

Chapter 173 Confession

Inside the Cauldron Room, Zhu Mengyi sat behind her cauldron with a stiff expression. Although she tried to remain as nonchalant and calm as possible, her hands were slightly trembling when handling the ingredients before her.

She simply couldn't help but worry that Su Yang might have already noticed the abnormally enchanting smell that surrounded her body.

However, it's been many minutes since they entered the Cauldron Room, and Su Yang hasn't said a single word to her, much less mention about the Pill of Seduction.

As time passed, Zhu Mengyi began calming down and no longer felt as nervous.


But alas, as soon as Su Yang opened his mouth to speak, Zhu Mengyi's body tightened up instantly.

"Y-Yes?!" she cried by accident, almost like she just saw a ghost, her anxious voice as clear as day.

"Your movements are extremely slow and rigid right now when compared to yesterday; it feels like you never concocted a pill before," he said with a frown. "Are you even taking this seriously? Or are you getting sloppy due to arrogance?"

"N-No… it's nothing of that sorts…" Zhu Mengyi quickly said, and she continued, "It's just that I have something on my mind…"

"Something on your mind, huh. Do you want to share it?"

Zhu Mengyi instantly became speechless upon hearing his question. How was she supposed to answer that question? Tell him that she wanted his child, even going as far as to consume a Pill of Seduction just to get him to pay more attention to her, and now she's worried about it?

"What if he's asking that because he already knows and he's just testing me?" she thought to herself.

If he truly already knows about her consuming a Pill of Seduction, then she might as well let it all out and tell him the truth. However, if by the sliver chance that he's actually unaware, then she'd just be digging her own grave by telling him.

Zhu Mengyi was truly loss right now. She couldn't decide what she wanted to do.

However, in the midst of her contemplations, Su Yang suddenly said, "Forget it. I doubt it's anything important, anyway."

And almost as if she was triggered by his words, Zhu Mengyi quickly responded with a loud and clear voice, "It is very important!"

"Hoh?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow, looking as though he was surprised.

After a moment of silence, Zhu Mengyi suddenly asked him in a low voice, "Hey, Su Yang, do you have anyone you fancy?"

"Of course," he quickly replied without any hesitation.

"!!!" Zhu Mengyi's eyes widened with surprise. She didn't expect him to answer so honestly and quickly.

"O-Of course, you would…" she said with a bitter smile a little later.

Su Yang looked at her with a calm expression, and he asked her, "Why do you ask? Is there someone out there who had managed to get your attention?"

Although she didn't want to say anything, Zhu Mengyi nodded in response.

"And you are worried about this? Why?"

After a moment of silence, Zhu Mengyi said, "Because he already has someone he fancies…"

"And you are giving up because of something so trivial? Then you are obviously not as interested in him as you think." Su Yang shook his head.

"That's not true!" Zhu Mengyi immediately refuted. "And what do you mean a trivial? What will you do if you were in my shoes, huh?"

"What will I do?" Su Yang smiled and continued, "I will go after that individual until she is mine, even if there's already someone else in her heart."

Zhu Mengyi frowned at such a half-assed and unrealistic response, "That's easier said than done! And I doubt you will actually do something as shameless as that!"

"Oh, you'd be surprised," Su Yang said with a smile.

If Zhu Mengyi had even the slightest clue of Su Yang's real background within the Four Divine Heavens and the things he'd done there, she wouldn't be saying such words with so much confidence.

"Anyway, you wouldn't know how it will turn out unless you ask him, right? Unless he's into men, I don't think he will reject a beauty such as yourself," Su Yang added.

"B-B-Beauty…?" Zhu Mengyi blushed after learning that she was a beauty in his eyes, something a beauty like her shouldn't be shocked about, especially when basically everyone with working eyes would praise her for her superior appearance whenever they see her.

"A-Are you sure?" she asked him with her hopes slightly raised due to his last words.

Su Yang did not say anything and only smiled.


Zhu Mengyi sighed inwardly. Indeed, she wouldn't know the outcome unless she asks him, and nothing will happen if she doesn't — that was definite. If it's like that, then she might as well go for it and ask him, as he only has a few more days left here at the Four Seasons Academy.

Zhu Mengyi took a deep breath and prepared to reveal to Su Yang her feelings.

But just as she opened her mouth, Su Yang pointed to the cauldron and said, "Before anything, why don't you take a look at your pill first? Are you sure you want to leave it like that?"

"Eh?" Zhu Mengyi turned to look at the cauldron that had black smoke emitting, and her eyes widened.

"Ah! I forgot about it!"

She was so absorbed in the conversation that she'd forgotten about the pill that was cooking in the cauldron, causing the pill to burn from negligence.

Sometime later, after she promptly fixed her mess with the cauldron, Zhu Mengyi returned to looking at Su Yang. Although the atmosphere had lightened up because of her mistake, her heart was beating as fast as ever.

"Su Yang… I know this might be a surprise to you, even shocking, but for the past few days I have grown to fancy you!" Zhu Mengyi said in an almost shouting voice with her eyes closed, almost as if she didn't want to see his face after saying such embarrassing words.

However, if she could see Su Yang's calm expression, she would definitely feel even more awkward.

What's more, she was not done speaking and continued, "A-A-And… And I… And I want to have your baby!"

After muttering such words, Zhu Mengyi felt such embarrassment that she could die right now.

"You want my child?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow, as he most certainly did not expect the last part.

"What's with people wanting babies in this place? First that sword girl and now her? Could this be a trait of women in this continent?" he wondered to himself.

Chapter 174 Inside the Enclosed Cauldron Room 1

"I-I know my request is absurd and unreasonable, but I am serious about this!" Zhu Mengyi said after seeing Su Yang's expression.

"Although I have already decided to dedicate my life to the Dao of Alchemy and vowed to myself that I will never be in a relationship, after spending the last few days for you, I have finally realized what my heart truly wants…"

Su Yang remained silent even after hearing such words, as he's heard similar things from many, many other women in his past life. However, unlike Wu Jinjing and Zhu Mengyi, they did not outright ask to bear his child, something that rarely happened even with the amount of relationship he's had in his past life.

Additionally, in his past life, Su Yang would normally refuse the idea of his partners bearing his child, as he believes that it would only give him more trouble with no real benefit.

"Perhaps the reason I did not refuse that sword girl is because I am taking this world too lightly, as I don't have to look over my shoulder every minute to see if I am being targeted by jealous men like I did in the Four Divine Heavens." Su Yang thought to himself.

In the Four Divine Heavens, plenty of vengeful men that had their women taken from them by Su Yang would always be searching for methods to take revenge on him, so Su Yang would only be digging his own grave if he brought his own children to the world, hence why he does not have any children in the Four Divine Heavens despite the overwhelming number of female he had cultivated with — unless the female decided on such a thing without him knowing.

However, in this world where nobody really holds any grudge against him, he could finally spread his lineage without worrying that someone might take advantage of the situation. After all, it's only natural for a human like Su Yang, a man no less, to want to spread his legacy.

"Maybe this is a really good chance for me to do something that I couldn't in my past life?" Su Yang thought to himself.

Not to mention Zhu Mengyi could be considered as one of the best candidates in this world because of her status and overwhelming talent that stood above everybody else in this world, just like Wu Jinjing.

Even if somebody wanted to harm her, would the Four Seasons Academy allow such a thing to happen? This also applies to Wu Jinjing, who was the daughter of the Holy Sword Academy's Sect Master.

"Is this a no?" Zhu Mengyi mumbled after a few moments later, taking Su Yang's silence as a rejection.

The lights in her eyes were dim, almost like she was in a hopeless situation.

"You say that you want my child, but what if I cannot be by your side and that you will have to take care of the child by yourself?" Su Yang suddenly said, causing the light in Zhu Mengyi's eyes to return.

Zhu Mengyi turned silent, and she thought of Wu Jinjing's satisfied expression.

Wu Jinjing had told her that she will be taking care of the child alone and that the man who impregnated her won't be around for an unknown amount of time, but despite all that, there was not even the slightest sign of sadness in her eyes, even looking forward to the future.

"If Sister Jinjing can endure it, then there's no reason why I cannot do the same!" she thought to herself.

And she opened her mouth to speak, "Even if you will not be here, my feelings for you will not change! And since you will be leaving anyway, I'd rather have something to remember you for when you are gone than having nothing at all!"

As a matter of fact, there are countless Cultivators out there that are taking care of their children by themselves, as deaths are extremely common in the cultivation world due to its dangerous nature in general.

Su Yang smiled after hearing such words from Zhu Mengyi.

"Very well," he spoke in a calm voice along with a smile on his face, "I will accept your feelings."

"Eh? Really?" Zhu Mengyi didn't think he would accept so easily. "B-But what about that person you fancy?"

Although she wanted to bear his child, she still couldn't help but ask him something that could potentially ruin her chance.

"What does that have anything to do with this?" Su Yang replied with an eyebrow raised. "What I fancy are beautiful women, and you are certainly one."

Zhu Mengyi was speechless with her jaw nearly touching the ground after learning such a fact.

"That's what he meant?!" she didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she definitely felt some relief in her heart.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Su Yang then asked her.

After thinking or a second, Zhu Mengyi shook her head and said, "N-No…"

"Then let's start." Su Yang immediately approached her.

"S-Start? Start what?" Despite already knowing what's about to happen, Zhu Mengyi couldn't help but ask him.

"Making babies, of course." Su Yang laughed, causing Zhu Mengyi's face to flush with redness and her ears to release steam, looking like her head had turned into a cauldron!

"I-I have never done anything like this before, so… um…" she said while fidgeting her body.

"Don't worry, it will be like when I gave you the technique," he replied. "Just relax your body and let me do all the work."

Zhu Mengyi nodded and tried to relax her body, but alas, it was easier said than done when she's feeling this nervous.

"Close your eyes…" Su Yang whispered by her ears with a tender voice, and almost as if his words were magic, instantly helped her loosen the muscle in her body.

