
1327 - 1337

Chapter 1327: Put Things Right Once And For All

Madoga port was the only contact the Lawless Lands had with the other parts of the universe, turning it into the most prosperous place available in the Lawless Lands.

The busiest goods market could also be found here. It sold many contrabands that were banned from all the nations in the universe. These contrabands were smuggled in by unscrupulous merchants who sold to the big local merchants. These local merchants would then transport the goods to the other parts of the Lawless Lands.

Even though it was very prosperous, every corner was fraught with danger. Everyone required a good background to deter small-time thieves from stabbing them in the back while they were shopping, and that was for normal shoppers. If you were just a small merchant that wanted to get rich overnight, the local factions here would devour you whole the moment you landed with your goods. Nothing would be left on you except for your clothes, no… they would even take your clothes away to sell.

The 7th Bugle Call slowly docked onto the port. The news that the 7th Bugle Call was filled with goods soon reached the ears of all the factions at the Madoga port. They started investigating this pirate group that they had never heard of before. They wanted to know who they were.

If they found that there were no powerful factions backing up the 7th Bugle Call, bloodshed would be inevitable.

"Are we being too impatient? Shouldn't we investigate the strength of the factions here before making such a rash decision?" Luo Yang asked Tian Fang, who was beside him, worriedly while glancing at the two people who were playing chess.

Tian Fang replied with irritation, "How am I supposed to know?"

Ling Lan made sure that when their guests disembarked, they would intentionally see the warehouse full of goods. The moment Tian Fang knew about this, he knew that Boss had something up his sleeve. However, he didn't know what Ling Lan wanted to do.

Ling Lan maintained a cold look on her face as if she didn't realise Luo Yang's worry and puzzlement. Just as she was to place her queen piece down, she lifted her finger lightly at Li Lanfeng's direction.

Li Lanfeng understood Ling Lan very well so when he saw the finger, he smiled and turned to Luo Yang. He explained, "This is our first time in the Lawless Lands so we normally will need a few months in order to truly understand the different factions and their strength, but now that is a waste of time. Hence, it's better for us to beat the grass to frighten the snake. The first snake that comes to find us might not be the strongest but it will be the most suitable working partner."

Luo Yang nodded thoughtfully but Tian Fang still didn't understand so he asked, "Why will the first snake be the most suitable? Wouldn't the most rash and the most impulsive be the most suitable?"

"Captain, you can't use the mindset of a soldier to judge people here. Anyone that was able to build a notable faction here isn't simple. After all, this is the most prosperous place in the Lawless Lands. It is the link connecting the Lawless Lands to the outside universe. Do you think the 13 Lords will ignore this place and let those greedy merchants take over?" Li Lanfeng smiled. "On the surface, it looks like this place is controlled by those powerful merchants but the real marionettes of the show are the 13 Lords."

"Wouldn't they think that we're lone travelers without any background? They probably think they could just send people to annihilate us and take over our ship and our goods. Honestly, my ship is more attractive than the goods inside." Tian Fang felt a little pain in his heart. He took much effort to modify his ship. His majestic and scary-looking ship that was full of weapons was forcefully turned into a shabby and old-looking ship. He almost vomited blood when he first saw it in the warehouse. Fortunately, it was just a disguise. The powerful weapons were all still hidden from the surface. He did feel a little better when he thought about it.

"No." This time, Li Lanfeng wasn't the one who replied. It was Luo Yang.

As the strategist of the 7th Bugle Call, Luo Yang recalled everything Ling Lan did on their journey and understood why Ling Lan did what she did after Li Lanfeng gave him a hint.

Tian Fang looked at Luo Yang and waited for his explanation. Luo Yang quickly continued, "Boss used the token of the Rainbow Raiders when we stopped at the other ports."

"Thus, if the 13 Lords try to investigate us, they will think that we have the Rainbow Raiders behind us." Tian Fang finally understood. "The Lawless Lands don't care about the Intergalactic United Nations but they have to mind the mercenary world."

"This hellhole is banned by the Intergalactic United Nations. So, without the people from the mercenary world, who will bring them resources?" Luo Yang smiled, "Thus, before they have the ability to take over the mercenary world, they won't dare to offend them."

"And I was still wondering why Boss acted more and more conspicuously as we got nearer to the Lawless Lands. So this was the reason." Tian Fang understood everything. Ling Lan had started her plan a long time ago. Modifying the 7th Bugle Call was part of her plan too.

"I just want to put things straight once and for all." Ling Lan's cold voice sounded at this moment.

Smack! Suddenly, the crisp sound of a chess piece landing was heard. "Thank you."

Li Lanfeng turned his attention back to the chessboard. When he saw his white king piece being checkmated by a black queen and black rook , he smiled bitterly and said, "I lost."

He really mustn't get distracted when he plays chess with Ling Lan. If he just got distracted for just a moment, Ling Lan would immediately checkmate him. However, in the past, Ling Lan wasn't this aggressive. She wasn't as calculating as she was before. Before, Ling Lan would calculate all the possible moves and come up with a trap to lure her opponent in, giving them no room to escape before finally checkmating them.

"You think too much when you're playing chess." Ling Lan said indifferently, "There are two methods to conquer new lands. The first method is to conquer steadily and safely, accumulating strength slowly before swallowing everything in a single instant. The second method is to invade forcefully and quickly to secure a position for ourselves. In our case, we don't have much time. Thus, the first method is unsuitable for us. We can only go with the more risky method."

Ling Lan lifted her head and a light shone over her face. Her cold face and nonchalant gaze assured the people in the room that she had everything under her control. Tian Fang even felt like postrating down and praying to Ling Lan.

"The second method is indeed very risky but we have no choice. If we lose, we will lose everything. If we win, we'll be able to conquer the Lawless Lands." Ling Lan's tone was somber. "Now, the first wave of probes is about to come. Call Luo Lang to prepare."

"Yes." The three of them stood up and accepted the order.

"We've found their identity. They're from the Rainbow Raiders…" This piece of news quickly spread to all the leaders of the various powerful factions.

"It looks like the Rainbow Raiders finally wants a share of the Lawless Lands too." One of the three kings of the mercenary world couldn't restrain themselves anymore?

All the factions in the Lawless Lands knew that this would happen eventually so they weren't too shocked. However, they didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Here's the problem. Shall we cooperate with them or kill them?"

This was the question in all the people's minds. Their decision would affect their future relationship with the mercenary world and the three kings.

"Rainbow Raiders? Are they throwing this bait to see if we'll take it?" One of the leaders of a faction smiled gently. "Let me see which idiot will act first."

"Are we going to sit back and watch the show?" The person sitting beside him asked in surprise.

"Yes. Let's see if they are worthy enough for us to act." The leader gave a mysterious smile. If they had the ability, he didn't mind working with them. But, he needed to see if they really had the goods first.

Chapter 1328: 13 Lords!

At 10 pm sharp, Madoga port turned dead silent. The locals here immediately went inside their houses and barricade themselves. People in the Lawless Lands would rarely go outside when it was near midnight, as the possibility of getting murdered after midnight increased by 500 times..

Usually, besides the guards on duty at the port, no other living humans could be seen walking on the streets.

However, it was a little different tonight as a bunch of men who looked like they were from an organized drug syndicate, blatantly barged into the port. The guards on duty saw them but they instantly averted their gaze, pretending that they didn't. They even evaded them.

The guards quickly dashed to the other side of the port. When the group of men disappeared from their sight, the head of the guards, as well as the team members, immediately relaxed.

"Head, is there something wrong with those people just now?" The newest member of the guard's team didn't understand why they were so uptight so he asked his head in a low voice.

The head immediately stopped in his tracks. He immediately dug his pocket for a pack of cigarettes and took one out with a trembling hand. His hands only stopped trembling when he placed it in his mouth.

A team member came forward and hurriedly lit up the cigarette.

The head took a deep breath and puffed out a mouthful of smoke. After calming himself, he said, "Little Hu, you are new here so let me teach you your first lesson today. If you want to survive in this port, you must have good eyesight."

"I understand, head." Little Hu tilted his head and looked admirably at his head. The head had a good impression of this young man so he continued giving him advice. "Did you see the symbol on their chest?"

Little Hu tried to remember the scene he saw a moment ago. He answered with uncertainty, "Head, do you mean the thing on their chest that looked like some insect?" Those people were walking too far from him so he didn't see the symbol on their chest clearly. He could only tell that it was in the shape of an insect.

"Yes. It's a black scorpion." The head's expression was gloomy.

"Lord Gen!" Little Hu jumped up in fright.

You might not know anyone in the Lawless Lands but you must have heard of the 13 Lords.

Every lord had his own exclusive symbol. Everyone in the Lawless Lands must remember all their symbols so that they wouldn't unknowingly offend the 13 Lords. If they one day accidentally offend them, they would die a gruesome death the very next day.

Seven-colored scorpion——Lord Gen.

Four-leaf clover——Lord Kun.

Sun, moon, and star——Lord Qian.

Purple lightning——Lord Zhen.

Whirlpool——Lord Xun.

