

Chapter 171 Most Powerful

The news was so shocking to him that he couldn't help but grab her shoulders.

"What? You thought no one controls the Heavens?" Ming asked playfully. "Although it's mostly automatic, controlled by a part of my Uncle's Soul, he is still the main man behind the Heavens. He manages the Reincarnation Cycle for all the Realms as well, basically deciding who will and who won't Reincarnate as long as their Soul is still alive."

"Oof… Doesn't that make him the most powerful man in the Universe?" Xuefeng asked speechless, overwhelmed by the information.

"Well, he is definitely powerful but not overpowered. Although he is immortal, he can't really kill people on a whim unless they committed a sin and broke the rules. Even then, he doesn't involve himself with mankind because that would destroy the balance we created," Ming explained. "Also, there is one more person who is more powerful than my uncle, but I don't want to talk about him."

By the change in Ming's expression, Xuefeng knew she was talking about her ex-husband, the King of Fate Kingdom.

"You are wrong about that," Xuefeng pointed out as he squeezed her cheek. "I'm your husband and I'm the most powerful. Remember that."

"Heh, yes. You are," Ming confirmed as she gave him a kiss.

"I'm not joking. Aren't they all Fate Spirits? I have Elemental Bracelet which is Fate Qi nemesis and Ling Ability which can destroy Souls. Aren't I more powerful than them?" Xuefeng wondered out loud, giving her a smirk.

Ming paused as if she realized something.

"Wait for a second… you might actually be right. Your Abilities should counter their powers entirely," Ming muttered before getting excited. "As long as we enter the Fate Kingdom, you can kill my ex-husband and replace him as the King of Fate Kingdom! We can rule all the Realms together!"

"Is that our goal?" Xuefeng asked with a smile, gazing at all his wives. "Are we going to take over the World and rule it together?"

"Let's first survive the next year," Tianshi suggested, remaining level headed. "It will be quite a struggle to reach that point but we will follow you till the end of the World."

"Mhmm!" All his wives agreed firmly.

"Going back to your Uncle, if he controls the Heavens, wasn't he the one who separated us when we Ascended to Heaven Realm?" Xuefeng asked seriously, thinking about this matter for a while. "I'm sure he had to go out of his ways to fuck with us."

Ming only shrugged.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if my Uncle wanted to teach you a lesson. After all, the number of times you provoked him can't be counted on one hand. He is clever when it comes to punishing people who provoke him."

"Ugh, I don't mind if he punishes me, but why would he punish all my wives instead?" Xuefeng grunted but Ming disagreed.

"Are you sure he punished them?"

"What do you mean?" Xuefeng asked confused.

"I think the main person that suffered was still you while all your wives benefited from the split," Ming observed. "Can't you see? All your wives became more independent and stronger, forced to survive without their husband who will always protect them. For me, this split was more like a reward instead of a punishment."

Xuefeng gazed at his wives and they smiled at him. Looking at her adventures, they improved significantly, but when it comes to Independence, they were always like this. They always made their own decisions and didn't simply fall into line while listening to his orders.

"What can I say? I have the most amazing wives in the Universe," Xuefeng declared.

They immediately brightened, ready to throw themselves at him when they heard a knock on the door. Ming vanished, returned back inside Xuefeng's body as Xuefeng invited the person inside.

"Can I come in?" Xinyu asked as she peeked through the doors. "I don't want to disturb."

"Don't worry, you are not disturbing us. Come in," Xuefeng assured, beckoning her inside.

She was quite respectful when it came to giving them space which Xuefeng appreciated. After all, even though they already connected in body, they were still yet to create anything beyond that.

"I came because I wanted to spend more time with you all," Xinyu admitted directly. "Cultivating alone is boring, so I decided to join you. I hope you don't mind?"

"I guess now we have to start Cultivating for real," Xuefeng muttered as he clapped his hand. "Chop, chop. The break is over. Time to Cultivate."

He sat up as well and pulled out a batch of Upgrade Fragments, wanting to Cultivate with them. Everyone listened and busied themselves with their own absorption.

"Ugh… It's boring," Xuefeng muttered after another Upgrade Fragment consumed. It wasn't a secret that he hated Cultivating or doing things repeatedly over and over again.

"That's what I was always saying…" Nuwa commented, crushing another empty Upgrade Fragment. "If I can't cuddle as a break I don't think I can do this all night.

"Ah, is there a way to quicken this process?" Xuefeng wondered with a sigh.

"Heh, you know that no one is supposed to sit every day and Cultivate? It's not really normal to advance three whole stages in just one year," Xinyu said with a giggle. "Even if someone had immense resources, they would still spend years to progress steadily and build their foundation. At this slow rate, they wouldn't be as bored since they are not in a hurry."

"Even if I wasn't in hurry, I don't think I would ever enjoy Cultivating. The only form of Cultivating I accept is Dual Cultivation with my Wives," Xuefeng replied as he kept the Upgrade Fragment and laid down on Lisa's thighs. "I will have a short break."

He picked Mona up and let her lay on his belly while he petted her soft fur. Meanwhile, Xinyu continued her explanation.

"You asked if you can quicken this process but from what I know, it's not possible. The Qi inside the Upgrade Fragments is too concentrated."

"Sigh, see what I have to deal Mona? This is a nightmare," Xuefeng mumbled as he caressed her fluffy tails. "What should I do?"

"Can't you just use your bracelet?" Mona answered as if it was obvious.

"Huh?" Xuefeng blinked. "Can I?"

He has been moving between the Elements one by one and increasing the quality of his Qi to at least Fourth Refinement, so he didn't even think about the Elemental Bracelet.

"Aren't those Upgrade Fragments made from Qi? Can't you control three Elements already? I was wondering why you are not using it," Mona explained confused.

"Yeah, why am I not using it?!" Xuefeng exclaimed, lifting himself up while hugging Mona. "You are a genius!"

He placed her to the side and spilled out tens of Fire Element Upgrade Fragments on the bed. He created a small stack before he activated the Elemental Bracelet. He slowly felt the Qi inside all the Upgrade Fragments before beginning.


He didn't know what to expect but after the moment, the Upgrade Fragments cracked and eventually broke, sending red strings of high-quality Qi into his palms. In a matter of seconds, he absorbed close to a hundred Upgrade Fragments.

"I guess it worked?" Xuefeng muttered, grinning to himself. 'Did it really work?'

He needed to hear the confirmation from the insiders and couldn't help but laugh when Ling replied exactly what he wanted to hear.

'The Quality of your Fire Qi indeed improved.'

He was about to celebrate when Ling broke his dreams.

'But there is one problem. You are too fast. Before you reach the Seventh Refinement, your Soul will be overtaxed at such a high rate. Though, you should be fine if you lower the amount by at least half.'

'Alright, that's still better than before. I will take it,' Xuefeng said happily and set up another pile of Upgrade Fragments, this time twice smaller. "Let's try again!"


He repeated the same process and all that was left were the empty crystal shells with no more Qi in them.

"Damn, this is so unfair," Nuwa cursed as she went out of her way to pinch him. "Why do you always find ways to cheat?"

"Haha, but that's just for the three Elements. What about the others? I still need to cultivate normally till I can get other Elemental Stones," Xuefeng explained as he pinched her back.