Once she closed her eyes, Su Yang hugged her body close to his own and leaned on the warm cauldron. He then sneaked his other free arm into her robes and navigated it towards the bottom of her body, almost like a snake.

"Mmm…" Zhu Mengyi body trembled when she felt Su Yang's slender fingers invade her privacy, but she resisted opening her eyes.

"Before we start, just like Alchemy, allow me to prepare your body first…" Su Yang's gentle voice resounded again, but Zhu Mengyi was too focused on the hand that was slowly approaching her treasured cave to hear him.

Chapter 175 Inside the Enclosed Cauldron Room 2

Su Yang approached Zhu Mengyi's nether region with his snake-like arm.

"Ah!" Zhu Mengyi expressed surprise when something warm suddenly touched her pink pill, feeling an otherworldly sensation quickly spread across her body.

"Relax your body, especially the lower part…" Su Yang whispered in her ears as he began massaging the bottom lip underneath her robes.

Zhu Mengyi forcefully swallowed the saliva stuck in her throat and began breathing heavily.

"Haaa… haaa…"

She could feel all the strength in her body disperse, almost like she just concocted a hundred pills without rest.

A few moments later, Su Yang used his other hand to start massaging her small breasts, which caused Zhu Mengyi to finally open her eyes to look at him with a concerned gaze, clearly insecure by her own size.

"Are you disappointed?" she couldn't help but mumble.

"But I didn't say anything?" Su Yang continued to massage her with a smile.

Zhu Mengyi no longer said anything else and even began spreading her legs a little wider for him.

After massaging her cave for a few more moments, Su Yang retrieved his hand from her robes that was dripping wet with her heavenly water.

Zhu Mengyi's face flushed when she saw that, but a second later when Su Yang licked his fingers in a seductive manner, Zhu Mengyi's heart nearly stopped from shock.

"You know…" Su Yang suddenly opened his mouth to speak, "You seem more attractive today, and the aroma on your body is very sweet and enticing…"

"R-R-Really?" Zhu Mengyi had already forgotten about the Pill of Seduction and began sweating profusely after being reminded.

"I-I w-wonder why… haha…" she was so nervous that she began laughing awkwardly.

Su Yang smiled and suddenly switched position with her, making Zhu Mengyi sit on the cauldron instead.

He then loosened her robes, revealing her jadelike skin and drooling little sister.

Zhu Mengyi instinctively closed her legs and covered her steamed buns in embarrassment, her face as red as a heated cauldron.

However, when Su Yang caressed her bare legs with his hand, Zhu Mengyi trembled in excitement and began spreading her legs again.

He then closed their distance and kissed her on the lips, greatly surprising the unprepared Zhu Mengyi.

When Su Yang removed his lips sometime later, he could see a hint of remorse and uncertainty in her gaze, almost as if she was uncertain about something.

"Do not worry, I am not doing this because you consumed the Pill of Seduction," Su Yang finally revealed to her that he'd been aware this entire time.

"Y-You knew?!" Zhu Mengyi exclaimed.

"Un." Su Yang nodded, and continued, "But that does not mean I endorse such behavior."

"I am sorry…" Zhu Mengyi said with her head hung low in shame.

"If you want something, it's best to be straightforward instead of doing something this sneaky," he said with a smile. "If you had drugged me however, then we would be in an entirely different situation right now."

"I wouldn't even imagine doing something like that!" Zhu Mengyi quickly said.

"I know…" Su Yang said as he began loosening his own robes.

A moment later, when the sight of Su Yang's awakened dragon enters Zhu Mengyi's view for the first time, her jaws dropped from astonishment.

"T-This is a man's…" she covered her mouth when she realized that this long and thick rod would be entering her body in a moment, and through such a small hole at that.

Flabbergasted by the thought and scared by her own imaginations, her complexion paled, and her body began shaking in fear.

"Do you want to stop here?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

"No!" she quickly responded, even vigorously shaking her head.

However, despite her words, she couldn't help but take another look at his thick rod, forcefully swallowing the nervousness away.

Su Yang closed their distance even more, until his rod was in front of her cave, looking ready to explore it at any moment now.

"Are you ready?" he asked her.

"O-Of course…" she replied in a shaky voice, not even bothering to hide the nervousness in her voice.

Su Yang smiled and moved his hips, sending his rod straight into Zhu Mengyi's body.


Zhu Mengyi gasped with her head tilted backward and her mouth wide open like she wanted to scream, but no sound came out, as she was so shocked by the sudden invasion that she'd lost her voice.

However, a moment later, when she realized that the feeling of pain was absent despite being penetrated for the first time, she looked at her little sister just to make sure Su Yang had penetrated her.


But when she looked, Su Yang's thick rod was indeed penetrating her hole, and there was even blood — her virgin essence. However, she clearly didn't feel any pain and still couldn't even at this moment, an experience completely different from what she was told!

"I-It's not painful at all…" she couldn't help but mumble out loud her surprise, unaware that this had been all Su Yang's doing.

"But then again, there are also people who say they didn't feel any pain for their first time…" she thought to herself.

Su Yang remained nonchalant after hearing her murmur. Because she was so terrified of the pain that her body was trembling, Su Yang decided to use a unique technique to get rid of the pain before she could even feel it, leaving only the feeling of pleasure alone so Zhu Mengyi would be able to indulge herself in pleasure without having to worry about the pain.

"I'm going to start moving now," he said to her, who seemed to be dazed by the phenomenon.

"Go ahead." Zhu Mengyi nodded. Now that the part she thought was terrifying has passed without any problems, she felt confident that everything else would be smooth sailing. But little did she know that the most horrifying part would not be the pain but the pleasure that would soon consume both her body and soul!

Chapter 176 Inside the Enclosed Cauldron Room 3

"Ah... Ah…. So good! What is this feeling?!"

Zhu Mengyi moaned in pleasure as Su Yang pounded her little garden with his stiff rod, almost like how Alchemy Masters pound ingredients, but he was pounding flowers instead of herbs, stirring the slimy substances inside her belly.

Not even a minute had passed since Su Yang started moving his hips and she was already on the verge of spraying.

And her hands were tightly holding onto the handles on the cauldron below her, as she was afraid of falling off from the intense pounding.

"Ah… Ah… Stir my insides even more!"

An indescribable feeling of pleasure assaulted her body when Su Yang's rod touched the tip of her flower bud, sending a wave of intense thrill through her tender body, making her tremble slightly.

"Ah! Yes! Harder!"

Zhu Mengyi almost couldn't believe the vulgar words that were coming out of her own mouth; it was as if she was possessed by the lust that has been hiding deep within her body.

Su Yang had his large hands occupied with Zhu Mengyi's beautifully shaped hips while he continuously thrust his rod into her, making loud slurping noises echo within the small Cauldron Room. And with every stroke, Zhu Mengyi felt the petals of her rose spreading open little by little.

"I'm cumming!" Zhu Mengyi suddenly moaned loudly.

A few seconds later, her body trembled violently, and water sprayed out of her lower body, watering her already soaked rose.

"Haaa… Haaa… Haaa…"

Zhu Mengyi began panting heavily after the shocking experience, even nearly choking on her own saliva from the initial shock. The upper part of her body was limping off the cauldron, looking like she was ready to pass out at any moment.

"Are you finished already? I haven't even fertilized the pill in your body," Su Yang said with a smile.

Alchemy Masters normally have more stamina than normal Cultivators because of how much energy it takes to concoct pills, but Zhu Mengyi did not seem to have any energy left in her body despite being one of the top Alchemy Masters in the world, being exhausted after just a few minutes of dual cultivation.

This could possibly be one of the shortest dual cultivations Su Yang have had in a long time.

"I-I'm sorry… G-Give me a few moments…" Zhu Mengyi mumbled.

Su Yang did not say anything and lifted her off the cauldron and allowed her to rest properly on the floor.

"You lack stamina despite being an Alchemy Master," he said a little later.

"I… I can't help it… This is different from concocting a pill!" she refuted in her defense.

Su Yang shook his head and turned to face the cauldron.

"W-What are you planning?" Zhu Mengyi asked him after seeing him open the cauldron.

"Just a little something," he vaguely responded.

Su Yang then retrieved a few herbs in his storage ring and tossed them into the cauldron.

"What…?" Zhu Mengyi watched from the floor with wide eyes.

Despite spending so many hours with him, this is actually her first time seeing him concoct a pill before her.

Su Yang closed the lid once the ingredients were inside the cauldron and waved his hand, causing a large ball of Alchemy Flames to appear in the room.

Although his Alchemy Flames seemed normal at first glance and had the same color as any common Alchemy Flame, it was definitely much stronger than Zhu Mengyi's unique Azure Flames.

When Zhu Mengyi saw the pure flames, she was instantly mesmerized by its beauty.

Within seconds, the Alchemy Flames consumed the entire cauldron, covering even the handles.

However, the blazing Alchemy Flames subdued after only appearing for a few seconds, and Su Yang removed the lid from the cauldron immediately.

Once he removed the lid, black smoke filled the room. And when the formation within the Cauldron Room sensed the smoke, the formation activated and began absorbing all of the black smoke.

"W-What kind of pill is that?" Zhu Mengyi asked after seeing the pink pill on Su Yang's palm.

It resembled the Pill of Seduction that she made but had a different aroma to it.

What's more, the instant her nose picked up on the scent, she could feel the exhausted energy in her body return at a noticeable rate.

"Pill of Stamina, it works wonders for people like you," he said with a grin. "Just one of these and you'll have enough energy to do anything for the next few days."

"T-The next few days…?" Zhu Mengyi's jaw dropped upon hearing such words.

Even if her stamina will be fine, she will definitely go crazy if she were to experience this much stimulation and pleasure for just a few hours, much less a few days!

"Don't worry, you don't have to eat the whole thing. Just lick it a few times and the effect will last at most a few hours."

Zhu Mengyi accepted the pill with flickering eyes and did not hesitate to lick the pill.

A few licks later, Zhu Mengyi instantly felt the effects of the pill, as her body gushed with energy, feeling almost like she'd been reborn!

