

Chapter 144: Subduing The Princess(3)

"Feeling better?"

I asked to Olivia who was now standing without any expression in front of me, we were till standing in the training room, it's only being a few minutes since the battle and now she stood in front of me without any of her equipments

Even though she tried to hide it I could still feel a sense of nervousness from Olivia, seeing the most favoured child of the Empire and the nest ruler of the Empire standing in front of me at my mercy, my ego felt a huge increase

"I'm fine"

That's all she said as she looked at me defiantly, seeing it I smirked, it would truly be fun breaking this girl but at the start I can't go too much, I want to slowly corrupt her, I want her in the end to ask me to fuck her, moreover I also need her to fall in love with me, so I should go at this smartly



Hearing me talk Olivia looked at me confused, so I made it more clear

"Call me master"


Olivia's eyes started to tremble, her nonchalant look broke, she bite her lips as she spoke out a word, even saying it caused her pride to keep shattering


Olivia finally said it with gritted teeth, I smiled seeing it, walking closer to her I patted her head, while I looked at her dominantly

"Now that's a good slave"

I could feel Olivia's body trembling with rage and unwillingness but I didn't care, I will make sure that she will come to love this in the future

"Now onwards whenever you talk with me always be it with master got it?"




As soon as Olivia had said yes I spanked her ass with some force causing Olivia to jerk, she shouted out as she looked at me, I didn't back down as I asked

"Yes, what?"

"Y-Yes, ma-ma-master"

Even now it was extremely hard for Olivia to willingly call someone master, seeing her meek attitude I nodded as I walked closer to her and tenderly patted her nice bouncy ass over her dress, this time Olivia's body trembled for another reason but I paid no mind, I still tenderly touched her ass while standing in front of Olivia

"Good, now be a good slave and you won't get punished"

"Yes, ma-master"

There was deep grudge and anger in her eyes but I paid no mind, after I stroked her ass I took one off my hand as I lifted Olivia's face to look at my eyes directly, deep within her eyes, her true feelings were fighting to come out

I didn't speak as the forefinger of my right hand travelled from her fore head to her cheeks in the end I reached her red lips as I rubbed it with my thumbs, after rubbing it a bit my hand travelled from her face as it slid down to her neck, I didn't stop as my hands lightly passed her neck as it arrived at her well proportioned breasts

Seeing it Olivia took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, I didn't mind as my right hand light held her right breast, I didn't do anything overly rough as I lightly cupped her right breast

"Look at me"

I spoke to Olivia, hearing my command, she hesitantly opened my eyes, coming in veiw of my purple eyes

"Your truly beautiful"

Hearing my sincere complement, Olivia's heart beat fastened for a moment, I paid no heed to it after as I was lightly feeling the size of her breasts, just as Olivia's body was heating up I left it causing a sense of disappointment in Olivia's eyes

"Turn around"

I spoke to Olivia who couldn't resist, with a bit of fearful eyes she turned around, giving me a view of her back, at the same time my eyes lightly lit up in both gold and black light, with a smirk I moved forward and hugged her body, causing Olivia to flinch, now our bodies were very close

Both of my hands held her waist, pushing her back towards me, my manly chest covered her back, her ass pushed against my crotch, I could feel it's soft bouncy feeling on me, her unique fragrance filled my nose, my lips travelled towards her ears as I gave it a small bite


It earned a small moan from Olivia, I bite her right ear seductively as I whispered some words to her ear

"Wow, you smell so good, should I just eat you now?"

I didn't get any answer but I could still feel Olivia's body trembling, I didn't stop there, in front of me I could see several pleasure points and I made use of it, both of my hands on her waist left them as they hungrily clutched onto Olivia's well proportioned breasts over her clothes

Both of my hands easily sinked into her bussom, Olivia's breasts were just above average, but I didn't mind as it was both springy and soft, with expert movements I started to massage her breasts from behind, at that time my mouth was not free, as it gave a lick over Olivia's neck


Soon Olivia's body heated up with my expert movement that seemed to pleasure her easily, Olivia wanted to resist but she knew better than that, I didn't stop as I kept rubbing the soft pillows on her chest

At that same time my dick became erect as they snaked in between Olivia's ass crack over her dress, the moment it did Olivia's eyes opened wide, even though it was hidden through several clothing she could still feel the heat from my cock


Was the word that appeared in Olivia's mind but I didn't stop there, as soon as my dick had lodged in between her ass, I slowly started to move my cock in between her ass, my hips moved slowly feeling the softness in which my cock was imprisoned

Soon Olivia's hips was forced to move with mine but she could not pay any heed to it as her mind was filled with pleasure, as I kept playing with her breasts, I felt her pink bud harden, so both of my hands moved as they pulled both her hardened nipples in a rough pull


Olivia wanted me to stop but I didn't listen to her as I easily played with both her nipples, I twirled and twisted her nipples with a bit of force, at the same time the movement of my hips in her ass became even faster

Feeling the rough use of her body, Olivia's mind clouded with pleasure, this rough use, this disrespect, this complete disregard for her, somehow seemed to fill Olivia's body with bouts of pleasure

Soon seconds passed with me twirling her nipples, roughly playing with her breasts and me moving through her ass with my cock, I could feel pleasure building up in my cock so I didn't hesitate to move my hips faster, at some point Olivia's hips and ass had unconsciously started to move with me too

At this time Olivia had several small orgasams and a big one was a foot, with a few more thrusts I burst forward at that time I pulled both of Olivia's nipples with a huge force forward

"Ahhhh❤~~~sooo❤ gooodddd~~~❤"

With that Olivia's knees buckled as she fell to the floor, I could see a silly grin on her face, while her lower regions was completely wet

"Now wasn't that good?"

I spoke with a smirk towards the pleasure filled princess

Chapter 145: To A New Princess

"So?, all good now?"

I asked as I looked at Olivia now standing expressionlessly in front of me, her dress which was filled with stains now looked pristine and clean, even I looked spotless, nothing looked suspicious

It's being five minutes since I played with her body, after her orgasm, Olivia only showed me a cold look, she didn't shout at me nor did she lash out, she was wearing the mask of obedience but I will make sure to turn it into true obedience

"I am fine master"

She spoke as she looked at me, I nodded at her as I as walked closer to her and touched her head with my fore finger

"Don't resist the spell I am placing on you"

She didn't reply but she did nod her head, with that I placed two spells at her body, Olivia's body trembled for a moment as my mana filled her but it only went for a few seconds before it became normal

"What are these spell master?"

"Just something to make you obedient"

I spoke to Olivia with a evil smile, well I casted two spells on her and their roles are simple, one makes her horny at certain times of the day, I timed it to activate when she was alone, it also makes it that she does not feel attraction to any other boy

And as for the other spell?, well it makes it so that she won't be able to climax, that's right, she will feel horny and reach the peak of pleasure but she will be unable to really climax and the only one that can make her climax will be me

Though the spell sounds amazing it is really not very useful, after all for the spell to be cast on, the one receiving the spell should agree, also both the spell can be easily removed from the body at wish

So it's not very useful but now at this situation, this spell would be the ones that would pull Olivia to the depths of pleasure and despair, feeling the spells on her body Olivia wasn't worried much, she could feel that she could remove the spell from her body at any given time, so it was not a big problem

"Good, lets go, also don't forget we will meet each other tomorrow here at the same time"

"Yes master"

Olivia spoke coldly, I nodded at her as I started walking out it's then, Olivia spoke again

"Wait there's something I have to tell you, master"

"What's it?"

I stopped walking as I looked back at her

"Marlene wants to meet you"

"Marlene?, oh do you mean the whale tribe princess?"




AS soon as Olivia had said yes, I spanked her ass hard, feeling the pain on her ass and my look Olivia gritted her teeth as she said

"Yes master"

"Good then lead the way"

With that Olivia retuned to her cold look as she nodded her head, in no time we exited the room, coming in view of Nora still waiting outside, seeing us come out her attention shifted to both of us, trying to see for anything suspicious but not seeing anything she let it go

"Were you waiting for a long time sister?"