Rain——Lord Kan.

Human torch——Lord Li.

Pangu's axe——Lord Dui.

Clown's smile——Lord Card.

Knight——Lord Yu.

Angel wings——Lord Holy.

Poisonous bat——Lord Ghost.

Medusa——Lord Demon.

A scorpion of any colour belonged to Lord Gen's faction.

"It seems like someone there must have offended Lord Gen." One of the team members sighed at the misfortune of the people who incurred Lord Gen's wrath.

The head shook his head. "That might not be the case." He remembered the huge starship that docked in their port today. He only glanced at it slightly but just the slight glimpse of what he saw was already enough to tempt him.

If you didn't have the ability to protect your wealth, don't expose it. Otherwise, it would be cleaned out the next day.

The head took two deep breaths before throwing the cigarette bud to the floor and stomping it. Then, he said to his members, "Let's go back immediately. No matter what you hear later, ignore it. You must never go out in the presence of the lords' men."

Even if they accidentally saw Lord Gen's subordinates, Lord Gen would order them to be killed based on his way of doing things. Lord Gen would never let someone who knew the identity of his subordinates off.

His team members immediately thought of the gruesome fate if they accidentally encountered one of Lord Gen's subordinates and their bodies immediately tensed up as they replied, "Yes, head."

They basically dashed to their base. The first thing they did after entering their base was locking the doors behind them. They had already decided that even if the port was burned or destroyed, they would ignore everything and never take a step outside.

There were close to a hundred men from Lord Gen's face who infiltrated the spaceport. They walked to the place where the 7th Bugle Call was docked and looked at its magnificent body. The greed in their eyes immediately showed, thinking as though the ship and the goods on the ship already belonged to them. Now, they just needed to take it back and split it among themselves.

The hunk leading the hundred-men group signalled at the subordinate behind him.

The subordinate hurriedly came forward and pressed his hand on the door of the huge ship in an attempt to decode its passcode so that they could enter.

Right at this moment, the closed doors suddenly opened by itself.

This unexpected scene gave the crowd a huge scare.

Looking through the opened doors, it was nothing but pitch black darkness, seemingly like a maw of a monster ready to swallow someone whole.

The group waited for a few seconds but they saw no movement coming from the opened doors. Having no idea what to do, they looked at their head in unplanned unison.

The hunk leading them just stared at the door with a serious expression.

After a few more seconds, he sneered. "Since you know that we're coming, stop hiding. Come out."

His voice broke the calmness of the darkness they saw, like a pebble dropped into a calm lake. Suddenly, the sound of metal chains dragging across the ground echoed throughout the spaceport and pierced through their ears to their brain.

The imminent noise gradually started to grow sharper and sharper.

"Be careful." Their head suddenly shouted with signs of urgency written across his face.

As his voice left his throat, chains after chains suddenly flew out from the darkness behind the door, aiming towards every man with perfect accuracy.





Some of the evaded metal chains pierced into the solid, hard floor made out of superimposed metal sheets. Those men who were unable to evade in time got directly pierced by the metal chains right through their solar plexus. They struggled to take a breath, but everytime they tried, they started to vehemently cough out blood, and with each cough, the chain wrecked through more parts of their body. They didn't even have the time to yell in pain before they died with their eyes still wide open.

On the other side, the leader barely scraped away with his life from the deadly accurate chain. Just as his mind was thinking of ways to defeat these chains, the scent of blood immediately filled the air around him, and with only one whiff, his face immediately turned grim. He cursed bitterly in his heart. They hadn't even seen the outline of their unknown opponent but many of them were already dead.

Their enemy was definitely a formidable opponent. The moment the chains flew out of the door, the leader knew that he must be facing a domain realm master.

But, unluckily for him, all the men he brought were in the Qi-Jin stage. Some had just barely reached the optimal peak of Qi-Jin, half a step away from the domain stage. Yet, their opponent managed to instant-kill so many of them single-handedly.

Clang! Clang! The amplified sound of the chains grating against each other continued to pierce their eardrums. Everyone then realized the chains were criss-crossing against each other, as if it was trapping them in a spider web. They were like the helpless prey of a spider, not knowing when the spider would come out and sink its fang into them.

Far away, a white figure suddenly appeared on top of a tall road lamp. He stood on the lamp lightly and watched the show that was happening near the 7th Bugle Call.

"Looks like Lord Holy is interested in them, Angel Zhi." A voice suddenly rang beside him.

The white figure turned around and saw a young man dressed in a purple down standing on another road lamp smiling at him.

"Isn't Lord Zhen the same?" Angel Zhi replied nonchalantly.

Chapter 1329: Not My Match.

"It couldn't be helped. My master has some connections with the Rainbow Raiders. Since their men are here, we have to welcome them with the grandest greeting. If not, won't we look too disingenuous." The young man in the purple gown smiled as he looked at the massacre going on in the spaceport. "But, it looks like I'm not going to be the star of the show."

"It is no surprise, really. Do you actually think the Rainbow Raiders would send someone incapable here especially when they know fully well how we act around here. They're the Rainbow Raiders for god's sake. Isn't that right, Pu Long?" The young man suddenly appeared enlightened by the lecture given by Angel Zhi. However, his expression was too exaggerated, making it obvious that he was teasing Angel Zhi.

Pu Long then flashed a devilish smile. "You should be saying that to the people under Lord Gen. They're the ones being culled like lambs down there. Doesn't Lord Gen have an amicable relationship with Lord Holy."

Angel Zhi shook his head and smiled. "How do we know who has a good relationship with who? I might be working with you today but tomorrow, we might be enemies. I might be talking nicely with you now but in the next second, we might start fighting for our lives."

"In that case, we should treasure the friendly atmosphere we have now and watch how powerful the people from the Rainbow Raiders are together." Pu Long was very interested in the person who controlled the metal chains.

"I'm very interested too." Angel Zhi laughed as he looked at the spiderweb formed from the metal chains. He knew that one of the twelves angels under Lord Holy could also control metal chains. He wondered of the both of them, who was stronger?

By now, the surviving men under Lord Gen were staring at the door with apprehension. After waiting in complete fear, the sound of grating metal chains stopped. Instead, it was replaced by clear footsteps.

"He's here!" All of them screamed in their minds.

Slowly, a skinny figure walked out from the dark passage.

Everyone was dumbstruck, including Angel Zhi and Pu Long who were standing far away.

The reason they were dumbstruck was because the person they were looking at was just too young. He wore black clothes with a beautiful face on top of it. It was hard to tell if he was a male or female from his face but for some reason, no one thought that he was a lady. Their first impression was that he was just a very pretty young man.

Luo Lang looked at the leader of the group standing in front of him. He had a stunned look. Luo Lang said calmly, "You're not my match."

He shifted his gaze and looked at the direction where Angel Zhi and Pu Long were standing.

"He seems to have discovered us." Pu Long smiled when he saw the intense gaze.

"To look at us with such confidence, he must be a titled domain realm master," Angel Zhi replied calmly.

"Do you want to meet him?" Pu Long asked.

"Why must I?" Angel Zhi just wanted to see how strong were the people the Rainbow Raiders sent. Now that he had his answer, there was no need for him to continue to remain here.

After he finished speaking, Angel Zhi twisted his body and disappeared on the spot.

Pu Long listened to his surroundings carefully and after ensuring that Angel Zhi had really left, he smiled and said, "It's good that you left. You might interfere with my master's business."

"But…" He crossed his hands in front of his chest and stared intently at Luo Lang. "If you want me to appear, you should kill all of Lord Gen's men first."

Luo Lang saw one of the two threats leaving, but the one left seemed to be staring at him silently. Just looking at their actions, he understood that the two of them were not from the same side as the group who tried to steal their starship. Boss did say that there would be many factions coming over to investigate them. Whether they intruded their ship or just watched from afar, his job was to finish those people that offended them.

Luo Lang retracted his gaze and placed it on the leader of the intruding group.

"Are you planning to leave yourself or do you want to continue?" Luo Lang didn't want to fight with weak people like them. To him, it was like a grown adult bully a young child.

"Charge!" The contempt in Luo Lang's voice enraged the leader.

All the men were frightened but under their leader's order, they still rushed towards Luo Lang without any fear of death.

Luo Lang frowned at their reckless decision. He lifted his right hand before tightly clenching his fist.

Suddenly, the spider web of chains in the air started coiling around each other before raining down on the charging men.




Screams of pain echoed in the air. Soon, the floor of the spaceport was filled with dismembered parts of a human body. As for the leader, he retreated back while his men charged forward.

"Disgusting!" Pu Long spat.

"Shameless!" Luo Lang looked at the leader in contempt when he noticed his retreat.

He waved his left hand and a metal chain materialized in mid air. It shot towards the leader.

"Ah! Guardian Ji, help me!" The leader immediately felt the scent of death coming near him so he started shouting frantically.

Phak! A huge hand appeared and slapped away Luo Lang's metal chain.

"Guardian Ji." The leader cried in happiness when he realized he was saved.