However, it seems like the Pill of Stamina affected not just her energy but also her behavior, turning her even more wild during cultivation.

"Ahh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!"

Su Yang laid on the ground with a relaxed expression, almost like he was bathing in the sun, while Zhu Mengyi rode his thick rod like some kind of animal, and her scrumptious butt would continuously slap against Su Yang's thighs, filling the room with clapping sounds.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! This is it!"

With every stroke hitting her flower bud, a burst of intense thrill would shock her tender body, making her tremble nonstop.

Love continuously leak from Zhu Mengyi's flower, and after a few hours of cultivation without stop, a small puddle had formed underneath them.

And since Zhu Mengyi seemed to be enjoying herself very much with his little brother, Su Yang had decided to hold his Yang Qi for until she was satisfied.

However, Zhu Mengyi did not seem to want to stop even after many hours of cultivation, making Su Yang wonder if the flawless-quality Pill of Stamina had been too effective on her.

Chapter 177 A Small Taste of His True Powers

"Ah… Ahh… Ahhh…!"

Like a wild beast, Zhu Mengyi moved her hips without restraints. Her lower body was already feeling sore from the constant workout, but she didn't seem to want to stop moving.

Her motive seemed to have also changed from wanting a baby to just wanting to cultivate with Su Yang.

Although Su Yang sort of regret giving her the Pill of Stamina, he was not the type of man to stop a woman from wanting to enjoy herself, especially if he's the one who made her into such a state.

A couple more minutes later, when Zhu Mengyi began feeling tired again, she turned to look at the Pill of Stamina by her side with a resolved gaze, looking like she wanted to consume the entire pill.

However, before she could reach for the pill, Su Yang got off the floor and lifted her entire body into the air.

He then held onto her hips and began thrusting his rod deep into her flower at a weird pace, and even the way he moved his hips became unique, looking almost like he was doing some sort of dance whilst in rhythm.

"T-This is…!"

Zhu Mengyi suddenly felt the pleasure in her body increase by at least two folds, and every corner of her body screamed in delight, causing her flower to overflow with purified water.

It was such a profound feeling that even the Profound Qi in her body became aroused with joy, causing her entire body — in and out — to burn with passion.

Although she didn't know what Su Yang did to her body, she loved it, so much so that hearts began appearing in her eyes.

"I am going to release my Yang Qi now," Su Yang suddenly said.

After a few more rounds of thrusting, Su Yang finally released his profound Yang Qi into Zhu Mengyi's belly.

An otherworldly sensation assaulted Zhu Mengyi's body when the hot Yang Qi rushed into her body, feeling like her body had suddenly turned into a cauldron and the pill in her body was near completion.

After shooting his Yang Qi into Zhu Mengyi, Su Yang laid her on the floor to allow her to rest. He then went to pick up the Pill of Stamina and placed it into a pill bottle.

"Your body would not have been able to withstand the entire Pill of Stamina," he said to her.

Zhu Mengyi did not even have the strength to speak after the cultivation and only nodded her head slightly. And although she did not speak, she looked at him with an apologetic look.

Just like the Pill of Seduction, she had acted without thinking of the consequences.

Su Yang went on to fix his robes before helping Zhu Mengyi. He then sat beside her and said, "You must be wondering what I did near the end, right?" he spoke with a smile.

"Un…" Zhu Mengyi nodded slightly in response.

"It's only a technique used specifically for dual cultivation," he said, and continued, "It's nothing special, really."

Although he said that, the truth was that Zhu Mengyi had managed to become the first woman in this world to have experienced his dual cultivation techniques.

Indeed, every partner he's had since his reincarnation had yet to experience even Su Yang's true power.

However, there's a good reason as to why Su Yang only cultivated with them normally, as their cultivation base and mental experience would not be able to handle the sheer intensity of even the tip of Su Yang's true power in bed and it would without a doubt break their mind.

In other words, Su Yang has no choice but to cripple himself and cultivate with them normally. But even with his true prowess in bed sealed, every girl he's cultivated with thus far are more than satisfied with the experience, and one can only imagine what it would feel like to experience all of Su Yang's technique.

As for Zhu Mengyi, because she was under the influence of the Pill of Stamina that affected not only her body but her mind as well, she was able to handle one of Su Yang's simplest dual cultivation techniques. However, even then, she was only able to withstand a few seconds of his techniques.

"D-Dual cultivation?" Zhu Mengyi wondered why someone like Su Yang would know of such a technique.

Unless he was someone who does this kind of thing often, why would he want to learn such a technique?

"You can come back to this room for as long as I remain here," Su Yang suddenly said with a smile.

"Eh?" Zhu Mengyi's eyes widened at his words.

"Does this mean…?" she couldn't help but think about the implications of such words.

"You can rest here until you can move," Su Yang said before leaving the Cauldron Room to wash the sweat and other substances off his body.

Once Su Yang left, Zhu Mengyi continued to rest inside the Cauldron Room. When she finally regained enough energy to move, the first thing she did was rub her own belly.

"Sister Jinjing, you were right… Not only did I find my partner, but I will also be bearing his baby, just like you are bearing your partner's baby."

Zhu Mengyi couldn't wait to see Wu Jinjing's face when she reveals to her the truth.

However, despite wanting to travel to the Holy Sword Academy right now to speak with Wu Jinjing, Zhu Mengyi had more important matters in her mind.

"I will take advantage of this opportunity and cultivate with him as much as my body and mind can handle before he leaves!" Zhu Mengyi vowed to herself.

An hour later, when Zhu Mengyi had the strength to walk, she went to prepare her body for the next cultivation session.

After a few more hours of resting, mainly because her lower body was still sore from before, Zhu Mengyi returned to Su Yang and requested for his 'time' in the Cauldron Room.

Su Yang obviously agreed and followed Zhu Mengyi back into the Cauldron Room.

Additionally, Zhu Mengyi was prepared and brought along with her something comfortable to cultivate on.

Chapter 178 Who Dares to Spread Such Nonsense?!

After spending a couple of hours in the Cauldron Room, Su Yang left to clean himself whilst Zhu Mengyi rested inside — only to see Zhu Mengyi standing before him again just a few hours later to repeat the same thing, and this scene would continue for the next few days.

Meanwhile, above the Golden Lion Academy, Qiuyue analyzed the destruction made to the Sect from beyond the clouds.

Although she was initially shocked by the scene, when she noticed the lingering Profound Qi of an Ancient Realm expert, she realized what had actually happened here and facepalmed.

"That stupid cat…" she couldn't help but shake her head.

However, she did not really feel anything towards the Golden Lion Academy despite their disastrous situation that was caused by someone from her group, not even pity. Because although she dislikes Xiao Rong, Qiuyue could tell that she is not someone who would do something like this without being provoked.

Not to mention her own feeling of contempt towards the Sect Master of this place.

"She's just a beast at the end of the day…" Qiuyue sighed.

"I should let him know about this…"

Qiuyue then flew back to the Four Seasons Academy. However, she took a detour before returning to her living quarters.

Inside the Four Seasons Academy Sect Master's living quarters, Matriarch Zhu sat quietly before a storage ring with a pondering expression.

The storage ring contained all of the ingredients required to create the Soul Divination Pill, something she had planned on giving to Su Yang many days ago, but because of selfish reasons, she has been keeping it hidden even up to this point.

"I have been holding this for far longer than what I initially had in mind… Any longer and he will definitely question me…" Matriarch Zhu sighed deeply.

The only reason she's been delaying their agreement was so her daughter could spend some time with him and maybe learn a thing or two about Alchemy from him, but alas, she hasn't heard from her for the last few days now, almost as if she'd disappeared.

"What is that girl doing? What part of 'report to me every day' doesn't she understand?!" Matriarch Zhu sighs again, feeling stuck in a predicament. She wondered if she should wait for a few more days, or go ahead and give Su Yang the ingredients so he can finally leave.

However, just as Matriarch Zhu stores the storage ring away, a figure invaded the room through the window, quickly alerting Matriarch Zhu.

"Who dares?!"

Just as Matriarch Zhu activated her Profound Qi and prepared to confront the intruder, an exceedingly beautiful face that resembled a goddess appeared before her, forcing Matriarch Zhu to halt her movements in shock.

"I-Immortal Fairy Su Yue!" Matriarch Zhu immediately greeted her with a respectful bow.

Indeed, Qiuyue had reverted back to her original appearance and showed up before Matriarch Zhu, greatly baffling her.

"W-What brings Immortal Fairy Su Yue to this place?" Matriarch Zhu did not ask her where she's been and instead wanted to know why she would show up at her place after disappearing without a trace, as it must be fairly important for her to make such an appearance.

"I am here for two things," Qiuyue raised two fingers and spoke in a cold voice.

"One, you will not, under any circumstances, mention, or even utter my name before that young guest. As a matter of fact, don't even hint my existence before him, or I will make you regret it."

"E-Excuse me?" Matriarch Zhu was greatly taken aback by her sudden demands and cold attitude, even shocked.

"B-By young guest, do you mean the handsome young man currently—"


However, Qiuyue did not allow her to speak and continued in a cold voice, "I am aware that you have been delaying your arrangement so he can stay longer."

"Although I do not know your motives for doing such a thing, allow me to warn you right now that if you even dare to think of hurting him then I will make sure the Four Seasons Academy will follow the Golden Lion Academy's footsteps!"

Matriarch Zhu fell to the floor upon hearing such words and immediately began kowtowing to her.

"I do not have such intentions, nor do I dare imagine hurting him! I was only hoping that my daughter would learn Alchemy from him and selfishly decided to delay the arrangement! Please, have mercy, Immortal Fairy Su Yue!" Matriarch Zhu begged with a pale expression.

"..." Qiuyue turned silent and finally understood the reason for Zhu Mengyi's appearance in her home from those words.

"Haa…" Qiuyue sighed and returned to speaking in her normal voice. "Don't take offense of my approach just now, as I was only trying to scare you a little bit for the truth."