"No you were only in there for an hour, so it was not that long"

Nora spoke back to me, she was curious about what had happened but she was wise to know about when and where to interfere, right now Olivia's face had become normal, she seemed to be controlling herself as she spoke to Nora

"Nora why don't you take ma-, I mean Austin to the Water faction, it seems that Marlene wants to meet him"

"Sure, come Austin"

Nora nodded her head as she walked forward to guide, I moved to follow her but not before whispering in Olivia's ears

"See you tomorrow my beautiful slave"

After that without turning back I ran to catch up with Nora, soon I was walking beside her as we walked out of the huge mansion, walking beside her I could feel Nora peeking at me continuously, I could see that she was curious but sadly I could not tell her the truth this time

"So sister how strong is the water faction?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting awkward I spoke, seeing it Nora replied

"Strong, very strong, they are one of the peak factions"

"I see, looks like the meeting will be fun"

"It might be for you, you know you have partially became a hero for the one's of the water"


I asked back in a questioning voice

"How could you not?, after all you gave freedom to the one's that were suffering, though you killed their hero in front of their eyes and you ended up revealing their deep hidden secrete"

"Yah….that's on me"

Hearing the bitter voice of Nora, I couldn't really object, in my defence I really didn't plan for any of this, if any one it's that old man Robert the one to be blamed, seeing my bitter look Nora tried to comfort me

"Don't worry it seems that they don't hate or blame you, I guess maybe they want to thank you, lets see how this goes"

"Indeed, it won't be that bad, right even then I am sure that my big sister would protect me"

Saying so I caught one of Nora's arms with mine and acted like a scared brother, seeing my action Nora was shocked for a moment before she smiled, she raised her other hand as she caressed my face

"Yeah, if they want to hurt you then it will be over my corpse"

Nora spoke with a chilling voice, hearing it I smiled, I raised my hand holding Nora's and give Nora's hand a loving kiss, at the same time I looked at Nora with loving eyes too, I could feel Nora's eyes shake from my gentle kiss, right now we had walked a fair distance and there wasn't anybody nearby, after kissing her hands for a few seconds I let it go as I spoke to Nora with loving eyes

"It's the same for me Nora, if anybody wants to hurt you then they would have to walk over my corpse too"

My voice was gentle and loving hearing it I could see a red blush covering her lovely face, her eyes became erratic and her breathing seemed to increase, with a quick movement she took my arms and started walking forward, seeing it It smirked, after that I followed her as we walked in silence, strangely the silence between us right now was very warming

Chapter 146: Break

Hey Guys, it's me and I am sad to say that I would be taking a 2 or 3 week break on this story, it's not that I am stopping it but just that I am becoming lazy to right the chapters, so if I went with this I might ruin the story more

I just want to refresh my mind, so I would be righting another story these week, it's called 'Heavenly Opposers', again this would be to clear my mind and I will be back, so at that time if you miss my story just read Heavenly Opposers!

So see Ya!

Chapter 146: The Sea Faction

I Am Back!, well technically I didn't go anywhere but still! And to any of you intrested in a novel about cultivation, then try out my new book 'Heavenly Opposers'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nora was quite as she lead me to the Water faction area, after my sudden words of love and gentle eyes, I am sure that her hearts in a disarray, after all what I said and did was not normal among siblings, I mean hug your sister sure but to hold her hand gently and whisper loving words to her?, well that's not normal

I am sure that Nora's head is filled with wild fantasies, her heart might be rejoicing in the fact that I might love her in a different way but that's all I am going to do with her for now, I will slowly leave hints and make sure that it's Nora that takes the initiative

"Sis are we heading the right way?"

It's only after Nora heard my words, did she break out of her trance, she shook her head and looked at me intently, trying to find somethings to prove her theory but sadly for her I only gave her a happy loving smile, seeing it a blush came on Nora's face as she looked aside

"O-Of course, we are heading the right way!"

Her voice was a bit more high pitched, probably trying to hide her embarrassment, I was really tempted to give her another kiss but I held myself back, currently we had already reached a populated area and loads of students can be seen

As we were walking I could see some students either pointing at me or Nora as they kept gossiping among themselves but none of them came forward or did anything note worthy, with a few minute calm quite walk both of us reached the teleportation centre

There both of us easily passed the line and got into the teleportation circle after that a white light filled my vision as we vanished from the place we stood, soon the lights covering my eyes disappeared as I arrived in another room identical to the one we were in before

As soon as I opened my eyes the calming smell of the sea filled my nostrils, I soon noticed that the students in the room were more of the ones belonging to the sea, I could see students from the turtle tribe to the sealion tribe roaming around, plus I could feel an abundance of water particle mana in the air, this was surely a good place for those that come from the sea, while I was feeling the atmosphere Nora next to me spoke


"Indeed, building such an area like this must not have being easy"

"That's true, the entire area was built so that the ones that come from the sea would feel at ease, even though the one with the noble and royal blood have no problem at the surface"

"I see…."

I nodded my head to Nora's words, I could understand it after all not every being living in the water could breath on land, only ones with royal or noble blood could do, plus they are also the group that won't have a problem fighting at full power on the surface

It was then that I noticed something peculiar, it was silent, after we entered everything became quiet, I could see that most of the students belonging to the sea were quiet as they looked towards us…no as they looked towards me

I could see some looking at me with admiration, some with gratitude, while other had dislike, hate or some negative emotions towards me, the silence was tensing as the atmosphere was getting heated, it was then that a blue haired and eyed handsome kid walked up to me, he seemed to be 16 years old

Plus he seemed to have a high status as the rest of the students of the sea either bowed to him or showed him respect, as he was walking towards me Nora leaned onto my ears and whispered

"Nick Leviathan, the second son of the whale tribe's king and princess Marlene's younger brother"

Hearing it I nodded my head, it didn't take for long for Nick to reach me, he had a smile on his face as he extended his hand for a shake

"Nick Leviathan, it's nice to meet you"

"Austin Lionheart, It's nice to meet you too"

I smiled back to hands I shook hands with him, overall as I looked at him I get a kind princely feel and I could tell that he was well respected from the gazes that the rest were giving him

"It's a pleasure to meet the hero of the sea!"

"A Hero?"

I raised my eyebrow in intrigue after hearing Nick's words, seeing my confusion he smiled as he spoke

"Indeed a hero, after all you gave rest to the many soldiers that was suffering and you have our gratefulness for it always"

After he had finished speaking he smiled lightly, at the same time I discreetly looked around the place, I could see that the majority nodding their head and looking at me gratefully, while some seemed spiteful, well honestly I didn't care, I gave him an embarrassing smile as I waved my hands

"Oh you jest, I was merely using borrowed power and I was only able to even help due to the strong will your soldiers that held great justice even at corruption"

The words I spoke brought a smile to Nick and the rest that had gathered, well it was always best to be on good terms with others, after it I didn't wait for long as I asked

"I presume you have being send here to guide us?"

My question startled him but later he smiles and spoke

"That's correct I am here to lead the way for you and to make sure that nothing bad happens on your trip"

His last words were almost a whisper but I heard it clearly and I nodded my head to it, I could understand after all it's not like everybody is happy at having a human bring out their most hidden secret and stomp it to the ground and I don't think that some might be happy at the fact a human K.Oing their most respected Hero

"Sure, lead the way"

Is all I said as I started following Nick who was now walking in front of me, as I did Nora too walked beside me, my eyes kept scanning all around me as I took the new sites in, the shape of each of the buildings here was to match the same ones of the sea

They were proudly presenting their cultures on the sea, in fact the sea is one of the many popular tourist site in this world, there's a joint group between the sea and the land that work together to form a sea tour, it's very popular among many families, plus it's at an affordable price

I got to say those bastards are making a killing profit with these tours, leaving those aside I marvel at the newly seen designs and new creature I came across, I could see that each of the houses had it's on huge indoor pool

As I kept admiring the new stuff, we all reached upon a huge manor that stood proud, within this area I could see more amount of student and each of them were fairly strong in their own right, I also notice the fact that we were the only humans here, as I was admiring the manor Nick turned to me as he spoke with a proud smirk

"Welcome to the sea Jewels Manor"

"It's beautiful"

I gave of a lip service, hearing my 'awe', Nick smile widen, at the same time I looked towards Nora who was looking at the scene disinterestedly but even then I could see her gaurd was up, she would attack at anything that might seem suspicious

"Well then lets go"

I spoke out to the prince who was still in his prideful display, hearing my voice he nodded his head as he lead the way again, we walked as we passed by several other students who were in the mansion, they all looked at me as I passed by but since the one leading was Nick no one came and interrupted

Like that we walked through the huge mansion for a bit until we reached a door to a huge room that was guarded by what seemed to be two sealion tribe, seeing Nick they nodded their head and he nodded back to them as he knocked on the door softly

"Sister, their here"

"Come in"

A cool authoritative voice was heard, with that Nick opened the door as all of us walked in, entering inside I could see Marlene and Catherine inside, it was now time for me to deal with these princess's

Chapter 147: The Sea Faction(2)

"Niice to meet you"

I said I gave out my hand to Marlene for a handshake, right now we were in a room, with only me, Nora, Nick and Catherine, after entering the room Marlene stood up and came to me, so I gave her a handshake, looking at Marlene close by I could see the she was more of a cool beauty

Her azure blue eyes seemed to contain the sea and a deep pride that drew anyone in, her silky blue hair that cascaded to her back and her perfect figure was extremely tempting, she was tall to, almost equal to me in hight and I was really tall, her eyes traveled to my arms as she shook it

"It's good to finally talk to you too"

Her voice was calm and cool, unconsciously one might even follow her lead if ordered, My eyes travelled to hers as we locked gazes, in the game she was one character I really respected, I could still remember the graphic scene of her fearlessly fighting the front

"Cough, my names Catherine it's nice to meet you"

As we were lost in each others gaze Catherine coughed as she walked up to us and extended her hand, I quickly left Marlene's gaze as I turned to Catherine, if Marlene is the cool type then she's the cute short beauty

she reached barely to my chest, her blue eyes gazed at me curiously, her voice was charming, unconsciously causing me to relax, her face was beautiful with her maroon colored hair and her gentle blue eyes, her lips looked plump tempting one to take a juicy bite

Overall she looked harmless but one must never underestimate her, just with her voice she could cause you to lose your self in a never ending nightmare, I didn't leave her hanging as I shook her hands

"It's nice to meet you to Princess Catherine "

"Mou~~you don't need to call me princess just Catherine, after all there doesn't need to be any differences between fellow musicians?"

