

Chapter 551 Surname Fang

"Su Yin… you are Su Yang's little sister, right? I have been wanting to speak with you for a while now." Xie Xingfang suddenly looked at her with a smile.

"Me…?" Su Yin showed a dazed expression.

Xie Xingfang nodded and spoke, "If you have some time now, would you mind sitting down with me? I will serve you some of my family's finest tea in exchange for your time."

"Tea with Your Highness?" Su Yin was dumbfounded, as she was just given a massive opportunity that would normally never happen. However, she could not imagine why Xie Xingfang would be interested in her.

While she's from one of the Four Great Families, she hasn't done anything that would warrant this kind of attention, so this must not be about her but Su Yang instead.

"You don't want to?" Xie Xingfang showed a disheartened expression when Su Yin remained silent.

"N-No! I would be honored to have tea with Your Highness," she said.

"As I'd just said, you can drop the formalities, as we are the only ones here. Just call me Sister Xingfang."

"I wouldn't dare…" Su Yin shook her head nervously.

"That would make things complicated for me, since I am very close with your Elder Brother, after all."

"You're close with my Elder Brother? Su Yin looked at her with wide eyes, and she asked, "How close are we talking about?"

"Su Yin… you shouldn't ask such rude questions…" Bai Lihua said to her with a nervous expression.

Xie Xingfang chuckled and said, "If you want to know, I'll tell you everything if you come with me."

"Okay, Sister Xingfang!" Su Yin immediately agreed, and her attitude towards Xie Xingfang did a 180.

"I'll apologize in advance if my disciple behaves rudely, Your Highness…" Bai Lihua said to her before they left.

Once they left, Xie Wang looked at Bai Lihua and said, "The Heavenly Swan Sect has formed an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect, right? And this is before they even won the Regional Tournament. If you don't mind, can you tell me what caused you to come to such a decision? I don't mean to be rude, but an Elite Sect would normally not even notice a place as small and insignificant as the Profound Blossom Sect, yet you tossed away all your pride and formed an alliance with them? I cannot imagine what would influence you to do such a thing."

"Well… that is…" Bai Lihua showed a perplexed expression. It wouldn't be wise for her to reveal the details behind their Alliance, but she was standing before the Xie Family's Ancestor, who is even more terrifying and powerful than the current Lord Xie.

Heaven knows what might happen if she lies to his face and he finds out.

"Hmm… if it's too difficult for you to answer my question, you can ignore it." Xie Wang suddenly said. "I'm sure Su Yang must have offered you something that you cannot refuse, right? If that's the case, then I will not pry any further."

After saying those words, Xie Wang returned to his living quarters.

Meanwhile, inside Xie Xingfang's room, she poured Su Yin a cup of tea.

'Her Highness from the Xie Family is pouring me tea…' Su Yin realized just how weird her situation was, as it would normally be the other way around.

"This tea is called the Soul Cleansing Green Tea, and it's made of poisonous leaves from the Abandoned Forest. Of course, the poison has already been extracted from the leaves, so you don't have to worry about being poisoned, and it's also one of my favorites."

"T-Thank you, Sister Xingfang." Su Yin said to her before sipping on the tea that had a deep green color.

"Mmm! It's sweet! I have never tasted such delicious tea before!" Su Yin expressed surprise a moment later.

"I'm glad it suits your taste, Junior Sister." Xie Xingfang smiled.

A few minutes later, once they finished the tea, Su Yin asked Xie Xingfang, "Sister Xingfang, what's your relationship with my Elder Brother?"

"Where should I begin…"

Xie Xingfang then began recalling to Su Yin her first meeting with Su Yang.

"Even though I have never seen him before, and before I knew of his identity, it only took a single glance for me to recognize his extraordinary existence." Xie Xingfang said with a smile as she remembered how Su Yang nonchalantly handed her an Immortal-grade technique that directly benefited her Heavenly Constitution.

"I have received a lot of assistance from him since then, so I owe him a lot. However, despite my status, I find it very difficult repaying him, as I feel like no matter what I give him, it would be akin to trash in his eyes."

A few minutes later, Xie Xingfang said to her, "Now that you know about my relationship with Su Yang, why don't you tell me more about him? I would love to know more about my benefactor, after all."

Thus, Su Yin and Xie Xingfang began chatting with each other with the majority of their topics being related to Su Yang.

Many hours later, Su Yin left the place and returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion.

"So Su Yang wasn't always like this, huh. It seems like something major had happened to him after he left the Su Family that caused such changes." Xie Xingfang mumbled to herself afterward.

After listening to Su Yin talk about Su Yang, she thought that her understanding of him would become clearer, but little did she expect that it would actually be the opposite.

"Just who are you really, Su Yang?" Xie Xingfang sighed.

Meanwhile, a few miles away from the Profound Blossom Sect, multiple luxurious carriages could be seen approaching the Sect's direction, and each of these carriages were carrying a large flag with the surname 'Fang' elegantly sewed on it.

"Matriarch Fang, we are almost at the Profound Blossom Sect." The carriage driver said to the individual inside the carriage he was managing.

"Very well…" A cold and distant voice resounded a moment later.

Chapter 552 The Fang Family

After traveling for half an hour, the carriages finally arrived at the Profound Blossom Sect's entrance gates.

"We have arrived at the Profound Blossom Sect, Matriarch," said the carriage driver.

A few moments later, a stunning middle-aged woman wearing luxurious clothes walked out of the carriage, followed by a graceful young lady who appeared to be in her early twenties and her body emitting the power of the 1st level Earth Spirit Realm.

"So this is where she has been hiding for the past ten years, huh? It's much cleaner than I'd expected." The young lady spoke in a nonchalant voice.

Meanwhile, when the Sect Elder standing by the entrance noticed their carriages stop right in front of their gates, she approached them and said, "Who are you? And what business do you have with the Profound Blossom Sect?"

The middle-aged lady stepped forward and said, "We are from the Fang Family, and I am the Matriarch, Fang Xianjue."

"One of the Four Great Families, that Fang Family?!" The Sect Elder asked for conformation, her face filled with shock.

Fang Xianjue nodded, and she continued, "We have decided to come here after hearing that someone by the name of Fang Zhelan is currently a disciple here, am I right?"

"Fang Zhelan? Yes, there is indeed a disciple with that name here." The Sect Elder nodded.

"That's great, because she is actually a member of the Fang Family, and she's my daughter. It's been ten years since she disappeared from the family, but I finally have a chance to see her again and bring her home," said Fang Xianjie.

"What?! She's from the Fang Family, and you are her mother?! That's not possible because her parents are already deceased. I'm afraid that you might have gotten the wrong person with a similar name..."

Fang Xianjue calmly shook her head and said, "I have already investigated her background, so I am confident that she's my daughter. If you let me see her, I will be certain."

"Please wait a moment and let me notify the Sect Masters and Fang Zhelan." The Sect Elder said before retrieving her communication jade slip and explaining the situation to Liu Lanzhi.

Meanwhile, in the Yin Yang Pavilion, after receiving the Sect Elder's message, Liu Lanzhi went to get Su Yang.

"The Fang Family is here? And they are claiming that Fang Zhelan is with them?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know what's happening, but Fang Zhelan told me that her parents had died before she came to the Sect, so either she lied or the Fang Family mistook her for someone from their family." Liu Lanzhi said.

"Either way, let's get Fang Zhelan and meet with the Fang Family."

A few minutes later, Fang Zhelan appeared at the Yin Yang Pavilion after being summoned, but she was unaware of the situation.

"Disciple Fang… you told me that your parents had died before you joined the Sect, right?" Liu Lanzhi asked her afterward.

Fang Zhelan made a puzzled expression, but she nodded a few moments later, "That's right, Sect Master."

Liu Lanzhi looked at her with a serious expression and said, "Well… one of the Four Great Families from the Western Region, the Fang Family is currently here, and they are claiming that you are one of them."


A shocked expression immediately appeared on Fang Zhelan's face after hearing this news.

Seeing the complicated emotions in her eyes, Liu Lanzhi spoke, "I don't know the circumstances behind any of this, but we cannot keep the Fang Family waiting forever. Whether they are right or mistaken, we will know once you meet them."

Fang Zhelan bit her lips and spoke in a low voice, "There's no need for that, Sect Leader. They are right, and I am indeed from the Fang Family. I am sorry for lying to you and hiding this fact, but I have my own reasons for doing so…"

Liu Lanzhi sighed after hearing her words and said, "I had a feeling this would be the case. However, I doubt the Fang Family will leave without meeting you. No matter your reason, they are here for you now, and you cannot run away forever."


Fang Zhelan's eyes narrowed, and her aura emitted reluctance. It was obvious that she did not wish to meet the Fang Family, but there was nothing Liu Lanzhi could do, as they couldn't simply just send one of the Four Great Families away by force.

"Haa…" Su Yang suddenly sighed, and he spoke as he grabbed Fang Zhelan's trembling hands, "What are you afraid of? I will also be there with you."

"Su Yang…" Fang Zhelan looked at him with teary eyes.

"I don't care about your circumstances, nor do I care about your reason for lying, as everyone has a thing or two they do not wish to reveal to the public. However, no matter what happens, I will be on your side."

After hearing his words, Fang Zhelan nodded, "Okay… I will meet with the Fang Family. However, before we meet them, I want you to know about our circumstances."

And she began revealing to them the truth about her background.

"It is true that I used to belong to the Fang Family. However, when they realized that I had no talent in cultivation, they decided to sell me to another family, as only my appearance was worth anything in such a powerful and influential family. Of course, I did not want to spend the rest of my life as a plaything for some Young Master, so I ran away from the family right before my coming of age."