But, in the next second, his eyes widened in disbelief…

"Pfft~" Blood spurted out of his mouth. "Why… Guardian, Guardian Ji…"

Guardian Ji slowly retracted his hand that pierced through the leader's chest. In his hand was a heart that was still pounding.

"Lord Gen doesn't need someone who's afraid of death," Guardian Ji replied in an unchanging tone.

The leader fell backward to the ground. No one knew if he heard the reply before he died.

Pu Long frowned when he saw the arrival of Guardian Ji. "I didn't expect him to come here, and he's very hard to deal with. I might not even be his match… I wonder how long the titled domain realm formidable warrior can stand his ground."

Luo Lang just looked too young so Pu Long was under the impression that Luo Lang had just entered the titled domain realm for a few years. Thus, his understanding of his domain concept must not be as deep as an experienced titled domain realm formidable warrior who had been in that stage for more than ten years like Guardian Ji.

"Since this piece of trash is dead. It's time to settle the fight between us." After killing the leader, Guardian Ji turned and looked at Luo Lang.

Guardian Ji never expected the first fighter of the Rainbow Raiders to be so powerful too. Moreover, he was a titled domain realm formidable warrior. At first, he thought that they would at most send a domain realm master out here, but from the looks of it, they underestimated the resolve of the Rainbow Raiders in taking over the Lawless Lands.

What made Guardian Ji furious was how ruthless the fighter from the Rainbow Raiders was. He killed more than a hundred of his men without showing any respect to Lord Gen. Although Qi-Jin masters weren't precious in the Lawless Lands, they weren't grown on trees. Even Guardian Ji felt his heart aching over the loss over such a huge amount of Qi-Jin masters.

Chapter 1330: I Won't Send You Off!

"Indeed. After I'm done with you, I'll need you to give me an explanation," Luo Lang replied casually.

He wasn't one bit afraid of the 13 Lords. Luo Lang truly didn't believe that there was anyone who was more powerful than Boss. Boss would take care of everything that came his way. Hence, he felt very confident when he talked to the people of the 13 Lords.

Guardian Ji was surprised and irritated by how arrogant Luo Lang was acting.. Even if the Rainbow Raiders was one of the kings of the mercenary world, the 13 Lords were still the rulers of the Lawless Lands. It was still up to them to decide if the Rainbow Raiders could have a spot in this piece of land.

Guardian Ji set his mind to teach Luo Lang that in the 13 Lords' territory, even a dragon would have to curl up quietly like a snake.

Suddenly, numerous beautifully-designed earthen doors rose from the ground and surrounded them in a bowl-like enclosure.

"Eight Degrees Brahmin!" Pu Long, who was watching from afar, was flabbergasted by what he was. It was unexpected for Lord Gen's guardian to use his most famous domain technique right at the start of a fight. It was an ultimate technique, capable of killing someone like him if caught off guard. Now, Pu Long was worried for Luo Lang's life. He could only hope that Guardian Ji still respect the Rainbow Raiders enough to not murder Luo Lang. If Guardan Ji didn't even have an ounce of respect towards the Rainbow Raiders, Luo Lang would most likely be dead.

"Earth element?" Luo Lang frowned when he sensed the dense earth element permeating around him. Seeing the earthen doors closing him in a bowl, he slightly moved his fingers as he tried to pierce through the earthen doors with his chains.

The metal chains pierced into the doors but after piercing in for close to 30 cm, it couldn't move anymore. The defensive strength of the earthen doors was too much for the offensive power of his metal chains. Luo Lang couldn't destroy the doors.

"It's useless. You're only able to tickle me with that chain of yours." Guardian Ji scoffed in derision. He waved his right hand and a door unrooted itself off the ground before flying furiously towards the spot where Luo Lang was standing.


The huge impact almost caused the entire port to vibrate.

Luo Lang quickly flipped backward, evading the incoming door, and while he was in mid-air, he clapped his hands together and shouted, "Disappear!"

The metal chains around the port turned into balls of smoke as he said that and disappeared following after. Two blurred figures jumped out of Luo Lang's body. Right after that, Luo Lang changed his hand signal and said, "Combine!"

Just as he said it, the blurred figures integrated into his body again. After that, Luo Lang clenched his right fist while moving his left hand over his right waist and slowly drew out a sharp knife.

Luo Lang landed on the ground firmly. He swept the knife in the air and pointed it diagonally at Guardian Ji. A moment ago, he was wearing a cool black attire but now, he had changed into a long black trench coat. The trenchcoat drifted slowly under the breeze at the port.

Guardian Ji frowned. He waved his hands quickly and countless earthen doors rushed towards Luo Lang from all corners, leaving no room for him to escape.

Pu Long was afraid for Luo Lang's life. However, before he could lend a helping hand, Luo Lang had disappeared into thin air.

"What's happening?" Pu Long felt confused by the scene in front of him as he could no longer see Luo Lang at all. After rubbing his eyes in an attempt to clear his vision, he decisively closed his eyes and tapped his forehead with his right forefinger. "Open!"

As he said that, he slowly opened his eyelids, and purple snakes of lightning could be seen crackling over his eyes.

This was the Eye of Lightning that was very famous among all the lightning element domain masters. It was able to improve one's vision to a degree where it would allow the user to see things they sometimes shouldn't.

With the help of the Eye of Lightning, Pu Long was finally able to see Luo Lang's movements clearly.

Luo Lang didn't actually disappear. He was just moving at a speed that couldn't be captured by the naked eye to evade the earthen doors. This was why Pu Long had the illusion that he disappeared.

"That is another domain concept." Pu Long's face went through a series of emotions before his face just went numb from shock. He had never seen someone with two different domain concepts before. Moreover, these domain concepts weren't ordinary domain concepts either. From the way the young man handled his second domain concept, it was a titled domain concept too.

"F**k, who is he? What kind of monster is he?" Pu Long himself was considered a genius in the Lawless Lands too. He was a talented individual who had entered the domain realm at a relatively young age. He felt that he wouldn't lose to anyone besides the other two prodigies in his generation. However, this young man sent by the Rainbow Raiders was not only younger than him but also stronger than him. Just looking at the two different domain concepts, he knew he wouldn't be able to win the young man in a straight up fight.

Luo Lang maneuvered left and right, evading every earthen door that came his way. Soon, he appeared in front of Guardian Ji and slashed his knife at him.

Bang! Just as the knife was about to slash Guardian Ji, he immediately substituted his place with an earthen door to evade the deadly knife. When Luo Lang saw the substitution, he snorted and punched out with his fist an inch away from the door.


After the punch destroyed the integrity of the door, the knife chopped the thick earthen door into two like butter. The Banghin doors, which had an abnormally powerful defensive strength, weren't able to withstand the combination of Luo Lang's one-inch punch and the edge of Luo Lang's knife.

More than ten meters away from the place where Luo Lang chopped the earth door, one of the earth doors slowly morphed into Guardian Ji. He didn't expect that after Luo Lang changed his domain concept, he would be able to split his earthen door in half. This was the first time he saw someone splitting his earth door into two that effortlessly.

But, what scared him the most was the change in Luo Lang's speed. Only when he was on the brink of death, he could see Luo Lang's afterimages. Fortunately, he was able to move between his earthen doors so he didn't get hit by the knife.

"You have my respect." Guardian Ji's expression changed many times. In the end, he smiled and cupped his hands.

Luo Lang didn't reply to him. He just stared silently at Guardian Ji.

His cold attitude slightly irritated Guardian Ji, but he quickly remembered that he was alone while Luo Lang had his entire team behind him. Although he didn't know if there was someone as strong as Luo Lang onboard, he never put his life at risk especially after living for so long.

He controlled his anger and continued smiling. "My name is Ji Ming and I'm from Lord Gen's faction. My men seemed to have mistakenly offended you. To express our apology, we will officially pay a visit tomorrow."

Luo Lang scoffed. "I won't send you off."

Guardian Ji's expression turned dull. In the end, he flicked his sleeve and disappeared.

Pu Long touched his chin and smiled. "It looks like I have to report this to Lord Zhen as soon as possible. There might be a good show coming soon."

Ji Ming was a narrow-minded person so he wouldn't let Luo Lang go that easily after he chided him like that. Thus, he would most definitely come back for revenge tomorrow. His master, Lord Zhen's relationship with Lord Gen was okay… well, he was being polite when he said that their relationship was okay. In actual fact, the relationship between them was really poor. If Lord Qian and Lord Kun didn't persuade his master, he would never have worked with Lord Gen to handle that upcoming faction leader.

However, that was the only collaboration they would ever do. Pu Long understood his master well so he knew that even if his master didn't have a good relationship with the leader of the Rainbow Raiders, he would willingly help the other party in order to create more trouble for Lord Gen.

Chapter 1331: Fear And Shock!

Pu Long disappeared after he finished his thoughts.

A few minutes later, he reappeared on top of the same road lamp. He scanned the area around him with scrutiny, and saw there was no one present. He shook his head. "Is my mind playing tricks on me?"

He came back again because he felt a gaze looking over him. However, after looking around carefully, he couldn't find the source of that gaze and that feeling was gone too. It really did seem his mind was playing tricks on him.