"Eh?" Matriarch Zhu looked at her with a dumbfounded gaze, and she sighed in relief a moment later, "Don't scare me like that, Immortal Fairy Su Yue. It's bad for the heart."

Qiuyue only shrugged at her words, saying that it's not her problem.

Now that Qiuyue has returned to how Matriarch Zhu remembers her, she regained some confidence and asked her, "If you don't mind me asking, what is your relationship with that young man? Is the rumor being spread around really true? That he's your son?"

"What did you just say?" Qiuyue suddenly frowned while emitting a dangerous aura, one that nearly froze the atmosphere in the room.

"Huh?" Matriarch Zhu began sweating buckets when she realized that she'd just stepped into a trap and triggered something she wasn't supposed to.

"Who are you calling my son?" Qiuyue approached her with narrowed eyes and an overwhelming pressure surrounding her, making it hard for Matriarch Zhu to even breathe.

"T-T-There's a rumor going around saying that the young guest currently in our Sect is your son…"

"Who dares to spread such nonsense?!" To turn the man she sees as her father and adore as a man into her son, even if it's just a rumor, really angered Qiuyue, who is already not in the best of moods right now.

"T-The rumor began at the Nine Spring Hall…" Matriarch Zhu did not hesitate to throw them under the bus for Qiuyue.

"Nine Spring Hall, huh?" Qiuyue really wanted to go there right now, but after thinking about it for a moment, she'd only be spreading her name even more by showing up in public after disappearing for so long.

"I have to keep my identity as Immortal Fairy Su Yue as far away from him as possible — at least until we leave this place!" she thought to herself, completely unaware that her 'secret' had been discovered by Su Yang days ago because of Zhu Mengyi's innocent rambling.

Chapter 179 God of Womanizer

"Anyway, since you are already finished with the arrangements, you should know the next steps, right?" Qiuyue changed the topic.

"I will give it to him right away…" Matriarch Zhu said.

Qiuyue nodded and no longer had any reasons to stay. But before she left, she said to Matriarch Zhu, "This may be the last time you will ever see me."

"W-What do you mean by that?!" Matriarch Zhu began shaking at the countless meanings behind her words.

"I will be going back to my homeland soon…" she said in a low voice that did not sound confident at all.

And before Matriarch Zhu could say anything else, Qiuyue disappeared from the windows.

"..." Matriarch Zhu stood there in silence, seemingly in disbelief.

"Immortal Fairy Su Yue will no longer appear before us?"

Qiuyue's disappearance signifies many things, but the most important one was that the world's power balance will greatly change without her supervision.

And once the news of Qiuyue disappearing for good spreads, everybody with power will try to regain the strength that had been suppressed by Qiuyue's overwhelming presence.

And with the Golden Lion Academy's destruction, it leaves only the Holy Sword Academy and the Four Seasons Academy to deal with balancing out the entire continent.

Will they have what it takes to control half of the continent, or will they be overthrown by the countless powerful families that have ulterior motives out there?

Matriarch Zhu looked at the storage ring in her hands and no longer thought about the future. Her only worry right now should be her arrangements with Su Yang.

However, right before Matriarch Zhu could even leave the building, Sect Elder Deng came knocking on her door with urgency.

"What is it?" Matriarch Zhu asked Elder Deng.

"Matriarch! I remembered!" Elder Deng spoke with a pale expression.

"Slow down... What do you remember?"

"T-That young man's name! I remember his name!"

"What? I thought you had said that you never asked him for his name?" Matriarch Zhu frowned.

"Indeed, I didn't ask him… Though I had totally forgotten that he'd told me his name during our initial meeting… Mainly because I didn't take him seriously and paid little attention to him, hence my failure..."

"So? What is his name?"

"T-That is…" Elder Deng began sweating.

"Hurry up and spit it out!" Matriarch Zhu raised her voice.

"H-His name… is Su… Su Yang…"

"What did you just say?! Su Yang?!"

When Matriarch Zhu finally learned of his name, she stood up with a shocked face.

"Is that the reason why Immortal Fairy Su Yue looked so angry when I called him her son?! He was actually her husband?! B-But his age and low Cultivation base… it doesn't make any sense!"

However, at the same time, that would explain Su Yang's mysterious background and heaven-defying abilities.

Additionally, if Su Yang really happened to be Qiuyue's husband, and his age and Cultivation base happens to be fake, then it wouldn't be too shocking for his disguise to fool even someone like Matriarch Zhu.

"What a shocking reveal! To think that he'd been Immortal Fairy Su Yue's husband this entire time!" Matriarch Zhu immediately started running outside.

"W-Where are you going, Matriarch?!" Elder Deng asked her with a surprised expression.

"To do what I should've done days ago!" she said before disappearing from his sight.

"What…?" Elder Deng stood there with a dumbfounded expression.




Inside his living quarters, Su Yang left the Cauldron Room for the ninth time ever since Zhu Mengyi confessed her love to him. Within these past few days, Su Yang had spent almost all of his time with Zhu Mengyi inside the Cauldron Room to cultivate.

And after spending all this time cultivating with Zhu Mengyi, Su Yang has accumulated enough Yin Qi from her to reach the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm as a Qi Refiner and the peak of the True Spirit Realm as a Body Refiner.

Although his progress as a Body Refiner had been stagnated at the Profound Spirit Realm and have been unable to break through to the True Spirit Realm for some time due to the lack of Yin Qi, ever since he cultivated with Wu Jinjing, a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert, his bottleneck no longer became an issue for him, allowing him to burst straight into the True Spirit Realm.

If Su Yang were to fight someone with only his body and without any Profound Qi, he would still be able to defeat even a Qi Refiner at the Earth Spirit Realm with ease. If he were to fight with his tempered body supported by his Profound Qi at the Earth Spirit Realm, then even those at the Heavenly Spirit Realm will be no match for him.

In other words, unless he has to fight against someone at the Sovereign Spirit Realm, then Su Yang could be considered invincible. However, that is not to say he is hopeless against Sovereigns, as he has plenty of tricks hidden in his sleeve.

And since there are only a few individuals in this world that have attained the Sovereign Spirit Realm, Su Yang could be considered as one of the strongest individuals in this world right now.

"Hmm?" Su Yang suddenly stopped walking to look at the figure that has been staring at him ever since he left the Cauldron Room.

That person was obviously Qiuyue, who'd returned just recently.

"Hmph!" Qiuyue immediately snorted upon seeing him, and she continued, "As expected from the God of Womanizer. But you don't have to worry, as I totally did not think for even a moment that you will not touch her."

Su Yang looked at her and the Cauldron Room with a bitter smile. "Although I won't say that I didn't expect this, I definitely didn't plan for this to happen…"

"Whatever," Qiuyue took the situation better than Su Yang had expected.

"Anyway, there is something you should be more concerned about," Qiuyue continued a moment later.

"What is it?" Su Yang's expression instantly straightened.

"That stupid cat… I don't know what happened out there but she sort of made the Three Ancient Academies into the Two Ancient Academies. I figured you should know since she is your Spirit Beast and all."

"Is that so…" Su Yang's expression did not change much even after learning such news. In fact, he looked calmer than before hearing her words, almost as if he didn't care much about Xiao Rong's actions.

Chapter 180 Inevitable Depature

"You don't seem to be concerned… or more like you don't care at all…" said Qiuyue after seeing his nonchalant expression.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Xiao Rong is a part of the Ghost Cat's bloodline, she isn't the type to attack others without being provoked by them first, especially humans, so they probably deserved it. What's more, there's nothing I can do now that it's already happened. That being said, I will still speak with her when she returns."

Su Yang had a feeling that Xiao Rong may have caused trouble when she first returned with her disguise reverted and Profound Qi lingering around her body, so he wasn't too shocked to hear about it actually happening.

After their short conversation, somebody started knocking on the doors.

Su Yang went to the door to see Matriarch Zhu standing outside with barely any breathe left in her.

"E-Esteemed guest!" Matriarch Zhu began speaking once she calmed down a little. "The arrangements are ready... Here are all of the herbs that are required for the Soul Divination Pill."

She retrieved the storage ring with the ingredients in it and handed it to Su Yang without wasting any time.

Su Yang accepted the storage ring with a smile, and he spoke a moment later after confirming the contents, "I was beginning to wonder if you'd forgotten about me, or if you were delaying it on purpose..."

Matriarch Zhu began sweating and lowered her head to apologize, "Please forgive me! I didn't plan on—"

Su Yang raised his hand and interrupted, "There's no need to apologize. If anything, I should be thankful for the delay."

"Huh?" Matriarch Zhu lifted her head with a dumbfounded expression.

He was thankful? Why would he thank her for delaying the arrangement?

However, Su Yang did not explain anything and continued, "Now that our arrangement has been fulfilled, it is time for me to leave."

Matriarch Zhu looked at him with wide eyes. He's going to leave just like this? What about concocting the Soul Divination Pill? She'd even anticipated that he would concoct the pill in their place!

"I-If you don't mind, you can use the cauldrons here to concoct the pill. I don't mean to be boastful, but the cauldrons in this place are the best you can find in this continent… And you are already here, anyway..." Matriarch Zhu wanted to see him concoct the Soul Divination Pill even if she had to lower herself.

After all, even if she has the recipe for the Soul Divination Pill, if she doesn't know the process to create the pill, it will still take decades of trial and error before she could concoct the Soul Divination Pill.

"Thank you for the offer, but I do not intend to concoct the Soul Divination Pill." Su Yang said, leaving Matriarch Zhu puzzled.

"Huh? You don't plan on concocting the pill? Then why would you…"

"That's not something you should be worried about, Matriarch." Su Yang spoke in a nonchalant voice, and he continued, "Anyway, we will be leaving as soon as we finish our preparations."

"B-But what about my daughter, Zhu Mengyi? I haven't spoken to her for days, do you have any idea where she might be?" Matriarch Zhu asked.

Su Yang glanced at the Cauldron Room with the corner of his eye and responded, "You don't have to worry. Your daughter is currently resting in the Cauldron Room over there."

