
625 - 630

Chapter 625 - Ice Blockade Domain!

At this moment, the middle-aged man was certain that this young man had reached the domain realm. He remembered that there was no record of a young powerful domain realm master within the Federation. The middle-aged man was surprised. Did he just look young but in actual fact, he was old?

Ling Lan appeared nonchalant. However, in her heart, she was filled with excitement. Ever since she had entered the domain realm, besides the time when she fought with the commander of the special forces, this was the first time she met an opponent who was in the same realm as her. Ling Lan felt pressured but she was not scared. Instead she was filled with fighting spirit.

Rainbow rain continued to pour down. The rainbow rain of Planet Kachi would only stop after a few hours. Ling Lan and her opponent were not affected by the rain. They activated their protective shield which shielded them from the rain.

Almost at the same moment, the two people moved and struck a blow at each other. Both of them used their domain power.

Fights between domain realm masters usually ended with a single exchange. The one who won would always be the person with a higher level.

When the two forces collided, the energy generated caused the rainbow rain around them to fly back. A strange scene was formed, as the rainbow rain droplets moved back upwards into the sky.

The first batch of people to notice this huge commotion was Li Lanfeng and the rest of Ling Lan's friends who were chasing other small fries.

"It's boss," Qi Long said while not forgetting to pull his trigger to snipe an enemy that was trying to sneak over.

"This kind of impact cannot be caused by a person with Qi-Jin level strength. Has our boss reached the domain realm?" Zhao Jun's eyes lit up. He always wanted to reach the domain realm. However, it was not something that could be done with only hard work. He had been stuck at the peak of Qi-Jin for a few years now and still hadn't comprehend the essence of advancing to the domain realm. No wonder so many people were stuck at Qi-Jin. Only the elite of the elite would be able to become a domain realm master and only the peak of that limited pool of people would be called a formidable warrior.

Li Lanfeng glanced at Ling Lan's direction and then retracted his gaze. He continued focusing on his front indifferently. However, from his tense fingers, you could tell that he was not as calm as he seemed.

He looked at the bunch of enemies that suddenly appeared in front of them. He reminded them with a cold and serious voice, "The enemy has increased their efforts. Everyone take note."

Li Lanfeng immediately understood what had happened when he saw the countless of silhouettes. Their opponent must have chosen them as the point of breakthrough. To ensure their safety, Ling Lan went out and proactively sought a fight from their opponent's domain realm formidable warrior. That way, they would not need to face this strong opponent.

Li Lanfeng's reminder caused the other four people to become serious. They focused their attention back onto their enemies and continued sniping them.

The rainbow rain was beautiful. But, it was difficult to spot enemies hidden in various corners through the rainbow rain. This required much attention and focus from the five people. They couldn't be distracted.

Of the four defense points, Ling Lan's area had the most pressure. The rest of the points only had around 60 enemies while there were around 200 enemies at Ling Lan's defense point. Ling Lan was unlucky that the young man chose to focus his attack on this point.

"According to the information that we received, Sky Rank number 37 has been intercepted!" The young man was shocked when he got this news from his subordinate.

He was confident about this mission because Sky Rank number 37 accepted this mission. It was unexpected. Assassins who could get into the Sky Rank were all domain realm formidable warriors. Besides S level missions, they would normally not accept any other missions.

Killing Princess Gulibaduo was classified as an A+ mission. If it wasn't for the fact that the protection around the princess might be strong and Qi-Jin masters might appear, this mission would not be so highly ranked.

The only good thing about this mission was that the rewards were extremely good. It was only slightly lesser than an S level mission. This might be why Sky Rank number 37 decided to take on this mission. He might have felt that an A+ mission would be much easier than an S level mission. Many people liked to do some easy and highly-rewarding missions to increase their earnings as they could also take it as a break.

The arrival of someone from the Sky Rank increased the young man's confidence.No matter how many Qi-Jin masters there were, they wouldn't be able to subdue a domain realm master. Qi-Jin and domain were only one rank apart but the difference between them was huge. That was why the people who were below the domain realm were known as nobodies.

The young man believed that as long as number 37 was here, this mission would be as easy as taking a walk in the park. That was why he came to personally direct this mission. By right, high-ranking officers like them would not appear in the frontline.

However, unexpectedly, number 37 was intercepted the moment he was sent out. This meant that there was a hidden domain realm formidable warrior beside Princess Gulibaduo.

"I didn't expect the Balaya Kingdom to place so much importance in their third successor," The young muttered to himself. He thought that the princess would be forsaken by her kingdom as there were two other princes ahead of her. He had researched before this mission started and found out that Balaya Kingdom didn't sent any bodyguards to protect the princess. They only asked the princess to disguise herself as a normal passenger and board the Feiyang Ship.

With the princess' capabilities, she could at most hire two expedition teams to protect her. However, they planned their attack based on an overestimation. They were wrong. The Balaya Kingdom didn't give up on the princess. They even sent a domain realm master to protect her.

"What happened?" A few middle-aged men who were waiting for news. When they saw the change in expression on the young man's face, one of them immediately asked him.

The young turned and said with a serious tone, "We predicted the difficulty of this mission wrongly. There is a domain realm master within our opponent team."

The other men were stunned too. One of them jumped up in shock. "We must immediately change the level of this mission to S level."

The young nodded. "I will."

He thought for a while before deciding to speak the truth. "Sky Rank number 37 has met the opponent." He had been hiding the fact that number 37 took part in this mission.

The other people were elated when they heard what he said. They felt relaxed. Since they had a domain realm master on their side, the situation was much better. It was still within their control.

The young man didn't feel at ease. He looked out of the window with a cold face. The rainbow rain was pouring heavily as he waved at his assistant.

The assistant passed him a pair of binoculars immediately. The young man looked at number 37's direction through the binoculars.

When Ling Lan's power collided with that of her opponent's, she immediately felt hot air coming from the other side.

"Fire-type energy?" Ling Lan's poker face changed slightly. Her ice-type energy was considered part of the water-type. Fire and water were natural enemies. As compared to the powerful fire-type energy, water-type energy was weaker. Her opponent had an elemental advantage over her.

As this thought flashed past her mind, her opponent's fire-type energy congregated into a fire dragon and rushed towards her mercilessly. Before she could react, it had engulfed her.

"Boom!" The fire dragon that swallowed Ling Lan exploded.

If someone with sharp eyes were watching her, he or she would have seen a few broken shards of ice coming out from the fire dragon. Those pieces of broken ice fell onto the ground with the rainbow rain, merging with it.

The flames that got separated, congregated together again and formed a figure. It was the domain realm warrior. He looked around him. Although his attack seemed to have hit his opponent just now, it didn't cause any harm.

"That blow was met with a huge resistance force. It almost rebounded my attack but since my force was greater, it went through the resistance. If not, the ending might be different… This kind of ability is similar to a protective shield. However, what is his domain element?" The middle-aged domain realm warrior frowned. He didn't manage to find out about his opponent's element just now. That was not good for him. "After the explosion, broken shards of glass appeared. However, there was no coldness in it so it is not ice-element. Is he a mutated earth-type master?"

"If that is the case, I must be careful of the ground." The middle-aged domain warrior was clear about the elements and the things they could merge with. Earth-type energy would never merge with water. As compared to earth type, he was more frightened that his opponent would be an ice-type because that would mean that he could be attacked 360 degrees all around.

Once he reached his conclusion, he stared at the ground intently. If his opponent was really someone who had the earth element, the only way he could be attacked would be from the ground.

The middle-aged domain warrior was on his guard. A few minutes had passed. At this moment, he shivered. An impending sense of danger crept up from the depths of his heart. He never experienced this feeling before. Without a second thought, he changed into a ball of fire.