"Good! You have to suffer with us and keep us company," Nuwa demanded to which he was happy to comply. They had a whole night ahead of them.


"Xuefeng, when will you all arrive?" Wu asked as she looked in the distance from her Flying Ship. They were already in the vicinity, seeing the countless mountains.

"We are still one day away," Xuefeng reported. "What about you?"

"We are about to arrive. I will contact you once I figure out what is going on," Wu informed when the guard called out, "Miss Wu, the Dwarf Kingdom is right ahead."

"I will call you later," Wu muttered into the Communication Crystal before ending the call. She ran up to the window and her eyes widened.

Everything was burning!

Chapter 172 You Won't Even...

The massive wall of the Dwarf Kingdom was fully in ruins with all the buildings and its surroundings destroyed. Colorful flames burned everywhere, turning the place into living hell. In the midst of the fire hovered one figure, constantly swinging its wings as she scratched the gigantic entrance to the mountain.

"It's Bella!" Wu exclaimed with concern, rushing towards the exit immediately. "Let's go!"

"Miss Wu! Wait! It's dangerous!" her guards called out after her but Wu didn't give a damn. "What danger? It's my sister!"

She swiftly flew out from the Flying Ship, heading straight towards the flaming Phoenix!

"Bella!!" Wu cried out from behind, causing Bella to freeze and turn around her massive head. She thought that Bella would be in a crazed mode, not even recognizing her but she was surprisingly level-headed.

"Sis Wu!" Bella exclaimed as she bounced from the melted doors and flew up to her while turning back into her beautiful human body. "You need to help me fight them!"

Bella fell into Wu's arms, clearly exhausted from the constant barrage of attacks, and breathed hurriedly. Anyone would be already tired beyond recognition but Wu could still see a lot of determination in Bella's eyes.

"It's okay, I'm here to handle the situation. I need to know the details. What happened? Why are you attacking the Dwarf Kingdom?" Wu questioned urgently while halting the experts who came with her. "I was contacted by them as they requested assistance from the Trade Union. I knew it was you when they provided me your description."

"Drakos is inside. They imprisoned him," Bella explained as she calmed down a little. "I have been trying to break through for a day already but those doors are too thick. I only managed to melt through half of it but it seems they are adding defenses from the other side."

Before Wu could say anything, a small part of the door moved inward, creating a hole right through and an angry voice came from the inside.

"She is lying! They are thieves and tried to rob us! My Race didn't do anything wrong!"

Knowing Drakos for a while, Wu didn't doubt the man's words but her expression didn't change. She let go of Bella and flew forward on her own.

"I'm the General Manager of Trade Union, the person you contacted for help. Let's stop the fight and talk it out," Wu suggested diplomatically. "We only do business without combat."

An eye peeked through the hole as the man announced, "And I'm the King of Dwarf Kingdom and there is no way I'm opening the doors. I'm not going to risk the lives of my people. This bitch will attack the moment she has a chance. I'm not falling for that."

Wu frowned deeply.

"The person you are cursing right now is my sister! Say one more bad word about her and you can forget about my help. I will mobilize all my forces to break inside your Kingdom and cut off your tongue," Wu threatened sternly, "Now answer my question! Is there a Dragon named Drakos imprisoned inside the Dwarf Kingdom?"

The stern approach wasn't ideal but Wu didn't care. She would naturally side with Bella no matter if she was in the wrong or not. One could curse her and she wouldn't care but if someone cursed her family, they deserved a beating.

"Little girl! Watch your words! You don't know who are you threatening!" the King of Dwarfs yelled back angrily. "You will regret—"

"Regret?!" Wu cut him off with the same intensity. "Cut the bullshit. Drakos is one of my friends and since I'm leading Trade Union, I can do whatever the fuck I want. If you don't answer my question, I will assume he is inside and you can forget about every cooperation you had with Trade Union. I will cancel them all."

"You won't dare!" King of Dwarfs challenged her words. "Trade Union needs us and you know it!"

"Oh, really? It just happens that I have been planning on taking over Metal Land and create our own supply of Ore. I wonder who will you sell your goods to once Trade Union joins the market? Will your people eat ore to survive?" Wu said sarcastically. "Here I thought we can cooperate with the Dwarf Kingdom and boost our economy together but with such attitude, I guess it is better to eliminate you first."

She ignored him and turned to her guards instead, ordering, "Contact Sect Master Liu, his House of Dragons as well as all of our forces throughout the Heaven Realm. Anyone who doesn't cancel their trades with the Dwarf Kingdom will be considered Trade Union's enemy and they will be blacklisted from all Safe Zones."

The guard paled but still nodded, pulling out a Communication Crystal, "Yes Miss Wu, right away!"

The crystal didn't even blink when King of Dwarfs cried out urgently.

"Stop! We can talk!"

Wu didn't even look at him.

"Talk? I already gave you the chance to talk yet you only spat on my face and didn't even go out to meet me. I only asked you a single question and instead, I only hear curses. I'm not going to waste time on someone like you."

"Enough! He is here! He tried to rob us so we imprisoned him! It's only natural for us to do so!" King of Dwarfs called out in response.

"I don't care if he tried to rob you or sleep with your sister. Let him out and we will walk away as if nothing happened," Wu proposed. "I will forget you cursed me and you will forget about those two."

Bella stood behind Wu and remained calm. Her power was growing back as she absorbed Qi from the Storage Ring Wu passed her. They could be required to fight at any moment so Wu wanted to be two steps ahead of their enemies.

"This is nonsense! I didn't even curse you! And what about the damage we suffered from your friend's flames? We won't be able to recover from it easily! The entrance door alone was our relict since Ancient times! Now it's all destroyed!" King of Dwarfs argued. "I demand compensation for the damages!"

"Let Drakos free and Trade Union will cover the damages. You have five minutes to bring him out," Wu compromised, not longer prolonging the matter.

All they wanted was to save Drakos and the rest didn't matter. Trade Union was wealthy enough to pay. After all, they were the ones in wrong in the first place yet Wu couldn't let King of Dwarfs step on her. She had to represent the strongest organization in the Heaven Realm accordingly.

Wu didn't hear an agreement but the hole in the door closed so she assumed they accepted the deal.

"It should be okay," Wu assured as she turned to Bella. "As long as he is still alive, we will get him out."

"He is not dead, I know it. That bastard King wouldn't kill him this easily," Bella said quietly before hugging Wu. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course. We are Sisters, aren't we?" Wu replied happily. "I will always help you no matter the cost."

"But the amount of damage I did, it's definitely going to cost a lot," Bella muttered. "I will repay you somehow."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I will make Drakos pay for everything," Wu decided. "I don't even need to ask to know it was all his idea."

Bella turned quiet for a moment before shaking her head.

"I agreed to it so I'm just as much at fault. If anything, I should shoulder more since I caused all the damage."

Wu pulled away, looking at Bella strangely. "Is this Bella I know? Since when are you so defensive of him? What happened when you were left alone?"

Bella didn't reply right away, gazing at the distant mountain peak.

"It's nothing. Or rather, I'm still not sure myself," Bella muttered. "When Drakos comes, you can ask him. I'm also curious what he says."



At that moment, they heard a loud noise from the Dwarf Kingdom entrance. The door shook before sparks flew out in all directions. Because the whole door melted together, they had to cut it open in half.