But, as someone who had reached quite high in physical skills, he wouldn't ignore his instincts when it signaled to him.

Unfortunately, he didn't find anyone. Reality told him that it was really his illusion.

"Forget it." Pu Long sighed regretfully. So what if someone was peeping at him? They would only know that Lord Zhen knew what happened here. It really wouldn't affect them.

After Pu Long reassured himself, he disappeared again. This time, he really left. As a member of the 13 Lords' faction, he didn't need to be so careful.

A few minutes passed by again, a black figure slowly appeared under a road lamp.

The person raised his head slightly, revealing a face that was covered with a silver mask. "The people of the Lawless Lands are really impressive. I used the aura-restraining technique Rabbit taught me but he still detected my presence."

"Lord Zhen?" Li Lanfeng smiled. "Maybe he is a good partner to work with."

Li Lanfeng's figure slowly disappeared. He left too.

Soon, the news about Lord Gen failing and Ji Ming losing to a young brat was known by the other 12 Lords as well as the leaders of the other factions.

"Rainbow Raiders. It looks like they're serious this time." One of the representatives sent by Rainbow Raiders was already on par with Ji Ming. If they still thought that the Rainbow Raiders was just casually passing by, they should just leave the Lawless Lands.

"They formed a grudge with Lord Gen the moment they arrived. Their journey on the Lawless Lands will be difficult."

"I don't know about that. There are just too many conflicts between the 13 Lords to know what their intentions are. Even if they offended Lord Gen, the other lords might not be unhappy. So it's hard to say for now."

"That'll depend on the attitude of the other 12 lords. If most of them chose to drive out the Rainbow Raiders, the Rainbow Raiders will be unable to do anything too, even if they are a top-class mercenary team."

"We'll know the results tomorrow. What we know now is that Lord Gen won't forgive them easily.

"If other lords step out to help the Rainbow Raiders, it'll be more fun."

"Do you think Lord Zhen will help them? After all, he has been at odds with Lord Gen for a long time."

"That'll depend on the other lords too. If they support Lord Gen, Lord Zhen won't move."

"It's hard to determine anything…"

"We must wait for the 13 Lords to give their final say. We mustn't be implicated by this and give the 13 Lords a reason to take us down."

On the surface, the most powerful people in the Lawless Lands were the 13 Lords but there were many strong factions below them who wanted to become the 14th lord. To prevent their grip over the Lawless Lands from loosening, the 13 Lords scrutinized these factions carefully. A few days ago, Lord Gen and Lord Zhen worked together to wipe out a new faction that was developing rapidly. It had many capable people under its wings and its strength was formidable too. A lot of people really thought that the leader of this rapidly growing faction would become a new lord.

But, Lord Gen and Lord Zhen, who used to be at loggerheads with each other, suddenly cooperated and uprooted the new faction in a blink of an eye. After that, they quickly segregated the faction's territory.

Of course, it was impossible for them to destroy a faction entirely within such a short period of them. So, there must be other lords helping them. These were all secrets that outsiders wouldn't be privy of.

However, no matter what, Lord Gen and Lord Zhen's swift uproot still stunned all the factions. Those that were planning for some grand scheme decided to keep low for the time being and bide for some time first. All of them were afraid that they would be the next target.

The guard team of the port locked their rooms and went to bed after they returned to their rooms. None of them could actually sleep a wink that night.

The next morning, their leader woke them up to continue patrolling the area.

Unconsciously, they walked to the area where the 7th Bugle Call was docked at. It must be because they were all subconsciously thinking about this ship.

They thought that the ship would have been taken over by Lord Gen but surprisingly, the people from the 7th Bugle Call were still there maintaining the ship and cleaning their area.

The ground around their ship was surprisingly very clean but the leader still saw bloodstains that hadn't been cleaned on the floor.

Instinctively, he led his men over and talked to the nearest crew member of the 7th Bugle Call.

"Brother, what happened last night? Why are you cleaning the port so bright and early in the morning?" The leader pretended to be oblivious to what happened last night and asked with a curious face. He even passed a cigarette over to the man.

Cigarettes were a luxury item in the Lawless Lands. High-class tobacco couldn't be grown here so if they wanted pure tobacco, they needed to rely on the smugglers. Normally, only those with a certain status had high-class cigarettes. Normal people could only smoke on low-quality local tobacco. Even so, the price of local tobacco was still expensive.

"Nothing. Some bold thieves tried to steal our goods. Aren't they looking for death?" The crew member's eyes lit up when he saw the cigarette. He smiled happily as he took it.

The leader took out his lighter and lit the cigarette for the crew member. He continued asking, "From the bloodstains, it looked like there were quite a number of thieves."

The crew member took a deep breath and enjoyed the cigarette. After satisfying his craving, he replied, "That's right. There were close to a hundred people."

"A hundred people? That's a lot. How many people did you send to fight them?" The leader appeared to be frightened by the huge number.

"One person from our Team 05 is enough to tackle those nobodies…" The crew member gave a look of disdain.

The leader chatted with the crew member for a while longer before parting ways.

After they walked out of the vicinity, the leader heaved a sigh of relief. He turned around and reminded his team members, "You should stay as far away from the 7th Bugle Call as possible in the future."

"Why?" One of the team members asked. When their leader was chatting, they went to chat with the other crew members too. They found the other party very friendly so they had a good impression of them.

"Someone who can kill Lord Gen's men and still appear nonchalant must either be ignorant or very confident in themselves. Do you think that the people on the 7th Bugle Call are ignorant?" The leader asked.

Everyone shook their heads. The crew member they talked to didn't seem like frogs in the well. They weren't arrogant either.

"The 7th Bugle Call isn't simple. However, Lord Gen isn't simple either. Small fries like us don't have the right to watch their battle. We should just stay away from them. Don't die without knowing how you did." The leader sighed loudly. He turned back and looked at the 7th Bugle Call fearfully.

Yesterday night, he was afraid of Lord Gen. Today, he was scared of the 7th Bugle Call.

Chapter 1332: Liar Liar Pants on Fire!

It was no surprise to the leader that soon the 13 Lords immediately gave out an order to close off the area where the 7th Bugle Call docked at.

In the afternoon, swarms of people could be seen to and fro the 7th Bugle Call continuously.

The 7th Bugle Call seemed to have already made preparations for these uninvited guests. On the deck of the starship, they had prepared a banquet with many types of food and drinks on the side. Although there weren't any flamboyant decorations or classy displays of antiques, it was still luxurious and elegant enough to accommodate these guests.

'They probably hold high positions in their ranks.' Thought the chief manager of the spaceport after seeing the display of dishes in front of him. He raised his opinion on the people from the Rainbow Raiders in his mind once again.

Determining a person's position and power didn't require them to be there in person. It was possible to see some of it through the arrangements that person made.

However, he no longer had the time to keep guessing the position held by the captain of the 7th Bugle Call. That was because out of the 13 Lords, five of them actually sent representatives to attend the banquet, which was quite a shocker to the crowd. It should be known that newly arrived factions who wanted to make a name for themselves in the Lawless Lands, no matter how good their reputation was, the 13 Lords would only send one or two representatives to scout them. There had never been a time when there were more than three representatives. Thus, with five representatives coming all of a sudden, the chief manager of the spaceport was so stunned that his mind was all jumbled up on all the theories on why they would send five representatives.

It was no surprise that Lord Gen, who the 7th Bugle Call had a bone to pick with, sent Guardian Ji Ming and Guardian Yu Shangfei here. Alongside them, they brought three domain realm masters who rose to fame recently. It was clear with their entourage that they were looking for trouble.

Everyone also guessed that Lord Gen's eternal rival, Lord Zhen, would send representatives as well. Maybe it was a coincidence, but a few minutes after Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei arrived, out of the 12 of Lord Zhen's Thunder and Lightning Enforcers, the 9th Enforcer, Bai Nuo, appeared with two of his subordinates.

However, everyone was shocked by the following appearances of Lord Holy's Angel Zhi, Lord Li's Magistrate Shadow Flame, and Midnight Rider. They were shocked because they didn't know whether the 13 Lords had reached a consensus to make such arrangements or not. However, everyone knew the answer to their questions would be known soon, as the captain of the 7th Bugle Call was about to come out.

In the banquet area, all the guests had more or less arrived. However, even after 10 minutes of waiting, the 7th Bugle Call as the host, had only sent out servers and crew members to entertain them. There wasn't a single authoritative figure from the 7th Bugle Call's side on the deck. That included the titled domain realm formidable warrior who was rumored to be someone that even Lord Gen's guardian, Ji Ming, couldn't go against.

However, the situation was only temporary. The captain of the 7th Bugle Call would definitely show up. It was just unknown whether it was that title domain realm master who already had a name for himself, or was it someone else. All of the guests who came were all extremely looking forward to knowing the answer.

Right at that moment, they heard some footsteps coming towards the deck. Everyone turned towards the large door that led to the deck, and three people were revealed under the glistening sun.