"HaHaha…that's true, then I would disrespectfully call you Catherine "

"Um, that's good"

Finally Catherine's pout faded away as a playful smile filled her face, while she might not look it this is her final year, it means that she's 24…..so yeah, looking at her attitude one might think that Marlene is the older one

"Now why don't we all take a seat"

Putting on an elderly face she took the lead for the talk, with her calming voice the situation started at a good atmosphere, soon all of use were seated with me and Nora on one side while, Marlene, Catherine and Nick were on the other side

"So what did you want to talk with me?"

I asked as I looked at Marlene, she looked at me as she spoke with a higher tone

"First of all I would like to thank you for what you did"

Saying so not only Marlene but also Catherine rose up as they gave me a bow of gratitude, seeing it I was surprised, not only me, even Nora and Nick were the same, I quickly waved my hands to dismiss them

"No..no I didn't do anything big, all I did was with the strength that was given to me by your soldiers"

"Even still, I want to thank you in behalf of those of the sea"

Marlene spoke as she sat back at the couch along with Catherine, truthfully I didn't expect for her to do something like this but none the less it did increase my impression of her

"Then I shall accept it with pride, maybe I could go around boasting about it, I am it sure that I could break the hearts of the several male seamen"

My tone was joking causing the rest to laugh along with it

"My father would like to meet you and award you in person"

Marlene spoke with a light smile that took her face, I was surprised for a bit before I spoke back

"By your father?, you mean the king of the sea?"

"That's right, he said that he wanted to meet you"

I acted like went into deep thought as bows furrowed but truthfully I would love to go there, especially after I had got the special perks after receiving Xavier's blessing, after a few seconds I spoke

"Sure I don't mind meeting him at the Academy trip to the sea"


Hearing my words Marlene and Catherin were shocked

"How did you now about it?"

Though Marlene's words were vague I still understood, after all the trip to the sea for all the students of 18 and above is still in discussion and not decided, seeing Marlene's suspicious look I smirked as I placed a finger on my lips

"Now that's a secrete~~"

Hearing my words both Marlene and Catherine frowned, seeing it I could only smile wryly, well I couldn't say that

'Of course I know, it's the arc where I will make you fall in love with me', right?

Both Marlene and Catherin were silent as they observed me, if at the beginning they had mild interest, now it had become bigger, a few seconds of silence prevailed between us as both Nick and Nora kept looking between us in doubt

"You surely got more interesting in my eyes Mr.Austin"

"Please, call me Austin"

"Sure Austin"

Both me and Marlene smiled as we spoke but deep down both of us were slowly plotting against each other, after that all of us just had some small talk before I talked about leaving

"Then I shall we heading out"

I spoke out and Marlene nodded her head, while Catherine came forward and caught my hand excitedly

"Hey Austin, we should definitely once play some music together"

Seeing the exited smile on Catherine's face I really wanted to pinch her cheeks but I held back I nodded my head and spoke

"Sure, I would love that"

With that Nick lead our way again back to the teleportation room, we bid farewell to him as the light of the teleportation circle filled my eyes and with that both me and Nora came back after our short trip

"So what are you going to do now?"

I asked Nora who was beside me,

"I will be heading back to the mansion, I have a lot to deal with"

"Sure but are you free next week?"

"maybe, why?"

"I just wanted us to spend a few hours along with each other, you know like in the past"

Hearing me talk about the past time together Nora's eyes glazed over a she smiled, she quickly shook her head to clear her thoughts as she spoke back to me hiding her excitement

"Sure, I will be free next week"

"It's a outing then"

I spoke, with that Nora nodded her head trying to hide her happy smile as she walked away, I looked at Nora's departing figure in thought, I stood there for a few seconds before I moved again, heading out to deal with some stuff

Meanwhile back at the room Austin had left, Catherine looked at Marlene as she spoke with a questioning look

"So, how was he?"


Marlene spoke with a frown causing Catherine to be surprised, for Marlene to say that someone's strong means that he's really strong, as Marlene is one of the strongest student in the whole Academy!

"How strong?"

Catherine asked but this time Marlene didn't reply to her directly, she looked troubled with her face furrowed

"I can't say clearly, there was some sort of interference that was repelling my powers, the only reason that I felt he was strong was from instincts"

"I see…"

Catherine nodded her head to Marlene's words, seeing it Marlene just shrugged her shoulders and spoke

"Well, it doesn't matter much, I just find him slightly interesting, that's all"

"Ya~~~it looks like there's going to be a lot of fun in the future!"

Catherine exclaimed with an exited smile

Chapter 148: Little Plans

"So mom's out….huh?"

I asked to Elda who was sitting on my lap, after my meeting with the princess and leaving Nora I headed towards the mansion to have a talk with Grace but it seems that she had headed out for some duties, it also seems that there's some of her friends from her military life was teaching here, so this was a good opportunity for her to rekindle her lost friendships and have fun

"I see that's good, it's nice to see mom relaxing once in a while right?"

I spoke out loud to Elda who was sticking close to me in my laps, the smell of her natural body scent filled my nose, it was both pleasing and relaxing, her perfect body was within my embrace, raising my hormones, along with the fact that we are alone right now seemed to rile on Elda

"Um, that's right, I haven't seen mom this relaxed in a long while"

Elda said while nodding her head, afterwards she leaned her head to my chest relaxing there with a sweet smile, seeing this I was having an headache, right now Elda was basically throwing hints there and here and of course I want to eat up this innocent fairy in my arms but doing it right now, will mess up all my plans

I already have a plan and a timing to eat both of my sisters and the reason for this is to create a situation in the far future where I would be able to open this relationship to each other, that is Nora, Elda and Grace and maybe get myself a good family 'bonding' but that doesn't mean I won't enjoy the current situation

"Elda?, you being sticking on to me for quite some time, did you miss your big brother that much?"

Hearing my question she raised her head and looked at me with her beautiful green eyes, we stared at each other, I could see her cute nose, her well defined eyes lashes and her adorable lips begging for a bite, her face was the definition of perfection, the innocent aura of the fairies coming from her was stroking the deepest of my darkest desire to corrupt her, I could barely hold myself from lunching at her and taking her here and now, I was only brought out of my daze when Elda nodded her head with a beautiful smile on her face

"Um~~I missed big bro sooo~~~much~~"

With that as if she couldn't get enough she lunged onto me for a big hug, her well developed chest pressed against mine, as her arms wrapped around my neck, her head was on my shoulder and I could feel her breathing down on my neck, I took deep breaths to control myself as I wrapped my hands around her back, making our body press tighter against each other

"I missed you too Elda"

Is all I spoke as we stayed in that hug for a few minutes, relaxing within each others warmth, her soft body was within my arms, her ass sat on my laps, while I breathed down on her neck, Elda's body was like an addicting drug, the more I hold her the more I want to keep her with me, seeing that we were holding each other for some time and the fact that I could feel Elda's breathing faster I spoke

"Elda, do you want to join my faction?"

Hearing my words she raised her head my my chest reluctantly as she looked at me and spoke

"I would love to join big brothers faction!"

Hearing Elda's words a smile came up on my face, having Elda is like having an undying and unrelenting army on your side, life magic is special in the way that unlike normal healing where only your injuries are healed, here in life magic it restores everything, from your injuries to your mana to your stamina, it was basically a cheat for armies

"That's good, now why don't we head to my faction head mansion?"

"No~~~I want to like this for some more time~~"

Elda spoke with a pout seeing it I chuckled as I gave a pat on her head, receiving it she closed her eyes and smiled while wriggling in my embrace, she felt just like a cat, after patting her head I spoke with a smile

"C'mon Elda, you do know that your brother has many things to deal with and I would love for you to be with me during those times"


Hearing my words she finally relented and agreed reluctantly she rose up from my lap, feeling her heat leave my body, I too felt a lose but there's a lot of time to do a lot of things in the future, with that I to stood up as both of us headed from the mansion we were in, the good thing was that as we walked Elda didn't try to show any inappropriate actions in public

As we walked side by side outside the mansion and reach a more populated area, I could feel tons of eyes on me but this time majority of the gazes travelled from me to Elda, I could see several of the gazes from boys on Elda, many went into daze looking at her, seeing this I asked her

"Looks like you have a lot of admirer's my little sister?"

"Sigh…Yes, it's annoying at first but I got used to it, moreover once I said that I would only think of someone that beat you, I got more leeway from these guys…."

