be the equivalent of tearing down your houses… Are you really not worried?"

"Haha… take them away? You sure know how to joke…" That person said with a light smile. "If you can take them away, I will…" All kinds of ridiculous vows and bets were thrown out…

Two days later, at dawn, Jun Mo Xie began his grand relocation plan.

In the time it took for a pot of tea to boil, everyone on Mount Heaven Saint was stunned silly!

Oh my dear heavens ah…

~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

Jun Mo Xie stepped out from his temporary guest room and bade everyone farewell solemnly. Apart from the few who were in secluded meditation, practically everyone had come out to send him off. Everyone wanted to see the helpless appearance on this kid's face. It'd been too long ago since such a fun thing had happened on Mount Heaven Saint…

Just imagining the bitter look on Jun Mo Xie's face when he leaves clutching just one or two unimportant herbs, they could already feel their stomachs clenching up with laughter. This was a grand show ah… when they thought about how the mighty Evil Monarch who'd caused the three Holy Lands to lose so much face in the pugilistic world was suffering such a disadvantage at their hands, all of them felt much more comfortable in their hearts…

"Seniors, this junior is very grateful for the hospitality I've been shown in these few days. Today, I will be bidding my farewell first." Jun Mo Xie said courteously, with a warm and sincere smile on his face.

"Young Master Jun is being too polite. You're welcome to come back often to play." Everyone was laughing and jovially, while a strange smile lingered on their faces.

"Senior Wu Shan Yun had said before that as long as I see something I like on this mountain, I can take it away no matter what it is, and how many. Therefore… I will not be standing on ceremony." Jun Mo Xie seemed to be afraid that the crowd had forgotten Wu Shan Yun's promise and was tentatively reminding them.

"Please do not stand on ceremony. Since the boss had already promised you, it wouldn't be a problem even if you carried this entire mountain away…" The group of peak experts laughed and encouraged.

Hearing this, Jun Mo Xie smiled with embarrassment. "Seniors are truly too courteous. In these few days, I've picked out quite a number of stuff, and my harvest was truly quite rich… If I become successful in the future, this junior will certainly remember the kindness and generosity of the various Seniors today…"

Everyone sniggered darkly, continuously telling him that there was no need to be polite, to take whatever he liked. Their eyes were narrowed into slits, and their shoulders trembled lightly with laughter.

Jun Mo Xie rubbed his palms and smiled happily. "The experts of the Holy Lands are indeed gracious and generous ah, it seems like I've struck a fortune this time! Hahaha…"

Everyone joined in with his laughter and in that moment, the entire mountain was filled with endless laughter, as if there was a comedy show going on… everyone was exceedingly happy…

Just as the crowd was growing anxious, their long awaited and predicted sound of shock rang out. "Ah! This is bad! I completely forgot… I've chosen so many things, but with just my own strength, how can I carry them all away? Ah ah ah… this is frustrating me to death…"

These words were like music in the ears of those elders; it was more enjoyable than if a traveller who'd been thirsty for a long time finally got a taste of ice cream…

Too satisfying ah! This stupid little bastard finally realizes his mistake. How enjoyable! Seeing Jun Mo Xie's frustrated and bitter face, everyone smiled until their eyes could not be seen, in a matter of enjoying the misfortune of others.

Only Qiao Ying stood to the side with her brows furrowed as she looked at Jun Mo Xie with worry.

She knew that Jun Mo Xie had a strange ability to make items disappear. The only question was just how powerful this ability was, and whether it could fit all these items. Looking at the entire mountain filled with red ribbons, she could not help but to gasp in her heart. If Jun Mo Xie really could bring everything he'd tagged away, Mount Heaven Saint's essence Qi would be greatly wounded…

At the same time, she was also worried for Jun Mo Xie. If he couldn't take the stuff away… This fellow looked like an exceedingly clever person, but could it be that he'd actually allowed the vast amounts of spirit herbs, which clouded his judgement? Not even considering if he could bring everything away… After making such a huge blunder, he must be feeling extremely bad…

Jun Mo Xie sighed endlessly, seemingly on the verge of being vexed to death. As he paced back and forth, he asked hopefully. "Seniors, if I kept my things here for the time being… After I get down from the mountain, I will immediately send my men up to bring them away. What do you say?"

"That won't do! The boss had instructed before, that this time is the only exception! Furthermore, you are the only one allowed to take anything off this mountain. Besides… what kind of a sacred place is Mount Heaven Saint? How can we just let anyone come here as they pleased? Wouldn't that be too indecent?

The bunch of old fellows instantly shook their heads vigorously. What a joke; it wasn't easy for us to be in such a jovial mood. If you did that, wouldn't our jokes be turned on ourselves? This brat is dreaming fancily in broad daylight, to think that he can clear out Mount Heaven Saint! When was there such a great thing in the world?

Jun Mo Xie was somewhat flustered as he asked with red eyes. "This won't do, and that won't do as well. Should I just stand here and look then? I originally intended to take only a few of each type, retaining the Spiritual Qi of this place… Seniors, if you annoyed me, don't blame me for bringing everything I've chosen away!"

An old fellow with his beard tied in two sides laughed coldly in response. "Jun Mo Xie, if you have the ability, you can take whatever you wish away. The few of us will certainly not stop you in the slightest! Why? You're intending to play foul now that you can't take anything away?"

"Those were your words! If I really take away everything that I've chosen, you're not allowed to go back on your words, much less find some excuses to deal with my family and friends!" Jun Mo Xie said seriously.

"Hahaha…" The tens of experts all laughed together. "Jun Mo Xie, what kind of people do you take us to be? This old man and the rest of us are all legends who held sway over the pugilistic world thousands of years ago. A word from us is as good as gold. We'll never go back on out words! With our reputation of thousands of years in the pugilistic world, are we people who eat our words?"

"Good!" Jun Mo Xie looked as if he'd truly been forced to his limits and was about to play with his own life. "Although this method will harm my essence Qi greatly, it was you all who forced me! Men fight for a breath of air, and Buddhas vie for a stick of incense; If I don't take everything away, I would be looked down upon by you!"

"If you have any abilities, you can display them as you please. Jun Mo Xie, this old man will remind you once more. After you go down the mountain today, in the future, not to mention sending people here; even you will not be allowed back up again!" Everyone looked at the flustered and furious look on Jun Mo Xie's face and could not help but sneer in disdain.

Jun Mo Xie was furious, suddenly stretching his hands out seemingly exerting a great effort. His face was flushed, and his eyes were blazing with rage. Grunting loudly, he grabbed a thick Xuan Spiritual Tree beside him and roared, "COME UP FOR ME!"

As his words landed, a light pop sound rang out, and the Xuan Spiritual Tree completely disappeared!

In that moment, everyone fell silent as they stared with wide eyes with open mouths!

How did such a large tree disappear just like that? This was too strange…

Jun Mo Xie collapsed onto the ground on his butt and panted heavily. From the looks of it, he'd exerted himself too greatly after using his strange technique. However, a look of determination shone fiercely in his eyes still. It was as if he was bent on leaving with everything here, regardless of the price!

