

Chapter 277 Rescue Mission

After reaching the Heavenly Spirit Realm, Su Yang's already rich Yang Qi only became even richer. What's more, because of his overwhelming strong Yang Qi, it made Su Yang's little brother emit a kind of profound energy that naturally increases the pleasure his partners feel during cultivation.

In other words, even if Su Yang doesn't do anything, his partner will still feel pleasure just from having his rod in their body!




Fang Zhelan's entire figure trembled before releasing Yin Qi from her lower body.

"Again… he made me cum again…"

After cultivating with Su Yang for half an hour, Fang Zhelan couldn't even remember how many times she has released her Yin Qi.

Ever since she started this path of cultivation, Fang Zhelan has never felt such satisfaction and pleasure from cultivation.

Feeling like a frog in a well, Fang Zhelan embraced everything Su Yang graced upon her body.

After another half an hour, when Fang Zhelan's body could no longer handle the stimulation, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Fang Zhelan.


Fang Zhelan released a long moan when she felt something warm rush into her hole, quickly filling it.

A few moments later, when Fang Zhelan realized the quality of Yang Qi in her body, she stared at Su Yang with wide eyes.

"T-T-This… Heavenly Spirit Realm?!"

"You can tell?" Su Yang smiled.

Although she was dazed, Fang Zhelan managed to nod her head in response.

"As long as you continue cultivating with me, you will without a doubt reach the Earth Spirit Realm before the tournament."

Fang Zhelan did not even slightly doubt his words.

In fact, she could very well reach the fourth level of the Earth Spirit Realm by the time the regional tournament begins if she continues to cultivate with Su Yang.

What's more, after a mere week, the seven Outer Court disciples that wanted to enter the regional tournament but was only at the Elementary Spirit Realm has long reached the Profound Spirit Realm after cultivating with Su Yang, and they all expect to achieve the True Spirit Realm before the regional tournament.

After cultivating with Fang Zhelan, Su Yang returned to his own living quarters, where he would continue to cultivate with the disciples for the next few days.




During these few days, the Profound Blossom Sect continued to remain silent and inside its own territory.

As for the Burning Lotus Sect, they did not mention anything about the Profound Blossom Sect to the outside world and only spoke of their experience with their Sect Master, as it was instructed by the Sect Master himself.

"Su Yang!"

Whilst he was in the middle of cultivation, Su Yang's communication jade suddenly trembled, and Liu Lanzhi's voice resounded in his head.

"Come to the Yin Yang Pavilion immediately! There is an emergency!"


"Is there something wrong, senior apprentice-brother?"

Su Yang's partner asked him after he suddenly stopped moving.

"Yes, the Sect Master just called for me, and she sounded quite urgent. Something must have happened."

"Go ahead, senior apprentice-brother. We can finish this another day."

Su Yang shook his head and said, "One minute."

After saying those words, Su Yang continued to cultivate.

One minute later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into her body, and the lady was more than satisfied from the session.

A few moments later, Su Yang changed his robes and headed to the Yin Yang Pavilion.

Upon arrival, Liu Lanzhi and three other figures there turned to look at him.

"Took you long enough," Elder Sun snorted upon seeing him.

"I was in the middle of cultivation," he casually responded.

"Anyway, why are we here?"

Su Yang turned to look at Liu Lanzhi, who wore an anxious expression on her face.

Liu Lanzhi nodded and began explaining the situation, "I have forgotten about this because of the Million Snakes Sect situation, but our Junior Disciples are currently outside training, and I just received an urgent call by the sect elders leading them that they are currently in danger, requesting for immediate backup. In other words, it's a rescue mission, and I want the four of you to go."

"Junior Disciples?"

Su Yang raised an eyebrow. Although he did not immediately recognize this term, he quickly searched through his memories.

To put it simply, Junior Disciples are disciples that are underaged, and it is special role that exists only in the Profound Blossom Sect due to their unique ways of cultivation. What's more, Junior Disciples are strictly forbidden from engaging in dual cultivation before the age of 16, when they officially become adults, as one can imagine the outrage it would cause if they were allowed to dual cultivate.

"Where are they currently?" Fang Zhelan, who was also there, asked Liu Lanzhi.

"They are currently at the borders between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region."

"Do we know what happened to them?" Sun Jingjing, the last member there, asked.

Liu Lanzhi shook her head. "I did not receive any direct messages, only their signal after they destroyed the emergency talisman I gave them. However, even if we don't know the situation, don't underestimate the dangers, as it is something even the sect elders there were not able to handle."

"How far is it to the borders from here?" Su Yang asked.

"If you start running there now, it should only take a few days."

"A few days? That's too far away… and by the time we get there... I'm afraid that it might be too late..." Sun Jingjing frowned.

Liu Lanzhi sighed and spoke, "Even if we might not make it in time, we cannot just ignore them, as it will be akin to abandoning them, especially when it happened to us not long ago."

"We just need to recuse them, right?"

Su Yang suddenly retrieved a small wooden boat and tossed it into the air.

The next instant, the wooden boat expanded in size until it became a full-sized wooden boat.

"W-What is that? It's even floating in the air!" Sun Jingjing asked him with her interest piqued.

"It's a flying treasure. With this, we will reach our destination much faster."

"A flying treasure…"

Both Liu Lanzhi and Elder Sun stared at the wooden boat with wide eyes filled with shock. Where did Su Yang obtain such a treasure?

Su Yang jumped onto the boat and turned to look at the others and spoke, "What are you waiting for? We are in a hurry, right? Get on."

Chapter 278 Who Are These Idiots?

"However, there's only enough room for two, so I can only take one of you. I also don't mind going by myself," said Su Yang as he stood in the wooden boat.

"I will go!"

Before Fang Zhelan or Elder Sun could even react, Sun Jingjing jumped onto the boat and stood beside Su Yang with an eager expression on her face, and she seemed more interested in the flying treasure than the rescue mission itself.

"Just the two of you? I will not allow it! It's simply too dangerous!" Liu Lanzhi quickly rejected.

Her reason for rejecting was simple — she was worried that they might perish during their rescue mission, and she cannot afford to lose either of them, especially Su Yang, who is the only male disciple.

In fact, if it weren't for Fang Zhelan, who stubbornly kept requesting for Su Yang's presence, Liu Lanzhi would not have called him here.

"What's more, what will the two of you do when you arrive? This is not something the two of you can handle alone!"

Su Yang merely shrugged and said, "I will listen to your complaints later. Right now, there are Junior Disciples out there waiting to be rescued."

After saying those words, Su Yang activated the wooden boat, and within a blink of an eye, they disappeared from the Profound Blossom Sect.

Liu Lanzhi and the others stood there with a dazed expression after they left, shocked by the flying treasure's ludicrous speed.

A few moments later, seeing Liu Lanzhi's trembling body, Fang Zhelan spoke, "Sect Master, you don't have to worry about them. Even if Su Yang went alone, he will not die."

"How are you so certain about that?" Elder Sun asked with a frown.

He also couldn't help but worry that something bad might happen to Sun Jingjing.

After all, if Sun Jingjing were to die while in his custody, he will no longer be able to face the Sun Clan with a straight face.

"I… I just do…"

Elder Sun stared at Fang Zhelan with wide eyes. He has never seen her like this before.

Liu Lanzhi also looked at Fang Zhelan with suspicious eyes, thinking to herself, "She definitely knows something that we don't about Su Yang…"

"Anyway, there is nothing we can do now that they have already left."

Liu Lanzhi shook her head.

Elder Sun bit his lips and mumbled, "If anything happens to my girl, I will slice your body and feed it to the dogs — even if it's a corpse by then — Su Yang!"

Elder Sun left a little bit later, but his mind is still filled with worry for Sun Jingjing.

As for Fang Zhelan, Liu Lanzhi had told her to stay, so she remained.

"What's the matter, Sect Master?"

Liu Lanzhi narrowed her eyes and asked her, "Disciple Fang… what are you hiding from me?"


Fang Zhelan did not express surprise from Liu Lanzhi's question as she was expecting it after being told to stay.

"I think it would be for the best if you didn't know, Sect Master…" Fang Zhelan finally shook her head.

"How can you be so sure about that?" Liu Lanzhi frowned.

"I'm sorry, Sect Master, but I cannot say it. That being said, even if I don't say anything, you will find out the truth soon…"

After a moment of silence, Liu Lanzhi snorted, "Hmph! Knowing his character, Su Yang probably told you to remain quiet, right? Fine, you don't have to tell me anything."

Although Fang Zhelan decided to keep Su Yang's secret by herself, she did not correct Liu Lanzhi and merely accepted it, so she nodded to Liu Lanzhi's words.




Meanwhile, on a certain wooden boat in the sky, Sun Jingjing clung to Su Yang very tightly with her entire body, looking like a squirrel hugging the tree.

The sudden departure and speed had caught her off guard, and her heart nearly popped out of her throat at that moment.

"Relax, you won't fall off…"

Su Yang said to her with a calm smile.

"A-A-Are you sure?"

Sun Jingjing asked with a trembling voice.

Seeing Su Yang nod, Sun Jingjing slowly released her grasp on him.

"Y-You're right! Despite moving mid-air at this speed, it feels like I am standing on the ground! So this is a flying treasure, huh!"