When Elda reached the part about using me as a shield, her voice became low and was tinged with guilt, I shook my head at it as I spoke to her

"Don't worry about it little Elda, I am your brother, it's my right to protect you and that hasn't changed in the past, now or in the future"

Hearing my words Elda went into daze for a moment, memories of what happened in the past played in her mind, she could still vividly remember the scene of me protecting her with my back to her, she quickly shook her and a dazzling smile came to her face

"Um, I know that you would always be there for me"

With that she held her hands to her back and skipped forward, I who was dazzled for a moment looked towards the crowd, especially the boys that were now having a love struck expression on their face's, I shook my head at it, all they could do in their life would only be to imagine, they would never get Elda for themselves

Shaking my head to get rid of my thoughts, I walked faster as I caught up to her, walking beside her who now kept a smile I asked

"Come to think of it, do you have any friends?"

"AH, yes though not a lot, I made friends whom I treasure in the Academy!"

Elda said with a chipper voice

"Oh?, then I woul surely like to meet them"

"Sure!, I am confident that big brother would get along with them!"

Elda spoke with an eager expression, I nodded my head at her words, I am sure that I would get along with them nicely

Chapter 149: Surprise?

"So this is big brothers mansion?"

Elda asked with a questioning look on her face as we had reached towards the mansion that would be used as the future head office of my faction, it was a huge one and it was in the more secluded area but the beauty of nature beside it created a unique scenery that calmed one's mind

Elda naturally having a fairy bloodline felt more at ease with the nature, she could feel more relaxed and happy at the times she spend out in the open but naturally she can't spend too much time in public due to well her beauty and I could only sympathize with her for it, I mean who would feel good with people always ogling you no matter where you go?

"Look big brother, there's a lot of people lining up at the front!"

Elda exclaimed as we reached the front where I could see the recruiting happening for my faction, there weren't a lot but it was good enough for a budding faction but the weird thing was that there was more girls in the line than guys, seeing it I could only shake my head with a sigh

I could tell that most of the girls are either just joining to meet me or get my heart and it's normal, leaving aside how good looking I was, there was also the fact that I was from a well prominent family and I have already showed an amazing talent in combat, all in all I was a good target for these hormone filled girls to target, well all of them won't be like that some might join just became they admire me too

"Hehee~~looks like big brothers getting famous among the girls~~"

Elda teased me as she pointed at the crowd that stood before the mansion orderly, I could only shrug my shoulders and respond back with a smirk

"What can I do, I am that amazing"

Hearing my narcissistic answer Elda pouted with displeasure and I have to say that it was very cute sight, I laughed at her displeasure before I spoke again

"Well no matter what I am not much interrested in them, I have a higher taste you know"

Hearing my answer Elda didn't say anything, as she walked forward but a cunning light shined deep within her eyes, Elda might seem completely innocent but a more cunning side shined deep within her, ready to do anything to reach her intended target

Seeing that Elda was not responding I just walked beside her as we walked closer to the gate, when we reached closer many noticed us, the girls eyes lit up while the boys eyes stayed fixated on Elda, a commotion rose seeing us but before they could move the one's that stood in the front of the gate organizing came forward, it was Mika, Rika, Sana and Rika

All four of them were highly combat oriented and were best at keeping the crowd at bay, seeing that it was me all four of them walked up to me with a smile but seeing Elda near me all of them paused for a second but they quickly got themselves back and came to me, Rika was the one who spoke first

"Looks like you finally made it Austin~~"

"Yeah that's right, I was beginning to wonder that if you had forgotten the duties you had today"

And Sana supported Rika's statement with a one of her own, all four of them had accusing gazes and I could only wryly smile and appease them, truthfully I should have reached here early and helped at the recruiting, normally it should all be completed by Alex but I was adamant on seeing the new ones through

The reason for it was simple, it was due to his 'read' function, while it allowed me to see my targets it also lets him see their talents, so why should I only use it to only look at just capture targets?, I could use use it also to find hidden talents that was yet to be discovered, that's why I didn't care if my recruits where the best known or not, I could always find their talents by looking at them

Well I should have arrived early but after dealing with Olivia, Marlene and Nora, it kind of passed through my mind, plus when I spend time with Elda it feels as if there's nothing else to focus on other than her, I am beginning to suspect that she's using some kind of spell to lure me into her

I looked at Elda who was smiling happily at me, it seems that my innocent looking sister is not all that innocent, well it didn't do me any damage, truthfully the more I spend time with her the more I feel relaxed and calm, whatever she's doing it helps me relax, so I will go along with it for now

After 'explaining', my situation, the girls calmed down after all they couldn't blame me if I had to meet with two powerful princess, it was then that Sana smiled mischievously and spoke

"Well, there's a surprise waiting for you at the mansion"


I looked around the other girls but all they did was smile with hidden intentions, seeing it I shook my head as I was guided towards the mansion and no girl came forward to talk talk to me, well not with 5 girls relaxing killing intent and pressure, yeah Elda don't think I can't feel you subtly using spiritual energy to push the other girls away

After that the other four girls stood outside to deal with the crowd, though they seemed extremely reuctant to part with me, with that both me and Elda walked along the corridors onwards the room where the girls said that a surprise was waiting, it was during this time that Elda spoke

"It seems that those girls are very attached to you big brother"

Elda's tone was neutral ans she spoke, hearing it I acted surprised as I replied back

"Well I did save their lives, so they must think of me as a great friend"

"Friend?, are you sure they only look at you as a friend, big brother?"

Elda asked to me intently, Elda could easily tell that these girls had their eyes on me and she wanted to know what I think, hearing her questing, I showed a surprised face before I started laughing

"Hahahaaa…What a joke, I don't think they think of me like that, plus they treat me as a good friend, I am sure"

'Yup, that's the dense guy answer!'

Now it was Elda's turn to be surprised she looked at me, afterwards it seems that she went into deep thoughts, well as long as she doesn't intrude too much I don't care, with that we reached the room as I opened it and what I saw really did surprise me

"Hey Austin"

A guy stood up from the couch waving at me, he had black hair and red eyes with an above average visage, he was Leonardo the main protagonist

Chapter 150: Leonardo's Preposition

"So what are you doing here Leonardo?"

I asked to Leonardo who was now sitting in front of me in a couch, after meeting him I entered the room with Elda who sat beside me in the couch that I sat, now I sat facing Leonardo and one other girl that sat beside him, she had shiny brown hair that was in a bob cut with sparkling brown eyes

She gave off the vibes of a next door girl, cheerful, innocent and fun, her body was small and she looked like a cute animal that needed protection, seeing her I understood who she was directly but just to be sure I used the read function


Name: Sonia Fizaree

Sex: Female

Age: 17

species: human/vampire

Talent: 8/10

Power: Origin level 2

Title: The Lost One, Cute Girl, The One Who Wants To Protect

Love: 0%

Description: A girl with the blood of a noble vampire flowing through her but doesn't know it

>Has a crush on Leonardo but to shy to do anything, thinks that Leonardo is the best and will one day definitely become powerful

>Wants to become powerful to help Leonardo but doesn't now what she should do

Difficulty: A+(Go on my sailor!, conquer the promised holy lands!)


Seeing her information, I sighed, in the starting of the game she's like a freebie that's given to you, you just have to do a few moves and she will be yours, she basically the childhood friend route, not only that in the upcoming future she would awaken her vampire side becoming a force to be reckoned with

Vampires do exist in this world, they are extremely annoying to deal with due to their high regeneration and crazy style of combat, the only thing good is that they can't fight in the light, they live in the demon realm and is one of the noble clans

But that's where it changes for her, half vampire are extremely rare, since it's very hard to find a cross breed between a demon and human, anyhow once Sonia awakens her other side she would have the good things of both side, she would have all the abilities that vampires have and she would be able to walk in the sun with no problem, something only a few noble vampires could do

Looking at the shy Sonia, I have was having a small headache, in the game she's easy to conquer but now she's a big obstacle I have to overcome, the only good thing is that Leonardo's too dense to realize her feelings and only thinks of her as a good dear little sister

'Well good for me, I might well as take this cute thing for myself'

I thought as I looked at Sonia who was shyly sitting beside Leonardo and sneaking glances here and there, whenever her eyes met mine she will quickly avert it like a scared rabbit, I couldn't help find it cute, well after having a quick look at her I turned to Leonardo who was kept staring at Elda in daze

Ever since I entered and he had a look at her, his face was like he met his dream girl or something, at first a blush took his face and he kept looking at her in daze, Elda saw it too but she was used to it but now it's been a few seconds and he's still in daze, so all I could do was cough and get his attention

"Cough, have had enough fill of watching my sister?"

"Ah!, no-no I just thought that she was really bea-beautiful!"

Flustered Leonardo quickly waved his hands with a blush, at the same time I took notice of Sonia's reaction, I could a sadness and bitterness flashing through her eyes as she looked at Leonardo, I hid my smirk as I nodded my heads to Leonardo's words

"Indeed my little sister is beautiful"

Elda who was unmoved my Leonardo's words unconsciously smiled with happiness after hearing my words, the smile again brought him to daze, seeing the situation I quickly spoke again

"So?, why are you here? and whose this little beauty beside you"

While I spoke those words I gave Sonia a natural charming smile, which quickly induced a blush on her face, this was good time to earn some brownie points, first there's no girl that doesn't like a compliment and mine came at the exact time she was down from comparing her herself with Elda, so I quickly earned a good rapport

"Ah!, sorry for the sudden meeting but I wanted to speak with you, oh! and the ones sitting beside me is Sonia she's my childhood friend and she's like a sister to me!"