"Let me go speak with her—"

Matriarch Zhu approached the Cauldron Room but was instantly blocked by Su Yang.

"What's the matter?"

"I think you should leave her alone for now, as she's currently in the state of enlightenment."

"Enlightenment?! Her?!" Matriarch Zhu gasped in shock.

Enlightenment is something that rarely occurs in the world of Cultivation, and more often than not, after one finishes their enlightenment, they will have a whole new and profound understanding for whatever caused the enlightenment.

However, Zhu Mengyi gaining enlightenment is only an excuse created by Su Yang to keep Matriarch Zhu away from Zhu Mengyi before she recovers from her 'cultivation'. If Matriarch Zhu were to enter the Cauldron Room right now, she would definitely be terrified for the rest of her life to see her own daughter in her current appearance.

"I-I understand…" Matriarch Zhu immediately tossed aside the thought of seeing Zhu Mengyi after hearing Su Yang's words.

Matriarch Zhu left a little bit later with a bitter taste in her mouth. Although she deeply regrets not being able to witness the Soul Divination Pill being concocted before her eyes, there was nothing she could do about it.

"At least that girl managed to achieve enlightenment…" she sighed to herself as she returned to her own living quarters.

Once Matriarch Zhu disappeared, Su Yang said to Qiuyue, "Prepare to return to the Profound Blossom Sect once Xiao Rong returns."

Qiuyue nodded, and she looked at the Cauldron Room. "Enlightenment, huh…"

A few hours later, Xiao Rong returned to Su Yang's side, and coincidentally, Zhu Mengyi also recovered enough energy to walk at that time.

When Zhu Mengyi saw that Su Yang was finally leaving, tears flowed down her face uncontrollably.

Although she'd been preparing herself mentally for his inevitable departure for the last few days, she still couldn't help but become emotional when the time for him to leave finally arrived.

"Do you really have to go?" Zhu Mengyi asked him with red eyes.

"Un." Su Yang nodded.

"Will you return someday?"

"I will try."

"How long will that take?"

"I don't know."

"What should the name of our child be?"


Zhu Mengyi grew more emotional the longer she spoke with Su Yang, looking like a crybaby after being separated from her parents.

"As long as I am alive, I will surely return one day — I promise." Su Yang used his hand to wipe the tears off Zhu Mengyi's beautiful face.

"I will miss you…"

Su Yang suddenly embraced Zhu Mengyi and passionately kissed her, which only made it harder for Zhu Mengyi to let him go.

Zhu Mengyi closed her eyes and returned the embrace and kiss.

A few moments later, Su Yang released his arms first because Zhu Mengyi was reluctant to let go.

In the end, this is a fate that all those who had foolishly fallen in love with Su Yang has to share, hence why many despise Su Yang in the Four Divine Heavens. And while many of his partners were able to accept such an outcome and let him go after some time, some people would try anything to stay with him, even if it's only for a little bit longer.

Chapter 181 On The Count of Three

After spending some time convincing Zhu Mengyi to let him go, Su Yang boarded Qiuyue's flying ship and left the Holy Central Continent shortly after.

After Su Yang's departure, Zhu Mengyi went to meet with Matriarch Zhu for the first time in many days.

"Why are you crying?" Matriarch Zhu watched Zhu Mengyi enter the room with a teary face and almost couldn't believe her eyes. The last time Zhu Mengyi cried like this was during her father's funeral.

However, Zhu Mengyi continued to cry without responding to her.

"Come over here…" Matriarch Zhu embraced her and began pampering her.

After many minutes of crying, Zhu Mengyi finally calmed down and explained the situation to Matriarch Zhu.

However, upon hearing the story, Matriarch Zhu looked at Zhu Mengyi with a terrified expression, almost like she'd just witnessed the downfall of Heaven.

"W-W-W-What did you just say? Y-Y-You will be pregnant with Su Yang's c-c-child?"

Matriarch Zhu nearly fainted on the spot when she learned that her daughter will be carrying Immortal Fairy Su Yue's husband's child.

How will she explain this to Immortal Fairy Su Yue if she decides to visit her one more time? However, even more questionable is why Su Yang agreed to sow his seed in Zhu Mengyi when he already has someone like Immortal Fairy Su Yue. Could it be that he wasn't her husband after all? But even if that was true, it still raises countless other questions.

Matriarch Zhu received a huge headache from all of this thinking and needed some time to calm down.

"I understand the situation for the most part, but are you fine with all of this?" Matriarch Zhu asked Zhu Mengyi. "Who knows when he'll return."

"I have accepted this outcome before I'd even confronted him. Although I won't say that I am completely okay with it, I will definitely be fine." Zhu Mengyi showed a positive smile that almost blinded Matriarch Zhu.

Matriarch Zhu smiled inwardly, thinking to herself how Zhu Mengyi has matured during these last few days.

"Anyway, this is all I have to report. I am going to the Holy Sword Academy now to see Sister Jinjing."

"Again?" Matriarch Zhu sighed.

Although she disliked Zhu Mengyi being so familiar with the Holy Sword Academy, she did not stop her from going regardless.

"Don't stay for too long, or Patriarch Wu will start complaining again." Matriarch Zhu warned her before she left.




At the Holy Sword Academy, Patriarch Wu sat inside his room with his eyes staring at the wall with a dazed expression.

"That girl… to think she'd make such a big decision without even coming to me first…" he sighed heavily.

When Wu Jinjing first revealed to him the situation of how she will be bearing a child in the near future, Patriarch Wu collapsed from shock on the spot.

However, what shocked him the most was the name of the man who impregnated her daughter, Su Yang.

If he's not going crazy, then Immortal Fairy Su Yue's husband should also be named Su Yang.

"Is it all just a big coincidence, or…?"

In addition to the incoming child, Patriarch Wu had another problem in his hands, and that was the future of Wu Jinjing as a swordmaster.

"If she's truly resolved to have this child, then her training will most definitely come to a halt for at least a few years…"

Patriarch Wu suddenly started scratching his head while screaming in frustration, "Ahhhhh! What a waste of time and talent!"

And although he wanted to try and convince Wu Jinjing to abandon the thought of having the child, he knew very well that she will not listen to him and might even leave the Sect if pressured.

The only thing he could do right now is to accept the fact that he will soon become a grandfather.

Patriarch Wu stared into the sky and mumbled, "Dear, are you watching this? If you were still alive, how will you be handling all of this? Will you encourage her, or will you stop her…?"

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head, "Maybe I should just accept all of this and prepare myself to become a grandparent…" he said to himself.




Standing outside of Wu Jinjing's living quarters, Zhu Mengyi greeted her best friend with a big smile.

"I have returned, Sister Jinjing!"

"Mengyi… you have returned earlier than I'd anticipated… Are you really that interested in the topic? What will you do if Matriarch Zhu comes here and drags you back herself this time?"

Zhu Mengyi waved her arms and said in a casual tone, "That won't happen because I got her approval before coming here."

"How rare…" Wu Jinjing mumbled. "Anyway, come inside."

Once they were inside and settled in Wu Jinjing's own room, Zhu Mengyi began to speak with an excited expression, "Listen to this, Sister Jinjing! You will not believe what I am about to tell you!"

"Hmmm… Allow me to take a guess…" Wu Jinjing looked up and down Zhu Mengyi's body and said a moment later, "Did you finally find your fated person?"

Zhu Mengyi gasped in shock and said, "How can you tell?!"

"I can sense something different about your aura… it feels more mature than before…" Wu Jinjing said with a smile. "I can tell because I also went through the same change very recently."

"As expected from your sharp senses, huh. It's like there's nothing I can hide from you."

"Well? Who's this lucky man that managed to lay his hands on such a talented and beautiful girl?" Wu Jinjing teased.

"Stop teasing me," Zhu Mengyi blushed. "And compared to him, my talent is worth only as much as an empty fart…"

Wu Jinjing covered her mouth in surprise, "For someone as talented and accomplished as you in the Dao of Alchemy to say such a thing… but I know how that feels, as I have also experienced a similar feeling when meeting my man."

"Anyway, stop avoiding the question and answer me already! Who is this lucky man?" Wu Jinjing urged.

"I will tell you if you tell me first!" Zhu Mengyi did not budge for her at all.

"Fine, then how about this? We will both say the name of our partner at the same time." Wu Jinjing suddenly suggested.

"I accept!"

"Good. Then on the count of three — one… two…"

Both Wu Jinjing and Zhu Mengyi simultaneously opened their mouth on the third count—

"His name is Su Yang!"

"Su Yang is his name!"






Their expressions instantly froze, and they stared at each other with a dazed face, their eyes and mouth wide open from shock.

Chapter 182 More Than Just Friends

After a long moment of awkward silence, Zhu Mengyi spoke in a stiff voice, "S-So your partner is also named Su Yang… what a coincidence…"

Zhu Mengyi was clearly in denial and did not want to believe that she had cultivated with the same man that impregnated Wu Jinjing, her best friend.

However, Wu Jinjing shook her head and said, "Don't be silly. I can tell that even you don't believe in those words."

Although Wu Jinjing also did not want to admit that she had cultivated with the same man that cultivated with Zhu Mengyi, there are things in this world that are better off acknowledged than ignored.

"W-What should we do now?" Zhu Mengyi asked in a worried tone. "W-We will be bearing a child from the same man, you know?"

What she worried the most right now is how their relationship will end up after this incident.

"What should we do now, huh…" Wu Jinjing pondered.

"Normally, when two women unknowingly bear the child from the same man, the man will pick one as his official wife while the other will become his concubine. However, in this situation, where the man is not present, we will have to decide for ourselves what we want to do."

Wu Jinjing looked at Zhu Mengyi with a serious face and asked, "What do you want to happen, Mengyi?"

After a moment of pondering, Zhu Mengyi spoke, "I… I want us to remain the way we have always been… best friends! What about you, Sister Jinjing?"

Wu Jinjing shook her head and replied, "That's impossible. I don't think I can see you the same way as before anymore."

"W-What...?" Zhu Mengyi's eyes widened with shock upon hearing her words.