When the saw reached the bottom, the heavy door opened.

'To think they are really so massive...' Wu muttered in surprise, seeing multiple giants pull out a cage.

"Drakos…" Bella whispered as she looked at him worried. Wu didn't need to be clever to notice there was something going on between those two.

When the cage opened and Drakos collar was taken off, Drakos launched in the sky while roaring at the King of Dwarfs

"Haha! You really thought you can imprison me forever? You can never keep me in one place!" Drakos taunted in laughter before flying up to the girls. His body changed into human mid-air and Wu saw a handsome middle-aged man appear before them.

'Hah, so that's why she is falling…' Wu gossiped with a giggle.

"Next time you try to rob us I will straight up kill you!" King of Dwarfs called out angrily before gazing at Wu, "I kept my side of the deal. Now, let's talk about business as we forget what just happened."

"Wait!" Drakos suddenly paused the scene, appearing by the girl's side. "This bastard imprisoned another Dragon. He is using her to build an armor that will help him kill Dragons. We need to help her."

Bella shuddered.


"Yeah, she is a female Dragon I met in their prison. They tried to force us to spew fire for their ore smelting. If we don't save her, there might be a problem in the future," Drakos explained casually, but Bella didn't take it well.

"I see… Is that how it will be? Here I am trying to save you, battling day and night till I can't even move, but the first thing you mention is another woman? You won't even ask if I'm alright? You won't even greet me? You won't even look into my eyes?"

Chapter 173 Bella's Feelings


Wu couldn't help but gasp at Bella's reaction, not expecting it. She looked at Drakos and he was equally surprised.

"Bella, of course, I'm worried about you, but this is important. We can't let him finish his project. We need to act now," Drakos explained urgently, but that only worsened the situation.

"So I'm not important…? You can't even spare two seconds to check on me?" Bella asked coldly, her eyes staring straight into his soul.

"Hey…" Drakos softened immediately as he flew up to her. "Of course you are important to me. Are you okay?"

He tried to hold her hand, but she slapped it away.

"Don't touch me." Bella's words were as sharp as spears. "You only act when someone points out your wrongs. And here I thought you changed. You got me for a second, I must admit. I really thought you are someone I can depend on but I guess I was wrong. You only care about yourself."

"Bella—" Drakos tried to call her but she cut him off.

"Don't call me by my name. It's only reserved for my friends," Bella said, no longer looking at him. "Go to your Dragon girl. She must be waiting for you to save her. You two are both Dragons so it's only natural for you to want her, I understand. Don't mind us."

"I…" Drakos muttered as he looked at Wu hopelessly, but what was she supposed to do there? He fucked up. There was no other way to solve it other than begging for forgiveness.

"Hahahaha! Get rejected loser! Haha! Too bad I didn't record it. I wish I could replay it every day for a good laugh!"

King of Dwarfs didn't waste the opportunity to get back at Drakos, but seeing Wu's glare, he shut up. It seemed like he already acknowledged her as a threat.

"Both of you, calm down," Wu ordered as she flew in between them. "Bella, don't mind him. He is just stupid now and doesn't know what he is saying."

"No, Sis Wu. That's how he is all the time," Bella disagreed. "Can you imagine a future where Xuefeng doesn't check on you first if he was on Drakos' place? His first priority would always be making sure his wives are alright. That's how a man should be."

"Hey, that's enough. Can we talk about this later once we leave this place?" Drakos asked with a sigh.

He created a soundproof barrier around them and gazed at Wu, "We need to act now. We can't let him complete his Armor else he will be undefeated. He hates Dragons and plans to destroy our Race. We need to stop him."

Wu couldn't reply as Bella reacted first, ending the discussion as well.

"Yeah, you are right. That's enough. I don't have anything else to say to you. I'm also not going to help in rescuing your Dragon friend. You are on your own."

She turned around and didn't hesitate to break through the barrier Drakos created while flying away.

"Bella! Wait!" Wu called out after her but Bella only paused for a second without turning back.

"The fact that you are the one stopping me while he stays silent convinces me even more. I'm going to wait on your Flying Ship. You do whatever you want."

She passed through Trade Union's forces and landed on top of the Flying Ship as she claimed. The way she sat down and closed her eyes showed she didn't care about Drakos' case anymore.

Wu immediately glared at Drakos but he raised his arms hopelessly.

"What do you want me to do? I will try to appease her later once I ruin this bastard's plans. He is up to no good and we need to stop him," Drakos said determinedly.

"Ugh… Couldn't you at least show you care about her?" Wu grunted unhappily. "Can't you see how much effort she put into saving you? I'm really disappointed in you. Just wait till I tell Yiren about you tomorrow. You are definitely in for a beating."

"Huh? Yiren is coming here? Did you all reunite already?" Drakos asked surprised.

"Xuefeng is with everyone right now and they are coming here. I didn't know what is the problem with Bella so I organized all the help I could. They should arrive tomorrow," Wu informed as she gazed at the King of Dwarfs who was patiently waiting outside the entrance with a smug on his face. "I don't think I can push this matter as it doesn't benefit Trade Union. If you want to save her, it's best to wait for Xuefeng."

It was fine if she was saving a friend but Wu didn't plan on risking a war with the Dwarf Kingdom over some stranger. Naturally, if Xuefeng decided to help her, she wouldn't hesitate.

"No, we can't wait till tomorrow," Drakos disagreed immediately. "He will definitely do something with her overnight or even shifts her to another place. We need to save her now. If you are not going to help me, I will strike by myself."

"Ugh, let me try then," Wu agreed reluctantly.

"Is there a Female Dragon imprisoned in the Dwarf Kingdom?" Wu asked as the barrier around them disappeared.

King of Dwarfs remained smiling as he replied, "I don't think that was part of our deal. We agreed on releasing Drakos and that's it. I completed my part. We should rather continue our business discussion about Trade Union involvement in the Metal Land."

"I asked you a question first, so I require an answer. Trade Union will keep our side of the deal as well. This is a separate matter," Wu countered.

"Sure, we do have another Prisoner from Dragon Race," King of Dwarfs revealed. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"Yes, hearing you abuse other women, of course, I will get involved," Wu replied straightforwardly. "Trade Union protects Heaven Realm's citizens from any injustice."

"No one in my Kingdom will tell me how should I treat my prisoners. You are overstepping your boundaries, Miss Wu," King of Dwarfs warned. "You don't want us to become enemies."

Wu raised her brow.

"Are you really threatening me? I changed my mind. Hand her over."

Chapter 174 Tension

Wu expected the King of Dwarfs to get angry but instead, remained calm as he turned around, walking back into his Kingdom.

"If you push the issue like this, I don't think we can talk anymore. If you want to talk business and the future involving Metal Land, we are free to discuss, but I'm not going to let you blackmail me any further," King of Dwarfs called out firmly as the doors began to close again. "I will send the bill for damages once we calculate the costs. Till then, farewell."

The door closed with a bang, leaving them all to themselves.

"I tried," Wu shrugged, helpless in this situation. "Let's go to Bella and figure out what to do next."

She could already feel the pressure build-up and she didn't come here to start a war with another Race. She already did some research on the Dwarfs and understood why they were left alone this whole time.