When Leonardo spoke about her just being a sister, I could see a disappointed look on her face, even Elda sitting next to could notice that Sonia wanted more with Leonardo, well one might thing about how someone like her without any background or great talent could enter the Babylon Academy

Simple it's because her vampire side is known to the higher ups and they couldn't just let go of such a future powerhouse, hence they hid it among themselves and is just waiting for the other side to awaken, as for why they are sure she would awaken, well I have no idea, it was jut like that in the game

"So what's it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh it's simple, I want to join your faction!"

"Um?, Why?"

I asked surprised, in the game he really didn't join any faction, well technically it was the players choice, he would become like a mercenary who would work for any faction that paid him, that's how he started to be acquainted to all those powerful girls that paid him, hearing my question a powerful flame lit in his eyes

"Because I became your fan after I saw that fight during the Seth hunt!, you were really amazing, I was really moved when I saw you fight to save those soldiers, it was really heart moving!, I wanted to come and talk to you afterwards but you were not free"

"I got a lot of offers but I think that joining your faction is the best choice for me, plus even Durendal agrees that the path I am taking is good"

With that Leonardo stopped talking as he waited for my answer, well after hearing him I went into deep thought as I leaned backward, what he proposed was tempting, if he join me not only would I have a powerful ally but I would also be able to keep tabs on him easily but that would also mean that the future troubles that he faced would one to me too

There's a lot of pros and cons, plus if he joins Sonia would join to making it easier for me to lay my hands on her and seeing her response to Leonardo's sudden interest in Elda I might have a plan to get my hands on this cute and shy girl

So the question is: To accept or not to accept?

Chapter 151: New Members

"sure, I don't mind you joining"

Finally I spoke my answer, agreeing to Leonardo's proposal, his proposal has a lot of pros and cons but ultimately the pros outweigh the cons, first I would be able to make Leonardo work for me while I reap the rewards of his hard work

In the game there were many scenarios where things got tough for him but he overcame them causing him to get generous rewards, so that's what I would do, I will make him risk his life for those rewards and wring him dry of those same rewards, since there's no player that controls him, I will become that player

Second it's a forgone condition but I will be able to lay my hands on Sonia, from what I know right now she's a shy, innocent and not so out spoken girl, I just have to play my cards right to corrupt this little cute girl and with my hidden worker Clara, I might just know how

Third and the most important reason being I will be able to push the problems that come to me onto him, yeah that's right, the problems that come for me, I am not naïve to believe that I won't be targeted

This is not the game world where it only focused on the part of the Academy arcs but a real world with it's real world bullshit problems, I won't even be surprised if there's a group out there planning my demise

I mean I had shown something that no others could even show, I purified corruption!, something which was said to be impossible but I had done it, I am sure that I might be in a hit list of several hidden powers

Of course with several hidden powers at my arsenal, I am not that worried but I would not count on it completely, after all I am in the open while my enemies are hidden, I could never tell what they might attack with and I must be vigilant

And that's where Leonardo comes in, my very on shield, with his problem attracting halo, I am sure that most of them would fall at him, so while my enemies fight him in the front I would catch them from the back, where I would ruthlessly stab them from the back

'um, sounds good'

Nodding internally to my plan, I shake hands with Leonardo who now was having a happy face, after that I looked towards Sonia as I spoke

"What about you"


Suddenly being the focus of attention Sonia panicked as her gaze started wondering left and right, seeing it I spoke in a calmingly tone

"Miss.Sonia, tell me what do you plan to do?, if you want you can join too, I would always appreciate a cutesy like you on my faction"


My words caught her by surprise making a blush take her face, she looked at me shyly for sometime before which she took a deep breath and spoke

"Yes, I would join any place big brother Leonardo goes too"

Hearing it I nodded my head and agreed, using my communication device I contacted Alex and notified him about both Leonardo and Sonia, asking him to provide them appropriate positions

With that I talked with both of them for a few minutes before I let them go, I could see that Leonardo was reluctant to leave Elda, well everybody could see that he was interested in her and I could see Sonia hurting at it too

'um, looks like it won't take long'

I thought as I send them out, soon they left, silence descended between us, as only me and Elda was left in the room, feeling the silence Elda spoke

"Big brother, why did you take that talentless girl in?"

"What do you mean?"

I acted oblivious but Elda didn't relent

"Big brother I could feel that you had some ulterior motives for taking her in"

Hearing Elda's words I was surprised but I didn't panic, reeling in my emotions, I spoke

"Sigh….I don't have to hide it from you I guess, well you see that girl's a half vampire"


Now it was Elda's turn to be surprised, she didn't expect that seemingly innocent girl was hiding such a secret but after some time she frowned

"Even if she's a half it doesn't promise that she will awaken, right?"

"No, I am sure that she will awaken in the coming future"

"Are you sure big brother?"

"Yes, 100%"

"Then, she will be a worthy asset to invest on"

"Yes, she will be"

I inwardly nodded my head at Elda's silence, she didn't ask me how I knew everything I just said, it seems that she respected my secrets and I quickly like that side of her

Moreover I could see that she looks at Elda strategically and not as a resourceful friend, I smirked at Elda as I ruffled her head with a pat, causing her eyes to close as she relished in it

"Look at you little Elda, all grown up, I am happy to know that you have grown up into such a strategic girl"

Hearing my praise Elda smiled proudly, she giggled as she spoke to me

"Of course!, I wanted to help you brother, I can't always have you saving me you know!"


I spoke back to her with an indulging smile, after that we kept talking to each other for a few moments after which I went to the recruiting area along with Elda

Knowing that Elda was joining Alex was very happy, with her he would be able to think about many new tactics for future fights, after that I joined the rest as I guided the recruiting

We had actually managed to finds some diamonds hidden in the dust, all in all by night we had a productive recruitment, after that we spent some time discussing the future of the faction

And by deep in to the night, everything was all set, I bid farewell to my teammates as I headed to sleep, since the mansion was bought it became my head office, where I and the rest of the team would spend their time, while I went to sleep Elda begged me with her puppy eyes to sleep with me but I denied her completely, I am sure that if I sleep at the same bed as her, I would definitely eat her up, so I had to resist my urges

'soon Austin, soon'

It was with these thoughts that I headed to bed but just as I was sleeping a knock was heard outside, curious I opened the door, only to meet with the site of Clara with sexy a revealing blue night gown, she had a seductive smile on her face as she spoke

"Master, would you be willing to accept this maid of yours for tonight?"

I licked my lips as I looked at Clara upside down, a chuckle escaped my mouth as I spoke back

"Sure, I would love to discipline my maid tonight"

Seeing my heated gaze, Clara's body trembled with anticipation, Clara's body which I had trained during the last weeks started to get hot just from my lust filled gaze, with her body hot and her mind and heart filled with love Clara sexily swayed her body as she entered my room

Chapter 152: Plan To Trap An Innocent Rabbit

I closed the door just as Clara had entered the room, along with it I activated the rooms magic lock and the silencing spell in the room, so that my little night raid won't be disturbed, just as I finished I turned to the cute and sexy Clara that was looking at me filled with desire

I walked up to her as I caught both her ass on my hands and lifted her, Clara let out a cute moan from my clutch as she happily intertwined her arms around me, no words were needed to be spoken between us as we came forwards for a wet and hot kiss, at the same time my hands roughly played with her bottom

Squeezing them, roughing them and playing around with them like they were toys, my hands sunk into her well rounded ass, we kept kissing each other as we walked towards the bed, sitting down, I placed Clara on my laps with her facing me, we broke the kiss as a strand of Saliva connected out lips, just we had caught our breath Clara was about to dive for more but I stopped her

Seeing me stop her she pouted but she relented, she knew that if I did stop in the middle, I could definitely have something important to talk about but that didn't stop her from moving a bit forward as her pussy scraped against my bulge


"looks like you are quite pent up, my little Clara"

"It's because the last few weeks you only had kept doing it with mistress Grace, ah~~❤"

Just as Clara was speaking my hands sneaked into her open nighty where it stated to play with her well defined breasts, as I head her sentence I smirked

"Well I got you to thank for it, after all it's because of you that I was able to have fun with Grace even at the mansion"

"Ah~~~❤, I am happy as long a-as you-ypur hap-um~~❤"

Clara wasn't able to finish her sentence as my hand that was playing with her breast pulled and pinched her nipples causing her to moan out, at the same time my other hand stroked her spine with seductive touches, now even without my special eyes, I could tell Clara's exiting spots

As I kept playing with her body, Clara moved forward, as she kept rubbing her pussy against my bulge at a faster pace, unable to hold back she moved forward, our lips met each other again as our tongues battled each other


The sound of our saliva being exchanged sounded in the room, Clara's body was filled with pleasure from her honey pot to her breast to her back, all the pleasure was loading her mind, and soon with a twist of her nipple she ended up cumming, staining my lap


Finally after a few seconds she took deep breaths to regain her control, after cumming for once a small part of her lust receded as she got some clarity back

"Are you satisfied a bit now, my tasty maid"

"Hufh….hufh…yes but just a bit~~~❤"

Clara spoke with a smile on her face, I didn't say anything but a loud sound resounded in the room



I slapped Clara's ass which was on my lap, causing her to cry out in pain and pleasure, feeling it Clara started grinding her lower body again but I spoke seriously this time

"Clara I need your help"

"What do you need?"

