

Chapter 91 Rooftop Cultivation

Tianshi gazed at the pill and her body instinctively got hot, recalling the last time she took it. She knew very well what it was.

An Aphrodisiac Pill created by Lisa that helped with cultivation, providing abundance of Spirit Qi. Back in the Earth Realm, they used to take it often, combining their night activities with cultivation. It allowed them to advance by leaps and bounds, reaching the peak of Monarch stage in just three years.

It would be the first time they would use it in the Heaven Realm since they arrived and Tianshi couldn't help but get excited, knowing the passion it could create between them.

"So you want to cultivate now…?" Tianshi questioned softly but still took the pill from his fingers. "I don't mind."

"I want to spend the last evening before the tournament with my wives but we also need to cultivate and expand our souls before we leave the Water Land. The best thing we can do is combine the two. We can also cultivate both Water and Spirit Qi at the same time," Xuefeng explained before looking left and right at Ling and Ming.

He caressed their cheeks and leaned over, kissing them gently on the lips. "I will be cultivating with Tianshi now. Please assist me."

The two could only nod in understanding. Even though they were his wives as well, they didn't need to cultivate like Xuefeng and Tianshi. They were his Fate Spirits and their main task was assisting Xuefeng in his cultivation.

Xuefeng pulled out a second pill, planning on swallowing it right away while looking at his love but Ling stopped him.

"If you want to speed up your Cultivation, maybe we should get to a more open space first? This room is not really good for Cultivation," Ling suggested. "It will block most Water Qi entering into the room and we need a lot of it to be efficient."

"How about a rooftop?" Ming proposed immediately, causing the rest to knit their brows in hesitation.

"You want us to have sex in public?" Xuefeng voiced out everyone's concern but Ming assured them, "Don't worry, I will create a barrier around you. No one will be able to see what's happening inside."

"I don't mind," Xuefeng nodded and popped the pill into his mouth. "Shall we go?"

Tianshi could only copy him, swallowing the pill before their bodies disappeared from the bedroom of the inn. The rooftop of the inn was relatively flat, giving them quite some space for their cultivation.

Flying ships, Beasts and even some City Guards could be seen flying above their heads but no one paid any attention to them. After all, who would be so bold to have sex and cultivate on the rooftop, right for everyone to see them?

"I can feel it already…" Tianshi muttered in warning as a burning feeling began to spread from her stomach, slowly filling her body. She tightened the hug, her fingers sinking into his back.

The pills took a moment to activate which was why they took them earlier but she already felt in the mood before. The pills worked immediately this time, making her hot all over.

"I am too," Xuefeng replied simply as he pressed her against his body.

He didn't need to tell her. She could feel him grow against her stomach as he used her body to hide it.

Before they could even ask Ming for some kind of cover, the promised golden barrier expanded from their bodies, giving them around five meters of space. The barrier was see-through at first but it quickly became blurry, hiding them inside.

"Done. Now nobody can see us," Ming called out as she appeared next to them. "Even if some Celestial Stage cultivator appears, they won't be able to discover anything. I will be on the lookout anyway, just in case anyone tries to destroy it out of curiosity."

"Alright, we will start then. I can already feel the abundant Spirit Qi filling my body. We cannot wait anymore," Xuefeng announced as he finally looked at Tianshi, his face nearing her. "I'm all yours now."

At that point, she barely listened to them, already wanting to connect with Xuefeng and make him ravage her body till none of her strength was left. She was holding back but with the outside distractions gone, they could finally begin.

Tianshi didn't even reply, lunging forward without hesitation. She took the initiative, mashing their lips together as if trying to flatter and destroy his mouth while her hand unbuttoned his pants, letting her slip inside.

Normally they would start slowly, savoring the moment and making each other comfortable but they didn't have so much time this time. Cultivation came first while the pleasure was just a bonus.

"I want you…" Tianshi whispered as she breathed out hot air, her fingers squeezing and stroking. "I want it…"

She could already feel her juices dripping as Xuefeng acted on his own, pushing his fingers in between her legs. She was more than ready to accept him and start cultivation.

"Lay down," Xuefeng ordered as he lowered her body. She didn't mind doing it on the ground, or the floor, or while standing yet Xuefeng made sure she was comfortable by spawning a thick cloud under her. It acted like a soft bed, just for them.

"Let me—" Tianshi spoke, wanting to help him take off his shirt in return but he cut her off with a kiss, placing her arms around his head instead. He didn't seem like he wanted to take off his clothes at all.

"Focus on cultivating…" Xuefeng spoke in between of his kisses. "I will do the rest."

He didn't let her reply, gripping onto her thighs as he spread them wide. She could feel him, strong and hot, rubbing against her before hovering in front of her entrance.



"Miss Liu, is there a need to meet with them right now? We should wait till the tournament."

Flying after Liu Xinyu, Mia couldn't help but try to convince her lady once again but it was useless.

"I'm so bored. Let's just pretend we are someone else and meet him to see how he is like," Liu Xinyu replied with a shrug.

Mia wanted to roll her eyes but resisted her urges like always. She wanted to try another method when she felt some strange movement of Qi in the air.

"Huh? Mia, can you feel it?" Liu Xinyu asked curiously, her body speeding up in the same direction as she ordered happily, "Something is going on there. Let's check it out!"

Chapter 92 I Will Kill You

"Huh? What is this…?" Liu Xinyu questioned in wonder, frowning at the constant movement of Water Qi. "Is someone so bold to cultivate out in the open?"

Not only was it rare as no one wanted to risk getting injured during cultivation, one of the times when the Cultivator was the most vulnerable but also because it was simply rude. One was claiming all the Water Qi from the area, which could disturb other people's cultivation.

To her surprise, the Qi movement didn't stop intensifying.


The closer they were, the stronger the wind, messing up their hair. Mia's hair was tied while her own black strands smashed into her face, annoying her.

"Ugh! I will kill whoever causes such a mess!" Liu Xinyu grunted angrily after fixing her hair another time. The suction force was too insignificant to even slow her down but enough to irritate her.


Liu Xinyu couldn't stand it anymore and finally snapped with her fingers, calming the space around her. Creating a barrier around her was nothing but a bother as she enjoyed the gentle wind blowing on her face.

"There you are!"

The moment she saw the culprit, Liu Xinyu quickly glared in his direction. It was the small golden barrier on one of the rooftops. Water Qi from the whole area gathered around it before sinking inside.

"The person inside must be cultivating and created the barrier to protect themselves," Mia guessed calmly but that didn't calm down her master.