Sun Jingjing's enthusiasm quickly returned, and she began looking around.

"You are interested in flying treasures?" Su Yang asked her.

"I am now!" Sun Jingjing nodded.

"I have always dreamed of soaring across the sky at high speed, and this experience just fulfilled it!"

After admiring the blurry view for a few moments, Sun Jingjing spoke, "By the way, how fast will we arrive at the border now that we are using this flying treasure."

"A few minutes."

Su Yang casually replied.

"A few days into a few minutes… just how fast is this thing going?" Sun Jingjing did not even imagine that such a treasure could exist in this world; it was almost as if this flying treasure belonged to another world.




Currently, somewhere between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region, in the mountain ranges, ten large and bulky figures were encircling a large group of small figures, looking like shepherds with all of their sheep in one place.

Some of these ten figures wore expensive-looking clothes whilst the others wore dirty and damaged clothes.

All of them seemed to be from different backgrounds, yet they all shared the same vile aura that only those that have abandoned their morality would emit.

"Hahahaha! Who are these idiots? To step foot into our Red Mountain Bandits territory, you are only asking to be killed or sold by us!"

One of the bandits laughed out loud.

"Elder brother, look at their clothes! They are from the Profound Blossom Sect!" One of the bandits recognized their clothing.

"The Profound Blossom Sect? They are still active? And don't they look a little bit too young to be in such a place?"

"Whatever their circumstances are, we are rich! Look at these girls! Although they are still young, all of them have above-average appearances! Even if we can't sell all of them, they will still be of use for us in the future, as they will surely grow up to be beauties!"

"If I recall correctly, we have a few brothers with twisted tastes! They will surely be ecstatic once they see so many young girls to choose from!"

"Hahahahaha! We have struck gold today — or should I say that Heaven has blessed us with gold at our doorstep today?!"

The ten bandits laughed wildly, looking like a group of crazy people.

Meanwhile, the Junior Disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect trembled in fear, especially the young girls after hearing that they would be sold off — or worse, enslaved and used by these twisted bandits for the rest of their lives!

Chapter 279 Red Mountain Bandits

"You vile bandits! If you know our background, then it would be in your best interest to let us go! I have already called for backup!"

One of the sect elders spoke loudly, feeling quite pressured by the situation.

There were four sect elders there, all at the True Spirit Realm. However, the bandits were also between the Profound Spirit Realm and the True Spirit Realm, outnumbering them by ten to four.

And when they think about these Junior Disciples that are only being a burden in this situation, the sect elders felt that their hands were being tied.

Of course, the sect elders could easily abandon these Junior Disciples and save their own lives, but that would go against their morals, not to mention that they will surely be executed by Liu Lanzhi if she finds out the truth — which will surely happen.

The bandits stopped laughing and exchanged glances. A few moments later, they continued to laugh but at an even louder volume.

"Hahahaha! Don't tell me that they are unaware of what happened with the Profound Blossom Sect!"

The sect elders frowned when they heard the bandits.

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Hahahaha! They really don't know anything!"

The bandits laughed even harder.

"Listen up, you idiots! The Profound Blossom Sect had offended someone they shouldn't have and was destroyed in a single day!"


The sect elders and Junior disciples stood there with shocked expressions, their faces filled with disbelief.

"You… You are lying! Don't listen to them, disciples! Messing with your heads is what bandits excel at!"

"Whether we are lying or not, you will find out later. And of course, that will be long after we do whatever we want to you! Hahahaha!"

"If you don't want to get hurt, then I suggest you stay still when we tie your hands."

"Brothers! Capture them!"

The ten bandits began closing in onto the group with wide grins on their faces, looking like a pack of hungry wolves slowly approaching a pack of vulnerable chickens.

The four sect elders from the Profound Blossom Sect retrieved their weapons. Even if they have to risk their lives, they wanted to protect these young disciples at all costs.

"Go ahead and struggle all you want! At the end of the day, all of your efforts will be in vain!"

A few moments later, the four sect elders clashed with the bandits. However, due to the difference in numbers, the sect elders, as expected, were quickly suppressed by the bandits.

"W-We need to help the sect elders!"

One of the Junior Disciples suggested.

"And what? Get in their way? We are only at the Elementary Spirit Realm! A single slap from these bandits will tear our heads off our necks!"

"Then what should we do?! We cannot just sit around and let them capture us! I don't want to be sold!"

A few of the Junior Disciples began crying from fear and anxiety.

"Oy! Try not to damage their bodies too much — especially the females! It will decrease their value!"

"Oh, my bad…"

"We don't need everybody to deal with four True Spirit Realm experts. Three of you can start dealing with the brats."

When the Junior Disciples noticed three of the bandits suddenly turn to look at them, their bodies trembled in fear, and some of them even uncontrollably pissed their pants.

"You bastards!"

The sect elders wanted to stop these bandits but were obstructed by the other seven bandits, forcing them further and further away from the Junior Disciples.

"Hahaha! Little brats! Don't worry, I will treat you all properly and play with your body gently later, just like an expensive doll."

The bandits laughed.

One of them even made a creepy expression while licking his sword.


The Junior Disciples began running in all directions, but alas, the three bandits quickly surrounded them in a triangle formation.

"Where do you think you little brats are going? If you continue moving around, I might accidentally stab you!"

The bloodthirsty aura from these bandits at the True Spirit Realm is not something mere Elementary Spirit Realm children like them can bare, so many of them froze on the spot from fear.

"Hahaha! Look at them tremble! It only makes me want to play with them even more!"

"Enough fooling around! Let's just capture them and get this over with!"

One of the elder bandits suddenly roared.

The other bandits then nodded and stopped laughing.

"The Profound Blossom Sect will not forgive you if you touch even a single hair on our disciples! If you let us go now, the Profound Blossom Sect will spare you bandits from total eradication!"

One of the sect elders said in a last-ditch effort to save them.

"We will be looking forward to that," said one of the bandits as he reached out to grab one of the Junior Disciples that was closest to him.


The Junior Disciple that was suddenly caught cried out loud.

"Apprentice-sister Qi!"

"Let her go, you vile bandit!"

A few of the Junior Disciples exclaimed.

"If you don't quit squirming around, brat, I will cut off one of your limbs!"

The bandit spoke in a cold voice, and the Junior Disciple immediately froze.

However, the tears in her eyes continued to flow.

Meanwhile, above the clouds, unbeknownst to the Profound Blossom Sect disciples and the bandits, two figures stood on a wooden boat, silently watching this entire situation unfold.

"The Red Mountain Bandits… known for their viciousness and lack of morality, they are the most notorious bandits in the Southern Region. If one were to list all their crimes, it would fill an entire bookshelf."

Sun Jingjing watched the Junior Disciples and their terrified expression from above, feeling powerless.

As much as Sun Jingjing wanted to jump down there to help them, she knew that such actions would not help their situation the slightest, as she was only a Profound Spirit Realm expert.

"Six of them are within the Profound Spirit Realm whilst the rest are at the True Spirit Realm. If we go down there right now, we will only be captured by the bandits."

Sun Jingjing turned to Su Yang and continued with a worried expression, "What should we do? The situation is worse than expected. If only it's senior apprentice-sister Fang that's here right now instead of me… it's all my fault for getting ahead of myself…"

She began blaming herself for this situation.

However, Su Yang remained silent.

A few moments later, Su Yang retrieved a steel sword from his storage pouch and made a throwing position with his body, looking like someone who is going to throw a spear, even holding the sword upside-down by the handle like it's a spear.

"W...What are you doing?" Sun Jingjing asked him with a dumbfounded face.

Su Yang smiled and said, "You'll understand soon."

Chapter 280 Ambush from Heaven

After retrieving his sword, Su Yang narrowed his eyes at one of the bandits.

The next moment, he made a tossing movement.

A light flickered in the sky, and at an incredible speed, the sword in Su Yang's grasp flew towards one of the bandits.

However, nobody from below noticed this sword that was flying towards them from the heavens.

A few seconds later, before the bandit that was holding one of the Junior Disciples could even react, a sharp sword tore a hole in his head, instantly killing him.

The bandits did not immediately realize that one of their men had died and continued to capture the Junior Disciples.

It was only when the Junior Disciples started screaming frantically did the bandits notice the corpse on the floor that was missing a face.

"B-Brother!!! What happened?!"

The bandits began looking around in a panic, trying to figure out where the sword had come from.

In fact, they still haven't fully comprehended the situation, especially not the sudden death of one of their men.

"I-It's an ambush! Watch out!"

"Coward! Come out, you coward!"

When the bandits began provoking Su Yang, who threw the sword, Sun Jingjing asked him, "What are you going to do now?"

"What? That's simple."

Su Yang then raised one of his legs and took a step. However, this single step was outside the boat, so his entire body plunged downwards the next second.

"S-Su Yang!"

Sun Jingjing felt her heart skipping beats when Su Yang jumped from the boat without any warnings.

At this height, even a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert will die if he falls to the ground!

However, in the middle of his fall, Su Yang activated the Nine Astral Steps, which allowed him to step on air and navigate his ways to the ground safely.

In Sun Jingjing's eyes, it seemed as though Su Yang was walking down an invisible stair.

Feeling disbelief, Sun Jingjing instinctively rubbed her eyes.