Seeing that I was serious Clara became serious too, I looked at her face as I spoke my words

"I need Sonia"

"To just fuck?"

Clara asked questioningly, I smiled at her answer, if it was any other girl of mine they would be angry or disgusted but not Clara, she doesn't give a fuck about anything else and would be happy to serve any girl to me

In fact that's her main duty that I had provided her, I know that the girls in my faction love me but I can't be the one to lay my hands on them nor can I let my relationship with them go out for now

And that's where she come in as she controls them from behind, making sure that shit don't blow up, like the other girls fighting or openly saying their feelings for me, I will of course deal with them but now is not the right time

Clara will make sure to subtly manipulate the girls in the way I want without them knowing about it and it's important, otherwise there might be a day that all these girls in my faction might just battle it out and things could go to shit then, seeing that I went into deep thoughts I quickly shook my head and focused back on the situation, looking at Clara I spoke

"No, I want her to be mine"

"That's going to be difficult"

Clara spoke with a thoughtful expression, she had met Sonia in the morning with everyone else and she could see that Sonia had feelings for Leonardo, so making her fall for me might be hard, seeing Clara in a thoughtful look I smiled as I leaned in and whispered some words, hearing them her eyes gleamed, as I finished her eyes danced with mischief

"It's quite ruthless but I like it"

"Well as long as you can get close to her the first step is basically complete, so you up to it?"

"Sure, it's going to be fun"

"That's my girl"

And with that words we dived back into each others embrace, my hands moved skillfully as I started stripping Clara, she too didn't hold back as she started taking off my clothes within seconds we were naked with me above her, my gaze travelled across her body, before I moved forward and gave her small horns a bite and lick


It would always catch her off guard, slowly but surely I played with her small horn but it was then that she pushed me to the bottom as she sat on top of me, her honey pot was dripping with her juice, Her rapid breathing could be heard when she finally placed my long rod in contact with her dripping cunt, 'Hehe, I can finally feel you inside me!' She thought with a smile on her face, In the fraction of a second, she was getting ready to lower her pelvis over my body.

"Ahhhn ~❤"

The moment my rod penetrated Clara's hole, she couldn't hold her voice, letting out a loud moan of satisfaction while swinging her hips around me, at the same time, I could feel a heavenly sensation provoked by Clara's intimate part.

It was very wet, hot and tight to the point that I could fell my stick being massaged harder and harder, even when we weren't moving that fast.

"Ahh ❤~ Yes~❤~~so goood ~❤"

Clara spoke, while her face was flushed and her eyes were completely dilated, The feeling of being filled by me was something heavenly for Clara and it was not long before the two of us began to move fervently while Clara's hole tightened around my rod more and more!

"Mmmm ❤~ Ahh❤, stronger ~"

Pah! Pah!

The two of us quickly accelerated our movements, and sounds of pounding flesh sounded throughout the room, By now, both of us were completely sweaty, and the strong smell of our fluids could be felt in the room.

"Ahh ❤~ Cumming ~❤"


And while the two of us made our piston movements, Clara reached the second orgasm of the night where her juice of love was spraying on my rod again, At the same time as Clara orgasmed my rod twitched as loads of my cum filled her womb, which was like a vacuum sucking me in

After unloading everything inside her I stood up and passionately kissed Clara's cherry lips, running my hands over her full breasts, It was wholly chilled at the moment, and each time I touched these two hills, she trembled softly, my hands moved through her body stimulating them more and meanwhile, my rod was still in the depths of Clara's cave, showing no tiredness or laziness…

"Mmm ~❤"


The two us then finally broke the passionate kiss when Clara rose up and various fluids began to descend between her perfect legs

"See now I am completely full~~❤"

Clara spoke and then bit her lip sensually for Minos.

"Well than I must make sure to get you full.."

After I spoke Clara didn't wait any longer and started sucking to suck on my rod, wiping away every drop of sperm and her own juices of love…

Slurp! Slurp!

"Ohh ~"

Clara did this for some time when she finally finished cleaning my dick, She then stood on all fours beside me where she used both her hands to open her ass, aiming her second hole towards me She said.

"I want you to put it here."

Seeing this, I couldn't help but swallow my saliva, Clara was getting better at riling me up, I then approached Clara from behind while I positioned my dick with one of my hands, while massaging one of the cheeks of the young woman's ass in front of me with the other.

"You're ready?"

I asked, rubbing the head of my stick into Clara's ass hole, Upon hearing and feeling my dick, Clara took a deep breath and then she finally looked back and nodded. She was intoxicated with pleasure, and just thinking about what was coming next, Clara couldn't help but sigh in anticipation, Seeing the look of desire in her eyes, I couldn't wait and slowly began to pierce Clara's ass.

"Ahhhh❤ ~ Ahhhh ~❤"

Pah! Pah!

When Clara felt my rod advance all the way to the bottom of her ass, she almost rolled her eyes, letting out a heavenly moan, which, if it weren't for the isolation array the room has, then the entire mansion could end up hearing it..

Time quickly passed, and both of us had already changed positions a few dozen times. The two of us continued into the night, having sex like animals while satisfying our most primitive desire, When we were finally finished, both of us were tired and had satisfied expressions, as if we were drunk with pleasure.

Clara had her two holes filled with my sperm while her body was totally sweaty, with some hickey marks on her breasts and neck, and palm marks on her beautiful white buttocks, we didn't even bother to clean ourselves as we just fell asleep on the bed hugging each other.

Other than that, the room was a zone! The bed was completely wet as if someone had thrown a bucket of water over there, with pillows thrown at different points and various clothes along the way, The dense smell in the air also made it clear how wild we were in bed…

Chapter 153: Second Day Of Training

As the rays of the sunlight fell and a new day began, I opened my eyes to a nice view of Clara sleeping over me, her legs were wrapped around me, while her hands hugged me for dear life, her face was with a happy smile as she lay in my chest, her naked breasts were pressed around me, while my hand was on her ass clinging tightly

Seeing that it was morning my hands which was on her ass started to grope them, I could see Clara's face twitching trying to hide the fact she was awake, seeing that I raised up my arms and swung them down



Clara's eyes opened wide from the spank at her ass, she opened her eyes as she pouted at me, seeing it I kissed her forehead and spoke with a teasing voice

"Well it's morning, don't you have to sneak out?"

Hearing my words her eyes widened in realization, with a quick movements she started to wear her clothes as she prepared to head out, finally giving me a kiss, she headed out of the room sneakily, seeing it I shook my head amused at her behavior, after that I turned my gaze to the room and seeing the mess I winced

'yeah, this is going to be a problem'

I thought as I looked around the room, unlike back home here Clara is not my maid, back home after every of my 'sessions', I could leave it to Clara to hide all of my 'tracks', here the hired maids are not literally mine to command and it's dangerous to show them this room too, even an idiot could understand what happened here after looking at the room

And if the maids working at the mansion were to se this, then that's enough for a rumor to start spreading and rumors are a powerful and scary thing, it would seem that I would have to be more careful with the steps I take, sighing to myself I rose up from the bed and headed to my shower which was connected to my room

It wasn't long before I headed to the dinning hall, where I gave explicit orders not to enter my room, I had already locked it but well taking extra precautions won't be bad, I could just let Clara clean it all up stealthly when no ones looking, with that I had a hearty meal and set off to Olivia's mansion, after all I can't leave my favorite slave waiting can I?

Before I left I dealt with some of the issues of the faction that was coming up while promising the different girls I would spend some time with them, I met Leonardo who wanted to know where Elda was but sadly she went to deal with some stuff related to her friends she said that she would have a surprise for me, so I would wait

I could see that Clara was getting a bit friendlier with Sonia, maybe within a week I might be able to start the plan I have in mind, before leaving I instructed Clara on the things to do and now I am walking through the streets leading to the mansion of Olivia, I can't wait to see how she would be now

I had already talked about a hidden place where both of us could meet unhindered, well it was the same practice place I had first played with her, it would seem that there's a hidden entrance I could use to enter it unnoticed, right now while I was walking I was in a disguise, while fame grants you recognition, it also takes away your privacy

The spell I was using was not the great, if someone purposefully scans me it would be reviled but it was not a big deal, with calm step I walked through the streets reaching a area close to Olivia's mansion, the area I was in was desolate without any students gathering, seeing that it was safe, I used the key badge that Olivia had given me

As soon as my mana had passed through it I could feel a hidden teleportation circle, walking towards it I disappeared, the next moment I opened my eyes, a beautiful golden haired girl stood in front of me, her sky blue eyes was cold as she looked towards me in defiance, I could see a bitter grudge in her eyes

Seeing it I understood that she had found out about the spell I had cast in her body, well being bitter is all she could do since I had ordered her not to remove the spell and my command would last till the end of the contract, smirking I walked to her with domineering steps, reaching in front of her I lifted her chin with my hand

"So, my beautiful slave, how was your day?"