"After leaving the family, I decided to join the Profound Blossom Sect, where I could freely choose my own partners."

"I had no idea that you had such a story…" Liu Lanzhi showed a shocked expression after hearing her story.

"But how could they say you have no talent? You were and still is one of the most talented disciples we have!" Liu Lanzhi said while shaking her head, thinking that the Fang Family must have misjudged her talent.

Chapter 553 Fang Zhelan's Real Background

"Aren't you missing some logic in your words just now?" Su Yang said to Liu Lanzhi, who raised her eyebrows in a confused manner.

"The Profound Blossom Sect may be very powerful now, but that was not always the case. Even if she's one of the most talented disciples in the Profound Blossom Sect, she is only a disciple of a small Sect."

"Compared to the Fang Family, one of the most powerful families on the entire Eastern Continent, even their least talented individuals could become top geniuses in the Profound Blossom Sect without much effort."

"Su Yang is right, Sect Master." Fang Zhelan said with a bitter smile. "I may be considered a genius here, but I am nothing in the Fang Family."

"Even if that's the case, you should not lose to even the most talented individual within the Fang Family now." Liu Lanzhi said.

"That's probably the main reason why the Fang Family is looking for me in the first place. Now that I am considered to be one of the most talented individuals in the Eastern Continent, they want me to return to the Fang Family to boost their reputation and whatnot." Fang Zhelan sighed.

"If that's the case, what are you going to do?" Liu Lanzhi asked her.

"What? I'm going to refuse, of course. I have survived for over ten years without their help so why would I need their help now?" she coldly snorted, feeling disgust just thinking about returning to the Fang Family.

Liu Lanzhi nodded with a slight smile on her face, and she spoke, "I see… Anyway, the Fang Family will most likely refuse to leave if you don't tell them your words just now straight to their faces."

Sometime later, Fang Zhelan and the Sect Masters went to meet with the Fang Family.

In the guests' lobby, where the Fang Family was getting impatient, the door suddenly opened, and Fang Zhelan calmly walked into the room, followed by Su Yang and Liu Lanzhi.

When Fang Xianjue saw Fang Zhelan's face, she quickly stood up and approached Fang Zhelan with her arms spread and her face beaming with delight, "Oh! Fang Zhelan! It's really you! Do you still recognize your own mother? I have been dying to see you again after you went missing ten years ago!"

However, Fang Zhelan took a few steps back and avoided her mother's embrace.

"My daughter…?" Fang Xianjue looked at her with a surprised expression, seemingly in disbelief.

Fang Zhelan narrowed her eyes and spoke, "I remember you very well, Mother. However, I also remember everything that had happened when I was in the Fang Family, how you all treated me with disgust, like I didn't belong there, especially you, hence why I left in the first place."

"If you think you can get me to return to the Fang Family, then you are sorely mistaken, as I have a new family now at the Profound Blossom Sect."

"Furthermore, your acting like you never knew about my location for the past ten years is quite bad. With the Fang Family's influence and resources, I'm sure you knew about my presence here the entire time. The only reason you didn't come get me sooner was simply because I have become a Dual Cultivator, making my body, the only thing worth a thing in your eyes, completely worthless."


Fang Xianjue's face flushed with redness, and her body trembled from anger after hearing Fang Zhelan's words.

"How ungrateful!" she suddenly exploded, causing her beautiful face to twist until it looked ugly, "To think you would spit on the hands that fed you for more than half of your life despite giving us nothing worthy in return! Just because you have gained some reputation and strength now does make you invincible, Fang Zhelan! If I truly wanted to ruin your life, even the Profound Blossom Sect cannot protect you!"


The entire room became speechless for a good moment until Liu Lanzhi stepped forward and spoke with a frown on her face, "Senior Fang, your words just now… can I interpret that the Fang Family is threatening the Profound Blossom Sect?"

Fang Xianjue immediately turned to look at her and shouted, "Who the hell do you think you are?! Just because the Profound Blossom Sect received some recognition after the Regional Tournament, it does not immediately put you on the level of the Four Great Families that have had more reputation for hundreds of years!"

"This is why I despise people like you, who become blinded by arrogance after receiving the smallest recognition!"


The place turned quiet again, and Liu Lanzhi stood there with a dazed face, as this is her first time dealing with someone as aggressive and unreasonable as Fang Xianjue.

"Xiaoru, you should say something to your worthless Elder Sister, too!" Fang Xianjue said to her.

However, when no response came back after many moments, Fang Xianjue turned around to look at her and said, "Why are you being so quiet? If you don't let these arrogant people know their places, this world will quickly become an unbearable place!"


When she saw the dazed expression on Fang Xiaoru's face, almost like she was enchanted by something, Fang Xianjue's eyes widened with shock, as she has never witnessed Fang Xiaoru making such an expression before.

She then followed the general direction of Fang Xiaoru's gaze and finally noticed Su Yang, who was calmly standing by the entrance.

"You are… Su Yang from the Su Family…" Fang Xianjue frowned.

"What did you do to my daughter?" she asked him in a cold voice.

"Hm? What are you talking about? I have been standing here and minding my own business the entire time." Su Yang shrugged with a puzzled face.

"Bullshit! You clearly did something to my daughter, or else she wouldn't have such a bewitched expression on her face!" she quickly slammed the table before her, causing the place to tremble.

"M-Mother!" Fang Xiaoru finally woke up from her daze after feeling the trembling.

"What were you saying just now? I was kind of occupied for a moment…" she asked while she continued to glance at Su Yang with the corner of her eyes, almost as though she was attracted by some kind of unknown force emitted by him.


The place turned silent, and everybody in the room was looking at her with wide eyes.

Chapter 554 Fang Zhelan's Dilemma

Ever since Su Yang entered the room, Fang Xiaoru could not help but stare at him as though she was mesmerized by some kind of seduction technique.

While she has heard rumors of his appearance, she didn't think he would turn out to be this handsome.

Fang Xiaoru herself was the type to always look down on others, and she rarely acknowledges even people much older than her, much less those around her age.

However, it only took a quick glance at Su Yang's aura and demeanor for her to recognize his abilities and quality.

And in her twenty years of living in this world, she has never seen anyone like him before, and she has met with a lot of geniuses from the top families and Sects in this world, but nobody could compare to Su Yang's overwhelming presence.

If only she could follow someone like him for the rest of her life, she would not have a single complaint for the rest of her life.

"Mother, I have decided." Fang Xiaoru suddenly spoke with a bewitched expression. "I want to join the Profound Blossom Sect."

"You what?!" Fang Xianjue cried out loud, her face filled with bewilderment and shock.

"Absolutely not! Have you lost your mind?! Why would you want to be in this small place?!"

"You wouldn't understand it even if I explained it to you, Mother." Fang Xiaoru shook her head.

"You…!" Fang Xianjue's entire face fumed with redness.

"Fang Xiaoru wants to join the Profound Blossom Sect…?" Fang Zhelan looked at her with a dazed face, almost as though she couldn't believe her ears.

Even Liu Lanzhi couldn't help but stand there with a dumbfounded expression. Fang Xiaoru is without a doubt one of the most talented individuals on this Continent, and if she were to join the Profound Blossom Sect, their reputation would surely rise to a new height.

However, Su Yang's voice suddenly resounded, "I'm glad that you are interested in the Profound Blossom Sect, but the disciple examination is already over. If you wish to join us, you must wait until next year and pass the exam."


Everybody in the room turned to look at him with wide eyes and mouths. While Fang Xiaoru wanting to join the Profound Blossom Sect was shocking, Su Yang refusing such a talented person into their Sect was even more shocking.

"You can't make an exception for me?" Fang Xiaoru asked him in a pleading voice whilst making a disheartened face.

"Regardless of your status, rules are rules. If I allow someone to enter so easily, then the disciples that have taken the examination will feel unjust." Su Yang shook his head, remaining adamant on his decision.

"Then it'll be fine if I also take the examination? I will even compensate you for the trouble." Fang Xiaoru was also adamant about joining the Profound Blossom Sect.

And she continued, "How about my body? I will give you my body in return for allowing me to take the examination. If I fail, I will still give you my body, and I will also give up on joining the Profound Blossom Sect. My body is still pure if that's what you are wondering."

"Xiaoru! Have you gone insane, offering your chastity for something stupid like this?! There are countless others Sects out there that would beg to have you in their Sect, and even the Elite Sects would not dare to chase you away! Why must you lower in such a way?!" Fang Xianjue, her mother, quickly interrupted.

However, Fang Xiaoru remained silent, her gaze staring directly at Su Yang's eyes.

Su Yang showed a smile on his face a moment later, and he spoke, "I must admit, your determination is admirable. How about this? I will let her decide."

He suddenly pointed at Fang Zhelan, who immediately jumped.

"Ah?! You want me to…?!" she asked while pointing at herself.

Su Yang nodded, "After all, not only are you a Sect Elder but she is also your Junior Sister. There are times when Sect Masters have to rely on the Sect Elders."

After Su Yang handed the privilege to decide Fang Xiaoru's fate to Fang Zhelan, everybody in the room turned to look at her.

"Don't you dare allow her into the Sect, Fang Zhelan!" Her Mother suddenly shouted at her. "I swear that I will do everything in my power to ruin this place if you allow her into the Sect and ruin her future!"

Meanwhile, Fang Xiaoru approached her and lowered her body until she was kowtowing to Fang Zhelan.

"Please, Elder Sister. If you let me in the Sect, I will do anything you want me to," she pleaded, shocking Fang Zhelan.