"What kind of movement technique is that?" she stared at Su Yang, who was literally traveling on empty air with his own feet, her eyes filled with admiration.

"Over there! In the air!"

The bandit with the highest cultivation base there noticed Su Yang first and immediately warned his fellow men.

"He's… walking in the air?"

Everybody there watched Su Yang approach them from the heavens with wide eyes, feeling as though they were watching a God's descend.

"His clothes! He's an Inner Court disciple from our Profound Blossom Sect!"

The sect elders were ecstatic to see that backup has arrived. However, none of them had expected it to arrive so quickly, as they gave the signal just a few minutes ago. What's more, nobody there recognized Su Yang's face — nobody except one individual.

"Senior apprentice-brother Su…"

The girl that had been captured first looked at Su Yang with eyes that were filled with admiration. In fact, this is not the first time that she has been saved by him but the second.

Upon landing on the ground, Su Yang picked up the sword that was beside the bandit's corpse.

"Brothers, he is also from the Profound Blossom Sect!"

"But he seems to be alone! Even if he killed one of our brothers, it was a sneak attack! If we band together, we can easily take him down!"

Five of the remaining nine bandits quickly grouped up and encircled Su Yang, who stood there was a nonchalant expression, his gaze not even on the bandits.

Seeing Su Yang stand there silently, one of the bandits yelled, "Get him!"

At the exact moment the bandits rushed at him, Su Yang activated Nine Astral Steps, disappearing right before the bandits' very eyes.

"Where did he go?!"

Shocked, the bandits stopped their movements and began looking around frantically.


Suddenly, the sound of clothes ripping apart resounded, and the bandits turned their heads to the direction of the sound.

What they witnessed afterward was nothing short of terrifying, as Su Yang, with a single sword strike, sliced one of the bandits in half from top to bottom.

After killing the bandit and without allowing the others to react, Su Yang used Nine Astral Steps once again to get behind another bandit.

A second later, another bandit falls to the ground without even being aware that he'd just died, reducing the total amount of bandits to seven.

However, Su Yang was not done yet, so he continued to use Nine Astral Steps six more times, killing six more bandits in the timespan of a few seconds.

In the blink of an eye, before anybody there could even react or comprehend the situation, Su Yang had killed off nearly every single bandit, leaving one left.

What's more, Su Yang did not utter a single word this whole time, almost like he had nothing to say to these bandits.

The remaining bandit fell to the ground from shock when he realized that he was the only one left alive, even pissing his own pants.

The sect elders and Junior Disciples looked at Su Yang with wide eyes, seemingly in disbelief.

Since when did they have such a powerful disciple in their sect? And how is he only a mere Inner Court disciple? The strength displayed by him today surpasses even most of their Core disciples!

After killing all but one bandits, Su Yang turned to the sky and made a beckoning motion with his hands.

A few moments later, a wooden boat descended from the sky with Sun Jingjing standing on it.

"Disciple Sun!"

Although they did not recognize Su Yang's face, the sect elders immediately recognized Sun Jingjing.

Once the boat fully descended, Sun Jingjing stepped out of the wooden boat.

However, she was clueless as to how to react in this situation, especially when she's currently as shocked as these people by Su Yang's performance.

She turned to look at Su Yang with eyes that seemed to be asking for help.

Su Yang casually smiled and said, "You can return to the sect with them first. I still have some business here."

Chapter 281 Bandits' Hideou

\"What?\" Sun Jingjing looked at him with a puzzled expression. \"What are you going to do now?\"

Su Yang turned to look at the bandit that was trembling on the ground and spoke with a cold expression on his handsome face: \"Bandit hunting.\"


Sun Jingjing was speechless. \"Why are you going this far? The Junior Disciples are safe and our recuse mission is a great success — there's no need for you to do all of that. We should return to the Profound Blossom Sect as soon as possible right now!\"

Su Yang shook his head and spoke, \"Indeed, such actions may not be necessary. However, after watching these guys for some time, they have convinced me that the world would be better off without them.\"

He then turned to look at the bandit and continued, \"You can either lead me to your hideout and I spare your life, or I can kill you right now and find it myself — not that it'll make that much of a difference.\"

\"I-I will guide you!\"

The bandit did not hesitate to betray his fellow bandits to save his own life.

\"There you have it. I will be leaving first,\" said Su Yang as he followed the bandit.

\"W-Wait! Can I come—\"

Before Sun Jingjing could even finish speaking, Su Yang stopped her and said, \"You should stay here and explain to them the situation at the Profound Blossom Sect. I should return by the time you are done.\"

Although she still wanted to follow him, Sun Jingjing remained with the Junior Disciples.

After Su Yang was gone from their sight, Sun Jingjing explained everything to them.

From the Million Snakes Sect's invasion to the current state of the Profound Blossom Sect, Sun Jingjing told them.

\"No… No way… so the bandits had spoken the truth, after all?\"

The sect elders trembled upon learning the truth. If Su Yang did not arrive to save them, then the bandits would've turned them into products and slaves, and nobody would've come to save them.

\"W-Who is that handsome young man just now? How come I do not recognize someone as powerful as him?\"

One of the sect elders asked.


\"That's senior apprentice-brother Su! He has helped me once before, and he is also a very kind person!\"

Before Sun Jingjing could even answer, one of the Junior Disciples stepped forward and said.

Sun Jingjing looked at the little girl before her.

Qi Yue, that was this little girl's name, and she was one of Su Yang's earliest customers.

\"It appears that you know about him more than me.\" Sun Jingjing said with a smile.

\"I… I wouldn't say that…\" Qi Yue blushed for some reason.

\"Umm… what should we do now?\"

One of the sect elders asked.

\"If you want, you can start returning to the Profound Blossom Sect. I will be waiting here for Su Yang to return,\" said Sun Jingjing.

\"I… I will also wait for senior apprentice-brother Su! I still have to thank him for saving us!\"

Qi Yue said.

The sect elders exchanged glances before nodding at each other.

\"We will also wait for his return.\"

\"Then it's settled.\"




Meanwhile, somewhere in the mountain ranges, Su Yang casually followed the bandit to his hideout.

After navigating around countless trees and hundreds of booby traps created by the bandits to prevent intruders, they finally arrived at this seemingly ordinary cave.

\"We are here, sir.\"

The bandit said as he stopped walking.

\"A concealment formation, huh?\"

Although weak and sloppy, Su Yang can sense a concealment formation around this place.

\"Sir… I have betrayed my own comrades by showing you the way to our hideout… Please have mercy…\"

The bandit kowtowed on the ground and begged him while crying his eyes out.

However, Su Yang did not even glance at the bandit before swinging the sword in his grasp, killing the bandit instantly by decapitation.

After killing the bandit, Su Yang calmly walked towards the cave entrance, acting as if everything was normal.

Inside the bandits' hideout was dim and damp, and it strongly reeks of blood and alcohol.

Su Yang walked for a few minutes in this long tunnel before reaching a door.

\"Who the hell are you?\"

There was a guard at the entrance, and he immediately raised his weapons upon seeing Su Yang's unfamiliar figure.

Seeing this bandit guard, Su Yang did not stop walking and continued approaching the entrance.

\"I asked you a question! Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?! Do you have any idea where—\"

Once Su Yang reached a certain distance from the bandit, he flicked his arm, causing the sword in his grasp to disappear for an instant before reappearing.

In that instant, the bandit guarding the door was killed, and his blood dyed the metal entrance door.

With another arm flick, Su Yang sliced the metal door into many pieces, before he casually walked into the real bandits' hideout.

Su Yang's loud and forceful entry immediately alerted the bandits inside.

\"There's been an intrusion! Everybody stop what you are doing and kill the intruder!\"

Hundreds of bandits quickly swarmed Su Yang's location.

Upon seeing the bandits, Su Yang smiled, as he was hoping for such a situation.

\"A bunch of savages that know no elegance...\"

Su Yang raised his sword and pointed it at the bandits.

\"Even if trashes like you suddenly disappear forever, nobody in this world would care… In fact, I am willing to bet that people would celebrate instead!\"

\"Whose brat is this? Did he hit his head or something?\"

\"To think there would be a day where we, the Red Mountain Bandits, would be invaded by a mere child… a single person, no less... Hahahahah… this is too funny...\"

The bandits no longer felt a sense of urgency and began laughing wildly once they realized that it was only a single child that had invaded them.

\"Laugh all you want now because the next few moments will be your last.\"

The bandits immediately stopped laughing and glared at Su Yang with narrowed eyes, their aura filled with bloodlust.

\"Don't kill him. I want him captured alive,\" said one bandit.

\"Are we going to torture him?\"


\"We should start with his face,\" said another bandit.

Hearing these bandits spend their last few moments discussing a future that will never exist, Su Yang merely shook his head.

A few seconds later, without any warnings, Su Yang activated Nine Astral Steps, declaring the start of a bloodbath.

Chapter 282 Bloodbath

A few minutes have passed since Su Yang made his first move, and over a hundred bandits have already perished to the sword in his grasp.


\"How can someone be this brutal and powerful?! This guy is not human!\"

\"Monster! It must be a monster in disguise!\"

The bandits' hideout echoed with cries filled with horror by the bandits as Su Yang slaughtered them with ease.