"How much Qi does he need??? Is he planning to forcefully breakthrough all the way from the beginning of God's Stage?" Liu Xinyu questioned with her brows knitted. "It has to be either an old geezer who is scared of dying or some young newbie who just began to cultivate excitedly. Aren't there elders to guide them?"

Liu Xinyu shook her head in disappointment and approached the scene without hesitation. There were already tens of Cultivators and Flying Beasts hovering in the sky above the building but no one acted yet. No one knew who was behind the barrier, so it was the safest to wait and see, in case they offended someone they shouldn't.

Liu Xinyu wasn't even a bit worried about that as she passed through them and landed on the roof, right outside the barrier. It was in her nature to stick her nose to random matters that don't involve her.


Almost instantly, the onlookers gasped, shifting their attention to Liu Xinyu. She didn't hide her presence, nor did she hide her face. There wasn't anyone who could threaten her anyway.

"Wait, is this actually Miss Liu, the daughter of Sect Master Liu?"

With her presence, the scene got suddenly overly interesting. Being a high profile for long, many experts knew how she looked like.

Liu Xinyu's eyelid twitched when she heard the question but she let it slide this time, her focus somewhere else. It was hard to escape her father's shadow, knowing how high profile he was. Unless she got stronger than him, she would always be known as Sect Master Liu's daughter.

When she walked up to the barrier, Mia stepped forward, but in the end, she didn't say anything, only watching anxiously from the side. Liu Xinyu only smiled and reached to touch the barrier, wanting to check who is inside.

"I wouldn't do that, your hand will explode."

Liu Xinyu's arm froze at the sudden voice coming from the side. Both Mia and her disappeared from the spot, reappearing in the safe distance. If someone could approach them without even them noticing, it wasn't time to be careless.

Thankfully, the newcomer didn't seem hostile. It was a mature lady of long blond hair, staring at them with a small smirk as she leaned against the barrier. She was a stunning beauty with her skin smooth and delicate-looking.

"Did you come to disturb my husband? I advise against it," the mature lady spoke, her eyes glistening with a golden hue.

'Fate Spirit!' Liu Xinyu exclaimed in her mind, recognizing the Spirit instantly. 'The person inside must be a Fate Holder for sure!'

How could a person of her caliber not know about Fate Spirits? The only reason she didn't have one was that she never liked depending on other people. She wanted to have her own strength to fight.

'To have such a strong Fate Spirit as his wife…'

Liu Xinyu could tell how advanced the woman in front of her was just based on her body and Spiritual Presence. The only thing she couldn't grasp was the power of her husband who hid behind the barrier to cultivate. With such a Spirit, he could only be even stronger, possible even rivaling her father. She didn't even want to imagine it.

"Ehem… Can I ask who is your husband?" Liu Xinyu questioned as she cleared her throat. "It's okay if you don't want to reveal."

"Hmm…" the mature beauty raised her eyebrows only to smile. "I don't think there is a need. You know him very well."

"Huh? I do?" Liu Xinyu questioned in surprise.


The mature lady didn't reply immediately but instead snapped her fingers, creating a thin soundproof barrier around them.

"Didn't Miss Liu come here especially to meet us? I'm sure you wonder how we got your Father's Personal Disciple Tokens so you came to meet with us to get to the bottom of it, am I right?"

Liu Xinyu's eyes widened when she heard the question as a sudden realization exploded in her mind.

"Your Husband is Liu Xuefeng!" Liu Xinyu called out loudly. "No wonder… It all makes sense now. I knew something wasn't right when a God Stage cultivator showed such prowes."

"It's not just my credit. It's a team effort. My Xuefeng is really talented," the mature lady replied and her smile disappeared as she muttered under her nose, "I don't know what are your intentions towards my husband but if you think of hurting him in any way…"

She paused before smiling softly.

"I will kill you."

Chapter 93 Your Choice

Liu Xinyu wasn't even mad at the threat, smiling instead. Knowing the Fate Spirit's powers and knowledge, she was probably the one who passed a Forbidden Art to Xuefeng. The mature lady would for sure find a way to kill her if she wanted to.

"Don't worry, I don't have any bad intentions," Liu Xinyu assured, acting full of calmness compared to the panicking Mia. "I initially wanted to talk to him after the tournament to see if he is worth being my Junior Brother but I got bored so I thought of checking him out earlier."

Liu Xinyu gave the mature lady a look over and added, "Can I know your name? With such a powerful Fate Spirit like you, Xuefeng points went up for sure."

"I'm Ming, but don't try to research about me. Even your father won't know about my existence," Ming said. "Xuefeng is my first and last Fate Holder."

Liu Xinyu opened her mouth in surprise, not expecting to receive such a clue. What did that mean? It meant her abilities were not known by anyone in the world. What's more, she came from the Fate Kingdom and probably had a high role as well!

All Fate Spirits residing in the Lower Realms were either connected to a Fate Holder or simply belonged to the Fate Management that controlled all worlds. If Ming was the latter, the complications would be enormous! Even the ever calm Liu Xinyu was shaken by the news.

'If only my father knew about this…' Liu Xinyu muttered, already thinking of notifying him as soon as possible but she quickly changed her mind. She had to tell him in person and in the best-case scenario, introduce Ming to him directly.

In both cases, she couldn't let Xuefeng go!

"That wasn't my intention, Lady Ming. I just wanted to befriend you," Liu Xinyu muttered as she bowed slightly in greeting. "I'm Liu Xinyu and this is my assistant Mia. Nice to meet you."

"I know who you are and I knew someone will eventually appear to check on us," Ming replied casually. "I'm pleasantly surprised it turned out to be someone important like Sect Master Liu's daughter instead of some Elder. It will make the negotiations much easier."

"Negotiations?" Liu Xinyu repeated.

"Well, not really. I can just tell you what will happen in the nearby future and you will decide who you want to side with," Ming corrected and didn't beat around the bush anymore. "The Water Land Capital will turn chaotic in the next few days. Tens of experts will arrive around the time of the tournament with the goal of hunting Xuefeng down."

Liu Xinyu frowned deeply, not expecting such a sudden development. She was even more shocked after Ming's next words.

"Your father should be involved as well. I'm sure he is already coming to the Water Land Capital as we speak."

"But why?" Liu Xinyu questioned, trying to understand. "Also father is currently in the closed-door cultivation, preparing for his breakthrough. Why would he go out of his way to hunt down Xuefeng?"

"Ask him then," Ming suggested with a gentle smile.

"He won't pick up," Liu Xinyu muttered but still pulled out a Communication Crystal from her Storage Ring. Her eyes widened when the crystal actually connected.

"Dad? Are you—" She wanted to question but her father's voice cut her off. "I was about to call you. I'm coming to meet you in the Water Capital. Don't do anything involving this Liu Xuefeng. It is best if you don't meet him at all. I will explain everything when we meet."

