

Chapter 900 What if It's a Trap?

"I will see you at the Frozen Azure Cave in three months when the Azure Lotus blooms..." Luo Ziyi repeated the message in a low voice, and memories began flashing through her mind.

After a long moment of silence, she turned to look at Mu Yuechan with a serious expression on her face, and she spoke in a solemn voice, "Tell me everything about this Xiao Yang."

"Sure…" Mu Yuechan nodded in a somewhat dazed face.

This was her first time seeing Luo Ziyi acting so serious.

A few moments later, Luo Ziyi brought the two of them inside the building where they were seated.

"Now tell me everything." Luo Ziyi repeated.

Mu Yuechan nodded and proceeded to recall her encounter with Xiao Yang and everything they spoke about.

Of course, she didn't tell them about Su Yang's secrets that she'd learned from him, as this was her own secret. Though she did tell him that in exchange for her information, Xiao Yang gave her information on Su Yang.

Luo Ziyi held a serious expression on her face this entire time, not daring to miss a single word coming out of Mu Yuechan's mouth, even staring at her without blinking until the end.

"So you have no information on this Xiao Yang despite being the best information broker in the Four Divine Heavens? Your title is questionable." Luo Ziyi said to her in a slightly mocking tone.

"Wha—! That was uncalled for!" Mu Yuechan quickly said, and she continued, "I just wasn't given any time to look him up because I came straight here after our conversation! Give me a month and I'll dig out everything about him!"

"No need." Luo Ziyi stood up and said.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't need to find out about him since I have an idea."

"Really?! Who is he?!" Mu Yuechan asked.

"I also want to know. Is he an acquaintance of yours, Sister Ziyi?" Wang Yunxuan asked her.

Luo Ziyi showed a mysterious smile on her face and said, "I don't want to get your hopes up so I won't say anything for now."

"Let the other sisters know that I will be gone for a while."

"Where are you going?"

"Frozen Azure Cave," she responded in a calm voice.

"What? You're really going there? What if it's a trap? The Azure Lotus won't bloom in three months!" Mu Yuechan said to her.

Luo Ziyi shook her head, "This has nothing to do with the Azure Lotus. Anyways, I am going to go to the Frozen Asgard right now. If I leave any later, I won't make it there in three short months."

"Should I come with you?" Mu Yuechan suddenly asked.

A smile appeared on Luo Ziyi's face, and she said, "Thank you for worrying about me, but you have already done enough by conveying this message. From this point forth, it's my problem."

"How long will you be gone? There's going to be a meeting with the Sacred Empress next month." Wang Yunxuan said.

"Sorry, but I most likely won't be there for it. Please apologize to the Sacred Empress for me."

Wang Yunxuan nodded, "Alright."

"I will leave the sect in your hands." Luo Ziyi said to her before leaving the building and flying away in her flying treasure.

"Do you have any idea what this is about?" Mu Yuechan asked Wang Yunxuan afterward.

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Wang Yunxuan said.

"What? Why? I don't remember offending you." Mu Yuechan looked at her with wide eyes.

"You know too much about Su Yang, even more than me," she then said.

"Oh, so you're jealous?" Mu Yuechan chuckled.

"Of course." Wang Yunxuan said, not denying it.

"Whatever. I'll go and do my own investigations." Mu Yuechan said before flying away as well.

Meanwhile, after leaving the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace, Luo Ziyi went straight to the nearest teleport formation.

"I hope it's really you…" She mumbled in a low voice as her flying treasure sped across the lands.

After reaching the teleport formation that Mu Yuechan came from, the guards there were shocked to see Luo Ziyi show up.

"Immortal Fairy Luo!"

They all bowed to her.

Luo Ziyi glanced at them and said, "Take me to the closest you can to Frozen Asgard."

"Right away!"

They immediately began preparing the teleport formation without any questions asked.

In the Sacred Lands, Luo Ziyi could be considered the second most powerful individual only below one person— the Sacred Empress that rules over the entire Sacred Lands.

Once the teleport formation was prepared, Luo Ziyi entered it.

Meanwhile, inside the Frozen Palace, Su Yang inserted his thick rod inside Xiao Rong's tight rear hole while they were still inside the bath.

Even though most of his physical body changed, his nether region remained authentic and unchanged.

This was the same for Xiao Rong, as her caves remained unchanged.

"Ah…" Xiao Rong released a soft moan when she felt Su Yang's meatstick entering her tight hole.

Once his rod was fully inside her butthole, Su Yang grabbed her slim waist and began moving her body while he also moved his hips.

Despite their seemingly fierce movements, it only created gentle waves inside the bath.

Su Yang and Xiao Rong stayed inside the bath for a couple of hours before they left it.

However, they went straight to the bed afterward, where they continued to enjoy themselves.

After an entire week of pleasuring Xiao Rong, Su Yang proceeded to spend the next three weeks absorbing the spiritual energy inside the hotel, boosting his cultivation level by two whole levels and reaching the fourth level Sovereign Spirit Realm.

"Alright, Xiao Rong. Let's go pick up our clothes and start making our way to the Frozen Asgard. I'm pretty sure Luo Ziyi is already on her way to the Frozen Azure Cave if she's not there already." Su Yang said to her.

Xiao Rong nodded, and they went downstairs to check out of the hotel before returning to the Crystal Armory.

Chapter 901 Extreme Cold Resistance Pills

"Welcome back to the Crystal Armory, esteemed guests."

The manager there recognized Su Yang at glance because of his unique and round figure.

"Are the clothes ready?" Su Yang asked him.

"Yes. In fact, we completed them last week."

"Please, follow me to the dressing room to try them out."

Su Yang nodded and followed him to a room at the back of the store, where their clothes that were actually large jackets were waiting.

"This one is yours, and this one is for the young lady." The manager showed them their clothes.

"If it doesn't fit or something feels off, please let me know."

Su Yang grabbed the jackets and handed Xiao Rong her jacket before wearing his own.

"Mm… Not bad. It fits my body perfectly, and it's soft." Su Yang nodded in approval.

"What about you?" Su Yang turned to look at Xiao Rong.

"It's perfect," she said.

"Well, the fitting is perfect, but what about the formation in these clothes itself? After all, without the formation to protect us from the cold, this piece of clothing will only be an ordinary jacket."

The manager showed a confident smile on his face and said, "Our Crystal Armory has served customers for over 100,000 years. If we would dare to pull such a stunt or make such mistakes, we would've long been shut down. However, if you're not satisfied, you're free to check the formation yourself if you know how."

Su Yang nodded and said, "It's not that I don't trust your store. I just want to make sure, since the Frozen Asgard isn't a place for mistakes."

He then began making symbols in the air with his fingers, dumbfounding the manager with his profound speed and precise movements.

Once the symbols were completed, Su Yang touched the jackets with them, revealing the formation in their jackets.

Su Yang took a moment to inspect the formation before nodding with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Looks good to me. Thanks." Su Yang then handed the manager the tokens.

"I-I'm glad to hear that…" The manager muttered in a dazed voice, silently wondering to himself the identity of this fatty who'd just displayed profound formation skills that surpasses even the person who refined the jackets.

In fact, if it weren't for his lack of cultivation base, Su Yang could've easily created these jackets by himself without waiting for so long.

"Let's go." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong before leaving the building.

Once they were outside, Su Yang went to another store that was only a street away from the Crystal Armory.

Xiao Rong looked at the store with interest, as it emitted many unique scents that she has never experienced before.

Upon entering the store, Su Yang walked straight to the reception and said, "Let me get 10 Extreme Cold Resistance Pills of flawless quality."

"That would be 5 high-grade spirit stones," said the man behind the desk.

"5 high-grade spirit stones?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Since when did the price increase so dramatically? The last time I bought them, they were half as expensive."

"When was the last time you bought pills? A thousand years ago?" The man behind the counter sneered, and he continued, "Flawless quality pills are no longer as common as they used to be. In fact, the price of medicine and pills has skyrocketed since the God of Alchemy stopped conducting pills a thousand years ago."

"What?" Su Yang's eyes widened with shock when he heard this, and he asked, "Did she retire or something?"

Even though he asked this question, Su Yang knew that wasn't possible. Knowing the God of Alchemy who loved alchemy more than even her own life, there was no way that she'd give up on alchemy.

"Only she knows, but she hasn't produced a single pill for over a thousand years now despite countless people begging her to do so." The man shrugged.

"I see…"

Su Yang muttered in a low voice.

"Well? Are you going to buy the pills or what?"

Su Yang nodded before taking out 5 high-grade spirit stones and handing them to the man.

The man went to the back of the store before returning five minutes later with two bottles, each with 5 blue pills inside.

Su Yang accepted the two bottles and stored one inside his storage ring before handing the other one to Xiao Rong.

Similar to the situation with the jackets, the only reason he resorted to buying the pills instead of making them by himself was due to his lack of ingredients.

After leaving the store a moment later, Su Yang tilted his head to look at the sky with a somewhat dazed expression on his face.

"Just what is happening in the Divine Heavens?" he mumbled in a low voice.

Sometime later, Su Yang left the city with Xiao Rong on the flying treasure.

"We're going to fly straight to the entrance of the Frozen Asgard, and since flying treasures do not work there, we'll have to travel on foot." Su Yang said to her.