Be it metal shields or defensive techniques, a single sword strike from Su Yang would cut through them like a hot knife cutting butter, before killing the bandit behind their barrier.

Additionally, because Su Yang is using Nine Astral Steps, the bandits felt as though they were fighting a ghost, as most of them were not even able to see his shadow.

Even if they were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Su Yang's shadow, he would kill them before they can even react.

The stench of blood within the bandits' hideout strengthed drastically within mere minutes, as the entire place is littered with corpses and covered in blood.

What's more, because the majority of these bandits were at the Elementary Spirit Realm and the Profound Spirit Realm, they were having difficulties breathing due to Su Yang's Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivation base that was suffocating them, weakening their defenses even more.

There were also some True Spirit Realm Cultivators, even a few at the Earth Spirit Realm mixed within the bandits, but alas, in front of Su Yang, who was at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, like ants, they were all easily crushed.

\"R-Run! He can't catch us all!\"

The bandits began running for the exit as a last-ditch effort, but alas, there was only one exit, and Su Yang would kill them before any of them could even get close.

The Red Mountain Bandits quickly decreased in numbers, and within half an hour, their thousand-strong number has decreased to just a few dozen.

\"P-Please! Have mercy! What have we done to offend you to deserve any of this?!\"

The remaining bandits dropped their weapons and on their knees, begging Su Yang to spare their lives.

Su Yang took a break from slaughtering for the first time since he started and spoke, \"How many innocent victims have said the exact same words to you, bandits, before you changed their lives for the worst?\"


The bandits immediately turned silent.

\"I am no hero, nor do I plan on being one. I am not doing this for revenge, nor was I offended by you trashes.\"

After a brief moment of silence, he continued, \"In other words, I am doing this merely for my own satisfaction!\"

\"N-No way…\"

The bandits looked at Su Yang as though they were seeing the devil.

After robbing and killing countless innocent people for many years, these bandits have long forgotten the feeling of despair and fear, especially when they are unrivaled in this area. But after meeting Su Yang today, they have finally recalled such feelings.

\"If I continue wasting breath speaking to you trashes, my mouth will catch your filth, so just die for me.\"

\"W-W-Wait! Let's talk about this—\"

Heavenly Profound Qi suddenly exploded from Su Yang's body, and with a single sword technique, hundreds of sword lights shot out from the sword, cutting the remaining bandits into many pieces within a blink of an eye.


The bandits' hideout immediately became dead silent.

Su Yang looked at the ground that was covered in blood, then his body that did not even have a drop of bloodstain despite being showered in blood.

\"It's been a while since I have taken this many lives in such a short time...\" he sighed inwardly.

Although Su Yang's actions today may appear to be brutal and unnecessary, this kind of slaughtering happens almost every day in the Cultivation world, sometimes at a much larger scale, and it's usually the innocents getting slaughtered, not bandits that do nothing but harm to both the mortal and cultivation world.

In fact, even though he's killed so many people, Su Yang does not feel even the slightest pity or remorse at this moment.

Perhaps he might pity those who were innocent and had their lives taken by these bandits, but as far as having emotions for these bandits, there were none in Su Yang's heart.

After standing around for a few moments, Su Yang began wandering around this bandits' hideout.

Although it does not seem anything impressive from the outside, the actual size of this hideout could be similar to a castle for a king but built underground, hence how it was able to hold a thousand bandits at once.

There were over five floors that went downwards and one hundred rooms, yet the most impressive part about this hideout would be that it was clearly handmade.

However, whether it was the bandits' efforts or the efforts of those they captured are unknown.

After walking around for some time, Su Yang stopped before one of the rooms on the second floor and opened it.

Once he entered the room, he was greeted with a cruel scene that would cause even the heart of a heartless man to tremble.

Inside this room, there were many females chained to the walls, and none of them were wearing clothes.

What's more, most of these females' bodies were bruised and skinny and clearly lacking nutrition. Their eyes were void of light, almost like a soulless doll, but even such dolls have more emotions in their facial expressions than the people in this room, something they lacked entirely.

One could easily guess the purpose of this room and why these females are here at glance, but that only made this place more sickening.

When Su Yang saw the state of these females and their expressionless faces, even though he didn't know any of them, his heart filled with anger.

\"I should not have killed them so quickly…\" he sighed inwardly, slightly regretting his decision to not torture the bandits before killing them slowly.

Chapter 283 Look at This… I Am Still a Virgin…

Su Yang slowly approached the females.

"All of the bandits in this place are dead, so you will no longer suffer like this anymore..."

Su Yang removed the shackles that chained these females to the wall.

However, none of them moved even after being freed.

"Please… kill me…"

After a moment of silence, one of the females there mumbled in a hoarse voice.

"Kill me, too…"

One by one, these girls begged Su Yang to kill them, as they would rather die than continue living life with the memories they made in this place.


Su Yang narrowed his eyes at these girls.

There was not even the slightest will to live in any of these girls' eyes, almost like they have already decided to choose death.

"Before I even stepped inside this room, I have already decided to take all of you out of this place, and that is what I will do. If you still wish to die, do so after we leave this place, because I will not stop you then."

The girls turned silent after hearing his words.

"Take us out… how? We barely have the strength to speak… much less stand up… and walk…"

Su Yang did not say anything else and retrieved his storage ring, before taking out a few pills from inside.

"These are Restoration Pills; it will help."

Su Yang handed each of the girls a Restoration Pill that was of flawless quality.


But the girls only stared at it.

Su Yang shook his head and retrieved some water from his storage ring.

He then proceeded to drink some water and feed these girls the Restoration Pills with his mouth.

Some emotions returned to these girls' faces upon feeling the warmth coming from Su Yang's lips as he gently fed them.

A few moments after consuming the Restoration Pills, the girls were able to move properly.

After another few minutes, they were all able to stand and walk as though their bodies were healthy.

"You can wear these clothes," said Su Yang as he handed them a bunch of clothes that he had picked up on the way to this room.

Sometime later, Su Yang and all six of these females left the room.

"There are still other people in this place, and I plan on taking everybody with me, as I do not want them rotting in this place," said Su Yang as he went to the next floor.

The girls there did not say a single word and silently followed closely behind him.

On the next floor, Su Yang entered another room, and as one should have expected, there were naked females chained to the walls in this room, too.

And just like before, these females begged Su Yang to kill them. But alas, they all ended up consuming a Restoration Pill and following Su Yang outside the room just a few minutes later.

This exact situation would repeat itself for a few more times until Su Yang reached the deepest floor, which had taken him half an hour to reach.

And by that time, there were over 50 girls following behind him.

Upon reaching the last floor, Su Yang immediately approached the largest door in the hallway, ignoring the other rooms.

Inside this large room, there were a dozen or so steel cages placed beside each other that seemed to be made for large beasts. However, instead of locking beasts inside these prisons, there were humans.

But compared to the girls standing behind Su Yang, these people were treated much better by the bandits.

The reason for their better treatment was obvious, as the bandits had planned on selling these people in the black market, and damaging their products would only lower their value.


When these people first saw Su Yang, their initial thought was that he was one of the bandits' customers, and when the females there noticed how handsome he was, they immediately wanted him to buy them.

In their heads, since they are going to be sold regardless, they would rather have a handsome man such as Su Yang as their owner instead of some ugly or greasy individual. That way, their life would not be as miserable when they have to serve them in bed.

In fact, most females that are sold in this manner usually become bed warmers after they are sold or forced to prostitution for their owners.

"Handsome young man, would you be kind enough to buy this lady? I will do anything you want…"

"Little brother, we both know why you are here… if you take me out of this cold place, I will give you everything that you've ever wanted…"

"Handsome, look at this… I am still a virgin…"

A few ladies there even made seducing gestures in hopes that Su Yang would be charmed by their body.

Su Yang remained nonchalant throughout this scene, and after a moment of silence, he spoke, "The bandits' in this place are no longer here, and I am here to help you regain your freedom."

Su Yang retrieved his sword and began cutting these steel cages as though they were paper boxes, and the people inside these cages stared at him with a dazed expression.

After releasing another forty people in this room, without explaining anything else, Su Yang turned around and began walking back the way he came.

The 50 girls that had been following him since the beginning continued to follow him in silence.

"W-What is going on? Can you explain the situation to us? What happened to the bandits?"

Somebody there asked.

Without stopping his movements, Su Yang spoke, "They are all dead, and you are now free."

"No way…"

They looked at him with a stupified expression.

The infamous Red Mountain Bandits have perished? Although this is an outcome that is not completely unexpected due to their infamy, the fact that it took only a single day to destroy a foundation that took half a century to build was shocking to these people, to say the least.

After standing around for a few moments to take in the shock, the forty people in this room also followed Su Yang.

Chapter 284 Being True to Their Hearts

When the group following Su Yang finally reached the first floor, a strong stench of blood and flesh penetrated their nose, and they were shocked by the bloody scene, which resembled a butcher's room.

In fact, the place was so gruesome that a few of the people there immediately puked, and someone even fainted on the spot.

"This is cruel…"

Although they were bandits and did horrible things to them, these people couldn't help but frown at the scene and the countless mutilated corpses that scattered in every inch of this floor.

Su Yang, however, ignored the scene and went straight for the exit, even stepping on the corpses as he walked.