His dad's tone confirmed Ming's words perfectly. What's more, she couldn't even reply when the connection got cut and the Communication Crystal dimmed.

"I told you. It is the third day since we arrived in the Heaven Realm. I already suspected they will hunt us down within the first five days," Ming said with a shrug. "Your father is not the only one coming after us. More will come from various Realms. Experts all over the Worlds and Hidden Realms who desire power and longevity will arrive to compete against each other."

"But why? Even my father seems to be interested…" Liu Xinyu still didn't understand, gazing at the golden barrier behind Ming. "What does Xuefeng have that they want?"

"Well, it won't be a harm to tell you now as it will be public any time soon anyway. If we can't hide it, might as well tell everyone and force people to fight each other," Ming exposed her plan. "Xuefeng has a Godly Treasure that allows you to control all elements, called Elemental Bracelet. Did you hear about it?"


As long as Liu Xinyu lived in this world, she has never been more speechless. Did she know it? Of course, she did! Who didn't?! It was one of the ten most powerful Godly Treasures!

Mia wasn't any different, already shivering on the side.

"Seeing your expression, I'm sure you heard about it already," Ming commented with a smile. "You probably wonder why am I telling you this."

"I do… Aren't you worried I will try to claim it for myself and scheme against you?" Liu Xinyu asked quietly, not believing she was this trustworthy.

"You know about Fate Spirits but you still don't have one. It means you don't wish to depend on foreign powers. You won't desire the Elemental Bracelet, especially after knowing its drawbacks and how it will cause everyone to hunt you down," Ming explained to which Liu Xinyu nodded.

"You are right. Only a mad man would want it but my father is not one of them. He was the one who told me how stupid anyone is who desires the Elemental Bracelet," Liu Xinyu informed. "It was his old Master that wanted it."

"Your Father was probably sent by his Master to collect the Bracelet then. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Isn't he proclaimed the strongest expert in Heaven Realm?" Ming pointed out.

"Xuefeng never really wanted the Bracelet either and he got it by accident. As you know, you can't take it off unless you die, so he has no other choice but to fight. We knew he will be hunted by experts desiring the Bracelet so it was never a question if he can or cannot improve enough to face them. He needs someone to support him till he is strong enough and I chose House of Dragons."

Gazing at her deeply, Ming asked directly.

"Are you with us or against us? Your choice."

Chapter 94.1 Meeting of Giants - Part 1

"I cannot reply to that now," Lin Xinyu called out after a moment of silence. "I didn't even talk to him and I don't know my father's stance."

Ming already expected such an answer. Before Lin Xinyu learned the whole truth, it wouldn't be hard to rope Xuefeng in and protect him but knowing he had the Elemental Bracelet, the situation turned ultimately complicated.

"Leave then. I don't want to trouble my Xuefeng before the tournament starts. He already has a lot on his head. When it comes to our pursuers, I will handle it," Ming said calmly before reminding. "Just saying, when we meet again, we will treat you like an enemy."

"Fair enough," Liu Xinyu replied with a nod as she embraced Mia by the arm. "Mia, we are leaving."


Ming snapped with her fingers and the soundproof barrier disappeared, letting them leave freely. Liu Xinyu gazed once again at the golden barrier surrounding Xuefeng and muttered, "We will meet soo— Huh?"

She didn't get to finish as a sudden group distracted her. It was a late squad of City Guards who came to investigate the disturbance.

"Enemies or friends, I can handle those guards for you," Liu Xinyu proposed and flew up with Mia in tow, blocking the City Guards from approaching.

Ming wouldn't reject free labor so she only shrugged, returning back to Xuefeng and Tianshi.


Moans instantly struck her mind as Xuefeng locked on Tianshi's lips while working with his hips repeatedly. This sight alone made Ming regret she couldn't cultivate in the same way. Who wouldn't love to connect pleasant with efficiency?

The barrier was filled with Water Essence that was sucked inside before sinking into Xuefeng's back. He didn't absorb everything but instead passed on half of it to Tianshi.

"Does it hurt you yet?" Ming questioned as she crouched next to the two, caressing Xuefeng's on the hair. "Your Soul should be filled soon."

She couldn't resist and rubbed on his ear as well, causing his body to shiver in pleasure.

"Ming…" Xuefeng muttered softly as looked up at her but he didn't stop moving. He embraced Tianshi's thighs and continued while he explained, "It does hurt a bit in the chest but its bearable. Ling said I can absorb a bit more."

If it was before, Xuefeng's mind would be focused on Tianshi but the effects of the aphrodisiac were already wearing off.

Ming nodded in understanding and reached out, seizing up his chest with her palm.

"Your soul is expanding which causes stress to your body. With my blessing, you should be able to expand your soul by five times at the very least which would mean five elements. Your Stage should cover two more elements while your Bloodlines should help secure another two. You are all set to fill your soul with nine different Elemental Qi," Ming informed before glancing at Tianshi. "But it's more tricky for Tianshi."


Tianshi moaned softly as Ming spoke, her sound filled with pleasure but also mixed with pain. She pressed on her chest, massaging it as if trying to relieve some pain.

"Don't worry, your body should be fine if we give it time to adjust to the Soul pressure. If we are in a hurry, we will need to find ways to strengthen your body," Ming assured.

"Thank you," Xuefeng thanked on Tianshi's stead, leaning over to kiss her. He didn't need to ask for it as Ming was already ready to accept him.

"I love you…" Ming muttered as she wrapped her arms around Xuefeng's head, kissing him repeatedly. "I will not let anyone hurt you. Ever."

"Mhmm… I love you too," Xuefeng confessed with a loving gaze, before leaning back to the suffering Tianshi, trying to help her ease the pain.

Ming didn't disturb anymore, only watching from the side while staring at Xuefeng's muscular back.

"No one can take you away from me…"


Minute by minute, the absorption of Water Qi lowered until the area calmed down, no longer influenced by Xuefeng's cultivation. Liu Xinyu didn't leave the area even after sending the City Guards away but instead waited with others to see Xuefeng's face for the first time.

Too bad, her fifteen minutes wait turned out to be a waste of time.

When the barrier disappeared, she saw an empty space with Xuefeng already gone. She frowned but didn't get mad in the end. Although she was disappointed, it was understandable for him to leave unnoticed to avoid any scheming against him.

The mystery of the ballsy cultivator would remain unsolved.

"Don't worry Miss Liu, we will see him tomorrow during the tournament," Mia assured on their way back. "It's best not to get attached to him. We don't know your father's say in this matter yet."