"I mean, you can fly, but it'll attract the magical beasts there, and you don't want that."

"Before we enter the Frozen Asgard, we need to consume one of the Extreme Cold Resistance Pill. Although the jacket is already good enough, it's never a bad idea to have an extra layer of defense in such a dangerous place."

Xiao Rong then said, "Wouldn't it be easier if I entered your Dantian, Master?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "Of course, you can do that, but I'm sure you'd rather stay outside with me, right?"

Xiao Rong quickly nodded her head, and she said, "Thank you, Master."

"You don't have to thank me. This is compensation for not letting you roam around freely even though I know that you really want to. Once the time is right, I will let you go play as much as you want, but for now, bear with it."

"I understand," Xiao Rong said.

Chapter 902 Entering the Frozen Asgard

About two weeks after Su Yang and Xiao Rong left the city with their supplies, they arrived outside a massive mountain range that had an ongoing blizzard.

The blizzard was so powerful that they weren't able to see more than a dozen meters into the distance, and in their eyes, there was only the color white ahead.

"Wear the jacket and swallow one of the Extreme Cold Resistance Pills. The pill will last for two weeks." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong.

Xiao Rong nodded and wore the jacket that covered her from neck to toes, and once she wore the hood, it covered her head as well. She then consumed one of the blue pills, and she immediately felt her body growing warmer.

Once they were prepared, Su Yang descended the flying treasure about ten miles from the entrance of the Frozen Asgard before storing it away.

They began making their way towards the Frozen Asgard from there.

Even though they were many miles away from the Frozen Asgard, the chill from the blizzard was already affecting them.

When the jacket sensed the cold, it automatically activated the formation hidden within, and very quickly, the coldness subsided.

As they approached the entrance to the Frozen Asgard, Su Yang could see people camped beside the road.

Despite Frozen Asgard's dangerous environment, people from around the Divine Heavens would come to this place in search of treasures, and if they're not looking for treasures, they were here for training.

And because of the extreme cold, Frozen Asgard is not only the perfect place for Yin Element treasures to appear, it is also the perfect place for women to cultivate, hence why most of the people gathered there at this moment were women.

When Su Yang passed by these women, they all looked at him with interest.

In their eyes, two Sovereign Spirit Realm cultivators entering the Frozen Asgard was akin to seeking death, and it was rare to see men around this place when the Azure Lotus wasn't even close to blooming.

Su Yang also looked at these women with interest, but it was not because of their beauty.

Most of the women gathered here appeared to be disciples from various sects, and Su Yang recognized all of them by their uniforms.

'I recognize their uniforms, but I do not recognize these people… What a weird feeling.' Su Yang thought to himself.

Back when he was still active within the Four Divine Heavens, he would rarely not recognize a woman even if they were just an ordinary disciple, especially if they were cultivators from prominent sects.

The guards standing at the entrance of the Frozen Asgard raised their eyebrows when they saw Su Yang and Xiao Rong approaching them.

Although they were not ordinary guards and were only there to make sure no magical beasts escape from Frozen Asgard, they still couldn't help but stop Su Yang.

"Hey, are you sure you want to go inside? You're both only Sovereigns." The guards asked them.

"Yes." Su Yang nodded.

"Well… Good luck, I guess…"

The guards didn't say anything else, as it wasn't their job to decide who gets to go inside and who doesn't.

Su Yang and Xiao Rong entered the narrow entrance a moment later, and after walking for another ten miles in this narrow path, they have officially entered the Frozen Asgard.

The moment they stepped foot inside the Frozen Asgard, tiny ice particles began hitting them in the face, and despite covering themselves in spiritual energy, these seemingly ordinary ice particles tore right through them, making them feel as though there were insects pricking their face.

"Master, how will you know where to go? There's nothing but snow here…" Xiao Rong said to him.

Before them was a massive land of snow that went as high as Su Yang's legs, and for Xiao Rong, it consumed half of her body. And since they can only see a couple of meters into the distance, it was impossible to see where they're going.

"It's near impossible to navigate inside the Frozen Asgard through normal means. However, I know exactly how many steps we need to take to reach our destination. Just follow my steps and don't wander around because there are invisible holes everywhere in the Frozen Asgard that are covered in snow. One wrong step and you'll fall to your death."

Xiao Rong nodded.

"The first hidden passage is exactly 103,021 steps from this place. It'll probably take us around three days to get there, and we have a little less than 2 months left. Let's go."

Su Yang began walking in the land of snow with confident and large strides despite not being able to see where he was walking, and Xiao Rong followed him from behind.

One thousand steps… ten thousand steps… twenty thousand steps...

Su Yang subconsciously counted every single step he took, and after he reached a certain number of steps, he would turn either left or right, rarely stopping his movements.

Although Su Yang made it seem easy, almost like he was taking a stroll in the park, it was actually an incredible feat that unless one had extensive knowledge about the Frozen Asgard, one wouldn't be able to replicate it.

Three days later, they arrived in front of a narrow path in the middle of nowhere before they even knew it.

"This is the first hidden passage. It's actually about fifty thousand miles long. We can fly here since there won't be any powerful magical beasts and it's a straight passage from one end to the other." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong.

Thus, they stopped walking on foot and began flying through this passage with extreme speed, and since the blizzard couldn't reach this area, they were able to see much further than usual.

They would occasionally run into magical beasts in this passage, but they were all around the Sovereign Spirit Realm, and Su Yang would take care of them with his Sword Qi before they could even react.

A few days later, they reached the end of this passage.

"We're back to walking now, but the next passage is only around 20,000 steps away. Let's go."

Chapter 903 Ice Cavern

A few hours after Su Yang and Xiao Rong exited the first hidden passage, they arrived at the second hidden passage that had a zigzagging pathway, which made it difficult if not near impossible to fly there without getting a headache.

Thus, Su Yang and Xiao Rong could only resort to walking this passage.

Ten minutes later, they encountered a large magical beast that resembled a wolf, and it was covered in white fur.

This magical beast emitted intense bloodthirst, and the moment it saw Su Yang and Xiao Rong, its eyes glowed with redness while its mouth drooled with saliva.

After months of wandering around, it has finally encountered humans.

However, before it can even fantasize about consuming these humans, Su Yang gently waved his sleeves, sending a blade of devastating Sword Qi flying towards it, mutilating its body in half almost instantly.

Half an hour later, they encountered another magical beast.

Then another ten minutes later.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows at how many magical beasts they have encountered thus far. Normally, he would rarely encounter a magical beast in the hidden passage if ever, yet he has already encountered a couple in just a few days, and they were only in the outer areas.

'Did something happen in the Frozen Asgard?' Su Yang wondered to himself.

There have only been a few occasions where magical beasts would show up in the hidden passages and outer areas— when a powerful magical beast chased the weaker magical beasts out from the inside.

A couple of hours later, Su Yang and Xiao Rong arrived at the exit of the hidden passage.

"Master…" Xiao Rong looked at him when they were suddenly blocked by a massive frozen ocean that reached the horizon after leaving the passage..

"It's alright. This frozen ocean has always been here." Su Yang said to her.

"Follow me."

Su Yang then began flying over the frozen ocean.

Xiao Rong didn't ask any questions and followed him.

The two of them continue to fly for almost an entire week on this seemingly endless ocean that has been frozen for heaven-knows-how-long.

"We're here." Su Yang suddenly said.

Xiao Rong narrowed her eyes, and in the distance, she could see a small cavern made of ice in the middle of the ocean.

However, this cavern had a huge block of ice blocking it.

Once they landed, Su Yang said, "Give me a minute to remove the blockade. It's actually a formation."

He proceeded to sit in front of the cavern and closed his eyes, seemingly gathering spiritual energy.

After absorbing enough spiritual energy, Su Yang opened his eyes and began moving his arms very quickly.

Tens… hundreds… thousands of symbols began appearing in the air before flying towards the ice blocking the cavern.

A moment later, the ice block began melting, revealing a small entrance.

Su Yang entered this suspicious cavern in the middle of nowhere casually.

Once inside, there was a small room that resembled the interior of a cave, and there were a couple of words engraved on the ice wall, looking like sword marks.

"My love for you will last an eternity, just like this place that has been frozen since the Primordial Era…" Xiao Rong read the words on the ice wall in a low voice.

"Hearing these words coming from another's mouth makes me want to go back in time and convince the old me to not write these words." A bittersweet smile appeared on Su Yang's face.

"You wrote these words, Master?" Xiao Rong asked him.

"Yes, I wrote them. In fact, this little cavern was made by me, and I had even cultivated here for a few hundred years while waiting for the Azure Lotus to bloom."

"As for why we're here…" Su Yang pointed to the formation on the ground and continued, "This is a formation that will take us to the center of the Frozen Asgard."

"If we want to travel to the Frozen Azure Cave normally, it'll take us at least a couple of years even with the hidden passages since the Frozen Asgard is immensely vast. This formation is the only way we can reach our destination in a short amount of time."

"Hopefully, the formation is still functional. It's been at least twenty thousand years since I last used it, after all."

"Anyways, make yourself at home while I try to work this formation out. It'll take at least three days. If you want to look around this place, go ahead, but don't go too far. Though there's really nothing to see in this place besides the frozen ocean."