Such a method was definitely something that would drain his own lifeforce! Otherwise, why would Jun Mo Xie's expression be so pale and deathly? He'd only taken a single tree away, but it seemed as if the effort had cost him half his life…

Clearly, this was no longer a problem of taking away the spirit herbs; it was a matter of face! This Jun Mo Xie kid was obviously a person who viewed his face as more important than everything!

Therefore, regardless of the results today, he would take all the treasures away even if it costed him his life!

He was already tired to this extent just by a single tree. One could easily imagine what a great price he would have to pay to collect all of the ribboned items… Would he simply die of exhaustion?

In that moment, all the undying old fellows began to feel somewhat guilty.Have we gone too far in forcing him?

Jun Mo Xie panted a few time and stood up, walking in another direction in a determined manner. With a shu sound, another large Xuan Spiritual Tree disappeared…

This time, Jun Mo Xie's face had turned completely red. However, he did not stop to rest as he stumbled unsteadily to the next tree.

As three large Xuan Spiritual Trees disappeared, the entire thatched cottage collapsed. Jun Mo Xie panted heavily as he grunted, collecting the entire remains of the cottage away…

T-t-this… everyone was completely stunned.

Jun Mo Xie stumbled in a circle like a drunkard, plopped down on his butt and waved his hands determinedly. "Nobody try to dissuade me! Today, I must… bring everything away! Motherf*ckers… nothing anyone says can make me take this insult lying down! I, Jun Mo Xie, have never felt so belittled in my life before!"

The crowd was completely speechless. Who's interested in dissuading you? It would be better if you exhausted yourself to death! It's just this much and you're already unable to endure. If… hmph hmph!

Jun Mo Xie stumbled around unsteadily, collecting tree after tree, herb after herb… With every stalk collected, his face would become more and more pale, as if he would collapse at any moment… but ultimately, he did not fall!

The crowd looked dumbly on as they followed behind him, watching tree after tree disappear, and house after house torn down… the entire side of Mount Heaven Saint had been turned into a patch of desolation…

Jun Mo Xie crawled forward with great effort, but his stomach was practically cramping from laughing too much… Too enjoyable! What a great harvest ah… One tree, two trees, four trees… 70 trees… 90 trees… Wahahaha…

How could Jun Mo Xie not know that he'd gone somewhat overboard? All the natural treasures on Mount Heaven Saint had been grown through over ten thousand years of accumulation ah! Even though he had Wu Shan Yun's promise, it was not a completely fail safe thing.

If he incurred the wrath of the crowd, his own plan would go up in smoke! After all, these things here were their dwelling residence… Wanting to take everything away silently like that under the eyes of so many peak level experts… was more difficult than ascending to the heavens!

Besides… even if he managed to take everything away safely, it didn't guarantee that they wouldn't take revenge! Jun Mo Xie and Mei Xue Yan may not be afraid of their vengeance, but that didn't mean that other people would not as well…

Thus, this show that Jun Mo Xie was putting on was not plainly to toy with them… Firstly, he wanted to let them watch so that even if they decided to stop him halfway… he would have already collected quite a large number; they could only suffer a silent loss as well!

Secondly… even if when they found out that they've been had… because they had already said it with their own mouths that they would not seek revenge, all the troubles would at most fall on his shoulders only. With the lofty pride of these people, they would only look for him to regain their face and wouldn't take their anger out on innocent people!

The more ruthlessly Jun Mo Xie played with them now, the more they wouldn't lay their hands on other people before they dealt with him! And Jun Mo Xie… was also the least afraid of their vengeance! Even if he was forced to the end of his road, he could simply dodge into the Hongjun Pagoda and hide for a period of time… Even the gods would not be able to find him at that time!

This time, he could consider it as having successfully harvested over 90 percent of all the materials he would need for his future pill refining needs! Furthermore… these materials were all living and fresh. In the Hongjun Pagoda, where the accumulation of Spiritual Qi was hundreds to a thousand times better than the outside world, the speed at which these spirit plants grew would be exceedingly quick as well! It was the equivalent of having an endless supply for the future as well…

Zero investment and endless profits ah!

The only thing he lost was probably his face. And… when had this Young Master ever cared about a simple thing like face?

Under everyone's disbelieving gazes, Jun Mo Xie had slowly collected over 80 percent of his tagged items…

Finally, all the experts realized that something was wrong. F*ck! This kid has already torn down over half of all the thatched cottages. And practically all of the spirit plants with advanced maturity have been plucked clean…

This fellow… that half dead expression on his face hasn't changed at all from the beginning! T-this… isn't this just toying with us?!

"STOP!" A white haired old man roared and charged over with a frosty expression. "Jun Mo Xie, to think that you actually used such sinister tricks to toy with us. Was it very fun? The ten thousand years of accumulation of our Mount Heaven Saint were actually destroyed like that in your hands! Jun Mo Xie, you've gone too far! Stop immediately and return everything you took!"

As his words rang out, those who were still stuck in confusion instantly realized as well.

"Return it?" Jun Mo Xie panted and straightened his back with great effort. "Brother, are you joking with me? That was a promise that came out of your own mouth! You said that it wouldn't matter even if I carried away the entire mountain! Wasn't that your joint agreement? You want to go back on your words now? One should not be so shameless as a person, okay?"

The spirit plants had already been kept away, and the other party suddenly wanted to go back on his word. Jun Mo Xie did not even bother with calling 'Senior' now, directly turning it into 'Brother'.

The faces of all the old fellows instantly turned red. Although it was true that they'd said that, who would have thought that this kid would be so perversely overpowered? Since the start of time, had anyone seen someone grabbing things in such a manner? F*ck, this kid was simply too sly…

"Hmph! We've only promised you a portion; who said you could take everything away? Could it be that we must be responsible for all the jokes that we tell as well?" The old man's face turned a funny shade of purple as he insisted forcefully. "We've also claimed before that we would pluck the moon out of the sky… however, is that possible?"

"That may be so, but I've indeed done it!" Jun Mo Xie narrowed his eyes and said. "So you're prepared to tear down all pretenses and throw your face away? It's one thing if the three Holy Lands are like that; after all, they're a bunch of hypocrites. But to think that your Heaven Saint Palace is also full of this kind of people? How disappointing. To think that a person's face can be thick to such an extent!"

"Jun Mo Xie, there's no point in winning a contention of the tongue. There's so many of us here… Did you think that you can really leave?" The old man snorted coldly and continued. "A man who can recognize the facts of a situation is a paragon among men. Put the things down first, and we will naturally not make things difficult for you… You can bring away a portion, but you cannot bring everything away!"

"Teng Chong Jie, that's not too good, right?" Qiao Ying furrowed her brows lightly. "I am also very angry that Jun Mo Xie thrashed our Heaven Saint Palace into such a state. However… this is, after all, something that everyone had agreed on and promised together. Now, the other party had managed to accomplish it, but you want to go back on your words… That's not very glorious, right? If word of this spreads out, where will our Heaven Saint Palace put our face?"

"This matter has nothing to do with the Heaven Saint Palace! It's this old man that's going back on my words…" The old expert's face twitched, but he still gritted his teeth and said. "If he really took everything away like this, the essence Qi of our Heaven Saint Palace will not recover for several thousand years! This old man cannot bear such a consequence, and neither can you!"