"Who was saying anything about attaching? I just wanted to see his face to confirm it's him," Liu Xinyu replied with a shrug. "Let's return to the inn and wait for news."

Liu Xinyu didn't want to choose sides without knowing all details. She was even willing to disagree with her father if that was the better choice for her.

Bzz, bzz.

They were about to leave when Liu Xinyu's Communication Crystal buzzed.

"Xinyu, come to my place. There might be a slight change of plans."

The message she received from her Uncle made her frown again. How many changes of plans could there be in one day.

She swiftly grabbed Mia's hand and flew down towards the nearest Teleportation Station. The Capital was so big that it was almost impossible to transport around the city without them.

With two Teleportation, they reached the center and then the Grand Palace, the main office of the City Lord. When the guards spotted her enter the airspace, they didn't even stop her. She had the Entry Token of the City Lord himself.

"Miss Liu, City Lord is waiting for you inside the conference room."

She was quickly found by her Uncle's people and led through the various corridors only to stop in front of the grand meeting room instead of her Uncle's office. That was when she realized something was amiss.

Although the room kept all the pressure inside, she still felt the disturbance in the air. It wouldn't happen unless a powerful cultivator was walking through the hall while releasing his Spirit Awareness to check the space.

"Let's go."

Liu Xinyu kept Mia close to have someone as support and entered, pushing the door open.

"With your connections, it shouldn't be hard to catch—"

They entered mid-conversation which got cut off with her arrival. To her surprise, there were fifteen people sitting by the table. All of them displayed the power surpassing her own, reaching the pinnacle of the Celestial Stage. They instantly got on guard with her arrival, staring at her but she didn't mind, walking in boldly.

"Catch who? Don't mind me, you can continue."

Chapter 95.2 Meeting of Giants - Part 2

Disclaimer: I updated the last chapter. If you still can't see the whole chapter, please delete the cache in the settings of your profile. You should be able to see it.

Additional info: I arrived in Shanghai already so I'm no longer busy with anything. For the next 13 days of my quarantine, I will be only writing. I will pay back all the chapters I missed this month in a total of 14. Give me some time to write them. Cheers, and enjoy the chapters. «3

Chapter 95 - Meeting of Giants - Part 2

"This is my niece, Sect Master Liu's daughter. Don't worry. I invited her over to represent her father," Uncle Liu called out, causing everyone to chill.

They still gave her stares, but Liu Xinyu didn't mind. She sat down at the empty seat with Mia standing behind her and gave all the people a look over, not scared to face them directly.

'So those are the experts Lady Ming was talking about…' Liu Xinyu thought, recalling the recent talk. 'They came to hunt Xuefeng down just like she expected. She is already a few steps ahead of them.'

Liu Xinyu was already impressed by Ming's abilities but now her respect increased even more.

Twelve of the experts were male, while only two were women. Liu Xinyu naturally paid them more attention, being the representative of the weaker gender. It wasn't a secret that there were fewer female Cultivators so she supported all of them. Both of the women were not human, coming from a different race like seventy percent of the room.

At that level of power, almost everyone had some kind of a bloodline within them, displaying certain attributes accustomed to it. With a quick look, she spotted two Elves, one beast-man, another coming from the aqua world, having two gills on his neck with Water Qi covering them. There was also one member of Dragon Race, his arms covered with patches of red scales.

"So? Care to fill me in?" Liu Xinyu asked with a smile, trying to break the awkward silence. "Uncle?"

When the Dragon Race member gazed at her, she shivered all over so she decided not to provoke them any further.

"Well, I won't beat around the bush. We were talking about the owner of the Elemental Bracelet. I just learned that he is within my city right now," Uncle Liu revealed. "I also talked with your father and confirmed he is also coming here for the same reason. He asked you to come here to represent him."

"Oh! Elemental Bracelet?!" Liu Xinyu exclaimed as her eyes widened but inside she was excited. It seemed like no one knew about Xuefeng being the owner they were looking for, so she still could play the cards as she wished.

"Yes. I'm sure you know about it very well, so I won't explain its unlimited powers," Uncle Liu nodded, taking a sip of his wine before glancing at the guests. "All the people by this table know about it and want it, but that creates a problem. With everyone wanting it, there are bound to be conflicts and that's the last thing I want within my city."

"I see… but if my father also wants the Elemental Bracelet, isn't it already obvious who will get it then? None of you can beat him," Liu Xinyu spit out facts with a shrug.

Instantly, the experts frowned deeply but some smiled at such a remark.

"I'm sure your father doesn't want us to group up against him and get rid of him first," the Dragon Race member replied casually, sipping on his own drink. "We are all in our Avatar forms. We can fight to death and come back again even if we fail. Don't underestimate us kid."

The others nodded in approval but the Elf lady shook her head.

"Don't scare her. We came here, especially since we all want to avoid the bothersome battles and endless struggle. I'm sure there will be even more of us as the days go by. With all of us gathering in the same place, this Capital would become a battlefield and millions of lives would be lost."

"That's exactly why I called everyone for a meeting. I want to avoid the bloodshed of my citizens. If anyone dares to create trouble within my city, I will be the first to send them back," Uncle Liu warned.

"Okay, okay, I'm just joking. Why so tense?" the Dragon Race member sighed with a shrug and leaned back on his chair. "Just as I was saying before, with your connections, it shouldn't be hard to find and catch him. My Treasure is already scanning the whole Capital. I should have his exact location by tomorrow. The only problem we have is who will get it in the end. We should focus on that instead."

"Alright then," Uncle Liu agreed, giving Liu Xinyu a glance. "Anyone has any idea how to solve it then?"

This time the experts began glancing at one another, checking if anyone has any proposal. The Dragon Race member seemed to be the first to suggest what everyone was thinking.

"Shall we find a place and battle it out?"

"Sure. You are going to fight Sect Master Liu first. How about it?" the Elf lady replied sarcastically, adding an eye-roll to it. "How about we base it on luck and do some kind of a draw?"

"Oh, please! Everyone knows your bullshit luck. Do you think we will let you win this easily?" the Dragon Race member exposed her right away.

"Tsk, think of something better then," the Elf lady snickered.


No one spoke up. It was definitely a tough situation to be in. Everyone wanted it badly but one person was clearly the strongest, making it hard to be fair.

"I have something to say," Liu Xinyu suddenly spoke, breaking the silence once again. Everyone gazed at her curiously, causing her to smile.

'They will find him tomorrow anyway, so I might as well go for a cheeky play…' She thought. 'He will definitely owe me after this.'

"Yes?" Uncle Liu hurried her.

"Let's say, I know who exactly has the Elemental Bracelet and I even met him before coming here. Actually, the only reason I came to the Water Land Capital was to recruit him to our House of Dragons," Liu Xinyu informed calmly. "I find it funny you actually plan to kill one of my father's Personal Disciples."