"Okay." Xiao Rong nodded before walking to the entrance without actually going outside, as the blizzard was still raging and she didn't like the sensation of ice fragments hitting her face.

Xiao Rong used her spiritual sense to look at the frozen ocean beneath the massive layer of ice, and to her surprise, there were many massive magical beasts dwelling deep within the water.

Furthermore, all of these magical beasts emitted power at the Ancient Realm if not even more powerful.

When the magical beasts sensed Xiao Rong looking at them, they released a powerful aura that caused the ocean to tremble slightly, sending chills down Xiao Rong's back.

If it were not for the unbreakable ice protecting Xiao Rong, the magical beasts would've definitely tried to attack her.

This was probably Xiao Rong's first time experiencing fear, and after that terrifying experience, she went back inside the cavern and remained close to Su Yang.

"Did you look inside the water?" Su Yang asked her after seeing her nervous expression.

Xiao Rong nodded silently.

"Hahaha… It was quite shocking, eh? The magical beasts dwelling inside the waters of the Frozen Asgard are some of the most powerful and terrifying entities in the Celestial Heaven. You don't want to mess with them. Luckily for us and the rest of the world, they cannot leave the water due to the layer of ice separating the water and the outside world. If the ice ever melts and these guys leave the water, it's probably going to be a hellish experience for the Celestial Heaven." Su Yang laughed out loud.

Chapter 904 Primordial Mammoth

Five days have passed since Su Yang and Xiao Rong arrived at the ice cavern. During this time, Su Yang remained still in the middle of the formation while Xiao Rong lazed around on the floor made of pure ice in her beast form.

"Okay, I am finally done. Fortunately, the formation is still intact. Although it was damaged, I managed to fix it, hence why it took two extra days."

"Xiao Rong, are you ready?" Su Yang asked her.

Xiao Rong transformed back into her human form before nodding.

"Give me a minute to seal this cavern back up." Su Yang then restored the ice block in front of the entrance."

Sometime later, both Su Yang and Xiao Rong stood on this invisible formation at the center of the room.

After taking a deep breath, Su Yang created a single symbol before dropping it on the formation.

The next second, the formation began flowing with spiritual energy before emitting beautiful blue light.


Su Yang and Xiao Rong disappeared from the ice cavern, appearing a few hundred thousand miles away.

Once their transportation was completed, Xiao Rong looked around. They appeared to be inside another ice cavern, but it was much more spacious here compared to the last location.

"We are currently just right outside the center area, but we still need to travel another hundred thousand miles before we reach the Frozen Azure Cave." Su Yang said to her.

"However, before we enter the center of the Frozen Asgard, we must prepare ourselves."

Su Yang then walked to a certain spot in the ice cavern before releasing a small amount of his Sword Will.


The entire cavern suddenly began shaking, almost as though there was an active earthquake.

The trembling didn't last long, disappearing ten seconds later.

"What was that just now, Master?" Xiao Rong asked him.

He didn't immediately respond, merely pointing at the wall that suddenly had a hole in it, and inside this hole was a small wooden box that could fit even on a child's palms.

Su Yang retrieved the box and opened it to show Xiao Rong the inside.

"What is this?" Xiao Rong raised her eyebrows upon seeing the near-transparent object shaped into a perfect circle resting inside the box.

"This marble is our lifeline just in case something goes astray. It's an expensive treasure that allows you to 'set' a location. Once you have a location set, you can break the marble to return to that location with no limit, so no matter where you are in the Four Divine Heavens, you will be able to return to that location."

"If we run into trouble that even I cannot deal with, we will escape the Frozen Asgard using this marble. However, to be completely honest with you, I don't want to use this treasure, since there's a 99 percent chance that I will perish if I go to the set location in my current state…" Su Yang said with a weird smile on his face.

"Anyways, are you ready? The center area is completely different compared to the outer area."

Xiao Rong nodded.

They exited the ice cavern a moment later, and to Xiao Rong's surprise, the blizzard was nowhere to be seen. However, when she looked at the horizon, she could see a white wall.

"The center of the Frozen Asgard doesn't have any blizzards. In fact, the blizzard only circles around the Frozen Asgard like some kind of phenomenon. Nobody knows why, but if one looked at the Frozen Asgard from the starry sky, they'd be able to see a massive and thick white ring around the place. It's pretty neat."

"However, the blizzard is the least of everyone's worries in the Frozen Asgard."

Su Yang suddenly pointed in a certain direction and said, "Look over there."

Xiao Rong turned to look in the direction he was pointing, and she immediately noticed a small red dot moving in the sky.

"What is that?"

When Xiao Rong saw this red dot, her entire body shivered for some reason.

"That's the eye of a magical beast you're looking at," he said with a smile on his face.

"What?" Xiao Rong's eyes widened with surprise. That dot in the sky is an eye?

"That magical beast is named Primordial Mammoth, and it is one of the oldest and most powerful creatures in the Celestial Heaven. Its size is so huge that it could traverse hundreds of miles in a single step. As for its cultivation… Nobody really knows…" Su Yang said.

"Fortunately for us, the Primordial Mammoth doesn't leave the Frozen Asgard, and it's not aggressive… If we don't provoke it. The last time a cultivator provoked the Primordial Mammoth, the whole Celestial Heaven shook for an entire minute due to a single stomp from it. As for that individual who provoked it… Let's just say his body became so flat that it disappeared from existence."

"The Four Divine Heavens is filled with mythical and heaven-defying creatures such as the Primordial Mammoth. Pretty cool, right?"

Xiao Rong was speechless. The only thing she could feel when looking at the red dot was fear and dismay.

"Anyway, let's continue moving forward. The Frozen Asgard may be filled with dangerous magical beasts, but if you know where to go and where not to go, it's really not that bad." Su Yang said to her a moment later.

Thus, Su Yang and Xiao Rong continued their journey in the Frozen Asgard.

Meanwhile, about a hundred thousand miles away from Su Yang's location, after arriving at the Frozen Azure Cave, Luo Ziyi entered the small cave with a somewhat dazed look on her face.

The interior of the cave was quite beautiful. Despite having no light shining into the place, the walls emitted a gentle blue glow that illuminated the place, and there was a small pond at the center of this cave that emitted the most light.

One would expect the water in this pond to be frozen due to the extreme cold weather, but that was not the case, and the water even showed no signs of freezing.

Luo Ziyi approached the glowing pond and proceeded to stare at her reflection on the still water in silence for many minutes.

Chapter 905 Underground

"Do you see that cave over there?" Su Yang suddenly said to Xiao Rong after walking for a couple of days without uttering a single word.

Xiao Rong turned to look at what Su Yang was looking at, and sure enough, there was a cave entrance there.

However, this entrance was barely big enough to fit a single person inside.

"That cave will lead us underground, and once we enter it, we won't be leaving for the next 50,000 miles. It is also the last safe shortcut in the Frozen Asgard. There are still hidden passages after this one, but they won't be as safe, as they are quite spacious so the larger magical beasts sometimes wander in there."

A few minutes later, they arrived before the cave entrance, and Su Yang had to forcefully squeeze himself through the narrow entrance because of his round figure. In fact, he even damaged the entrance a little by doing so.

As for Xiao Rong, her petite frame allowed her to enter with ease.

Once they were inside, it became incredibly dark— so dark that unless one had some kind of vision technique that allowed them to see the dark, they wouldn't be able to see a thing.

Of course, Su Yang had the perfect technique for this place, and after covering his eyes with some spiritual energy, he was able to see everything without any problems.

As a Phantom Cat, Xiao Rong was able to see everything as clear as day, almost as there was no difference between outside and inside the cave.

"Let's consume another Extreme Cold Resistance Pill. Even though there aren't any blizzards here, there are some areas in this place that are even colder than outside." Su Yang said.

After consuming the pill, they began moving again.

As they walked deeper and deeper into the cave, Xiao Rong noticed that they were slowly descending deeper into the ground, and eventually, they arrived before a massive slope made of pure ice that was so deep that they couldn't physically see the bottom of the slope.

"Don't worry, this place may seem dangerous, but it's actually pretty fun." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

He then took a seat at the edge of the slope and patted his lap.

"Come sit here."

Xiao Rong nodded and took a seat on his lap.

Su Yang then embraced her from behind before pushing himself down the icy slope.

The two of them immediately began sliding down the slope at extreme speed.

Xiao Rong kept her eyes wide open during their entire descent, and it took more than just a moment or minute to reach the bottom.

In fact, it took them nearly half an hour to reach the end.

"What do you think?" Su Yang asked her afterward, feeling a weird sensation on his buttocks after sliding down for so long.

"It was fun," she said.

He smiled, "Then let's continue."

The cave was dead silent, and the only thing they could hear was the sound of their own footsteps, breathing, and the beats of their heart.

They continued to walk without any rest for two days until Su Yang came to a sudden halt.


Xiao Rong, who was dozing off and had been subconsciously walking this entire time, snapped back to reality when she bumped into Su Yang's back.

"What is it, Master?" Xiao Rong asked him afterward.

"I can sense people ahead of us," he said to her.

Xiao Rong then used her spiritual sense to look further into the distance, and sure enough, there were people there.