Suddenly, he felt his body was restricted in mid-air. What was happening? He didn't see anything coming out from the ground.

He knew that he was in a dire state. Hence, he released his domain realm. The area around him turned into a sea of fire. When the rainbow raindrops fell on the flame, they turned into steam and disappeared.

"Number 37 has activated his full domain power. He must have met a powerful opponent." The young man turned even more serious when he saw the flames three kilometers away.

Number 37 was a fire-type warrior. He was within the top five in terms of attacking power. He was the number 37 in terms of overall rank because his attacks were too inflexible and his defense was weaker than the rest of the warriors.

However, when met with other domain warriors that were not on the Sky Rank, the young man was still confident about number 37's ability. He felt that he could have an even fight with someone that was in the peak of domain realm that wasn't listed in the Sky Rank. Yet, he was in a tense battle with the bodyguard of Princess Gulibaduo. The young man felt that he had underestimated domain realm warriors that weren't listed in the Sky Rank.

"Did you notice what element the other party has?" The middle-aged men looked through their binoculars too. They didn't look at ease anymore. They were not domain masters but from their experience, they could tell that number 37 was at a disadvantage. Most importantly, they couldn't see what element their opponent had. Only number 37's energy could be felt.

The young man smiled bitterly. "No!"

The young man felt that he had an abundance of information but yet, he couldn't find any data on number 37's opponent. He memorised everyone on the domain master's list but no one fitted the description. He felt helpless.

The middle-aged men didn't blame him. They were unable to figure out the identity of the opponent too. One of them consioled the young man. "The other party must be an old fox. That is why he could cover up his energy and element perfectly. The distance between us is too far so it is normal that we can't see some details. Maybe number 37 knows who he is. We just need to wait patiently."

The young man nodded. Everyone thought that even if number 37 was not his opponent's match, he would still be able to escape. They would be able to find out the identity of the opponent after he came back.

When the middle-aged domain warrior activated his true domain power, he finally escaped from the restriction. Before he could relax, coldness started spreading throughout his body. It was so cold that his bones seemed to hurt.

His entire body fell down from mid-air with the sea of fire surrounding his body dimming. The rainbow rain extinguished the remaining flame. Everytime a flame died, the middle-aged man felt colder.

The middle-aged man tried to move his fire-type energy around his body to dissipate the cold. That was when he realized that ice shards had appeared in his bloodstream. Those ice shards caused his energy to fall apart.

"Your element is not earth but ice. I was fooled by you," The middle-aged man gritted his teeth as he said that. He tried to get the ice shards out of his bloodstream. In the process of doing so, he burnt his own arteries. However, it was a price he was willing to pay. He could heal any internal injuries but if his body was overtaken by an element, he would die. He knew what was more important.

As the middle-aged man finished talking, he saw a faint figure appearing in the air.

"You are powerful. I lost. I just want to know how you remove the coldness from your ice element…" The middle-aged man was not furious as he chatted with his opponent calmly. If he just had a little bit more time, he would be able to get the ice shards out of his bloodstream. At that time, he would launch a surprise counterattack. He would not make the same mistake again and let his opponent plant ice shards in his bloodstream ever again.

However, Ling Lan didn't give him any chance. She said coldly, "Ice Blockade." Then, she destroyed all of her opponent's hope.

The spot where Ling Lan was standing at turned into an ice world. Even the rainbow rain droplets turned into rainbow ice.

"How…" The middle-aged man looked at her in fear. Before he could finish his sentence, the ice shards in his body exploded. He turned into an ice statue. He died unwillingly. If he had one more second, he would be able to change the tides.

Ling Lan walked over slowly. She said in a low voice, "Whether it is in reality or on the television, the reason why people managed to counterattack was because their opponent talked too much. Do you think I will make such a low-level mistake?"

She snapped her fingers. The ice world exploded. Broken pieces of ice merged with the rain.

In an instant, the ice world disappeared. The rainbow rain continued pouring down. It seemed as though what had happened just now was just an illusion.

"Ding" A crystal-clear bead dropped on the ground.

Ling Lan was surprised. Her ice blockade was able to turn anything into ice. Once it exploded, all ice would break into pieces and disappeared. This bead must be a treasure of some sort.

Chapter 626 - Soul Society!

As a cautious person, Ling Lan didn't go near the bead.

"Little Four, what is that?"

She had no qualms about calling Little Four out whenever she liked. She had went passed the period of feeling guilty for using child labor. After all, she had been looking after him for over 20 years now. Her kindness had disappeared under the guidance of Number Five. Ling Lan was not a good person anymore. Of course, she was not an evil person too.

The more powerful Ling Lan became, the more information Little Four could gather. Hence, Little Four didn't need signals to read data anymore.

"Huh? That is a miniature optical supercomputer. It was made using the same materials as your communicator. It is a communication bead." Little Four did some simple research and managed to find out what the bead was.

Ling Lan looked down at her wrist instinctively. There was nothing on it. Her communicator had been sent back to the headquarters of the 23rd Division to facilitate their mission.

However, Ling Lan's communicator was an upgraded one. Her first communicator was destroyed after she first used her domain power. She knew that she would be questioned if she went to collect a new one herself so she looked for her father for help.

To protect his daughter, Ling Xiao took much effort to settle this matter for her. He used his status and power to get a new communicator for his daughter. Of course, this communicator was not so simple too.

The Federation would only give new communicators to formidable warriors who managed to achieve the domain realm. These communicators were able to withstand the energy released by domain masters. It can also changed its form according to its owner's element.

After Ling Lan tried out her new communicator, she was stunned. She felt that she had jumped from a technologically advanced world to a magical world. Only domain warriors could use this communicator. This was why the Federation had the information of all domain realm masters and would only distribute to those who were qualified to be called formidable warriors.

To get this communicator and not become an illegal immigrant, no formidable warriors would conceal themselves as this device represented honor and a certain status. It was a good thing to them.

Also, if they didn't register, they would be unable to get the new communicator. Without it, they wouldn't be able to fully use their domain power. If they did, their old communicator would break apart. Then, they would be questioned when they would apply for a new one so it was almost impossible for them to hide themselves. Ling Lan could conceal herself because she had an amazing father.

When Ling Lan knew about the communicator, she was curious about the materials used.

Ling Lan knew that assassins would not bring any communication device on them when they went on a mission as it would increase the risk of exposing their identity.

Ling Lan also suspected that the face which her opponent had might also be fake. The Federation had an agent which could temporarily change the appearance of a person. Its effects only lasted for a day but it was enough to carry out short missions.

However, no one knew what they would change into after consuming the agent. It was random. Hence, people with long missions couldn't use this agent.

The communicator that Ling Lan had on her now contained her fake identity. It was just a normal communicator so when they went out today, they left it in their room in case it would be broken in a fight.

"I have decoded it. Soul Society, Sky Rank Assassin number 37. Nickname: Demon Fire… I can even login into the main page of Soul Society. Wow, there are all kinds of mission on their main page.. I found it. Mission: Kill Princess Guliba. S level mission. Remarks: A domain master is protecting the princess. The level has increased from A+ to an S. The reward would also be doubled."

The information that Little Four found appeared in Ling Lan's mindscape. Ling Lan looked at the blood red words in the remarks section. She frowned.

The Soul Society was the most famous assassin society in the human world. Their assassins comprised of two groups. One group of the assassins were raised within the society when they were young. Another group of them underwent many challenges and tests and to become temporary assassins. The temporary assassins were just bounty hunters who wanted to earn some extra income.