Chapter 96 Liu Xinyu"s Proposal

Uncle Liu was the first one to widen his eyes at Liu Xinyu's words. He knew very well who she was talking about yet he remained silent, not exposing her. Knowing he was on her side, she had a green light to proceed further.

She was about to continue when the Dragon Race member cut in, questioning, "Is House of Dragons going to side with him?"

His face turned more stern as his middle-aged features wrinkled. It was a question everyone was interested in as Liu Xinyu scanned the experts' gazes. It was easier to deal with Sect Master Liu alone compared to facing the whole Sect after all.

"City Lord Liu, didn't you assure us that House of Dragons would not interfere in this matter?" the beast-man spoke up for the first time, causing Uncle Liu to give his eyes a rub.

"That was indeed what I said. Sect Master Liu confirmed that on the call with me. House of Dragons won't protect anyone," Uncle Liu confirmed his words, making everyone look at Liu Xinyu, including him.

"Oh, did I say anything about protection?" Liu Xinyu asked, taken aback. "I was just shedding light on some facts. Who said anything about protection?"

"Didn't you say he was Sect Master Liu's Personal Disciple?" the Dragon Race member questioned with his brows knitted.

"I also mentioned that I came here to recruit him. I never said I did," Liu Xinyu corrected before lifting her glass up.

Mia swiftly pulled out a bottle of wine and poured a dark red liquid till half the glass was full. Liu Xinyu wasn't in a hurry, slowly savoring it. Even if it annoyed them, she had the cards in her hands so they could only wait.

"Anyway, I know a good way we can solve this issue. You all want to kill him but you can't do that without fighting each other. That leaves you with only one option." Liu Xinyu paused before revealing, "How about using the incoming Tournament to kill him in the open?"

"Tournament?" Everyone asked in wonder while Uncle Liu looked like he just figured it out.

"Yes. There is a tournament in the Capital which starts tomorrow. This is the only place someone can die. As you can't join it, I suggest we all attend it tomorrow as viewers. After the Elimination Round, you will have an opportunity to pick a contestant from the Final Round and teach them an Art that will help them win. You can even tell them to target the Elemental Bracelet Owner. The team that kills the target will get to keep the Elemental Bracelet with no interference from others," Liu Xinyu proposed.

The Experts' eyes lit up at that suggestion.

"I like the idea. Are there any rules to follow?" Uncle Liu asked curiously, pushing the proposal forward.

"Yes. You can't contact any participants before the end of the Elimination Round but once it concluded, you can pick anyone on a first-come-first-served basis. You can't give any Artefacts to them as well and can't teach them Forbidden Arts," Liu Xinyu replied with the first thing on her mind.

She didn't stop as she began adding, "Also, anyone who wants to participate has to contribute Upgrade Fragments to the Tournament reward. With the bigger reward, the participants will try to win even harder. I'm sure there will be more who come with the same goal as you. Once everyone pays, the reward should look quite decent. On the other hand, those who don't pay will not participate."

"But why should we pay for the chance of getting the Elemental Bracelet when we can just wait and kill the new owner after they leave the Water Land Capital?" The Dragon Race member pointed out. He seemed the most interested in looking for a fight.

"Well, unless you want to fight the whole House of Dragons, I'm sure you want to participate. We will provide the necessary protection for the winner and escort them outside the Heaven Realm," Liu Xinyu explained and added before anyone asked, "I represent my father, Sect Master Liu, in this matter, so my word is his word."

"What do you think? I think my niece proposed a great idea," Uncle Liu approved. "We can not only avoid unnecessary bloodshed if we go this route but you might also find a potential talent if you are lucky."

"I like it," the Elf lady was the first to agree. "I prefer a peaceful way to solve this issue."

The rest nodded as well. It seemed to be the fairest.

"Alright. I don't mind the rewards and all other rules, but what about the Elemental Bracelet Owner? Who is he? Tell us more about him," the Dragon Race member demanded but Liu Xinyu shook her head, gulping down her cup of wine.

"No. It is only fair that everyone meets him at the same time. I will reveal it tomorrow at the tournament."

She didn't wait for other words of disapproval and stood up from her chair.

"Then it's settled. I will leave the other things like the reward collection to my Uncle. If you have any questions, just direct them to him. We will see each other tomorrow. Farewell," Liu Xinyu announced and walked out of the room without looking back.

'I don't really know you yet, so treat this challenge as a little test…' Liu Xinyu thought while imagining Xuefeng's face she remembered from the video. 'That's the most I can do to slow them down. Win this and maybe there will be some use of you.'


"Huh? You met her?"

While Liu Xinyu thought of Xuefeng, her own person was also discussed at Xuefeng's place.

"Yes, she came over when you were cultivating but left after we had a little chat," Ming admitted.

"What did she want? Did she come with good intentions?" Xuefeng asked curiously as he let Ming sit on his lap.

"She came to check you out with the plan to recruit you if you were good enough but the situation changed. I told her that you possess the Elemental Bracelet and forced her to choose between joining us or being against us," Ming informed casually, causing his eyes to widen.


"Don't worry," Ming assured immediately, embracing him tightly. "You would be discovered by tomorrow anyway. Sect Master Liu and all high-class experts are coming to the Capital to hunt you down. Pulling Sect Master Liu's daughter on our side was the best thing we could do."

"Did she agree to join us then?" Xuefeng questioned, already knowing about the dangers creeping from the shadows.

"No, she didn't, but that doesn't matter. Whatever happens tomorrow, you need to prepare a trump card to face those experts. Let me teach you a Forbidden Art I prepared for you."

Just the two words Forbidden Art was enough to gather his attention.

"Let's do it!"

Chapter 97 Soul Crusher

Xuefeng expected to hear the details of the Forbidden Art first, so he got comfy on the bed and squeezed Ming into his chest, connecting a pleasant activity with the boring task. Who would have thought his eyes would suddenly lose sight of her and his surroundings turn black?

He panicked for a second but soon a familiar voice coated his mind in peace.

"Don't worry, it was my doing. This time, the learning process won't be as smooth sailing as before. You can't use any of my help to execute this Forbidden Art, so I will have to take you through some rigorous training process first," Ming explained. "I need you to focus fully, so you can't get distracted with caressing of my chest. I'm sorry."

"Ahh… It's okay. I feel like I'm already the most spoiled Cultivator in the whole World anyway. Some hard work from time to time won't hurt me," Xuefeng replied with a sigh, realizing he has been relying on the girls too much. "Tell me what to do."

Ming didn't beat around the bush and swiftly acted, filling the space around him with endless white light.