Fang Zhelan took a deep breath and closed her eyes to ponder.

'When the entire Fang Family mocked me for being useless, she was the only one who didn't bully me. Perhaps it's because I am simply too insignificant in her eyes to be bothered, but I was truly grateful that my younger sister did not mock me, as my life within the family would've been even more miserable.'

'And as her Elder Sister, even if I am no longer in the family, I should at least listen to her, and if joining the Profound Blossom Sect will make her happy, I shouldn't take that away from her.'

Fang Zhelan opened her eyes and looked at her mother, who was so angry that she was trembling nonstop.

'Since she's so desperate and unwilling to allow Fang Xiaoru to join the Sect, she'll definitely become infuriated if I give Fang Xiaoru the chance, allowing me to get some revenge for being mistreated in the past. But if she truly intends to harm the Profound Blossom Sect afterward...'

Fang Zhelan was feeling extremely perplexed. On one hand, she wanted to be a kind Elder Sister to Fang Xiaoru and allow her to join the Sect and get revenge on Fang Xianjue at the same time, but on the other hand, she doesn't want to cause more trouble for the Profound Blossom Sect with the Fang Family targeting the Sect because of her decision, as she has already caused massive trouble for the Profound Blossom Sect once with Xiao Bai, nearly causing their downfall.

Chapter 555 Family Dispute

After many moments of silence and pondering, Fang Zhelan finally turned to look at Su Yang with a troubled gaze, clearly asking him for help.

However, Su Yang merely smiled and said, "No matter your decision, I will support it."

"I swear to God, Fang Zhelan! If you don't choose wisely, not only you, but the entire Profound Blossom Sect will feel the Fang Family's wrath!" Fang Xianjue shouted.

Hearing her words, Fang Zhelan trembled.

"If you think we are scared of the Fang Family, then you can go ahead and try to mess with us!" Liu Lanzhi unexpectedly raised her voice, causing everyone there to look at her with wide eyes.

"Although you may have immense influence and a powerful background, the Profound Blossom Sect is no longer the weak and small Sect that it used to be! Not only did we win the Regional Tournament, but we also have the support of two Elite Sects! If you think that you can bully us, then we will fight back with everything that we've got!"

Despite her vicious words and serious expression, Liu Lanzhi's heart was trembling from fear, as she could've never imagined that she would dare talk back to the Matriarch of the Fang Family, one of the Four Great Families that govern the Eastern Continent.

"How dare you, a lowly Sect Master speak to me in such a manner!" Fang Xianjue roared, causing the place to tremble.

However, she was quickly interrupted by Su Yang's sudden laughter.

"Hahaha! Well said, Sect Leader! Now you are finally starting to act like someone with power!"

He approached Fang Xianjue and continued, "Is being the Four Great Families really as great as you make it out to be? You sure talk big for someone only at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, Matriarch Fang. And if you think the Fang Family could possibly threaten the Profound Blossom Sect, then I welcome you to try."

"You, who has the surname Su, is this the Su Family declaring war against my Fang Family? Although the Su Family has been the number one family amongst the Four Great Families for the last few decades, everyone can see that they are no longer as powerful as it used to be."

Hearing Fang Xianjue's words, Su Yang merely smiled and said, "I have nothing to do with the Su Family. After all, I was abandoned by them just like Fang Zhelan was abandoned by the Fang Family. However, unlike the Fang Family, at least the Su Family did not shamelessly approach me and act like our grievances never existed when they realized my talents."


Just as Fang Xianjue was about to explode from anger, Fang Zhelan interrupted, "I have finally decided, Su Yang."

She then turned to look at her younger sister, Fang Xiaoru, who has not lifted her head this entire time, and spoke, "You are very talented, Xiaoru — much more talented than I will ever be, and that talent caused you to look down on everyone who's not as talented as you. However, I do not blame you, as that's how we were raised by our parents."

"While your reason for wanting to join the Sect is questionable, I can tell that your feelings are genuine, and as a disciple of the Sect and your Elder Sister, it would go against everything I was taught here to ignore your passion. Therefore, I have decided to let you partake in the disciple examination. If you pass, then you will be allowed to become a disciple. However, if you fail..."

Fang Zhelan did not finish her sentence, as it was obvious what she was going to say.

"Thank you, Elder Sister! Even if I fail, I will never forget your generosity today!" Fang Xiaoru said to her.

"Fang Zhelan, you little whore!" Fang Xianjue could no longer control her emotions and finally exploded in anger, preparing to jump at Fang Zhelan.

However, before she could move, a powerful and profound force appeared out of thin air and restricted her movements.

"Who dares to restrict my movements?!" she cried out loud.

A clear and old voice resounded a moment later, "I did not plan on getting involved in your family dispute and would've rather remained a spectator, but your actions today have greatly disappointed me, Matriarch Fang."

"T-This voice is… Impossible!" Fang Xianjue trembled in fear upon realizing the identity of this voice.

'W-What is the Xie Family's Ancestor doing here?!' she cried inwardly.

And as much as Fang Xianjue wanted to kowtow and apologize to Xie Wang, because of the restrictions on her body, she was unable to move even a muscle.

Xie Wang's voice resounded again, "I honestly don't care if the Fang Family wants to fight with the Su Family or the Profound Blossom Sect, but you know how much I hate nearby commotions when I am trying to relax. Therefore, I am going to ask you nicely to leave things as they are, withdraw for the time being, and continue your family dispute another time."

After his sentence ended, the restriction of Fang Xianjue's body was also removed.

"Although it was never my intent, I apologize for disturbing the Ancestor's peace." Fang Xianjue bowed to the air before looking at the people that followed her.

"We are leaving!" she said to them.

However, before leaving, she turned to look at Fang Xiaoru and said, "I will give you seven days to appear at the Azure Cloud Sect! If you do not show up, you can follow your Elder Sister's steps and act as though your parents have died!"

"As much as I hate to lose a talented daughter like you, I also have no use for a disobedient daughter! I won't lie and say that losing you won't greatly hurt the Fang Family, but we have no shortage of geniuses! If you leave the family, then all of your cultivation resources will go to someone else! Hmph!"

Fang Xianjue coldly snorted before disappearing from their sight.

Chapter 556 Fang Xiaoru's Examination

"Are you sure it's okay for you to be doing this?" Fang Zhelan asked Fang Xiaoru after their mother left the place. "I only left the family because of their neglect and bullying, but you are a different story. Being one of the top geniuses within the family, you are throwing away something most people in this world would kill to obtain."

"It's fine," she calmly responded. "There is no longer anything I can learn from them, and I never liked the atmosphere there anyway."

"By the way, when can I take the disciple examination?" she then asked.

"We can do it right now," said Su Yang.

Sometime later, Su Yang brought Fang Xiaoru to the examination area with Fang Zhelan and Liu Lanzhi watching in the background.

"Do you think she'll pass?" Fang Zhelan asked Liu Lanzhi.

"As the genius of the Fang Family, her talent is definitely the real deal, but I cannot say for certain that she'll pass the exam, as the most challenging test for her in this exam would be the Demon Heart Pill exam, which does not care for one's talent but their Dao Heart instead."

Meanwhile, on the first stage, Fang Xiaoru touched the Bone Age Totem and the Spiritual Totem.

"Twenty-one years old, 1st level Earth Spirit Realm."

After passing the first exam, she walked to the second stage.

Once she was prepared, Su Yang crushed the Demon Heart Pill.


Fang Zhelan watched nervously as Fang Xiaoru sat in the middle of the red mist.

Five seconds passed without any issues.

Ten seconds later, Fang Xiaoru's body began to tremble.

On the twentieth second mark, a line of blood dripped from her nose.

"This is…" Fang Zhelan showed a worried expression.

If Fang Xiaoru fails the examination, she would have no choice but to return to the Fang Family. But after what happened today, who knows what their mother might do to her if she returns.

Twenty-five seconds into the exam, both of her nostrils were running with blood.

However, Fang Xiaoru did not give up, and Su Yang also did not try to stop her.

Twenty-six seconds… twenty-seven… twenty-eight… twenty-nine seconds…

Right as the timer hit the thirty seconds mark, Su Yang waved his sleeves, causing the red mist to instantly disperse.


Fang Xiaoru coughed up a mouthful of blood immediately afterward.

"Did… did I pass the exam?" she asked him in an exhausted voice.

"Yes, you did." Su Yang nodded, and he continued, "However, you barely passed. If you had to endure it for another second or two, you would've died."

A few moments later, Fang Xiaoru went on the third stage and mixed some of the blood on her lips into the bowl of water, and everyone there watched as the pure water turned deep red.

"Congratulations, you have passed the third exam, and now you get to fight me. With that being said, I won't fight an injured woman, even if it's just a friendly spar, so I will give you some time to recover your strength before we spar." Su Yang said before tossing her a few spirit stones.

Fang Xiaoru accepted the spirit stones and immediately started absorbing the spiritual energy within the spirit stones to recover her strength.

While Fang Xiaoru recovered her strength, Fang Zhelan approached him and asked, "Since she passed all three examinations, does this make her a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect?"

Su Yang nodded and said, "Not only is she incredibly talented, but she also has the determination. While her Dao Heart needs some work, once she is properly trained, she'll without doubt become a powerful figure in this world. Even without the Profound Blossom Sect, she could reach the level of Lord Xie."

"She's that talented?" Fang Zhelan looked at him with wide eyes, as Su Yang rarely gives out such high praises to anyone.