Despite being unable to fly, they were fast on land and their endurance was astonishing. Combined with the ability to attack from underground, they could create massive damages to Human Cities if they wanted to. Even storming the Safe Zones wouldn't be an issue with the numbers they had. If every Dwarf was as big as a building, it wouldn't be an issue to spread chaos everywhere.

"Ugh! Fine! I will do it my own way," Drakos grunted, getting ready to transform back into his Dragon form when Wu warned, stopping him.

"If you do anything stupid, I will not help you for the second time. You caused enough problems."

She gave him a chill glare before flying back to Bella. It wasn't long before she heard from him again.

"Wait for me!"


"Oh, so it was Drakos that caused so many problems? Why am I not surprised?"

Hearing the update from Wu, Xuefeng couldn't help but roll his eyes. It was always Drakos that pulled trouble out of his ass.

"Apparently, they both decided on robbing the Dwarf Kingdom to get the Fate Stones for her transformation. They got caught and Drakos only managed to send Bella to safety while he got imprisoned," Wu explained further. "I managed to save him with a few threats and a lot of money we need to pay for damages Bella caused."

"Tsk, at least he was manly enough to save Bella first. If he didn't, I would beat him up myself," Xuefeng snickered. "Also, don't worry about the money. We won a lot of Credits from the Tournament so we can either pay off the total or at least cover part of the debt."

"Don't worry, it will be Drakos who has to pay for everything. He caused the problem so he has to bleed," Wu assured.

"Haha, okay," Xuefeng laughed and questioned casually, "Is Bella next to you? How is she? You said she tried to help Drakos and fought the whole day. Hope she is alright."

"I'm here," Bella reported. "Thank you for asking. I knew you would. Thank you for proving my point."

"Oh, come one. I already apologized. What else can I do?" Drakos' voice joined the call. "Wasn't my act of saving you enough to show that I care?"

Xuefeng and the girls blinked confused, not expecting an even bigger drama.

"Sis Wu, did you hear anything? I think there is a fly somewhere in the room. I can hear some buzzing all the time," Bella said sarcastically.

"Oof, can someone tell me what's going on?" Xuefeng questioned.

"Well, let's say the two had a little fight, so there is a big tension between them. I tried to somehow salvage it but it's too much for me to handle," Wu explained helplessly.

"Ah… Okay. I guess it's just the usual," Xuefeng sighed in relief, postponing the issue for later. "Anyway, Bella, make sure to rest properly. If you are still tired when we arrive, make sure to let me know, I will help release some burden of the back."

"Okay, thank you Xuefeng. You are the best," Bella called out happily. She acted weird but he guessed she was just getting back at Drakos.

"So the issue solved, right?" Xuefeng wondered, realizing there was no need to hurry anymore. "Since Drakos and Bella are alright, maybe we should meet in the Spirit Land instead?"

"I think it's just the beginning. That's the main reason I called. We need to figure out what to do with the Female Dragon that Drakos wants to save," Wu informed.

"Huh? Female Dragon?" Xuefeng questioned surprised. "Is she imprisoned by the Dwarfs?"

"Yeah and apparently, the King of Dwarfs is using Dragons to build an indestructible armor. Drakos says he plans to slay Dragons with it since he would be fire-proof," Wu described. "I tried to free her but the King of Dwarfs is hell-bent on keeping her."

"I see…" Xuefeng muttered, contemplating on the situation when Xinyu suggested.

"How about we consult my mom? If that Female Dragon is inside Heaven Realm, she should know her. After all, she is quite high in the Dragon Race Hierarchy."

"Wu, wait for a second, I will call you back in a bit. Will try to get some information about her," Xuefeng said before ending the call. He got up from the bed and put on his clothes.

"I will ask her, you can wait here," Xuefeng informed before walking out, heading to the room across their own. They didn't see each other since yesterday as they spend all this time in their room, cultivating.

After just one night, he managed to reach the Seventh Refining in all three Elements but the progress with the other six was as slow as before. Unless he got other Elemental Stones, he will need to struggle through that process.

"Come in!"

Xuefeng didn't even need to knock when the door opened on its own and Golden Queen called out from the inside.

"Hey, I need to ask—"

He came in with a question but stopped himself midway, realizing Golden Queen was only wearing a towel. Her hair was all wet as if she just came out of the shower.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that? It is not like you didn't see—"


Xuefeng closed the door with a bang before she finished.

"How about you wait for me to close the door first?" Xuefeng asked as he rolled his eyes. "I will wait outside till you are done changing."

"No," Golden Queen denied immediately as she unwrapped her towel, making it fall to the ground. "Unless you want everyone to see me like this?"

She smirked when she caught him staring and walked up to him, gripping onto his shirt.

"Did you come for our session? I have been waiting."

Chapter 175 Cousin (*)

Golden Queen was so close to Xuefeng that he could smell her freshly washed hair. He had to admit, she was enticing enough to make him stop for a second.

"No, I came in another matter," Xuefeng replied calmly. "We got some news and I want to consult you something. Can you get dressed first?"

He reached down for her sides, planning on pulling her away when she moved even closer, wetting his shirt with single droplets from her chest.

"What's more important than our sessions?" She asked in a whisper. "Can't we talk as you help me cleanse my Curse? I promise I will be good this time."

She stood on her toes to level their eyes and lips before adding, "Please?"

"I'm sorry but this will have to wait. Wu is waiting for an answer, so I would appreciate if you got serious for a moment."

Xuefeng remained level-headed as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away without hesitation.

"We will have time for the session later, now get dressed. I will wait for you in our room," Xuefeng ordered as he walked past her and picked up her towel from the floor. "Here."

"I'm fine already, I don't need it anymore. You can keep it if you want," Golden Queen said casually and suggested, "How about you wait till I get dressed and we go together? What if someone walks in the corridor and sees me naked? My naked body is only for you to see."

She winked playfully and pushed him on the bed, forcing him to sit. She was too good when it came to manipulation and tactics, causing him to make a mental note to be careful with her.

"Since you are going to wait, how about we discuss it here? What happened that you came to visit me?" Golden Queen questioned as she began pulling various dresses as if checking which one she wanted to wear.

"Wu called just now, saying our friends are already safe. They wanted to rob the Dwarf Kingdom and one of them got imprisoned by them. She managed to bail him out but they discovered a secret inside," Xuefeng introduced while watching her.

"Oh, secret? Go on," she muttered without giving him a glance, busy choosing between her different types of panties, right in front of his eyes. "Which one should I wear? Black or white?"

Xuefeng raised his eyebrows, ignoring her question but when he wanted to continue, she put a finger on his lips to shut his mouth.

"Shhh, don't tell me yet. I will wear them for you and you can decide afterward," Golden Queen proposed and immediately executed her idea, turning around as she chose black as her first target.

She bent forward, displaying her whole bottom to him, and wore her panties while shaking her hips seductively. He couldn't help but roll his eyes, wanting to look away when something caught his eye.

Her panties were too familiar!

"Ta-da! What do you think? Isn't this pair cute?" Golden Queen asked happily as she turned back only to discover him staring. "Hehe, you seem to like them."

"Can you turn around again?" Xuefeng asked innocently, catching her off-guard.

"Sure," Golden Queen nodded, rotating again, but this time Xuefeng got closed and rubbed her butt, checking the panties' texture and material.