"Such a good boy. You are currently inside your own Soul where I created a virtual training grounds for you. As you already have the Forrest Elf Bloodline, I decided to give you a Forbidden Art that will work together with it and enhance your ability. I call it a Soul Crusher," Ming informed, making Xuefeng excited with just the name alone.

"Will I be able to crush Souls perhaps?" Xuefeng guessed excitedly, causing Ming to giggle.

"Hehe, only if you can master the Forbidden Art properly."


His mind hurt for a split second as if it exploded and he suddenly appeared on the make-shift arena, standing on the side of two human-like ghosts.

"As I'm using your mind to power this visualization, it might hurt a little but you will have to bear it this time," Ming explained apologetically. "I will make it up to you later with a lot of kisses."

"Don't worry baby, I will still love you even if my head is near exploding," Xuefeng assured and the battle in front of him started.

Only when the two ghosts moved did he realize one of them looked exactly like him. He felt like cheering for himself but instead focused on the art displayed.

Xuefeng's ghost didn't move from his spot aside from extending his hand forward. Xuefeng instantly felt the familiar power of his bloodline as it wrapped around the nothing suspecting opponent.

Surprisingly, it didn't do anything to him other than hindering his movement at the start, but that wasn't all.


A sudden shockwave crushed against the body of the ghost, striking him from all directions. His body was clearly shaken, unable to move, or even respond which Xuefeng's ghost took advantage of. He jumped forward and punched the ghost's head, destroying him.

"Oof! What was that?!" Xuefeng couldn't help but exclaim only for his body to teleport, appearing on his ghost's spot with already another opponent ready to battle him.

"That was a Soul Crusher Art. In the original version, you are supposed to send a part of your soul near the enemy and detonate it, causing his soul to enter into a shocked state for a couple of seconds. After all, the Soul is the foundation of the body so this Art is extremely effective. This small window allows you to swiftly finish your opponent off," Ming explained shortly.

"Huh? But didn't you use the Power of my Bloodline too?" Xuefeng noticed.

"Yes, because I improved it. Without your Forrest Elf Bloodline, you would need to learn how to use your Soul Power but with your Bloodline, it won't be necessary. You already know very well how to manipulate your Soul Power which will come in the handle. All you need to learn is how to split a part of your Soul and how to detonate it," Ming answered, but that made Xuefeng worry.

"Isn't that dangerous then?"

No one wanted to damage their Soul for a reason. Not only was it extremely painful but also very hard to heal. In their stage, the Soul was the Foundation of the whole cultivation with all Qi stored it in. By damaging it, you are basically ruining your chases for improvement.

"It is dangerous, but I'm not teaching it to you for your daily uses. As long as you can beat the opponent without using it, that's for the better. You can only use the Soul Crusher if your life is in danger and we cannot win normally. Treat it as your trump card," Ming corrected.

"As your Soul is filled with Qi, all you need is just a tiny bit for it to have immense effects. The Soul Destruction is actually the most powerful attack a cultivator can offer, but naturally, it leads to death. If I detonated my Soul right here in the Capital, it would destroy at least half of the whole City."

"Whoa…" Xuefeng opened his mouth in amazement. "Teach me please."

"It is actually easy but I still want you to practice. I don't want you to rip a big chunk of your soul by accident and find it hard to recover later. Even with me and Ling helping you, it would take us days to recover just a small part of your Soul. This is why Soul Crusher is a Forbidden Art as it involves self-harm, no matter how much power it gives," Ming warned before instructing.

"First try cutting a part of your Soul the size of your fingernail before splitting it into a few parts. Once you are done, you can carry them towards your opponent using your Soul Power. Slow them down with your Bloodline Ability before detonating the Soul parts. It should be enough to shake your enemy."

"Alright, let's try it," Xuefeng called out, all fired up when Ming's next words caused him to pause.

"Work well. I will go teach one Art to Tianshi as well. You can call me once you are done."

Before he could question her, she assured him as if she read his mind.

"Don't worry, I will not teach her anything involving self-harm. I have something special prepared just for her."

Chapter 98 The Aching of Heart *

Every time Xuefeng ripped a part of his Soul, he could feel as if a piece of him was missing. Thankfully, it was just a simulation and there was no pain involved.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Five small bits exploded simultaneously, causing the ghost to shiver as the shockwave struck him. It seemed like the Soul was the main target of this Art, immobilizing the enemy.

"Finally!" Xuefeng exclaimed seeing the Ghost finally stop his movements. "It seems the placement of my Soul parts also has an impact on the damage."

He swiftly hopped forward and kicked at the ghost, crushing his skull. Once his opponent died, the simulation reset once again, transporting Xuefeng into his original position. He didn't continue right away as he tried hundreds of times already. After succeeding once, he deserved a short break.

"Ming! How was it? Is that passable?" Xuefeng called out, looking for praise but he was replied with silence. "Ling, can you hear me?"

His second Fate Spirit wifey seemed more reliable as she responded right away.

"Oh, are you done?" Ling questioned.

"Yeah, I already executed the Art successfully but Ming doesn't respond," Xuefeng complained, trying not to pout but Ling quickly cleared his doubts.

"It is because she is not here anymore," Ling informed. "Wait a second."

In a blink, the space around him began changing and he returned back to the Inn's room. Aside from him and Ling who sat in front of him, there was no one else in the room.

"Ming and Tianshi went out to test Tianshi's new ability while I stayed behind with you," Ling explained happily and slowly climbed on his body, pushing him down on the bed. "Congratulations on learning your second Forbidden Art~"

Ling leaned for a kiss with her arms wrapped around his shoulders when Xuefeng stopped her, holding onto her face.

"Wait, what time is it? I can see it's still bright. Shouldn't it be night right now?" Xuefeng questioned confused. "Don't tell me it is already morning?"

Ling brightened, pursing her lips. "Silly, of course, it is. You were training the whole night and since you weren't done, Ming decided to take Tianshi out first. The tournament starts at noon, so we are meant to meet them near the entrance before that time."

"Oof! What are we waiting for then? I don't want to leave those two alone," Xuefeng called out hurriedly, giving Ling a quick kiss before trying to lift them up but Ling didn't let him.

"No!" Ling shouted in disapproval, pushing him to the bed against his will. Her soft fingers gripped onto his white hair as she dove for a kiss, using her body weight to pin him down.

She acted like a starved kid who didn't see food for days, succumbing her teeth into the freshly baked chicken. Her shapely lips melted into his own multiple times till the raw and rough power of her tongue pushed inside his mouth, slamming and sinking deep. It has been a while since she attacked him with such intense passion.