He nodded and said, "Out of all of the disciples in this Sect, only Yan Yan is above her in terms of talent. The Fang Family probably doesn't know the true extent of her talents, or else they wouldn't have given up on her so easily."

Sometime later, once Fang Xiaoru finished recovering her strength, she approached the fourth stage.

"I won't move until you attack me first." Su Yang said to her. "And there's no need to hold back. Hit me with everything you've got."

Fang Xiaoru nodded, and she began to accumulate her spiritual energy in one area — her right hand.

"T-That's…!" Fang Zhelan immediately recognized this technique and expressed surprise.

"What kind of technique is that?" Liu Lanzhi asked her out of curiosity.

"That's the 'Sublime Mountain Fist', Fang Family's hereditary technique, and it's one of their strongest one. Rumors say it has the power to destroy an entire mountain with a single punch if practiced to perfection. If the Fang Family allowed her to learn that technique, they must've really treasured her talent," she explained.

"Using your strongest technique as your first attack, at least you have some sense." Su Yang said with a calm smile on his face.

A few moments later, Fang Xiaoru rushed at Su Yang with her fists flying towards his face.

An enormous pressure suddenly bore down on Su Yang's body, making it feel as though he was carrying a mountain on his back.

And right as Fang Xiaoru released the energy in her fist, the platform she was standing on shattered into many pieces.


Fang Xiaoru shouted loudly as she punched at Su Yang.

Su Yang remained smiling and casually raised his hands to catch Fang Xiaoru's fist with his bare palms.


A powerful ripple that was strong enough to push Fang Zhelan and Liu Lanzhi a few steps back was created from the impact, yet Su Yang remained standing in the same spot with a smile on his face.

"No way…" Fang Xiaoru stared at her fist with a dazed look on her face, seemingly in shock that Su Yang managed to stop her martial technique so effortlessly.

Chapter 557 A Mere Glance

After her attack failed, Fang Xiaoru immediately jumped back to distance herself from Su Yang.

However, Su Yang quickly followed her, even throwing his own punch.


Fang Xiaoru cried out loud when Su Yang's punch emitted the same aura as the Sublime Mountain Fist, but it was much quicker and sharper than her own technique.

Unable to dodge the attack in time, Fang Xiaoru had no other choice but to block the attack with her own body.


Fang Xiaoru went flying off the stage and far into the distance after barely blocking his attack with her arms.

"Is it just me or did Su Yang use the Fang Family's technique just now?" Liu Lanzhi asked Fang Zhelan with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

"N-No… you saw right. He just used the Sublime Mountain Fist! But how is that possible?! Only a select few from the Fang Family could even see the technique, much less learn it!" Fang Zhelan replied in a shocked voice.

Unless Su Yang somehow sneaked into the Fang Family and secretly learned the martial technique, there was no logical explanation as to how he could've learned the Fang Family's hereditary technique.

Sometime later, Fang Xiaoru returned to the stage with a messy appearance, and she asked him with a confused face, "That was definitely the Sublime Mountain Fist just now… How come you can use a martial technique that only a few from the Fang Family can learn?"

"The Sublime Mountain Fist that you know of is only a small part of a much larger and powerful martial technique. I don't know how the Fang Family obtained it, but it's not as special as you believe it is." Su Yang explained to her.

The technique that he was referring to is a popular and powerful martial technique in the Four Divine Heavens used mostly by Body Cultivators, and the Sublime Mountain Fist is barely the tip of the iceberg in terms of the technique's full prowess.

As for how the Fang Family obtained such a technique, he could only imagine it has something to do with Immortal Han Xin, the unfortunate Heavenly Emperor's lackey who got tossed into this world by accident.

Seeing Fang Xiaoru's dumbfounded expression, Su Yang said, "I can tell that you have great affinity with this technique, so I will give you the full martial technique."

"R-Really? Isn't it something valuable?" she asked him.

After all, if the Fang Family considers a small part of the full technique a priceless treasure, the full martial technique itself would obviously be worth even more.

"Well… even though I said that I will give you the full technique, it's not exactly the 'entire' thing, as you are not capable of understanding it at this moment. Therefore, I will only give you what you can handle for now, and once you become more powerful and knowledgeable, I will give you the real thing."

"Anyway, you have passed the examinations, and you already have what it takes to become a Core Disciple, so I will give you that position. Once you are done with your arrangements, you can come to me to receive the technique."

"Thank you!" she bowed to him despite the pain in her body.

Su Yang nodded and turned to look at Fang Zhelan.

"I will leave her in your hands for now," he said to her.

Sometime later, Fang Zhelan brought Fang Xiaoru to receive her disciple robes and her identity badge.

While they were walking, Fang Xiaoru suddenly asked her, "Elder Sister, have you had sex with Su Yang yet?"

Fang Zhelan nearly tripped on herself after hearing such a question, and she responded in a prideful tone, "Don't make it sound so vulgar. We call that Cultivation here. And yes, I have 'Cultivated' with him before, and many times at that."

"Really? I am envious." Fang Xiaoru said.

"You are jealous of me? Now that's something I didn't expect to hear in this lifetime, since I am the one who has always been envious of you — how you are so much more talented than me, especially how you receive all of the family's affection." Fang Zhelan sighed.

"Are you angry at me?" Fang Xiaoru asked her. "For not helping you."

"Why would I be angry at you? You were the only one who didn't bully me. If I should be angry at someone, it should be towards our parents and the Fang Family itself. They treat people who have lesser talents as though they are trash."

"Anyway, enough of the Fang Family. You joined the Profound Blossom Sect for Su Yang, right?"

Fang Xiaoru nodded after hearing her question, not denying that Su Yang is the only reason she is interested in this place.

"Su Yang is really amazing. To think he'd charm someone like you without any effort — only by standing in the same room as you." Fang Zhelan couldn't help but smile.

And she continued, "So? What was it about him that caused your heart to flutter? Is it his handsome face? His demeanor? Or the otherworldly aura that surrounds him?"

"His gaze." Fang Xiaoru answered without hesitation.

"His gaze…?" Fang Zhelan repeated after her.

She nodded and explained in a passionate voice, "When he looked at me, even though it was only a quick glance, it felt as though he could see everything about me and I was no different from being naked when before his eyes. I have never felt such a powerful and profound gaze before, and it instantly caused my heart to beat loudly."


Fang Zhelan was speechless when she saw the expression on Fang Xiaoru's face as she spoke of Su Yang's sharp gaze, as it was no different than a maiden experiencing her first love.

'It only took a single gaze from Su Yang to bring someone like Fang Xianru, who is known for being distant and condescending, down to her knees...' Fang Zhelan sighed inwardly, as she wasn't sure whether she should fear or admire such a terrifying ability.

Chapter 558 Offering Her Body

After helping Fang Xiaoru receive her disciple robes and finding a living quarter, Fang Zhelan said to her, "Now that you have everything you need, I will go through the Sect Rules and your privileges as a Core Disciple."

A few minutes later, after explaining the rules to her, Fang Zhelan spoke about her privileges, "As a Core Disciple, you will get unlimited support by the Sect. This means that as long as it's justified, you can ask for any amount of spirit stones."

"Any amount of spirit stones? Is the Profound Blossom Sect very wealthy or something?" Fang Xiaoru asked.

"I guess it's something like that…" she nodded, not daring to reveal to her that they'd recently used 300 million spirit stones in one go.

"Then do you think I'll be able to get a spiritual treasure? Now that I am no longer with the Fang Family, I no longer have access to one."

"The Sect Masters deal with the spiritual weapons and the cultivation techniques, so you'll have to ask them about that, but I don't see why they won't give you one, as we have plenty of spiritual treasures." Fang Zhelan said.

"Anyway, you should speak to Su Yang about your cultivation technique now that you are done here."

Fang Xiaoru nodded, and she said, "Thank you for everything, Elder Sister."

"There's no need to thank me. I am only doing what I should as your Elder Sister." Fang Zhelan responded with a smile. "If you need anything in the future, you can come to me."

Right before Fang Xiaoru left, she suddenly embraced Fang Zhelan, dumbfounding her, as this is the first time she has ever felt her younger sister's embrace.

Sometime later, Fang Xiaoru went to the Yin Yang Pavilion to look for Su Yang.

"You… you… what the hell are you doing here, Fang Xiaoru?!"

When Su Yin saw Fang Xiaoru in the Profound Blossom Sect's disciple robes, her eyes widened with shock.

"Su Yin…" Fang Xiaoru narrowed her eyes. "I can ask you the same question. Why are you here?"

"Oh? So the two of you already know each other?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Since the Four Great Families like to gather almost every year to have friendly exchanges between the junior generation for bragging rights, of course, we would know each other. In fact, we have sparred with each other plenty of times." Su Yin explained to him their relationship.

"Indeed, we have fought 7 times in total." Fang Xiaoru nodded, and she continued, "By the way, I won 5 out of those 7 times."

"T-That's because I was still young and inexperienced! I defeated you two times in a row in the last two gatherings! How dare you try and embarrass me in front of my Elder Brother! Let's fight right now, Fang Xiaoru!" Su Yin pointed at her with a red face.

"Hmph. I don't have the time to deal with you right now, Su Yin, as I am here for the Sect Master." Fang Xiaoru said before looking at Su Yang.

"Sect Master, as promised, I am here to offer you my body for allowing me to take the disciple examination," she said to him with a calm expression.

"W-W-What?!" Su Yin trembled in shock after hearing her words.

"What is going on here, Elder Brother?!"

Su Yang smiled and gave her a quick explanation of what had happened recently.