The people there looked at Su Yang with a pondering gaze. Did he kill these bandits alone? After all, they have been here for some time now without seeing another individual.

That being said, they find it hard to believe that someone as young as Su Yang could possibly be this merciless, much less kill all of these bandits by himself.

Meanwhile, the Profound Blossom Sect disciples have been waiting for nearly an hour now.

"Do you think something happened to him? He did go to the bandits' hideout alone..."

One of the Junior Disciples asked.

"Don't say something that obnoxious! Senior apprentice-brother will be fine!" Qi Yue said with a frown.

Just as she finished saying those words, a figure could be seen approaching them from a distance, and a few seconds later, a large group of individuals followed.

"Senior apprentice-brother!"

Qi Yue immediately ran towards him with a bright smile on her face.

Su Yang quickly noticed the small figure running to him and smiled.

"If it isn't the little one," he said. "Are your legs doing fine?"

Qi Yue nodded.

"Un! And it's all thanks to senior apprentice-brother!"

Sometime later, Sun Jingjing and the sect elders approached Su Yang.

"Who are those people behind you?" asked Sun Jingjing.

"They were captured by the bandits, and I released them, that's all."

Su Yang then turned to look at the group behind him and spoke, "Now that you are free, you may do as you please. Ah… if you are thinking of repaying me for saving you today, don't bother..."

He then looked at the girls that would rather suicide than life and continued, "I will keep my words, so if you rather perish than continue living because of some painful memories, I will not stop you, even if you do it right now."


The place turned silent, and after a moment of silence, Su Yang continued: "That being said, if you want, I can erase your painful memories…"

The girls looked at him with wide eyes.

"You… you can do that?"

"Of course."

"Please… please help me forget…"

One of the girls immediately begged him while crying, and others quickly followed.

If they can continue living without the memories of their time in the bandits' hideout — living life as though it never happened, then these girls will choose that instead of death.

Although his face remained nonchalant, Su Yang smiled inside his heart.

"Very well," he nodded.

"Line up before me and I will erase your memories for you. However, in order for me to do that, I will need to see some of your memories, if you don't mind."

The girls quickly lined up before Su Yang, who placed his hand on these girls' forehead and closed his eyes.

And for the next half an hour, Su Yang would use a profound technique to read through these girls' memories before sealing them.

Indeed, what Su Yang is doing may not exactly be 'erasing' memories but more of 'sealing', so it can be reclaimed in the future, something the Su Family had done to him.

That being said, as long as these girls do not cultivate to the point where they can remove the seal on their memories, they will live life without any of the memories until the day they die.

Half an hour later, almost everybody that had been captured by the Red Mountain Bandits had their memories sealed by Su Yang.

"I… I can't remember anything for the last few months…"

"M-Me too! I can't recall no matter how much I try!"

The people there expressed surprise before looking at Su Yang.

Although their memories have been sealed, they were still able to remember Su Yang. And while they do not remember what he did to them, they felt nothing but deep gratitude to him.

After confirming that their memories have been sealed properly, Su Yang said to the Profound Blossom Sect disciples: "We can now return to the Sect."

"Huh? What about these people?"

One of the sect elders asked.

"I have already given them their freedom back. What they do now is no longer my problem."


However, before leaving them, Su Yang made sure to give them some gold — enough to live the rest of their lives without needing to work.

"Su Yang, how should we get back to the Profound Blossom Sect? If we don't use the flying treasure, it'll take us a few days…" Sun Jingjing asked him.

"Although it'll be a hassle to take many trips back and forth with the flying treasure, it'll definitely be much quicker than traveling on foot."

Su Yang looked at Sun Jingjing for a moment before speaking, "What are you talking about? Now that they are no longer in danger, we don't need to be here."

Su Yang then retrieved the wooden boat and jumped on it.

A few moments later, Su Yang said to Sun Jingjing, who was standing there with a dazed look, "What are you waiting for? If you aren't coming, I will return by myself…"

"I-I-I am coming!"

Sun Jingjing no longer pondered about it and jumped onto the wooden boat with him.

"Then… we will see you back at the Profound Blossom Sect…" Sun Jingjing said to the dumbfounded disciples in a slightly ashamed voice, before the wooden boat disappeared from the location.

Once they left the place, Sun Jingjing asked Su Yang, "Can you tell me your reason for not bringing them with us? I don't believe that someone like you would leave them there like that without any proper reasoning."

Su Yang remained a calm expression and asked, "Did you explain to them the situation with the Profound Blossom Sect?"

"I did…"



"Then did you stop to think that maybe some of them did not want to return to the Profound Blossom Sect after learning that the place they once knew is gone?"

Sun Jingjing's eyes widened with shock upon realizing that possibility.

Since the Profound Blossom Sect is pretty much abandoned at this state, would these sect elders and Junior Disciples want to continue being a disciple at such a place? After all, although these Junior Disciples are considered real disciples by the Profound Blossom Sect, they have not officially become one.

As for the sect elders, perhaps they no longer want to remain in a place that has almost no disciples.

"I left them there so they can decide whether they want to return to the Sect or not. As for why I did not tell them this… they can now truly decide for themselves without any influence. In other words, they can be true to their hearts."


Sun Jingjing turned silent, yet her gaze that was starring at Su Yang was filled with admiration. To think he'd think so far ahead… truly admirable.

Chapter 285 I Have Decided on a Partner

At the Profound Blossom Sect, after receiving Sun Jingjing's message, Liu Lanzhi and several sect elders waited for their return at the Yin Yang Pavilion.

"Where are they? Disciple Sun had sent a message saying that they will be here soon an hour ago, yet they are still not here!"

One of the sect elders there worried that something bad might've happened to them.

"Don't worry, I was recently notified that they will be running a little bit late."

Liu Lanzhi said to her.

And just as she said those words, a wooden boat appeared right above them without making a single sound, scaring the sect elders that did not know what it was.

"Calm down…"

Liu Lanzhi smiled when she saw the wooden boat above them.

A few seconds later, two figures jumped from the boat and landed before them.

"The two of you have done a spectacular job rescuing the Junior Disciples! Although I won't say that I didn't doubt you one bit, I am glad that both of you managed to return to us in one piece."

Liu Lanzhi said to them.

"Anyway, where are the Junior Disciples?"

Liu Lanzhi looked around but found no sight of them, feeling quite puzzled.

"We didn't return with them."

Sun Jingjing told her the truth.


Both Liu Lanzhi and the sect elders looked at her with wide eyes.

"The Junior Disciples are still at the boarders…"

Sun Jingjing proceeded to explain the situation to Liu Lanzhi and the sect elders.

"I see…"

Liu Lanzhi sighed with her eyes closed after listening to Sun Jingjing's explanation, feeling totally understanding of the situation.

If the Junior Disciples wanted to leave, she promised to not blame them.

Liu Lanzhi then turned to look at Su Yang with a frown.

After a moment of silence, she spoke, "Although I really wish to scold you for your actions today, I can't, as you have not only recused the Junior Disciples but also those innocent victims inside the bandits' hideout, and for that, I thank you."

"It's nothing much," said Su Yang casually.

"Now we can only wait and hope that at least some of them will return…" Liu Lanzhi sighed.

Sometime later, Liu Lanzhi dismissed everybody there.

After the dismissal, Su Yang returned to his living quarters and continued to cultivate.




Within a blink of an eye, four days have passed since the rescue mission, and not a single Junior Disciple has returned since then.

"Perhaps all of them have abandoned us…"

Sun Jingjing sighed as she practiced sword techniques in her backyard.

"Who knows…"

Elder Sun spoke as he looked through the scroll in his hands.

"While it will be unfortunate for the Profound Blossom Sect if these Junior Disciples decided to never return, it's honestly not too bad, as there were at most 100 of them. It's not like having an extra 100 will help the Sect return to its former glory."

"That's true, but 100 people will double our current population, so you can't say it's nothing."

Sun Jingjing suddenly stopped swinging her sword and asked Elder Sun, "What do you think will happen to the Profound Blossom Sect? Will we survive this predicament, or will we perish?"

Elder Sun closed his eyes to ponder.

After a moment of silence, he spoke, "If I have to honest with you, I have no clue… and I am sure that other sect elders are in the same shoes."

While the Profound Blossom Sect may be rich with techniques and resources, without disciples, such wealth will not amount to anything.

What's more, because of how the Profound Blossom Sect cultivates, it will be much harder to find disciples when compared to your average sect, as its cultivation methods will push most people away without giving it a second thought.

"Then why did you decide to stay here when you could've left? You could've died, you know? By the way, my decision to stay was because of you."

"This is where I grew up… I simply cannot abandon it, especially if it's in danger."

"Hm… Is that so…"

"What about you? Are you sure that you want to stay here? Instead of being here, you could be elsewhere right now — somewhere that can nurture you properly. Without dual cultivating, there's no meaning in being here..."

Elder Sun sighed and continued, "The Sun Family has been nagging me to convince you to stop following me for the past month, you know? They are even claiming that you are wasting your potential by being here."


After a moment of silence, Sun Jingjing smiled and said, "Then they will stop nagging you if I prove to them that I made the right choice by being here, right?"

"And how are you going to manage that? Besides your sword techniques, you have made barely any improvements since coming here."