The middle-aged man walking at the front of the group had a rugged face, but he soon revealed that he also had a piercing voice. His voice reached those on the deck before he even arrived, "Hahaha… I'm sorry everyone. We were too busy counting our supplies. Sorry for making you wait."

Out of the two people behind him was a man who was around the same age as the middle-aged man who spoke, but he looked more charming. The other one was a handsome young man. Despite the three of them walking in one after the other, everyone's attention was completely drawn in by the young man after glancing over the middle-aged man. They couldn't stop looking at him.

"It's him," Ji Ming said as he gritted his teeth.

"That kid killed a hundred of our men? He looks too young." Yu Shangfei couldn't help but frown. According to the way the young man stood, he didn't give an impression that he was the captain of the ship. If a deputy was already that strong, then just how strong was that leading middle-aged man? Thinking up to that point, Yu Shangfei couldn't help but be more cautious. Although he was stronger than Ji Ming, even if by a little, they still wouldn't be able to do anything to them if the middle-aged man was stronger than the young man.

Luckily, in order to make sure everything went well, Lord Gen had another ace up his sleeve. Yu Shangfei admired his master because he could always think deeper and more clearly about matters like these.

Aa the three from 7th Bugle Call walked onto the deck, a lot of the crowd were closely paying attention to Ji Ming's face. When they saw him looking at the young man with a hateful look, they guessed that the young man was definitely the titled domain realm formidable warrior Ji Ming couldn't do anything against.

Everyone was shocked by their guess. Just how old was that young man? It looked as though he was 17 or 18 years old or at most in his early 20s. If he was a titled domain realm master at such a young age, then at what age did he become a domain realm master? Although the Lawless Lands provided their citizens an optimal environment for them to enter the domain stage and to become mecha pilots at a young age, there still weren't many people who have reached titled domain realm master at such a young age. Those who did, had already been taken in by the 13 Lords to nurture and develop into their strongest killers.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am James, the captain of the 7th Bugle Call. This is my deputy, Fedoran, and our 5th Team Leader, Luo Tianhua." Tian Fang irresponsibly and randomly created a few fake names. Luo Yang looked at Tian Fang helplessly. He knew that when there was the matter of fake names, Tian Fang would easily go off on a tangent.

Luo Lang on the other hand was carefully thinking about the fake name, Luo Tianhua. His final thought was that it was much nicer than his real name so he was extremely satisfied with it. Who knew he would actually hate his name 'Luo Lang'…That was something unexpected.

"We don't actually need to tell you where we are from, right? Everyone probably already knows, and we don't plan on hiding it either." Tian Fang continued to use their built impression of them to deceive them. Of course, if the real Rainbow Raiders came and interrogated them, he wouldn't be afraid. When did they say they were from the Rainbow Raiders? I mean who asked them to jump into conclusions before confirming with them first

Tian Fang's dismissive statement about their origin was very successful. Everyone nodded slightly after hearing his statement. With his words, everyone was certain that the 7th Bugle Call was a part of the Rainbow Raiders. Of course, they were already extremely certain of that fact, but Tian Fang's words cemented that fact.

"Our objective coming here is to open up a business route, so I would like to ask everyone to help us and cooperate with us." Tian Fang smiled as he put his hand out and bowed. His calm and respectful demeanor left a really good impression on everyone.

However, even if they had a good impression on James, they didn't have the authority to accept their request. Everyone looked at the representatives sent by the 5 lords in unplanned unison as they waited for them to answer.

Lord Holy, Lord Li and Lord Yu's representatives pretended to not hear anything as they looked forward calmly while swirling their wine glasses.

The scene suddenly became silent and the atmosphere turned awkward.

Ji Ming smirked coldly. The Rainbow Raiders shouldn't think so highly of themselves and get involved in the Lawless Lands. They should be given this cold shoulder treatment.

Right as he was relishing in the awkward atmosphere, a sharp voice pierced their ears. Lord Zhen's enforcer, Bai Nuo, spoke up, "No problem. With an extra business route, the Lawless Lands will receive much more resources. Why not?"

Ji Ming's expression changed instantly as rage burned in his mind. He didn't think that Lord Zhen would recklessly accept the 7th Bugle Call's request without asking for the approval of all 13 Lords. What he was doing was clearly slapping Lord Gen in the face.

Chapter 1333: Taking Us Down a Notch

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Tian Fang felt the awkward atmosphere but he instantly smiled when he heard a response, "Thank you for your support, Enforcer Bai. It's a rare moment for all of us to be here together. I am very happy at everyone's arrival. Please, everyone sit down and discuss our future plans." Tian Fang gestured to everyone to sit and talk.

Everyone sat down on the nearest seats beside them. Before Tian Fang could open his mouth again, Ji Ming angrily spoke up, "Captain James, your men killed all of our innocent subordinates who passed by this area yesterday night. We came here today to ask you how you plan on rectifying this issue. Is the Rainbow Raiders inciting a war with the 13 Lords of the Lawless Lands?"

1Just one sentence from Ji Ming turned this entire banquet into a public hearing. It was clear that he planned on taking the newcomers down a notch, showing the Rainbow Raiders who was the boss here.

The representatives of the other lords all watched calmly after hearing those words. Some even half-smiled at Tian Fang. Even Bai Nuo, who was being kind at the beginning, only focused his attention elsewhere and pretended to not know what was happening.

The smile on Tian Fang's face slowly vanished. He looked at Ji Ming with a sharp glare and said in an unchanging tone, "Yesterday, we cleaned up a group of no-good thieves who tried to rob us of our supplies. So they were your men?"

This insult disguised as a question made Ji Ming's face red hot with anger. Ji Ming's anger instantly rose even more when he saw Bai Nuo looking at him with a clear look of mockery.

Yu Shangfei, who sat beside Ji Ming, held down Ji Ming's body that was about to jump out from his seat and smiled lightly towards Tian Fang. "We heard Luo Tianhua had taken some forbidden medicine and went rogue in the middle of the night."

Tian Fang raised his eyebrows. "So?"

"Our men were unlucky to have encountered him when he lost control…" Yu Shangfei smiled as he looked towards Luo Lang, who was leaning on the wall behind Tian Fang. "In the Lawless Lands, dangerous individuals who cannot control themselves need to be eradicated even if he is a titled domain realm master."

All of that Yu Shangfei had just said was fake. However, did that even matter? In the Lawless Lands, if the 13 Lords wanted to erase someone, they just needed to brand them with a crime. No one would dare object if they valued their lives.

Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei's goal was quite clear. It was to completely erase this monstrous individual who could grow to become their strongest opponent in the future.

"Heh, how come I don't know Luo Tianhua has this problem?" Tian Fang smiled coldly. "Do you think we're children? Trying to fool us with those words."

Ji Ming then said, "In the Lawless Lands, other than the 13 Lords, no one has the power to refuse anything."

Tian Fang forcefully slapped the armrest of his chair and stood up. A gleam flashed between his eyes. "Are you showing us up?"

Ji Ming looked up and said proudly, "You can assume so."

Tian Fang slowly leaned back onto his chair with a cold expression on his face. The entire deck's atmosphere became oddly heavy. Everyone was just watching Ji Ming and Tian Fang's battle of words. If the Rainbow Raiders couldn't bring out strength that would satisfy them, these people would just lean back and watch Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei teach Tian Fang's group a lesson in blood.

As for the Rainbow Raiders, they were indeed one of the three largest factions in the mercenary world. Their regiment commander was also one of the three kings who could rock the entire mercenary world just by stomping his feet. However, they were only part of the mercenary underworld, so no matter how strong he was, he couldn't affect the Lawless Lands. Additionally, if the Rainbow Raiders were to come and seek justice, Lord Gen would come out and deal with it. They wouldn't be blamed for anything, so they didn't feel any responsibility to help them so they were just watching it unfold.

Tian Fang slammed on his armrest again, "That's fine. Let me see just how strong the people working under the 13 Lords are. After all, we don't want to do business with a bunch of weaklings."

Tian Fang's answer wasn't anything that Ji Ming and the others hadn't predicted. In reality, the goal of the series of words and conversations they went through was to make the opposition challenge them to the battle.

"A battle of domains is difficult to control, so everyone will be responsible for their own lives," Ji Ming coldly stated.

A gleam in Tian Fang's eyes turned colder. He slowly said, "Guardian Ji, I hope you won't regret what you said."

Ji Ming smiled coldly. "I have never regretted anything in my life. I also hope you won't regret anything, Captain James."

The two of them stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds with killing intent in their eyes. Tian Fang then suddenly smiled. "Then, let us see who will be regretting their words. Go ahead. Tell me how do you want to fight?"

Ji Ming looked at Tian Fang and then snorted coldly as he continued, "Although this is the Lawless Lands, we won't bully you with numbers. We will fight fair and square. Zuo Ming!"

"Here!" A young man in his early 20s, who came with Ji Ming earlier, walked into the spotlight.

"He will fight with your 5th Team Leader," said Ji Ming.

Tian Fang looked at Zuo Ming curiously. He didn't know where Zuo Ming came from. Lord Gen actually placed such a large amount of hope onto him to fight with 5th Team Leader, Major General Luo Lang, who had already shown that he was a titled domain realm master.