"Anyway, you don't need to give me your body, because it was Fang Zhelan who allowed you to partake in the examination, not me," he said to Fang Xiaoru. "And you are not in the Dual Cultivation Division, so I cannot cultivate with you without any reason."

"That's right! Know your place, Fang Xiaoru! And just to be clear, I am technically also a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect!" Su Yin added.

However, Fang Xiaoru ignored Su Yin's clear provocation and said to Su Yang, "Then you will have se—cultivate with me if I join the Dual Cultivation Division?"


Su Yang rubbed his temple. Knowing her character and her determination, Fang Xiaoru probably won't leave him alone until he cultivates with her. Furthermore, it was clear as day that the reason why Fang Xiaoru even joined the Profound Blossom Sect was so she could be close to him.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang sighed, "Well, since you did sacrifice a lot to join the Sect, I guess I can grant you this one request."

After all, it would be too cruel to reject her after she abandoned her family just to be in the Sect.

"What?!" Su Yin looked at him with a face of disbelief. "Are you sure about this, Elder Brother? She's from the Fang Family, a place that's filled to the brim with arrogant people! And this Fang Xiaoru is the worst of them all, as she doesn't care about anyone but herself!"

Hearing her words, Fang Xiaoru spoke with a frown, "Can you stop badmouthing me already, Su Yin? Just because I defeated you more than you defeated me, you don't have to be so mean. And I have already left the Fang Family."

���W-Wait a second… what did you just say?" Su Yin looked at her with wide eyes. "Y-You left the Fang Family? You are lying!"

Su Yang shook his head and said, "I should've said this when I explained to you earlier, but she left the Fang Family in order to join the Profound Blossom Sect, so she's not lying."

"Why on earth would you do something like that?! Aren't you one of their top geniuses?! I cannot believe that the Fang Family would allow you to leave so easily, especially after spending so many resources and effort on you!"

"I know that my mother won't let me leave so easily, but I will deal with it when the time comes." Fang Xiaoru said, and she continued with a slightly bashful expression. "After all, I will do anything to be with the Sect Master."

Su Yin's jaw dropped to the floor after hearing her words, as she didn't know that Fang Xiaoru could make such an innocent expression. It was almost like Fang Xiaoru had turned into a different individual!

Chapter 559 Drenched in Yin Qi

"Anyway, let's go to your living quarters." Su Yang said to Fang Xiaoru afterward.

"Elder Brother, you should be careful. Who knows what she or the Fang Family might be planning. It could be a trap." Su Yin whispered in his ears before they left the Yin Yang Pavilion.

"I'll keep that in mind," he nodded with a smile.

After leaving the Yin Yang Pavilion, Su Yang followed Fang Xiaoru to her living quarters.

Once inside, Su Yang handed her the martial technique that her Sublime Mountain Fist originated from.

"There are a grand total of 6 martial techniques you can learn from this technique, and the Sublime Mountain Fist is the weakest one amongst all 6 techniques. Of course, this is still only half of the full technique, which has a grand total of 12 martial techniques."

Fang Xiaoru stared at the martial technique silently, before asking him a moment later, "Are you not worried that I am lying to you? That I might run away with this martial technique? That I might share this technique with the Fang Family?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "Because I am confident that I can retrieve it no matter who you decide to give it to."

"I see…" Fang Xiaoru accepted the technique a few moments later.

After storing the technique into her storage ring, she turned to look at him and said, "As promised, I will now offer you this body…"

She began removing her robes on the spot, revealing her slim and beautiful body.


Su Yang silently looked at her peerless body, and as expected of Fang Zhelan's younger sister, she was as beautiful as her Elder Sister.

"I have never done this before, so I will need you to lead me…" she said a moment later in a low, bashful voice.

Su Yang nodded and pulled her into one of the rooms, before laying her on the bed.

"Ahh… this is more embarrassing than I thought it would be..." she mumbled, feeling Su Yang's sharp gaze all over her naked body.

"Let me loosen you up first." Su Yang said to her before he approached her lower lips with his mouth.

"Ahhhn~!" Fang Xiaoru moaned loudly when she felt his tongue touch her soft petals.

A few seconds later, Yin Qi gushed out from her hole, spraying all over Su Yang's face.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry… It just came out suddenly…" she apologized to him afterward.

"There's no need for an apology. I could've avoided it since I knew it was coming, but I consider it an honor to be soaked in Yin Qi." Su Yang said as he calmly licked the Yin Qi on his face with a charming expression.

Fang Xiaoru's face flushed with redness after seeing his actions.

A moment later, Su Yang removed his robes, showing his handsome body to her.

"So big…" Fang Xiaoru covered her mouth in shock after seeing the large and intimidating rod that was between his legs.

"I'm going to put it in now," he warned her.

"Go ahead." She nodded.

Su Yang began pushing the tip of his sword into the slit between her legs, tearing her small hole wide open.

"Mmmm!" Fang Xiaoru bit down on her lips to endure the pain, and she could feel her hole burning with passion.

Once his entire sword was inside her body, Su Yang began moving his hips, thrusting and rubbing his thick rod against her inner cave.




Fang Xiaoru moaned loudly as Su Yang pounded her tight hole intensely, feeling as though her body was surrounded by fire. It was a heavenly experience that couldn't be described by words.




"I-It's coming out again!"

Fang Xiaoru's body trembled violently, and a moment later, another wave of Yin Qi gushed out from her lower hole.

However, Su Yang did not stop moving his hips, and he continued to thrust into her body while she was releasing her Yin Qi, causing even more Yin Qi to gush out.

"Ahhhhn! I can't stop it from coming out!" Fang Xiaoru exclaimed in a nervous voice as her body continued to release Yin Qi uncontrollably even many moments later.

"There's no need to be afraid. Let it all out." Su Yang said to her whilst his lower body continuously pounded the tight hole in front of him.

In just a few minutes, Fang Xiaoru had climaxed over ten times, feeling exhausted afterward, almost like she'd just finished a marathon around the world.

"That was… amazing…" Fang Xiaoru said to him in a low, panting voice.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Your squirting is also amazing. I am drenched in your Yin Qi."

Fang Xiaoru's face exploded with redness after hearing his words. Looking at Su Yang's appearance right now, he looked like he just took a bath, as his hair and body were soaked in her holy water.

"Do you want to continue? We have plenty of time today." Su Yang asked her sometime later.

"Un," she nodded slowly.

A few moments later, Su Yang inserted his sword into her cave, and they began cultivating again.

Over the next few hours, Su Yang and Fang Xiaoru would cultivate with each other numerous times, and Fang Xiaoru had released her Yin Qi so many times that she'd long lost count.

"Thank you, Su Yang, for this wonderful experience. I will remember it for the rest of my life…" she said to him afterward.

Su Yang merely smiled and said, "You can find me whenever you feel like cultivating again. I will entertain you if I have the time."

"I won't be humble then…" she said, and she continued. "I will definitely catch up to Elder Sister."

"Fang Zhelan?" Su Yang chuckled. "Then you have a lot of 'catching up' to do."

"Really…?" she looked at him with a dazed expression.

"That's to be expected, as she has been a disciple here for far longer than you, and we have cultivated almost every day for half a year straight, even doing it multiple times a day," he said.

��I see…" she nodded a moment later, her eyes filled with determination to 'catch up' to Fang Zhelan.

Chapter 560 Azure Cloud Sec

A few days have passed since Fang Xiaoru has become a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect. Meanwhile, at the Azure Cloud Sect, the Fang Family had just arrived at their front doors.

"We have been expecting you, Matriarch Fang." Gu Guanting greeted her at the entrance with a delightful expression on his face, as he has been waiting for this day ever since he learned that Fang Family's genius, Fang Xiaoru, will be joining their Sect.

However, when he saw the unpleasant expression on Fang Xianjue's face, he asked her in a worried voice, "Is there something wrong, Matriarch Fang?"

"Let's hope not," she responded a moment later, and she continued, "Anyway, my daughter, Fang Xiaoru, will be arriving a few days late. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to your Sect."

"There's no need to apologize for such a small matter. In fact, we cannot be grateful enough to the Fang Family for trusting the Azure Cloud Sect enough to let us train Fang Xiaoru, one of the top geniuses in this world." Gu Guanting said with a smile.

Even though he said that the Azure Cloud Sect will be training Fang Xiaoru, in reality, it was Hong Yu'er who will be training her, as there was simply no way that an ordinary Sect like the Azure Cloud Sect could train a genius like Fang Xiaoru.

While they may have finished the Regional Tournament in second place and even had been bestowed the title of Elite by the Xie Family, the Azure Cloud Sect is only worth something because of Hong Yu'er, who has become the backbone and face of the entire Sect.

Without Hong Yu'er, the Azure Cloud Sect is only an above-average Sect at best, but they are definitely nothing compared to a real Elite Sect.

Sometime later, Gu Guanting brought the Fang Family into the Sect and arranged the best living quarters they had available for them.

Afterward, the Fang Family sealed themselves inside their living quarters for the next few days — until the time limit of 1 week Fang Xianjue gave to Fang Xiaoru was up.

"That ungrateful brat!" Fang Xianjue angrily stomped the floor, her face filled with rage. "After all that we have done for her and all of the resources we gave her, she dares to leave the family for the Profound Blossom Sect?! Does that little brat not have a heart?!"

"What should we do, Matriarch? Are we really going to fight with the Profound Blossom Sect?" One of the Elders asked her.

"Are you stupid?!" she suddenly roared at the Elder who just spoke, and she continued, "Did you forget who was at the Profound Blossom Sect?! Xie Wang, the Ancestor of the Xie Family!"