"I… I have decided on a partner to cultivate with."

Sun Jingjing suddenly revealed, causing Elder Sun's eyes to widen like eggs.

"You… But there's only one person here that could…"

When Elder Sun came to this realization, he immediately frowned, "No! I object to this! You can pick anyone besides that brat, Su Yang! He is the type that will bring nothing but trouble if you get yourself involved with him!"

"I am sorry, grandfather, but I have already decided."

Sun Jingjing did not argue with him, only showing him a confident smile.

"You…! Haiiii!"

Elder Sun sighed loudly.

He simply could not even find the energy to persuade her, as there is nobody in this world that knows her stubbornness better than him. Once she decides on something, especially when she smiles like that, not even her parents could change her mind.

"If that's your decision, then so be it. However, don't come crying to me in the future when things go south, even if you are my precious granddaughter."

"Don't worry, grandfather. You should know by now that I have keen eyes for people, nor do I make decisions rashly."

"If you say so…"

Although Elder Sun shrugged this situation off his shoulders, he couldn't help but worry in his heart.

Chapter 286 Bad Influence

Later that day, Elder Sun received news from Liu Lanzhi that the Junior Disciples have returned.

Upon hearing the news, Sun Jingjing immediately rushed to the entrance to meet the Junior Disciples.

"Wow… there's more than I'd expected…"

Sun Jingjing was slightly surprised when over half of the Junior Disciples returned.

As for the sect elders, only one had decided to remain in the Profound Blossom Sect, while the other three went elsewhere.

"Can I ask why you decided to return? You guys are still young, so there are plenty of better choices you can go besides this place… especially in this situation."

Liu Lanzhi asked them, as she really wanted to know their reasoning for their decisions.

A little girl came forward and said, "Because senior apprentice-brother Su had inspired us, and we want to be like him!"

"H-He inspired you…?"

Although Liu Lanzhi wanted to warn these Junior Disciples that Su Yang may be a bad influence, she smiled and said, "If you want to be like him, you will need to practice long and hard…"

"We will!"

The Junior Disciples all nodded.

However, right after that, one of the Junior Disciples continued, "I cannot wait to cultivate with senior apprentice-brother next year when I become an adult!"

"Me too!"

"I still have 5 years to go…"

When Liu Lanzhi heard these comments, her expression turned stiff.

At the end of the day, these Junior Disciples were truly apart of the Profound Blossom Sect…

"Anyway, because of the situation, I will have you Junior Disciples move to the Inner Court for protection until our population rises again."

"We get to live within the Inner Court?!"

The Junior Disciples all celebrated happily. To think they'd get to not just step foot into the Inner Court but live there before they are even Outer Court disciples, it was a dream come true!

Liu Lanzhi then turned to look at the sect elder that remained and said, "Come with me after this, I have something for you."

"Yes, Sect Master."

"By the way, where is senior apprentice-brother?"

Qi Yue asked when she couldn't see him.

"He's busy cultivating for the Reginal Tournament," said Sun Jingjing.

"Sect Master, what should we do now?"

One of the Junior Disciples suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Um… since all of the disciples and sect elders are gone, who will be giving us lectures from now on?"


Liu Lanzhi closed her eyes to ponder, as she did not think up to this point yet.

In order to become a lecture, one must have knowledge and skills regarding dual cultivation so that these Junior Disciples will know what to do once the time comes.

Of course, this role is not limited to just sect elders, as anyone with the ability to lecture can participate. In fact, there have been Core disciples and Inner disciples giving lectures before.

"I know!"

A flash of enlightenment sudden occurred in Liu Lanzhi's mind.

"I have yet given Su Yang his punishment for slapping me in the face! I will have him lecture them for a few days and see how it goes! He's incredibly skilled and knowledgeable, so the results may be surprising!"

"Since you all look up to Disciple Su, why don't I have him be your lecture for a few days?" she asked them.

When these Junior Disciples heard that, their eyes immediately glowed with delight.

"We get to be lectured by senior apprentice-brother?"

Qi Yue was slightly dazed by this news.

"Now that it's settled, we will have to arrange your living quarters as soon as possible. For now, you can just hang around here."

A few minutes later, Liu Lanzhi left the place with the sect elder, leaving the Junior Disciples behind to chatter with each other until they are given their new living quarters.

Meanwhile, when Lan Liqing heard the news about the returning disciples, she immediately went to their location.

Upon seeing Qi Yue, Lan Liqing immediately went to hug her.

"I knew you would've stayed!"

Qi Yue laughed and said, "Because I knew that Sister Lan would also be here."

"Anyway, I heard that you were captured by bandits… are you okay?" Lan Liqing asked just in case.

"Of course! Senior apprentice-brother Su came in at the perfect time and killed all of the bandits before we could even react! I can't wait to grow up and cultivate with him, too!"

"I-Is that so…"

Lan Liqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her innocence.

"Then you better work hard for the next four years."


Qi Yue nodded.




A few more days have passed since the Junior Disciples returned.

"Xiao Bai will be consuming the last blade of the Seven Silver Blades after this. Can you be there with me when it happens? The Sect Master will also be there."

Fang Zhelan asked him as she covered her naked body with clothes after their cultivation session.


Su Yang quickly agreed, but he was going to be there regardless if she asked or not, just in case something went wrong.

Sometime later, Su Yang followed Fang Zhelan to her living quarters, where Liu Lanzhi was already waiting.

"So you really brought him along, huh."

Liu Lanzhi looked at Su Yang with a nonchalant expression; it was not as though she did not expect him to be there.

Once they entered the house, Fang Zhelan called for Xiao Bai, who immediately answered her call.

"Xiao Bai, this is the last one I have for you."

Fang Zhelan retrieved a pot with only a single blade of silver grass in it.

However, in contrast to its usual reaction and excitement, Xiao Bai expressed a sorrowful look, even showing reluctance to eat the silver grass, as it clearly did not want this to be her last meal.

"What are you waiting for, Xiao Bai? You will not grow up to be an adult if you don't eat this…"

Fang Zhelan shoved the blade of grass directly in front of Xiao Bai's face.

Seeing this expected situation, Su Yang smiled and spoke, "You may think that the Seven Silver Blades will be the best thing you'll ever eat, but there are even more delicious resources out there that you can only eat once you are an adult."

Xiao Bai's eyes flickered with excitement after hearing his words, and without further ado, Xiao Bai immediately ate the last of the Seven Silver Blades from Fang Zhelan's hands in one bite.

Chapter 287 Reaching Maturity

The room turned dead silent after Xiao Bai consumed the last of the Seven Silver Blades, and not wanting to disturb her, they even moved to the corner of the room, where they watched for any changes in Xiao Bai.




However, when nothing has happened after waiting for many minutes, Liu Lanzhi expressed her doubts.

"What's going on? How come nothing is happening? We have been waiting for half an hour now!"

"I-I don't know…"

Fang Zhelan shook her head.

They then turned to look at Su Yang, their only chance for an answer.

"Although you can't physically see it, she's already in the process of maturing."

Su Yang spoke.

"She is?"

They turned to look at Xiao Bai, who was just sitting there with her eyes closed, looking like a stone state.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Su Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "It's here."

The second after Su Yang said that, Xiao Bai opened both its eyes and mouth and released a deafening roar, one that surpassed any previous roars.

The pressure from the roar was so powerful that both Liu Lanzhi and Fang Zhelan kneeled on the ground, feeling as though they were suddenly carrying a large boulder.

However, despite all this, Xiao Bai was just getting started.

As time went on, Xiao Bai's roar only became more powerful and profound — to the point where Fang Zhelan coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Su Yang covered Fang Zhelan in a layer of his Profound Qi, making it feel as though she was wearing a veil over her body.

"T-Thank you…" Fang Zhang wiped the blood from her mouth.

Su Yang did not say anything and continued to watch Xiao Bai.

"Guardian Spirits are indeed terrifying creatures loved by the Heavens. Even though it's only a low-rank Guardian Spirit, its prowess can conquer this world with ease…"

After a few more minutes of torturing from Xiao Bai's roaring, she finally calmed down.

Both Liu Lanzhi and Fang Zhelan looked at the new Xiao Bai.

However, when they noticed no drastic changes in Xiao Bai, they became worried.

"What's going on, Su Yang? Besides her size that increased slightly, it's almost like nothing's changed. Did the maturing fail?"

Liu Lanzhi asked him with a worried face.

"What are you talking about? This Snow Tiger is fully matured now."

He responded.

"What?! Xiao Bai is mature now?! But she looks the same! Only slightly bigger!"

They were still doubtful.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Its appearance will mature naturally, so it will not become a full-sized tiger within minutes."

He then continued: "Take a look at its cultivation base and you will understand."

Liu Lanzhi and Fang Zhelan placed their hands on Xiao Bai to feel her cultivation base, as that's the only way for most people to gauge a Guardian Spirit's cultivation base properly due to their natural ability to conceal their presence and Profound Qi.

"Earth Spirit Realm!!!"

They both exclaimed simultaneously a few seconds later.

"No way… Xiao Bai was only at the fourth level of the True Spirit Realm before eating the last Seven Silver Blades!"

Fang Zhelan expressed her disbelief.

"You are already this shocked by such a minor detail? At this rate, you won't be able to handle her next maturity."