The Soul Society was so famous, everyone in the Federation heard about it. The society seemed to be exposed to the public but in actual fact, no countries were able to destroy the power that Soul Society had planted in their nation. No one knew where their headquarters were and who worked for them. They didn't know who the assassins were too.

The Soul Society never gave missions face to face or through a third party. You needed a secret communicator to contact these people.

Even if they had the communication bead, they could only see the main page of the Soul Society. They could apply for a mission to be added on the main page and the staff members of Soul Society would gauge the difficulty level of the mission and the rewards for it. The rewards had to be sent to a designated account given by the Soul Society within three days. After that, Soul Society would upload the mission.

All communications were carried out using the communication bead so no information could be leaked. Many countries had tried using hackers to hack into the Soul Society's mainframe but Soul Society had its own hackers too. In the end, both parties suffered great losses. The countries didn't dare to do anything to the Soul Society anymore and let them run by themselves. After all, the Soul Society only wanted to target the assassin industry and had no intention of overtaking any countries.

Thus, Ling Lan knew that the situation was bad for them. They could escape the assassination this time but there would be more powerful opponents sent to kill the princess the next time. The longer they dragged, the worse it would get.

"Boss, the Soul Society's rules are weird. Once a domain realm assassin took on a mission, no other domain masters can interfere with the mission unless it was confirmed that the domain realm assassin failed or requires help." Little Four read out the rules for Ling Lan.

"How long will it take for them to ascertain that Demon Fire is dead?" Ling Lan heaved a sigh of relief secretly. If only one domain assassin came one at a time, she could still handle it.

"When the spiritual power on the nameplate of Demon Fire disappear, Soul Society will declare Demon Fire as dead," Little Four replied.

Ling Lan asked in surprise, "Can a person's spiritual power still linger after they die?"

"Of course. When you died in your past life, your spiritual power still remained for some time, right?" Little Four looked at Ling Lan with disdain. "You thought that you were a ghost that time. I was the one who kept your spiritual power, passed it through the time crack, and gave you the opportunity to be reborn as your father's child." Little Four looked up proudly. Hurry up and praise me.

Ling Lan touched her head. She said in a helpless tone, "Yes, Little Four is the best."

Little Four shook his butt happily when he heard the compliment. Even though 20 years had past, Little Four still expressed his happiness in the same way.

"Did you keep Demon Fire's spiritual power too?" Ling Lan thought about another domain master appearing in her mindscape… she shivered. It didn't feel good.

"No I didn't. I don't know him so why would I do that?" Little Four rolled his eyes at Ling Lan. Didn't she know that it required a lot of energy to keep someone's spiritual power? He took a lot of effort to build up his energy. How can he use it just like that? A good knife must be used to cut good meat… is that how you say it?

"I just kept the spiritual power in this communication bead so that the mainframe of the Soul Society will not know that he is dead," Little Four explained.

Ling Lan's eyes lit up. "Little Four, how long can you keep this spiritual power for?"

"At most two days. No matter how well you keep this spiritual power, it will disappear," Little Four replied.

"Two days?" The time was a little short but they should have left Planet Kachi after two days. Hence, before arriving at the next planet, Feiyang Ship was safe.

"Actually, I can imitate Demon Fire's spiritual power." Little Four thought for a moment before telling Ling Lan this news. He felt that his boss might need this information.

Ling Lan was elated. "Good. Do that until the end of this mission."

If she was alone, she would not be afraid of any domain realm masters appearing. It was beneficial for her to battle with strong opponents. However, she needed to send Princess Guliba back safely to Balaya Kingdom. She couldn't just think about herself.

"I understand," Little Four smiled and replied.

"Tell me what you want to say." Ling Lan knew that Little Four was up to no good when she saw this evil smile.

"Boss, I just intercepted a message that was sent to Demon Fire just a moment ago. He was ordered to go back immediately after the battle and report information about you."

"Tell me the main point." Ling Lan didn't think that Little Four just wanted to tell her this information. He must have some request.

"I tracked the source of the message. The source is not far away from here." Little Four looked at her with two bright eyes.

"What do you want?" Ling Lan raised her eyebrows and asked.

"I want to see their headquarters. Boss, let's attack them!"

"Bang." Little Four was thrown away by Ling Lan.

When he appeared in front of her again, he was rubbing his head. He asked pitifully, "Boss, why did you throw me again?"

Ling Lan said coldly, "Attack? Do you want me to die?" If it was really the headquarters, she would be looking for death if she attacked rashly.

"No. I have checked. There are only some old people and young children at the location. There are no powerful people there. If you go over, you will easily dominate over them," Little Four attempted to coax with her.

"Old people? Children?" Ling Lan glared at Little Four. "Do you think that I am stupid? Will the headquarters let these two kinds of people exist in their society?"

Her sharp gaze forced Little Four to lower his head. Ling Lan continued calmly, "Send me the image of the location." Since Little Four said that he had checked the area, he definitely had seen the place.

Little Four didn't dare to say anything. He immediately took out the images that his boss wanted.

A huge room appeared in Ling Lan's mindscape with a young man and a few middle-aged men were standing in the room.

Ling Lan stared at Little Four. "Old people and children?"

Little Four pointed at them. "I just reported their numbers wrongly."

Ling Lan didn't want to argue with Little Four. She asked, "Is there no one else besides them?"

Little Four nodded. He was sure.

Ling Lan pondered about it. She looked at the location Little Four provided her. It was only three kilometers away from her. With her powers, it wouldn't require a long time… she looked at the positions of her own team members and made a decision. "Let's take the risk then."

The next second, Ling Lan disappeared…

At this moment, Qi Long and the other team members were in a bad state. They managed to snipe a portion of the assassins using the high ground advantage and their skills but there were more people were moving towards them. They were unable to snipe all of them and some of them even managed to enter the building they were in.

"How many people entered?" When there was no one around them, Qi Long sat up and asked Lin Zhong-qing.

His finger hurt from the massive activity just now. He was in a focus state so he didn't feel it. Even his shoulder was in pain due to the recoil of the sniper rifle.

Lin Zhong-qing replied in a certain tone, "33 people have entered this building."

Chapter 627 - Expel?

It was a formidable feat for five of them to kill almost 160 opponents all by themselves. The people they killed were not normal commoners. They were assassins that had been specially trained by the Soul Society. There were even some assassins from the Black Rank and even the Red Rank.

Qi Long smiled. "I can finally do some workout." The moment he finished speaking, he disappeared.

Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun smiled at each other. They disappeared too.

Li Yingjie looked at the empty balcony. He turned and asked Lin Zhong-qing, "Where did they go?"

Lin Zhong-qing pointed below them. "They went out to kill people."

Li Yingjie was furious. He exclaimed, "Why didn't they ask me?"

Lin Zhong-qing glanced at him with contempt. "Do you need to be asked? Don't you know how to analyze the situation yourself? Since 33 people had entered this building, we will be surrounded if we remained on the roof. The best way is to be proactive and sneak down to kill those people."

Li Yingjie's expression changed when he heard what Lin Zhong-qing said. He knew that sneaking downstairs to ambush and kill their opponents was the best course of action. However, shouldn't they gather together and discuss first before acting? Why did they move without even informing each other? How could Boss Lan allow such actions?

In his team, none of his team members were allowed to act on their own.

Lin Zhong-qing noticed Li Yingjie's puzzled expression. He calmly explained, "Our leader taught us to have our own judgment. He would only correct us if we were wrong." He suddenly stared at Li Yingjie intently. Li Yingjie shrunk under his gaze. "If you are not able to get use to our team structure, you might be kicked out of the group after the three year protection period for recruits has ended. All the best to you."

Kicked out? Him? That is impossible! Li Yingjie was furious.