"I was right!" Xuefeng exclaimed as he grinned. "I knew there is something familiar in this pair. You must have gotten those in the Earth Realm, right?"

"Oh, how did you know?" Golden Queen asked surprised. "I learned about them about two years ago. Someone in the Spirit Capital bragged about finding them so I went to check it out. Who would have thought that they had stores with such beautiful underwear? I don't like wearing bras but those panties are amazing."

"Hehe, are they?" Xuefeng giggled to himself, actually enjoying the praise. "You see, I am the one who actually designed them back in the Earth Realm. We opened multiple clothing shops and my Liu Clan controls them."

Seeing the sexy patterns on his wives' bodies every day, it might have been the best thing he did for this Cultivation World.

"What?! So it was you?" Golden Queen exclaimed in shock.

"Yup," Xuefeng admitted proudly. "Do you like them?"

"I love them! I have bought out the entire stock they had," Golden Queen admitted as she spun around to display her black lace panties again. "Should I stay in black or try the white pair?"

"I think you should keep those. Once you go black, you can never go back," Xuefeng replied, finding black panties the sexiest on his women as well.

"Alright then," Golden Queen nodded, tossing the white on the bed. "Right, what were we talking about? Can you still remember or is my butt all you can think of?"

Xuefeng didn't comment on that one and simply continued from where he left off.

"Apparently the King of Dwarf is using Dragons to create an armor for himself which he wants to use to slay other Dragons," Xuefeng revealed, causing Golden Queen to freeze.

"What…?" she muttered quietly as if she just heard him wrong.

"Yeah, that's what I heard. They imprisoned our friend and together with him, there was another Female Dragon inside. I was going to ask you if there is a chance you know her," Xuefeng explained.

He could see her expression change the more he shared, displaying a serious look.

"Fucking bastard…" Golden Queen cursed under his breath as she quickly put on her dress. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"


Xuefeng sucked in a cold breath. He wanted to argue with her, claiming it was her who changed the topic to panties but he stopped himself, knowing it would only make it worse.

"So you know her?" Xuefeng repeated.

"I know every Dragon that exists and there are not that many of us in the Heaven Realm. I already have my guess but she is supposed to be back in the Dragon Realm so let's hope I'm wrong," Golden Queen muttered. "Call Wu and ask how what color her scales have."

Xuefeng didn't hesitate to call Wu once again and thankfully, Golden Queen didn't play around anymore.

"It was Black," Wu replied after gaining the information and Xuefeng saw sparks coming out of Golden Queen's fingertips.

"Damn! We need to go. Now," Golden Queen ordered as she rushed to the door.

"Wait, who is she?" Xuefeng questioned as he followed her.

"She is my little cousin!"

Chapter 176 Lift Fee

"How long till we arrive in the Dwarf Kingdom?"

Rushing out of the room, Golden Queen questioned the pilot in the cockpit first.

"Miss, we are still one day away from the Dwarf Kingdom. At our current speed, we will reach our destination before noon," the pilot replied, causing Golden Queen to grunt.

"Ugh, that's too late!"

She gazed back at Xuefeng and grabbed his hand, storming towards his room. They entered inside as Xuefeng tried to assure her.

"Calm down, it's not like we can get there instantly. We have time to plan and figure our strategy. We will save her, don't worry."

"What happened?" his wives questioned confused when Golden Queen shook her head firmly, "No, we can't wait this long. Will you come to save her with me?"

"Of course we will. All of us will help you," Xuefeng agreed immediately, "You are helping us, so it's only natural we help you as well."

"No, no, you don't understand. I want to go now," Golden Queen corrected.

"Huh? Like right now? In this very moment?" Xuefeng questioned with his eyebrows raised. "Aren't we already heading there?"

"I'm faster than this Flying Ship. If we leave now, we should arrive before the sun sets," Golden Queen explained. "Since King of Dwarfs already got exposed, who knows what he will do with her. If I was him I would move her somewhere we can't find."

Xuefeng paused, not knowing how to respond. He wanted to say yes, but he also didn't want to leave his wives alone. What if their Flying Ship got attacked while he was gone?

Golden Queen seemed to realize his worries and announced, "I will be taking Xuefeng with me to save my Cousin. Are you all okay with it?"

"Oh, I have an aunt?" Xinyu wondered surprised.

"I'm not fully sure if it's her, but there is only one black Dragon I know that could possibly be in the Heaven Realm. Unless someone new descended, it has to be her. She is also the only one silly enough to get caught by the Dwarfs," Golden Queen related. "I promised to protect Xuefeng, so I want to take him with me. He will also assist me in destroying that armor King of Dwarfs is building. Since it's meant to counter Dragons, I might not be able to destroy it. I need to protect my Race."

His wives didn't comment but instead looked at him, expecting him to make a decision.

"Are you going to be fine without me?" Xuefeng asked hesitantly. "If it's really such a big issue, it's better we solve it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, we are strong enough to take care of ourselves," Tianshi assured. "You should go. I can see this future is almost certain. You will go either way."

Having Tianshi's confirmation, Xuefeng didn't hesitate anymore, approaching the bed to give each of them a kiss. When it was time for Xinyu, he could see she was leaning forward for one as well so he didn't dodge it.

"If anything happens, call me. I will report as well once we are done," Xuefeng reminded when Golden Queen patted him on the shoulder.

"We are leaving."

They teleported right outside the Flying Ship before he could hear a reply and saw it blink away. Only by being outside the Flying Ship could he actually see the speed it was going with.

"Can you really fly faster than this…?" Xuefeng wondered in surprise. The Flying Ship was already a black dot on the horizon.

"Of course," Golden Queen agreed with a smirk before golden Lightning swallowed her whole. It expanded tenfold before a beautiful golden Dragon appeared before him.

"Get on top and ride me," Golden Queen ordered as she extended her long neck for him. "It might be a little bumpy but you will get used to it."

He gazed into her eye that was bigger than his head and sat down at the base of her neck. She had two bumps coming out of her spine so he used them like a steering wheel.

"I'm ready," Xuefeng announced, not knowing what to expect.

It wasn't his first time flying on a Dragon but Drakos didn't have sparks coming out of his scales. He could feel a small electric current pass through his body but compared to before, this was actually a pleasing feeling.

"Just so you know, only my husband has ever ridden on top of me. You are the second male that I ever allowed to do it," Golden Queen informed as she looked behind.

"Are you trying to imply something?" Xuefeng asked, knowing she was going somewhere with it.

"Yes, I do. It's special for all female Dragons. It means that I have already accepted you as a possible partner," Golden Queen answered honestly. "Also, I know what you thought when I said you can ride me."


She swung her wings and suddenly launched herself forward, chasing after the Flying Ship. Lightning bust out of her body, striking him as well but the amount was bearable enough.

"Hold tight!" Golden Queen called out before they blinked.

Their surroundings blurred instantly and he almost fell off her. He had to cling to her bumps as if his life depended on it.

'So fast!' Xuefeng exclaimed once they passed the Flying Ship, just a few seconds after they started.

Golden Queen wasn't lying when she said she was faster.

Xuefeng didn't know how much time has passed since all he focused on was holding tight.

A few hours later, he felt they began slowing down so he opened his eyes. To his surprise, it was still bright, while the scenery changed completely. Everything was filled with grayish mountains and rocks.