In fact, there appeared to be hundreds if not thousands of people there, and all of them were dressed in similar clothes, almost like disciples from a sect.

"Hmmm… Now this is a surprise…" A profound smile appeared on Su Yang's face once he recognized their uniform.

Although it took him a moment, there was a good reason why he didn't recognize them instantly.

"They're the Restrained Yin Sect, one of the most secretive powers in the Celestial Heaven and also one of the more powerful places. Many cultivators can live their entire life not seeing a single disciple from that place since they rarely leave the sect, and when they do, they go to places where people normally don't go. Also, they're a female-only sect."

"They also cultivate a special technique that allows them to eat Yin Element treasures with ease while obtaining its full effects while normal people would only be able to take advantage of a small portion of the treasures' effects."

"Now that I think about it, their sect master mentioned one time about how they would train in the Frozen Asgard every 1,000 years for 10 years, but she never told me the exact location. I should've expected it would be this location since the area up ahead is a little special in the way that it has an extreme amount of Yin Element gathered— enough to kill even a Sovereign Spirit Realm cultivator like me if I am not prepared."

"Anyway, if we don't disturb them, they probably won't make things too difficult for us, but be prepared to be questioned by them."

Su Yang said, and he began approaching them.

Of course, the moment Su Yang noticed these disciples from the Restrained Yin Sect, they also noticed him.

Once Su Yang was close enough to see their faces, one of the disciples that wore a different uniform than the others approached him with a serious look on her face, and she was an extremely beautiful middle-aged woman.

"Who are you and what is your purpose here?" She asked him with a hint of surprise hidden within her gaze.

After all, it was quite shocking to see two Sovereign Spirit Realm cultivators appearing so deep within the Frozen Asgard. It could even be considered a miracle that they made it here without any injuries.

"Name's Xiao Yang, and we're just passing through this place to get to the other side." Su Yang said to her with a friendly smile on his round face.

Chapter 906 Restrained Yin Sect

"Xiao Yang? What is your purpose for coming to this dangerous place? I'm talking about the Frozen Asgard." The woman asked him, clearly still doubtful of his identity and purpose there.

"I have some business at the Frozen Azure Cave, and this cave is the safest route there." Su Yang responded.

"And you can't tell me the reason?" The woman continued to question him for more details.

As a highly secretive and seclusive sect, it was normal for them to act like this, as there were plenty of people spying on them, and any new information about their sect would be worth a fortune to information brokers and those with unkind intentions.

After a moment of silence, he said, "We're meeting someone there. As for that person's identity, I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you."

The best thing to do in this situation was to tell them the truth without revealing everything, as he knew that disciples of the Restrained Yin Sect have multiple methods that can tell whether someone was lying or not.

Furthermore, this beautiful woman before him was an Ancient Realm expert. Even if Xiao Rong can defeat her with his assistance, it would be a pain in the ass to deal with the other disciples, and he didn't want to hurt these people, as he has a special relationship with their sect master.

The woman narrowed her eyes at Su Yang's chubby face before turning to look at Xiao Rong.

"The two of you managed to make it to the center of the Frozen Asgard without any injuries? In fact, you look extremely calm, almost like you're taking a stroll in the park."

"Well, I happen to have a lot of knowledge regarding the Frozen Asgard, including all of the hidden passages, hence why I am here right now," he said.

"Even if that is the case— that you know all of the hidden passages, getting here unscathed is an entirely different story. We also took the hidden passages here, but none of us made it here unscathed," said the woman, continuing to doubt him.

"I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps we got super lucky." Su Yang shrugged.

The woman didn't find his joke funny and even pulled out a sword before pointing it at him.

Su Yang raised his hands in a surrendering manner and said, "Whoa, calm down. I know the Restrained Yin Sect is a secretive place, so I don't blame you at all for your over-the-top cautiousness, but you need to calm down. Not everyone in this world is out to spy on you ladies."

"W-What did you just say?" The woman's eyes widened with surprise.

The other disciples there also stopped cultivating to watch the situation.

Meanwhile, the woman questioning Su Yang suddenly began emitting killing intent, and she spoke in a cold voice, "Unless you're a spy, there's no way you'd know that we're from the Restrained Yin Sect!"

"What? Your uniform says everything."

"That's impossible! These are not our ordinary sect uniforms! We only wear them when we go outside for training so that people won't recognize us!"

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Yes, I know. I also know that your sect master is named Liang Xuemei, and she really likes to chew on ice. Oh, right. I can even tell you the hideout of your sect in the Eternal—"


The place suddenly shook as all of the disciples there suddenly began emitting killing intent.

If Su Yang dared to continue his sentence, they might kill him before he could even finish his sentence.

Su Yang smiled and said after a long pause, "Anyway, my point is that I already know everything there is to know about your Restrained Yin Sect, so there's no point in me spying on you guys."

"Who are you, really? How do you know so much about our sect?" The woman asked him with a deep frown on her face.

This was her first time encountering someone from outside their sect that knew so much about them.

"I told you already. I'm Xiao Yang," he responded with a gentle smile on his face.

"Bullshit! You know damn well that's not what I want to know!" She exclaimed in an angry voice.

And she continued, "If you don't tell me, I will kill you right here and now!"

"Are you sure that you want to kill me when you don't know anything about me?" Su Yang said, the smile on his face turning cold.

"If I die today, your sect's million-year legacy might crumble, and you will be blamed for it."

Hearing Su Yang's words, the woman's body and facial expression froze.

"Anyway, I don't have all day here. I promise you that nothing will happen if you act like our encounter never happened today." Su Yang said, and he began moving again, walking around the woman.

To the disciples' surprise, the woman didn't attack Su Yang and allowed him to walk past her.

"Also, I will eventually visit the Restrained Yin Sect to speak with your sect master Liang Xuemei— if she's still the sect master. Until then, keep our meeting here a secret. We both know that she will most likely throw a tantrum if you tell her that some stranger you don't recognize has so much information about her sect."

Sometime later, Su Yang and Xiao Rong disappeared from the scene.

"Elder… What should we do?" One of the disciples asked her afterward, breaking the silence.

The woman bit her lips and said, "Forget about that damn fatty! Forget about our conversation! Forget about everything that has happened here today!"

"If you want to experience the sect master's fury, by all means, go ahead and tell her what happened today!" she continued.

The disciples swallowed nervously when they imagined their sect master angry. If they do such a thing, they will not be the only ones to suffer, as every disciple in the sect will suffer alongside them, and none of them wanted that to happen.

After a moment of silence, one by one, the disciples began swearing that they wouldn't utter a single word about what happened today even if they were tortured.

Chapter 907 Returning to the Surface

After leaving the Restricted Yin Sect behind, Su Yang released a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, that elder was relatively new and still somewhat inexperienced. If it were any other elders, they would've probably killed me even if they knew the risks."

"Anyway, let's speed up. We have less than a month to reach the Frozen Azure Cave, and at our current pace, we will be late."

Xiao Rong nodded, and they proceeded to fly through the rest of the cave.

A couple of days later, they arrived before a massive underground lake that managed to remain as a liquid despite the cold temperature.

When Xiao Rong saw this lake, she instinctively stopped flying and even backed up a little bit, as she still recalled the magical beasts beneath the frozen ocean.

"Did the magical beasts in the frozen ocean traumatize you?" Su Yang chuckled when he saw her acting so nervous.

"Don't worry, while there are magical beasts inside the water, they're not as powerful as the magical beasts outside. In fact, they're actually extremely weak if we compare them to the others, as they are mostly below the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

"Furthermore, if you cook these magical beasts and eat their meat, it can improve your Yin Qi significantly. Do you want to try eating some?"

Xiao Rong nodded.

"Alright, give me a moment."

Su Yang then approached the lake and stood in front of the water.

After staring at the water in silence for many minutes, Su Yang suddenly moved his arm, sending a single strand of Sword Will into the water, almost like a fishing rod.

A moment later, he pulled his hand back, pulling the string out of the water, and at the end of the Sword Will, there was a blue-colored fish with semi-transparent scales the size of his arm.

Su Yang used his Sword Qi to decapitate its head before using his Alchemy Flames to cook it.

The scales on the fish automatically melted like ice the moment it touched the Alchemy Flames.

It only took a minute for the fish to fully be cooked.

"Here you go." Su Yang handed the cooked fish to Xiao Rong, whose eyes were flickering with excitement.

Xiao Rong opened her small mouth and took a large bite out of the fish, chewing the bone and the meat together.

After her first bite, Xiao Rong continued to take chunks out of the fish, and in less than a minute, she consumed the whole fish.

"What do you think? Do you like it?" Su Yang asked her afterward.


Seeing Xiao Rong acting this lively for the first time, Su Yang smiled and said, "Do you want more? There are plenty of them in the water."

Xiao Rong quickly nodded her head.

Su Yang then returned to fishing for more fish.

An hour later, Xiao Rong had consumed over 100 fish in the water, and her Yin Qi improved by leaps and bounds.

"Are you satisfied now?" Su Yang asked her.

"Yes. Thank you, Master." Xiao Rong said.

"Then let's continue. There are places out there that sell these fish so you can eat more in the future."

Once they were prepared, Su Yang and Xiao Rong began flying over the lake until they reached the end about a day later.