"Even though he said that he doesn't care about our family dispute, what kind of idiot would believe such a blatant lie?"

"Even if he doesn't intervene in our drama, the reputation and trust our Fang Family has built over many decades will be lost the moment we attack them, as the Xie Family will definitely side with the Profound Blossom Sect!"

"Then is there truly nothing we can do to make Fang Xiaoru come back to us?" The Elder asked.

Losing Fang Xiaoru, a top genius, would be too big of a loss even for a family as powerful and influential as the Fang Family.

Fang Xianjue sighed and spoke, "Now that the Xie Family is aware of our presence, it's near impossible to deal with them quietly. It's unfortunate, but we'll have to give up for now. However, I will talk to the Patriarch before anything."

After waiting for a few more days just in case Fang Xiaoru decided to show up but to no avail, Fang Xianjue decided to reveal the situation to Gu Guanting.

"I would like to deeply apologize to the Azure Cloud Sect and the Sect Master, as it appears that my foolish child has decided to join the Profound Blossom Sect as a last-minute decision. If there's anything I can do to make up for this trouble, the Fang Family will not spare any effort."

"Fang Xiaoru joined the Profound Blossom Sect…?" Gu Guanting stared at her with a gawking expression, almost as though he couldn't believe his ears.

"Hahaha… now this is quite funny." Tang Lingxi suddenly appeared out of the blue while laughing.

"Hong Yu'er!" Fang Xianjue looked at her with wide eyes, as she couldn't comprehend why she was laughing.

"I didn't expect this situation, but I cannot say that I am surprised," said Tang Lingxi with a smile on her face. "Well, at least I won't have to train her now. I should thank Su Yang for taking her off my hands the next time I see him."

"H-How did you know that he was behind this? I didn't even mention his name…" Fang Xianjue asked her with a puzzled expression, as she'd only mentioned about Fang Xiaoru joining the Profound Blossom Sect.

Tang Lingxi smiled and spoke, "Let's just say that this isn't the first time that it has happened."

"N-Not the first time…?" Both Fang Xianjue and Gu Guanting looked at her with a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

"Anyway, you shouldn't worry too much about Fang Xiaoru joining the Profound Blossom Sect. In fact, I would even go as far as to say that she has made the right choice by going there instead." Tang Lingxi said, and she continued, "She'll learn more over there with Su Yang than she can in this place with me, as he has far more experience in teaching others than me."

Hearing Tang Lingxi praise Su Yang, Fang Xianjue didn't know how to react and remained standing there with a dazed face. Could it be true? That Fang Xiaoru would receive more at the Profound Blossom Sect than at the Azure Cloud Sect?

As for Gu Guanting, he felt like crying after listening to Tang Lingxi badmouth the Azure Cloud Sect whilst comparing them to the Profound Blossom Sect.

'Are you a disciple of the Azure Cloud Sect, or are you actually from the Profound Blossom Sect?' he cried inwardly.

Chapter 561 A Sense of Connection

"Do we really have to leave already?" Su Yin looked at Bai Lihua with a reluctant expression after being told that it was time for them to return to the Heavenly Swan Sect.

"We have already stayed in the Profound Blossom Sect for longer than we'd anticipated." Bai Lihua said to her. "Although you may not mind it, it's embarrassing for a Sect Master to stay at another Sect for so long."

"Furthermore, the gathering organized by the mysterious Pill Master who discovered the Earth Advancement Pill will be happening very soon, and I cannot afford to miss such a grand event."

"You should listen to your Sect Master and return to the Heavenly Swan Sect." Su Yang suddenly said to her, and he continued, "I will also be very busy in the upcoming days, so I will not have any time to play with you."

After hearing his words, Su Yin nodded with a saddened expression. "I wanted to stay with you for a little bit longer, but I guess that will have to wait until another time."

"Are you also going to participate in the alchemy gathering?" Bai Lihua suddenly asked him with interest.

"Something like that," he replied with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Are you interested in the Alchemist behind the Earth Advancement Pills, or are you just interested in the pills?" she asked him.

"What about you? Does this mysterious Alchemist attract your attention?"

Bai Lihua smiled and said, "Of course, I am interested in this Alchemist that appeared out of thin air and managed to usher the Cultivation world into a new era with just a single pill. Are you jealous?"

"Maybe just a little bit." Su Yang chuckled.

"Wait a second…" Bai Lihua suddenly frowned. "I nearly forgot about this because of the Regional Tournament, but you claimed to know the real identity of this mysterious Alchemist! And you even promised me that you'll let me meet with him if the Heavenly Swan Sect formed an Alliance with the Profound Blossom Sect!"

"Did I say something like that?" Su Yang immediately pretended to know nothing about it.

"You… you shameless little pervert! I bet all that talk about refining the Heavenly Swan Sect's formation is also nothing but a lie!" Bai Lihua looked at him with a slightly angry expression.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Calm down, I won't break my promise. As for meeting the Alchemist behind the Earth Advancement Pills, I will introduce you to him at the gathering."

"R-Really?!" Bai Lihua's attitude immediately became cheerful, even feeling the urge to embrace Su Yang tightly from overjoy.

He nodded and continued, "However, I will only introduce you to him. Anything after that will require your own efforts."

"Don't you worry, I can handle myself," she said.

"Then I will see you at the gathering next week." Su Yang said to her.

Sometime later, Bai Lihua and Su Yin left the Profound Blossom Sect and began making their way back to their own Sect.

After they left, Su Yang also began his preparations for the gathering next week.

Meanwhile, at the Medicine Hall, Su Liqing and her disciples were busy studying the medicine and herb scroll provided to them by Su Yang, which had millions of unique herbs and recipes for medicine written inside.

"Just where did Su Yang obtain such a profound scroll? I do not recognize 99% of the things written in here…" One of the disciples expressed her awe for the scroll.

"Knowing him, it's probably better if we don't try to find out…" said another disciple.

It was at this moment a figure walked into the Medicine Hall.

"Senior apprentice-sister Sun!" The disciples inside greeted Sun Jingjing, who made an unexpected appearance.

"Are you looking for medicine today, senior apprentice-sister?" One of the disciples asked her.

Sun Jingjing shook her head and spoke, "No, I am here for Elder Lan today."

"Master? She's currently in her room upstairs."

"Do you think I can speak with her for a moment?" Sun Jingjing asked.

"It should be fine since we're not really doing anything at this moment besides studying."

Sun Jingjing nodded and began making her way upstairs.

"I wonder what senior apprentice-sister Sun wants with the Master, as she rarely comes here." The disciples pondered to themselves.

Meanwhile, once she reached Su Liqing's room, Sun Jingjing knocked on the door.

"Come inside." Su Liqing's voice resounded from inside the room.

A few moments later, Sun Jingjing entered the room.

"You are…"

When Su Liqing saw Sun Jingjing, she immediately felt a strong sense of connection between them, almost as though they have known each other for a very long time.

It was the same for Sun Jingjing. The moment she laid eyes on Su Liqing, it felt as though she was looking at a family member, and there was no awkwardness between them despite barely knowing each other.

"Junior sister Sun Jingjing, right? What brings you here today?" Su Liqing was the first to break the silence and ask her.

"No particular reason, really. Though, I was told by Su Yang to come see you when I have the time." Sun Jingjing said.

"Su Yang?" Su Liqing raised her eyebrows, unsure why he would want Sun Jingjing to speak with her.

"He didn't tell me why I should meet you, but he did say that I will know it when I meet you…" Sun Jingjing stared at her with narrowed eyes.

A few moments of silence later, Sun Jingjing spoke, "Elder Lan… do you perhaps also have this…?"

Sun Jingjing suddenly lifted her robes to show Su Liqing her Family Mark.

"T-That mark is!" Su Liqing's eyes widened with surprise after seeing the Family Mark on Sun Jingjing's body, as her body also has the exact same mark.

Seeing Su Liqing's reaction, Sun Jingjing immediately realized the situation they were in, and she mumbled in a dazed voice. "I see… so Elder Lan is also part of Su Yang's Family… No wonder why he wanted us to meet each other..."

Chapter 562 Returning to Snowfall City

"Elder Lan, you also have Su Yang's Family Mark, right?" Sun Jingjing asked her just to be sure.

Su Liqing nodded, and she spoke, "By the way, I took Su Yang's surname, so I am no longer Lan Liqing, but Su Liqing."

"Unbelievable… I knew there was something special about you when I saw you at the disciple examination. When did your relationship with Su Yang begin? I would never have guessed that the two of you were so intimate with each other if not for the Family Mark." Sun Jingjing asked with her eyes filled with interest.

"Where should I start?" Su Liqing showed a smile, and she began recalling her history with Su Yang, beginning from when he was only an Outer Court disciple.

Since Sun Jingjing also has the Family Mark, it meant that Su Yang completely trusts her, so she wasn't uncomfortable when telling Sun Jingjing about her relationship with Su Yang, even feeling delightful, as she finally has someone she could talk to freely.

Sometime later, after listening to Su Liqing's story, Sun Jingjing expressed surprise and admiration.

"Senior Sister, you are actually more daring than I'd expected! To think you have been in a relationship with Su Yang ever since he was only an Outer Court disciple, even ignoring the Sect Rules! I don't know if I can do the same if I were in your shoes!"

Su Liqing laughed gracefully, and she spoke, "Now that I have told you my story, why don't you tell me yours?"

Sun Jingjing nodded and began telling her own story, and the two of them remained inside the room chatting about their own background and Su Yang for many minutes, acting like they were real sisters.

Meanwhile, after he finished his preparations for the gathering, Su Yang went to check on Yan Yan.