"Alright, we arrived. Told you we can reach before the sunset," Golden Queen announced proudly before she came to a stop.

Her body grew smaller as Lightning covered them again and the beautiful Golden Queen appeared before him, immediately hugging into his chest. He thought she was just playing but she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

She only released him just before he grabbed her shoulders and only smiled innocently as the Lightning disappeared around them.

"You can't be serious right now…" Xuefeng commented speechlessly, thinking they already had this talk behind them.

"I don't know what are you talking about," Golden Queen feigned innocence. "That was just a lift fee. You didn't think riding me was free, right?"


He didn't know how to reply to that, but he couldn't even if he wanted to. She smiled and turned around, flying in the direction of the distant Flying Ships.

"Come on! Let's go. Those should be Trade Union Flying Ships. We don't have time for arguments."

Chapter 177 Conflict

They didn't need to wait long before they were discovered by the Trade Union guards but instead of a Security check, it was someone else flying eagerly towards them to greet him.

"Xuefeng!!!" Wu exclaimed as their bodies smashed together, pushing him back tens of meters. The squeeze he received from her was filled with the love and longing he expected.

"Hey beautiful," Xuefeng greeted happily as he kissed her neck, hugging her just as strongly. "I missed you…"

She was just as he left her, not shying away from showing her feelings.

"I missed you too!" Wu called out as she pulled out excitedly, caressing his face as if to check if it was him. "Let me see you."

"It's me," Xuefeng muttered sweetly, leaning forward to give her a kiss. She didn't reject him at all, turning more passionate with each second as their heated embrace intensified.

"You are my Xuefeng indeed…" Wu breathed out, their noses rubbing together with their eyes locked tightly. "Just as handsome and great as I remembered. You didn't change at all."

"Hah, I think you are even more stunning than usual," Xuefeng praised, biting her playfully.

"Am I?" Wu asked with a naughty smile. "Imagine what would happen if I collected all the special doses you owe me."

"You would be so erotic and sexy I don't think I could think of anything else…" Xuefeng replied immediately, connecting in a passionate kiss once again.

"It's fine, I can live with that," Wu agreed, before scolding lightly, "I tried to call you guys but you didn't respond. I thought something happened."

"Right, I forgot to pass on the Communication Crystal to the girls. I couldn't talk while I was traveling here," Xuefeng said as he scratched her back. "I wanted to reach you as soon as possible. I couldn't wait any longer to see you."

Cough, cough!

Golden Queen suddenly started choking loudly, disturbing their moment. Xuefeng pulled away even so slightly and they both saw Golden Queen patting her chest as if trying to recover.

"Are you okay?" Xuefeng asked, resisting an eye-roll since he knew she was just pretending.

"Sorry, I'm fine already. I'm just allergic to bullshit, don't mind me," Golden Queen assured with a smile before extending his hand while looking at Wu. "You must be President Wu's granddaughter, right? I heard a lot about you."

Xuefeng puffed out a cold breath, thinking of scolding her but Wu stopped him as she pulled away and exchanged a handshake.

"Yes, that's right. And you? How can I address you, Madam?" Wu asked politely.

"I'm Golden Queen but you can call me Miss Golden. I was the one who brought us here," Golden Queen replied friendly. "It's nice to meet you. Xuefeng told me a lot about you."

"Oh, really?" Wu asked surprised, looking back at Xuefeng. "How did you guys get here so fast?"

"She is a Dragon and she is much faster than your Grandpa's Flying Ship. She proposed to bring us here so we can settle the matter faster," Xuefeng explained vaguely. "The imprisoned Female Dragon turns out to be her sister so she wants to save her."

"Oh, that's great! I already had a hard time keeping Drakos away from launching a solo attack on the Dwarf Kingdom. I don't think I would handle him any longer," Wu mentioned frustrated, causing Golden Queen to freeze.

Her eyebrows twitched as golden Lightning buzzed across her skin.

"Are you okay?" Xuefeng wondered, but Golden Queen focused on Wu, asking seriously.

"Did you just say… Drakos?"

"Is there something wrong? We have a friend called Drakos. He is also a Dragon and he was the one that Wu saved from King of Dwarfs' hands," Xuefeng explained, not liking the cold tone from her. "He was the reason we were heading here in the first place."

"What color of scales he has?" Golden Queen asked cautiously when her eyes snapped in the direction of the Flying Ships.

"Golden bitch! You dare come this close to me! Do you want to die?!"

Drakos roared from the distance, his voice filled with anger and vengeance. Golden Queen instantly turned furious, sparks bursting out from her body.

"I knew it was you! Fucking traitor! You dare appear in the Heaven Realm after all you have done?!"

Xuefeng was forced to shield Wu from Golden Queen's Lightning. Although he was fine touching it, Wu wasn't as resistant as he was.

"Me?! Traitor?! You all were the ones who betrayed me! Chased me away from my home and tried to kill me! How is that my fault?!" Drakos argued, but Golden Queen quickly countered, sending a Lightning bolt at him.

He barely dodged it by tilting his head.

"Bullshit! Don't change the history! You were the one who killed the King! Your own father!" Golden Queen accused but Drakos didn't even try to deny it.

"That's cause he tried to kill me first! I was only defending myself," Drakos called back, smashing her Lightning with his bare hand. "You all claimed I killed him to take over the throne when I didn't even want it in the first place!"

Drakos sent a fireball at her but she destroyed it with ease.

"Can you blame us?! We saw you slice his head off right in front of us! You didn't even let him speak his last words!" Golden Queen cried out, her anger already reaching her limits.

Xuefeng could see she was so close to turning herself back into her Beast Form and start a slaughter. Who was he supposed to side with when he didn't even know who was lying and who was telling the truth?

"How can I prove my innocence when he is already dead? Are you going to ask a dead body? There is no way you are going to believe your beloved King tried to kill his son, saying I'm too dangerous for him. This fucker thought I will try to take over his crown. That's how delusional he was," Drakos contested.

"Whoa! So instead of telling that to everyone, you decided to run away and kill even more of your brothers and sisters? Is this how you tried to prove your innocence?!" Golden Queen raged.

"Of course I'm going to run when all of you sentenced me to death without a trial! I think you forgot you all tried to kill me on the spot!" Drakos bellowed before deciding to cut it short. "This talk is useless. We can only solve it with a fight!"


Drakos transformed into a gigantic dark blue Dragon, launching himself at Golden Queen without hesitation.

"Sure!" Golden Queen accepted the challenge at once, bursting with Lightning all over her Dragon scales.

"Die, bitch!"

"Die, traitor!"

Both cried out at the same time with their maws and claws ready to attack when Xuefeng exploded at both of them.


Chapter 178 Breaking In

Two Air Qi Dragon Claws formed from his arms as he teleported between them, spreading them to the sides to stop their charge. Too bad, none of them showed any signs of stopping, leaving him with only extreme measures to use.

"I said stop!"


His Dragon Claws exploded with the wind, pushing them back even if they were unwilling. He didn't have much Air Qi to spend yet but having Seventh Refining combined with the power of his Elemental Bracelet was enough to halt them.

"When I say stop, you stop! What got into you?! What if you hurt Wu by accident?!" Xuefeng scolded intensely. "We are family and friends! I don't care what happened between you two in the past, if you want to stay around us, you better behave!"