Wu Jinjing continued before tears began to fall for Zhu Mengyi, "We both love the same man and have also given our innocence to him, and we will even bear a child from that very man in the future. If you ask me, we are already past the point of being just friends…"

"You don't mean…" Zhu Mengyi remained shocked but for a different reason.

"That's right… The two of us are now a family, real 'sisters'."

"Sister Jinjing!" Zhu Mengyi began crying regardless and went to embrace Wu Jinjing.

"Haaa…" Wu Jinjing sighed a moment later as Zhu Mengyi hugged her tightly. "I knew that he was someone that I could not keep to myself, but to think that even my best friend would have a taste of him, how unfortunate…"

"W-What do you mean by that?!" Zhu Mengyi stopped hugging her and looked at her with wide eyes.

Wu Jinjing chuckled and said, "It means I can no longer brag to you about the otherworldly experience I had with him since you also had a taste of it!"

Zhu Mengyi began blushing when she brought up such a topic, and she definitely had more than just a taste.

"How did it go with you? Did you also feel like you were possessed by some sex demon during your cultivation with him?" Wu Jinjing began teasing her.

Zhu Mengyi tried to cover the shame on her face when she recalled the time she'd spent with him inside the Cauldron Room. Thinking back to that time, she was definitely more than just possessed. If anything, she had turned into a wild beast!

"Stop teasing me, Sister Jinjing!" Zhu Mengyi pouted.

"Hahaha! Knowing you, Mengyi, you probably didn't even last for a few minutes!" Wu Jinjing burst out laughing.

However, the next words that came out of Zhu Mengyi choked Wu Jinjing out of her laughing.

"Hmph! Although I wasn't used to the feeling at first, after spending many days with him, I can say with confidence that I can last half a day without rest!"

Trying to sound tough, Zhu Mengyi kept the part about the Pill of Stamina out on purpose.

Wu Jinjing stared at her with wide eyes and a loose jaw. "Y-You what? You spent a few days with him?"

Zhu Mengyi nodded and explained to her how Su Yang had lived in the Four Seasons Academy for a few days due to some business he had there.

"H-How much time did you get to… cultivate… with him?" Wu Jinjing asked her head lowered and a trembling voice.

Zhu Mengyi shrugged her shoulders and said, "I was too engrossed to keep track of the time, but if I have to make a guess, at least twenty four hours, I think…"

"Haa… I wished it had lasted longer…" she sighed a moment later.

Hearing that Zhu Mengyi managed to have Su Yang all to herself for over twenty-four hours while she had a measly hour or so, Wu Jinjing grabbed Zhu Mengyi by the arms and stared at her with jealousy in her gaze.

"S-Sister Jinjing?" Zhu Mengyi became fearful of her intensive stares.

"You stinky little girl! I only cultivated with him for a little bit over an hour before he had to leave!" The mature feeling Wu Jinjing emitted could not be felt at this moment, as she was feeling too much envy towards Zhu Mengyi.

"Eh…?" Zhu Mengyi was dumbfounded by her words.

"Do you realize how lucky you were to have spent so much time with him?! And for you to complain about that! I should be the one complaining right now!"

"I-Is that so…" Zhu Mengyi no longer felt so bad about the time she spent with him and even pitied Wu Jinjing. After all, how could anyone be satisfied after only an hour?




Sometime later, Zhu Mengyi suddenly asked Wu Jinjing, "Sister Jinjing, although this may sound weird, now with Su Yang gone, how should I go about satisfying myself? I cannot imagine going to another man beside Su Yang, but without him, this desire for pleasure he awakened inside me will only grow stronger…"

Wu Jinjing pondered her question for a moment, as she has been trying to figure out the same question for the last few days.

"I… I have heard that in households where there are too many concubines and the man cannot keep up with all of them, the concubines will normally use each other to satisfy their own desires…" Wu Jinjing spoke in a weird voice.

"Y-You don't mean…" Zhu Mengyi stared at her with wide eyes filled with shock.

Wu Jinjing looked at her and blushed, "I-If you don't mind, we can give it a try…"

Zhu Mengyi's jaw dropped to the ground from the unexpected answer to her problem.

Chapter 183 Licking Each Other Contains Yuri

"S-Sister Jinjing… A-Are you serious?" Zhu Mengyi wanted to confirm whether she was actually serious or just teasing her like always.

"I-I won't joke about something like this!" Wu Jinjing quickly responded with her face flushed red.

The room quickly turned silent after that.

A few moments later, Zhu Mengyi spoke in a bashful voice, "T-Then… if Sister Jinjing doesn't mind doing it with someone like me… I-I guess I can give it a try..."

Although it's not rare to the point of being unheard of, women satisfying their own desire with another woman is definitely something of an uncommon practice. And while the entire world does not scorn those who wish to indulge in their sexual fantasies with the same gender, there are definitely people out there who dislike such practices, as they believe that by doing so the individuals are committing blasphemy towards Heaven.

But lucky for both Zhu Mengyi and Wu Jinjing, neither of them happen to be one of these people that reject this uncommon idea. If anything, after meeting Su Yang, they have become more open-minded to many things, especially when it comes to 'cultivation'.

"Are you sure? You don't have to agree to my weird ideas if you don't really want to—"

"Don't worry, Sister Jinjing. If you think your idea is weird, then you should see what I had in mind when I was trying to get Su Yang's attention…"

"I-Is that so…" Wu Jinjing couldn't help but smile at her words.

"Then… do you want to try it now?" she then asked.

"N-Now? Like right now?" Zhu Mengyi looked stumped, as she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Wu Jinjing nodded, and continued, "My body has been in constant frustration lately and I would really appreciate it if you could help me right now…" she spoke in a bashful tone.


After staring at her in silence for a few moments, Zhu Mengyi nodded her head slightly, agreeing to her request.

A few minutes later, once they prepared themselves, Zhu Mengyi and Wu Jinjing undressed in front of each other and sat on the bed.

Because they were both females, neither of them felt as embarrassed as when they showed their body to Su Yang. Though, the nervousness in their heart seemed to be higher than when they were with Su Yang, as they are only moments away from embracing each other in a way neither of them could have imagined.


Zhu Mengyi became speechless when she saw Wu Jinjing's overly stuffed steamed buns for the first time, realizing that the disparity between their sex appeal as a woman was actually greater than she'd initially thought.

And when Wu Jinjing noticed her envious stares, she chuckled and said in a teasing voice, "Are you jealous?"

"Who's feeling jealous?!" Zhu Mengyi suddenly grabbed Wu Jinjing's steamed buns and said, causing them to jiggle.

"Ah!" Wu Jinjing did not expect Zhu Mengyi to make the first move and accidentally released a surprised moan.

"Oh… sorry, did it hurt?" Zhu Mengyi quickly released her hands.

Wu Jinjing shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I was only surprised by it."

She then laid on the bed and continued, "Go on… continue what you were doing…"

Zhu Mengyi did a swallowing motion and reached for Wu Jinjing's steamed buns again. This time she did not use as much strength and slowly massaged them with her fingers, almost like she was kneading dough.

She tried to imitate Su Yang's hand movements from when he massaged her, but alas, she quickly realized how futile her efforts were and returned to massaging Wu Jinjing normally.

"Mmm…" Wu Jinjing was easily aroused and began moaning while breathing softly.

A few moments later, when the pleasure in Wu Jinjing's body reached a certain point, she started reaching for her wet flowers with her own hands.


Zhu Mengyi almost couldn't believe her eyes when Wu Jinjing began masturbating while she massaged her breasts. And when she saw Wu Jinjing's erotic expression, her body also became aroused, and with her other hand, she also started masturbating.

And thus, two heavenly beauties began pleasuring themselves beside each other in the same room.

A few minutes later, when Wu Jinjing could no longer feel satisfaction from masturbating, she said to Zhu Mengyi, "Something isn't right here… This isn't any different from cultivating alone…"

"Then what are we supposed to do?"

After some thinking, Wu Jinjing said while pointing at the bed, "Come lie down here."

Zhu Mengyi did not ask any questions and followed her instructions.

Once Zhu Mengyi had her back on the bed, Wu Jinjing gently laid herself on top of Zhu Mengyi with her head facing Zhu Mengyi's lower entrance so that they were facing each other's nether region.

"W-What are you planning to do in this position?" Zhu Mengyi asked with Wu Jinjing's pink flower in the open right above her face.

"You will know in a moment…"

As she said those words, Wu Jinjing lowered her head until she was right between Zhu Mengyi's thighs and almost touching her wet flower with her lips.

Zhu Mengyi realized what she was about to do and cried loudly, "D-Don't tell me you are — Ahhh!"

Wu Jinjing ignored her and started caressing her flower petals with her own tongue.

"S-Sister Jinjing!" Zhu Mengyi nearly sprayed from the sudden contact.

"What a cute reaction." Wu Jinjing thought to herself and continued licking, causing Zhu Mengyi's tender body to tremble.

"Mmm… Yes… Ahh…" Zhu Mengyi quickly engrossed herself with the pleasure and began moving her hips, treating Wu Jinjing's tongue as though it was Su Yang's rod, even imaging it inside her head.

A few minutes later, Wu Jinjing stopped licking and said, "Mengyi, it isn't fair that only you are enjoying yourself here… Hurry up and do the same to me…"

"Ah… I am sorry…" After apologizing to her, Zhu Mengyi pulled Wu Jinjing's flower towards her face and also started licking her.

"Nnng!" Wu Jinjing's body twitched from feeling Zhu Mengyi's tongue, and the sexual frustration in her body started to disappear slowly.

Chapter 184 Leaving the Holy Central Continent End of Vol. 4

While Wu Jinjing and Zhu Mengyi were busy with each other, the Golden Lion Academy had just begun rebuilding their place after Xiao Rong nearly destroyed their thousand years of history.

However, the damage done to their Sect turned out to be much more devastating than Patriarch Gold had anticipated, as the Sect's treasury was burned to the ground alongside the majority of the Sect's resources that was inside the building.