Even if he could stop her, he couldn't. The sheer desperation in her actions caused his body to weaken. Even if he cultivated, he stopped asking Ling to use her body but instead connected with Tianshi, wanting to Dual Cultivate and save time. Ling suddenly became just an assistant, standing on the side while watching Xuefeng who used to be only hers.

"Baby… I'm sorry…" Xuefeng muttered as he broke the kiss, realizing where Ling's actions came from.

In response, she slid her hand on his stomach and gripped his crotch while glaring at him. She was clearly pouting and definitely had the reasons to.

"Can you see this?" Ling asked as she raised her left hand, showing the golden ring on her ring finger. "I'm your wife. You are mine. Say it."

"I'm yours," Xuefeng repeated after her, watching the beauty in front of his eyes. Their hair matched in color, her own long enough to cover her chest whole. Her clean white dress covered her from neck to her feet but he knew it would soon be gone, revealing her slim body that only he could touch and see.

As she displayed her ownership, he couldn't help but reach out and hold her hand, leaning up to kiss it gently.

"I gave it to you because you are my wife, forever and ever," Xuefeng spoke, caressing her fingers with care. He could see her lips wanted to curve into a smile but she resisted her urge.


In exchange, she gripped his erection firmly, causing him to breathe out hot air. Even when she was mad, her cheeks teased with cuteness and eyes tormented with an alluring gaze. He wanted nothing more than to squeeze her body tight and beg for forgiveness.

"Then why have you been neglecting me lately? Wasn't I a good girl? I even helped you Cultivate and you didn't even thank me… You shouldn't take my love for granted…" Ling complained as she pouted yet again. "I know we are busy now, but a special caress, a nibble on my lips, or even an impulse hug would be enough…"

"I'm sowwie…" Xuefeng apologized cutely, pulling himself up to embrace her but she stopped him, pushing on his chest.

"No, you stay right there. You deserve a punishment—" Ling's words got cut off as Xuefeng grabbed her wrist and drew the obstruction away, crushing their chests together.

Ba-dum, ba-dum!

Her heartbeat resounded in his mind, more clear and louder the harder he squeezed, sinking his face into her hair. He was instantly hit with the smell of roses she loved so much, bringing old memories of their love spurting from a kiss.

"I'm sorry baby… I have been a bad hubby…" Xuefeng whispered, his fingers arched and pulsing up and down on her back. "Can you forgive me…?"

"No…" Ling replied hurriedly, yet her voice quivered and arm embraced him on instinct. "You don't love me anymore…"

Chapter 99 Why? *

His heart ached when he heard her. At the start, she was never like this, always cold and aloof only to warm up once love connected them. She became more open with her feelings, her desires, and thoughts. Her softness spilled like a waterfall, filling their sea of love with nothing but raw, unstoppable warmth that didn't leave his heart.

She could no longer get mad at him for long, knowing her body and mind couldn't live without him. He was her weakness, making her yield and stay patient no matter how thirsty and starved he sometimes left her. He knew all that yet he still didn't satisfy her, depriving her of the most basic needs she desperately needed to function.

He swore to give her everything yet with time and their needs increasing, it only became harder and harder.

"I love you. Nothing will change that. Even if I fail to show it, know it will never fade away..." Xuefeng confessed, hugging her even tighter but Ling suddenly grabbed onto his shoulders, pulling away.

"Why?" Ling questioned with her brows knitted, staring directly into his eyes. "Why was your first reaction to Tianshi whereabouts to quickly rush over to where she was? Couldn't you kiss me the moment you saw me? Couldn't you say you love me first? Why is she always the most important? I was waiting for you patiently and you… and you… Arrgghh!"

Ling couldn't find the words anymore, grunting as she stood up abruptly. She wanted to get away from him but Xuefeng didn't let her, pulling her back onto his lap.


Her eyes widened as Xuefeng forcefully claimed her lips, holding her body so she couldn't escape anymore. Just as she pushed herself on him earlier, he did the same to her.

She struggled for a few seconds but she gave up soon after. Wasn't that exactly what she wanted from the start?

"I will do better…" Xuefeng whispered, shooting repeated soft kisses on her lips which she couldn't help but accept.

"You say that every time…" Ling complained upset. "I hate you…"

"Even if you hate me, I will still love you," Xuefeng assured before he finally stopped the kisses as he let go of her, only holding onto her chin. "I know I'm not perfect and I mess up a lot but I do care for you. The reason why I wanted to rush after Tianshi is that I know you are right beside me, safe and sound."

He pinched on her cheek with a caring smile. "All I want is peace of mind that all my wives are safe. That's my number one priority. You know I will do anything for you all, even sacrifice my own life. Once I knew she is okay, I would naturally take care of you properly. I love you silly."


"How can I love you at one second, hate you in the next, and love you again right after?" Ling questioned before hugging into Xuefeng's chest, hiding her tearing eyes.

He didn't comment on it, already leaving his point across but instead fell on the bed with her, letting Ling cuddle in his embrace.

"You know…" Ling spoke first, breaking the peaceful silence. "I was a bit jealous earlier… I'm sorry…"

"It's okay… I understand," Xuefeng assured while brushing through her hair. "It was my fault I didn't consider your feelings. I can only do better in the future."

"No… I have been with you for the longest… I should have known what you might think yet I tried to be selfish. I can't help but think of my own desires when I'm horny. I was a bad girl…" Ling countered, taking the blame on herself.

Xuefeng immediately got intrigued.


"Yeah… I have been thirsting for you badly this morning. When I saw you woke up, I wanted to eat you alive. Being rejected by you made me annoyed and disappointed…" Ling muttered as she reached down again, rubbing on his crotch. "It's so big already… Makes me want to suck on it…"

"Huhu… Since when are you this naughty? It's the first time I see you like this," Xuefeng wondered, her mood affecting him as well. Before he knew, his hands were already gripping on her bottom, despite knowing they probably didn't have a long time to play around.

"What? Do you think that Fate Spirits don't get horny? Our physical bodies are just the same as every other woman… We feel and desire the same things…" Ling explained as her hand slipped inside his pants. It was warm and soft, quickly stroking him with the full length of her palm.

"What do you desire right now?" Xuefeng teased, feeling his own urges creeping up.

"I want to sit on you and ride you…" Ling whispered boldly, looking up in a search of a kiss.

"Do you think we have enough time for that before the tournament?" Xuefeng questioned just to make sure yet his hands were already invading under her dress as if they would do it anyway.

"We still have some time, enough for one quick round," Ling assured shamelessly as she lifted herself up, not wasting any second. He remained on the bed, fulfilling her wish of being the one in control.

"Do it then. I'm all yours."