"There is no way I will ever be friends with this bit—" Drakos snapped, but Xuefeng cut him off in time.

"Call her bitch one more time and I will beat you up myself!" Xuefeng threatened, already pissed of by their attitude. "If you don't like it here, you can leave and never come back. I don't want friends who attack people important to me."

He turned to Golden Queen and scolded with a similar passion.

"And you, the same thing applies to you! I didn't take you here so you can fight my friends. If you two still want to battle, wait till we are done with our mission."

The two Dragons glared at each other and Golden Queen acted first, grunting as she backed off while turning back into her human form.

"Ugh, fine, but I only do it because you asked. I will never be friends with him."

"That's okay. I didn't hope for that at all," Xuefeng accepted. "We came here with an urgent purpose yet that quickly moved to the second plan when you two decided to solve old disagreements. Once we are done saving your cousin, you two are free to do whatever you want."

He gazed at the Dwarf Kingdom in the distance and commented, "That King of Dwarfs is probably laughing at you right now. Let's get this over with."

"So that black-scaled annoying girl is your cousin?" Drakos asked as he returned back to his human form as well. "I could have guessed it. Only someone related to you could be this stubborn."

"Enough!" Xuefeng snapped. "Next time you get in trouble, we won't come from the other side of the Realm just to save you. You don't appreciate the effort at all."

"Okay, okay! I'm done," Drakos called out, throwing hands up in surrender.

"Where is Bella? Let's all group and figure out what to do," Xuefeng ordered as grabbed Wu's hand before reminding, "I don't want to hear any fights between you two."

He didn't wait for their confirmation but his intimidation worked well as the two only exchanged glares without jumping to each other's throat.

"That was pretty hot…" Wu whispered on the way to the Flying Ship. "Thank you for saving me my King."

"Heh, of course. Your safety is my priority," Xuefeng confirmed and asked just to be sure, "Anything I need to know about Bella and Drakos situation?"

"Just that she is jealous over Miss Golden's Cousin. Drakos didn't greet or worry about her once we saved him and instead focused on that female Dragon. Bella doesn't even want to talk to him," Wu briefed him in a whisper, causing Xuefeng to roll his eyes.

"What an idiot…" Xuefeng muttered hopelessly. "That probably ruined his chances completely. I will talk with her later and see what I can do."

"Mhmm," Wu nodded, hugging into his arm with a smile. "I have the best man in the world."

Xuefeng only kissed her in response, not trying to deny it. They landed on the top of the ship and met with Bella who has been watching them from the distance.

"Xuefeng, you came earlier," Bella called out with a smile as she stood up to greet him, but when her gaze fell on Drakos, her smile disappeared. Just this much was enough to see there was something wrong between them.

"Bella! It's been a while!" Xuefeng exclaimed cheerfully and swiftly hugged her. She was already used to his friendly hugs, but this time, he felt a much tighter squeeze than usual.

He made use of that as he placed his palms on her exposed back and channeled his Fate Qi through her, regenerating her tense body.

"Ah…" She moaned into his ear as her body gave in to his Ability, relaxing momentarily.

"Do you feel better?" Xuefeng asked as he pulled away and she was like another person, smiling cheerfully.

"Mhmm, I'm good. Thank you," Bella acknowledged. "I always knew I can depend on you."

"Of course. You are my friend," Xuefeng nodded friendly as he questioned, "I know you probably don't feel like helping, but would you mind joining me? The female Dragon that is still imprisoned in the Dwarf Kingdom is actually a cousin of my Master's Wife. I want you to help us save her."

"Oh," Bella paused as Xuefeng introduced Golden Queen to her, but quickly smiled, nodding. "Sure, since it's you who are asking then I don't mind."

"Great! Let's go then," Xuefeng decided, wanting to move right away when Wu stopped him.

"Wait, what's the plan?" Wu asked confused. "Do you plan to just break in and get her back? Maybe we should try to negotiate again?"

"Didn't you already try it? We can only use force at this point," Xuefeng suggested. "With three Celestial Beasts by our side, I don't think we will have a hard time getting in."

"Those Dwarfs are sneaky. They use fire-proof shields to block our fire," Bella pointed out only to have Golden Queen display her golden Lightning.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to block my Lightning," Golden Queen assured.

Wu thought for a moment and order her guards, taking more than half with them just in case. There was no need to waste any more time so they moved, approaching the Dwarf Kingdom.

"Those doors are massive," Xuefeng muttered as they stopped in front of the entrance. Burn and scratch marks were everywhere but all flames were already extinguished.

He was about to shout, threatening to break in unless the King of Dwarfs decided to talk to them, when the door creaked, slowly opening.


Chapter 179 Trap

They expected to see Dwarfs waiting for them on the other side, ready to attack, but to everyone's surprise, they didn't see a single soul. The whole hall was empty.

"Why do I feel like it's a trap?" Xuefeng asked a rhetorical question, knowing everyone felt the same.

"They must be planning an ambush for us," Wu muttered as she let go of Xuefeng's hand, pulling out her own sword. "I don't like this."

"It's okay. Didn't we plan to break in anyway?" Xuefeng reminded, pulling out his Dragon Edge as well. "Do you remember what was the route to their Prison?"

"I do," Drakos nodded as he pointed at one of the dark corridors. "They dragged me from there."

"I can also smell she is still here. The smell comes from the same direction," Golden Queen confirmed as well, getting more serious compared to before. She simply ignored Drakos, focusing on the mission instead.

The whole place was filled with darkness as all the light was gone but they could still see how big the inside of the Dwarf Kingdom was. With how tall the dwarfs were, the size of the underground labyrinth had to span hundreds of kilometers.

"Bella, can you throw multiple fireballs in the distance for me?" Xuefeng asked nicely and Bella didn't question him, casting her colorful flames ahead.

Xuefeng only extended his hand forward and stopped them mid-air, letting them illuminate the path for them. His own flames weren't as bright as her own, making it a much better torch for them.

"Alright, we can go," Xuefeng ordered, leading the charge for them. "Drakos and I will go first. Bella and Miss Golden stay at the back. Wu and the rest in the middle."

"Sure," Drakos agreed with a smile while the rest nodded, following the floating flames.


It wasn't even a few tens of meters inside when they heard the entrance door move again, locking them inside with a bang. Trade Union's guards tensed up but Xuefeng assured everyone as he pushed forward.

"Don't worry, we don't plan on leaving without her. Stay alert and keep your eyes open."

Even when they reached the underground stone city, they still didn't see anyone, confirming their guesses from before. They kept on following Drakos till they reached the elevator that led them all the way to the underground workshop.

"She is there…" Xuefeng muttered as he extended his Spirit Awareness throughout the place but he wasn't celebrating. "But she is not alone..."

Xuefeng already wondered how big the Dwarfs were looking at the size of the rooms and he wasn't disappointed. Tens of giants were standing on the way between them and black Dragon locked in the cage. Behind the cage stood another Giant, much bigger than the others, who wore metal armor as if some samurai from the Earth.

"Finally! I have been waiting for you!" King of Dwarfs announced right after they came out of the elevator, causing the black Dragon to raise her head.

"Cousin?!" the black Dragon cried out from the cage. "It's a trap! Watch out!"

She didn't question what Golden Queen was doing there and warned them first instead. Too bad, they entered inside even though they knew the truth.