And without the majority of their resources, the Golden Lion Academy is not capable of recovery by themselves, pushing Patriarch Gold into a corner.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Inside his own room, Patriarch Gold released his fury on the surrounding furniture, throwing them around the room.

"This is all that silver-haired girl's fault! If she didn't snoop around suspiciously in my Sect, none of this would have happened!" Patriarch Gold placed all of the blame on Xiao Rong, ignoring his own actions.

After destroying a few more furniture, Patriarch Gold finally stopped his rampage and turned to look at the veiled figure that has been silently standing at the corner of the room.

The veiled figure, upon seeing Patriarch Gold finally pay attention to him, spoke in a muffled voice, "If Senior Gold is in need of resources, we, the Moonlight Blades, can assist you in your problem."

Hearing the veiled figure's words, Patriarch Gold coldly snorted, "How many more times do I have to kill you people before you finally understand my answer? I refuse whatever you have to offer!"

However, the veiled figure remained in the room and continued to speak, "If you help us in destroying the Xie Family, we will leave for you all of their wealth that is guaranteed to be enough to restore this Sect and more. What's more, you can even take their position and rule over the entire Eastern Continent."

Patriarch Gold did not immediately respond and held a pondering expression on his face.

These people that called themselves Moonlight Blades appeared out of the blue one day before him two months ago and have been requesting for his help to destroy this Xie Family since then.

At first, Patriarch Gold would ignore them and even kill every messenger sent by them, but as time passed, his interest in their goal grew stronger. And now that his Sect is at the brink of destruction, their offer suddenly became extremely pleasing to his eyes.

However, he did not instantly agree to help them, as he did not want them to see him as some pushover.

After a moment of silence, the veiled figure continued to speak, "Our Moonlight Blades only want the princess of the Xie Family. As for everything else, Senior Gold can decide what to do with them."

"What is it about this princess that is so important to you guys? My answer will depend on your response," said Patriarch Gold a moment later.

"The Leader wishes to obtain her Heavenly Constitution, the Hundred Poisons Body."

The veiled figure did not try to hide that fact from him because the Leader himself ordered him to do so, as the Moonlight Blades greatly require his help to achieve their goal.

"A Heavenly Constitution, huh?" Patriarch Gold licked his lips inwardly.

Heavenly Constitutions are extremely rare even within the Holy Continent, so even powerful individuals like Patriarch Gold greatly desire them.

"If I recall correctly, you guys can completely bypass the Jade Sea and come to the Holy Central Continent because of some Spiritual Treasure, but it only works one way. Is that correct?"

"That is correct." The veiled figure confirmed.

"But in order for us to cross the Jade Sea and arrive there, it will take at least half a year."

"We will wait for Senior Gold's arrival as long as you agree to help us," said the figure.

Patriarch Gold turned silent again.

After thinking for a few more minutes, Patriarch Gold grinned and said, "Tell your leader that I will be seeing him as soon as possible."

The veiled figure nodded and quickly disappeared into the shadow, leaving Patriarch Gold by himself.

"Hahaha… you foolish people…" Patriarch Gold laughed inwardly. "Did you guys even think any of this through? Why should I listen to some nobody from a place as inferior as the Eastern Continent, much less share my resources?"

He silently looked forward to obtaining the Hundred Poison Body for himself, feeling so confident in his own abilities that he could only imagine a smooth sailing to occur when he arrives.




Somewhere above the Jade Sea, Qiuyue looked at the Holy Central Continent behind her with a relieved smile.

"I managed to keep my secret safe from him!" she cheered inwardly.

Now she no longer has to worry about him finding out her identity as Immortal Fairy Su Yue and possibly dying from embarrassment.

"You seem joyful today," Su Yang suddenly said to her with a mysterious smile on his face. "Did something positive happen recently?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows." Qiuyue responded in a cheeky tone.

Su Yang continued to smile mysteriously. "You know, I learned a few things during my short stay at that place, and that made this entire trip more than worth it."

"Hoh? You actually learned something from that place? What did you learn?" Qiuyue noticed that he was acting slightly odd, but she was in too good of a mood to care about something so insignificant and dusted it off her shoulders.

"It's nothing of significance, as it's only some slightly interesting stories."

"Really? Why don't you share them with me?" Qiuyue spoke without thinking.

"Are you sure? You might not find any entertainment in these stories." Su Yang casually warned her.

"It's just some stories, right? What's there to be sure about?"

At this point, the cheeky expression on Qiuyue's face turned into one that was filled with doubt, as she was beginning to feel uncomfortable in her heart from the mysterious aura that surrounded Su Yang.

As for Su Yang, the mysterious smile on his face only grew bigger and bigger. He simply couldn't wait to see the expressions Qiuyue will be making once he starts talking about some girl named Su Yue.

Chapter 185 So You Knew All Along!

"Stop dawdling around and tell me already…" Qiuyue said with a frown after Su Yang kept staring at her with a mysterious smile on his face.

Although she couldn't guess what he had in mind, her heart was filled with an ominous feeling, and her hands were squeezed into fists.

"Once upon a time, a young female Cultivator fell in love with an older Cultivator…" Su Yang began telling her a story, and Qiuyue became silent.

"The female Cultivator followed him as a traveling companion in order to seduce him, following him from city to city, continent to continent, even from stars to stars. This female Cultivator had followed the man for dozens of years. However, despite spending so long with him, she never managed to seduce him. Why do you think such a thing happened?" Su Yang looked at Qiuyue and asked.

"How should I know? Maybe she just sucks at it, or she has a really unattractive appearance." Qiuyue admired this female Cultivator's determination inwardly despite her rude words.

Su Yang smiled and said, "The female Cultivator was no doubt a beauty, even a top beauty."

He then continued, "It's simple, really. The female Cultivator believed that because of her beautiful appearance, all she needed was to stay beside the man to seduce him, and because of her mindset, she never shared with the man her feelings for him."

"..." Qiuyue was speechless. That was it?

However, after thinking about the story for a few more moments, Qiuyue came to a realization that her previous situation was near identical to the female Cultivator's situation in the story.

Because she was confident in her peerless appearance, it was one of the reasons why Qiuyue didn't bother to share with Su Yang her feelings and only silently followed him around, hoping that he'd eventually fall for her.

Qiuyue began sweating underneath her robes. Is Su Yang trying to tell her something with this story? If she didn't express her feelings to him at the Four Seasons Academy, would she have also ended up like that female Cultivator in the story? Traveling with Su Yang for hundreds of years without having her feelings realized because of her own arrogance?

Qiuyue shuddered at the thought.

However, Su Yang continued, "Here's another story…"

"A renowned couple traveled together, husband and wife. They went around the world in search of something. One day, however, someone asked the husband what he really thought of his wife. And when the husband heard the question, he only expressed confusion and bewilderment. He then replied with a question of his own, 'Wife? What are you talking about? I don't have a wife!'"

When Qiuyue first listened to this story, she didn't think much of it because the first story had lowered her guard.

"Why do you think the husband said that he had no wife when the entire world recognized the two as husband and wife?" Su Yang then asked her.

"Because he has amnesia and forgot that he had a wife?" Qiuyue casually responded with a doubting tone.

Su Yang could tell that Qiuyue wasn't aware of his intentions and chuckled, "That's a reasonable guess, but that isn't correct. Go ahead, give it another guess."

Qiuyue frowned and began pondering — but she wasn't pondering about the story. Instead, she was trying to figure out why Su Yang found these stories to be even slightly interesting, as she couldn't see him as someone to find joy in these stories that are seemingly meant for children.

"Wait a second…" Qiuyue's eyes suddenly widened, almost like she'd just received enlightenment, and her body began to tremble.

If the first story resembled her situation before, then this second story could possibly also be meant for her...

Qiuyue forcefully swallowed and spoke in a shaky voice, "B-Because their relationship as husband and wife… was all made up by… t-the w-wife?"

By this point, the smile on Su Yang's smile turned into a large grin, and he spoke in a mysterious voice, "Oh? That's quite an interesting reasoning… Why do you think the wife did such a thing?"


Seeing his expression, Qiuyue realized that he was testing her and did not immediately reply. She remained silent with her head slightly lowered.

Su Yang did not rush her and patiently waited for her. However, the silence only made Qiuyue feel even worse.

After a few more moments of silence, Qiuyue slowly opened her mouth, "B-Because the wife was lonely and really... really wanted her dreams to become a reality…"

Although Qiuyue's head was lowered, Su Yang could tell that she had an expression that wanted to cry.

He sighed inwardly, wondering if his teasing had gone too far.

"Why are you crying? It's just a story." Su Yang casually said, sounding innocent.

"Huh?" Qiuyue looked up to stare at him with a dumbfounded gaze.

"H-He doesn't know?" she wondered inwardly.

Qiuyue was sure that Su Yang had somehow found out her secret identity as Su Yue, hence why he was telling her such a story, but it seems like she was just too paranoid.

However, just as Su Yang was prepared to tell Qiuyue the truth, Xiao Rong, who had been silently following them from behind, opened her mouth and said, "Master, who is this 'Su Yue' you keep thinking about?"


Both Qiuyue and Su Yang looked at her with wide eyes.

"W-What are you talking about?" Su Yang asked her.

But before Xiao Rong could even answer him, Su Yang remembered that Xiao Rong, as his Spiritual Beast, could hear his thoughts if he's not careful, as that's how many people communicate their thoughts with their Spiritual Beasts.

And Xiao Rong, being at the Ancient Realm and also a beast that specializes in mental abilities, her capability to read his mind is far stronger than any average beast.

Hearing his question, Xiao Rong looked at him with a puzzled expression. She obviously heard it from him… or to be precise, inside his head.

Su Yang slowly turned his head to look at Qiuyue, and sure enough, she was staring at him with puffed cheeks and a frustrated expression, her face flushed red, and there were even tears in her eyes.

"So you knew all along!" she cried out loud.

Chapter 186 Aliases

"H-How long have you known about it for?!" Qiuyue asked him with a trembling voice, her face flushed red from embarrassment.