Li Yingjie was a proud person. He never acknowledged anyone. Ling Lan was too powerful so he had no choice but to bow down to her. This was why he was willing to joining the Lingtian Battle Team. However, he never expected himself to be so unwelcomed. He thought that his addition to the team would give glory to the Lingtian Battle Team and Boss Lan would accept him readily.

However, from what Lin Zhong-qing had said, Ling Lan seemed hesitant in accepting him. Li Yingjie felt depressed. Was he worse that Chang Xinyuan who just managed to achieve refinement?

Li Yingjie kicked that thought out of his mind. He was a genius in physical skills and mecha operations. A genius! Damn it!

Li Yingjie was unconvinced. He thought about the abilities of the other members in the Lingtian Battle Team.

His second brother… likes to experiment with all kinds of agents and medicines. He was someone who liked to torture people using unscrupulous means. He should not compare himself with his second brother. Of course, Li Yingjie would never admit that he was afraid of his second brother and his torture methods.

Qi Long… erm, he was better than him. Let's ignore him.

Luo Lang… was also as strong as him. But, he would not compare himself to a ladylike man.

Zhao Jun was three years older than him so it was reasonable that he had gained some fame within these three years. There was nothing for him to compare with.

Li Lanfeng… had a weak body. What was his physical skills' level? Wait, he seemed to be at the late-stage of Qi-Jin? Wasn't that the same stage as him? He was an ace mecha operator too, right? Damn, how could he become an ace mecha operator with that body? Li Yingjie suddenly felt that the world was unfair to him.

He couldn't beat any of these people. He looked at Lin Zhong-qing. At least he was stronger that Lin Zhong-qing who just managed to attain Qi-Jin and was a special-class operator… Li Yingjie felt better about himself.

"Even Lin Zhong-qing was not kicked out of the team. So why would I be kicked out. I am not convinced."

Li Yingjie's feelings were deeply hurt so he didn't realize that he spoke his thoughts out loud.

Lin Zhong-qing smiled when he heard this sentence. He took out his backpack and passed it to Li Yingjie. "You are stronger than me but I was never a fighter in the first place. I am the logistics leader." He signaled Li Yingjie to open the backpack.

Li Yingjie looked inside. There were some emergency agents, a bag of compressed biscuit, a few nutrition packs, binoculars, as well as other small tools. Everything was placed neatly in the backpack. In the side pocket, a transparent box was stuffed inside. There were two sticks that looked like cigarette inside the box.

Li Yingjie was stunned. He thought about something and his face changed. "Why do you have this?"

Li Yingjie felt weak in his legs. If one of these sticks exploded, everything within a hundred meters would be turned into ruins… he had never seen the real thing before but in the military academy, they were taught about this. This was the most frightening and most primitive kind of bomb, the TNT bomb.

Lin Zhong-qing took his backpack back and looked at the surroundings with his binoculars. After confirming that there was no one around them, he continued, "Did you think that the opponent only placed one bomb on the cruise?"

Li Yingjie was not stupid. He instantly understood what Lin Zhong-qing was trying to say. "How did you find it?" The search crew from Feiyang Ship didn't find anything on the ship. How did Lin Zhong-qing find them?

Lin Zhong-qing smiled. Just as Li Yingjie thought that he was going to explain, Lin Zhong-qing retracted his smile and said coldly, "Why are you still talking to me? Shouldn't you be killing opponents with Qi Long and the rest of them? Our team don't keep useless people."

Li Yingjie wanted to vomit out blood. Why did you talk so much then? He refuted angrily. "You didn't go down too."

Lin Zhong-qing waved the binoculars that was in his hand. "Don't you know my position in the team?" He was already doing what he was supposed to do.

Li Yingjie's expression changed again. He didn't think much of it just now. After Lin Zhong-qing's reminder, he realized that everyone else had started doing what they were supposed to do. Only he didn't understand the situation.

Li Yingjie felt depressed. He was too stupid.

"I will not lose to you all!" Li Yingjie shouted angrily before disappearing from the balcony.

"Not lose to us?" Lin Zhong-qing smiled. He felt that he was bullying a little child. That little child didn't know what to say so he threw this sentence at him and then ran away.

Li Yingjie was not so irritating after all.

Lin Zhong-qing smiled as he raised his binoculars and observed the surroundings again. He didn't notice anything but his hand was holding a powerful handgun hidden in his bag.

The assassins that managed to sneak in gave each other a hand sign when they met. After that, they formed different sized groups and went up.

Everyone had a beam handgun in their hands. A beam handgun was powerful enough and with light recoil. It was accurate and the sound of bullets was light. It was the best handgun for middle-range attacks.

One of the groups consisted of two assassins from the Soul Society. They carefully entered the third floor.

One of them walked in the front while the other walked behind him. The one in front checked the path with the other one defended their tracks. They didn't know if their opponent would come down from the balcony and ambush them. This was like a hide-and-seek game. The one who spotted the other party first would win.

A gentle wind blew passed them. The person at the back immediately shot at the direction of the wind. The beam hit the wall and a huge hole was formed.

The person heaved a sigh of relief. He wanted to ask the person in front of the current situation. However, he heard the person in front falling down to the cold hard ground. He wanted to grab the side of his throat but he didn't manage to do it. He moaned and fell to the ground.

The person felt his hairs standing. He didn't see their opponent but his comrade was already killed.

As he was panicking, he fired his gun all around him but there was no movement. The person that killed his comrade seemed to have left. He stopped shooting. He wanted to look at his comrade. At this moment, a muscular hand grabbed his neck. He felt a prick on his neck and his body lost its energy. He fell to the ground as well.

A murderous intent flashed past Qi Long's eyes. He grabbed his opponent's jaw and twisted his head. His opponent died.

Qi Long gently placed the corpse at the side. He moved quickly and went to the person who was in the front. He took out the miniature dart from his neck and with a twist, this person died too. Qi Long kept these equipments because he knew that they couldn't expose their identity. The miniature anaesthesia needle was the secret weapon of their battle team.

In another part of the building, similar events happened. However, the assassins that were still alive didn't know what had happened to their comrades. They continued moving upwards towards the balcony.

Lin Zhong-qing was carefully observing his surroundings. Suddenly, something flashed passed his eyes. He rushed over and came to a corner of the building. He raised his handgun that had a silencer on it and aimed it down.

An assassin was attempting to climb up through a window. The assassin sensed something and looked up and saw a black barrel was pointing at him. He instantly jumped at Lin Zhong-qing.

Lin Zhong-qing pulled the trigger calmly. The assassin got rebounded off the roof. He clutched his chest in pain as he glared at Lin Zhong-qing with bloodshot eyes.

"Boom!" The assassin fell from the fifth floor and slammed into the ground. The area around his body were all stained with blood.

People who were assassins must reach manifestation level for their physical skills. Hence, even though this assassin was hit once by a gun and fell 5 floors down, he still didn't die. He was just on the brink of death. The only thing that seemed alive were his eyes. They were filled with hatred.

Lin Zhong-qing looked at him nonchalantly. He went back to his position and continued his work.

No one wanted to die. Lin Zhong-qing didn't want to die too. Thus, the assassin had to die,

The death of this assassin stopped other people who had similar thoughts. Climbing up from the window was a shortcut to them. But, to the person on the roof, they were easy targets. He could just snipe them without any difficulty.

However, this shot also proved that people were still on the roof. Many assassins got bolder. They stopped hiding themselves and quickly rushed up the stairs.

"Boom, boom, boom." The moment they entered the staircase, bullets rained down on them. Although they were prepared, the first two people who entered still got hit and died on the spot.

The other assassins reacted quickly and dodged their bullets. Some hid themselves in their blindspots.

Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun had already hid themselves behind the walls. Li Lanfeng looked at Zhao Jun as Zhao Jun as entering the room behind him. He climbed down the window and entered the floor below them.

The people from Soul Society didn't dare to move outside the building but the people from Lingtian had no qualms about it. They trusted Lin Zhong-qing.

Zhao Jun entered the floor below them. Li Lanfeng occasionally fired some shots down so the assassins were all focused on him.

In the commanding center of the Soul Society, the young man kept a lookout for the news from the frontline. He was relieved when he knew that 33 people managed to enter the building.

He regretted choosing this point to attack. He thought that it was the weakest but instead, it was the strongest. Almost 200 assassins got killed there.

"Is there still no reply from number 37?" The middle-aged man paced around the young man agitatedly and asked him.

Chapter 628 - Temptation!

The young man retracted the look of disdain from his eyes. He looked up at the middle-aged man and said respectfully, "No. However, number 37's signal is still there. It means that he is still alive. He might be in a close fight with his opponent. Let's just wait for his reply patiently."

The young man's words calmed the middle-aged man down.

At this moment, one of the middle-aged men looked towards the window. He asked with a puzzled expression, "Don't you all think that the window got thicker?"

The other people looked at the window. No one noticed anything different. "Did you see wrongly?"

"No. I am naturally sensitive to the thickness of things. I felt that the window got thicker." The middle-aged man walked forward. When he touched the window, he felt a piercing chill.

"So cold." The middle-aged man retracted his hand.

"How is that possible? Even if it is raining, the temperature on Planet Kachi always remained constant at 25 degrees Celsius." Another middle-aged man didn't believe him and touched the window himself.

"It is really cold." The man removed his hand almost immediately. He was surprised.

As the middle aged men were confused, the young man suddenly shouted, "Hide yourselves!"

The middle-aged men got a shock. They looked away from the window instinctively. The young man stared at the window as though he was trying to look for something.

"What happened?" One of the middle-aged men asked.

The young man smiled bitterly. "I think that our opponent might be here."

"Who is it?" The middle-aged man was frightened.

The young man looked at the window. "It is probably the domain realm master that fought with number 37." Only he was able to get near them without anyone noticing.

"Number 37…" The middle-aged man didn't look good.

"He is not dead but most likely heavily injured," The young man replied. This was the best situation. He was afraid that number 37 had died but they hadn't received the information.

The middle-aged men were agitated. However, they quickly calmed down. "So what if he managed to find us?" Even though this was just a temporary command center, Soul Society had sent a domain realm warrior to protect this center.

The moment he finished speaking, an old man with grey hair appeared beside them.

"9th Elder!" The young man greeted him with respect.

The old man known as the 9th Elder ignored him. He stared at the window intently and said, "Since you are here, why do you still hide?"

The figure of a human appeared on the glass of the window. The figure slowly got clearer.

9th Elder looked at the person that came out from the window. He was extremely shocked. "Impossible!"

The other people in the room were stunned too. The young man even asked, "9th Elder, can domain warriors maintain their youthful looks?"

9th Elder replied immediately, "No way!" He was confident that the data from Soul Society was up-to-date and complete. It was even more complete than the data the Federation had. However, this person didn't fit the description of anyone in the list of domain realm warriors. Did he advance to the domain realm recently?

9th Elder denied this thought. If he could defeat Sky Rank number 37, he could not be a new domain realm master. Even though Sky Rank number 37 was on the slightly weaker side of the Sky Rank, he still had been in the domain realm for eight years. He was not someone who could be defeated easily.

"Who are you?" 9th Elder couldn't reach a conclusion so he asked.

The person that came just looked at them coldly. Everyone felt a huge pressure weighing over them. Even the 9th Elder felt pressured. He was surprised.

"Your element is ice. In our data, there are three ice element domain formidable warriors. They are the Frost Monarch from the Chaotic Lands, the family head of the Northeastern Muqi, and General Raye from Caesar. You are definitely not General Raye. Are you the family head of Northeastern Muqi or the Frost Monarch?" 9th Elder asked coldly. He couldn't find any similarities between those two characters and this young boy in front of him but they were a better fit than General Raye. Those two people were Chinese.

However, the other party remained silent. The atmosphere in the room got tenser and colder.

9th Elder's face turned red when he saw that the other party had no intention of speaking to him. He felt that he was looked down upon. Anger boiled inside his heart. Even if that old beast Northeastern Muqi came, he was not afraid. No one could be stronger than that Old Beast…

Within the ice element, if that Old Beast claimed to be the second, no one dared to be the first. Even the Frost Monarch would not dare to call himself a monarch in front of that Old Beast.

9th Elder decided to have a fight with the other party. After he tasted defeat, he would not be so arrogant anymore.

In actual fact, Ling Lan was having a conversation with Little Four.

"Little Four? Didn't you say that there were no powerful people? Who is this person then?" Ling Lan's heart dropped when she saw another domain master. She wanted to run away.

Little Four looked down at his hand and said innocently, "I did say that there were old people…" He didn't say that the old person was not dangerous.

"You are getting good at talking." Ling Lan smiled coldly.

Little Four shook his head fervently. "I didn't say anything wrong. There is only one powerful old man. Boss, once you defeat him, the rest will be at your command."

"I think that I will be the one getting beaten up." Ling Lan became vigilant after she finished her sentence. She could feel the pressure from the old man getting stronger. The old man wanted to have a fight with her.

Ling Lan was excited. Although she questioned Little Four, she trusted him and knew that he would not make decisions that would harm her. There was only one domain level master here. Fighting him would be a good experience for her.

9th Elder suddenly disappeared. Ling Lan released all her presence. She didn't know what the old man's element was. The situation that happened just now was reenacted. However, this time, she was the one at a disadvantage.

In the learning space, Little Four shouted in anger as he kicked around, "Why didn't you let me tell my boss the information about her opponent?"

Number Five smiled. "This is an order by Number One. If you have any questions, you can personally ask Number One."

Little Four froze.

"Also, when are you going to tell your boss that you are secretly hiding Little Blossom?" Number Five was still smiling but Little Four could sense the evil intentions behind his smile.

Little Four fell flat on the ground. He almost forgot about this.

"You better hurry up. Number One had been suppressing Little Blossom for all these years and could no longer continue anymore. It will be undesirable for Little Blossom's evolution. Why not you don't tell your boss about this and just become Little Blossom's owner?" Number Five tempted Little Four.

Little Four resisted the temptation. "No. I will bring Little Blossom over for my boss. Only my boss can be Little Blossom's owner."

"Then why are you wasting your energy to help Little Blossom evolve? Your evolution was hindered because of it. Are you willing to sacrifice your future for other people?" Number Five's words were always able to waver people's decision. Even though Little Four had a pure heart, he couldn't help but waver too.

"I am speaking the truth. If you become Little Blossom's owner, you will be even more useful to your boss. Also, you will not need to tell your boss about Little Blossom too. Your boss will not scold you for making decisions yourself. Isn't it your dream to become the best subordinate of your boss? If that is the case, don't let her have the chance to scold you." Number Five continued tempting Little Four. Little Four was confused. He felt that Number Five made sense.

"But…" Little Four still felt that there was something amiss with the statement.

"There is no but. Little Blossom is waking up soon. Number One said that he will not suppress Little Blossom this time. You either hurry up and tell your boss or you will go and find Little Blossom and become the first person he sees. That way, you will be his owner…" Number Five reminded Little Four that he didn't have much time left.

Little Four went into deep thought. Outside, Ling Lan had started fighting with her opponent. The huge energy broke the window. Everything in the room was a mess.