They suddenly heard a loud explosion from behind them and saw massive rocks smash down at the elevator, crushing it while blocking the exit fully. Xuefeng extended his arm and created a simple barrier around them, blocking all the dust and stone fragments.

"Don't worry Pearl, we will get you out of here soon. Let us clean some garbage first," Golden Queen called out, causing the King of Dwarfs to laugh.

"Haha, where do you think you are? This is the Dwarf Kingdom! There is no way you are going out of here now! You can only go once you are dead!"

King of Dwarfs glanced at Drakos and laughed even harder.

"Hahaha! You escaped two times already and you still came back for the third time. Don't think I will—"

Xuefeng couldn't listen to him anymore, cutting his monologue short.

"No one cares! Let the girl out and we won't need to kill you. Why are you villains talking so much bullshit?" Xuefeng questioned annoyed, leading the group with Dragon Edge firmly in his grasp. "Why do you even start playing stupid games when you know you can't win?"

The King of Dwarfs paused, probably not expecting Xuefeng to lash out at him. All the Dwarfs present in the workshop frowned while raising their weapons to fight. They looked like they would be the first to defend their king's name but Xuefeng was no one close to done.

"Do you realize how big of a shit you got yourself into? We have the whole Trade Union, Dragon Race and Elvish Race behind us. Not only that, the Golden Miss behind me is Sect Master Liu's wife! You have to deal with the whole House of Dragons as well! Are you so delusional thinking you are invincible in your own castle?"

He whipped with his Dragon Edge, sending a shockwave at the wall, causing the ground to shake.

"And what is this place? Who told you this is a perfect place for a trap? Do you want to bury all your people together with you or what? One battle in here and this place will become ruins. Even if we didn't have any backup coming here right now, you all would be fucked either way," Xuefeng explained while rolling his eyes. "I really want to know who was this dumb to think of this plan."

King of Dwarfs' face darkened.

"If you think that insulting me will help you in any way, you are greatly mistaken. Our Kingdom was build from a million years old black stone which is one of the toughest materials in the whole Heaven Realm! You can attack it all you want but you won't even scratch—"

Xuefeng didn't even finish listening to him, flying towards the nearby wall and smashed his Dragon Edge against it.


A big chunk fell off from just a casual strike, bringing out a shocked expression from the Dwarfs.

"You mean this?"

Chapter 180 Pacifist

Hearing no reply, Xuefeng asked again.

"Is this your million-years-old black stone that you put so much faith in? I honestly didn't even use too much strength and it already broke. Do you imagine multiple Celestial Beast having an all-out battle in this place? All your people would be buried alive."

Although the cavern was quite tall, able to fit tens of Giants inside, if they really battled, it would be too chaotic to handle. Being a pacifist, in this case, was the best solution, solving the problem without much effort.

Locking his eyes with Pearl, the black Dragon still locked in the cage, Xuefeng didn't stop pushing.

"You really should have made a deal with my wife earlier today and released Pearl together with Drakos. This way you wouldn't have to risk the lives of your people and throw them in the battle for certain death," Xuefeng suggested. "You don't really expect any of them to survive, do you? How can you call yourself a King if you sacrifice the lives of your people for your own selfish desires?"

Some of the Dwarfs frowned, gazing back at their King in confusion. Dwarfs weren't some brainless creatures. They rivaled humans in intelligence so even though they respected their King, there were limits when it comes to one's life.

Who wanted to die for nothing?

Xuefeng words just made sense. They were clearly fighting someone whose power exceeded their own by tens of times. King of Dwarfs seemed to realize Xuefeng's words were swaying his own people and finally acted on offense.

"Shut up!" King of Dwarfs cursed as he whipped with his mallet, smacking the cage with Pearl. "Don't listen to him! He is trying to mess with your mind and turn you against your race! Look how just a few words of his convinced you to drop your weapons. They are invaders! We don't negotiate with people like them! We smash their skulls and burn them to warm our homes!"

"Who are we?!" King of Dwarfs called out right after, causing his people to react instantly by raising their hammers in the air.

"We are Dwarfs! AWU! AWU! AWU!"

Their combined chant and feet stomps were enough to cause the ground to shake. Xuefeng and the rest could even feel the vibrations in the air but this only made him grin.

"Do you think we can't see through your tricks?" King of Dwarfs asked when the chants stopped. "There is no way we will fall for it! We have the advantage! We have the hostage! Now surrender or she will die!"

As he announced, two Dwarfs came up to the cage with their sword tips aimed at Pearl's head. She roared at them but her neck was pinned to the ground with chains.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Xuefeng began clapping, his smile never leaving his face.

"That was a really nice speech. No wonder you managed to convince them to make you their King. Your manipulation skills are quite high, but there is one problem you have here," Xuefeng muttered as he gazed at Pearl. "Once she is dead, what do you have left that prevents us from killing everyone?"

Xuefeng lifted his sleeve and displayed his Elemental Bracelet to everyone. Three Elemental Stones shone brightly in the poorly illuminated cavern.


His Air Qi, Water Qi, and Fire Qi burst out from his body, filling the room completely. He could cast his Arts from everywhere with just a thought. If that wasn't the ultimate control then what was?

King of Dwarfs seemed to notice the concern that Dwarfs showed, quickly recognizing the Elemental Bracelet. Being the Master Craftsmen, Xuefeng figured they would know a thing or two about Artefacts.

"And here I wondered what gives you the confidence to speak to me like this," King of Dwarfs commented with a snicker. "But so what? Do you think that is enough to beat us? Just three stones and not even in the Immortal Stage. Your Qi will end before the fight will even start!"

"Nah, I don't think I even need to fight you. Didn't we already establish that your game is stupid? Just for the desire of fulfilling your revenge, you risk the lives of your people. I'm sure they are already fed up with your imaginary enemies and just want to live in peace while mining, improving their craftsmanship and wealth," Xuefeng pointed out, turning to the Dwarfs.

"Do you really want to play your King's game? This won't bring wealth to the Dwarf Kingdom. It will only cause you to gather more enemies who will visit you and destroy your home, kill your wives and kids. Is this what you all what? Do you really want to go on a war against the whole world? Hundred of thousands or even millions of you will die for nothing."

His words caused Dwarfs to waiver, slowly lowering their weapons but King of Dwarfs quickly called out from behind them.

"He is trying to mess with your brains! Raise your shields and prepare to fight! We have endless reinforcements! They won't leave this place alive!"

"Yes, endless reinforcements once you die," Xuefeng added. "His words just confirmed what I just said. He doesn't care if any of you die as long as he can fulfill his goals. Is that the King you want? I'm sure he will accept your wives as his own once you die or just donate them to your friends. After all, someone needs to take care of them afterward."

The Dwarfs darkened, gazing at their King suspiciously. That alone gave Xuefeng a nice theory to use.

"Bullshit! Don't listen to his nonsense!" King of Dwarfs cried out angrily.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My bad," Xuefeng apologized. "He will also take your daughters as well. I'm sure he already has hundreds of wives but he would never reject having more, especially so young and tender. After all, while you are busy mining all day outside the Kingdom, he is enjoying fucking multiple of your women at once in his palace."

Just as Xuefeng predicted, he struck a sensitive spot for every man. No matter the Race, he was bound to cause some disagreements.