At the end of the lake was a dead-end, but there was no ceiling above them, which made things pretty obvious.

"We're going to fly straight up now," he said to her.

A moment later, they began flying up, returning to the surface an hour later.

Once they landed, they began walking to the exit that was only a couple of minutes in the distance.

"Master, the ground is shaking." Xiao Rong said.

"Don't worry, it's normal. It's just the Primordial Mammoth moving, and we got close enough to it to experience it."

Xiao Rong raised her eyebrows. They actually got closer to the terrifying magical beast? Isn't that incredibly dangerous? What if it accidentally steps on them?

"Xiao Rong, you can stop suppressing your cultivation base for now. It'll be much safer for us since the magical beasts will think twice before they attack us."

She nodded and stopped suppressing her cultivation, and her Sovereign Spirit Realm aura instantly soared to Ancient Sovereign.

"Okay, let's go outside."

A moment later, they left the cave, returning to the surface that was covered in snow.

And after walking for a little over ten minutes, a magical beast appeared before them.

This magical beast had the appearance of a leopard but with two immensely long and sharp fangs in its mouth, and its fur was completely white, blending in with the background.

If it were not for its elephant-like size, Su Yang wouldn't have noticed it so quickly, as its cultivation base was vastly above his own.

"It's a Divine Lord Realm magical beast… same level as Qiuyue." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong.

"Use your cultivation base to startle it for a moment. I will take care of it while it's distracted."

Xiao Rong nodded and immediately used her cultivation to pressure the magical beast.

When the magical beast felt Xiao Rong's Ancient Sovereign cultivation base bore down upon it, its body froze with fear.

Su Yang took this chance to attack it with his Sword Will, sending a wave of invisible sword energy at the magical beast.


The elephant-sized magical beast was sliced in half with ease.

Su Yang took a deep breath afterward, as that single attack had consumed over half of his spiritual energy.

As much as he wanted Xiao Rong to kill every magical beast they encountered, he didn't want her to attract nearby magical beasts with her immense spiritual energy, and his Sword Will was undetectable unless the magical beasts somehow also knew Sword Will.

Thus, he could only use her to distract the magical beasts while he personally kills them.

After killing the magical beast, Su Yang retrieved a pill and consumed it, and his spiritual energy began to restore itself even without needing him to cultivate, as he didn't have the time to sit down and cultivate, not to mention that it was incredibly dangerous to cultivate out in the open in this place.

Chapter 908 Sword Will

Three days after Su Yang and Xiao Rong emerged from the underground cave, they arrived before a frozen canyon.

"Let's rest here for a bit. I'm exhausted even with the spiritual energy restoring pills…" Su Yang said to her.

He then walked to a seemingly safe and secluded area in the canyon before taking a seat on the cold floor.

"Can I sit there?" Xiao Rong pointed at his lap and asked.

Su Yang nodded.

After getting permission, Xiao Rong proceeded to take a seat on his lap.

Su Yang then stared at the white sky that was snowing lightly.

"Xiao Rong, what do you think of the Divine Heavens so far?" He suddenly asked her.

"I think it's fun. There's a lot of new things, and the environment is also very different compared to the previous world," she said.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang asked her, "Do you still not remember anything about why you were inside the spatial device?"

She shook her head and said, "No, I do not remember anything besides waking up in that place."

"Is that so…"

After resting for about an hour, they stood up and continued their journey to the Frozen Azure Cave.

About two hours later, they stopped moving again.

In the distance, there could see an individual currently engaged in a fierce battle against a magical beast that looked like a large ball of fur and nothing else.

This ball of white fur would bounce on the walls and shoot itself at the cultivator at extreme speeds, and the cultivator would try her best to deflect the attack with her sword.

They continued to fight in this manner until the cultivator got used to the magical beast's movements, allowing her to stab her sword directly at it.

The ball of white fur released a painful cry before falling to the ground without moving.

"Who's there?!" The cultivator turned to point her sword at Su Yang when she suddenly noticed their presence.

Once she saw their appearance and realized that they weren't magical beasts, she lowered her sword and proceeded to ignore them.

"Hey." Su Yang suddenly called out to her.

However, she ignored him and continued walking.

Seeing this, Su Yang retrieved his sword and swung in her direction, sending an arc of Sword Will flying towards her.

"What do you think you're doing?!" The female cultivator turned around to block the attack.

But to her surprise, the Sword Will flew right past her and directly at the ball of fur on the ground.

The seemingly dead magical beast suddenly released another cry when Su Yang's Sword Will sliced it in half.

The cultivator's eyes widened with shock when she saw this.

The magical beast had been playing dead? She even used her spiritual sense to make sure its heart was no longer beating! This was her first time seeing something like this.

"Let's go." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong after finishing off the magical beast, and they continued to fly.

"Wait!" The cultivator suddenly called out to them, even flying after them.

"What is it?" Su Yang turned around and asked her.

"You… Did you just use Sword Will?" she asked him in a dumbfounded voice.

"So what if I did?" Su Yang said.

"Who is your Master?! I also want to learn Sword Will!"

Su Yang raised his eyebrows, and he said, "If you want to learn Sword Will, you should try swinging your sword ten thousand times a day for a whole year."

"Are you making fun of me? As if learning Sword Will is that easy!"

Su Yang shrugged and continued flying, completely ignoring this female cultivator.

However, she wasn't willing to give up so easily and followed him.

"Haaa… Looks like we have encountered a weirdo…" Su Yang sighed in a low voice before he stopped again.

He then looked at this female cultivator with more attention.

She looked very young, almost like she was around his age, but her cultivation base was much higher than his own being at the Divine Saint Realm, higher than even Qiuyue's cultivation by two entire realms, and there weren't any serious injuries on her body despite training alone in the center areas of Frozen Asgard.

She was also extremely pretty with long black hair tied into a single ponytail behind her head.

One can imagine this young lady was extremely talented but also somewhat inexperienced based on the situation before.

"Don't tell me you came all the way to the Frozen Asgard to learn Sword Will? What's your background?" Su Yang asked her, as he was a little interested in her identity.

"Feng Yan from the Celestial Sword Sect, and yes, I came all the way here to practice my sword," she said in a prideful voice.

"The Celestial Sword Sect?" Although he wasn't familiar with her name, he definitely recognized the Celestial Sword Sect.

'I wonder how that place is doing now…' Su Yang reminisced about his time as a disciple in the Celestial Sword Sect many thousand years ago.

"I told you my identity, now you tell me yours," she then said to him.

"Xiao Yang. I am not affiliated with any sect, so I am what you'd consider as a rogue cultivator."

"What? If you're not affiliated with any sect, how did you learn your Sword Will? I don't believe that you'd manage to learn it by yourself." Feng Yan doubted him.

"Believe what you want. Anyway, I am in a hurry, so I won't stay here to entertain you any longer. If you want to learn Sword Will, go ask somebody else—- preferably someone in your sect. There are plenty of people capable of using Sword Will in the Celestial Sword Sect, after all."

However, what came out of Feng Yan's mouth made Su Yang's body freeze.

"What are you talking about? Nobody in the Celestial Sword Sect knows Sword Will. Maybe in the past when it was a top sect and there were plenty of Swordmasters available, but there are no longer any Swordmasters that can use Sword Will in the sect. They're all gone."

"Gone? What do you mean by gone? What happened to the Celestial Sword Sect?" Su Yang asked her with a frown on his face.

Chapter 909 Celestial Sword Sect

"You don't know what happened to the Celestial Sword Sect?" Feng Yan looked at Su Yang with a surprised expression.

Even the ordinary cultivators from the other Divine Heavens have heard about the incident, yet this fatty who has the capability to use Sword Will isn't aware of the incident that occurred to one of the top sword sects in the Celestial Heaven?

Feng Yan suddenly showed a smile on her face, and she said, "If I tell you what happened, you must tell me how you learned your Sword Will!"

Su Yang nodded without hesitation.

Feng Yan then said, "The Celestial Sword Sect lost to the Limitless Sword Sect in a contest where the winner gets to command the loser to do anything, and the Limitless Sword Sect forced all of the Swordmasters in the Celestial Sword Sect to leave the sect and forbid future Swordmasters from existing in the Celestial Sword Sect again, essentially killing the sect."

"What?" Su Yang was dumbfounded and speechless after hearing about this.

"What about the Sect Master?" he then asked.

"The previous Sect Master had to be replaced by someone who wasn't a Swordmaster."

"The Celestial Sword Sect is still standing even after all of the Swordmasters left? How is that possible?" Su Yang couldn't understand this part.

After all, a sword sect without any Swordmasters is just an ordinary sect.

"That's because even though the Swordmasters are forced to leave the sect, they are still allowed to support the sect individually. Furthermore, the sword techniques in the Celestial Sword Sect were left untouched, so while the sect is no longer the same, there are still many disciples there."

After pondering for a moment, Su Yang then asked, "What happens to the disciples that become Swordmasters?"

"Once a disciple of the Celestial Sword Sect becomes an official Swordmaster, they must leave the sect. However, not all hope is lost, as these new Swordmasters can continue to train under the tutelage of the elders and masters that were forced to leave the sect. They just won't be part of the sect any longer."