Chapter 919: Leaving With a Wave of the Sleeves

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"But that is not an excuse to be shameless and despicable!" Qiao Ying berated with her face flushed with anger. "If you couldn't afford to take the loss, you shouldn't exaggerate and promise so generously just now! When you were belittling others and making ridiculous bets while watching the misfortune of others, why didn't I see you stop at all? Do you only know to fear now?"

"Fear? Qiao Ying, don't you know that this matter is no longer about the fears of a single person? This matter concerns the future of the entire Heaven Saint Palace! And no matter what, this matter had begun with this Jun Mo Xie brat scheming behind the scenes! He already had a plan long ago, giving us all kinds of false impressions to lure us to make the wrong judgements." Teng Chong Jie raised his voice. "This old man naturally needs to demand an explanation for being toyed with like that. Even if we have to break our promise, it's only fair!"

Snorting heavily, he continued. "Besides… this matter has now become a personal grievance between Jun Mo Xie and I! It has nothing to do with the Heaven Saint Palace! Qiao Ying, if you still think of yourself as part of the Heaven Saint Palace, please stop speaking. In order to resolve this personal grievance, even if I have to lower my status and be looked at as a person who bullies the young, I still don't care!

Qiao Ying was so angered that her eyes were open completely wide, and she practically couldn't say a single word.

"HAHAHA…" Jun Mo Xie suddenly laughed aloud. "Personal grievance… you really make it sound good ah! I finally see where the shamelessness of the three Holy Lands comes from. So this is how it is! Indeed, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant as well! So what if it's an expert above the Saint Emperor realm! Teng Chong Jie… you were certainly born with a good mouth ah… I, Jun Mo Xie, could be said to have truly opened my eyes today!"

"It doesn't matter what you say! Today, if you don't leave the treasures behind and give us an explanation, you can forget about leaving Mount Heaven Saint!" Not just Teng Chong Jie, the others also stepped forward, their auras locked rigidly onto Jun Mo Xie!

From the looks of it, the situation had turned extremely volatile!

"Who dares to attack!" Qiao Ying's body flashed and she appeared before Jun Mo Xie, blocking in front of him. Her face was completely flushed red with anger, and her heart was filled with fear, rage, and some embarrassment!

While she felt quite a bit of heartache for all the spirit plants, she was even more enraged by the shamelessness of her people…

To think that these hermit experts of Mount Heaven Saint, all peak experts of the world, would be capable of such actions. It was one thing to renege on their own promise and fail to keep faith with their words. But to actually use their strength to bully the weak… Although Jun Mo Xie was standing on the side of reason, he had indeed been too greedy to take so many things. But… since they've agreed, they should not regret it!

If a person's words could not even be trusted, how could others depend on them to hold the skies up?!

"Haha…" Jun Mo Xie laughed lightly and gently pushed Qiao Ying to the side as he shook his head. "It's best if you did not interfere in this matter! After all, you're ultimately a person of the Heaven Saint Palace!"

Looking at the 40, 50 people in front, he scoffed lightly. "At this point, there seems to be no more leeway for talking. Everyone's actions… have caused me to be utterly disappointed! I, Jun Mo Xie, had never known that a person's face… could be so worthless! I at first thought that the legendary Heaven Saint Palace would at least be somewhat different. Although you all wouldn't agree to me taking the spirit plants away, it wouldn't reach such a point… but quite clearly, I thought too fancily; all of you are tarred from the same brush!"

Young Master Jun paused for a moment and said with some disdain, "Although I haven't collected everything that I've tagged, you guys can keep the rest… As for the bets you made earlier… based on the thickness of your face, I will not hold any hopes of you fulfilling them; keke, in that case, this Young Master will be going now… Everyone, the blue mountains never grow old and the green waters flow on forever. We will meet again someday in the pugilistic world."

"You actually still want to leave?!" Teng Chong Jie had just finished this word when his eyes widened with disbelief. Jun Mo Xie's face was still carrying that disdain and look of ridicule as it slowly faded out of sight, completely disappearing.

"Where did he go? Where is he?!" Everyone sent their spiritual sense out to search. With the strength of these powerful experts, there probably wasn't anyone in this world who could easily slip away from their senses. Even the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was not an exception. However, their search actually yielded no results, causing them all to be incredibly shocked.

"Qiao Ying, use your All Seeing Eye and help us look; where is that kid hiding?! If we let him escape like this… the reputation of our Heaven Saint Palace will be greatly wounded…" Teng Chong Jie gritted his teeth and cried out.

"Our Heaven Saint Palace's reputation will be gone? Hasn't our Heaven Saint Palace lost all our face long ago?! Is it still lacking this much?" Qiao Ying harrumphed lightly, her face as cold as frost as she turned and left. Her heart was filled with extreme disappointment. Was this… the Heaven Saint Palace that she'd stayed with for over a thousand years? Was it still the Holy Lands that lived to protect the Xuan Xuan Continent? Why does it… feel so unfamiliar?

Although Qiao Ying had left by herself, the crowd was still searching madly. Each of them was an old expert with a wealth of experience. They immediately spreaded out in all directions and combed downwards, securing all the critical points. Some even went all the way down the mountain and blocked the exit.

As long as Jun Mo Xie was still on the mountain, even if his movement techniques were more mysterious, it would still be difficult for him to escape!

Looking at Qiao Ying's departing backview, Teng Chong Jie spat with rage, "What's she being cocky about? If the Heaven Saint Palace is destroyed, does she think she will have a good ending?"

Qiao Ying, who was far away, now heard his words. However, she did not react at all, save for her face turning even colder as she continued silently towards her own room.

At this time, the entire Mount Heaven Saint was completely stirred up…

When Wu Shan Yun came out of his seclusion, he very nearly fainted.

But after he heard about the events of the entire matter, surprisingly, he grew much calmer, only saying a single sentence. "If he took it away then, so be it… the more he took… the better."

After that, he no longer said anything about the matter. It was as if he didn't feel any heartache about the things that Jun Mo Xie had taken away. In fact, he even seemed… somewhat relieved.

He finally took them away…

This kind of strange reaction was completely baffling to the crowd. Nobody would have thought that this boss who'd always viewed those spirit plants so preciously would actually be so calm after encountering this matter.

Could he have gone crazy with anger?

The same went for those old seniors who had just come out of seclusion as well. When they just came out, their faces were also filled with fury. However, all of them turned calm later as well…

That was truly strange!

Jun Mo Xie did not depart immediately after descending Mount Heaven Saint. He checked out the neighboring mountains and even went to investigate the bases of the three Holy Lands in detail.

Finally, he turned around and went towards the Pillar of Heavens Mountain.

With the War for Seizing the Heavens being situated here, he couldn't not take a look.

When he got closer, he realized the true grandeur of this huge mountain. Even the rocks here were different from the other mountains'. They had a unique luster to them, looking like a mixture of rock and jade. They were also exceedingly hard.

Jun Mo Xie grabbed a fist sized rock and tested it in his hand. In that moment, he could not help but feel slightly shocked. The sturdiness of even a rock on this Pillar of Heavens Mountains was much harder than a normal rock! With his current strength, he still needed to use 50 percent of his strength to crush it!