Su Yang suddenly said.

"W-What do you mean by that? Didn't you just say Xiao Bai is already mature?"

"That's indeed what I said. However, a Snow Tiger has two stages of maturity, and Xiao Bai is only at her first."


Fang Zhelan and Liu Lanzhi's eyes widened like saucers. How come he's just telling them such an important piece of information now?!

"You must be wondering why I am telling you this now. It's simple — the chances of Xiao Bai reaching her second maturity is near zero."

"How would you know that?"

Liu Lanzhi asked.

"Because the amount of Profound Qi it will need to reach that point is atrocious, and this place is simply unable to fulfill that requirement."

When Su Yang said 'place', he didn't mean this Profound Blossom Sect, nor did he mean this Eastern Continent.

Instead, it meant this world — this world that does not even a thousandth of what the Four Divine Heavens can supply in cultivation resources.

In other words, just like Qiuyue with her cultivation, no matter how much Xiao Bai cultivates, as long as she stays in this world with inferior Profound Qi, she will never reach her full potential.

And this is a problem that cannot be fixed even with Su Yang's vast knowledge and experience as an Immortal.

"That being said, she will be more than powerful enough to protect this place from all kinds of danger in the future. At the Earth Spirit Realm, it will handle even Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivators with ease."

"Xiao Bai is that powerful right now?!"

On Liu Lanzhi's face was a delighted expression, as having Xiao Bai is akin to having a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert in their sect!

"Well, not exactly right now. Without any combat experiences, even the most powerful entities are nothing in front of the experts. If she was to fight a Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivator right now, she will only face defeat."

Su Yang pointed at Xiao Bai and said to Fang Zhelan, "You should take it out to the wild once in a while to fight with beasts so it can accumulate fighting experiences; it'll be an important aspect in her future growth, especially now that she's matured."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? A Guardian Spirit will attract unnecessary attention."

It was Liu Lanzhi who expressed that worry first.

"It'll be fine. As long as you don't come across someone with a unique vision technique or an individual with knowledge regarding Snow Tigers, nobody will recognize it. In fact, if anyone asks, just say it's a Silver Tiger, as they are quite similar."

"Is that so…"

After a moment of pondering, Liu Lanzhi nodded and spoke, "I have decided! Disciple Fang, you are to take Xiao Bai outside for training whenever possible. This will be beneficial to not only our sect but also Xiao Bai herself, as she will be able to learn to protect herself."

Fang Zhelan did not have any problem with this and nodded. "I understand, Sect Master."

Chapter 288 Tasting Sun Jingjing

Su Yang and Liu Lanzhi left Fang Zhelan and Xiao Bai alone a few minutes later.

"Su Yang, wait a moment."

Liu Lanzhi stopped him before he could leave fully.

"What's the matter, Sect Master? Have you changed your mind and decided to scold me for what happened a few days ago?"

Su Yang asked with a smile on his face.

"Hmph! Although I won't punish you for that, I still haven't forgotten about what you did to my face, and I sure hope that you haven't forgotten about it, either!"

Su Yang raised an eyebrow, wondering what she's referring to.

After a quick moment of pondering, he finally recalled that incident where he slapped her face to wake her up from her seemingly eternal slumber.

"Oh, that? What of it?" He casually responded.

"I am giving to give you your punishment right now!"

Su Yang did not say anything and waited for her to continue.

"As punishment for slapping my face, I will have you lecture the Junior Disciples for a few days!"

Su Yang raised his eyebrows again. He will be lecturing the Junior Disciples?

"Shouldn't it normally be sect elders in this role? Are you sure that you want me, an inexperienced and illiterate disciple, to lecture the future of this sect?"

Su Yang asked.

When Su Yang put it like that, it made Liu Lanzhi rethink her decision.

However, after recalling the slick man that is Su Yang, she spoke, "Although I call it a lecture, you won't need to write or read for this, so it'll be fine. In fact, the topic of the lecture will all be decided by you, the instructor."

"So I can make the lecture anything I want it to be?"

"That's right."

Liu Lanzhi nodded.

"However, that being said, the topic should remain in our field of expertise, which is dual cultivation."

"That's fine; it's not as if I know anything else."

Su Yang shrugged with a smile.

"So, when do I start? And how many lectures do I need to give?"

"I don't care when you decide to give these lectures, but there should be at least once a week. As for how many…"

After pondering for a moment, she continued: "Seven. I want you to give seven lectures. You can do all of it within a week, or you can extend it to seven weeks. As long as you complete seven lectures, I will forgive you for slapping my beautiful face."

Su Yang did not refute at all and nodded.

"Very well, I shall give these Junior Disciples even lectures."

Unbeknownst to Liu Lanzhi, Su Yang had already considered teaching these Junior Disciples a thing or two before she came to him. In fact, even without this punishment, he would've gone to her and ask for permission to teach these Junior Disciples.

His reasoning for wanting to teach these Junior Disciples was simple; he felt that the overall quality of dual cultivation in this place was lackluster, especially for a place that specializes in it, so he wanted to kick the standards up a notch or two.

"As long as you understand. Just use this jade slip to notify them of the date you will be giving the lecture."

Liu Lanzhi left him alone after giving him a jade slip.

On the way home, Su Yang pondered how he should lecture the Junior Disciples.

"On-hand experience will be impossible considering their age, but there are plenty of other methods to teach them."

After returning home, Su Yang began preparing materials for the lecture.




On the following day, an unexpected visitor arrived at Su Yang's living quarters.

"Su Yang, are you free right now?"

Sun Jingjing, who stood outside his door, asked him.

"I am."

"That's good."

Sun Jingjing nodded.

After a moment of silence, she continued, "Then, would you like to cultivate with me?"

Su Yang raised an eyebrow, feeling slightly surprised by her sudden approach.

"You… You don't want me as a partner?"

Sun Jingjing asked after receiving no answer for a few seconds.

Su Yang chuckled and spoke, "I was just slightly surprised due to it being so sudden. Come inside, I will gladly cultivate with you."

Once they went inside, Sun Jingjing sat on his bed with a stiff expression, seemingly nervous about the situation.

In fact, this is the first time in her life that she's ever been this nervous.

"Umm… to tell you the truth, I am still pure… so this will be my first time…"

Sun Jingjing decided to tell him the truth, something he already knew since the first day he met her.

"And you decided to choose me as your first partner? I'm flattered."


Sun Jingjing blushed at his words.

Sometime later, once Sun Jingjing had prepared her heart, she began removing her robes.

A few moments later, once they were both naked, Sun Jingjing approached Su Yang.

"Although I have zero experience in this, it's not as if I know nothing…"

Sun Jingjing went to grab Su Yang's already stiff little brother and began stroking it gently with her smooth hands.

Next, she moved her mouth closer to the tip and began licking it.

Once she familiarized herself with this sensual feeling, Sun Jingjing opened her mouth wide and accepted Su Yang's thick rod into her mouth.

And for the next few minutes, Sun Jingjing would not think about anything besides the stiff rod that was in her mouth, almost like she had grown addicted to it.




While Sun Jingjing savored every corner of his little brother, Su Yang thought to himself, "Not bad for her first time…"

Although she was rough and forceful at first, Sun Jingjing quickly learned to use her mouth pleasantly, and within mere minutes, she was sucking on Su Yang's rod as though she was an expert.

After another few minutes, Su Yang said to her, "Let me pleasure you now."

Sun Jingjing nodded and laid on the bed, not even bothering to cover her beautiful body.

She had medium-sized breasts, a slim and untainted body, and a delicious-looking flower that was ready to be plucked at any moment now.

However, Su Yang did not immediately penetrate her and decided to taste her wet little cave with his mouth first.


Sun Jingjing gasped from shock as Su Yang's lips gently pressed against her cave, and within moments, she felt as though she'd just entered heaven, screaming and moaning in delight.

Chapter 289 The Sun Family Will Not Allow It!



It hasn't even been five minutes since Su Yang began licking her little sister and Sun Jingjing was already out of breath from all the screaming and moaning.

"Do you need a break?"

Su Yang asked her a few minutes later.

Sun Jingjing wiped the tears of pleasure from the corner of her eyes and shook her head.

"Please… continue…"

Su Yang nodded and stood up.

He then pressed the tip of his rod into Sun Jingjing's tight hole, before tearing the seal that preserved her purity apart with one strong thrust.


Feeling her cave being ripped open by Su Yang's monster, Sun Jingjing cried out loud.

"So this is dual cultivation!"

Sun Jingjing closed her eyes to feel the profound feeling that was circulating all over her body.




Su Yang drilled Sun Jingjing's hole continuously for the next half an hour, and it felt like he was digging a well, as there was water constantly leaking and spraying from the hole.

After a few more minutes of dual cultivation, when Sun Jingjing seemed to be at her limit, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into her.

Sun Jingjing's body trembled and also released the last drop of Yin Qi that was within her.

A few moments of silence later, Sun Jingjing asked him, "Can I come again…?"

"Anytime you want," responded Su Yang with a smile.




Sometime later, after Sun Jingjing left Su Yang's living quarters, she went to meet with Elder Sun.

"You… you really did it, huh…"

Elder Sun instantly recognized the change in her aura and sighed deeply.

"That's right. I cultivated with him."