His words were like a detonator, igniting the sequence that would lead to a powerful explosion. He didn't think he could stop himself anymore even if he wanted. The heat between them grew too high for them to extinguish it easily.

Ling's eyes lit up and she dove down, taking off his pants in one swift move. His erection exploded upwards, hitting her on the cheek yet she was nothing but overjoyed, seizing it with both hands.


A soft moan escaped his lips as he felt the warmth of her mouth. She stroked him rapidly with her palms sliding on her dripping saliva and continued to suck without stop, his tip getting assaulted by her tongue.

"Slow down… We are not in such a hurry…" Xuefeng commented calmly but he was ignored as Ling unleashed her untamed hunger. He felt like roasted meat being devoured by a starving beast.

He couldn't help but gasp, not recognizing his sweet and lovely Ling. Knowing she was already in her own world, his head hit the pillow as he closed his eyes, letting the sensations take over his mind.

Chapter 100 Don"t Pull on Them **

Holding onto Ling's white strands, Xuefeng drifted away in the sea of pleasure. He could feel being rock hard in her moist mouth with Ling's tongue dancing around to her heart content.

When she drew away, Ling didn't even take her dress off and directly inserted it after a slight pull on her panties. He could see her mouth open wider the further he disappeared inside her till she was on the verge of crying out.

"Ahhh! Yes…" Ling breathed out with a relieved expression, touching her stomach as if trying to feel his position.

He couldn't help but lean over and help her take off her dress, wanting to see her snow-white skin. She pushed him down right after though, using his chest for support.

"Let me ride you. Don't move," Ling ordered as she moved the way she liked it but how could he stand still, seeing her cheeks redden each time he reached her deepest end.

"How can you be so cute?" Xuefeng wondered out loud as his hands gripped on her soft thighs only to travel up and give the same treatment to her breasts.

"Ah… Don't pull on them…" Ling protested at first but the more he twisted and caressed, the fewer complaints he got.

Her body accepted him fully, getting comfortable with each passing minute till she eventually gave up to his persuasion, letting his arms embrace her body in a tight hug. Her bottom continued to move through, collapsing on top of his waist like waves at the sea, one followed after another.

"I love you…" Xuefeng whispered, kissing her on the head only to gasp, feeling her walls tighten around him. He knew she wanted to hear those magic words the most.

Each word, each gesture, and each act affected their mood greatly, Ling being a perfect example of it. Her knowing Xuefeng was sincere as their Souls were connected caused an ever bigger impact to her.

"You are so unfair…" Ling muttered and cuddled cutely, kissing him on the neck before finding her way to his ears. "I love you too... I'm glad you became my Fate Holder."

"I would be already dead without you, so my life belongs to you," Xuefeng offered which she gladly accepted, replying with a long kiss on the lips, savoring him as if he was the most delicious piece of meat.

He wanted nothing more than enjoying her love and body but real-life matters were there to easily disturb him.

'Xuefeng! Are you done studying the Soul Crusher? Even if you are not, come meet us in front of the Arena. We are on our way back. We don't have much time left.'

While his fingers already sank in Ling's bottom, helping her move and pleasure them, Ming's sudden message shaken him, pulling him out of the sweet immersion of love.

Ling seemed like she had no idea about the message in his mind, continuing without any break. His heart ached at the thought of stopping halfway, not wanting to see Ling's disappointed face once again, so he decided to go on compromise.

"Ahh! Babe!" Ling cried out as they flipped on the bed, clearly not liking the change of position but as Xuefeng's engine started, she couldn't find words to complain.

"I'm sorry love, we are pressed on time. Let me handle it this time," Xuefeng informed before silencing all the protests with kisses on the neck.

Instead of words, only moans came out from her mouth, filling the room with proof of their love.

"I love youuu!"


"Hmmm? They are still not here…" Xuefeng wondered out loud, gazing around the place in search of his two wives. He couldn't help but get anxious, worried something happened.

Although he and Ling finished earlier than planned, it has been thirty minutes after Ming's last message and Tianshi also didn't reply to his thoughts. They were nowhere to be found in front of the participant's entrance of the Arena. Hundreds of people obstructing his view which slowly pissed him off.

'Do you think there is another entrance on the other side?' Xuefeng questioned in his mind only to be assured by Ling.

'Don't worry. Ming can feel your presence anywhere you go. She will find us.'

Fair enough, right after she spoke, he received another message.

'We can see you. Don't move,' Ming ordered calmly, causing him to look around for them but with so many people around, he couldn't find them. He resisted the urge to fly above the crowd and simply waited, eventually sensing two souls creeping behind him.

His smile curved but Xuefeng didn't turn around, giving them the chance to sneak up on him.

'Caught you~' Tianshi called out in his mind. Her slim arms embraced him from behind as a familiar scent drifted into his nose. He could recognize this lady any time and any day.

'Good Morning Tianshi,' Xuefeng greeted as he caught her arms and turned around, hugging her tightly. He was glad she wore a cloak for additional protection. He didn't wish for any perverts to feast their eyes on her beauty.

'Ming,' Xuefeng followed up, gazing at the other lady on Tianshi's side. Even his thoughts carried a hint of annoyance as he still wasn't over the whole situation.

'Hey, I won't get good morning and a hug?' Ming complained. 'How about a kiss?'

Xuefeng immediately rolled his eyes, scolding, 'Who said you can leave my side without permission? What if something happened? You are lucky you two are safe else I would never leave your sight again.'

Both Ming and Tianshi brightened at his words, looking as if they wanted just that which made him helpless.

'Hehe, I feel butterflies in my stomach when you scold me,' Tianshi said with a giggle, hugging him tighter. 'It makes me feel like you love me.'

'Me too,' Ming agreed firmly as she also clung to his body. All three of them looked weird, just hugging in front of the Arena and didn't even speak out loud. Only they could hear their thoughts after all.

'Where were you? Did you master the new Forbidden Art?' Xuefeng questioned. 'What exactly is it?'

'She did master it to a certain degree, but we won't go into details. It's a secret,' Ming replied on Tianshi's stead. 'You will find out at the stage.'

Xuefeng didn't even want to comment on that and gazed at Tianshi directly. To his surprise, she was the same, kissing him apologetically.

'I'm sorry~ I want it to be a surprise.'

The way she looked at him, both guilty and excitedly, he couldn't get mad at her.

'Sigh, fine… I will wait patiently then,' Xuefeng agreed helplessly when a loud call from the entrance disturbed them.

"The Tournaments starts in thirty minutes! All participants, please enter the arena now and gather around your corresponding stages. Please prepare your entry token for verification purposes. You can view your assigned stage inside the lobby board. Thank you for your cooperation."