Furthermore, this was just a small piece that he'd found on the outer layers. It was a piece of rock that'd been eroded by countless years of wind and weather! In that case, just how hard were rocks at the core of this mountain…

Looking up, he only saw an endless expanse of clouds, and it was impossible to see the peak of the mountain! Furthermore, that single look was enough for him to clearly feel a crushing pressure surging downwards, giving one a feeling of anxiousness…

A feeling like this was truly somewhat strange for Jun Mo Xie.

This was just a mountain after all; could it be that it even had an aura like a martial expert? Jun Mo Xie steeled his heart and ascended with shocking speed up the side of the mountain.

The further up he climbed, the heavier the pressure became. When he'd reached the six, seven thousand mark, he already could feel somewhat exhausted. It was as if a divine being were using its power to prevent mortals from ascending to the peak where gods existed.

Jun Mo Xie roused his cultivation, ascending another 5,000 meters. When he looked up again, he still couldn't see the top of the mountain… At this point, he was at least 10,000 meters away from ground level…

Jun Mo Xie could not help but to laugh bitterly. "Even Mount Everest on Earth is roughly only about 8,000 something meters tall. But I've already climbed for over 10,000 meters, yet I'm only halfway up… how disgustingly tall…"

But at this time, Jun Mo Xie also finally understood why he had been able to see this Pillar of Heavens Mountain back then from several thousand li away. From the looks of it, the rocks on this mountain were not just sturdy; they could also reflect light, having an amplifying effect as well. With billions of these rocks stacked together… such a unique scene appeared…

When he attempted to dive into the mountain, Jun Mo Xie discovered that his Yin Yang Escape Art seemed to have lost its magical abilities on this Pillar of Heavens Mountains…

The entire mountain seemed to be some kind of giant, restrictive treasure. Such a discovery caused Jun Mo Xie to feel incredibly shocked!

Who was it that had such heaven defying ability?!

Moreover, this mountain… was simply too huge!

Originally, Young Master Jun had still intended to continue upwards. However, he discovered that he couldn't go any higher. Sighing lightly, he shook his head. No wonder nobody could flip over to the other side by scaling this Pillar of Heavens Mountains… Human strength was limited. Right now, he could only go this far. But in the future, he would definitely unravel this mystery…

Turning around, Jun Mo Xie set out toward the North… He'd left Tian Xiang City for a long time now, and it seemed like it was time to go back and take a look… Right now, he no longer had that many inhibitions, so he didn't have to worry about anything…

En, there's still the Seven Colored Holy Fruit. Misty Illusory Manor… that was a place that he definitely needed to go to. At this point, he could only take one step at a time. When he got more news about Cao Guo Feng and the rest, he would make further preparations at that time…

Jun Mo Xie considered for a moment and set off towards the North with wide steps.

Chapter 920: Excitement over the Continent

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This time, Jun Mo Xie didn't choose to travel by foot.

The path leading out of the mountainous area stretched up to tens of thousands of miles. It would take Jun Mo Xie or even Mei Xue Yan a few days to exit. Jun Mo Xie clearly had no time to waste.

The most crucial thing for him now was the fact that the War for Seizing the Heavens was nearing!

Despite the irreconcilable grudges between him and the three Holy Lands and his nonchalant attitude towards the survival of the Xuan Xuan Continent, he couldn't help despise the foreign race.

There was no clear-cut reason for the disdain. Perhaps it could be attributed to Jun Mo Xie's innate extreme nationalism carried over from his past life or the disgusting fact that the foreign races were hermaphrodites.

Therefore, even if the three Holy Lands decided to allow the foreign races to enter the Xuan Xuan Xuan Continent, Jun Mo Xie would not agree! Not only must they win the War for Seizing the Heavens, Jun Mo Xie would fight back and invade into the foreign lands to exterminate the foreign races.

It was an extremely crazy plan!

So, time was now so precious to Jun Mo Xie! There was less than half a year left until the war. More training was necessary for the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer and the other assassins not only for the sake of self defense, but also this final intrusion!

In Jun Mo Xie's opinion, the War for Seizing the Heavens had become a gimmick or a convenient tool for some people to acquire fame and benefits. All it would do was to further destabilize the continent.

The best solution would be tackling the root cause by eradicating the enemy! Jun Mo Xie never acknowledged that he was a heroic figure with great ambitions, but this time, he was going to make some difference!

Jun Mo Xie immediately initiated the Yin Yang Escape and drove himself to his personal speed limit. In merely a day, he crossed the Mountain of Mortals and returned to the secular world.

However, he was surprised to find out that the secular world had undergone a tremendous change, leaving it totally unfamiliar to him. The whole world was filled with excitement. It was especially true among the Xuan Qi practitioners as they gossiped on with exaggeration about the Evil Monarch that shocked the world!

They had heard that the Evil Monarch led his subordinates to victory against the three Holy Lands and almost slaughtered the entire team the three Holy Lands had sent!

As the news spread across the continent like a storm, the Evil Monarch had become an idol for every Xuan cultivator on the continent…

Jun Mo Xie withdrew Yin Yang Escape and revealed himself strolling across the town into a restaurant. After a few days of eating dried food and wildlife, Jun Mo Xie was craving for some real food.

He was only a thousand miles away from the Tian Xiang City. It was far for a normal person, but only half an hour for Jun Mo Xie. Therefore, Jun Mo Xie was not as hurried as the day before. He had to satisfy his stomach. After all, in work and life, balance was important…

Also, on his way here, he had ordered all the flying Xuan Beast of Tian Fa to look for the men from the Misty Illusory Manor. They still definitely needed time and Jun Mo Xie had no choice but wait.

Just as he entered the restaurant, the hustle and bustle hit him like a shock wave, striking him with the reality that he was back. Although Jun Mo Xie had accustomed to loneliness, he still felt a warmth up his chest as he returned from the silent blend of endless green and gray in the mountains.

Just as he sat down, a man behind him said emotionally, "The Evil Monarch! Wow, he is so powerful! His opponents were the three Holy Lands! Do you know who are they? They are the best over the continent! Never surpassed by others for ten thousand years! And they were destroyed by the Evil Monarch! Totally destroyed!"

Another voice agreed, "Yes, he is indeed an amazing figure! Brother Lu, do you know how he looks like? I heard that he's originally the Third Young Master Jun of the Jun Family from the Tian Xiang City! Do you think it's true?"

The first guy smirked and said with contempt as if he was an all-knowing prophet. "Brother Wang… I'm afraid you're really badly informed! Those are just baseless rumors! Matching the Evil Monarch with someone like Jun Mo Xie is a huge disrespect to him! Hehe, Brother Wang, I warn you not to spread these baseless rumors or it might infuriate the followers of the Evil Monarch! No one would be able to intervene even if they want to kill you!"

Upon hearing this, Wang immediately became tense as he looked around and said softly, "Thank you, Brother Lu, for reminding me. I was wrong just now! How can I compare a kid like Jun Mo Xie to the great Evil Monarch."

Jun Mo Xie was flabbergasted. How could he expect that he had already become a heroic figure with so much fame and honor?