"So the previous sect elders are acting as individual Swordmasters, accepting these new Swordmasters as disciples after they leave the sect? Heavens… What on earth is happening to the Celestial Heaven? Everything is a mess…" Su Yang mumbled in a low voice.

"I have told you everything. Now you tell me about your Sword Will! Who is your master?" Feng Yan asked him afterward.


After a moment of silence, Su Yang said, "Fei Wenxia."

Feng Yan's eyes widened with shock upon hearing the name of the previous Sect Master of the Celestial Sword Sect.

"You're the old Sect Master's disciple?!" Feng Yan exclaimed.

"I used to be— yes." Su Yang confirmed.

"U-Unbelievable… No wonder you know Sword Will!"

"Before I leave, why did the Limitless Sword Sect and the Celestial Sword Sect decide to fight each other? I know they've always disliked each other because of their differences in sword technique, but there's no reason for them to clash against each other like this." Su Yang suddenly asked her.

"Hm? I'm not so sure about the details myself, but according to rumors, it was because the Limitless Sword Sect had insulted a disciple of the Celestial Sword Sect, and this disciple used to be the pride of the sect. I forgot his name, but I think the person's surname was 'Su'..."

Su Yang felt a strong urge to facepalm after hearing this.

The Limitless Sword Sect used him to provoke the Celestial Sword Sect? And the Celestial Sword Sect fought them in response? How should he even react to this?

"Anyway, thank you for the information. I really have to go now." Su Yang said to Feng Yan before flying away with Xiao Rong.

Feng Yan didn't chase after him this time, and she returned to training with the sword.

Once they were alone, Su Yang said, "After Meiqi's death, I tried to fill the hole in my heart by training with the sword— the weapon she loved the most, and that worked temporarily, as I would forget about my loneliness when I absorbed myself in training."

"I joined the Celestial Sword Sect during this time, and in the sect, my sword techniques improved by leaps and bounds. If it were not for the Celestial Sword Sect, I probably wouldn't have reached where I currently am with the sword."

"Fei Wenxia was the Sect Master of the Celestial Sword Sect when I was still a disciple there, and he held the title of Celestial Heaven's Sword Emperor during that time. I cannot believe that someone like him was forced to leave the sect." Su Yang sighed, giving Xiao Rong some of his background and history with the Celestial Sword Sect.

"As for the Limitless Sword Sect, they would always try to convince me to abandon the Celestial Sword Sect to join them, and when I refused, their jealousy for the Celestial Sword Sect would intensify alongside their hate. After all, I was regarded as the most talented Swordmasters during that era, and because of my influence, the Celestial Sword Sect received the title of Number One Sword Sect in the Celestial Heaven, something the Limitless Sword Sect coveted greatly."

"I stopped paying attention to the Celestial Sword Sect and the world of Swordmasters after I left the sect and began my journey as a Dual Cultivator, but I can never forget my debt to them. When I get the chance, I will see if there's anything I can do to help the Celestial Sword Sect return to their former glory."

During the rest of their journey in the canyon, Su Yang would talk about his time as a disciple in the Celestial Sword Sect, and Xiao Rong would listen with great interest. After all, Su Yang normally doesn't talk about his past, and when he does, he wouldn't say more than just a few words.

A few days later, they reached the end of the canyon.

Chapter 910 Unknown Terror

At the end of the canyon was a steep mountain pass with a narrow path that only had enough room for one person to walk on at a time, so walking side-by-side was impossible.

"One would think about flying here instead of walking this narrow path, but there's a powerful entity that might rival the Primordial Mammoth living down there, and if you fly over it, there's a good chance that it'll try to consume you." Su Yang said as he pointed at the bottom of the mountain that was so far down that they couldn't see the end.

"I have seen it happen with my very own eyes. It wasn't a pretty sight," he added.

Sometime later, they began walking on this narrow path.

"There are two things we have to worry about when walking on this path. One, a powerful gust of wind that will come at random times, and two, the magical beasts that sometimes fly around this area."

"Though most of the time, the magical beasts that fly in this area are eaten by the unknown terror at the bottom of this mountain, so we really only need to pay attention to the wind that could blow us off the road."

"The good thing is that once we reach the end, there will only be one more place we must pass before we reach the Frozen Azure Cave."

Xiao Rong nodded.

An hour later, Su Yang suddenly stopped walking and said, "Cover yourself with spiritual energy. The wind is coming."

The next moment, a powerful gust of wind that was as powerful as a hurricane started blowing their direction, threatening to knock them off the mountain pass.

The wind was so strong that one could see large chunks of ice the size of large boulders being carried by the wind and flying past them before disappearing into the distance.

The wind lasted for ten minutes without any breaks until it suddenly stopped, disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

"Let's go." Su Yang said a moment later once he was certain that the wind would not be returning anytime soon.

However, about half an hour later, the wind returned again, forcing them to stop.

After an entire day, they had encountered the wind over 20 times, meaning they had to stop at least once every hour.

On the second day, shortly after experiencing their 3rd wind for that day, Su Yang suddenly stopped.

Xiao Rong subconsciously covered herself in spiritual energy when Su Yang stopped walking, but he said a second later, "This time it's a magical beast. Don't move and suppress your presence."

Xiao Rong immediately retracted her spiritual energy and suppressed her presence until even Su Yang could not sense her despite standing a few inches in front of her.

'As expected of a Phantom Cat… Their ability to hide their presence is too heaven-defying…' Su Yang sighed inwardly, admiring her heaven-sent talent.

A few moments later, a massive bird-like creature the size of multiple large restaurants could be seen flying in their direction in the distance.

And surprisingly, this magical beast emitted an Ancient Realm aura.

However, before this flying magical beast could even get near them, something extremely long and flexible suddenly emerged from the bottom of the mountain like a spear, piercing straight through the flying magical beast's body.

Once this spear-like thing pierced the magical beast's body, it wrapped itself around the magical beast before dragging it into the depths of the mountain pass, disappearing almost instantly.

Xiao Rong swallowed nervously when she witnessed the scene. How can an Ancient Realm magical beast like her die so easily? It didn't even have a chance to fight back whatever that thing was!

"What was that thing just now?" she couldn't help but ask him afterward.

"That was the tongue of the entity that lives at the bottom," he said.

"Nobody really knows what lies at the bottom. Some people have gone down to investigate, but they never returned."

"Do you understand why we cannot fly here now?"

Xiao Rong quickly nodded her head.

"Alright, let's continue moving. It will take us another two days before we can reach the end at this rate."

Su Yang and Xiao Rong encountered another magical beast flying through the area a few hours later, and it had an even more powerful aura compared to the last one, but it also suffered the same fate as the previous magical beast.

Two days later, they finally reached the end of the mountain pass without any troubles. But because they had to constantly take breaks to defend against the wind, it felt much longer than 2 days for them.

After the mountain pass was a vast mountain valley that only went one way.

Su Yang lifted his arm and pointed at the horizon and said, "At the end of this mountain valley is the Frozen Azure Cave. However, crossing this mountain valley will be extremely dangerous, as there are no hidden passages that we can use to hide."

"Thus, we can only traverse in the open and try our best to avoid as many magical beasts as we can."

"And just like the mountain pass, we cannot fly in this place since we will be in plain sight, not to mention the many aerial magical beasts in this area."

"We still have about two weeks left until the meeting, but this place is the longest and largest area in the Frozen Asgard because this is the very center, so it might require the entire two weeks to traverse this place."

Su Yang said, then he retrieved the black pouch he'd acquired from his old home before tying it right beside his waist, allowing for quick and convenient access just in case anything happens.

"Are you ready?" Su Yang asked Xiao Rong.

She nodded.

"Then let's go."

The two of them then jumped off the edge of the mountain pass and straight into the mountain valley, before slowly making their way towards the Frozen Azure Cave at the end of this valley.

The moment they landed on the ground, they noticed thick red mist that resembled clouds covering the ground that appeared to be coming from the direction of their destination.

Su Yang frowned when he saw this red mist that flowed like a river, and he mumbled, "What is this red mist? This isn't natural. I have never seen anything like this in the Frozen Asgard before, and I have been to this place multiple times."

Chapter 911 Devil Blood Mist

When he saw this red mist, Su Yang took a quick sniff of it.

"T-This is!"

Su Yang's eyes widened with shock.

Upon realizing what it was, he immediately retrieved some ingredients from his storage ring before concocting a couple of pills right on the spot.

Xiao Rong watched with interest.

A minute later, Su Yang handed half of the pills to Xiao Rong and said to her, "Quickly, eat it."

He then followed his own advice and swallowed the pills.

After she consumed the pills, Xiao Rong asked him, "Master, what is happening? What is this red mist?"

"This red mist is called Devil Blood Mist; it's a poisonous gas that's released by a certain magical beast known as the Red-Faced Lizard. However, that shouldn't be possible, as Red-Faced Lizards cannot handle the cold and are usually only found in the hotter parts of the world."

"And what I just had you consume were poison resistance pills. Fortunately for us, the Devil Blood Mist isn't very powerful if we deal with it quickly and can be repelled by even ordinary poisonous pills. After all, it's only used by the Red-Faced Lizard to weaken its prey that is usually other magical beasts, but it covers a large area."