"The energy that the opponent released was only at Qi-Jin level. I can't sense his element…" Ling Lan frowned. She felt that this opponent would be tough. Not only was he powerful, but he also hid his element better than her. She was able to fool her opponent because she concealed her cold aura. However, she still had some loopholes. This old man had no loopholes at all.

As expected of an old monster who had been in the domain realm for more than 10 years. Ling Lan couldn't help but commend the old man in her heart.

The young man saw that the 9th Elder was fighting the domain warrior so he winked at the other men. The few of them sneaked to the door and attempted to leave.

The most powerful person among them was at the peak of Qi-Jin. The young man had just reached Qi-Jin level. If they stayed in this room with the domain masters fighting, they might die just by the force generated in the fight.

When they reached the door, they were shocked. The door was covered with a thick layer of ice. No matter how much they kicked it, the ice didn't break. The young man observed that the window which was broken was blocked with a layer of thick ice too. They couldn't escape through the window either.

Chapter 629 - Little Four's Choice

Right when the group wanted to leave this place, a strong aura suddenly appeared and moved towards them. This aura instantly caused them to fall to their knees. The young man was in an even worse condition as he instantly fell forward with blood dripping out from his mouth.

They used all of the Qi-Jin in their bodies to desperately endure against this pressure. The fully unleashed auras of the two Domain experts were indeed forces that these individuals couldn't withstand with their lower levels.

The young man tried his hardest to open both of his eyes and barely managed to look towards the fight in front of him. The young man saw the 9th Elder huff and a large tornado formed, making its way towards the silhouette…

"Bam!" A large ice shield suddenly appeared in front of the silhouette. The tornado hit the ice shield with great force. The power of the collision made the entire building tremble. The foundation and walls instantly had cracks and debris fell to the floor as though it was rain.

The young man knew that this was the result after the two people had tried their best to restrain the power of their domain. The 9th Elder and his opponent didn't want to make a scene. After all, they were on Planet Kachi. If they alerted Planet Kachi's government, things might become troublesome for both parties.

"That person is very strong!" The young man had a surprised and complicated look on his face, as though he was looking at an immovable mountain when he was looking at the silhouette. In his mind, he imagined how young the opponent was… suddenly he discovered that other than being young, he actually couldn't piece together his features. The young man only felt a heart piercing coldness that made him not dare to look up at the opponent.

"If the opponent really did advance to domain level when he was very young…" After thinking up to this point, the young man's heart trembled. Although he could see the disbelief in the 9th Elder's expression, the young man didn't know why he actually believed that this was the reality they were living in.

The powerful clashes between the 9th Elder and Ling Lan made the two of them become more vigilant. Ling Lan's extremely strong ice element Domain was very sturdy. The 9th Elder's mysterious element was also hard for Ling Lan to grasp.

Ling Lan looked at the flawless defense of the 9th Elder and had a thought. Suddenly, a bone-piercing cold fell upon the atrium.

Not long after, the atrium became engulfed in ice. Everything was frozen. Even the ceiling had many icicles hanging from above.

The people who were subjugated to their knees or on the ground also had a layer of frost form on their bodies. The young man was also shuddering profusely. He felt as though his blood was going to be frozen solid. He felt that he would become an ice sculpture in the next second.

The air was filled with a cold aura. Even breathing would make someone feel a heart-wrenching pain.

However, this didn't affect the 9th Elder. A defensive barrier appeared outside of his body and blocked off the cold aura Ling Lan had produced. Compared to Demon Fire, the 9th Elder was much more careful since he had almost lived for a century. He valued his life and would not show any openings to his opponents.

"The attack the just now and the aura shield, his Domain should belong to a colorless and soundless element. Is it the wind or the air?" Ling Lan thought to herself.

"Then I'll feel it out once again." Ling Lan snapped her fingers with great force. Suddenly, the things that were frozen exploded and broke into countless ice particles scattered in the air. These particles silently gathered towards her opponent.

Seeing this, the 9th Elder laughed coldly. He closed his right hand and suddenly his aura shield became a black hole. It sucked in all of the ice particles into one place. Then it formed a ball of ice that was becoming bigger and bigger.

"You can have it back!" shouted the 9th Elder. The huge ice ball was sent flying towards Ling Lan in an instant. Right when the ice ball was about to hit Ling Lan, it suddenly dispersed and became particles again. Then these particles completely disappeared into thin air.

This move was within the 9th Elder's calculations. He knew that tossing the ice ball back to Ling Lan wouldn't pose any threat to him. However, what he wanted was the small window of time when his opponent gets rid of the ice ball.

As the ice ball disappeared, Ling Lan immediately felt a strong sense of crisis approaching. She immediately conjured up an ice shield in front of her.

"Bang!" The entire building shook once again. The originally battered building now had even larger cracks than before as though it was about to collapse.

Ling Lan's block was too hurried. Her ice shield didn't completely neutralize the unexpected attack. She couldn't help but take three steps back and then managed to stop her body. Some blood uncontrollably dripped from the side of her mouth.

The opponent's attack did not leave any traces. If it wasn't for Ling Lan's incredible spiritual power which felt the change in the energy in the air, perhaps this attack would have hit her directly.

"Looks like its not the wind element." Ling Lan had battled with domain masters with the wind element before. The 23rd Division's special forces main leader was a wind element Domain expert. Even if her opponent concealed his attack, she would still be able to feel the change in the wind. It wasn't like now where the attack would come out of nowhere.

"If my guess is correct, it's definitely the air element. He really is a troublesome opponent." Ling Lan didn't think that she would meet up with an opponent who was an expert in the most mysterious element, air.

"However, I'm lucky that he can't control the elements within the air." Ling Lan celebrated a bit.

The 9th Elder felt the coldness in the air decreasing. He then saw his opponent being hurt by his attack which made him quite overjoyed. The element of his domain was something unpredictable and hard to defend against. These factors gave him the upper hand against other domain experts and also helped him defeating all of his opponents which in turn made him into the Soul Society's 9th Elder.

"You actually dare to challenge the Soul Society. Then prepare to pay the price with your life," the 9th Elder laughed coldly. A force that was even stronger than the last one moved towards Ling Lan from all sides.

In reality, the reason he created a tornado using his element in the beginning was to confuse his opponent. It was to make his opponent think that his attacks created sound and movement. The real sure-kill techniques were the attacks afterwards which included the technique he had just performed. It was his strongest technique, Air Vacuum technique.

"Bam!" The area around Ling Lan all froze into ice. It was as though she was in an ice coffin and was able to block off the attack from all sides.

The 9th Elder's expression changed instantly, "How is that possible?" How could his opponent knew that he would attack from all sides? It was clear that for his previous attack, his opponent only created an ice shield in front of him.

"Air element is indeed very strong! Thank you for fighting with me for this long," Ling Lan said coldly while being inside the coffin.

Number Five, who was watching in the learning space, showed a smile on his face, "Little Four, your Boss is going to use a strong technique… the battle is going to be over soon. Did you make your decision yet?"

Little Four instantly raised his head and saw Ling Lan's right hand clenched into a fist, "Ice Age!"

The strongest technique created by Ling Lan's domain. It was strong enough to put the world back into the ice age…

The 9th Elder felt a chill forming around his body like never before. He snorted coldly, "Insolence!" His domain formed as he shouted. The two forces were at odds with each other, both trying to get past the other's defenses.

Ling Lan smirked and snapped her fingers once again. The 9th Elder suddenly felt a bone-piercing chill in the deep recesses of his body. His expression changed instantly and screamed, "That's not possible!"

In the next second, he became an ice sculpture. The fear on his face was etched in detail onto the sculpture as though he was going to break the ice and jump out in the next second.