The most ridiculous part was that they rejected the idea that the Evil Monarch was Jun Mo Xie. Jun Mo Xie was really dazed. He couldn't take it anymore as he rubbed his face and turned around to greet Mr. Lu with a warm smile. "Good day, brother!"

"Good day! How may I help you?" Seeing Jun Mo Xie's courteous manner, they greeted him back politely.

"Ah, I would say it's just a small favor. I heard the two of you mention the Evil Monarch, and I'm very curious about the topic," Jun Mo Xie replied politely.

"Haha. Then you have found the right person. I'm famous for knowing much insider information." Mr. Lu stroke his own mustache and smiled proudly.

"Oh? Can you… give me more details?" Jun Mo Xie appeared more eager to know.

"Erm… Hmmm… I'm thirsty and my wallet is emptying. Maybe I will tell you next time." Mr. Lu squinted his eyes and smiled in a sly way.

"Fret not, brother! If you can inform me well, I will treat you this meal! Waiter! More wine and dishes please!"

Jun Mo Xie waved his hand generously. However, he was feeling a bit uneasy inside. I'm trying to know what they have to say about me and I got scammed. How hilarious it will be if others knew! But I really wonder what happened, making me so famous!

"Haha… Young Master, you're so generous. I will definitely tell you all the details I know!" Mr. Lu instantly became as willing as ever and laughed forthrightly.

Chapter 921: Legend of the Evil Monarch

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Kindly tell, I am all ears."

"They say that the Evil Monarch is a rare prodigy amongst all of the 10,000 years of Xuan Xuan Continent's history. Truly a peerless, unmatched talent of his own generation. And he is old and devious, full of rigorous schemes and deep foresight, unrivaled in his heroism…" Brother Lu opened is mouth and all sorts of flattery spewed out. Jun Mo Xie was full of smiles from hearing this, and every single pore of his body felt snuggly warm…

What a pleasant feeling. Although what he was saying was the truth, but it was still a little excessive, and his choice of works was not very apt… What does he mean by old and devious; this Young Master is in the prime of his youth; how can you say I'm 'old'…

"… rumors have it that this Evil Monarch focuses greatly on his own cultivation. Actually, he was already invincible in this world numerous years ago, but for the sake of improving his own strength, he concealed and hid for 500 years, 500 whole years ah… Haha, just this steadiness of the Evil Monarch is already very impressive! Not flying for thousand years, the moment he flew, he soared straight into the heavens. Not making a single noise for a thousand years, the moment he cried, it shocked the world! Finally in his first battle after returning again, he destroyed such a huge opponent like the three Holy Lands…"

"Hold up… Brother Lu, you just said that… this Evil Monarch was already peerless but he went into seclusion for 500 years?" Jun Mo Xie widened his eyes. The f*ck! When did this daddy go into seclusion for 500 years? How come I'm not aware of it myself? And invincible a long time ago? If I'm really that capable, then will I still need to run?

"The conduct of experts is a profound mystery! But there is concrete evidence on this, and not a single bit of it is false! I swear upon it with my life! The great Evil Monarch is definitely the number one person in the world!" That Brother Lu hit his chest and swore.

The corner of Jun Mo Xie's lips twitched. Could it be that this person is not the same 'Evil Monarch' that was referring to me? There is someone else? He forced a smile and said with great difficulty, "Please do continue to speak."

"Hehe, there are many people spreading that the Evil Monarch is the Third Young Master Jun Mo Xie of the Jun Family in Tian Xiang City! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Brother Lu cackled loudly, expressing his disagreement on this piece of information. "This saying is just ridiculous! When Jun Mo Xie wrecked havoc in Tian Xiang City, he was quite the figure, but… if we are comparing this Young Master of a worldly family and the Old Evil Monarch, there is still a difference of several streets!"

"No, it'll be an insult to the Evil Monarch saying that they only have a difference of several streets. The disparity between the two is heaven and earth, and there is no way of comparing them! They can't even be compared together!" After making this remark, this Brother Lu seemed to noticed that he may have flattered Jun Mo Xie a tad too much, so he added, "What is Jun Mo Xie even? He is just merely a slightly capable Young Master; compared to the Evil Monarch, he is not even worthy of carrying his shoes! Discussing the two of them in comparison is the greatest insult to the Evil Monarch! This daddy will not tolerate it!"

Jun Mo Xie was instantly at a loss for words. This person… was praising him, and insulting him at the same time… how should I handle this?

"The Evil Monarch has the air of an immortal, standing at about nine meters, his waist is wide, he is amiable looking, and his face round like the moon, with a mouth full of protruding teeth…" Brother Lu described, spitting saliva everywhere.

"Um… the two of you enjoy, I suddenly feel some discomfort in my stomach and need to go relieve myself…" Jun Mo Xie held his stomach, feeling as if he were about to suffer internal injuries. This situation was more terrifying than going through a devil's bite…

Even when this daddy faced all the experts from the three Holy Lands, I didn't suffer any internal injuries once, but today, under this scoundrel's words, I'm on the verge of transmigrating back… This is really too impressive.

Casually tossing some silver, Young Master Jun grabbed his belly and slipped away, not even bothering about eating anymore. He quickly went down the stairs and left.

But that Brother Lu just had to holler, "Hey! This young master, I have yet to finish saying… I know insider information on this matter the best; there are still exclusive scoops on the Evil Monarch that I'm sure you'll be interested in…"

"The f*ck I'll be interested!" Jun Mo Xie cursed mentally, vanishing with a whoosh. That Brother Lu was giggling himself silly while stroking the silver on his table. I 've struck it rich! To think it's so much! Hahaha…

Young Master Jun who had heard shocking news but not filled his stomach was feeling indignant, so he found another slightly more lavish restaurant and went up, only to realize that this place was the same as the previous one, everyone discussing and claiming that they knew all the 'insider info'. Jun Mo Xie had learnt to be smarter and did not continue to fish for information. He randomly found a table and ordered his food. Right now, filling his stomach was his priority. He only perked up his ears and listened silently.

Halfway through his meal, he suddenly heard noises from the stairs. One old man walked up, holding a huqin. He pulled at the bow a couple of times and paused, gesturing a greeting to everyone and said, "As the saying goes, rely on your parents at home, rely on friends when you are out. This old man tells stories for a living, and I've come here to invite everyone to listen, if you have money, do give generously; if you don't, I'm thankful for your presence… Today, I'll be talking about 'The Evil Monarch's fury, the three Holy Lands' defeat!"

Someone yelled, "Old man, we all know of this; we could almost memorize it already. You should just change to something new."

Someone else shouted, "There's no harm in hearing it again, hearing it gets the blood raging every time; it's quite exhilarating, do get around to speaking!"

That old man laughed proudly and said, "Everyone may not be aware, what I'm about to say today is the absolute insider information of this matter; there is nothing that can be missed! Everyone, please be patient…" Then, he pulled his huqin twice and slowly began to tell his story.