Su Yang then looked at the depths of the mountain valley with a frown.

'Why is there a Red-Faced Lizard in the Frozen Asgard, the coldest area in the Celestial Heaven? Did it consume a treasure in this place and somehow mutate?' He wondered inwardly.

'However, if that was the case, how did the Red-Faced Lizard get here in the first place? I doubt it came here naturally…'

Su Yang suspected that someone had placed a Red-Faced Lizard in this area for whatever reason, as that was the most logical reason he could think of. As for the reason behind such actions, he cannot even begin to imagine.

"Anyways, even if there's a Red-Faced Lizard in here, it won't stop us from reaching the Frozen Azure Cave. We just need to be extra careful, as Red-Faced Lizards are usually at the peak of the Ancient Realm…"

"Peak of the Ancient Realm…" Xiao Rong repeated in a low voice.

If they encounter this Red-Faced Lizard, the chances of her being able to protect Su Yang were practically zero.

Of course, Su Yang was well aware of this, but he never expected Xiao Rong to protect him, as he has his own methods to deal with the Red-Faced Lizard if they truly encounter it.

"Let me concoct a few more pills. We'll need to consume one every hour to protect ourselves from the poison." Su Yang said, before spending a few minutes concocting over a hundred pills.

Once he was done, he handed half of them to Xiao Rong and said, "Now let's conceal our presence again."

They then started walking into the wilderness.

However, they were walking at an extremely slow pace, as Su Yang wanted to make sure there were no magical beasts around them before he continued further.

Furthermore, even if he spots a magical beast, there was a good chance that they'd spot him as well.

About an hour later, they stopped walking when Su Yang sensed a powerful presence a few miles in the distance.

"It feels like the Divine Emperor Realm…" Su Yang mumbled in a low voice.

Since he was only at the Sovereign Spirit Realm, he could only guess the magical beasts' prowess that was far above his own, making it impossible for him to see their full strength.

However, since he has plenty of experience, he could guess their cultivation bases just by their aura.

Of course, if a magical beast knows how to conceal its presence or suppress its cultivation base, then it would be pretty disastrous for them.

As for Xiao Rong, who was at the Ancient Sovereign Realm, she also couldn't tell their cultivation bases, as she has zero experience when it comes to the power scale in the Divine Heavens.

This meant that despite having a much higher cultivation base than Su Yang, she wouldn't be any more useful when it comes to assessing others' prowess.

Once he spotted the magical beast, Su Yang stopped moving until he could no longer sense the presence, and then he would alter their direction a little bit to completely avoid the magical beast.

They continued to move like this for the entire day, and they managed to avoid over a dozen magical beasts like this.

"Fortunately, there are fewer magical beasts now than before. This is probably due to the Blood Devil Mist, as the only way for the magical beasts to avoid it is to leave the area."

Despite the poison being incredibly weak for a magical beast as powerful as the Red-Faced Lizard, the Blood Devil Mist can ignore one's spiritual energy just like the blizzard surrounding the Frozen Asgard, making it impossible to defend against it.

Suddenly, Su Yang stopped moving again.

Xiao Rong subconsciously stopped her movement when Su Yang stopped. After following him for the last two months, she had grown used to moving and stopping very frequently.

Meanwhile, Su Yang used a special surveillance technique to spy on the magical beast ahead, purposefully avoiding the usage of spiritual sense, as the magical beasts would easily notice him looking at them with spiritual sense due to his weak cultivation base.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang suddenly turned around and said in a somewhat panicked voice, "Quickly, follow me!"

He then began running in the opposite direction.

Xiao Rong was surprised at first since this was their first time needing to run backward.

After running for about an hour, Su Yang finally stopped and sighed, "That was close. That magical beast almost noticed us."

"Almost? So it didn't notice us?" Xiao Rong raised her eyebrows.

Why did they run if it didn't notice them? Wouldn't their movements attract it instead?

Su Yang shook his head and said, "You don't understand. The magical beast from before was different from the rest. It has extremely sharp senses, and it even has an ability that's similar to spiritual sense, and it used it to look at its surroundings. If we didn't leave just now, it would've spotted us."

"Anyways, we can no longer go that direction. Follow me."

They continued moving shortly later.

Chapter 912 She Will Definitely Come

Another week has passed since Su Yang and Xiao Rong began traversing the mountain valley, giving them one more week to reach the Frozen Azure Cave.

However, they were not even close to reaching their destination, only managing to traverse a fourth of it.

"Looks like we're really going to be late if we continue at this pace…" Su Yang sighed.

As much as he wanted to just take out his flying treasure and speed through the mountain valley, he didn't have a death wish.

After pondering for a moment, Su Yang said, "Alright, Xiao Rong, we're going to speed up. It may be risky, but if we don't reach the Frozen Azure Cave and Ziyi leaves, our entire journey here would become pointless."

Xiao Rong then asked him, "Master, why are you so certain that she will be at the Frozen Azure Cave? What if this person is not there?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "That's not possible. If she heard the message I told Mu Yuechan, she will definitely come. After all, that's the same words I told her when we paired up to acquire the Azure Lotus thousands of years ago."

"As for Mu Yuechan, I know her well enough. If she says that she will do something, she will do it, so I don't have to worry about her not conveying the message to Ziyi. Of course, Mu Yuechan could delay telling her the message, but I hope that isn't the case."

"In any case, I have no doubt that she will be there once we arrive." Su Yang said.

Xiao Rong nodded.

"Then make sure you follow along. I am going to speed up a lot now."

After taking a deep breath, Su Yang began using the movement technique Nine Astral Steps, moving many miles with a single step.

Of course, since he sped up his movement, he also had to increase his alert even more.

A few minutes later, the instant Su Yang notices a presence, he would instantly change directions and go another route without even taking the time to see what kind of magical beast it was— if it was even a magical beast in the first place.

The Azure Lotus is the only reason why anyone would bother to come to the Frozen Asgard, and with it not blooming anytime soon, there was almost no reason why anyone would risk their lives in this dangerous and cold place.

However, with that being said, there are eccentric and unfathomable people out there who would come to the center of the Frozen Azgard to train and look for treasures, so there may be a couple of people in the mountain valley right now.

A few hours later, Su Yang stopped to rest.

Although he could move without stopping for many days if he was just using the Nine Astral Steps, his surveillance technique was very taxing on his mind and spiritual energy, so he could only move continuously for a single day like this.

As for why he stopped only after just a few hours despite having enough energy for the whole day, it was simply because he didn't want to exhaust all of his spiritual energy just in case he needed it to deal with any unexpected encounters.

After an hour of resting, they started moving again.

The next day, after an entire week of no incidents, Su Yang and Xiao Rong finally encountered their first magical beast after failing to notice it because it had suppressed its presence.

"Divine Sword!"

The moment Su Yang realized that they had been noticed by a magical beast, he immediately used his strongest sword technique, Divine Sword.

However, unlike when he fought against Patriarch Gold, the Divine Sword didn't have any extravagant appearances and remained the size of a normal sword, as he didn't want to attract the nearby magical beasts while fighting this one.

Su Yang sent the Divine Sword flying at the magical beast that resembled a bear, but it was covered in thick white fur that made it look like a ball of fluff.

The white bear released a deafening roar when it was struck by the Divine Sword that constantly drained its strength.

It then turned to look at Su Yang before running at him, acting as though there wasn't a sword in its body.

"Xiao Rong!"

Su Yang called out to her.

Xiao Rong, who had been standing behind him, used her spiritual energy to suppress the magical beast even further by attacking it mentally.

Su Yang then used Nine Astral Steps to approach the white bear without getting too close to it.

Once he was behind the magical beast, he pointed his finger at the white bear before sending out a single strand of Sword Will that pierced the white bear's head from behind, instantly killing it.

"Let's get out of here before other magical beasts arrive!"

After killing the magical beast, Su Yang immediately used Nine Astral Steps to leave the scene without even bothering to check the corpse, and Xiao Rong followed him.

A few moments after they left, Su Yang could feel multiple presences appearing at the location he killed the white bear.

After another hour of running without rest, Su Yang finally stopped and began panting heavily.

It'd taken him nearly all of his spiritual energy just to take care of the magical beast that appeared to be around the Divine Saint Realm. If that single strike didn't kill the magical beast, they would've been in trouble.

"Keep watch for me, Xiao Rong. I am going to recover my spiritual energy," he said to her before taking a seat and absorbing the spiritual energy around them as quickly as possible.

Half an hour later, before Su Yang could recover his spiritual energy fully, Xiao Rong called out to him, "Master!"

Su Yang's eyes immediately snapped open. Once he determined the location of the presence in half a second, he wasted no time using Nine Astral Steps, disappearing from his location in less than a second.

Chapter 913 Frozen Azure Cave

"Divine Sword!"

Su Yang tossed the small sword emitting an otherworldly aura at the magical beast ahead, stabbing it directly between its eyes.

The magical beast released a painful cry that was loud enough to shake the trees and ground.

"Xiao Rong!" Su Yang called out to her.

Xiao Rong then used her spiritual energy to strike the magical beast's mind, halting its movement for a split second. During that split second, Su Yang used the majority of his spiritual energy to create a powerful Sword Will that could kill the magical beast in a single strike.