Sun Jingjing nodded, her voice even filled with a sense of pride.

"Do you regret it?" Elder Sun asked.


After a moment of silence, Sun Jingjing smiled and said, "I regret… not meeting him earlier in my life…"

Elder Sun's eyes widened from surprise.

"Grandfather, I have decided."

Sun Jingjing suddenly said.

"Eh? What do you mean by that?" Elder Sun asked.

"I want to continue our lineage with him. I want to bear his child."

"What?! This is too sudden!" Elder Sun immediately stood up from his seat and exclaimed loudly.

"Cultivating with him is one thing, but bearing his child?! You have no idea what you are talking about! I — the Sun Family will not allow it! And you are still too young!"

Elder Sun strongly rejected Sun Jingjing's idea.

However, Sun Jingjing remained calm and said, "I never said that it will be anytime soon. By the time I want to bear his child, the Sun Family will definitely be supportive."

"What makes you so confident that the family will accept it?" Elder Sun frowned.

"In the cultivation world, power is of the utmost importance — even more important than appearances and status. And knowing the Sun Family that is always chasing after fame or power, once they learn of Su Yang's existence, it will only be natural for them to chase after him."

"That brat is powerful? Although I admit that he is someone with a special characteristic, it does not amount to being powerful."

Sun Jingjing shook her head and spoke, "You did not see the way he handled those bandits… In fact, I purposely skipped a few details about that day…"

Elder Sun's frowned only became deeper.

"What do you mean by that?"

Elder Sun recalled Sun Jingjing's explanation on the day of the rescue mission, but he couldn't figure out what she purposely hid.

"During my explanation, I only mentioned that there were a few bandits… However, if it was just a few bandits, why were the four sect elders unable to handle them? That is simply because they were all at the True Spirit Realm and the Profound Spirit Realm."

"What did you say?!"

Elder Sun couldn't believe that he had missed something like this! What's more, even the Sect Leader and the other sect elders also missed it!

"Su Yang, being only at the Profound Spirit Realm, managed to kill all ten bandits by himself and with ease, and half of them were at the True Spirit Realm, an entire realm about his own cultivation base… That is something even grandfather, who is at the peak of the True Spirit Realm, cannot easily achieve..."

"As for the bandits' hideout… I cannot even imagine how he saved those people from such a place…"


Elder Sun turned silent, but it was not because he was shocked. Instead, he was pondering something Sun Jingjing had said just now.

"If I recall correctly, you said the bandits were named the Red Mountain Bandits, right? Although I have only heard of them once because they operate mostly within the Southern Region, it was a story where a thousand of these bandits had raided an entire city, stealing everything before burning it to the ground."

"A… A thousand…? Are you sure about that number, grandfather?" Sun Jingjing expressed her doubts, as even she cannot believe that Su Yang could have dealt with a thousand bandits at once...

Elder Sun nodded. "I can do some research on them, but I am certain that they are a large group of bandits if not one of the largest within the Southern Region."

"But no matter their number, just his feat of defeating those ten bandits alone is praise-worthy… even if he's not at the Profound Spirit Realm."

"Eh? Are you implying that Su Yang may have already surpassed the Profound Spirit Realm and entered the True Spirit Realm?" Sun Jingjing questioned.

"I cannot be certain because he's always hiding his Profound Qi, but his aura is not something a mere Profound Spirit Realm should have. I would not be surprised at all if he's already reached the True Spirit Realm."

Although Elder Sun is not aware, Su Yang has not been concealing his Profound Qi at all. The reason Elder Sun could not see his Profound Qi and came to the assumption that Su Yang is hiding his Profound Qi is simply because of the huge disparity between their cultivation bases.

"Wait… you cultivated with him, right? Can't you tell his cultivation base from his Yang Qi?" Elder Sun suddenly asked.

Sun Jingjing smiled bitterly and said, "This is my first time coming in contact with Yang Qi, and you expect me to know such a technique?"

"Anyway, it does not matter if he is at the Profound Spirit Realm or the True Spirit Realm. I have already decided to dedicate my life to him, and neither you nor the Sun Family will change that."

"Haaaa… Looks like I will have to visit the Sun Family later…" Elder Sun thought to himself while sighing inwardly.

Chapter 290 Lecturing the Junior Disciples

On the same day, a few hours after Su Yang cultivated with Sun Jingjing, another unexpected individual made an appearance before Su Yang.

"Su Yang, I'd like to personally thank you for saving the Junior Disciples, especially Qi Yue, whom I've known for a very long time now. I cannot imagine what would've happened to her if you didn't save her from the bandits..."

Lan Liqing bowed to Su Yang with an earnest expression.

"I was simply doing my job as a disciple of this place."

"There's no need to be humble." Lan Liqing smiled.

And she continued, "By the way, are you free right now? It's been a while since we last cultivated, you know?"

"Although I would love to cultivate with you right now, I am actually going to the lecture hall right now, so if you don't mind waiting until afterward."

"The lecture hall? Which sect elder is giving lectures right now?" Lan Liqing was certain that no sect elders were giving lectures at this time.

"I am the one that will be giving the lectures."

"What? Who will you be lecturing?" Lan Liqing looked at him with wide eyes.

"The Junior Disciples, as the Sect Master had instructed."

"The Sect Master ordered you to lecture the Junior Disciples? Why would she do that?"

"A punishment for a small mistake I made," Su Yang casually smiled.

"Anyway, I have already notified the Junior Disciples of the lecture, and I am heading there now."

"Do you mind if I come, too?"

Lan Liqing asked, feeling quite interested in how Su Yang will be lecturing these kids.

"That's fine; it'll be a public lecture, anyway."

Lan Liqing nodded and followed Su Yang to the lecture hall in the Inner Court, as that was where the Junior Disciples are all gathered.

Sometime later, when Su Yang arrived at the Lecture Hall, around 70 Junior Disciples greeted him.

"Good morning, senior apprentice-brother!"

The Junior Disciples were slightly surprised to see Lan Liqing there, too. Will she also be partaking in this lecture?

"This disciple greets Elder Lan!"

"I am only here to watch," said Lan Liqing as she walked to the back of the lecture hall.

A few moments later, once everybody was seated, Su Yang walked to the stage and spoke calmly, "Good morning, disciples. My name is Su Yang, and I will be your instructor today."

"Before I start my lecture, I have a question for all of you — what is the purpose of dual cultivation?"

A few Junior Disciples immediately raised their hands.


Su Yang randomly picked one of them.


The Junior Disciple stood up and began explaining, "The purpose of dual cultivation is to cultivate!"

"A simple and correct answer, but dual cultivation is much more than just that; it's a bonding between two individuals — one that will last an eternity if you do it properly."

"How do we do it properly?"

Someone asked.

"That would be through pleasure. The more you are able to please your partner, the stronger that bond will become. After all, if you cannot please your partner, they will simply find someone else who can."

"Thus, pleasure will be the main topic of today's lecture."


Lan Liqing, who has been silently watching the lecture, couldn't help but feel amazed by Su Yang's calm and smooth lecture. Even though it's only just started, she can tell that Su Yang has a profound experience in lecturing others.

"His calmness… the profound aura that surrounds him when he speaks… it's almost like he's been doing this for many years…"

Lan Liqing began wondering if Su Yang was a great teacher in his past life.

"There are many types of pleasure in this world, but I will be focusing on the type of pleasure that affects your body physically."

Su Yang then randomly picked one of the Junior Disciples, who was a male, and asked him, "How would you pleasure your partner?"

"Umm… by caressing her body gently?"

"Hoh? And which part of her body will you be touching?"

"The lower part…?" The Junior Disciple replied with a doubting voice.

Su Yang shook his head.

"If you can only please a woman by touching that area, you are the definition of mediocre."

Su Yang then turned to look at Lan Liqing and spoke, "Elder Lan, if you don't mind, would you come up here so I can demonstrate something to these young disciples?"

Lan Liqing did not think too much and nodded.

A few moments later, when Lan Liqing stepped onto the stage, Su Yang whispered in her ears, "This will be quite stimulating…"

"Eh? What are you going to do to me in front of all these Junior Disciples?" Lan Liqing became hesitant, as she did not want to show them anything embarrassing.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything weird."

"If you say so…"

Su Yang then stood directly behind Lan Liqing and placed his hands on her back.


Lan Liqing's body trembled when she felt Su Yang's fingers caress her back. Despite wearing robes, it felt as though she was naked when being touched by him.

The next moment, Su Yang pressed one of his fingers in specific locations on Lan Liqing's back, pushing his fingers deep into her skin.


Lan Liqing released an uncontrollable moan when a sudden wave of pleasure assaulted every inch of her body, and she fell to her knees a second later.

The Junior Disciples' eyes widened at the scene. What just happened? Why did Lan Liqing react the way she just did? All Su Yang did was poke her back with one of his fingers!

"Elder Lan, if you don't mind, why don't you tell these disciples here what kind of feeling went through your body just now?" Su Yang said to her.


After taking a moment to calm down, Lan Liqing mumbled in a voice that was barely audible, "It was a feeling that made my entire body feel weak and sluggish… but it was an extremely pleasurable feeling."


The Junior Disciples expressed awe upon witnessing Su Yang's techniques. He managed to force a sect elder to her knees from pleasure with just a single finger!