"As expected of someone favored by the Heavens… it's only been a few days since I last saw you and your cultivation has already risen by a level." Su Yang praised her ridiculous cultivation speed.

"This is all because of the cultivation technique you gave me, Master." Yan Yan said, and she continued, "It also helps having so many spirit stones."

Su Yang nodded and said, "You'll reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm by the end of the year at this rate."

After checking up on Yan Yan, Su Yang went to see Zhang Xiu Ying, who was also progressing smoothly with the cultivation technique he created for her.

"Su Yang! This cultivation technique you created is phenomenal! It feels as though I am still cultivating the Burning Lotus Sect's technique, but it's countless times faster!" Zhang Xiu Ying said.

"I'm glad you like it. Anyways, I will be away from the Sect for a few days, so if you need anything, just look for Liu Lanzhi, or you can contact me using the communication jade slip," he said.

Zhang Xiu Ying nodded.

Sometime later, Su Yang left the Profound Blossom Sect and went to look for Wang Shuren at the Burning Lotus Sect.

"Su Yang, you have arrived faster than I'd anticipated," Wang Shuren said after letting him into her house.

"I want to concoct a few pills before the gathering, and all of the ingredients are here."

"Oh? Can I watch?" she quickly asked him with her eyes filled with excitement.

"Do whatever you want," he said before entering the pill room.

A few minutes later, Su Yang began concocting pills while Wang Shuren watched him in the corner, looking like a child filled with amusement.

'It is exciting no matter how many times I watch him concoct pills. There's just something very mesmerizing about his movements, and it feels almost like I am watching a concert.'

In what felt like a blink of her eyes, Su Yang finished concocting a dozen unique pills.

"What are you going to do with those pills?" she asked him afterward.

"You will see during the gathering," he said with a mysterious smile.

"Anyway, are you ready for the gathering?" He asked her a moment later.

"Yes, the location for the gathering has already been set up, and I have just been waiting for you."

Su Yang nodded and said, "Good, then let's go to the location right now."

"Right now? The gathering isn't till next week," she said.

"It'll only take a few minutes."

Sometime later, Su Yang brought Wang Shuren onto the flying ship for the first time.

"Where are we going?" He asked her.

"Snowfall City." Wang Shuren quickly responded.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows. He didn't think that he'd return to that place so soon.

"Within the city, there is a very spacious gathering area that can fit thousands of people with ease. It is normally used by the Xie Family when they have an assembly with multiple families and Sects at once, so it's the perfect place to have our gathering. I have already asked the Xie Family for permission to use it, and since Lord Xie will also be at the gathering, he allowed us to use it without any complications."

"Very well. Hold on tight." Su Yang said to her.

Wang Shuren did not think much about it and tightly grabbed onto the flying ship.


When the flying ship began moving, Wang Shuren felt as though her soul was left behind by the insanely fast speed they were traveling at, and before she could even calm down, they'd already arrived at Snowfall City.

"Ugh… I feel like throwing up…" Wang Shuren had trouble standing still afterward, even tripping on the boat when she tried to get off.

"Are we already at Snowfall City? Just how fast can the flying ship travel?"

"It can travel thousands of miles in the blink of an eye," he said with a smile.


Once Wang Shuren calmed down, the two of them entered the city.

Although it cannot compare to the time of the Regional Tournament, when there were millions of people trying to enter the city, there are still a considerable number of people trying to get into the city at this moment.

And unlike the previous time, they were able to enter the city without any problems.

However, right as they entered the city, Su Yang could hear the sound of a whip cracking, followed by a familiar-sounding voice screaming in pain.

Chapter 563 Public Torture







"This voice belongs to… Fu Kuan?" Although it took her a moment, Wang Shuren recognized his voice.

"We have plenty of time before the gathering, so why don't we take a detour and see for ourselves how our little 'friend' has been holding up these days?" Su Yang said with a grin on his face.

Wang Shuren nodded her head, as she was also curious how they were punishing Fu Kuan.

Thus, they began following the direction of the scream, and as they got closer to the screaming, the louder and sharper it got.

A few minutes later, they arrived at a spacious open area, and in the middle of this place was a small stage with Fu Kuan chained in the air on the stage.



Fu Kuan's ear-piercing scream resounded again as another man on the stage whipped his back.





Su Yang and Wang Shuren watched as the man continuously whipped Fu Kuan's back.

Seeing the puddle of fresh blood underneath Fu Kuan caused Wang Shuren's eyebrows to tremble in shock.

"I have heard rumors, but I didn't think it would be this bad…" Wang Shuren mumbled to herself after witnessing the situation for herself, and she couldn't help but feel pity for Fu Kuan.

"A hundred whips for each life he took, huh? Who knows how long it'll take to carry out his punishment." Su Yang spoke with a calm expression on his face, almost as though he wasn't fazed by the brutal scene before him.



After Fu Kuan received ten whips, the punisher stopped whipping him to pour a bucket of green liquid on his body.

"This is… medicine?" Wang Shuren's sharp noise instantly picked up the herbal aroma from the water splashed onto Fu Kuan.

A few minutes later, the bloody scars on Fu Kuan's back disappeared, almost as though the punishment never took place.

Once all of the scars were gone, the punisher raised the whip in his grasp and began whipping Fu Kuan again.



"They healed his injury so they don't kill him by accident before they finish the punishment, huh? Wasting precious medicine on a prisoner just to continue torturing him, the Xie Family is adamant about carrying out his entire punishment, even if it'll cost them many resources and effort." Su Yang smiled.

After lingering around and watching Fu Kuan get tortured for a few more minutes, Wang Shuren spoke with a pale complexion, "Let's leave, Su Yang. I don't want to watch this anymore."

Su Yang nodded.

However, just as he turned around, Fu Kuan noticed him and called out to him, "S-S-Su Yang?! I-I-Is that you, S-Su Yang?!"

"P-P-Please…! H-Help me! I-I was wrong! I was truly wrong for messing with the P-Profound Blossom Sect! H-Have M-Mercy and kill me already!"

Fu Kuan pleaded for mercy on the stage, causing everybody there to look at Su Yang. Even the punisher stopped whipping Fu Kuan to look at him.

"It's really Su Yang! I heard that he was the one who stopped Fu Kuan from causing massive destruction in the Eastern Continent!"

"I wonder why he's here."

"Maybe he's here to rub it in Fu Kuan's face?"

The spectators mumbled to each other.

"You want me to kill you?" Su Yang looked at Fu Kuan with a nonchalant expression.

"Y-Yes! Please! J-Just kill me already! If I have to endure this for any longer, I will really go insane!"

"Hmmm…" Su Yang made a pondering expression, almost as though he was truly thinking about Fu Kuan's words, giving Fu Kuan some hope.

He suddenly turned to look at Wang Shuren and asked her, "What do you think? Should I end his suffering and kill him?"

Wang Shuren looked at him with a face that spoke, "Why are you asking me? He's your problem."

A moment later, Su Yang returned to looking at Fu Kuan, and he spoke with a grin on his face, "I would kill you if I could, but unfortunately for the both of us, I would rather not soil my hands with your dirty blood, so you'll have to endure it for a little bit longer."

"A little bit longer, you say?!" Fu Kuan's face immediately turned red from anger, and he began moving his body erratically and fiercely, almost as though he wanted to break out of his chains and attack Su Yang.


The punisher whipped Fu Kuan to calm him down, but Fu Kuan ignored the pain in his body and continued to bare his fangs at Su Yang like a beast.

"Ahhhhh! I will kill you, Su Yang! I will fucking kill you! Come over here so I can kill you!!!" Fu Kuan began screaming like a madman, even spitting his blood everywhere.

However, without his cultivation base, Fu Kuan was no different than an ordinary mortal. Let alone attacking Su Yang, he didn't even have the strength to break the steel chains that wrapped around all four of his limbs.

"Hahaha…" Su Yang burst out laughing at this scene, and he spoke, "Hang in there, little friend. If you can persist until I have nine grandchildren then I might consider ending your life."

"How dare you screw with me, Su Yang?! I swear I will fucking haunt you even after my death!"

"Good luck with that — dying, that is! I'll be cheering for you!" Su Yang waved at Fu Kuan before leaving the area with a smile on his face.

After Su Yang left the area, Fu Kuan coughed up a mouthful of blood before losing consciousness.

Seeing this, the punisher decided to end the punishment for the time being to allow Fu Kuan to rest. After all, if he continues to torture Fu Kuan and accidentally kill him, who knows what the Xie Family, or even worse, Su Yang, might do to him.

"Even though I think the punishment is a little bit too harsh, Fu Kuan has to take responsibility for those 36,000 disciples he'd betrayed and killed." Wang Shuren sighed afterward, and she continued, "Even if he somehow outlives the punishment, I doubt he'll be the same person ever again, as the mental toll for being torture so long will surely break his mind until nothing is left."

Chapter 564 The Day of the Gathering

"Halt! You are before the Xie Family's Assembly Hall! Identify yourselves!"

When Su Yang and Wang Shuren arrived at the location, they were stopped by the guard guarding that place.

Wang Shuren stepped forward and showed the guard Xie Family's medallion along with a letter from Lord Xie stating their permission to use the Assembly Hall.

"Ah! You must be Alchemy Master Wang from the Burning Lotus Sect. We have been expecting you. By the way, who is that person behind you?"

The guard suddenly pointed at Su Yang, who had changed his clothes and covered his face with a mask before arriving at the location.

"This is my Master, the esteemed Alchemy Master who allowed for this gathering to happen in the first place." Wang Shuren said to the guard.