"Why isn't it possible?" Ling Lan snapped her fingers once again and the ice sculpture instantly became countless of ice particles and dispersed into the air. No traces were left behind and it was as though the 9th Elder never existed in this world.

No, something was left behind. A communication bead fell out of the ice sculpture…

Little Four's face was glowing. He shouted loudly, "My Boss is just that awesome. Little Blossom's master should also be this awesome. However, I will definitely try my best to grow and hope that one day I will become as strong as Boss. Then, I will be Little Blossom's Boss…"

Little Four kicked Number Five and freed himself from Number Five's grasp. He immediately started jumping towards Ling Lan's mindspace. "Wuwuwu, Boss, I was bullied by Instructor Number Five just now. You have to help me get back at him."

Little Four had indeed hesitated before because he was afraid that Ling Lan would yell at him. However, he remembered the words Ling Lan had said to him many years ago. As long as he treated her sincerely, the Boss would treat him as her own little brother. She even let him have half of her father's love without fussing (Little Four believed this himself. However, in reality, Ling Xiao didn't know he had a son like him). How could he still hide Little Blossom like this?

"Also, even if the Boss did yell at me, what would happen? The Boss wouldn't yell at me if she didn't care about me. Did those instructors think that the Boss is interested in yelling at strangers? Idiot Number Five. Pffft…" Little Four suddenly turned around and stuck his tongue out at Number Five. He made a face towards Number Five, brushed off the dirt from his butt and jumped into Ling Lan's mindspace.

Number Five stared blankly for a second then laughed. He then slowly disappeared into the lobby of the learning space.

Number Five appeared in Instructor Number One's space.

"Now are you now rest assured?" said Number One as he opened his eyes and looked at Number Five calmly.

Number Five smiled and scratched his head. He said helplessly, "Looks like I worried too much."

"Not really. It's just that you didn't believe in Majesty Four from the very beginning." Number One said calmly.

"The root of the destruction of the Mandora star system was because of the last Intellect King. I'm just afraid that Little Four's evolution would become the same as the Intellect King in the future, full of selfishness and destruction." Number Five said plainly. It was the first time the smile on his face had faded in many years.

"The rift in the relationship between humans and us, intelligence entities, in the end it isn't something that we can really say who's fault it was right? Back then, the ten of us decided to put our spiritual power into this learning space to watch over Majesty Four's evolution. We shouldn't interfere with his growth too much. You went overboard this time." Instructor Number One calmly warned Number Five.

"Majesty Four's evolution had made him show selfishness. If we let him grow on his own, it may impact Ling Lan negatively. Number One, Ling Lan is the disciple the ten of us developed with great care. Are you not afraid that Majesty Four will harm her in the end?" Number Five's suddenly became irritated.

Little Four wasn't any average learning space intelligent entity. Once he gains his complete form, he would be a god-like existence. This god-like entity wouldn't only have powers within the virtual world. As long as there were wires or signals, the complete form of Little Four could easily use all this to control the real world of the humans.

Back then, the instructors saw what the Intellect King had done. In the Mandora star system, faced with humans who would not bow to him, the Intellect King would even consider mutual destruction then to let the humans get their way. Now, whenever the instructors think about this, it would make them shudder in fear.

Chapter 630 - Did I Say That?

"Number Five, that's something Ling Lan should be thinking about." Number One's voice echoed in Number Five's ear like thunder and instantly woke Number Five up.

Number Five rubbed his face and said apologetically, "Sorry Number One, I was wrong." Although Number Five seemed to have the most perverse mentality, he was actually the instructor out of all ten of them who cared about Ling Lan the most. Of course this had something to do with having such a talented disciple like Ling Lan who would only appear once every few centuries. Ling Lan was Number Five's most prized disciple. He was very satisfied and proud of her.

"Little Four's evolution is directly related to Ling Lan. What Little Four evolves into in the future would actually depend on Ling Lan. How or why he will get to that point, whether the road is hard or easy, it would all be based on Ling Lan's nurturing. You and I don't have the qualifications to meddle with his evolution." Seeing Number Five's mood, Number One's tone became softer.

Number Five laughed bitterly, "Then we should just watch?" They clearly knew that Little Four's evolution would bring harm to Ling Lan, but they couldn't take the reins?

"Yes!" Number One looked towards the far reaches of his plane. After a long while he finally said, "I believe in Ling Lan! She can do it." His disciple wasn't going to disappoint him.

Number One's words calmed Number Five down completely. After a short while he said, "Number One, maybe you're right."

After he said the previous statement, Number Five left Number One's spatial plane. Number One looked towards the endless void then closed his eyes…

When Number Five returned to his own spatial plane, a familiar, beautiful and slim silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Number Nine? I hardly see you come by. Could it be that you missed your elder brother?" The surprise in Number Five's expression vanished instantly. His face now had a cynical smile that could not be easily forgotten and spoke in flirtatious manner.

The coldness exuding from Number Nine's body became even heavier. She looked at Number Five coldly and saw that Number Five was starting to feel perturbed. However, the more Number Five was perturbed, the brighter his smile was. It was as though he had some perverted thoughts…

Number Nine hated this quality of Number Five and snorted coldly, "I came to the wrong place!" Afterwards, she flicked her right hand and instantly sliced open a spatial tear and left this space.

Number Five watched as Number Nine disappeared into the spatial tear. He rubbed his forehead and said to himself, "Came to the wrong place? Who is she trying to lie to? Number Nine came to me for a reason, but what is that reason?" For the first time, Number Five felt that he wasn't smart enough and actually couldn't guess the reason why his younger sister Number Nine had come…

Number Nine returned to her own space in dismay. She originally thought that Number Five's inquires towards Majesty Four were for the sake of Ling Lan. This made Number Nine felt grateful towards Number Five, thus she wanted to thank Number Five in person. Now that she thought about it, she was really too naive and thought too well of Number Five.

Seeing the perverted and sinister smile on his face, the reason he was probing on Ling Lan's situation was probably to satisfy some perverted needs of his own and not for Ling Lan's sake… After thinking about how she almost wasted her heartfelt gratitude, the coldness exuded from Number Nine's body became even colder.

In the future, she would definitely not put up a nice front towards Number Five… No! She will not even talk to that pervert Number Five!

Ling Lan picked up the communication bead on the ground and asked Little Four to continue keeping the 9th Elder's spiritual power intact. Then she slowly walked towards the young man's group who were all hurt from the shockwaves.

Those people looked at this extremely young Domain expert with fear and terror in their eyes. Most of them believed that this young man definitely used some sort of medicinal agent to change his appearance. But these people had forgotten that although there were medicinal agents that could change a person's appearance, but it wouldn't make an individual seem too far off from their actual age. For example, a young person would not suddenly become an old man and an old man wouldn't suddenly become a young man…

Ling Lan bent down and showed her right palm with the communication bead on it and asked, "What is this?"

The young man didn't say anything and pretended as though he didn't hear anything.

"You don't want to tell me? Then there isn't any reason for you to live." Ling Lan said indifferently. She then stood up. The ice shards around their bodies slowly began to cover their entire body.

The young man's face paled and he slowly closed his eyes, silently waiting for death to come to take him away. He didn't think that his plan to move up in the company in the end would actually dig his own grave. He was unwilling to die. He was still young and had a limitless future. He didn't want to die just yet… However, he couldn't betray his organization just for a chance to live. That would make him disdain and loathe himself.

However, not everyone had this realization. When these people felt that their hands and feet had been frozen and the coldness slowly crawled through their bodies, they began to struggle.

The feeling of watching oneself slowly reaching to the brink of death was tormenting and could easily cause a person to fall apart mentally.

As expected, one of the middle-aged men couldn't endure the pressure anymore and instantly shouted, "It's a communication bead!"