Jun Mo Xie was getting all excited from listening. This story of the Evil Monarch coming from this storyteller had become a tale that shook one to the core! Unimaginable complications, the thrills in the fight and battle, and the grudges behind this matter were slowly unveiled…

The more Jun Mo Xie listened, the more his mind began to wander. This old fellow really made this Evil Monarch sound like an open and honest man, so heroic! Truly everyone's idol ah…

This guy was a little too engrossed, clearly forgetting that he himself was the main lead of that story. Yet this really could not be blamed on Young Master Jun. The things that the Evil Monarch this story-teller mentioned, no matter which one, was a complete stranger to Jun Mo Xie… He was literally listening to a story that had nothing to do with him, but it was being delivered in such an exciting manner, so how could one not be hooked? From start to end, only a few key words were used to link things together, but everything else was not done by Young Master Jun at all!

Not only Young Master Jun, everyone else present was also thoroughly captivated. "… After the Evil Monarch heard of this, he was instantly enraged! He punched a giant hole into the heavens, yelling. 'The three Holy Lands are too overboard! This Evil Monarch swears to not rest until I die!' And so, he ordered for all the experts under him to gather. As such, one dragon, two phoenixes, three tigers, four panthers, five bears, six lions, seven wolves, eight cranes, nine demons led 36 devils, 72 fiends, 108 soldiers, 365 Spirit Xuan and set off immediately, issuing a letter of challenge to the three Holy Lands! The situation was tense, and the moment it set off, the entire world was in trouble and doomed!"

"… after the three Holy Lands received the letter of challenge, they refused to back off and replied, 'If you want to battle, then we shall battle!' Thus both sides made an agreement: on the third day of the third month, they shall determine the winner with thirty three rounds of battle! When that day came, the winds howled and thunder roared! Blood flowed like river, and corpses piled like mountains! There was even a poem: The Evil Monarch is enraged, how could the three Holy Lands take it lying down? Thirty three rounds of battle that shook the heavens and earth; the wind remained cold even till now! If you'd like to know what ensued, please stay tuned…"

The huqin began to play. Then, this old man brought out a plate and walked before everyone, bowing to seek some form of tips for his storytelling…

Everyone was completely enthralled by the story, but were left hanging from how he stopped at such a crucial point. They casually tossed a few coins and urged him, "Continue to say, goddamnit, how could you stop at a juncture like this? Hurry up and continue, hurry, hurry!"

That old man smiled courteously, nodding his head and bowing as he said, "Life is tough for me… Cough cough, but since everyone present is so kind… then I shall make an exception once and continue to…"

He had barely finished his sentence when there was a huge bag of silver on his plate. A burly man in robes said, "Hurry up and continue; if you do it well, this master will have great rewards!"

That old man was elated, thanking profusely. He turned around and tugged at his huqin and continuing his tale. "On the last episode…"

Young Master Jun finally broke down…

Because the contents of this story, which was also this 'absolute insider info', was because the Evil Monarch's lover was forced into an arranged marriage, fleeing far away, but was caught and brought back. Apparently some boss in the three Holy Lands had fallen madly in love for the Evil Monarch's lover, refusing to call it quits until he got here, so the Evil Monarch was enraged for his lover…

To think that it was actually a love dispute…

Jun Mo Xie couldn't help but recall back then when Chu Qi Hun's reputation was spreading, and the pugilistic world also seemed to be spreading that it was because some boss from the three Holy Lands had snatched Chu Qi Hun's wife, causing Chu Qi Hun to seek revenge and assassinate heartlessly!

F*ck, can't you change the pattern?

Besides… even that old Wu Shan Yun who had lived for 3000 over years… how many people's wives did he snatch all these years… He should've stopped thinking about such things a long time ago, right? 3000 years; isn't he sick of it? Can that thing of his still stand? It's already an old item since 3000 years ago… it can f*cking be auctioned as an antique…

Young Master Jun who was on the verge of collapse subconsciously took his last big mouthful of food and drank the last cup of wine and stumbled out unsteadily from the restaurant. Of course, with his alcohol tolerance, this tiny bit of alcohol couldn't do anything to him even without the suppression from Xuan Qi. But he was essentially giddy from listening to that old man…

Chapter 922: Returning Back to Tian Xiang!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Throughout his entire journey to Tian Xiang City, Jun Mo Xie had overheard seven or eight different versions, and every single one of them revolved around a great beauty and a hero's rage…

Young Master Jun couldn't help but start cursing angrily after hearing a completely different version near Tian Xiang City. "This boss of the three Holy Lands is too despicable! Forget the fact that he lusts after beauties, to think that he also wants to rob ten silver fragments! Ultimately triggering such a shocking battle…"

All in all, there was one common thing between all these legends: this Evil Monarch was definitely not Third Young Master Jun Mo Xie. Those who brought this up instantly attracted scolding from the public and was drowned by everyone's salivas. This was already the milder cases; those who were more unlucky suffered a thorough beating…

Jun Mo Xie had finally arrived on the southern gate of Tian Xiang City when the crowd before him suddenly parted aside. A troop of soldiers marched over, and when they walked out of the gates, they got into a winged-formation. Colorful flags were raised, and flying in the wind, it gave of a tremendous shocking sensation!

The two groups behind the troops emerged; a golden flag was in the air. The Emperor had arrived! It was the Royal Emperor, who had arrived personally!

Everyone shunned as far as they could, watching from afar. Only Jun Mo Xie stood in the middle of the wide path, completely confused as to what was happening.

Nine sounds of firecrackers rang out, shaking the heavens. A luxurious dragon carriage slowly moved forward, the Emperor Yang Huai Nong and the crown price alighted and walked over slowly, full of smiles as they received Jun Mo Xie.

"Long live!"

Everyone around the gate knelt down uniformly.

So they're here to receive me…

Jun Mo Xie rubbed his head. He really wasn't used to being suddenly received in such a grand manner…

Looking at the current Emperor of Tian Xiang coming forward with such a hospitable smile, Jun Mo Xie could only try to return a polite smile. Since they have given me so much face, an Emperor coming out of the gates personally to receive, the 'Evil Monarch' also needs to put on an equal air, right…

Besides, Jun Mo Xie's return was obviously trying to help this father and son who had just succeeded the throne to declare their might. If news went out saying that the great Evil Monarch whose name shocked the world was personally received by the Emperor of Tian Xiang City, entering Tian Xiang City in such a grand manner, this was a giant intimidation to all the other countries!

As long as the Evil Monarch did not fall from power, this intimidation would remain until Yang Huai Nong settled comfortably in the throne! This was definitely a god sent pie to Tian Xiang that had undergone a change in Emperor. If Yang Huai Nong didn't know how to grab on this good opportunity, then he really wasn't worthy to sit on this throne…

After some casual exchanges, they entered the Capital. After all, the gates were not a suitable place for catching up. Through that simple conversation, Jun Mo Xie could sense that Yang Huai Nong, and Crown Prince, Yang Mo, were genuinely grateful to him. After all, the father and son would definitely not be where they were today without Jun Mo Xie.

"How have you been all these time? There shouldn't be anyone who dares to bully you now, right?" Jun Mo Xie patted Yang Mo's head and asked with a smile.

Yang Mo laughed hearing this, and blinking his eyes cheekily, he said, "Of course no one dares to bully me now! There is Brother Mo Xie backing me up; who dares to touch a single hair on me!"

Jun Mo Xie laughed loudly. Right now, Li You Ran beside him suddenly walked closer and smiled. He asked, "Third Young Master, the Evil Monarch whose name is spreading all over the world, is you, this 'old person', right?" Although it was a question, but it was full of certainty, and even, a hint of mockery.