After killing the magical beast, they immediately ran away from the area that would soon become a battlefield for other magical beasts fighting over the corpse.

They would repeat this process every time they encountered a magical beast, and although it was extremely exhausting for Su Yang, he continued to endure it, as they were so close to reaching the Frozen Azure Cave. Furthermore, whenever he thought about meeting Luo Ziyi again, he would gain some energy back and continue pushing further.

Of course, there were encounters with magical beasts that were even stronger than Xiao Rong.

When this happened, they could only run away and pray to the heavens that they don't get caught by the magical beast.

Fortunately for them, the magical beasts they could only run away from were powerful but slow entities— slow enough for Su Yang and Xiao Rong to escape unscathed.

Their movement techniques were major contributors as well, as Su Yang's Nine Astral Steps was one of the best movement techniques in the Four Divine Heavens while Xiao Rong was naturally quick on her feet.

Their journey continued for a few more days until it was the time of the meeting.

However, they were still not at the Frozen Azure Cave.

They were close, but they weren't there just yet, and it'd take them another two days to reach the area if they continued to move at their current pace.

"Master…" Xiao Rong looked at him, who was sitting on the ground and cultivating.

"I know, we're late. But we're not too far away, and I really need to recover some of my spiritual energy. If we continue at my current state, I won't have enough spiritual energy to kill the next magical beast if we run into one."

"We may be late, but Ziyi won't immediately leave because we're late. She's a patient woman. That's why I picked her out of everyone available at the sect, as I was afraid that we wouldn't make it in time." Su Yang said.

Xiao Rong nodded.

A few hours later, once Su Yang recovered the majority of his spiritual energy, they continued to move again.

As they got closer to the Frozen Azure Cave, Su Yang noticed that the Devil Blood Mist was getting stronger and thicker.

It was near transparent at first, but the mist is now so incredibly thick that he could no longer see the ground.

Seeing this, Su Yang said, "Xiao Rong, let's slow down."

As much as he wanted to continue moving at the same pace, he truly didn't want to encounter the Red-Faced Lizard.

"The Red-Faced Lizard is not only powerful but it has a special ability that can spit out poisonous saliva that travels as fast as a flying treasure and nearly impossible to dodge, and unlike the mist it releases, its saliva is incredibly poisonous and could instantly kill us if it even touches it."

"The only way to defend against such an ability is to cover yourself in spiritual energy that it cannot penetrate. However, neither of us are powerful enough to block it with our spiritual energy, so we can only avoid it."

Xiao Rong nodded, and they slowed down.

Five days later, they finally arrived at the Frozen Azure Cave— at least close enough to see the mountain.

Su Yang lifted his arm and pointed at the peak of the mountain that was at the end of the mountain valley.

"The Frozen Azure Cave is at the peak of this mountain." Su Yang said.

However, there was one problem. The mountain itself was incredibly tall and reached the heavens, and there didn't seem to be any paths that they could walk to go to the top, leaving them with only one option.

"In order to get up there, we'll need to fly, but that might attract the aerial magical beasts around us. I can even sense three of them flying around us as I speak. They'll definitely notice us and attack us before we can reach the entrance if we just fly up there."

"Even if we manage to get up there, the Frozen Azure Cave is large enough to host magical beasts inside, but we probably don't have to worry about that, since Ziyi should've taken care of them if she's inside."

"Actually, now that I think about it, it should be fine even if we attract the magical beasts. As long as we reach the Frozen Azure Cave, Ziyi will take care of them for us." Su Yang then came to this realization.

Su Yang then took a deep breath and said, "Are you ready for this, Xiao Rong?"

She nodded.

Su Yang retrieved the marble that could teleport them if something goes wrong and held it in his grasp so that they could teleport to safety in an instant.

'Oh, Ziyi, I really hope you're in there…' Su Yang sighed inwardly as he started flying toward the peak of the mountain.

Of course, the magical beasts flying in the sky noticed Su Yang and Xiao Rong flying in the sky.

The instant they noticed the two of them, they began flying in their direction.

Although the magical beasts were hundreds of miles away, they closed the distance within minutes.


Su Yang knew that they wouldn't make it to the Frozen Azure Cave before the magical beasts reached them, and they were too powerful for him or Xiao Rong to handle, so he used his other hand that wasn't holding the marble and reached for the black pouch hanging by his waist, retrieving a yellow talisman a moment later.

Chapter 914 Inside the Frozen Azure Cave

The yellow talisman emitted a profound and ancient aura when it appeared in the world, causing the magical beasts that were flying at them to slow down greatly, as their instincts warned them to not get close.

In fact, two of the three magical beasts turned around and flew away a moment later.

However, one of them decided to remain and continue to chase down Su Yang and Xiao Rong, its eyes flickering with killing intent that could suffocate even a Divine Spirit Realm cultivator.

"So you decide to choose death, huh? Then die for me!"

Su Yang activated the talisman by pouring his spiritual energy into the talisman when he realized that the last magical beast wasn't going to leave them alone.

The talisman immediately began emitting a gentle golden glow.

"Sword Talisman!" Su Yang tossed the talisman at the incoming magical beast.


The talisman suddenly exploded, releasing an onslaught of Sword Will on the magical beast.

Although the magical beast couldn't sense the Sword Will, it could sense that something incredibly powerful and dangerous was heading its way, so it immediately turned around and began running away.

However, the Sword Will caught up to the magical beast almost instantly, tearing its massive body to shreds just as fast.

Xiao Rong was speechless when she saw this, and she asked him, "Master, what was that just now? I could sense a familiar feeling from that talisman just now."

"Because the Sword Will released by the Sword Talisman is actually my own Sword Will. Well, at least Sword Will from my previous self," he explained to her why she was having that feeling.

"When I was still an active Swordmaster, I'd create these talismans using my Sword Will for emergencies and would sometimes even sell them when I needed money. They're incredibly powerful and can kill even an Ancient Realm cultivator. However, they were also incredibly taxing to create, and they could only be used once, so I didn't make too many of them."

"Let's speed up. Hopefully, there won't be any more magical beasts since I only have a few more of these talismans."

An hour later, they finally arrived at the peak of the mountain, where a massive cave entrance could be seen.

"We've finally made it. The Frozen Azure Cave…" Su Yang released a huge sigh of relief upon seeing the entrance.

"Let's go inside." Su Yang then said, feeling a little impatient after finally reaching this point.

A moment later, they entered the Frozen Azure Cave.

After walking for a few miles on a dim path that was somewhat illuminated by the glowing walls that would grow brighter as they went deeper, they have finally arrived at the end of the Frozen Azure Cave, a spacious and fully illuminated area with a pond in the middle.

Su Yang walked to the glowing pond and looked around the place, but Luo Ziyi was nowhere to be seen.

'She's not here?' Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

Perhaps she was also running a little late like him? Or maybe she left already?

Su Yang was more willing to believe that Luo Ziyi was running late instead of the latter reasoning.

"Xiao Rong, let's—"

Before Su Yang could even finish his sentence, his body froze when a dreadful aura suddenly filled the place.

'T-This presence… Impossible! What's that thing doing here?!'

Su Yang turned to look at the other side of the room, where a large black lizard with black scales and a red symbol that resembled a face on its back was staring at them.

"Master… is that…?" Xiao Rong's body trembled with fear when she saw the menacing entity at the back of the room.

"Don't move! That is the Red-Faced Lizard! Any sudden movements and it will attack," he said to her using spiritual sense.

'Fuck! What is this beast doing here?! How did it get inside the Frozen Azure Cave! Don't tell me it climbed all the way up here?!' Su Yang cursed inwardly, as he initially believed that the Red-Faced Lizard was inside the mountain valley.

'There's no way we can defeat that thing even with my Sword Talisman! If Ziyi was here, that Red-Faced Lizard wouldn't be here! What should I do? Should I just give up on meeting her now and run away with Xiao Rong using the teleport treasure?'

Su Yang didn't want to give up after reaching the end, but there was truly no good solution to this mess besides running away with Xiao Rong.

Although he had plenty of treasures inside his black pouch that could deal with the Red-Faced Lizard, he didn't dare to reach for it, as the Red-Faced Lizard would kill him before he could even take any of his treasures out, much less use them. Therefore, he could only resort to using the marble that was already in his grasp.

All he needed to do was crush the marble and teleport away.

Su Yang tightened his jaw in anger.

As much as he wanted to ponder some more, he didn't dare to risk it.

Even worse, he noticed some minor movements by the Red-Faced Lizard mouth. It was clearly preparing to attack them with its unavoidable poison spit.

Su Yang gave up when he saw this. 'Damn it! How dare you interrupt my long-awaited reunion with Ziyi! I will definitely return to this place and skin you alive once I am strong enough!'

However, just as Su Yang began tightening his fists and the Red-Faced Lizard opened its mouth, a tyrannical pressure came out of nowhere, instantly flattening the Red-Faced Lizard into meat paste.

Su Yang's movement froze when he felt this pressure, and his body subconsciously turned around to look at the only entrance that was also an exit for the Frozen Azure Cave.

"Ziyi…" Su Yang mumbled in a low voice when he saw a breathtakingly beautiful goddess standing by the entrance with a calm look on her ethereal face, and she was wearing a black uniform that he didn't recognize.