(Oh yes, I forgot to mention. Although Luo Lang is deemed as MIA after the battle at the Twilight Empire, the merits he earned in that battle were still not forgotten. It was also because of Luo Lang's disappearance that made the military headquarters give him the rank of major general to comfort the Luo family, and thus the Lingtian Independent Army has another major general in its ranks.)

"Are you not going to introduce him? Our 5th Team Leader isn't someone that is willing to fight a random nobody." Tian Fang was very cautious so didn't let Luo Lang fight right away. Instead, he wanted to know more about Zuo Ming.

"What's wrong? Scared?" Ji Ming wouldn't satisfy Tian Fang's request. He loved seeing his opponent's suspecting and second-guessing expressions. It made him feel like he succeeded.

Tian Fang wanted to say something else, but Luo Lang stood up straight and said coldly, "Forget it, I don't need to know a dead man."

Luo Lang's words caused Zuo Ming's eyes to burn up with anger while also freezing Ji Ming's joyful expression in place.

Luo Lang slowly walked out. Zuo Ming looked towards Ji Ming and then walked into the middle as well.

Without being given any reminders, those who were spectating on the sides, scooched backwards with their chairs. In the blink of an eye, an empty area with a diameter of 100 meters was cleared out.

Luo Lang raised his head and looked towards his opponent. At that moment, Luo Lang's eyes became oddly calm. His calm personality had already taken over of him.

The calm personality frowned slightly. From one look, Zuo Ming actually gave off a very faint presence. It was as though Zuo Ming was not standing before him.

Right at that moment, his opponent suddenly exploded upwards.

Many of those watching from the side instantly cheer in shock.

Luo Lang somersaulted and backed up by more than 10 meters, evading everything Zuo Ming flung towards him.

"Ah! What is that?!"

Chapter 1334: My Condition.

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Luo Lang landed on the ground firmly. He frowned and his squinted eyes couldn't hide the disgust in his eyes.

The spot where he was originally standing, as well as the spot where Zuo Ming was standing on, was now densely covered with countless squirming black beetles. The beetles all squirming against each other created a revolting sight to the eyes of anyone with trypophobia.

"It's insects." Seeing the sight, Bai Nuo frowned as he took a sip of his wine. The scene in front of him reminded him of Lord Gen and his ability to control the five poisons of the world. Just thinking about it, he could already feel his hairs standing on end.

'No wonder Ji Ming dares to send him out. There's a high possibility Zuo Ming is the legendary beloved disciple of Lord Gen,' the representative of Lord Holy, Angel Zhi, thought as he raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.

"Is he finally revealing his disciple?" The other two representatives' eyes lit up when they saw the mass amount of beetles. Every lord had secret disciples whom they groomed carefully and diligently. Rumours about them spreaded across the Lawless Lands, but none had ever seen these disciples before. Normally, they would have to wait for a few more years before the new wave of disciples would surface from the shadow of their masters, but the appearance of the Rainbow Raiders caused Lord Gen to reveal his disciple earlier than normal. This was good news to them.

Luo Lang flicked his right wrist and a long knife that looked Tangdao appeared from thin air.

"Can you deduce his domain concept?" Ji Ming asked Yu Shangfei quietly.

"He's able to make knives appear from thin air so he might have a metal element concept." Yu Shangfei frowned as he racked his brain for some logical explanations. "You also said he could create metal chains out of thin air. That could be done if he had a metal element domain concept."

"But his speed is problematic." Yu Shangfei seemed uncertain.

In the arena, the overwhelming number of black beetles suddenly swarmed towards Luo Lang in a giant wave. Even if the scene was revolting to him, Luo Lang wasn't flustered in the slightest. In response, he waved his knife while flickering in and out of everyone's vision. None of the bugs could even touch the edges of his clothes

"His speed has exceeded the speed capable by a domain realm master. He might have a speed domain concept," Ji Ming said grimly.

"Double domain concept. Who knew we would see one here. Out of the 13 Lords, only Lord Qian managed to control two domain concepts. However, Lord Qian's second concept is derived from his first domain concept. It is a domain concept that complemented his first domain concept. It is not an entirely unique concept like what Luo Tianhua has." Yu Shangfei was confused by what he saw.

"Let's continue watching. We'll get an answer soon," Ji Ming said coldly.

Even if Luo Lang exceeded the speed domain realm master could theoretically achieve, he was still only passively dodging and not attacking. Out of all these beetles, there was only one life bug. No matter how many of the other beetles he killed, it was useless unless he killed the life bug as it could just reproduce more beetles than he could kill, and once his domain energy got depleted after slashing waves and waves of them, he would become a feast for these beetles.

Lord Gen had a strong and oppressive personality but the other 12 lords put up with him because he had the ability to control the five poisons in the world. If they couldn't find the life bug of Lord Gen, they wouldn't be able to do anything to Lord Gen. Moreover, no one knew how many life bugs Lord Gen had, so realistically, he was semi-immortal. Thus, the other lords had to put up with his irritating attitude as they were too lazy to use all their manpower to maybe have a chance to end him.

"We can't carry on like this." The calm personality realized this problem after realizing he would never win being this passive.

"We need something else." They were able to evade the beetles with their high speed but ultimately, they were forced into this passive position. Moreover, signs of corrosion began to show on the knife. All in all, there was a time limit to the amount of time they could dodge passively like this.

"Lightning and fire would be the best to roast these bugs alive, but how unfortunate!" Luo Lang was able to interchange with his other personalities freely but the abilities he could use were restricted by his innate element. His innate talent was the metal element, with the water and earth element complimenting it. There was a lack of lightning and fire element. Thus, no matter how he combined his personalities, he wouldn't be able to use lightning and fire elements.

"Damn it, why don't I have Boss's ice element. If I just have it, I can use Ice Blockade and freeze all these beetles," the primary personality, Luo Lang, grumbled in frustration.

"Even if you have it, you won't even be able to use it," the calm personality replied indifferently.

There were many elements found in Luo Lang's body, and thus the concentration of any particular element wasn't as pure as someone who had only one element, making the complementary domain energy he could supply to his domain concept lower than those with only one element. So, even if he had the ice element, he wouldn't be able to use Ling Lan's ultimate move, Ice Blockade. He would at most be able to materialize an ice sword for fun. In actual fact, creating the spider web made from metal chains yesterday night was already the limit for his metal element domain energy. He wouldn't be able to do anything more powerful.

"Little Leng, you're so heartless. Can't you let me fantasize?" Luo Lang asked in frustration.

"If you continue fantasizing, I'll be rude to Ling Lan in front of him," the calm personality threatened. The slow Luo Lang usually didn't have any sense of urgency but when he heard the threat, he could almost feel Boss Ling Lan's cold stare piercing through his back mercilessly.

"Oh my god! Hurry up and choose someone! I still want to live." The primary personality felt a chill down his spine as he shuddered.

"Argh! I don't care anymore. I'll choose you." The calm personality gritted his teeth and pulled out someone he never wanted to see.

"Hahaha… are you finally begging me?" The evil personality smiled mysteriously at the calm personality.

"Stop your bullshit." The calm personality rarely looked so furious.

"Don't forget my condition." The evil personality suddenly leaned closely towards the calm personality until he was just a hair away from his face then he blew right into his ears.

"Get off!" The calm personality shouted loudly while he pushed the evil personality away. The primary personality, Luo Lang, was stunned. What was happening?

"Hurry up and come over." The calm personality quickly hugged the primary personality. 'F**k, why are all of them so hard to deal with. I have such a difficult time controlling all these irritating personalities.'

For the first time, the calm personality felt that his life was miserable. If he had a choice, he wanted to push his responsibilities away.

"Okay." The primary personality listened to the calm personality obediently. Looking at the obedient primary personality, the calm personality felt that without him, this stupid fellow would be devoured by all the other personalities.

During that instant when they merged, the calm personality and the primary personality, who were hugging each other, didn't notice that the dark aura around the evil personality had gotten thicker.

In the arena, Luo Lang suddenly stopped moving.

The numerous beetles took the opportunity and pounced on him without any hesitation. Just as Luo Lang was about to be engulfed by the beetles, a frightening aura started to spread throughout the deck.

"What's going on?" Everyone felt an unprecedented chill on their spines.

Ling Lan, who was hiding among the crowd and watching the fight, suddenly became serious.

"What is this?" Li Lanfeng stared at the fighting scene in shock. His domain energy activated automatically due to this aura.

Ling Lan pressed Li Lanfeng's shoulder and a warm stream energy flowed into his body. The restless domain energy quietened down instantly. It stopped fidgeting.

Chapter 1335: Homicidal Maniac!


Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations


All the black beetles were suddenly blown away before imploding in the air. Their blood and body parts splattered all over the deck, staining the deck black with a hint of red tint.

Luo Lang, who hadn't moved for a while, raised his head slowly. The corners of his lips slowly lifted before fully unfolding into a seductive smile. With that tempting smile, he exuded the charm of a seductress, but everyone who saw the smile felt their sphincter loosening.