"It was good master"

Olivia spoke with a calm tone causing me to raise my eyebrow in intrigue, I could see that she was playing with me and had not actually accepted anything at heart

'So that's how you want to play huh?'

My eyes shined black and gold as I let go of her chin and spoke a command

"Strip your top and make it sexy"

Hearing it Olivia's eyes widened for a second before it went back to normal, she robotically nodded her head

"Yes, master"

With trembling arms she started to get rid of her top dress, while doing so she tried to awkwardly try to make it enticing but it was not all that great, within seconds Olivia stood in front of me with white laced bra that held her well defined mounts, the striking contrast of the blush in her face to her calm eyes was very enticing

"Good now turn around"

She nodded her head as she turned around, I walked up to her and hugged her from behind like the first time, my body pressed against her juicy ass, while my arms hugged her waist, for the first time I could feel Olivia's smooth skin in my arms, my mouth moved towards her ear biting them seductively while I spoke, at the same time my hands rubbed the skin of her waist directly

"You know what Olivia?, your so sexy I just want to eat you, can I?"

My words and my touches brought tremble to Olivia's body, my touches were slow and seductive, which was slowly raising her lust to a higher level, I waited for an answer but all I got was silence, well I didn't mind, as both of my hands traveled from her waist slowly down, as I did I made sure to touch and stimulate her different sexual spots

Both of my hands covered her front as they slowly slid from her waist, going down to her thigh, I could feel her supple and soft thigh over her pants, my hands moved to the inner thigh of both her legs but I felt a bit of resistance but I forced her legs to open a bit as my hands sank into her supple and smooth thigh


"Oh?, looks like your finally feeling it~"

Again I didn't get a reply but as my hands sank into her thighs my mouth was not free as it nibbled on her ears as my mouth moved towards her neck, her natural body scent filled my nose as I greedily watched her beautiful white neck, my mouth moved towards it as I bite on it softly


The action surprised Olivia as she screamed out from the pain but a trace of pleasure could be felt from it, I didn't stop with my bite, as I started to suck hard on it, feeling it Olivia cried out in panic

"Wait! master!"

"What is it?"

Even as I took my mouth from her neck, my hands on her thighs moved forwards opening her legs wide as it slithered forward over her pants

"Don't lea-Ah~ ❤a-a mar-um~~❤"

Olivia wasn't able to speak properly as my hands massaged her inner thighs and my mouth licked and sucked a neck

"I don't care, you are mine and I will mark you, it's your problem on how to hide it"

With that I dived back into her neck, sucking hard and even lightly bitting her neck


Hearing my reply Olivia could only relent to my attacks as her body was starting to be filled with pleasure

Chapter 154: Countinuation Of The Second Day

My hands which had opened her legs kept pressing Olivia's body with small seductive touches, my mouth was hungry was I sucked and bit on Olivia's smooth skin, all Olivia could do was close her eyes and accept it, she tried to fight it but it was impossible, the lust she was unable to release last night was building in stronger waves within her body

My hands which had completely opened her legs moved, my right hand moved and slowly rubbed Olivia's pussy lips in a slow motion from bottom to top and that's all it took, a touch on her pussy and it began to spry like there's no tomorrow, the lust she was unable to release came out in a bang


Olivia's body weakened from the strong orgasm, since the spell had made her horny and forbidden her from having any release, finally having it made her body tremble and let out moans, her legs seemed to weaken but I didn't let it go completely, I caught her and lifted her as I carried her to the table, it seems I had looked down on how much the spell must have tormented her body

I could see that Olivia's body had weakened from a single orgasm, looking into her eyes I could see that it was hazy, plus there was a fresh red hickey on her beautiful neck too, thinking of the trouble she would have to go through to avoid it I laughed inwardly, with soft touches I placed the now delirious Olivia on the table

And as she was in a daze my hands moved skillfully and removed her bra even before she could react, her two beautiful breasts were in my view, her size was a bit above average with a nice red arolla and a red juicy nipple asking for a bite


A scream was heard as Olivia came out of her daze and as she did, she finally saw that I was gazing upon her naked breasts, she tried to hide them but I caught her hands and kept them down, since she had an orgasm her body was soft and she was not able to control her strength so I easily subdued her, staring right into her eyes I spoke

"Stop it!, you belong to me now and each and every part of you belongs to me, got it?"

My voice was high and extremely commanding, hearing it Olivia's heart started beating with excitement, the feeling of being held down and looked down upon seemed to bring out the true self she was hiding but at the same time her pride came back unwilling to bend to anyone, the two side were now fighting against each other

Seeing that Olivia had calmed down I let go of her arms, as I did Olivia turned her face aside with a complex look, I smirked at it, I could see that both the side of Olivia fighting and this was just the beginning, I didn't wait any longer, since the table was huge I sat up as I placed both my hands on the side of Olivia's head as I sat on her stomach, well I didn't technically sit but floated above her

I took both of her arms and locked it above her head, using one of my arms I kept both her arms tight while, using my right hand I faced her to look at me, I raised Olivia's face towards me, I could see confusion, sadness, desire, excitement all together filling her face, even some tears had gathered in her eyes

Seeing it, I was mesmerized for a moment, Olivia's the princess of one of the most powerful emprie in the world, a woman that is desired by many men and lastly an sadistic woman that always never seemed to bend but right now her face was the some look of a vulranable woman, it was the excat opposite of the real her

'Sigh maybe I could relent to her a bit'

Controlling myself I looked directly into Olivia's eyes that was filled with struggle, I put on a gentle smile as I rubbed her eyes, wiping the tears away, seeing my sudden change Olivia was surprised, I didn't give her time to think as I spoke

"What is it Olivia, why are you cry?"


Olivia screamed out in frustration, all the grievance she felt from the last day bursted out, in the end she's a woman that was above everyone, even if she desires domination, it would be from the one she love and me doing this yet she feeling exited must have being making her doubt herself as a whore, seeing Olivia scream at me and shout out while crying I thought

'It was faster than expected…..'

I really did think a situation like this will arise, but I had maybe overestimated how tough she truly is, well for a woman who stood at the top with power, respect and status to be made into a mere slave must not be easy, it's true that she's loves to be dominated but that side of her hadn't developed completely yet

Sure she noticed some hints but her true self as yet to be awakened as masochist that loves to be ordered and used by her one and only master, shaking my thoughts of I spoke to Olivia calmly

"Yes, that's right I am the man responsible for you suffering but what was I too do, I really wanted you Olivia"


A confused expression filled Olivia's face and her body trembled, I quickly activated my yandere mode, well after dealing with a lot like them, it was easy for me to imitate it, my hands that held her face slowly moved around her upper body

"That's right Olivia, from the first moment I saw you I wanted you, I wanted to catch you up and lock you, so that I will only be the one that will see and use you, I wanted to tie you up and use you for myself making it so that nobody else can have you"

"Yo-You ar-are mad!"

Olivia's eyes enlarged and her body trembled….from excitement, looking at my dark and lifeless eyes filled with obsession for her, Olivia's body felt hot, she could see my desire to own her, make sure that no one else touch's her, to make her mine and that's all she needed as her body trembled and love juice gushed from her honey pot


She bit her lips to suppress it but I saw it, with a predatory obsessive smile I moved forward and whispered into her ears

"Oh~~, will you look at that, did you just cum from my words?"

Olivia's eyes trembled as she spoke back to me

"I-If you liked me, why are you doing this?, why don't you just tel-Ah~~❤"

Olivia wasn't able to complete her sentence as I twisted one of her nipples, she bit her lips as she looked into my possessive and commanding eyes that made her heart beat in excitement, my hands left her nipple as it trailed her midriff

"Why?, well it's simple

I wanted to own you"

Chapter 155: Falling Slowly

"Why?, well it's simple

I wanted to own you"

Hearing my reply and seeing my obsessive eyes that were no longer hiding my desire to possess her mind, body and soul, Olivia could feel her pussy lips twitching, the utter domination in my eyes was slowly brining out the hidden side within her, I didn't relent as I again held both her arms with one of mine and held her face tightly with my other arm, looking into her eyes directly I spoke

"That's right Olivia, I want to only for myself, every single thing in your body belongs to me and only me and I will make sure to mark it as mine, I will also kill any other man that dares to lust over you who belongs to me"

Feeling the killing intent from my words, Olivia's heart started beating faster and faster, while huge amounts of her love juice started to leak out, holding Olivia's chin I spoke

"Just you wait I am going to mark all of this as mine"

After saying it I left her arms but Olivia didn't make any move as she could only accept her fate for now, I moved down as I sucked on the skin of her neck while kissing it, It seemed so gratifying to taste her skin, the smell of her shampoo and distinct flavor filled my mouth, Olivia could only close her eyes as she gave up and indulged in me pleasuring her, I licked and kissed all over her neck before moving down

I dipped my tongue into her exquisite collarbones and bit on it, causing Olivia to bite her lips not to moan out in pain and pleasure of my tongue


I kissed along her arm as I moved over to her beautiful breasts, Seeing those delicate and artful rosy pink buds, my arms released her hands and cupped both of her velvety breasts, I kneaded her boobs for a while before moving my mouth towards one of her nipples, Since her nipples were longer than usual, I found it very satisfying to suck on it and stretched it upwards with my mouth.