The young man immediately opened his eyes. His eyes were full of criticism and rage. As trusted members, how could they betray so easily like that?

The statement of the middle-aged man also broke the mental endurance of the men. A few other middle-aged men also shouted, "That's right, it's a communication bead."

Ling Lan half-smiled at the angry young man. As expected, he was still a hot-blooded youngster and was willing to spill his own blood for his dreams. This youngster probably wouldn't even care if he paid the price with his life. She glanced at these middle-aged men with joy. Fortunately, these people had already lost that passion. They were people that understood how valuable life was as compared to anything else. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to force anything out from these people.

Ling Lan snapped her finger and the ice that originally frozen their hands and feet had disappeared into thin air. After seeing that their hands and feet had returned to normal, these people were instantly overjoyed.

"Does every one of you have a communication bead?" Ling Lan asked.

Since their psychological defense were broken down already, they would answer every question obediently, these individuals knew the cat was out of the bag and didn't hide anything anymore. They all nodded to show that she was right.

"Give me your communication bead and let me have a look." Ling Lan said calmly.

Not long after, these middle-aged men handed over their communicator to Ling Lan. Ling Lan randomly took one. Little Four spoke to Ling Lan in her mindspace, "Boss, these are different from the communication bead you picked up earlier."

"Do they have a function that changes its shape?" Ling Lan inspected the communication bead in her hand closely and actually saw the difference. It seemed that only the people that understood how it worked or the people who created these communicators would be able to tell the difference. Which also included Ling Lan's Little Four.

Little Four nodded and said, "Yes, the material used to make these communication beads are very common. The two communication beads from before were created using special materials. Unfortunately, I didn't find this type of material on the market. This type of material is probably controlled by the government and is very scarce. Otherwise, it isn't possible that Domain warriors are the only ones qualified to have."

After saying all this, Little Four was squirming around as though he had something to say. However, in the end, Little Four didn't say it.

Little Four's odd behavior was of course seen by Ling Lan but she ignored it. She looked at the communication bead in her hand once again. Three communication beads suddenly appeared in her hand. The two new beads were the two that Ling Lan had picked up earlier.

"Since there's no use for them, then I won't be needing them." Ling Lan suddenly whipped her arm and three shadows flew out from her hand, smashing into the wall in front of her.

"Ah, no!" Little Four and the middle-aged man who gave the communication bead both shouted.

After a bang was heard, the communication bead was instantly shattered into pieces. The face of the middle-aged man paled. He had already foreseen what kind of miserable life he would have in the future. He looked at those beside him with a terrified look. A hint of killing intent instantly flashed past his eyes.

"Little Four, do you really want this?" Ling Lan opened her right hand towards herself. The communication bead she had taken from Demon Fire and the 9th Elder were still in her hand. The bead that she tossed out just now was only the communication bead of that middle-aged man. As to why there were three shadows, it was because Ling Lan's hand movements had reached the level of Form. Creating two illusions out of thin air was simply too easy for her.

Little Four nodded enthusiastically after he saw that the two communication beads were not damaged.

"These are very important to you!" Ling Lan said a statement.

Little Four saw that he could no longer hide his intentions. Thus he replied honestly, "Yes. These are very important to me. No, not just me, but also very important to your ten instructors."

Ling Lan's expression instantly became more serious. She prompted Little Four to speak more in detail.

"Actually, we aren't bound to the learning space. We can actually come out into your world, Boss," Little Four said.

"This I know. Back then, in order to save me, Number Five and Number Nine had once controlled my body." Ling Lan remembered the crisis she was in when she was just thirteen years old. She almost lost her life back then. In the end, she managed to live by a stroke of luck and thanks to Number Five and Number Nine helping her.

"That's one way, but that way will bring harm to the host body. Normally we won't use this method to go into the real world." Little Four remembered the incident from back then. He couldn't help but clench his small fists. Back then, if he had already obtained a real body, he would definitely not let Boss become that gravely injured.

Ling Lan was a smart person. Even if she wasn't smart, she became smart after the endless torture from the aberrant Number Five's. She had a look of understanding when she looked at the communicator. She said, "So only domain warriors are qualified to use this type of communicator?"

Little Four nodded and said sternly, "Yes Boss!"

"This type of material can endure the aura of a domain warrior. The most important property was its ability to change forms when necessary that allows spiritual power to be easily attached to the material. In the Mandora star system, this type of material would be used to create humanoid shells for intelligent entities or spiritual entities to control. Then we would be able to use these shells to connect with the real world." Little Four told Ling Lan about the information he had found in his database. His eyes were filled with hope. If it was possible, he didn't want to just stay in the virtual world to help Ling Lan. He also wanted to be able to help Ling Lan in the real world.

Ling Lan stared at the two communication beads in her hand. She was stunned by the information Little Four had given her. If she collected this material and created humanoid shells, the ten instructors in the learning space would be able to become real humanoids and stay beside her in the real world.

Also, there was Little Four. He would actually become her younger brother, call Ling Xiao 'daddy' and call Lan Luofeng 'mommy' … Would the calm and collected Ling Xiao be able to keep a straight face or not? And would her mother, Lan Luofeng, act like a loving mother and hug and kiss Little Four, kissing Little Four until his CPU overheats and faint?

That image was too perfect. Ling Lan put way the communication beads and held back the excitement building up inside her. She asked again, "How many domain masters are in this Soul Society?"

One middle-aged man said proudly, "Our Soul Society has almost 300 Domain masters…"

After calculating the volume of all 300 communication beads put together, Ling Lan regrettably said, "What a small amount?" She wasn't sure whether or not it was enough to create a small Little Four.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man almost spat out blood. Almost 300 was a small amount? This number of Domain masters were close to the total of Domain experts in a small country. Of course, if compared to the thousands or ten-thousands of Domain masters from other super powers, it was indeed a small amount.

"You lot have the materials to create the communication bead right?" Ling Lan glanced at a few of the middle-aged men and asked coldly.

Those words made the expression of these middle-aged men and the young man, who was ready to die, change instantly. One of the middle-aged men rolled his eyes and answered nonchalantly, "Of course we have the materialsw for that. In fact, the materials are very common. It's just gold alloy, pixie dust.." He told her materials used to create common communication beads in an attempt to fool her.

"You know what I want." Ling Lan shot a sharp glance towards the middle-aged man. The look stunned the man and he instantly stopped speaking.

"Only domain warriors can use that type of communication bead and you lot aren't in that group of people. I know that you people clearly know what I'm asking for." Ling Lan didn't allow them to avoid answering the question.

Everyone was silent and stopped talking. This information was related to the secrets of the Soul Society. Even the middle-aged men who had given up beforehand, did not dare to share this information. Otherwise, even if they managed to get away from this monster in front of them, they would still be hunted down by the Soul Society. Both outcomes would result in their death, thus it was better for them to have a quick death at this place than to be hunted down by the Soul Society.

"Seems like you all know." Ling Lan didn't necessarily need to hear an answer from them. She believed that these people would definitely know where this valuable material was hidden. She just wanted to surmise an answer from their reactions.

The reactions of these people were terrified and frightened. Their behavior of not daring to answer even if it meant death proved that the Soul Society indeed had this material and possibly in large quantities. That was why their expressions changed so quickly…

As expected, Ling Lan's words had made the faces of these individuals turn pale. The fear in their eyes was more visible. It seemed that she had guessed correctly.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Ling Lan had received the answer she wanted. She stood straight up and looked at the middle-aged men with a cold expression. Her expression was cold as ice that it had made these middle-aged men afraid.

One of the middle-aged men shouted, "You promised you wouldn't kill us!"

Ling Lan replied calmly, "Did I say that?"