'A vicious beauty,' everyone thought internally.

What made everyone almost commit a very embarrassing act was the dangerous aura Luo Lang was exuding. They could imagine that if they got nearer to Luo Lang, they would be devoured by the aura, eternally trapped in that depressing aura.

"This is very fun." Luo Lang lifted his fair and small hand and opened his palm, revealing a black beetle that was trying furiously to run away from his palm. However, just as it was on the edge of his palm, it twitched and stopped moving.

Liquid started to flow out of the black beetle's body. It was the poisonous venom of the beetle. It was supposed to be a devastating biochemical weapon. Yet now, the venom didn't have any effects on the fair hand. But, some of the spectators could see that there was actually a layer of energy protecting and segregating the beetle and the venom from the hand.

"However, it's too irritating. I don't like it," Luo Lang said seriously. Then, he clenched his fist, crushing the black beetle into tiny bits. Then, he flicked his finger, throwing the bug away.

"So, I also don't like who created this." The Tangdao in Luo Lang's hand, which had many holes in it because of the corrosive venom, suddenly exploded into mist and disappeared.

Everyone thought that Luo Lang was going to form a new weapon, but the mist didn't form into a new weapon nor did it dissipate. Instead, it started to grow thicker as it spreaded throughout the deck.

The charging black beetles suddenly seemed frightened and agitated when the mist approached them. Their orderly formation broke, and they started moving about messily. They started retreating in a large tide, stepping all over each other just to get away at the fastest speed possible.

"What is happening?" Ji Ming, who was feeling confident, suddenly leaped up from his seat. This was the first time he saw the black beetles ignoring the command of the life bug. Was the mist such a lethal threat to the bugs? Was that why they went out of control?

The ongoing spectators had a similar thought too. Suddenly, someone from the crowd, who was either very bold or very dumb, walked to the edge of the mist and touched it with his finger in an attempt to deduce the reason why the bugs were so deathly afraid of it.

3In the next second, the very idiotic person screamed in pain, "Help!"

Following his scream, his finger started turning gooey. Slowly, his arm basically melted away like ice under the hot sun. His face was filled with despair. He realised that he couldn't stop this frightening energy that was literally melting him. If no one could save him within a few seconds, he would end up as a puddle of blood and water.

Shing! A black light flashed past everyone's eyes. And after they recovered their vision, they saw the melting arm getting chopped off. But, before the arm could fall to the ground, it completely melted into a mixture of blood and water.

The person clutched his now empty shoulder. His face turned pale from the excruciating pain as he retreated two steps back weakly. His friends quickly came to hold him and carried him back for treatment. The leader of them looked at someone gratefully. He cupped his hands together and said, "Thank you, Midnight Rider."

Midnight Rider, who was sitting at the side, returned his sword back to it sheath slowly. Then, he replied in an even tone, "You're welcome."

Midnight Rider's decisive act saved the life of the dumb man. However, the man's tragic condition scared everyone. They didn't expect the Rainbow Raiders to send such a vicious man here. The mist was obviously poisonous. It was the kind of poison that was incurable the moment you touched it. Compared to the mist, Zuo Ming's black beetles seemed almost friendly.

1Ji Ming's expression was gloomy. By now, he had already realised that Zuo Ming was the one in danger, not Luo Tianhua. Yet, he already said that they would be responsible for their own deaths at the start of this fight. If Zuo Ming really died, their master would skin them alive.

What made them the most miserable was the fact that they still didn't know what Luo Tianhua's domain concept was. At first, they thought that he had the metal element domain concept. Now, they felt that it was a special domain concept. There were no other ways of explaining why his single-target technique, the sword, became a territorial technique, the mist.

"Is this a new combination? Impressive. I've never seen it before," Li Lanfeng complimented.

On the other hand, Ling Lan's expression remained serious. She stared at Luo Lang's eyes intently. She had already noticed that this combination was different from other combinations. She realized this time, the person in control wasn't the calm personality whom she trusted. It was a personality that never appeared before. Ling Lan's Profound Insight told her that this wasn't a good sign.

Luo Lang looked at the Midnight Rider slowly and smiled. The killing intent in his eyes was obvious. "You're a busybody."

The moment he stopped talking, the thick mist formed into a line and shot towards the Midnight Rider.

The Midnight Rider frowned at the incoming mist. He slashed his sword instantly and a black sword aura shot out of the black blade, colliding with the line of mist.


The entire deck started vibrating. No matter how sturdy or strong a ship was, it couldn't withstand the battle of two domain realm masters so it started audibly cracking.

Ling Lan stomped her feet and energy flowed from her legs into the ground. It counteracted the shock caused by the collision of the two energies, and the 7th Bugle Call became stable again.

1"Your opponent isn't me." The Midnight Rider glared at Luo Lang coldly before putting his sword back in its sheath.

"Okay. I'll take care of this annoying bug before playing with you." Luo Lang gave a devilish smile. This was a rare opportunity for him. He finally managed to come out, and moreover, he was lucky enough to meet such interesting opponents. He couldn't control his restless heart. He really wanted to kill everyone here and turn this place into a sea of blood.

"What a strong killing intent." Everyone felt Luo Lang's killing intent. Was this the bright and beautiful young man just now? He was like a homicidal maniac now.

They couldn't help but look at Tian Fang. Tian Fang was still smiling and his expression was calm. No one knew that deep down inside, he was agitated too. He had never seen Major General Luo act like this before too.

But, when he remembered that there was still Ling Lan monitoring the scene, he felt more at ease. Tian Fang had only followed Ling Lan for a short time so he never experienced any dangerous situation with her before. Hence, it was normal for him to feel anxious since he didn't know how powerful she was. But, as an experienced soldier, he wouldn't let his opponents see his real thoughts until the last second.

Chapter 1336: Lord Gen!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Luo Lang looked at the black beetles that were running away in a flurry and smiled gently. He didn't care which one was Zuo Ming's life bug. All he needed to do was to kill all these black beetles.

He stretched his hand and the mist around him immediately flew towards the black beetles. The black beetles started escaping frantically. Their primal instinct told them that the mist would kill them in an instant.

The entire situation took a turn. At first, Luo Lang was the one being chased by the black beetles. Now, the black beetles were the ones running away.

"What is this poisonous mist made up of?" Angel Zhi, who was sitting beside Midnight Rider, asked. Among all of them, only the Midnight Rider had exchanged blows with Luo Tianhua, which meant that he was the only one who could provide some explanation.

Midnight Rider glanced at him before pulling a small section of his sword out of its sheath, revealing the black blade.

Angel Zhi's expression changed when he saw the holes in Midnight Rider's sword. It was corroded and the corrosion was still continuing. It hadn't stopped.

But, the Midnight Rider's sword never came into contact with the mist directly. He just used sword aura to clash with the mist, not the main body of the sword. If so, why was the sword corroding?

"It's water molecules," Midnight Rider explained. As someone who exchanged blows with Luo Lang before, he knew where the corrosion came from.

"So his domain concept is the water element?" The water element domain concept was indeed able to create poisonous liquid. This would explain the mist. Did this mean that Luo Tianhua had two domain concepts that could interchange freely?

"No. Poisonous liquid alone is not enough to corrode my sword. My master, Lord Yu, strengthened this sword with his domain concept." Midnight Rider shook his head.

"What else is there?" Angel Zhi asked.

"I don't know. I'll have to report to Lord Yu and hope that he'll have an answer." A thought went through Midnight Rider's mind as he replied.

Angel Zhi stopped probing Midnight Rider when he heard this as he was prepared to ask his Lord Holy about this matter too.

Zuo Ming's technique, Insect Creation, was indeed very powerful. When a huge number of them were created, they were an invincible presence. But, when they met their rival, for instance, Luo Lang's poisonous mist, the insects could do nothing but run away.

The black beetles ran away quickly but they couldn't escape the inevitable poisonous mist that was spreading everywhere. When a black beetle came into contact with mist, it turned into a puddle of blood. As time went by, the number of black beetles got lesser and lesser. Just as they were about to be annihilated by Luo Lang, Ji Ming, who couldn't remain calm anymore, raised his hands and shouted, "Stop! We admit defeat."

Although it might be embarrassing and although he might get punished severely by his master for endangering his beloved disciple, he mustn't let anything happen to Zuo Ming.

Luo Lang only gave an evil smile as a response. He continued controlling the mist with his hands towards the direction of the last batch of beetles. Once these beetles were dead, Zuo Ming would be dead too.

Although the evil personality took control of Luo Lang's main body halfway through the fight, he felt Zuo Ming's desire to kill him the moment he took over. As someone who loved killing, how could he forgive an enemy that wanted to murder him? To the evil personality, killing one person wasn't enough. He must kill them all.

He wouldn't let anyone go, including these people who were here to watch a good show and wanted him dead.

The devil blood aura in his eyes seeped out, along with a malicious smile. This was the real him. Since the calm personality released him, he must kill as many people as he could. He needed to answer to the boring years of being locked in a little black room.