Olivia who was resisting at first, could slowly started to fell the pleasure, slowly but surely she couldn't get enough of me sucking on her nipples, I started sucking her other nipple as well and bit on it roughly


Olivia cried in pleasure and pain as I bit her nipples, her breasts were now filled with my saliva and quickly got more smooth, I took one of them into my mouth as I sucked on it, I could fell her breasts almost perfect in my mouth and how juicy they seemed as I kept on sucking them, Olivia's body started squeezing in my arms, the pain and pleasure was slowly cutting away her senses

"Suck them harder~❤"

Olivia pleaded heatedly, unknowingly her true feelings started to leak, I didn't reply back to her words as I squeezed her slippery and wet boobs harder and sucked on them vehemently, I then pressed her boobs together and tried to suck on both her nipples at the same time.


Olivia moaned sensually, getting a kick out of me intensely playing with her breasts, and at the same time, she orgasmed, Olivia felt fuzzy after her second orgasm, for the second time she felt her mind blur, never as she ever felt this much pleasure fill her body, After playing with her boobs for a while I could see that her nipples and her supple mound was very red and it only brought more pleasure to Olivia

I kissed and licked along her cleavage while twisting her nipples with my fingers, the powerless Olivia could only keep flinching her body as I played around with it as if it was a toy, my mouth trailed downwards and clasped her slender hips as I kissed all over her midriff and stomach, I also dipped my tongue into her belly button and twirled my tongue over it.


Olivia whimpered as she raised her upper body up and pressed my head to make me play with her belly button more, her body now totally moved for more pleasure, well it was not only her I couldn't get enough of her exquisite skin and kneaded her boobs as I kissed along her ribs, looking down I could see the entire table wet with Olivia's juice while faint outlines of her pussy could be seen

'Not yet'

I thought as I moved upward as I started playing with her upper body with more power, getting above her I looked at her reddened boobs as I raised my hands and swung them down to her breasts


The sound of my hand hitting her boobs was heard around the room, as her breasts shook under my hand, Olivia's eyes widened from the pain, yet her legs tightened to hide the juice that leaked after, with a cruel smile as I looked at Olivia, I raised my other hand and slapped down on the other side of her breasts



"Um❤~~so painfu❤l~~"

With a few more slaps Olivia's body trembled as she cummed again!, I smiled as I dived into her her upper body again, a few minutes later I stood away from the table as I wore fresh clothes, looking at the table I could see Olivia who laid there with her eyes raised above her head fainted, her pant was still there but it was so wet that the table below her had a puddle of her love juice

Well there was also the fact that her upper body was filled with my hickeys from her breasts to her stomach, her upper body was completely red, while her nipples were hard and ripened, her entire body was filled with marks, my bites and my saliva, Olivia's expression was of pure pleasure as she laid white eyed with a huge smile

'Well that went well'

I thought as I walked towards Olivia as I groped her breasts hardly for one last time and used the teleportation key to leave the room, soon I opened my eyes and appeared in the same place I disappeared from, of course I didn't forget to replace my disguise, it took some time for my boner to finally settle

"Sigh….only in good time buddy"

I spoke while looking down while not fucking Olivia was a nightmare I had too hold it in for now, I have her for a few months so I had already made a plan, for the first week I would fill her with pleasure she never knew, making her need me to settle her and it's on the seconds week that the true power of the spell I placed on Olivia will show

The second week it would be me being pleasured by her, the second week will be a torture for Olivia, who wouldn't get any release and finally the next month were the official arc for Olivia will start I will make her fall for me as a good slave

'Sigh…academy life is so good'

Humming to myself happily I left the area I was in

Chapter 156: Target Locked

'So, what now?'

I was a bit confused for a moment as I thought, it's then that I looked at the current time, seeing that it was still early morning I smiled with a hidden glint in my eyes, looking at the current date and time, it would seem that I had left at the perfect time, whistling to myself, I walked towards a certain teleportation room

Since I was in disguise and had hidden my ring, I had to wait in line like anybody else but it was a small price to pay for my privacy, after my 'outstanding' performance, I am sure that there's a lot of eyes watching my moves, trying to keep tabs on my movement and to be honest it was tiring

But if someone asked me if I regretted what I did, then no, since the reward I got in return for it is mouthwatering, I have to say that Xavier is quite a good lad, because with the rewards I got I will be able to move some of my plans forward, I just hope that thinks don't become too shit

'Nah, who am I kidding, things will definitely got to shit'

Chuckling to myself I moved along with the crowd, since it was morning the line wasn't huge, I quickly reached the front and paid the Academy points for my transport, well since I had some lovely 'friends', I was able to get a load of points they had, well as top students it was nothing to them and who was I to say no to their help?

With a blink my eyes were again blinded with white light as I disappeared and appeared in another room, quickly walking out, I could see fewer students in this area, with a quick walk I reached in front of a huge library, it had three levels and was huge as a mansion

The library belonging to the Babylon Academy is one of the biggest and best in the world, though again you have to pay a certain price to read, and some of the levels are restricted for others, nothing in this world is free after all, I quickly entered inside the first level, where I could see a huge amounts of books that stretched in a huge line

The books almost seemed endless, reaching the front I saw a guy sitting the front, from his looked he seemed to be about 20 years old, a student who must be taking the job of receptionist job to earn some points, reaching the front I politely asked for the access to the first level, without much drama he took the points as he allowed me to enter inside

Walking inside the large floor surrounded with books, my heart started beating faster at the thought of the person who I was going to meet, after a few seconds of walking I reached near a reading lounge near the area of the historic books, where some students could be seen seated and reading, quickly looking through it my eyes landed on a figure that was seated in a lonely corner

She was seated in a four person table yet none seemed to be able to see or feel her, the woman looked completely average with every average features but I know that it's a disguise, something which no body in this Academy will be able to see through, even when I was looking at her my senses seemed to be missing

It was as if she was hiding her presence, I squinted my eyes, as I looked at the book she was reading, seeing it a smirk came up my face, taking a history related book I walked towards her, feeling a presence approaching the said woman raised her head and looked at me, for a moment a sense of surprise flashed through her eyes

Not minding anything I walked towards her area while carrying a book about a certain kings biography and sat in front of her and as I did I activated my read function, I have to be sure after all


Name: Celestinia Graciers Kreen

Sex: Female

Age: 21

species: Dragon

Talent: 10/10

Power: Draganoid Level 1

Title: The Dragon Princess, The Academic, One Who Loves Control…..etc

Love: 0%

Description: A woman with a great pride, strength, intelligence and ruthlessness

>A person who finds her life a bit bored and is looking for some excitement in life, she's incredibly proud of her knowledge and achievements

>Currently she's curious about the host due to Scarlet whom she considers her sister, wouldn't hesitate to kill you in the most brutal way possible if she found out that you might hurt Scarlet, in reverse if she ever fell in love with you she wouldn't hesitate to break her relationship with Scarlet to take you

Difficulty: SSS(If you fail, I don't mind visiting you in hell once in a while)


Seeing her information my eyes lit up for a moment, it seems that I was right, in the game she was among the list of unconquerable along with my aunt but that changed when one person did conquer her and that was me and 2 years of my gaming value came down in a hitch

That's right she was the last person I conquered and the last time I played the game since she ended up taking me away and killing the girls that resisted it, it was due to her I ended up fucking losing everything!, this woman is a one of the Yandere I know!, she might be one of the most beautiful woman in this game but she's also the one that's very hard to play with

One wrong move and I will end up dead without even knowing how but no matter how much I don't want to I must conquer her, truthfully I would love to stay away from this girl but the past issue did create a grudge in me, imagine how would you feel when you had conquered one of the best character after 2 years of hard work only to end up losing everything?

'Yeah, I remember breaking the entire gaming counsel that day…..'

Shaking away my dark thoughts, I smiled and gave a nod to Celestinia who eyes me for a moment, she nodded back to me and focused on her book, I too did the same as I looked at mine but I didn't read the book in my hand, I only pretended that I did, as I pretended to read, I asked the system to play some music in my head, like this half an hour passed, it was only then I heard a calm disguised voice

"So kings Mordian's Autobiography on the 32 formations on ruling?"

Hearing the question and forcing down my yawn, I looked back at the disguised Celestinia, as I spoke

"AH!, yes, I was quite curios about his 12th formation, the path of rite, I wanted to see if it would have any connection with the book Ruel Of The 32nd Rite, I always had a suspicion that here might have being some copying in between"

"Oh?, you have read Rule Of The 32nd Rite?"

"Indeed, it was quite entertaining"

'Well, it was bullshit that I could tell'