"Oh?" Jun Mo Xie looked at him interestingly. "The entire world doesn't think that it was me; why are you so sure? Do I really resemble an old person?"

Li You Ran chuckled and said slowly, "There are so many people in this world, but which one has truly understood you! Only those who have really crossed paths with you will understand… how terrifying, mysterious you are! This matter, I'd believe that aside from you, there will be no second person that will be this insane!"

"Am I really very insane? More than the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master? Or perhaps… even more insane than you?" Jun Mo Xie raised his brows, looking at his ex-enemy, also mocking back.

Li You Ran smiled and shook his head. "My insanity… is different from Third Young Master. Our goals are completely different."

"That makes sense." Jun Mo Xie nodded in agreement. "How has Fatty been?"

"Young Master Tang is doing extremely well now!" Li You Ran's tone was full of envy. "This fellow is literally a crownless King in Tian Xiang; although he has no ambitions, but even His Majesty is afraid to offend him… He is really living a comfortable life ah…"

Li You Ran grumbled, "This Tang Yuan has been milking me dry daily, saying that I bullied him for ten years, so now he is collecting it all back with interest. Saying it in such a just and forceful manner… Third Young Master, don't you think that what this Fatty is saying is a little too heartless…"

Jun Mo Xie roared with laughter. "What 'heartless'! If it were me, I'd say he should! Who asked you to make things difficult for no reason for the two of us last time? You even caused him to lose his wife once; it's completely reasonable for him to come seeking revenge now…"

Li You Ran laughed bitterly. "He wanted to come along to welcome you at the gates, but His Majesty personally told him to give this opportunity to the royals family… that's why Tang Yuan reluctantly agreed, but he still extorted a piece of art and ten jugs of wine from His Majesty…"

Jun Mo Xie was a little speechless. Tang Yuan is really bold, extorting from the Emperor…

Truly bold ah…

After eating a sumptuous lunch in the royal palace, Jun Mo Xie, under the company of Li You Ran, headed to the Aristocratic Hall. Little Yang Mo was not brought along on this reunion of old friends catching up and was about to cry.

But the impact on Tian Xiang that Jun Mo Xie's return brought would need these two father and son to properly digest. Especially to those old court officials who were still unwilling to accept the change in throne, it was like a sharp sword that was right above their necks, ready to chop down anytime!

As long as Jun Mo Xie made his attitude clear, all those who knew Jun Mo Xie's ways would definitely not dare to take any rash actions! At least, before Young Master Jun collapsed, they would absolutely not dare to. This had great decisive impact in securing these two father and son's ruling of the country!

So Jun Mo Xie's arrival for these couple of days was extremely precious to the father and son!

Jun Mo Xie had just arrived at the door of the Aristocratic Hall when he saw a huge lump of flesh moving, a fat and short neck doing its best to turn around and look over.

And beside this figure, there was a slender figure accompanying him. In the dark, there were a few more people hidden, keeping a close watch on the situation. Jun Mo Xie could sense the respect those two in the dark had towards him. He didn't need to see them to know they were Hai Chen Feng and his old disciple, Song Shang.

Suddenly meeting with all these people whom he used to see frequently, Young Master Jun felt as though that it had been lifetimes ago since their last meeting. Although their family had not left this place for very long, but this sort of familiarity filled his heart with warmth.

Upon seeing Jun Mo Xie walking over from afar, Tang Yuan suddenly let out a weird cry and ran towards Jun Mo Xie, all the fat on his body bouncing with each step. Jun Mo Xie groaned and looked at him helplessly, face palming himself. "Oh my god… Fatty, why are you fat again… I put in so much effort to make you slim down back then; even if you didn't continue to work hard, you shouldn't have rebounded so much… I'm really speechless…"

Tang Yuan's face was still full of sincere feelings, running over and pouncing, hugging Jun Mo Xie. He hit Jun Mo Xie's back with all his strength, as if he wanted to say something but he couldn't say it. His eyes were red…

Jun Mo Xie was instantly engulfed by his humongous body. He struggled for a while before finally freeing himself. He jokingly scolded, "I say, Tang Yuan, are you planning to suffocate me with all your fat the one rare time I return?"

Tang Yuan laughed and rubbed his hands. "Third Young Master… I was especially worried for you all this time… Until I received the great news of your victorious battle against the Holy Lands; this daddy drank for a whole night! I'm so happy!"

Jun Mo Xie patted his shoulder and said, "Tang Yuan… You're great!"

Tang Yuan laughed loudly, suddenly turning chirpy. He flailed his limbs around and spun around, yelling, "Inform the kitchen! This daddy still wants to drink today! I want to drink till I drop! Wahahaha…"

Sun Xiao Mei stood on the side, smiling. Watching the two of them in their unusual way of expressing their joy of reunion, she was extremely moved to the point of tears. It turned out that the friendship between men could be this loyal, this deep…

In the shadows, Hai Chen Feng's voice rang out. "Third Young Master, since you left, we have been suffering. This Tang Yuan kept sending the two of us to gather news about you… Once, he even dared to scold us just because there was no news… This fatty is really gutsy now! You tell me, where can there be so much news and information that would satisfy his curiosity… It really has been unbearable for us!"

Chapter 923: Tang Yuan's Decision that Affected the Later Generations!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Tang Yuan scoffed. "It's only asking you to gather news; weren't you guys also anxious? I was just fulfilling your wishes ah. Making me sound so horrid, be careful that I complain to Third Young Master on you! Let you have it good. Hmph!…"

Another voice piped up. "Master, I am willing to testify for Chen Feng. This fatty has been ordering us around for all sorts of matters. The two of us have really suffered; although it is the duty of the disciple to share the Master's troubles, but… essentially its difficult to explain…!"

"Master?" Young Master Jun was stunned by this sudden form of addressment. But he suddenly remembered that Hai Chen Feng's old partner, Song Shang, was his one disciple. Although their relationship was 'made over wine', and Young Master Jun had never acknowledged it, but this old disciple had never changed in the way he addressed him as Master.

Young Master Jun had recalled many things in the past from this one 'Master'. That rain, that gamble, everything came rushing back.

That was the weakest point of my life in this world…

Everyone broke out in loud laughter as they walked inside. Sun Xiao Mei followed behind silently. A sudden thought popped in Jun Mo Xie's head. "Wah, Fatty, you are really capable now… it's been so long, but you didn't lose your wife again?" he asked.

Tang Yuan's round face instantly turned bitter. "Third Young Master… We don't play like this… are you trying to play me till I'm dead? I had just stopped playing for barely a few days here… Ouch… That hurts so much…"

Sun Xiao Mei pinched him harshly on his waist and yelled, "Tang Yuan! How dare you! Just you wait!" Then she snorted and left. Tang Yuan was at a loss for what to do, quickly chasing after her, begging for mercy. "Wifey…. I really didn't, how could I… I- I- I… You must believe me ah…"

Everyone laughed at Tang Yuan's misfortune, watching him grovel after Sun Xiao Mei and apologizing profusely, snot and tears dripping everywhere.