"The Alchemy Master who discovered the Earth Advancement Pills?! Excuse us for not recognizing you, Esteemed Senior!"

The guard bowed deeply to him before allowing them into the Assembly Hall.

After entering the building, Su Yang looked at the spacious area with approval.

"How many families will attend the gathering?" he asked her.

"The participants have increased to 130 sects and 269 families since I last mentioned it. Furthermore, I have limited each family and sect to only 2 individuals that could participate in the gathering, so we shouldn't see more than a few hundred people."

"I see… You have done a great job setting this entire time up by yourself," Su Yang suddenly praised her, and he continued, "Do you have anything you want for your contributions? I'll reward you."

"Uh… Nothing in particular…" Wang Shuren responded with a dazed expression, as she didn't expect him to reward her.

"There's no need to be humble," he said.

"Then… Can I learn more about the Demon Heart Pill? I have been interested in it ever since I saw it," she said after pondering for a moment.

"Is that all you want? The Demon Heart Pill isn't anything impressive."

"That's enough for me." Wang Shuren nodded.

"Okay. Then I will give you the recipe after we leave this place."

"Thank you, Su— Master!" Wang Shuren bowed to him.

Meanwhile, at the Xie Family, Lord Xie gazed at the subordinate before him and spoke, "What? The mysterious Alchemy Master has arrived at the Assembly Hall with Wang Shuren? Are you certain it's him?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Wang Shuren herself introduced him as her Master."

"What about his identity? Do we know anything about him?" Lord Xie continued to ask.

"No, he was wearing a mask and his entire body was wrapped in black robes. It appears that he intends on hiding his identity."

"I see… Is there anything else I should know about?"

"We have received news that Su Yang from the Profound Blossom Sect has appeared in the city. He was also seen entering the city with Wang Shuren, but he has disappeared somewhere afterward."

"Su Yang? What the hell is that brat doing all the way here? Is he going to participate in the gathering, too?" Lord Xie mumbled to himself.

"No… what if he has connections to the mysterious Alchemy Master? Knowing him, I am almost certain that he's related to the Alchemy Master in some way!"

Because of Su Yang's age and background, the thought of Su Yang being the mysterious Alchemy Master did not even cross Lord Xie's mind. No matter how talented one might be, there's simply no way they can become a Master Alchemist without many years of experience.

"Anyway, I am going to the Assembly Hall to greet this Alchemist Master." Lord Xie said to his subordinate before leaving the room.

Many minutes later, Lord Xie arrived at the Assembly Hall.

"Where is the Senior Alchemist?" he asked the guard.

"Uh… Wang Shuren and the Senior Alchemist have already left the Assembly Hall, Your Majesty."

"What? I came here as soon as I heard about it! Do you know where they went?"

However, the guard shook his head. "No, Your Majesty. They left the place without saying a word after a quick look around."

'Damn! I wanted to take advantage of the situation and create a connection between us before the gathering, but it seems like that won't be possible anymore!' Lord Xie cried inwardly.

However, Lord Xie did not give up so easily and proceeded to wait inside the Assembly Hall just in case the Alchemist Master returned.

But alas, Wang Shuren, and Su Yang had long returned to the Burning Lotus Sect, making Lord Xie's efforts a vain.

Inside Wang Shuren's living quarters, Su Yang handed her the recipe for the Demon Heart Pill and proceeded to train her over the next few days until it was time for the gathering.

A few days later, Su Yang and Wang Shuren emerged from the pill room with Wang Shuren fully naked and covered in sweat.

"If you haven't already, bring your cauldron with you. I'll demonstrate my abilities before we even begin talking." Su Yang said.

Wang Shuren nodded before cleaning herself in the bathroom.

Once they were prepared to leave, Su Yang brought out the flying ship, and they returned to Snowfall City.

However, this time around, Su Yang wore his disguise before leaving the Burning Lotus Sect.

On the day of the gathering, countless renowned experts from famous families and powerful sects could be seen entering Snowfall City one after another, shocking the ignorant people outside and inside the city.

"Look! That's the Patriarch of the Jiang Family from the Western Region! What is he doing all the way over here?!"

"Look behind him! That's the head of the Ling Family, who is known for his expertise in medicine!"

"Even the Sect Leader of the Divine Nature Garden, one of the leading Pill Masters in this world, is going to Snowfall City! And he even brought his disciple with him!"

"With the gathering of so many renowned experts from all around the world, something big must be happening soon if it hasn't happened already!"

Chapter 565 A Gathering of Experts

"Senior Zeng! I did not expect to see you here! How long has it been since you left the Divine Nature Garden? It must have been decades since I last saw you!"

"Hmm? If it isn't Patriarch Cai. Has it really been that long since our last meeting? I swear it feels like we met not long ago."

Inside the Assembly Hall, where the seats are quickly being filled with experts, two old men spoke with each other.

One of them was known as Senior Zeng, Sect Master of the divine Nature Garden, one of few Sects in this world that mainly focuses on medicine and pills.

The old man sitting beside him was the Patriarch of the Cai Clan, who is renowned for his medical expertise.

These two individuals alone were peak experts that are rarely seen in public, much less the both of them at the same time, and there were many other powerful and influential people like Senior Zeng and Patriarch Cai gathered in the Assembly Hall.

Any single individual in the Assembly Hall has immense influence in the world who could shake the Eastern Continent with a single command, and to have so many of them gathered in one spot, it was truly an unprecedented sight.

"I heard that you'd recently accepted a new disciple. Would that disciple happen to be that young miss by your side?" Patriarch Cai looked at the beautiful young lady sitting beside Senior Zeng.

"Hahaha… Indeed, this is my precious disciple. I brought her here hoping that she could learn a thing or two from this mysterious Alchemy Master who shook the world with the Earth Advancement Pill." Senior Zeng laughed, and he continued while looking at the young girl beside Patriarch Cai, "I see that you've also brought someone with you."

"This is my youngest daughter, Cai Zhuohua. Greet Senior Zeng, Zhuohua."

"Junior Cai greets Senior Zeng. This Junior has been wishing to meet Senior ever since she heard of your grand feats in the field of medicine. It is an honor to finally meet you."

"Haha… what an elegant and polite Young Lady. The Cai Clan is lucky to have someone like you in their family." Senior Zeng laughed loudly.

Although Senior Zeng acted oblivious, it was obvious why Patriarch Cai would bring a young beauty to such an important gathering that was unbefitting of her background. If this mysterious Alchemy Master turns out to be the real deal, it would benefit the Cai Clan greatly if the Alchemy Master adores someone from their family.

In fact, there were plenty of other families in the Assembly Hall that had brought along their daughter to the gathering, all hoping to create a connection with the Alchemy Master whose name already rivals most of the top families in the Eastern Continent.

"Look over there. That's Matriarch Fang from the Four Great Families."

The people there quickly noticed Fang Xianjue's immense presence.

"Of course, one of the Four Great Families would be here. I wouldn't be surprised even if the other three also decide to show up."

And just as many there had expected, the other three Great Families appeared at the Assembly Hall a little bit later.

The Long Family that governs the Eastern Region, the Xiang Family that rules the Southern Region, the Fang Family that dominates the Western Region, and the Su Family from the Northern Region — all Four Great Families were gathered in public. It was an incredibly rare sight even for most of these influential people at the Assembly Hall who are used to seeing uncommon events.

As for the number of people from these families, the Long Family only brought one person — their Patriarch. The Xiang Family brought two individuals from their family — an old woman and a young lady. As for the Fang Family, there were two people, Fang Xianjue and a handsome middle-aged man, who was her husband and the head of the Fang Family. Meanwhile, just like the Long Family, only Su Xun from the Su Family showed up.

However, despite sharing the same title of a 'Great Family', none of these families were actually friendly with one another. In fact, they inwardly hated each other and would fight with each other over the smallest thing.

Sometime later, another renowned family that caused a commotion with their appearance showed up in the Assembly Hall. However, this family was not always that popular, as their fame had only skyrocketed after the Regional Tournament because of one individual.

"Look! That's the Hong Family! And they even brought along Hong Yu'er!"

The people there were surprised by Hong Yu'er's unexpected appearance.

Very quickly after Hong Yu'er's appearance, people gathered around her, hoping to gain some favors or just to make some connections.

However, Hong Yu'er didn't even glance at them before taking a seat beside Su Xun.

"Hello, father-in-law." Hong Yu'er greeted Su Xun, dumbfounding him.

Meanwhile, her father, Hong Chengchou, had to apologize to the experts and seniors in her stead.

"I apologize for my daughter's unruly behavior just now. She's not used to strangers..." Hong Chengchou bowed to them.

"Hahaha… don't worry about it. Geniuses like her should be at least that haughty." The experts laughed it off, as they didn't dare to complain before Hong Yu'er's presence.

"What are you doing here, Hong Yu'er? Are you interested in the pills or the Alchemy Master?" Su Xun asked her with raised eyebrows.

Hong Yu'er showed a smile and said, "You don't have to worry, father-in-law. Even if he's the most talented Alchemy Master in this world, I only have eyes for Su Yang."

"I'm sorry, but it was not my intention to question your loyalty for my son..." Su Xun quickly shook his head.

Sometime later, a loud voice resounded in the place.

"His Majesty, Lord Xie, has arrived!"

The people in the Assembly Hall immediately stood up and bowed to Lord Xie, who'd just entered the room.

"Be at ease." Lord Xie waved his hands before taking a seat in his personal chair.

Once Lord Xie and all of the expected guests had arrived, Wang Shuren made her appearance with a bright smile on her face.