She couldn't imagine how Su Yang could've learned about her secret. They were together basically the entire time, so how did he manage to find out without her being aware?

Then she remembered Zhu Mengyi and how she'd left Su Yang alone with her for a few days, and she immediately pointed to her as the culprit.

"It must have been her!" she began cursing Zhu Mengyi inwardly.

"Just a few days ago," Su Yang said with a smile.

Although he didn't plan to expose her in such a fashion, he still achieved what he had wanted.

"Su Yue, huh? It has a nice ring to it, don't you think so too?" Su Yang laughed out loud, causing Qiuyue to cover her face with both of her hands to hide her embarrassment.

"Shut up! I was very young and foolish back then! A-A-And you were supposed to be dead! It is only something akin to a memorial, okay?!" Qiuyue began flustering with excuses coming out of her mouth nonstop.

Xiao Rong watched their conversation with a confused expression. Although she's learned how to speak and read, her comprehension when it comes to human interaction is still somewhat lacking.

"What is there to be embarrassed about? It's just an alias," Su Yang shook his head, feeling that Qiuyue was worrying about it too much.

And he continued, "I happen to have a few aliases in the Four Divine Heavens, too. What's more, even someone as isolated as you should've heard of at least one of them before."

Upon hearing his words, Qiuyue no longer covered her face and instead looked at him with her interest piqued. She wondered what kind of alias someone like Su Yang would possibly have.

"Tell me," she suddenly said.


"Tell me one of your aliases and I'll consider this as fair trade," she then said.

Su Yang shook his head again and said, "Since when are we trading aliases? It's not my fault that you didn't do a good job hiding your own alias."

Qiuyue was quite displeased that she wouldn't be able to learn even a single of his alias, but she also couldn't refute his words. After all, it was entirely her fault that she created such an alias in the first place without a care in the world.

If anything, she should be happy that Su Yang didn't use her alias, Su Yue, as leverage to tease her until she really died from embarrassment and only teased a few tears out of her.

"Anyway, when did that stupid cat learn to speak so clearly?" Qiuyue looked at Xiao Rong with a frown on her face, her attitude towards her seemingly worse than before.

Xiao Rong also frowned upon being called stupid. Although she didn't really understand her before, after learning the human language, Xiao Rong finally understood that Qiuyue had been cursing her this entire time.

"Who are you calling a stupid cat, you ugly girl!" Xiao Rong unexpectedly clapped back at Qiuyue, who was shocked by her sudden cursing.

"U-Ugly?!" Qiuyue almost couldn't believe her ears. This is the first time she's ever heard someone dared to call her ugly before.

"Y-You are just a cat! Shut up and act like one!"

"Hmph!" Xiao Rong snorted and waved her arms, causing the flying boat to shake viciously, almost like they were suddenly in the middle of the ocean and riding powerful currents.

"W-What are you doing?! Are you trying to destroy my flying treasure?!" Qiuyue exclaimed loudly, her voice filled with panic.

Because Xiao Rong's cultivation base far exceeded her own, Qiuyue's control over the flying treasure became unstable.

Su Yang sighed at these two girls. They make him think of fire and water, two different existence that will never cooperate with each other unless some sort of miracle happens.

"Xiao Rong, stop shaking the boat. It's also making me feel uncomfortable," he said to her.

Although reluctant, Xiao Rong stopped messing with Qiuyue and returned to minding her own business.

Qiuyue glared at Xiao Rong with a displeased expression. No matter how much she wanted to ignore Xiao Rong, there's just something about Xiao Rong that made her feel unpleasant. Perhaps it was because of Xiao Rong's overwhelming cultivation base that made her feel uneasy, or maybe she's just unfamiliar with exotic beasts such as Xiao Rong. Hell, she could simply be jealous of her relationship as Su Yang's Spiritual Beast since most Spiritual Beasts stay with their Masters until either one of them perishes. Either way, she simply can't help but dislike her.

"You are not entirely innocent either, Qiuyue." Su Yang switched his attention to her.

"Hmph! It's that cat's fault for calling me ugly!" she coldly snorted.

"What are you, a child?" Su Yang shook his head inwardly. It seems like no matter how much she's matured, there would always be a part of her that will remain childish.

After her little quarrel with Xiao Rong, Qiuyue no longer felt as embarrassed from having her alias revealed to Su Yang. At the end of the day, it was only an alias and nothing more.

However, Su Yang suddenly said to Qiuyue, "About your alias… If you really want to, you can continue using it even in the future."

His words caught her off guard and Qiuyue stared at him with wide eyes that were filled with shock and bewilderment.

"W-What did you just say? S-Say it one more time for me… please..." she asked him, just in case it was just her imagination.

However, Su Yang did not listen to her request and remained silent with a smile on his face.

"H-He's still teasing me!" Qiuyue cried inwardly.

And for the remainder of their travel before returning to the Profound Blossom Sect, Qiuyue would try to make Su Yang repeat his words, but alas, Su Yang had closed his eyes and pretended that he couldn't hear her until they finally reached their destination.

Chapter 187 Regional Tournamen

Su Yang and his group finally returned to the Profound Blossom Sect after spending a little over an hour above the Jade Sea.

However, before Su Yang could even enter his living quarter that is located in the Outer Court despite being an Inner Court disciple, he could see a figure standing in front of his door, looking like she had been standing there for many days.

"Matriarch?" Su Yang called out to her.

Liu Lanzhi, the Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect, immediately turned to look at the approaching Su Yang.

Her face expressed anger upon seeing Su Yang, but there was also a hint of relief within her gaze, seemingly happy to see him alive.

"Su Yang! Where did you go for the past two weeks?!" she immediately questioned him.

However, Su Yang acted like he was confused and said, "Where? I thought that I had signed out with the Sect Elder before leaving, even mentioning that I will be on a mission."

Liu Lanzhi frowned and said loudly, "Mission — my ass! Don't think that you can hide your little adventure to the Northern Region from me just because you said otherwise!"

Su Yang raised an eyebrow in surprise. How did she find out?

He was unaware that the Su Family had contacted her and complained about letting him return to the Northern Region despite their agreement.

"So you found out, huh." Su Yang remained calm and said, "But it's just the Northern Region, yet you make it sound as if going there is prohibited. Why is that?"


Liu Lanzhi did not expect him to question her and became speechless for a moment. Because of her agreement with the Su Family, she cannot, under any circumstances, tell him the truth, hence why his question had easily stumped her.

What's more, because the Su Family purposefully left out some information when complaining to her, Liu Lanzhi is still unaware that Su Yang had already returned to the Su Family, only aware that he'd returned to the Northern Region for whatever reason.

"T-The disciples of the Profound Blossom Sect are required to get approval from the Sect Master before they are allowed to travel over a certain distance limit! And you not only surpassed that limit but you also went to a different region entirely! Even if you are an Inner Court disciple, you will be punished for breaking the Sect Rules!" Liu Lanzhi finally found an excuse to tell him.

"Is that so… I understand." Su Yang casually accepted his fate. "I will accept whatever punishment you have in mind for me, but until then, I will be resting."

"Wait! I am not finished with you!" Liu Lanzhi stopped him before he could enter his living quarters.

"What is it this time?" Su Yang sighed.

Perhaps because somewhere in her heart she respects Su Yang deeply for his divine techniques, or maybe it's simply because she got used to it, but despite Su Yang's nonchalant attitude towards her, the Sect Master, Liu Lanzhi does not show any reaction, much less express anger.

"The Regional Tournament — there's only half a year before our Profound Blossom Sect participates in this event, and I am here to tell you that you will be participating in this event alongside a few others." Liu Lanzhi mentioned the Regional Tournament that was at the horizon.

"...Why did you choose someone like me? And why should I do something that bothersome?" Su Yang said to her despite already having an interest in the event ever since Elder Wu told him about it, especially when that girl with the Hundred Poisons Body will be present.

"You will participate because it's your responsibility as a disciple of this Sect to represent the Sect when needed and because I, the Sect Master, is ordering you to participate. Is this a good enough reason?" Liu Lanzhi spoke with a serious face, telling him that she is taking this seriously.

"As for why I decided to choose someone like you, it's simply because I think that you have what it takes to become a Core disciple, and one of the requirements before becoming a Core disciple is to partake in the Regional Tournament."

"I will tell you the truth — even if you lose badly during the tournament — I want you to become a Core disciple afterward, as just your techniques alone qualify you to become one."

After all, the Profound Blossom Sect is a unique place that is unlike any other Sect, valuing one's sensual techniques much more than one's cultivation base.

Su Yang smiled inwardly after hearing her reason for choosing him to partake in this Regional Tournament. Core disciple? If he really wanted to, he could easily become the Patriarch of this place with his peak Earth Spirit Realm cultivation base, much less a mere Core disciple.

However, because his current cultivation base vastly surpasses even that of Liu Lanzhi's cultivation, she remains oblivious to his real strength even now.

"Half a year, huh?" Su Yang smiled and continued, "You can expect to see me there, but if you are expecting me to lose, then you are in for a shocking experience…"

Liu Lanzhi did not bother him anymore after hearing that he would participate in the Regional Tournament. However, there was one more thing she needed to talk about before letting him go.

"Who are these two ladies with you?" she pointed to the disguised Qiuyue and Xiao Rong that had been following behind him like they were his servants with a weird expression on her face.

"They are my servants," Su Yang casually made up an excuse. "What, don't tell me that I am not allowed to have servants, too?"

"N-No… you are allowed to have up to three servants as an Inner Court disciple. Just make sure that you register their names at the administration so the Sect knows of their existence and to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings," Liu Lanzhi said to him before finally allowing him to go.

"They are his 'servants', huh? How envious…" Liu Lanzhi thought to herself as she watched Qiuyue and Xiao Rong follow Su Yang into the house, completely misunderstanding their situation.

But such a misunderstanding is not uncommon in a place like the Profound Blossom Sect, as there are plenty of disciples in this place that uses servants as training partners for dual cultivation.