Jun Mo Xie had only stayed in Tian Xiang City for two days when he received news of those from Misty Illusory Manor.

Because during these two days, Jun Mo Xie had been harassed by Tang Yuan so much that he was about to swear, more or less understanding Hai Chen Feng and Song Shang's pains now.

He didn't know where this scoundrel got so many different versions, carrying a thick stack everyday and reciting it to Jun Mo Xie. Always talking about the part where the Evil Monarch battled the three Holy Lands…

In two days, Tang Yuan had purchased almost sixty different versions at high prices and consolidated it all into a book. He pestered Jun Mo Xie to read it everyday. Since then, as long as Jun Mo Xie saw Tang Yuan walking over excitedly while carrying a book, he would be frozen with fear, only short of crying for help…

Upon receiving news of Cao Guo Feng and the rest from the Misty Illusory Manor, Jun Mo Xie could be said to have fled from Tian Xiang City with his tail between his legs…

Only Tang Yuan in the whole entire world was able to scare the Evil Monarch, Jun Mo Xie ,to this state. Tang Yuan's achievement was truly unprecedented!

However, during these two days, Jun Mo Xie had also gifted Tang Yuan, Sun Xiao Mei, Hai Chen Feng, and Song Shang pills for them to strengthen their powers. Tang Yuan had completely no interest in Xuan Qi, but his meagerly cultivation was that of a Golden Xuan's. Although he may not use it, Jun Mo Xie still left an extra with Sun Xiao Mei. If the day Tang Yuan suddenly decided to cultivate came, these few pills would be his greatest motivation.

Delivering pills for Tang Yuan, Song Shang, and Hai Chen Feng… this was the greatest reason why Jun Mo Xie came!

Jun Mo Xie had also left large quantities of Bone Tempering Pill and other low level pills for this fellow to profit off from… Although he was hoping that Tang Yuan would also take a few to strengthen himself, Jun Mo Xie could tell from Tang Yuan's greedy expression that he would rather exchange all of this into silver than to eat it himself…

Jun Mo Xie decided that if one day, he managed to concoct 'Cleansing' Pills that had no side effect, first thing he'd do would be to shove it down this Fatty's throat. Or not… He would leave this world in a couple of decades… How boring this world would be without Tang Yuan…

After he departed, Tang Yuan issued an order: Purchase all the books on the Evil Monarch! Any variation could be bought at high prices; even if it was made on the spot, that was no issue. Collate it all and store it in the study…

Because Tang Yuan felt that these things were the funniest jokes he had seen in his entire life. No matter which version, no matter how pleasant it was, it was enough to make him break out in uncontrollable laughter. The only regrettable thing was that the main character of the story didn't seem to be his best friend Jun Mo Xie… They've described him too ideally… how is he that good?

Under the great support of Tang Yuan's wealth, all sorts of weird rumors regarding the Evil Monarch boomed all over the Continent…

This purchase operation had directly caused huge arguments and banters when the future generations discussed about the legendary Evil Monarch… Which helped add a tinge of mystery to the legendary Evil Monarch. Of course, which of it was about what the real Evil Monarch had experienced… was food for thought…


In a dense forest, Saint Emperor Cao, Cao Guo Feng, was walking in front with a heavy look on his face. Since they left Chrysanthemum City, he had been pulling a long face, clearly feeling troubled. The other six knew he wasn't in a good mood and did not try to strike up a conversation with him. And thus, the seven of them remained in silence for a couple of days.

Their goal for the trip this time was to find someone.

They had already thoroughly searched this mountain a couple of times, missing nothing. They had heard that that person resided here, but the seven of them had combed the entire place yet still couldn't find anything.

This trip had really been not very smooth-sailing. Cao Guo Feng and Bai Qi Feng, the leaders, were extremely upset. The only good news they received recently was that the three Holy Lands had been defeated by the hands of an 'Evil Monarch' who popped out of nowhere. They suffered a great disadvantage and were practically wiped out. This finally allowed these few people to feel elated for once. They had discussed and laughed at the three Holy Lands' misfortune for a while before returning back to their silence…

Looking at the exceedingly silent mountain forest that showed no trace of human residence, finally confirming that the person they were looking for was not here, Cao Guo Feng finally decided to give up.

Saint Emperor Cao hit a tree with his palm in frustration. "This trip this time is truly unlucky to the core! Can't find the person we are looking for, falling out with the Holy Lands, that bunch of scums! And the most infuriating thing is, the Free and Natural Physique, the best successor, vanished just like this…"

Bai Qi Feng let out a long sigh and said in agreement. "A youth with the Free and Natural Physique ah… Who knows how many ten thousands of years it takes for one to appear ah…. Just like that… A pity! A pity ah…"

The others also shook their heads and sighed. When this matter was brought up, they only felt extreme hatred towards the three Holy Lands! If Zhan Mu Bai had not played dirty, how could a rare prodigy like that just go missing?

But there was no use talking about it anymore. Even if they wished to settle scores with Zhan Mu Bai, it couldn't be done anymore. Because that Saint Emperor Zhan had already died a tragic death in the hands of the Evil Monarch, to the point where his soul was completely destroyed and damned for eternity!

This left Cao Guo Feng completely upset! Not having a place to vent when he wanted to find somewhere to vent!

"Looks like the information this time was wrong; the person we are looking for is not here at all." Cao Guo Feng laughed bitterly and said moodily. "Not only did we not find the person on this trip, and we also messed up assisting the three Holy Lands in dealing with the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master. Which means we did not fulfill a single thing the Lord had instructed us to do… The seven of us brothers are really unlucky…"

Bai Qi Feng was indifferent. "This trip being a wasted one is because there was an error in the information. How could it be blamed on us? Besides… what sort of conduct do those from the three Holy Lands have? How could we cooperate with them? We are already being magnanimous not killing every single one of them. Big Brother need not take it to heart. I believe that anyone from the Misty Illusory Manor will also not back off just like that. It takes great effort to back off in how you handled this whole matter."

"But… no matter what the reason is, the result is that we did not accomplish what we should have. There is a reason behind any failure, but this reason is not a reason why we did not accomplish it. Responsibility is responsibility and we must carry it!"

"I understand! Rest assured, the six of us are willing to carry this responsibility with Big Brother!" Bai Qi Feng said, raising his head.

"That is wrong; since I am leading for this trip, where is the logic in making all of you carry the responsibility for me?" Cao Guo Feng asked displeasedly. He sighed again and said, "Actually, the thing that has been bothering me is concerning something else."

"What is it?"

"The Evil Monarch is probably that Third Young Master Jun Jun Mo Xie. I believe no one has any doubts on this. But Jun Mo Xie's powerful rise this time and the powerful forces he has causes me to worry about the future threat to the Misty Illusory Manor."

Cao Guo Feng said heavily. "Jun Mo Xie dealing with the three Holy Lands is bound to happen. And now, after the three Holy Lands have suffered such great losses, their strength is far from their past. As long as the Heaven Saint Palace doesn't intervene, the three Holy Lands are bound to be destroyed in Jun Mo Xie's hands! Someone like this is truly the scariest because he has a terrifying, unmatched speed in his advancement! All of the strength he has currently is enough to shake any force in the world!"