As the black mist got nearer, the black beetles suddenly disappeared and a figure in their place. It was Zuo Ming. Fear was written all over his face. He quickly rushed towards Ji Ming in hopes that Ji Ming would be able to help him.

"Too late!" Luo Lang flicked his finger and two balls of mist flew towards Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei with the rest rushing towards Zuo Ming.

These two balls of mist were to prevent Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei from helping Zuo Ming. The evil personality truly wanted to kill Zuo Ming.

This was the person who teased him with his little bugs during the first half of the fight. In this world, no one dared to tease him like this. He must kill him!

Just as Zuo Ming was about to die under Luo Lang's mist, Luo Lang heard a huge roar. "How dare you!"

"Pfft~" Blood spurted out of Luo Lang's mouth. The sudden roar slowed down his mist.

A figure appeared in front of Zuo Ming. Zuo Ming was elated and surprised as he shouted, "Master!"

Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei turned serious. They quickly kneeled down. "Welcome, Lord Gen."

At the same time, everyone stood up from their seats and bowed. "Lord Gen!"

Lord Gen was a sinister-looking old man with graying temples. He wore a black gown and was staring coldly at Luo Lang who got injured due to his roar. He said calmly, "How dare you try to kill my disciple with your sub-par party tricks. Pay with your life!"

He waved his hand and a huge snake appeared out of the air. It opened its mouth and shot towards Luo Lang.

Luo Lang waved his hand to shift the mist in front of him. The snake didn't seem scared by the mist as it swallowed the mist, which scared the hell out of the black beetles. It even burped in satisfaction.

Luo Lang's expression changed. He didn't know that his invincible mist was useless in front of Lord Gen.

Lord Gen glanced at Luo Lang indifferently. The giant snake seemed to have received a command as it opened its maw to take a bite out of Luo Lang

Luo Lang retreated back quickly. However, he wasn't as fast as the giant snake. Just as he was about to get swallowed by the giant snake…

Bai Nuo wanted to move. However, he was advised to not interfere with the matter of the lords by his subordinates. If Lord Gen didn't appear, they might be able to help. However, now that he appeared… If they actually helped the young man, they would be being disrespectful. Only their Lord Zhen was able to stop Lord Gen.

Bai Nuo couldn't help but look at Tian Fang. The only person who could save this young man was his captain. Of course, the captain must have the ability to block Lord Gen's attack. If not, there would be two deaths, not one.


Suddenly, the giant snake got pressed to the ground by a huge force, throwing the dust into the air.

Lord Gen looked up calmly in a certain direction.

The spectator in this direction suddenly felt an invisible force shifting them to the side. Finally, two young men in black trenchcoats appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

One of them looked very handsome but the oppressive aura around him made his looks forgettable. The force of presence of this young man couldn't be underestimated. The other was wearing a mask that covered half of his face. His gentle aura left a good impression with everyone. These two people had two entirely different styles but they seemed very compatible.

Chapter 1337: Who Are You?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

While everyone was guessing who these two people were, Tian Fang and Luo Yang stood up and bowed respectfully. "Boss!"

Everyone was stunned. They thought that the person-in-charge of the 7th Bugle Call was the middle-aged captain but instead, it was an extremely young youth.

The young man with a domineering aura took a step forward first and walked over. The young man wearing the mask walked behind him. Everyone immediately understood who the 'boss' was.

Ling Lan stopped around five metres in front of Lord Gen. She cupped her hands and said, "I've heard many things about you, Lord Gen."

Lord Gen arrogantly scanned Ling Lan from head to toe indifferently before asking coldly, "Who are you?"

As one of the 13 Lords of the Lawless Lands, he didn't think much of these younger generations.

"I'm the head of this ship. I hope that Lord Gen can give me some face." Ling Lan didn't mind Lord Gen's attitude. She just put down her hand and spoke calmly.

"If White Monarch comes personally, I might give him some face. You however, you don't have the right." Lord Gen flicked his coat and sat on the chair Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei brought over.

Ling Lan glanced at Li Lanfeng. Seeing the glance sent by Ling Lan, Li Lanfeng rushed out and picked up Luo Lang, who was vomiting blood on the ground. He prepared to bring him back for treatment.

Lord Gen glared at them when he saw them disregarding his presence. He scoffed. "Who allowed you to take him away?"

The space around Li Lanfeng suddenly became distorted. However, in the next second, it went back to normal. He didn't seem to have heard what Lord Gen said as he continued pulling Luo Lang away. He calmly took one step at a time towards the exit.

"Impudent!" Lord Gen was infuriated when he saw his words being ignored. He waved his hand in Li Lanfeng's direction and a huge two-tailed scorpion appeared near Li Lanfeng. It struck its black and beautiful tails at Li Lanfeng and Luo Lang.

Seeing the scorpion, Ling Lan lifted her hand in the direction of the huge scorpion before tightly clenching her fist.

1The giant scorpion seemed to be crushed by a huge force. It started rolling on the ground in pain.

This move allowed Li Lanfeng to leave successfully with Luo Lang. Soon, they disappeared from everyone's vision.

"Lord Gen, you should let the younger generations deal with their own fights. It isn't right for people like us to step in." Ling Lan released her hand slowly and the giant scorpion fell down. Before it landed on the ground, it turned into black smoke and disappeared into thin air.

Ling Lan's sentence placed her on the same status as Lord Gen. The people around her gasped. Where did this arrogant young man come from? How dare he say that he was of the same status as Lord Gen? Even if the leader of the Rainbow Raiders, White Monarch, came, he would be polite to the 13 Lords. Even a mighty dragon won't attack a snake in its own territory.

Lord Gen squinted at Ling Lan's words. A dangerous expression appeared on his face, turning the atmosphere on the deck tense. Everyone felt a huge force of presence pressing down on them. Those that were less powerful couldn't withstand it and kneeled on the ground with a hideous expression on their faces. Some even vomited blood as they laid on the ground.

Lord Gen just released his domain concept and a portion of the spectators couldn't handle it already. Even the representatives of the other lords activated their domain to resist the force of presence.

"Lord Gen, there are normal people on my ship too." Ling Lan released her force of presence to block Lord Gen's aura.

Those people that were hurt by Lord Gen's force of presence suddenly felt the pressure on them being lifted. They immediately heaved a sigh of relief. Many of them looked at Ling Lan gratefully, including those who brought their families to watch this confrontation.

"It looks like the Rainbow Raiders have decided to go to war with us?" Lord Gen narrowed his eyes. Ling Lan's actions were challenging his authority. He didn't like the Rainbow Raiders from the start but now, he had the intention of eradicating them.

The killing intent was well-hidden but the powerful representatives of the other lords detected it immediately. Bai Nuo's face turned pale as he looked in a certain direction.

The other representatives complained silently too. They asked their men to move back so that there was more space for Lord Gen.

Once Lord Gen got angry, there would be blood. Every time he unleashed himself, not even bones would be left behind.

They needed to think how they should protect themselves from Lord Gen's rage. After all, those bugs would attack anyone in their way, and they didn't want to become food for the bugs.

"You're the one that decides if there'll be a war between us," Ling Lan replied calmly as she placed her hands behind her back.

She had already expected this inevitable fight between Lord Gen and her. If she wanted to have a spot in the Lawless Lands, she must let everyone know about her strength, and the best way to do this was to earn her name through a fight.

At first, she thought that this fight would come later. After all, the people who came were all representatives of the lords. Ling Lan just wanted to heighten the conflict between one faction and her team by attempting to kill some of their more important men. That way, the other party would be enraged and their lord would come to find her for revenge.

Surprisingly, things went very smoothly. One of their important disciples came to fight with them, forcing Lord Gen to appear.

This was a chance given by heaven. Why would Ling Lan let go of this opportunity? She decisively revealed her arrogance which successfully offended Lord Gen. Logically, a fight would ensued.

"Haha… good, good. They who know nothing fear nothing. Let me teach you a lesson on behalf of White Monarch." Lord Gen opened his arms as he laughed coldly. An endless amount of poisonous bugs began to fall down from his body. There was no end to it.

2"It's here!" The other representatives felt their hearts dropping. They had seen how Lord Gen fought before, and it was frightening. Everywhere they looked, there were poisonous bugs. They were like locusts flying through a farm. Nothing could survive their ravage feasting.

Everyone frantically began to squeeze themselves in the corners. Those who were stronger all their domain to protect their subordinates. They could only hope that Lord Gen wouldn't lose his mind and implicate innocent bystanders like them.

Most of the people in charge started regretting coming to the deck. If they knew that Lord Gen would appear and be provoked, they would never have came.

"I'm not sure how to answer to Lord Zhen," Bai Nuo mumbled.

"It can't be helped. The young man is powerful but too arrogant. He doesn't know his position. This is the Lawless Lands. This is a place where the 13 Lords can kill anyone they want. No one can save him. Even if he dies, he deserves it." The assistant beside him gritted his teeth. This stupid brat was the one who placed their lives at risk. What an irritating fellow. Even if he didn't die, he would suggest to Lord Zhen that they mustn't work with the reckless Rainbow Raiders.